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Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklz Food &Beverage Operations Management xcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa sdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui

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Assignment 3/25/2013 Submitted by : Rodica Lenuta Moga, id no 20981 Submitted to : D !Sam "a# a

Rodica Lenuta Moga

Table of Contents


$%ood & 'e(e age )*ic* is t*e secto

/ indust y t*at s+ecia,i#es in t*e

conce+tua,i#ation, ma-ing, and de,i(e y o. .oods! Most % & ' em+,oyees a e in estau ants and ba s, inc,uding *ote,s, eso ts, and casinos//
%ood can be: a substance o mate ia, e )*ic* can + o(ide nut itiona, su++o t

o .ue, to t*e body

%ood is +,ant o comes . om anima, o igin and contains essentia, nut ients,: ca bo*yd ates, .ats, + oteins, (itamins, mine a,s

%ood is assimi,ated by t*e body and becomes ene gy

'eside t*e need o. nut ition, .ood and d in- a e a +a t o. t*e cu,tu e o. +eo+,e 'e(e ages e.e s to tea, and a,co*o, and t*ey a e +a t o. .esti(e socia, and ot*e occasions! 0(e yone *as to eat and d in-, so it is an indust y t*at does not ,ose muc* money because it is a necessity!

LO1.Understand different food and beverage production and service systems:


Rodica Lenuta Moga

1.1 Discuss t e c aracteristics of food production and food &beverage service systems !"1#

1*e e a e 5 .ood + oduction met*ods:

$raditiona% met od &oo'(Free)e met od *ous vide met od &entra%ised distribution &oo'(& i%% met od $raditiona% met od )*ic* is used in -itc*en estab,is*ments and *as t*e

.o,,o)ing + ocess:

2oods into -itc*en Re. ige ation % ee#ing D y sto e 3 e+a ation o mise en +,ace 4 de ed . om custome 5oo-ing Se (ing

Mise en +,ace means t*at e(e yt*ing is in +,ace, it is used in + o.essiona, -itc*ens and it e.e s to o ganising and a anging ing edients! + &oo'6% ee#e met*od is simi,a to coo- c*i,, t*e di..e ence is t*e tem+e atu es

a e ot*e s!


Rodica Lenuta Moga

5u ent .ood ,egis,ation e7ui es a,, .ood must be coo-ed as 7uic-,y as +ossib,e, t*at means t*ey a e in Dange #one, so .ood is c*i,,ed o . o#en bet)een 88 and 898 deg ees 5! 1o minimise t*e time s+ent in Dange :one is e7ui ed ',ast 5*i,,e o % ee#e because standa d e7ui+ment deg ees 5! <n ',ast 5*i,, .ood tem+e atu e is educed . om 8=0 to 83 deg ees in 90 minutes, on t*e ot*e *and in ',ast 1*a)ing t*e ai needs to be )a me t*an t*e .ood, not too )a m and not too co,d, it is continuous,y int oduced *eat t*at/s )*y t*a)ing cabinets *a(e e;ce,,ent esu,ts! is not ca+ab,e o. e;t acting enoug* *eat !<t is 618 ecommended t*at tem+e atu e s*ou,d be educed . om 8=0deg ees 5 to

*ous ,-ide met*od *as a s+eci.ic tem+e atu e o. 138 deg ees , *as t*e ,ess )astage as .ood is used on,y )*en o de ed, .ood can be etains . es*ness, ,ine;+ensi(e egene ation > t*e

ad(antage o.

+ oduced and accu ate,y +o tioned ,indi(idua, +ouc*es a e ,abe,,ed .o easy stocotation ,+ouc*es a,so disad(antages a e t*at it is e7ui ed ca+ita, in(estment in e7ui+ment and sto age , is not ab,e to ad?ust custome e7ui ements, is not as . es* as t aditiona, met*od!

&entra%ised distribution is )*en .ood is + oduced in bu,-6o.. site , *as t*e

ad(antage o. s+ecia,ised .ood + oduction, + ices a e c*ea+e .o buye s, e;ists a *ig* ,e(e, o. *ygiene, t*e disad(antages a e t*at sends t*e cont o, to a di..e ent com+any and can occu de,ays )*i,e de,i(e ing + oducts!

&oo' ,5*i,, met*od is based on cate ing system on no ma, + e+a ation and

coo-ing o. .ood, it e7ui es ,o) ca+ita, in(estment and minimum o. sta..! 5oo- @5*i,, met*od *as (a ious se (ice systems, inc,udes .acto s ,i-e si#e o. o+e ation, 7uantity o. custome s ,natu e o. t*e menu, budget o. custome s, custome needs, a(ai,abi,ity o. esou ces , but a,so se (ice systems di..e s in e,ation to t*e



Rodica Lenuta Moga

e7ui ed : 7uantity o. +e sonne, , t*ei s-i,,s ,e(e, , t*e ,e(e, inte action custome , ,e(e, o. in(o,(ement by t*e custome !


