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Internship Report

Internship Report Master Business Administration Program

Name: Shahid Mehmood Registration No: 07-Arid-445 Speciali ation: !inance "elephone: 0#45-5$44740 %-Mail: shahedmehmood&'ahoo(com

)rgani ation Name:P(M(*(+ +td,Mo-ilin./

"elephone Num-er: 01$-52-$327552 !a4 Num-er: 01$-52-$32755# Postal Address: Mo-ilin. 5ouse
2- A6 7ohistan Road6 !-3 Mar.a 6 Islama-ad Pa.istan(

Super8isor Name:Mr(Mohsin A am "elephone Num-er:0#00-35$50$5

Start 9ate o: Internship: $$ Aug6 $003 %nd 9ate o: Internship: 07 )ct6 $003 Report 9ate: $# !e- $001

Shahid Mehmood
Completed Internship at

Internship report su-mission :or the !inal %8aluation in Partial !ul:illment o: the re;uirements :or the 9egree o:

Master Business Administration

It is certi:ied that6 the internship report and the <or. contained in it con:orms to all the standards set -' the institute :or the e8aluation o: an' such <or.(

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

ni!ersit" Institute o# Mana$ement %&ien&es ni!ersit" o# Arid A$ri&ulture' Ra(alpindi. (2009)

"AB+% )! *)N"%N"S Page

)AB*+ ,- C,.)+.)% "AB+% )! *)N"%N"S A*7N)=+%9>%M%N" I 9%9I*A"I)N II III %?%*@"IA% S@MMARB *5AP"%RS I/C0A1)+R%

1a$e .o 122 AB, ) )0+ ,R3A.I4A)I,.


1a$e .o

)rascom "elecom 1.2 A-out Mo-ilin.

1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
)rgani ation 5ierarch'

7 3

Mo-ilin.Cs Aision 1 Mo-ilin.Cs 8alues 20 Management 22 Products and Ser8ices 2# 2(3 Achie8ements 23 2(1 Net<or. 21 $(0 *orporate Social Responsi-ilit' $0 $(2 S=)" Anal'sis $$ 3 AR+A ,- M5 6,R7 A) M,BI*I.7(-inan&e 8epartment)


#(2 #($ #(# #(4 #(5 #(D

!inance 9epartment 5ierarch' $5 *ommission Pa'ment $D Mo8ement Record o: Blac.-err' 5andsets $D Process o: Aendors Bills ,Phoeni4/ $D Processing o: re:und *he;ues 2# Preparation o: Reports Regarding Pa'mento: "a4 $7


4 C,.C* %I,. A.8 R+C,MM+.8A)I,.%

23 4(2 4($ *onclusion 23 Recommendations $3 $1


All the praise is :or Allah6 the most merci:ul and -ene:icent6 <ho -lessed me <ith the .no<ledge6 ga8e me the courage and allo<ed me to accomplish this tas.( I am especiall' inde-ted to all m' teachers :or instilling in me enough .no<ledge to -e a-le to carr' m'sel: e::icientl' during m' internship( Secondl'6 I am -ound to than. all the sta:: o: Mo-ilin.6 especiall' Mr !ai an ,*ommission o::icer Associate 2/6Mr Mohsin A m,*oordinator and Associate 2/6Miss Asma and Mr A:sar Ali, "a4 )::icer and Associate $/6 Mr Sardar Imran,Associate 2/and especiall' Mr( Anees ,Manager and !ield )perationEs 5ead/ In particular their inspiring guidance6

remar.a-le suggestions6 constant encouragement6 .een interest6 constructi8e criticism and :riendl' discussion help me to learn and ena-led me to complete this report e::icientl'(

I dedicate this report to m' parents and :riends in recognition o: their <orth and to m' teachers <ho are the guiding :orce :or me and it is their e::ort and hard <or. that sho<ed me the path o: success and prosperit' <hich <ould -e there :or me :or the rest o: m' li:e( M' than.s to all those <ho ha8e generousl' contri-uted their theoretical .no<ledge to this report including m' teachers( =ithout their understanding and support6 completion o: this <or. <ould not ha8e -een possi-le( I hope people :ind this report use:ul and the su-Fect matter adds to their .no<ledge( G7eep 'our dreams ali8e( @nderstand to achie8e an'thing re;uires :aith and -elie: in 'oursel:6 8ision6 hard <or.6 determination6 and dedication( Remem-er all things are possi-le :or those <ho -elie8e(H Merlin )lsen

