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Bibliografia Exprobraes ao Catolicismo

(Compilada por Fbio Salgado de Carvalho)

Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Differences (Norman L. Geisler, Ralph E. MacKenzie); Roman Catholicism: Evangelical Protestants Analyze What Divides and Unites Us (John Armstrong); Protestants & Catholics: Do They Now Agree? (John Ankerberg, John Weldon); The Gospel According to Rome (James G. McCarthy); Reasoning from the Scriptures with Catholics (Ron Rhodes); The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Catholic (Ron Rhodes); Evangelical Answers: A Critique of Current Roman Catholic Apologists (Eric Svendsen); The Roman Catholic Controversy (James White); Confisses surpreendentes de um ex-padre (Jos Barbosa de Sena Neto); Objees ao Catolicismo Romano (Michael de La Bedoyere); Ser mesmo cristo o Catolicismo Romano? (Hugh P. Jeter); Inovaes do Romanismo (Carlos Hastings Collette); Who is My Mother? (Eric Svendsen); Mary - Another Redeemer? (James White); The Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of Rome (James Endell Tyler); Answers to Catholic Claims (James White); Salvation: The Bible and Roman Catholicism (William Webster); Roman Catholic Tradition: Claims and Contradictions (William Webster); Far From Rome Near To God (Richard Bennett, Martin Buckingham) [Traduo: Verdadeiramente Livres]; Talking with Catholic Friends and Family: Understanding...How They Think and Feel, Why They Trust in Tradition, What the Bible Teaches (James G. McCarthy);

Answers to Questions Catholics Are Asking (Tony Coffey);

Papal Power (Henry T. Hudson); Fifty (50) Years in the Church of Rome: The Conversion of a Priest (Charles Chiniquy); The Two Babylons: Or, the Papal Worship Proved to Be the Worship of Nimrod (Alexander Hislop); Answers to My Catholic Friends (Thomas F. Heinze); The Great Gulf between Catholicism and Christianity (Casey Smith); Catholicism - East of Eden (Richard Bennett); Roman Catholicism (Loraine Boettner); Another Side of Catholicism: Insights from a Former Catholic Nun (Mary Ann Collins); Is Catholicism Biblical? A Former Nun Looks At The Evidence (Mary Ann Collins); Church of Rome at the Bar of History (William David Webster); The Matthew 16 Controversy: Peter and the Rock (William Webster); Upon This Slippery Rock: Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority (Eric D. Svendsen); Are We Together? A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism (R.C. Sproul); Evangelical Answers (Eric Svendsen); Mary: A Catholic-Evangelical Debate (Dwight Longenecker, David Gustafson); Why Do You Believe That? A Protestant-Catholic Conversation (John Schwarz, Dwight Longenecker); Challenging Catholics: A Catholic Evangelical Dialogue (Dwight Longenecker, John Martin); A tale of two churches: Can Protestants & Catholics get together? (George Carey); Protestants and Catholics: A Guide to Understanding the Difference Among Christians (Peter Toon); Rereading Paul Together: Protestant and Catholic Perspectives on Justification (David E. Aune);

The Fatal Flaw Unknown Binding (James White); Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible's Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (James R. White); The God Who Justifies (James R. White); The Shape of Sola Scriptura (Keith A. Mathison); Holy Scripture: The Ground and Pillar of Our Faith, Volume I: A Biblical Defense of the Reformation Principle of Sola Scriptura (David King,); Holy Scripture: The Ground and Pillar of Our Faith, Volume II: An Historical Defense of the Reformation Principle of Sola Scriptura (William Webster); Holy Scripture: The Ground and Pillar of Our Faith, Volume III: The Writings of the Church Fathers Affirming the Reformation Principle of Sola Scriptura (David King, William Webster); O Catolicismo Ainda Cristo? (Padre Aloisio Guerra); Catolicismo e Cristianismo: as Diferenas (Cypriano Marques Filho); O Que Todos Devem Saber Sobre o Catolicismo (Tony Armani); O Catolicismo Romano e a Verdade Divina Sobre a Virgem Maria (Arnaldo Ferreira Nascimento); Lust for Power: A Critical History of the Roman Catholic Church (Dick Zylstra); Pedro nunca foi papa! (Anbal Pereira dos Reis); O padre cria em Jesus, mas no era salvo (Anbal Pereira dos Reis); Essas Bblias Catlicas!!! (Anbal Pereira dos Reis); Este padre escapou das garras do papa (Anbal Pereira dos Reis); A grande Babilnia (Anbal Pereira dos Reis); Is the Reformation Over? An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism (Mark A. Noll, Carolyn Nystrom); Romanism: The Relentless Roman Catholic Assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (Robert M. Zins); Pilgrimage from Rome (Bartholomew F. Brewer); Catolicismo: Verdade ou Mentira ? (Adelson Damasceno Santos);

100 Respostas Bblicas para O Catolicismo (dino Melo); A i i i Dreyer, E. Weller); i i i (F. C. H.

A Face Oculta do Catolicismo Romano (Sebastio Leonel); Qual a igreja verdadeira? Uma resposta ao Catolicismo Romano (Silas Malafaia); Abusos e Erros do Catolicismo (Abade Joo Meslier); Catolicismo Romano (Jorge Buarque Lyra); O Catolicismo Perante a Cincia e a Razo (Francisco Ayres); A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days (Dave Hunt) [Traduo: A mulher montada na besta (2 vols.)]; She Who Restores the Roman Empire: The Biblical Prophecy of the Whore of Babylon (David Criswell); Es la Iglesia Catlica Apostlica y Romana la Verdadera Iglesia Fundada por Cristo, o la Verdadera Iglesia Fundada por el Anticristo? (Jos Ugarte Elsensohn); O Catolicismo Romano (Laurence A. Justice); Ansiedades de um Padre (Herman J. Hegger); Os Fatos Sobre O Catolicismo Romano (John Ankerberg); O Mistrio Catlico (John Armstrong); Ventos de Doutrinas (Francisco A. Barretos Neto); Mentiras fundamentales de la Iglesia catlica (Pepe Rodrguez); Le catholicisme l Marie selon La Bible et i criture Sainte (Jacques Blocher); g i h iq (Wi i y );

Catholique et chrtien? (Henry Bryant); Les difrences entre catholiques et protestants (William Clayton); Un vanglique parle aux catholiques (Saint-German); f v gi (A. Antomarchi);

El catolicismo no es cristianismo puro (Gumersindo Lorenzo);

Catolicismo: 2000 anos de erros e enganos (Paulo Roberto Cndido dos Santos); Herejas del catolicismo actual (Jos Ignacio Gonzlez Faus); Negra luz: ensayo sobre Catolicismo y apofatismo (Luigi Lombardi Vallauri); La Iglesia Catolica: Porqu La dej (James Gauss); Origen, historia criminal y juicio de La Iglesia Catolica R. (Luis Muoz); Catecismo Del hereje: um breve contra-alegato a La Iglesia Catlica (Ernesto Garca Uranga); Respostas s perguntas que os Catlicos Costumam Fazer (Charles Colson); Seitas e heresias (Raimundo de Oliveira);

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