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SPIE proceedings manuscript sample (U.S.

letter size)

(. )regor* +one#,a, Titania A. -. (chmi$tb, .enneth /. ("0"1ia 2ation3# -e#earch Laborator*, &45 Photon 4ri5e, Lo# Angele#, 6A, 7(A 95555 0&458 b4ept. of 9ptic#, 6entral 7ni5.:6it* Branch, 987' Light A5e., Phila$elphia, PA 7(A 00555 9'42

Begin the ab#tract t;o line# belo; a"thor name# an$ a$$re##e#. The ab#tract #"mmari0e# 1e* fin$ing# in the paper. <t i# a paragraph of 250 ;or$# or le##. =or the "e#$ords, #elect "p to 8 1e* term# for a #earch on *o"r man"#cript># #"b?ect. %e#$ords& Time# -oman, image area, acron*m#, reference#

IN R'(U! I'N
Begin the <ntro$"ction t;o line# belo; the .e*;or$#. The man"#cript #ho"l$ not ha5e hea$er#, footer#, or page n"mber#. <t #ho"l$ be in a one col"mn format. -eference# are often note$ in the te!t1 an$ cite$ at the en$ of the paper. Margins <f the paper $oe# not ha5e the margin# #ho;n in Table 1, it ;ill not "ploa$ properl*.
Table 1. /argin# an$ print area #pecification#. PAPER MARGINS Letter 2.54 cm (1in.) Top margin 1.0 in. 4.94 cm (1.95 in.) Bottom margin 1.25 in. 1.925 cm (.76 in.) Left, right margin .875 in.

A4 Top margin Bottom margin Left, right margin

(2.54 cm) (3.17 cm) (2.22 cm)

Printable area all te!t, fig"re# an$ footnote#% A4% 17.1522.2& cm Letter %

'.758.75 in.

)onts Table 2 #ho;# the font #i0e# an$ highlighting in a t*pical man"#cript. The#e font @#t*le#@ are containe$ ;ith thi# #ample man"#cript an$ (ection 4 belo; e!plain# ho; to "#e them. 7#e Time# -oman or another #tan$ar$ font to a5oi$ font error#.




555 12&48



555 87'8

Table 2. /an"#cript font #i0e# an$ formatting. Thi# /icro#oft Cor$ template incl"$e# the#e format# a# a"tomate$ @#t*le#@, ;hich can be #electe$ in the =ormat men" (t*le# an$ =ormatting. D9ptE

Pre*ormatted SPIE emplate

Manuscript component


SPIE paper title

SPIE aut/ors0a**iliations
%e#$ords& ,.e*;or$#,

Description +, pt. -old. center

+1 pt.. center
10 pt., left ?"#tif*


(P<B ab#tract bo$* te!t

11 PT. BOLD, center

10 pt., ?"#tif*


+.+ 2eading 1. SPIE su-section /eading (P<B bo$* te!t
(P<B fig"re caption (P<B table caption (P<B footnote te!t

11 pt. BOLD, center, whole numbers

+3 pt. -old. le*t 4usti*#. su-section num-ers 10 pt., ?"#tif*
9 pt., ?"#tif* belo; fig"re 9 pt., ?"#tif* abo5e fig"re 9 pt., ?"#tif*, n"mbere$