+:e&uti!e %ummar"
Internship <as m' :irst step in practical li:e6 through <hich I learnt a lot and it has aided me in -eing <ell e;uipped <ith 8alua-le e4perience that <ould help me once I enter the pro:essional li:e a:ter the completion o: m' studies( 9uring the month o: Aug and )ct $0076 I <or.ed in Mo-ilin. >SM as an internee( M' association <ith this compan' <as -eing a part o: the !inance 9epartment( It <as a great e4perience :or me and it helped me in reali ing <here m' potential lies( =hat I learnt at Mo-ilin. o8er the <ee.s <as ho< to get along <ith the people that I ha8e to <or. <ith e8er'da'6 -uilding con:idence and impro8ing m' s.ills( "his internship has also prepared me :or m' :uture career in !inance so this internship has helped me a great deal( "he e4perience has taught me responsi-ilit'6 team<or. and ho< to handle pro-lems occurring( %8en though the nature o: <or. <as ;uite -asic as an internee6 ne8ertheless I got to see <hat practical li:e is( "his internship o8erall has -een a great e4perience( "his report gi8es a pro:ile o: Mo-ilin. and an insight into the !inance department <here I <as assigned to <or.( "his report also re:lects m' learning and e4periences at Mo-ilin. along <ith m' responsi-ilities and the tas.s that I per:ormed( +ast part o: the report consists o: some recommendations and suggestions that I ha8e gi8en(

1.1,ras&om )ele&om

,ras&om )ele&om 0oldin$ %.A.+. (;,ras&om )ele&om;) or (;,)0;) it <as esta-lished in 2113 and has gro<n to -ecome a maFor pla'er in the telecommunication )"5 is considered among the largest and most di8ersi:ied net<or. operators in the Middle %ast6 A:rica6 and South Asia6 and has ac;uired in earl' $003 a license to operate mo-ile ser8ices in North 7orea( )rascom "elecom is a leading mo-ile telecommunications compan' operating in si4 emerging mar.ets ha8ing a population under license o: 4#0 million <ith an a8erage penetration o: mo-ile telephon' across all mar.ets o: appro4imatel' 40I( )"5 operates >SM net<or.s in Algeria ,9Fe '/6 Pa.istan ,Mo-ilin./6 %g'pt ,Mo-inil/6 "unisia ,"unisiana/6 Bangladesh ,Banglalin./ and Jim-a-<e ,"elecel Jim-a-<e/( )"5 had e4ceeded 74 million su-scri-ers as o: March $003(

In Pa.istan6 the Pa.istan Mo-ile communications +td ,GMo-ilin.H/ started its operations in 2114 and6 until earl' $0026 had a share o: 40I( In April $0026 )"5 too. o8er management control o: the compan'( As the leader6 Mo-ilin. ser8es more than #2(5 million su-scri-ers6 representing a share o: #3(5I ,as o: March $003/(

)"5 has positioned itsel: as a leader in the region :or its di8erse >SM operations <ith 8arious >SM support and Internet operations( )ne o: )"5Cs main strategies is to create its o<n non- >SM su-sidiaries to act as a -ac.-one o: support :or its regional >SM operations( )"5 has achie8ed this -' dedicating :inancial6 technical and management resources :or supporting its su-sidiaries( "his includes net<or. support and installation o: >SM operations6 e;uipment procurement6 handset procurement and distri-ution companies6 Aalue Added Ser8ices6 and Internet operations( )"5 is dedicated to pro8iding the -est ;ualit' ser8ices to its customers6 8alue to shareholders and a d'namic < en8ironment :or its more than 256000 emplo'ees(

)"5 esta-lished a strong presence in the >SM Association ,the <orldCs leading <ireless industr' representati8e -od'/ onl' :i8e 'ears a:ter its inception( )"5Cs *hairman and *%)6 Mr( Nagui- Sa<iris6 <as selected to Foin the >SM AssociationCs *%) Board in $00$( )"5Cs stoc.s are traded on the *airo and Ale4andria Stoc. %4change ,*AS%/6 ,under the s'm-ol )R"%(*A6 )RA" %B/ and on the +ondon Stoc. %4change ,<here its >9R is traded under the s'm-ol )R"%;(+6 )"+9 +I/( )"5 is dedicated to pro8ide the -est ;ualit' ser8ices to its customers6 8alue to shareholders6 and a d'namic < en8ironment :or its more than 256000 emplo'ees(

