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Weird weather EVENTS:


Draconic Clouds

Temperature: Extreme Cold High: -2 !" #- $!C% &ow: -'$!" #-'$!C% Warmer than normal &ight

(elati)e: Wind "orce:

Wind Speed: * mph #+ ,ph% Draconic Clouds: Clouds shaped li,e dragons and winged w-rms twist through the s,-. sometimes colliding and tearing through each other/

Extreme Cold: Extreme cold #0elow -21!"% deals $d* points o2 lethal damage per minute #no sa)e%/ 3n addition. a character must ma,e a "ortitude sa)e #DC $4. 5$ per pre)ious chec,% or ta,e $d' points o2 nonlethal damage/ Those wearing metal armor or coming into contact with )er- cold metal are a22ected as i2 0- a chill metal spell/

6 character who has the Sur)i)al s,ill ma- recei)e a 0onus on her sa)ing throw and ma0e a0le to appl- this 0onus to other characters as well/ Characters wearing winter clothing onl- need chec, once per hour 2or cold and exposure damage/

6 character who ta,es an- nonlethal damage 2rom cold or exposure is 0eset 0- 2rost0ite or h-pothermia #treat her as 2atigued%/ These penalties end when the character reco)ers the nonlethal damage she too, 2rom the cold and exposure/

Nonlethal damage 2rom cold or exposure cannot 0e reco)ered until the character gets out o2 the cold and warms up again/ 7nce a character is rendered unconscious through the accumulation o2 nonlethal damage. the cold and exposure 0egins to deal lethal damage at the same rate/


8reater Duststorm

Temperature: Se)ere Heat High: $ *!" #49!C% &ow: $21!" #':!C% Warmer than normal Windstorm

(elati)e: Wind "orce:

Wind Speed: *9 mph #$19 ,ph% 8reater Duststorm: 8reater duststorms dri)e 2ine grains o2 sand in windstorm-2orce winds/ The com0ined e22ects o2 dust and wind reduce )isi0ilit- to ;ero. ma,ing Spot. Search. and &isten chec,s and all ranged weapon attac,s impossi0le/

8reater duststorms automaticall- extinguish candles. torches. and similar unprotected 2lames/ The- ha)e a 94< chance to extinguish protected 2lames. such as those o2 lanterns/

Creatures must succeed on a DC $: "ort sa)e or 0e 0lown awa- #Small or smaller creatures= ,noc,ed prone and rolled $d' x $1 2eet. ta,ing $d' points o2 nonlethal damage per $1 2eet%. ,noc,ed down #>edium= prone%. or chec,ed #&arge or Huge= una0le to mo)e 2orward against the 2orce o2 the wind%/

6ir0orne creatures are instead 0lown 0ac, 2d* x $1 2eet and dealt 2d* points o2 nonlethal damage due to 0attering and 0u22eting #>edium or smaller creatures%. 0lown 0ac, $d* x $1 2eet #&arge%. or 0lown 0ac, $d* x 4 2eet #Huge or 8argantuan%/

3n addition. greater duststorms deal $d points o2 nonlethal damage each round to an-one caught out in the open without shelter and also pose a cho,ing ha;ard/ 6 character with a scar2 or similar protection across her mouth and nose does not 0egin to cho,e until a2ter a num0er o2 rounds e?ual to $1 x her Constitution score/

8reater duststorms lea)e 2d -$ 2eet o2 2ine sand in their wa,e/

Se)ere Heat: 3n se)ere heat #a0o)e $$1!"%. a character must ma,e a "ortitude sa)e once e)er- $1 minutes #DC $4. 5 $ 2or each pre)ious chec,% or ta,e $d' points o2 nonlethal damage/

Characters wearing hea)- clothing or armor o2 an- sort ta,e a -' penalt- on their sa)es/ 6 character with the Sur)i)al s,ill ma- recei)e a 0onus on her sa)ing throw and ma- 0e a0le to appl- this 0onus to other characters as well/

6 character who ta,es an- nonlethal damage 2rom heat exposure now su22ers 2rom heatstro,e and is 2atigued/ These penalties end when the character reco)ers the nonlethal damage she too, 2rom the heat/

Nonlethal damage 2rom heat exposure cannot 0e reco)ered until the character gets cooled o22 #reaches shade. sur)i)es until night2all. gets doused in water. is targeted 0endure elements. and so 2orth%/ 7nce rendered unconscious through the accumulation o2 nonlethal damage. the character 0egins to ta,e lethal damage at the same rate/

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