&oo' ,c i%% met*od inc,ude . service systems:

$ab%e/"%ate *ervice Buffer *ervice 0 %a carte $ab%e d1 2te% *i%ver/3ussian *ervice Fami%y /4ng%is service 5uerdon/ F%amb6 service *pecia%ise food service

1. $ab%e /"%ate *ervice7 as 7ua,ity + esentation and +o tion cont o,


Rodica Lenuta Moga

8. &ounter /Buffet se (ice means t*at .ood is + e+a ed in ad(ance and .ood is se (ed . om a tab,e in estau ant! 1*e ad(antages a e t*at can .eed a muc* bigge amount o. +eo+,e, custome s *a(e a c*oice, not so muc* sta.. is needed and a,so s-i,,s a e not so im+o tant!

9. 0 a% carte is used in *ote, o

estau ant, mea, dis*es a e coo-ed usua,,y )*en

o de ed . om a menu, t*is is a )ay estau ant ea n *ig* + on ine;+ensi(e items, and t*e most ty+ica, a++ oac* is to + ice eac* item se+a ate,y!


Rodica Lenuta Moga

<t a,,o)s eac* guest to o de as muc* o as ,itt,e .ood as desi ed, t*e menu a e,y c*anges, but is mo e e;+ensi(e and is,t to .ind seasona, ing edients!

:. $ab%e d1 2te% is a estau ant mea,, t*e amount o. dis*es is numbe ed and t*e + ice is .i;, + ice c*ange is sim+,y and cou,d inc ease tu no(e !

;. *i%ver /3ussian *ervice means t*at .ood is coo-ed and +,aced on a *ot si,(e +,atte

and is sent to t*e estau ant , .ood is t ans.e ed )it* a ,a ge s+oon , is a


Rodica Lenuta Moga

*ig*,y +e sona,ised se (ice , but *as t*e disad(antage o. *ig* ,abou cost , se (ice can be s,o) and sometimes dange ous !

<. Fami%y /4ng%is se (ice e.e s to .ood )*ic* is coo-ed and +,aced in bo),s and )*e e custome s can *e,+ t*emse,(es and custome s *a(e t*e cont o,!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

=. 5uerdon / F%amb6 se (ice means t*e .ood is + e+a ed but not coo-ed , is a *ig*,y +e sona,ised se (ice , is (isua, and a omatic , custome .ee,s mo e in(o,(ed in t*e + ocess , it demands *ig* ,abou costs !

>. *pecia%ist Food Se (ice inc,udes a (a iety o. .oods: sta te s, main cou ses, +udding, sta.. s*ou,d *a(e -no),edge .o basic .ood *and,ing and ot*e + e+a ation tec*ni7ues! "as t*e ad(antage o. .ood being + e+a ed acco ding custome e7uest, but can be (e y dange ous!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

1.8 Discuss factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems !"8#

a# Buffet *ervice 1*is is a,so ca,,ed se,.6se (ice and is no ma,,y used in ban7uet .unctions and < n some estau ants! %ood is att acti(e,y a anged on a ,ong tab,e, c,assi.ied and a anged acco ding to + o+e se7uence, . om a++eti#e s to desse ts! Sou+ is +,aced on a sou+ tu een and t*e *ot ent ees in c* dis*es to -ee+ t*em )a m! Some e7ui+ment ,i-e dinne +,ates and sauce s a e ,aid do)n ig*t on t*e tab,e! <nstead o. t*e )aite se (ing t*e guests, t*e guests go to t*e tab,e +ic- u+ +,ates, c*ina, cut,e y and na+-in and a,, ot*e items and se (e t*emse,(es o. t*ei o)n c*oice!

A Ad(antages: 1! <t is a .ast se (ice! 2! <t e7ui es ,ess sta.. to ende t*e se (ice needed, 3! 5an be se (ed a ,a ge numbe o. +eo+,e 5! 5ustome s *a(e a c*oice .e)e 9! Sta.. e7ui e ,ess s-i,,s =! 1*e + esentation o. t*e di..e ent dis*es can be a++eti#ing!

A Disad(antages: 1! <t may esu,t in s*o tage o. .ood es+ecia,,y )*en t*e ea ,y ones may se (e t*emse,(es mo e> t*us (e y ,itt,e .ood is ,e.t .o t*e ,atecome s!

b# Fami%y/ 4ng%is service 1*is ty+e o. se (ice is a,so -no)n as $.ami,y sty,e$ se (ice! <n t*is se (ice, t*e sou+ tu een is +,aced be.o e t*e *ost a,ongside )it* + e*eated sou+ +,ates and *ands t*em to t*e )aite , indicating t*e +e son to be se (ed! 1*e same + ocedu e is
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Rodica Lenuta Moga

.o,,o)ed )it* t*e main ent ee! <. so desi ed, t*e +a t,y .i,,ed dinne +,ate is + esented to t*e *ostess )*o se (es t*e (egetab,es . om ,a ge se (ing dis*es +,aced be.o e *e ! 1*en t*e )aite +,aces t*e +,ate be.o e t*e guests! 1*is ty+e o. se (ice is usua,,y .ound in s*o+s, .ami,y estau ants, &ounter service. A Ad(antages: 1! <t is .ast! 3,ates o. .ood a e se (ed immediate,y at t*e + o+e 1em+e atu e! 2! <t is ine;+ensi(e! 3! <t e7ui es no s+ecia, e7ui+ment! B! Less sta.. e7ui ed

A Disad(antages: 1! Less s*o)mans*i+! 2! Reduced +e sona,i#ed attention to t*e custome !