1.2A<out Mo<ilin9
Mo-ilin. >SM ,PM*+/6 a su-sidiar' o: )rascom "elecom6 started its operations in 21146 and has -ecome the leader -oth in terms o: gro<th as <ell as ha8ing the largest customer su-scri-er -ase in Pa.istan - a -ase o: o8er $3 million and gro<ing( =e pride 1

oursel8es on -eing the :irst cellular ser8ice pro8ider to operate on a 200I digital >SM technolog' in Pa.istan that also pro8ides state-o:-the-art communication solutions to its customers( Mo-ilin. o::ers e4clusi8el' designed tari:: plans that cater to the communication needs o: a di8erse group o: people6 :rom indi8iduals to -usinessmen to corporate and multinationals( "o achie8e this o-Fecti8e6 <e o::er -oth postpaid ,Indigo/ and prepaid ,KAJJ/ solutions to our customers( *ompared to our competitors6 -oth the postpaid ,Indigo/ and prepaid ,KAJJ/ -rands are the largest -rands o: their .ind in the Pa.istan cellular industr'( In addition to pro8iding ad8anced 8oice communication ser8ices that the li8es o: millions that much eas'6 <e also o::er a host o: 8alue-added-ser8ices to our pri ed customers( At the same time6 Mo-ilin. places high importance to its co8erage6 <hich is <h' <e co8er 'ou in 2060000 cities and to<ns nation<ide as <ell as o8er 2#0 countries on international roaming ser8ice( In other <ords6 <e spea. 'our language6 e8er'<here(

1.3,r$ani=ation 0ierar&h"

C.+., Rashid 7han

C.I., )ari? Rashid

0RM C.+., Ali Ra=a Mehdi

Mar9etin$ C.+., Bilal Munir

C.-., )ari? %ha#i?

C.)., Ram" Re"ad

1.4Mo<ilin9>s /ision


L"o -e the leading "elecommunication Ser8ices Pro8ider in Pa.istan -' o::ering inno8ati8e *ommunication solutions :or our *ustomers <hile e4ceeding Shareholder 8alue M %mplo'ee %4pectationsL

1.@Mo<ilin9>s /alues
)otal Customer %atis#a&tion
*ustomers are at the heart o: our success( "he' ha8e placed their trust and con:idence in us( In return6 <e stri8e to anticipate their needs and deli8er ser8ice6 ;ualit' and 8alue -e'ond their e4pectations(

Business +:&ellen&e
=e stri8e :or e4cellence in all that <e do( =e aspire to the highest standards and raise the -ar :or oursel8es e8er'da'( "his commitment to deli8ering <orld-class ;ualit' translates into unmatched ser8ice and 8alue :or our customers and all sta.eholders(

)rust 2 Inte$rit"
At Mo-ilin.6 <e ta.e pride in practicing the highest ethical standards in an open and honest en8ironment6 and -' honoring our commitments( =e ta.e personal responsi-ilit' :or our actions6 and treat e8er'one :airl'6 and <ith trust and respect(

Respe&t #or 1eople

)ur relationships dri8e our -usiness( =e respect and esteem our emplo'ees and all sta.eholders( =e -elie8e in team<or.6 empo<erment and honor(



Rashid 7han

President and *%)

)ari? Rashid

*hie: In:ormation )::icer

Ali Ra=a Mehdi

Aice President 5uman Resources6 Administration M Securit'

Ir#an A9ram

Aice President Sales

Bilal Munir %hei9h

Aice President Mar.eting


Musta#a 1era&ha

Aice President *ustomer Ser8ices

.aeem 4amindar

Aice President M 5ead o: Broad-and6 Business 9i8ision

A$ha Basim

Aice President *orporate A::airs

Ram" Re"ad 7amel

*hie: "echnical )::icer

Mr. Aamir I<rahim

Aice PresidentN *hie: Strateg' )::icer


1.C1rodu&ts and %er!i&es

Mo<ilin9 Da== Mo<ilin9 indi$o Mo<ilin9 1C, %u< 1rodu&ts o# Mo<ilin9 Indi$o Da== ,ne
)ne net<or.6 one nation6 one rate O one -rand6 Ka P Introducing Ka that it pa's to -e part o: the -iggest net<or. in Pa.istan( Based on the premise o: simplicit'6 Ka )ne trul' -rings our promise o: :reedom to li:e( )ne no< allo<s 'ou to ma.e $3 million )ne6 <hich pro8es