1. (P<B reference li#ting

++ pt. B'5(. center

10 pt., ?"#tif*, n"mbere$ in brac1et#



6enter the paper title at the top of the page in 1' pt. bol$. 9nl* the fir#t ;or$, proper no"n#, an$ acron*m# are capitali0e$. .eep title# brief an$ $e#cripti5e. (pell o"t acron*m# "nle## the* are ;i$el* 1no;n. A5oi$ #tarting ;ith article# or prepo#ition#, e.g., FThe #t"$* of G ,H or, F9n the G.H Aut/or a**iliations The a"thor li#t i# in 12 pt. reg"lar, centere$. 9mit title# an$ $egree# #"ch a# 4r., Prof., Ph.4., etc. The li#t of affiliation# follo;#. Bach a"thor># affiliation #ho"l$ be clearl* note$. Section /eadings (ection hea$ing# are 11 pt. bol$ capital#, centere$. (ection# n"mber# ha5e ;hole n"mber#, e.g., 1, 2, &G 4on>t n"mber the @Ac1no;le$gement#@ an$ @-eference#.@ Iea$ing# often "#e$ are% 1. <ntro$"ction, 2. /etho$olog*, &. 4ata, 4. -e#"lt#, an$ 5. 6oncl"#ion#. Su-section /eading ("b#ection hea$ing# are left ?"#tifie$, 10 pt. bol$. 6apitali0e the fir#t ;or$, acron*m#, an$ proper no"n#. Paragrap/s A$$ a blan1 line abo5e an$ belo; #ection hea$ing# an$ bet;een paragraph#. A5oi$ hea$ing# or one line paragraph# at the top or bottom of a page b* "#ing page brea1# or e!tra blan1 line#. 9ne metho$ to pre#er5e page brea1# i# to ma1e the bottom margin a little larger than the #pecification#. <n$entation i# optional. Thi# #pacing i# a"tomatic if *o" are "#ing the (P<B @#ection@ #t*le# in Cor$. e6t Te!t i# 10 point an$ ?"#tifie$. Bach #entence en$# ;ith a perio$ an$ a #ingle #pace before the ne!t #entence.

)igures and captions =ig"re# are centere$. 7#e or in#ert .?pg, .tiff, or .gif ill"#tration# in#tea$ of Po;erPoint or graphic con#tr"ction#. 6aption# go belo; fig"re#. <n$ent 5 #pace# from left margin an$ ?"#tif*.

=ig"re 1. =ig"re caption# are in$ente$ 5 #pace# an$ ?"#tifie$. <f *o" are familiar ;ith Cor$ #t*le#, *o" can in#ert a fiel$ co$e calle$ (eJ fig"re ;hich a"tomaticall* n"mber# *o"r fig"re#.

a-les and captions Table# are centere$. The caption goe# abo5e the table. The caption te!t #ho"l$ in$ent 5 #pace# from left margin an$ ?"#tif*. Table e!ample# are on page 1 an$ 2 an$ belo;.


Ki$eo an$ a"$io file# can be incl"$e$ for p"blication. Table & li#t# the #pecification# for the m"litime$ia file#. 7#e a #creen#hot or another .?pg ill"#tration for placement in the te!t. 7#e the file name to begin the caption. The te!t of the caption m"#t en$ ;ith the te!t @http%::$!.$$oi.n" ;hich tell# the (P<B e$itor ;here to in#ert the h*perlin1 in the $igital 5er#ion of the man"#cript. Iere i# a #ample ill"#tration an$ caption for a m"ltime$ia file%

Ki$eo 2. A label of FKi$eo:A"$io 1, 2, GH #ho"l$ appear at the beginning of the caption to in$icate to ;hich m"ltime$ia file it i# lin1e$ . <ncl"$e thi# te!t at the en$ of the caption% http%::$!.$$oi.n"

Table &. <nformation on 5i$eo an$ a"$io file# that can accompan* a man"#cript #"bmi##ion.

=ile name 2"mber of file# (i0e of each file =ile t*pe# accepte$ 0 10 ma!. 5 mb

Ki$eo1, 5i$eo2, G 0 10 ma!. 5mb .;a5, .mp&

A"$io1, a"$io2, G

.mpeg, .mo5 DL"ic1timeE, .;m5 DCin$o;# /e$ia Pla*erE


7#e common font# li1e Time# -oman in *o"r math eJ"ation#. A math reference in a paragraph #entence #"ch a#

i# not n"mbere$. The #tep# of a mathematical arg"ment can be n"mbere$ "#ing a right aligne$ tab for clarit*, for e!ample MN an$ Dx x E . N

b b 2ac 2o




Thi# $oc"ment template an$ more information i# a5ailable on (P<!14101.!ml or b* emailing a" 8ie$ t/e pre:*ormatted st#les


