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What is mental health? Dr.

Mike Condra KEY

While listening
I Answer the following questions in full sentences

What does Dr. Condra sa! a"out what mental health is not a"out? Mental health is not blissful happiness 24 hours a day or seven days a week. Nobody has a life like that. All of us will have time in our lives when we feel sad or feel happy, or we feel anxious. E#$EC%ED A&'WE( )(* '%+DE&%', Mental health is not being happy 24 hours a day, seven days per week. Sometimes we feel happy, sad, or anxious.

What are the three acti.ities we can engage in according to Dr. Condra? Mention and "riefl! e/0lain each of them. ngage in produ!tive a!tivities #rodu!tive a!tivities !ould be anything, they !ould be knitting a sweater or reading a book, tea!hing a !lass, being a student in a !lass, but it$s produ!tive. %t engages our senses, our intelle!t, and it helps us to grow and develop. "he opposite of !ourse would be a destru!tive a!tivity whi!h in some way harms or hurts us. ngage a!tivities in fulfilling "he ability to adapt and !hange and !ope with diversity (hat this means is that we !an deal with situations that !ause stress or diffi!ulties. .et$s say for example that it takes us 2/ minutes to drive to work. And so we leave the house ten minutes early only to find that our !ar won$t start. 0nly when we are mentally healthy we !an start to think of other possibilities, maybe we !ould get a !ab, maybe we !ould walk, maybe we !ould !all a friend who drives to the university, maybe we !ould stay home. (hen we are mentally well we keep that flexibility and we are able to problem solve. 1ut when we are mentally unwell we lose some of that flexibility and we start to rely on the same strategies for dealing with problems, or we avoid solving problems all together, we run away from them. So when we are mentally well we are

"hese are relationships that make us feel stronger or happy or with whi!h supports or affirms us. &elationships whi!h are re!ipro!al, so we have friends, we have family. "here is no 'uote or number for this. (e shouldn$t have to have 2) friends or *+ or , or 4, -ust that the relationships we have are good for us.

!ontent and we !an deal with stress.

E#$EC%ED A&'WE( )(*M '%+DE&%' Engage in 0roducti.e acti.ities #rodu!tive a!tivities !ould be anything, they engage our senses, our intelle!t, and it helps us to grow and develop. Engage in acti.ities fulfilling %he a"ilit! to ada0t and change and co0e with di.ersit! (hat this means is that we !an deal with situations that !ause stress or diffi!ulties. (hen we are mentally well we keep that flexibility and we are able to problem solve. 1ut when we are mentally unwell we lose some of that flexibility and we avoid solving problems.

"hese are relationships that make us feel stronger or happy or with whi!h supports or affirms us. &elationships whi!h are re!ipro!al and good for us.

What is mental illness? 2ow do we use this term?

Mental illness is a general term that we use to des!ribe a number of signifi!ant !hanges that !an happen to us. 2irst thing, out thinking !an !hange, so people with mental health problems sometimes have diffi!ulties with !on!entration. E#$EC%ED A&'WE( )(*M '%+DE&%' Mental illness is a general term we use to des!ribe signifi!ant !hanges that !an happen to us. 3 What is the e/am0le Dr. Condra regarding concentration?

.et$s take an example. 3ou are relaxing and reading an arti!le on the newspaper. 3ou rea!h the third paragraph and you reali4e that you don$t remember what the arti!le is about5 that is a diffi!ulty with !on!entration . #eople with mental health problems have a signifi!ant diffi!ulty with memory, with attending, with !on!entrating. E#$EC%ED A&'WE( )(*M '%+DE&%' "he example the author presents is that when someone is reading a newspaper arti!le and he or she rea!hes the third paragraph and does not remember what the arti!le is about, that person is having problems with !on!entration. 4 What will a student with attention 0ro"lems ha.e difficulties with? Students with attention and !on!entration problems will have diffi!ulties reading the material for le!tures or from texts, so you !an see, this !ould be very frightening for the student. E#$EC%ED A&'WE( )(*M '%+DE&%'

Students might find it diffi!ult to read material from texts and le!tures. 5 What do mentall! ill 0eo0le lose?

"hey may experien!e a loss of the sense of pleasure. (e all have things in our lives whi!h we en-oy6 food or re!reation a!tivities or sporting a!tivities, or artisti! endeavors, but when people are mentally ill they lose the pleasure that a!!ompanies these a!tivities. 7# 8" 9 ANS( & 2&0M S":9 N"S "hey may experien!e a loss of the sense of pleasure. #eople who are mentally ill do not en-oy what they usually en-oy doing. 6 What do we associate mental illnesses with? 7Mention two8 %n a general way we say that mental health problems are always asso!iated with distress. "hat is to say, people are not happy when they are mentally unwell. And all of this is asso!iated with impaired fun!tioning, that is, people are not able to do the things that they were able to do when they were well. 7# 8" 9 ANS( & 2&0M S":9 N"S Mental health problems are asso!iated with distress and impaired fun!tioning. "his means that they are not happy and !an$t do things they used to do well.

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