"he :reedom to call an'one6 an'time6 an'<here at the lo<est rates e8er( =ith this astoundingl' lo< on-net rate o: Rs( 2Nmin Ka Mo-ilin. num-ers 'our !riends and !amil'(
Jazz One Tariffs

+!er" Mo<ilin9 .um<er is "our -riends 2 -amil" num<er 8etails *alls to an' Mo-ilin. num-er *alls to all mo-ile net<or.s M +andline num-ers in Pa.istan SMS ,to Mo-ilin./ SMS ,to other net<or.sNlandline/ Rates Rs( 2(00 N minute Rs( 2(D0 N minute Rs( 2(0 N SMS Rs( 2(5 N SMS

Da== <ud$et
Ka -udget is no< more po<er:ul than e8er <ith an ama ing pac.age6 and a completel' :resh loo.P )::ering remar.a-le rates and pac.age :eatures6 it is the -est <a' to sta' in touch <ith millions o: Mo-ilin. :amil' mem-ers in Pa.istan(
Da== Bud$et )ari##s 8etails *alls to an' Mo-ilin. num-er *alls to all mo-ile net<or.s M +andline num-ers in Pa.istan Rates Rs( 0(D3 N #0 seconds Rs( 0(D3 N #0 seconds



to Mo-ilin./ to other net<or.s/

Rs( 2(0 N SMS Rs( 2(0 N SMS Rs( $ 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes Rs( # 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes !ree Rs( 2 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes ,this is a8aila-le :or Mo-ilin. su-scri-ers onl'/ D !ree 23

Bolo SMS )utgoing ,Mo-ilin./ Bolo SMS )utgoing ,An' other net<or./ Bolo SMS Recei8ing directl' Bolo SMS Recei8ing later MMS )utgoing per 50 7B ,Rs(/ MMS Recei8ing ,Rs(/ >PRS Rate per MB ,Rs(/

Da== +as"
=elcome to the <orld o: Ka %as'6 the most a::orda-le pac.age that pro8ides access to %as' customers can not onl' enFo' calling at

the -est rates to call across Pa.istan( Ka :a-ulous rates to call on an' other net<or.(

ama ingl' lo< call rates :or Mo-ilin. num-ers6 the' also -ene:it tremendousl' :rom the

Da== +as" )ari##s 8etails Rates

*alls to an' # !riends M !amil' Mo-ilin. num-ersQ Rs( 0(11 N min *alls to an' Mo-ilin. Num-er *alls to all mo-ile net<or.s M +andline num-ers in Pa.istan !M! Num-ers )::ered SMS ,Ka SMS ,Ka to Mo-ilin./ to other net<or.s/ Rs( $(20 N min Rs( $(50 N min # ,"hree/ Rs( 2(0 N SMS Rs( 2(5 N SMS Rs( $ 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes Rs( # 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes !ree Rs( 2 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes , :or Mo-ilin. su-scri-ers onl'/ D !ree 23

Bolo SMS )utgoing ,Mo-ilin./ Bolo SMS )utgoing ,An' other net<or./ Bolo SMS Recei8ing directl' Bolo SMS Recei8ing later MMS )utgoing per 50 7B ,Rs(/ MMS Recei8ing ,Rs(/ >PRS Rate per MB ,Rs(/


Da== *adies -irst

!or the :irst time e8er6 a pac.age designed especiall' :or ladies R Da== *adies -irst is 'our command on the 8er' -est( !rom si ling recipes to tips on 'our -est are all an SMS a<a'( Remar.a-l' lo< calls rates( =omen around the glo-e lo8e to tal. :or hours on end6 and Ka understands this need to

