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The Correlation between Atherosclerosis and Chilli consumption

Mutiara Citraristi 030.09.162 Trisakti University Faculty of Medicine Jakarta 2012


The purpose of this literature review is to know how far the benefits of chilli consumption to reduce the number of atherosclerosis. One of the most important risk factors for heart disease and any vascular disease is caused by atherosclerosis. According to the America Heart Association, 36,3 percent of deaths in 2004 caused by cardiovascular disease. That means the atherosclerotic has a big deal with this condition. Based on the research by Chinese University of Hongkong found the great benefits of chilli for health. Capsaicinoid that gives spicy sensation on chilli known can make a healthy heart and blood vessel. From the experiment proved that the compound can decreased cholesterol levels. Not only for the heart, capsaicinoid also can reduce fat in blood vessel. Some human studies have indicated that the consumption of chili-containing meals increases energy expenditure and fat oxidation, which may help to reduce obesity and related disorders. Because habitual diets affect the activity and responsiveness of receptors involved in regulating and transporting nutrients, the effects of regular consumption of chili on metabolic responses to meals require investigation.


Atherosclerosis is derived from the greek athero, meaning gruel or wax, corresponding to the neurotic core area at the base of the atherosclerotic plaque, and sclerosis for hardening, referring to the fibrous cap of the plaques luminal edge. The earliest pathologic descriptions of atherosclerotic lesions focused on morphologies of fatty streaks to fibroatheromas and advanced plaques complicated by hemorrhage, calcification, ulceration and thrombosis.1 Chili is the fruit of plants from the genus capsicum, members of the nightshade family, solanaceae. Chili contain a special chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin on chili not only gives spicy sensation but also gives another advantages for our health. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition said that capsaicin can make a healthy heart, lungs, anti aging, and can help the circulation of the blood vessel. Indonesia is one of the most country in the world that have a large consumption of pepper but not many people know about the advantage of pepper. Study in China and America said that chili onsumption can help the balancing of our body and in India, peppers i used as ayurveda (traditional medicine in India).

Epidemiology and Etiology of Atherosclerosis Sudden cardiac death as afirst manifestation of the atherosclerotic proccess occure in >450.000 individuals anually. The vast majority of acute myocardial infarctions (approximately 75%) occur from plaque rupture. Although lesions with rupture occur in men of all ages, the frequency of sudden coronary death decreases with advancing age.2 The etiology of atherosclerotic is unknown, but there are multiple factor that contribute to atherosclerotic plaque progression. These include genetic and acquired factors. Processes involved in atherosclerosis include coagulation, inflamation, lipid metabolism, intimal injury, and smooth muscle cell proliferation. Factors that affect these processes may inhibit or acceleate atheroscleroic. The most common risk factors are family history, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking, hypertension, and dietary deficiencies of antioxidants.3

Clinical Features and Imaging Atherosclerosis causes symptoms by arterial obstruction, embolization of plaque maerial, and weakening with rupture of the arterial wall. Obstruction with or without embolization causes ischemia of the circulation supplied by the vessel. Ischemic strokes result from atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries and aortic arch, which embolize thrombi and atherosclerotic material, as well as local atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels.4 Athrosclerosis occurs in elastic and muscular arteries and may occur iatrogenically in vein grafts interposed in the arterial circulation. The aorta is affected earliest, followed by the carotid arteries, and illiofemoral arteries. The gold standart for imagng atheosclerotic lesions of the coronary circulation is angiography. Newer imaging modality, such as MRI, are being

developed that may provide less invasive methods of deterining sites of stenosis. Imaging of atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid circulation include carotid ultrasonography.5

Treatment of Atherosclerosis Once blockage is there, its generally there to stay. With medication and lifestyle changes, though, plaques may slow or stop growing. They may even shrink slightly with aggressive treatment.6 Lifestyle changes: reducing the lifestyle risk factors that lead to atherosclerosis will slow stop the process. That means a healthy diet, execise, and no smoking. These lifestyle changes wont remove blockages, but theyre proven to lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Medication : taking drugs for high cholesterol and high blood pressure wil slow and perhaps even halt the progression of atherosclerosis, as well as lower your risk of heart attacks and stroke.