To #ee the format# a5ailable ;ith thi# man"#cript, go to the =ormat men" an$ choo#e @(t*le# an$ =ormatting@. To 5ie; ;hich #t*le i# being "#e$ in an* part of thi# $oc"ment, place *o"r c"r#or on the line an$ loo1 in the (t*le# an$ =ormatting $i#pla*. Using SPIE st#les To "#e thi# template in /icro#oft Cor$% open thi# file an$ #a5e it to a ne; file name. T*pe o5er the e!i#ting te!t ;ith *o"r paper. Alternatel*, *o" can $elete all te!t, an$ #elect the (P<B #t*le for each paragraph from the (t*le# an$ =ormatting men". Notes on SPIE st#les The #t*le# li#te$ in Table 2 a"tomaticall* a$$ e!tra #pacing before an$:or after paragraph#% (P<B title, (P<B a"thor# affiliation#, (P<B #ection hea$ing, (P<B #"b#ection hea$ing, an$ (P<B bo$* te!t. The 1.1 Iea$ing 2 #t*le a"tomaticall* goe# into the bo$* te!t #t*le after one paragraph ret"rn.

(P<B i# able to $i#pla* the reference# #ection of *o"r paper in the (P<B 4igital Librar*, complete ;ith lin1# to reference$ ?o"rnal article#, procee$ing# paper#, an$ boo1#, ;hen a5ailable. Thi# a$$e$ feat"re ;ill bring more rea$er# to *o"r paper an$ impro5e the "#ef"lne## of the (P<B 4igital Librar* for all re#earcher#. 4enote reference citation# ;ithin the te!t of *o"r paper b* mean# of a #"per#cript n"mber. Li#t reference# at the en$ of the paper in n"merical or$er, an$ enclo#e the reference n"mber in #J"are brac1et#. <ncl"$e the follo;ing information Da# applicableE. <f *o" "#e thi# formatting, *o"r reference# ;ill lin1 *o"r man"#cript to other re#earch paper# that are in the 6ro##-ef #*#tem. B!act p"nct"ation i# reJ"ire$ for the a"tomate$ lin1ing to be #"cce##f"l. boo1%
[1] Booth, N. and Smith, A. S., [Infrared Detectors], Goodwin House Pub ishers, New !or" # Boston, $%1&$%' (1))*+.

?o"rnal paper% procee$ing# paper% ;eb#ite%

[$] Da,is, A. -., Bush, .., Har,e/, 0. .. and 1o e/, 2. 1., 31resne enses in rear 4ro5ection dis4 a/s,3 SID Int. S/m4. Di6est 7ech. Pa4ers 8$(1+, )8%&)8* ($991+.

P&Q Kan 4erlof#1e, +. =., @6omp"ter mo$eling of LB4 light pipe #*#tem# for "niform $i#pla* ill"mination,@ Proc. (P<B 4445, 119 129 D2001E.

P4Q /*hr5ol$, 2., F6onfe##ion# of a c*ber#haman,H (late, 12 +"ne 1997, Rhttp%::;;; 0' 12:6ritical/a##.a#pS D19 9ctober 1997E. ;;;.optic#4*"

Booth, 2. an$ (mith, A. (., P<nfrare$ 4etector#Q, )oo$;in Io"#e P"bli#her#, 2e; Tor1 U Bo#ton, 241 248 D1997E. 4a5i#, A. -., B"#h, 6., Iar5e*, +. 6. an$ =ole*, /. =. , 31resne enses in rear 4ro5ection dis4 a/s,3 SID Int. S/m4. Di6est 7ech. Pa4ers
8$(1+, )8%&)8* ($991+. :an Der ofs"e, 0. 1., 3.om4uter mode in6 of ;<D i6ht 4i4e s/stems for uniform dis4 a/ i umination,3 Proc. SPI< %%%=, 11)&1$) ($991+.

/*hr5ol$, 2., F6onfe##ion# of a c*ber#haman,H (late, 12 +"ne 1997, Rhttp%::;;; 0' 12:6ritical/a##.a#pS D19 9ctober 1997E. ;;;.optic#4*" P5Q +one#, 6. +., 4irector, /i#cellaneo"# 9ptic# 6orporation, inter5ie;, (ept. 2& 2011 P'Q =amil*2ame, )i5en2ame <nitial., @Title,@ (o"rce, pgV D*earE.

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