1.9 &ompare t e cost and staffing imp%ications for different systems !"9#

%ood 6 'e(e age cont o, tends to be mo e,t t*an t*e cont o, o. mate ia,s o. ot*e indust ies! 1*e e.o in o de to sta t ca,cu,ating cost o. ,abou and e7ui+ment it is necessa y to .ind out )*at -ind o. e7ui+ment is needed, ty+e, amount, si#e o. e7ui+ment used and needed and *o) many em+,oyees a e needed! Co matte t*e + ocess used it is im+o tant to use t*e easiest )o -ing conditions, but )e *a(e to be su e t*at .ood *ygiene egu,ations a e com+,ied! Rega ding cost im+,ications t*e .aci,ities t*at a e used de+ends o. t*e + oduction + ocess: d y a eas, )et a eas, *ot )et a eas> *ot d y a eas, di ty a eas!
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Rodica Lenuta Moga

1*e costs inc,ude:

Mate ia, cost Labou cost 4(e *ead cost

MA10R<ALS 30D LA'4ER 30D 4F0R"0ADS 20D C01 20D 141AL 54S1S 80 D SAL0S 100D 3R4%<1

Sta.. s*ou,d *a(e ce tain s-i,,s, -no),edge, e;+e ience and e7ui ements! 1*e e a e a ange o. o,es .o )*ic* sta.. is needed: .ood + oduction, be(e age, .ood se (ice, ma -eting, sa,es + oduction, me c*andising, su+e (iso y management, +eo+,e management! As most cate ing o+e ations a e sub?ect to c*anges in t*e (o,ume o. business done, it is no ma, + actice to e;+ ess t*e e,ements o. costs and net + as a +e centage o. sa,es!

Co matte se (ice o .ami,y /0ng,is* se (ice t*e cost measu ement *as t*e same .o mu,a:



Rodica Lenuta Moga

2 oss 3 D

sa,es e(enue @costs o. sa,esA100 Sa,es

Cet 3 o.itD

sa,es e(enue6tota, costsA100 Sa,es

Mate ia, 5ost D

sa,esA100GGG!! 5osts o. mate ia,s

Labou costsD

sa,es A100GGG! 5ost o. ,abou

Sta.. *as a c itica, in.,uence on t*e success o. .ood se (ice o+e ations! 3 oducti(ity is about *o) custome s .ee,! 1*e 7ua,ity o. t*e .eedbac- )e get . om custome s in te ms o. +ositi(e comments and ti+s! 5ommunication bet)een custome s and sta.. 6 obse (ation o. t*ei + oducti(ity! e,ations*i+s te,,s me about t*e ,e(e, o. 7ua,ity, and t*e e.o e,

1.: ?ustify suitabi%ity of systems for particu%ar food and beverage out%ets !":#

3ussian service %ood is .u,,y + e+a ed in t*e -itc*en! A,, cou ses a e se (ed eit*e . om +,atte s o an dis*! 1u eens a e used .o sou+ and s+ecia, bo),s .o sa,ads! 1*e se (e +,aces t*e + o+e +,ate in . ont o. t*e guest! A.te t*e +,ates a e +,aced, t*e se (e etu ns )it* a t ay o. .ood and mo(ing

counte 6c,oc-)ise a ound t*e tab,e, se (es t*e .ood . om t*e guestHs ,e.t )it* t*e
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Rodica Lenuta Moga

ig*t *and! Iit* t*is sty,e o. se (ice, t*e se (e cont o,s t*e amount se (ed to eac* guest and *as t*e o++o tunity to +,ease guests by gi(ing t*em t*e +o tion t*ey )ant! %o $ estau ant Russian$ .oods a e coo-ed at tab,e6side! Se (e s +ut t*e .ood on +,atte s and + esent +,atte s to guests seated at dining tab,es! 2uests se (e t*emse,(es! Russian se (ice e7ui es su..icient s+ace bet)een tab,es .o se (e s to mo(e about . ee,y! 1*e .ood is + ea anged in a +,atte )it* enoug* se (ing .o one tab,e, t*en t*e )aite dis*es it out . om t*e +,atte to t*e indi(idua, +,ates to guest . om t*e ,e.t side! Russian se (ice is usua,,y done .o ban7uet .unctions it gua antees e7ua, +o tioning o. .ood because t*e .ood se (ed a e + e +o tioned o(e +,ated se (ice )*en t*ey a e no *eate s .o indi(idua, +,ates!

5uerdon *ervice 2ue don Se (ice is )*e e a dis* is + e+a ed, +o tioned, ca (ed o coo-ed on a t o,,ey o sma,, tab,e Jgue donK c,ose to t*e custome /s tab,e! 3 e+a ation and se (ing o. dis*es at t*e tab,e is Lseen se (iceM and one )*ic* ma -ets t*e estab,is*ment and t*e .ood e;t eme,y )e,,! 1*e demand .o coo-ing to be done in t*e sig*t o. t*e custome is inc easing a+id,y . om t*e sma,, *ambu ge , c*ic-en otisse ie o+e ations to t*e mo e e;c,usi(e .,ambN gue don se (ice, estau ants o..e ! Du ing t*e + e+a ation o. t*e dis* at t*e tab,e, t*e )aite /)ait ess can a,)ays gi(e some bac-g ound comment on )*at *e/s*e is actua,,y doing, t*e ing edients *e/s*e is using and, t*e + o+osed end esu,ts! 1*is is a s+ecia,ised .o m o. se (ice )*ic* is gene a,,y on,y used in .o ma, o .ine dining ooms! <t in(o,(es a disci+,ined s-i,, )*ic* comes . om + actice and e;+e ience!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