the :ullest6 thus introducing its -rand ne< re8olutionar' o::er6 <here 'ou can tal. :or as lo< as Rs. @ E hourF "his enticing ne< o::er is surel' e8er' <omanCs dream come true6 -ringing :orth a product that <ill no< satiate their desire to tal. more and more :or hours( !or us(( 'our com:ort al<a's comes :irstP
Da== *adies -irst )ari##s 8etails *alls to An' Mo-ilin. num-er ,22pm - 7am/ *alls to An' Mo-ilin. num-er , #pm-Dpm / *alls to An' Mo-ilin. num-er ,2st Minute/ *alls to An' Mo-ilin. num-er ,$nd minute on<ards/ *alls to all mo-ile net<or.s M +andline num-ers in Pa.istan SMS -ased Aalue Added Ser8ices Su-scription SMS ,Push -ased Aalue Added Ser8ices/ SMS - An' mo-ilin. num-er SMS - An' other net<or. Bolo SMS )utgoing ,Mo-ilin./ Bolo SMS )utgoing ,An' other net<or./ Bolo SMS Recei8ing directl' Bolo SMS Recei8ing later MMS )utgoing per 50 7B ,Rs(/ MMS Recei8ing ,Rs(/ >PRS Rate per MB ,Rs(/ Rates Rs( 5(00 N hour ,26$/ Rs( 2(50 N min Rs( $(50 N min Rs( 2(50 N min Rs( $(50 N min Rs( #0 N month Rs( $(00 N SMS Rs( 2(00 N SMS Rs( 2(50 N SMS Rs( $ 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes Rs( # 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes !ree Rs( 2 0 ta4 per $ IAR minutes ,this is a8aila-le :or Mo-ilin. su-scri-ers onl'/ D !ree 23

Da== o&tane


"he hot ne< pac.age :rom mo-ilin. Fa 6 is customi ed to meet the needs o: the highl' d'namic and energetic ur-an 'outh o: Pa.istan( "he pac.age entitles 'ou to our lo<est sms rates6 lo<er night rates6 and the coolest rates :or three :a8ourite num-ers(

Mo<ilin9 indi$o
Mo-ilin. re-launched its postpaid ser8ices on the 22th o: Ma'6 $004 under the -rand name6 Indigo( Indigo ignited an e8olution in the communication industr' rede:ining the essence o: the post paid ser8ices in Pa.istan ( "he -rand delicatel' caters to the need o: its customers6 s'm-oli ing the 8ision o: connecting the su-scri-ers in e8er' aspect o: li:e( In li:e 'ou come across some e4ceptional people6 <ho li.e 'ou appreciate onl' the :iner things in li:e( =hen it comes to creating a -ond and sta'ing connected to them count on Indigo :or its unri8alled premium post R paid connecti8it' to get 'ou through( !urther more it o::ers

!reedom unlimited -asic ,:u-/ !reedom unlimited premium ,:up/ Indigo tal. :iesta D M 2$ months

Mo<ilin9 1C,
!or the :irst time e8er Mo-ilin. -rings Mo-ilin. P*)6 a re8olution in its o<n right that shall surel' set apace the <a' our consumers communicate at the grass root le8el( Mo-ilin. P*) is a :i4ed <ireless phone that has special P*) :unctions capa-ilit'( It consists o: t<o +*9Cs that helps customers to .eep a tap on the duration and the costing o: the calls the' ma.e(

"his latest 8enture :rom Mo-ilin. is aimed at -ringing prosperit' and happiness :or all the people throughout Pa.istan( ItCs a complete sel:-emplo'ment solution :or the people o: Pa.istan6 :ul:illing their dreams and aspirations(


Mo-ilin. P*) does not onl' gi8e its consumers higher returns on a 8er' lo< in8estment -ut it <ill also create a <orld o: -etter prospects in terms o: a consistent source o: income :or them(

=here8er 'ou are6 throughout Pa.istan <hether the remotest deserts o: Sindh or the spectacular pea.s up north e4pect unparallel co8erage :rom 'our Mo-ilin. P*)( =ith this unit 'ou shall e4perience e8en higher returns e8en though the in8estment in terms o: capital is 8er' minimal( Mo-ilin. P*) is a <orld o: opportunities <ithin its sel:(

%u< 1rodu&ts o# Mo<ilin9 Indi$o

Mo-ilin. Blac.-err': Blac.-err' is the leading <ireless enterprise solution o::ered -' Research in Motion +td( ,RIM/ that .eeps mo-ile pro:essionals connected to people and in:ormation <hile on the go( It is a pro8en plat:orm that pro8ides users around the <orld <ith secure6 <ireless access to a :ull suite o: -usiness applications(