The content of Chili peppers Based on the research, chili peppers contain capsaicin which is a special chemical. Capsaicin that cause the spicy flavour in chili. Besides capsaicin, chili has another contain such as vitamin A, B , C, E and various kinds of mineral such as potassium, manganese, folat, copper, and thiamine.7

Nutrients in Chili Peppers (3,60 grams) Nutrients Vitamin A Vitamin E Vitamin C Vitamin B6 Fiber Vitamin K Manganese Calories 29,9 % 5,3 % 4,5% 4,5% 3,9% 3,6% 3,5% 0% Daily value

The Advantages of Chili Peppers Chili has a lot of contain and every contain inside chili has their own benefits. The biggest benefit in chili is located in capsaicin. Capsaicin is a part of chili which is gives the sensation of spicy but not only that, capsaicin has a large ammount of advantages for our body. Reduce the levels of blood glucose : based on the research which is published to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, chili consumption proved can help decreased the levels of blood glucose for diabetes which is caused by obesity. This research show that chili peppers can stimulate and increased the production of insulin until 60%.8 Reduce stress: many people said that when they are eat chili peppers or eat something spicy while they are under the stress they would feel better. It caused capsaicin inside

chili peppers can stimulate enhorphine hormone which can show happiness and energetic. Anti aging : Based on the research, chili peppers contain of high levels vitamin C. As we known that vitamin C has function as anti oxydant which can prevent early aging. Boost immunity : chili peppers bright red colour signals its high content beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. Just two teaspoons of chili peppers provide 47% of the daily value for vitamin A. Often called the anti-infection vitamin, vitamin A is essensial for healthy epithelial tissues including the mucous membranes that line nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract and urinary tract and serve as the bodys first line of defense againts invading pathogens. Cardiovascular benefits: chili peppers have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol, trygliceride levels, and platelet aggregation, while increasing he bodys ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance integral to the formation of blood clots. Cultures where hot peppers are usually liberally have much lower rate of heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism.9

Correlation between Atherosclerosis and Chili consumption One of the component of atherosclerosis is fat or the accumulation of fat in blood vessel. The function of chili peppers here which is correlation with the formation of atherosclerosis is chili peppers can reduce the risk factor of plaque formation of atherosclerosis in blood vessels. The content of chili peppers is capsaicin, which is can help to reduce the ammount of plaque atheroma in blood vessels. The mechanism from capsaicin is increased damage of saturated fat and then throw it through feces. The saturated fat means LDL (low density lippoprotein) which is often induce the accumulation of plaque and can make injury in blood

vessels. Capsaicin is the content of chili which can gives spicy sensation and that sensation is getting by because capsaicin bind the receptor called subtype receptor vallinoid 1. If capasaicin baind that receptor, capsaicin would produce spicy sensation or feel like burning. So, when we chili consumption, there is happened to our bodies is not an pathology inflamation, but thats only the reaction of neuron to our bodies. Related to atherosclerosis, beside the content of capsaicin, the content of vitamin B which is content in chili too, also can accelerate the blood circulation and keep blood viscosity, so the blood flows become smothly. Beside caused by the high levels of cholestrol which can cause atherosclerosis plaque, high blood viscosity also can cause the formation of atherosclerosis plaque or thrombus which can cause disturbance in blood flows. Based on the research in America Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Chili consumption very important to keep a helathy heart and also can decreased the number of obesity through decreased the number of cholesterol.10 The research from Chinese University of Hongkong found that chili also important for our health. From the experiment to hamster, found that spcy compound (capsaicin) in chili can decreased cholesterol level in hamster as an animal experiment. Capsaicin act as inhibit of cyclooxygenase-2 which makes contraction artery and can block blood flows to the heart. Not only that, capsaicin also can reduce fat in blood vessels.11 Fat believed that can make artery restriction and can stimulate heart failure and cerebrovascular disease. Not only that, capsaicin also can reduce the rik factor of blood clot and blood pressure.

Conclusion There is a correlation between atherosclerosis and chili consumption, as shown by the data above. Although chili can decreased the accident number of atherosclerosis formation, we cant only chili consumption for prevent atherosclerosis. We should avoid another factor which can stimulate the formation of atherosclerosis such as life style, smoking, consumption high level cholesterol food and another factor. We also should keep do an exercise for increased the level of HDL.

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