LO8Understand t e financia% contro%s used in food and beverage operations 8.1Discuss t e use of financia% statements in food and beverage operations !";#

%inancia, statements inc,udes (a ious o+e ations ,i-e: dis* costing s*eet, cost statements, o+e ating statements, (a iance ana,ysis! Esua,,y .ood se (ice manage constant,y c*ec-s .o .ood costs )*ic* a e associated )it* + oducing item .o t*e menu! A cost e,ated to sa,e o. a,co*o,ic be(e age is ca,,ed be(e age cost! And inc,ude s*e cost o. a,, ing edients needed to + oduce d in-s: o,i(es, ,emons, o anges! Labou costs a e t*e costs )it* em+,oyees, inc,uding ta;es and bene.its! 4(e *ead costs inc,ude e;+enses ,i-e uti,ity bi,,, ent!
5ost +e centage:

%ood costs O .ood costs D %ood sa,es

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Rodica Lenuta Moga

Labou costsO,abou costsD 1ota, sa,es

'e(e age costs Obe(e age costs D 'e(e age sa,es

3 is ca,cu,ated as .o,,o)ing:

%ood and 'e(e age costs O%ood and 'e(e age D Re(enue

Labou costsO ,abou D Re(enue

4(e *ead costs Oo(e *ead costsD Re(enue

3 O + D Re(enue

%inancia, statements inc,ude a,so .inancia, accounts )*ic* a e t*e eco ds o. t*e .inancia, dea,ings o day to day t ansactions! 1*ei o,e is to eco d .inancia, t ansactions, to co,,ect money .o m sa,es, sa,a ies, and )ages and to *e,+ manage s
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Rodica Lenuta Moga

to manage + o+e ,y t*e business by + e+a ing .inancia, in.o mation )*ic* s*o)s t*e sa,es, costs and + o.its against budgets! "o)e(e .inancia, statements + o(ide im+o tant in.o mation .o sta-e*o,de s, about in(estments, to su++,ie s about t ade c edit, to ban- e+ayments o. ,oans is- o. ,oaning money . om business, to <n,and Re(enue: ta; etu ns!

8.8Demonstrate t e use of cost and pricing process !"<#

%inancia, statements a e a .o ma, eco d o. .inancia, acti(ities and inc,ude: ba,ance s*eet )it* e+o ts about assets ,iabi,ities, statements o. cas* .,o)s, about *o) com+any in(ests and .inancing acti(ities! 'a,ance s*eet can s*o) t*e income .o a,, yea , sta ts . om e(enue unti, deducts e;+enses . om income! 5as* .,o)s s*o) . om )*e e money a e coming . om: o+e ations, in(esting o .inancing !An income statement s*o)s income, e;+enses, + .o a s+eci.ic +e iod! 3 and ,oss account s*o)s in.o mation on o+e ations o. com+any ,i-e sa,es, e;+enses, in + ocessing state! Statement o. etained ea ning e;+,ain a,, c*anges to etained ea nings on t*e e+o ted +e iod! Dis* costing s*eet *e,+s to ca,cu,ate t*e cost .o eac* +o tion, is used to ca,cu,ate t*e se,,ing + ice o menu + ice! <ng edient Puantity 5ost



Rodica Lenuta Moga

5ost statements s*o)s a,, costs in(o,(ed, is used to ca,cu,ate t*e cost o. a dis* o be(e age! Sa,es eco ds s*o) a,, in.o mation a com+any *as about custome s: t*ei +e sona, in.o mation, *o) o.ten t*ey buy a + oduct, *o) t*ey use to +ay bi,,s, amounts, and etu ns! 5om+anies ana,yse t*is in.o mation to see )*at t*ey ,i-e most and to .ind out )*ic* a e t*ei best custome s! Fa iance ana,ysis *e,+ management to see )*ic* + esents costs a e and )*ic* a e t*e .utu e ones, a e a,so used to e;+,ain )*ic* t*e di..e ence bet)een actua, sa,es and budgeted sa,es is! %inancia, statements + o(ide in.o mation most used to + edict in(estments and c edit decisions, t*ey s*o) .inancia, +osition o. a com+any and )*at a e t*e o+e ating esu,ts, c*anges to .inancia, +osition, a,so + o(ide in.o mation aut*o itati(e and egu,ato y g ou+s, in.o mation di ect,y . om sa,es! e7ui ed by

8.9 0na%yse t e purc asing process

1*e e a e (a ious costs and + icing ,i-e:

Sa,es mi; Dis*es menu and be(e age ,ist Cet and g oss + FA1 <ndi ect cost, .i;ed, (a iab,e 5ost e,ements

1*e amount o. money needed to buy a + oduct o se (ice is ca,,ed 3R<50! 1*e tota, s+ent .o items, money, and time, ,abou is ca,,ed 54S1!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