It includes %mail Phone SMS =e)rgani er !eatures

Blac.Berr'S solution comes <ith a Mo-ile phone6 <hich allo<s 'ou to get instant emails on 'our Blac.-err'S handheld( "his is a push--ased e-mail solution <here access is a8aila-le to 'our in:ormation <hile roaming nationall' and internationall' in selected locations( "hese emails can either -e personal or o::icial( Blac.Berr'S also allo<s 'ou sur: the internet(


IS) 100$ Tualit' Management S'stem *erti:ication :or Billing6 %ngineering 9epartments and *S *ontact *enter

Implementation o: a :ull Intelligent Net<or. ,IN/ plat:orm :rom Siemens :or the Prepaid plat:orm

+argest *all *enter in Pa.istan6 <hich is there to assist the customers $4 hours

)nl' cellular ser8ice in Pa.istan to pro8ide co8erage on the M$ motor<a'

Bilateral roaming in o8er 2#0 countries around the <orld <ith true international roaming <ith o8er #00 operators across the glo-e

!irst mo-ile operator in Pa.istan to o::er e4tensi8e >PRS Roaming and Blac.-err' Roaming ser8ices


M,BI*I.7 3%M>s Short Message Ser8ice *enter allo<s Aehicle " and !leet Management ser8ices that are -eing pro8ided -' " ,P8t(/ +td(6 under the -rand name o: *-"rac.6 a compan' licensed -' Pa.istan "elecom Authorit' ,P"A/( " currentl' operates :rom 7arachi -ut can pro8ide these :acilities at all those locations <here >SM co8erage is a8aila-le(


9uring the last 24 'ears6 Mo-ilin. has set up one o: the largest cellular net<or.s in the countr'( *urrentl'6 <e are co8ering more than 2060000 cities and to<ns( "his has in8ol8ed an in8estment in the compan' o: more than @SU 2 Billion( =e ha8e DD S<itches and more than D6#00 cell sites and the num-er .eeps gro<ing at a rapid pace( =e also ha8e deplo'ed around 56000 .m o: optical ca-le(

Bears o: Business *ities In8estment S<itches *ell Sites )ptical *a-le 9eplo'ment S<itches Radio Base Stations Intelligent Net<or.s Micro<a8e %;uipment )perating !re;uenc' SMS*

24 2060000 @S9 2 Billion0 700 760000 56000 7M No.ia-Siemens6 Alcatel6 5ua<ei Motorola and Alcatel( Siemens N%* and Alcatel 100N2300 M5 +ogica *M>


2.0Corporate %o&ial Responsi<ilit"

Mo-ilin. -elie8es in pla'ing an acti8e role in supporting the communit' and social de8elopment o: Pa.istan( )ur *orporate Social Responsi-ilit' goes -e'ond donations <here-' <e ta.e into :ull account the impact that Mo-ilin. creates on all sta.eholders and on the en8ironment <hen decisions( =e recogni e that an educated6 health' societ' is Pa.istanEs .e' to ensuring sustaina-le de8elopment and <e do our -est to gi8e -ac. to the communit' <e operate in( %ach 'ear6 Mo-ilin. and its sta:: contri-ute signi:icantl' to charities and communit' proFects to help -ring a-out a -etter ;ualit' o: li:e to the less pri8ileged in the communit' and enrich the li8es o: Pa.istanis through support in local arts6 education and sports(

Mo-ilin. has made 8arious donations to educational institutes( "his includes donating computers to the !ederal Board o: Intermediate and Secondar' %ducation6 donating Rs( 2006000 to Pa.istan Institute o: Medical Sciences to set up a computer la-6 and sponsoring the commemorati8e ceremon' :or the golden Fu-ilee o: *adet *ollege6 5asana-dal(


Mo-ilin.Cs alliance <ith the international 7ara !ilm !esti8al demonstrates its commitment to the promotion o: art and theatre( "he :esti8al creates a space :or alternati8e and independent cinematographers6 -oth e4perienced and ne< :ilmma.ers6 to e4hi-it their creati8e endea8ors in Pa.istan(

Mo-ilin. -elie8es in supporting the communit' not onl' through sponsorships -ut also through emplo'ee in8ol8ement( In addition to sponsorships6 Mo-ilin. encourages its emplo'ees to -e engaged in communit' <el:are <or. and to support rele8ant causes(