1*e +e ce+tion o. c*oosing a + oduct o se (ice instead o. anot*e to satis.y goa,s is ca,,ed I4R1"! Esua,,y )*en e.e ing to .ood cost )e ta,- about menu + ice o. a dis* in com+a ison )it* t*e + ice o. .ood t*at )as used to + e+a e t*e .ood !"o) muc* is +,ayed .o .ood dete mine *o) muc* is needed to c*a ge .o it J30635 DK 1*is inc,ude costs in(o,(ed to + e+a e .ood, to se (e it, c,ean a.te it, beginning . om +ay o,, to e,ect ic bi,,s 3 ice is an im+o tant se,,ing too, and aid to ac*ie(e desi ed (o,ume in sa,es, must be conside ed t*e de+a tmenta, + needed and t*e di..e ent + ma gins o. sa,es! 1ab,e D/*Qte, Menu is a est icted one, o..e s a .e) cou ses )it* a ,imited c*oice , )it* a .i;ed se,,ing + ice , one + ice .o any cou ses c*osen! A La 5a te is a ,a ge menu and o..e s many cou ses and eac* item is indi(idua,,y + iced !1*e met*od o. + icing is simi,a to tab,e d/*Qte, e;ce+t t*at eac* item is + iced se+a ate,y using standa d eci+es !A guest may o de )*at desi e t*ey mig*t *a(e and +ay .o eac* + oduct se+a ate,yJmeat, (egetab,eK 1*is ty+e o. menu b ings *ig* + . om ine;+ensi(e side items, t*e items a e,y c*ange and is .ound in many estau ants! 'an7ueting menu is a tab,e d R*ote, menu and don/t o..e c*oices, t*e s+eci.ic di..e ence in + icing is t*at a,, e;t a items a e + iced and c*a ged se+a ate,y: .,o)e s on eac* tab,e, *i e o. mic o+*one! Manage s sometime o..e additions at t*e same + ice to un business .o a ,onge +e iod o. time 3 icing o. be(e ages is simi,a )it* + icing .o .ood ,but .i st de+a tmenta, + is ta get and g oss + +e centage and t*en di..e entia, + ma gins based on sa,es mi; ac*ie(ab,e, t*is de+ends on t*e ty+e o. o+e ation and *o) is detai,ed t*e b ea-do)n sa,es! 1*e g oss + +e centage o. *ouse b and be(e age is *ig*e t*an ot*e b and be(e age )*en su++,ie s do it at a discounted ate !1*e + icing s mo e accu ate,y!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

8.9 0na%yse t e purc asing profit

1*e +u c*asing + ocess inc,ude:

3u c*asing is in.,uenced by sea c*, se,ection, +u c*ase, ecei+t, sto age, .ina, use o. commodity! <t is t*an ca,cu,ated t*e amount a ) iting o. +u c*ase s+eci.ication !4 de s a e +u c*ased using a +u c*ased o de )*ic* inc,ude: amount, si#e, )eig*t, item e7ui ed! "as t*e .o,,o)ing + ocedu e:

1o see- .o a ne) su++,ie must be c*ec-ed t*e .o,,o)ing:

Detai,s o. com+any 5o+ies o. ecent + ice ,ist Detai,s o. t ading te ms Sam+,es o. + oducts

A,, +u c*ase s+eci.ication *as desc i+tion about: 7ua,ity, si#e, )eig*t, 7uantity! 3u c*ase o de s *a(e numbe s and can be t ac-ed 7uic-,y, must be signed by an aut*o ised +e son! 3 oducts a e de,i(e ed at a s+eci.ic date! <n +u c*ase eco d )e can .ind )*at is o de ed and t*e + ice o. se (ice! 3u c*ase s+eci.ication is an ag eement bet)een su++,ie and cate e , sets ,imits in o de t*at t*e + oduct is acce+ted .o de,i(e y, be(e age so,d and +u c*ase by t*e b and ,abe,!
2) Page

Rodica Lenuta Moga

Recei+t: Puantity ins+ection s*o)s someone nominated to count and )eig* goods, c*ec-s 7uantity and si#e to matc* t*e o de ! Puantity ins+ection in +e is*ab,e .oods is done by a senio c*e., in .ood and be(e age ins+ection is done by a ce,,a man! 5,e ica, + ocedu es in(o,(es a,, documentation t*at must .o,,o) a set o. + ocedu e: ac-no),edgement o. ecei+t, acce+tab,e good, de,i(e y +e son/s signatu e on a e7uest .o a c edit note, .o etu ned items and s*o t de,i(e ies! <tem + inci+,es a e im+o tant .o cont o, to be eady .o de,i(e y and ecei+t o. goods c*ec-s incoming goods, c*ec-s i. t*ey a e damaged and )eig* items se+a ate,y! Esua,,y su++,ie is issuing a document )*ic* s*o)s )*en items )*e e su++,ied and *o) muc* )as t*e de,i(e y, t*ey a e +,ayed once a mont*, t*e + ocess is named <CF4<5<C2! Must e;ist an ag eement t*at s*o)s t*e . e7uency o. de,i(e ies, and conditions must be done in ) iting! <n(oice must contain:
'usiness identi.ication numbe Su++,ie /s name, add ess, contact in.o mation Desc i+tion o. )*at is c*a ged Su++,y date Date o. in(oice FA1 Amount o)ed

A,, e7ui+ment must be sto ed co ect,y: must be conside ed s+ace, stoc- ta-ing and c,e ica, + ocedu es %ood sto age in(o,(es: d y goods, items .o e. ige ation and . ee#ing



Rodica Lenuta Moga

'e(e age sto age in(o,(es: ce,,a items, se+a ate a ea and ba stoc- a ea!is *ig*,y essentia, to *a(e a c,ean .ood o be(e age sto e-ee+ing to e,iminate t*e is- o. unning out o. a) mate ia,s! 0(e yt*ing must be + o+e ,y c*ec-ed to + e(ent t*e )astage!

LO 9. Be ab%e to devise menus for ospitabi%ity events 9.1 &ompi%e food and beverage menus for a ospitabi%ity event !">#

1*e e a e 90 guests, 50 o. t*em a e adu,ts, 10 a e c*i,d en, . om t*em 10 a e (egeta ians, B su..e . om diabetes!

< *a(e c*oose a menu t*at is suitab,e .o bot* c*i,d en, (egeta ians, on my o+inion is an economica, menu, )*ic* is )*iten t*e budget o. 8B0 +ounds!

< inc,uded *ea,t*y .ood ,i-e: . uits, (egetab,es t*at can be consumed bot* by c*i,d en, (egeta ians and t*ose )*o su..e . om diabetes! My menu )i,, inc,ude t*e .o,,o)ing:




Rodica Lenuta Moga

*tarters Garlic Pizza Bread Bruschetta

+ain course Pizza Vegetarian Grilled salmon with mash potatoes Lasagne

,essert Ice cream Fruit salad

,rinks Beer Water sparkling/still o!!ee

< c eated a Menu t*at can be accessib,e to my guests and *a(e t*e o++o tunity to c*oose! My menu inc,ude a++etise s t*at can be se (ed to c*i,d en as )e,,, a sma,, +o tion, .o,,o)ed by a main cou se, )*e e it is se (ed +i##a )it* (egetab,es, .o t*ose inte ested in eating *ea,t*ie and )it* a educed ca,o ic (a,ue, anot*e dis* is sa,mon )it* mas* +otatoes )*ic* add esses to a, guests e;ce+t t*ose su..e ing . om diabetes and (egeta ians, and o. cou se my ,ast dis* on main cou se is ,asagne! 1*an as < desse t < int oduced . uit sa,ad, *ea,t*y, ,ess ca,o ies and ice c eam )*ic* < t*in- e(e yone ,o(e! <n d in-s section < added bee )*ic* is + esent at e(e y +a ty, can be consumed by men o )omen, .o -ids and diabetics < se (e )ate , and as )e,, .o a,, guests, e;ce+t -ids!



Rodica Lenuta Moga



Garlic pizza bread


Bruschetta(toasted homemade bread topped with sliced fresh tomato, basil, extra virgi olive oil !suitable for vegetaria s "


$ai course:

%izza vegetaria

( tomato sauce, mozzarella , grilled aubergi e &.'0 4.(0 &.00

,mushrooms, o io s, peppers"

Grilled salmo with mashed potatoes )asag e ( Bolog ese sauce, pasta a d b*chamel sauce "


,ce cream (va illa, chocolate, strawberr-" /ruit salad (strawberr-, ba a as, 0iwi, apples "

'..0 '.(0

+ri 0s:



Rodica Lenuta Moga

Beer (sa $iguel , 1oro a" Spar0li g a d Still water 1offee

(..0 0..0 '.(0

As a esu,t my "os+ita,ity e(ent )as a success , < )as )it*in t*e budget and < s+ent my money )ise o..e ing to my guest a g eat atmos+*e e and +,easu ed en(i onment )it* a good .ood . < o..e ed a counte )it* a minimum o. sta.. on,y .o se (ing and c,eaning )*e e guests se (ed t*em se,(es 9.8 ?ustify t e se%ection and suitabi%ity of recipes for menus !".#

A menu is a ,ist o. dis*es o t*e .ood a(ai,ab,e to be se (ed, is used in *ote,, estau ant, +ub! S*o)s )*at is o..e ed, is a,so t*e .i st im+ ession, and s*o)s t*e image, t*eme, 7ua,ity! Menu dictates:, o ganisation, + oduction, se (ice met*od! Most +o+u,a menus a e: 1ab,e D R"ote,, A ,a 5a te, s+ecia, +a ty o. .unction menu, menus .o +eo+,e at )o -, menus .o c*i,d en, cyc,ica, menus! 5ustome s *a(e t*e o++o tunity to c*oose de+ending on t*e budget and situation! <nc,ude:

A++etise s : sma,, +o tions, se (ed *ot o co,dJsa,ad, sou+K Main cou se : ,a ge +o tion , mo e e;+ensi(e ,*ot o co,d Jg i,,s, meat, ,a ge sa,ads K

Desse t o .ina, cou se : *ot o co,dJs)eet, ice c eam, . uit K

Menu o..e s: side o de s, snac-s, and c*i,d en/s mea, de+ending on t*e ty+e o. menu, ty+e o t*eme o. .ood!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