9uring the de8astating earth;ua.e that struc. Areas o: Pa.istan6 Mo-ilin. <as amongst the :irst to respond to the crisis(


2.1%6,) Anal"sis
(%tren$th 6ea9nesses ,pportunities )hreads) %tren$ths

!ranchise o: )rascom6 a <ell 7no<n %g'ptian telecom compan' is considered 8er' strong and relia-le(

Being the oldest international telecom compan'6 Mo-ilin. has captured most o: the potential customers -' penetrating in the earl' stages o: de8elopment(,No< $3million/

*o8ering o8er 206000 cities6 to<ns and 8illages across the Pa.istan(

!irst operator to introduce IR :or the people o: Pa.istan( *urrentl' our net<or. co8ers more then 200 countries across the glo-e <ith o8er #00 roaming partners(

5uman resources are considered as the asset o: the organi ation(

Mar.eting strategies o: Mo-ilin. are more e::ecti8e and more capti8ating than an' o: its competitors present in Pa.istan(

Aentures <ith <<n -an.s li.e M*B6 *iti-an. :or Mo-ilin. etc(

A 8er' strong -rand image



Instead o: all its strength still considered to -e the most e4pensi8e telecom compan' -oth in call rates and SMS as compared to the its competitors( %ngineering department o: Mo-ilin. is not that <ell competent as compared to its ne< competitors(

=ith :irst e4pending customer -ased customer care :acilities need to -e e4pended simultaneousl' :or customer retention along side s<itch capacit' net<or.s co8erage(


Potential opportunit' is there as telecommunication has -ecome the need o: people all around the <orld( "he :ourth e4pend its net<or.s in the areas <here other net<or. ha8e -een una-le to reach( "o -ring in more inno8ati8e ser8ices li.e Mo-ilin. P*)6 Mo-ile lost Nstolen phone in:ormation etc( this can -e done -' hiring :resh and competiti8e sta::( Ser8ices in the :uture can -e !i4ed line "elephone =ireless *alling *ards



Biggest threats are the ne< competitors li.e "elenor <ho recentl' entered in telecom o: Pa.istan(

%mplo'ees retention is also issue o: concern :or Mo-ilin. as most o: the emplo'ees get attracted -' the more handsome salar' paid -' recentl' happenings multi-nationals

+oss o: lo'al customer can -e one o: the issues as the' are mo8ing to<ard the less e4penses pac.age o: competitors(

@:one "elenor =arid

P"*+ *alling *ards =ireless


Area o# M" 6or9 and +:perien&e

3.1-inan&e 8epartment 0ierar&h"


1*A..I32 8+/+*,1M +.) 6I.3

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%5%)+M R+/I+6 6I.3

9uring m' si4 <ee.s o: internship I per:ormed man' duties <hich added to m' e4perience and learning( All the tas.s that I e4ecuted ga8e me a sense o: responsi-ilit'( Sometimes there <as too much responsi-ilit' on me6 too much -urden <as there( At times things <ere slo<6 'et I <anted to <or. more( !ollo<ing tas.s and duties <ere per:ormed -' me during m' Internship:


-ield ,perations
In the !ield )perations o: !inance department I earned a great e4perience and learnt a lot o: s.ills <hich <ill -e 8er' help:ul in coming :uture career(

3.2Commission 1a"ment
=ith the help o: Mr( !ai an A$ *ommission )::icer( =hat I ha8e learnt <ith him is he <as responsi-le :or commission pa'ment( *ommission is paid on the sale o: post-paid and Prepaid Sims to the :ranchises all o8er the countr'( *ommission on prepaid Sims is paid in lump sum <hile commission on the postpaid Sim is paid and adFusted in three installments( *ommission is paid to B(9()ES ,Business 9e8elopment )::icer )ut Source %mplo'ees o: the Mo-ilin. usuall' on contract/6 to agencies and the emplo'ees <ho collect due -ill :rom the post paid customers and direct commission is paid to the emplo'ees o: the Mo-ilin. :or sale o: Sims and the cards( *ommission polic' .eeps on changing and ne< commission charges are calculated on the -asis on ne< commission polic' <hich is :ormulated -' the sales manager(