1ab,e D/ "ote, *as 3 o mo e a(ai,abi,ity o. e7ui+ment ,cou ses a e a(ai,ab,e at ,unc* time, *as a,so ,unc*ed t*emes .o 0aste , Fa,entines, 5* istmas, used in 5on.e ence o 'an7ueting! A ,a 5a te menu is .ound in comme cia, .ood, *as a ,a ge se,ection o. o+tions items a e indi(idua,,y + iced, dis*es a e coo-ed )*en o de ed <t must be ta-en into conside ation:
%ood com+etition Location, ta get ma -et o. custome s Ana,yse o ty+e o. custome s 0stimated custome s s+end .o *ead Mode n t ends in .ood S+ace and e7ui+ment Cumbe and ca+abi,ity o. .ood A(ai,abi,ity o. su++,ie s

Esua,,y custome s ,oo 1o see (a ious dis*es 1o ecei(e )*at is desc ibed <tems to be a(ai,ab,e 1o be to,d t*e ing edients t*at mig*t be a,,e gic 5a,o ic in.o mation

%ood and 'e(e age o+e ato s must + o(ide 7ua,ity ing edients, to be t ut*.u,, to in.o m )*at items a e not a(ai,ab,e because no) a day/s 9D . om ES/s +o+u,ation is (egeta ian, custome s en?oy e;otic ing edients, t*e ,e(e, obesity is inc eased, and +eo+,e ,i-e *ea,t*y and o ganic .ood! Must be a,so ac*ie(ed a ta get custome , .ood cost, cost o. ing edients, .ood season abi,ity, 7uantity o. .ood used .o eac* dis*, .ood + oduction met*ods a e ada+ted!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

<s im+o tant to c*ec- .ood a(ai,abi,ity, a,so .ood + ices a e c*anging de+ending on season, t*e e7ui+ment needed J.o +i##a, +astaK! A menu a,so is done de+ending on ing edients and met*ods:
<. . es* .ood is used <. is used + e+a ed .ood 1*e use o. coo-6c*i,, tec*ni7ue 5oo-ed to o de

4ne .acto )*ic* in.,uence t*e menu is +o tion si#e, co,ou ba,ance in o de to be mo e a++ea,ing, )o ding is essentia, to encou age +u c*asing, nut itiona, ba,ance )*ic* inc,ude + otein, ca bo*yd ates, and (itamins!

LO:. Be ab%e to provide food and beverage services for ospitabi%ity events :.1"%an a food and beverage service for ospitabi%ity event @it in an agreed budget !"1A#

5ounte se (ice is used in ba s, +ubs and sometimes in estau ants!



Rodica Lenuta Moga

1*e budget is 8B0 +ounds, t*e e a e 90 guests, 50 adu,ts, 10 c*i,d en, 10 a e (egeta ians and B su..e . om diabetes! 2ene a,,y t*e dinne s se (e t*em6se,(es, t*e e a e used +,ates, bo),s and cut,e y !1*e .o m o. is a tab,e .i,,ed )it* +,ates and *as .i;ed +o tions, )as c eated to se (e a ,a ge numbe o. +eo+,e! 1*e ad(antage is t*at dinne s *a(e +ossibi,ity o. c*oice and abi,ity to ins+ect t*e .ood and t*en se,ect to it !<s a (e y +o+u,a se (ice because o. t*e ,imited s+ace in *omes! 1*e +a ty .ood must be )e,, + esented and must be a sou ce o. +,easu e .o guests!

Must be ta-en into conside ation t*e .o,,o)ing:


o. +eo+,e, in t*is case 90 +e sons, among t*em 10 c*i,d en,

de+ending o. t*is an image can be c eated )it* one o 2 dis*es and to a,,o) 2 7ueues!
3,ates s*ou,d be +ut at t*e beginning o. t*e )*e e guests can see

t*em and a,so to see t*e sta.. )*o )i,, e+,enis* t*em

t*e na+-ins and cut,e y at t*e end o. t*e so t*at guests don/t .ind it *a d to *and,e t*em

Le(e,s s*ou,d be added to t*e tab,e "ot .ood s*ou,d be +,aced nea *ot .ood and co,d .ood s*ou,d be +,aced nea

co,d .ood ,it )i,, be easie to -ee+ t*e same tem+e atu e and to e+,enis* +,ates
Fegetab,e s*ou,d be +,aced toget*e %ood t*at can s+i,, s*ou,d be ,ocated mo e c,ose to guests Must be ta-en into conside ation (isua, a++ea, %ood must be ,abe,,ed to indicate t*e content o. a dis* inc,uding a,,e gens 2& Page

Rodica Lenuta Moga Dis*es must be a anged in dec easing o de Iate must be +,aced ,ast in settings

Some dis*es may be + e+a ed in ad(ance, must be ta-en into conside ation t*e ca+acity o. t*e o(en! Se,.6se (ing +a ty )i,, educe t*e numbe o. sta.. needed, but must be a,,o)ed enoug* sta.. to e+,enis* and to c,ean! "o)e(e a se (ed may s+eed u+ t*e se (ing and enab,es t*e cont o, o. +o tion si#e! 1*e dis+,ay de+ends on: se,ection o. .ood, tab,e a angements, deco ation, and cand,es! A +eo+,e/s s+ace is im+o tant toget*e )it* a s+ace .o se (ing! A menu mo e economica, is to sta t )it*:
' eads A++eti#e s Sa,ads Sou+s

:.8 Imp%ement t e p%anned service maintaining standards of Bua%ity and ea%t 7 safety and security !"11# Pua,ity standa ds must be maintained in + oduction and se (ing +,anning, .ood and be(e age + oduction, coo-ing in se (ice ,e(e,s! "ea,t*! Sa.ety and secu ity in(o,(e + ocedu es and *ygiene + actices !A,, .ood must come . om an a++ o(ed sou ce, a,, containe s and dis*es s*ou,d be *ygienic, tem+e atu e s*ou,d be meet, a,, .ood )*ic* is not acce+tab,e must be dest oyed! 'u,- .ood usua,,y is sto ed in containe s ,abe,,ed )it* t*ei names! S*ou,d be meet t*e + ocedu es t*at + e(ent contamination! Sta.. must be *ea,t*y, )it* no )ounds, nasa, disc*a ges, is im+o tant to )as* t*ei *ands, s*ou,dn/t be encou aged to )ea ?e)e,,e y and smo-ing is .o bidden!
2' Page

Rodica Lenuta Moga

1o ensu e .ood + oduction e7ui+ment sanitised and c,ean is needed !0(e yt*ing must be maintained and c,eaned: s*e,(es in sto age ooms, e. ige ato s, )a,- <CS!
%o c,ean utensi,s must be + o(ided + o+e sto age %ood bas-ets must be ,ined! Rubbis* ,ids a e -e+t c,osed must be su..icient numbe o. containe s bins s*a,, be em+ty c*emica,s s*ou,d be ,abe,,ed insecticides and +esticides a e -e+t in and a e unde obse (ation sin- must be c*ec-ed not to be b,oc-ed must e;ist ,i7uid *and c,eansing soa+ sanita y to)e,

1*e e a e B )ays to *and,e a) meat to + e(ent s+ ead o. bacte ia, to+ o. t*e containe must be c,eaned, se+a ate bo),s, +,atte and cut,e y to be used, ne(e +ut meat on a +,ate in )*ic* )as coo-ed meat be.o e! "ands must be )as*ed constant,y, is im+o tant to c,ean ?uice s+i,,s, counte to+s must be c,eaned )it* )a m soa+y )ate ! <n o de to c,ean cutting boa ds mi; so,ution o. 2 teas+oon b,eac*ing to a 7ua te o. )a m )ate ! %o . ee#ing and sto ing meat must be e) a++ed o o(e ) a++ed to + e(ent . ee#e bu n and ,ea-age o. ?uices! 1o be de. ost meat s*ou,d be +,aced on a c,ean +,ate to + e(ent ,ea- o. ?uice, must be a(oided de. osting in )a m )ate but is ecommended in co,d )ate !

:.9 4va%uate factors to determine t e success of t e service7 ma'ing recommendations for improvement !"18#

<n %ood and 'e(e age se (ice is based on:

!) Page

Rodica Lenuta Moga integ ity t ust 7ua,ity (a,ue consistency

%o im+ o(ements in .ood and be(e age se (ice is necessa y to e;ist a good

and st ong

e,ations*i+ bet)een manage s and sta.. t*at )o - and is

o ganised , must be encou aged inno(ation , is abso,ute,y necessa y to in(est in +eo+,e and s-i,,s , most im+o tant is to measu e )*at ea,,y matte s :


5om.o t and +,easu e

1*e ig*t conce+t


Se (ice

Meet t*e custome s/ e;+ectations

5ont o, in o+e ation



Rodica Lenuta Moga

Esua,,y in %ood and 'e(e age ,abou costs a e educed to maintain sa,es on t*is )ay it can be ac*ie(ed s*o t te m + oducti(ity and it )i,, a..ect ,ong te m (iabi,ity because o. e osion on standa ds o. t*e se (ice! %o .ood and be(e age o+e ato s + ice is (e y im+o tant because is e,ated to cost cont o,, i. + o.its a e too ,o) t*is doesn/t mean t*at + ices a e too ,o)! 1*e + ice e.,ects custome /s (ie) .o )*at t*ey a e +aying! %ood sa.ety egu,ations continue to c*ange so + oduce s a e .o ced to ad?ust t*ei + oducts ,ines to meet t*e e7ui ements o. custome s and ma -et (a iations ot*e )ise t*ey )i,, meet a dec,ine in +! Success.u, businesses no) a days a e t*ose )*o ma-e + in + og ess! Late,y .ood and be(e age ma -et *as met a g o)t* because o.:
custome s a++etite .o +u e + oducts )*ic* a e *ea,t*y .o t*ei bodies

need ne) + oducts )it* s+ecia, + o+e ties

' and is (e y im+o tant in +u c*asing + ocess!


'e na d D et a, J2012K %ood and 'e(e age Management,5t* edition, Esa , Rout,edge

Dobson R, "ayes S! J2005K %ood and 'e(e age 5ost 5ont o, , 5t* edition ,Ii,ey &Sons, Ce) Te sey



Rodica Lenuta Moga

*tt+://(isa*ouse!in/.ood6and6be(e age!*tm,

*tt+://)i-i!ans)e s!com/

1*a a-an U!J200BK A 2uide to %ood and 'e(e age ,3 d edition ,Mc2 a) @ "i,, ,Ce) De,*i



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