3.3Mo!ement Re&ord o# Bla&9<err" 0andsets

Mo-ilin. o::ers the -usiness cell phone -lac.-err' :or the con8ince o: customer( I maintain the record o: -lac.-err' recei8ed in the main -usiness centre ,+ahore/ issued to the di::erent regional centers trans:er-in6 trans:er-out and sales o: handsets( In the head ;uarter Mo-ilin. maintain the record o: mo8ement o: -lac.-err' o: all -usiness center and regional centers <ise mo8ements on the dail' -ases and M"9 ,month to date/ -ases( I: an' error <as :ound it <ould -e corrected -' comparing the record recei8ed :rom the -usiness and regional centers and record -eing maintained in the head o::ice(

3.41ro&ess o# /endors Bills (1hoeni:)

Phoeni4 pro8ides the cash carr'ing ser8ices :or the Mo-ilin. in all o8er the countr'( Phoeni4 sent its monthl' -ills due to Mo-ilin. :or pa'ment( A:ter recei8ing -ills these are compared <ith the -ills records maintained -' the $3

Mo-ilin. and i: an' discrepanc' -eing :ound in these are recti:ied according to the negotiated terms and conditions -eing mentioned on the contracts -et<een the Phoeni4 and Mo-ilin.(

3.@1ro&essin$ o# re#und Che?ues

"he customers <ho ha8e the Indigo ,postpaid/ connections <hen the' temporaril' or permanentl' <ant to closed their accounts the' :ile the application :or re:und o: their securit' deposits( A:ter recei8ing the re;uest :rom the customers6 I ha8e entered the rele8ant in:ormation in the )racle data -ase and printed the *he;ues6 then a:ter processing the *he;ues I ha8e mailed the no o-Fection re;uest <ith their *he;ues to their rele8ant destinations ,!ranchises/(

3.A1reparation o# Reports Re$ardin$ 1a"ment o# )a:

Mo-ilin. -asicall' pa's three t'pes o: ta4:o *ustomer ta4 or ad8ance ta4 o Sales ta4 o Acti8ation ta4

Customer )a: and Ad!an&e )a:

ItEs a ta4 t'pe in <hich the Mo-ilin. deducts the ta4 :rom the customer in ad8ance and pa' this ta4 to go8ernment(

%ales )a:
"he ta4 <hich Mo-ilin. pa's to the go8ernment on the sale o: its products ,Sims *ards6 %as' loads/(


A&ti!ation )a:
"he Mo-ilin. pa's that ta4 onl' <hen Sim is acti8ated a:ter purchase(

I ha8e prepared reports :or the ta4 charges calculation and then compared it <ith the ta4 due -ills -eing sent -' the go8ernment( I: error is :ound it is -eing in:ormed and corrected6 and i: error not :ound it is sent to the superiors(

Mo-ilin. is a place <here one can li8e his dreams and pursue a career that re:lects his s.ills and passions( People in Mo-ilin. gi8e :le4i-ilit' :or change6 the opportunit' to learn6 and pro8iding career options <ith endless possi-ilities "his report is a-out mo-ilin. Pa.istan the leading telecom compan' in Pa.istan( "he methodological < and s.ill -ased areas o: ser8ice-oriented organi ation( In that course I <as gi8en an orientation on the particular attri-utes and < o: all the 8arious segments especiall' o: :inance department( Mo-ilin. reach to the top( In the end <e <ould li.e to conclude that this course o: internship has helped me a lot In understanding the main concept o: practical li:e and has also pro8ided us <ith "he .no<ledge that <ould -e help:ul :or the :uture( is the leading telecom compan' in Pa.istan and their 8arious policies( And procedures ha8e ena-led them to



Although Mo-ilin. is the leading share holder o: its categor' and till the time the' emerged in Pa.istan the' ha8e -een doing e8er' thing right (-ut still their can -e a :e< recommendation <hich :eel the' should consider(

Re&onsider their rates

"he polic' ma.ers o: mo-ilin. should reconsider their call and sms ratesAs the' are no more a monopol' in the countr' no< the' are to :ace competition6 <hich -' no regard is eas'(

%tep #or retention o# the &ustomers

5uman -eing are prone to e4perimentV same is the case here as more telecom companies are entering the competition people are mo8ing more to<ards them( so :or the s.e< o: retaining their customer mo-ilin. should -ecome more d'namic -' introducing ne< and more customer :riendl' pac.ages(

Mo<ilin9 should (or9 on net(or9 impro!ement Mo<ilin9 should attra&t ma:imum &ustomers and satis#" them.


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