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Incoming Mayors Speech 15 December 2008

In-Coming Mayors Speech Honoured Guests; Members of state and Federal Parliaments; Hon. Christine Campbell, Hon. Carlo Carli, Kelvin Thomson M.H.R., former mayors; oe Caputo, Robert !aro""a, Mar# $%&rien, Mar# Hi''inbotham; former "oun"illors of the City of Moreland, Milad (l Halabi, )ndrea *haram, +aniel de !oren,is; fello- Coun"illors, Coun"il $ffi"ers, "iti,ens of Moreland and friends. . am proud and honoured to stand here as the ele"ted Mayor of this 'reat, vibrant and diverse "ity. My fello- "oun"illors besto- a 'reat privile'e and responsibility upon me. . e/press my sin"ere appre"iation to them for pla"in' their trust in me to lead this Coun"il throu'h its first year. . ta#e this responsibility and the trust they have sho-n in me very seriously. . "ommit to servin' the people of Moreland to the best of my abilities -ith vision, enthusiasm and ener'y. . am determined to lead Coun"il in a"hievin' the aspirations of our "ommunity and our "olle"tive ele"tion promises. . pay my respe"ts to the lo"al indi'enous people of Moreland, a"#no-led'in' that -e are on the traditional tribal lands of the 0urund1eri people. . offer my respe"ts to their (lders and to all )bori'inal and Torres *trait .slander people. )s a ne- Coun"il -e have "hallen'in' tas#s ahead of us over the ne/t 2 years; than#fully, -e have ener'y and a shared plan to respond to those "hallen'es and improve our Coun"il by 'ettin' the basi"s ri'ht. &efore . 'o any further, . -ould li#e to re"o'nise the team around me, and our history.

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In-Coming Mayors Speech Firstly, on behalf of the in"omin' Coun"illors, . than# all the former Coun"illors -ho served from 5662867. 9ours -as a diffi"ult role; one in -hi"h you balan"ed a -ide ran'e of interests and demands from various :"ompetin' 'roups% throu'hout the muni"ipality. 0ell done, you fulfilled your role responsibly and presided over and, handed this in"omin' Coun"il a finan"ially sound or'ani,ation -ith a balan"ed bud'et. To all previous Moreland Mayors -ho "ontributed their o-n uni;ue a"hievements, . than# you for your "ontribution to our "ity. .n parti"ular, to the out'oin' Mayor, oe Caputo; . a"#no-led'e your 'ood -or# -ith the various "ommunities, your drive for fairness, e;uity and "ultural diversity and your even8handedness and in"lusiveness -ith other "oun"illors, irrespe"tive of their affiliations or "auses. oe, . "on'ratulate you for your 'reat -or# and your tireless effort over many years; on behalf of all present toni'ht 8 than# you for a 1ob -ell done. *e"ondly, to all present, espe"ially the former "oun"illors and "andidates and those disappointed they -ere unsu""essful in the re"ent ele"tion; . than# you for parti"ipatin' in our demo"rati" pro"ess and en"oura'e you to "ontinue your involvement in our "ommunity. !et me issue this "hallen'e to you, the residents of Moreland< 'et involved in your lo"al 'overnment, ta#e part in the pro"esses of "onsultation and Coun"il meetin's, have a stron' voi"e, and be heard. Moreland is a 'reat pla"e to live, but to'ether -e "an ma#e it even better. The re"ent Moreland ele"tions revealed a "ommunity -ith a #een desire for fresh leadership, a "ommunity that supports a solid poli"y platform and "andidates -ho listen and a"t in the interests of Moreland residents.
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In-Coming Mayors Speech Coun"il has demonstrated its "apa"ity to rene- itself throu'h the ele"tion pro"ess and by developin' stron' poli"ies to solve problems and respond to emer'in' issues. Coun"il has also sho-n its ability to refle"t, throu'h its "omposition, our 'reat multi"ultural and diverse "ommunity. . am part of this fresh approa"h to Coun"il. My o-n ba"#'round also refle"ts the diversity of the muni"ipality . no- lead. My parents mi'rated to )ustralia from Gree"e, -ith very little money and no #no-led'e of the (n'lish lan'ua'e. They settled in &runs-i"# and -or#ed hard to "ontribute to the ne- "ountry they no- "all home. People, li#e my parents, "ontinue to arrive in Moreland, brin'in' their food, their dress, their lan'ua'es and their "ustoms, and -ith ea"h enhan"in' the ri"hness of our lives and "ommunity. 0hilst the title of :Mayor% brin's -ith it a de'ree of authority and di'nity, The Mayor is one of eleven Coun"illors, -ho share e;ually in the de"ision8 ma#in' pro"ess. The statements and vie-s e/pressed by the Mayor must al-ays represent the vie-s and poli"ies of fello- Coun"illors. To'ether -e are a team; -e all have uni;ue talents and perspe"tives and -e are all "ommitted to servin' the best interests of the Moreland "ommunity. Coun"illors, . pled'e to you, and all present toni'ht, that -e -ill -or# to'ether in the best interests of our Moreland Community. =nder my leadership, Coun"il -ill demonstrate that it has the "apa"ity to harness its mission of improvin' our so"iety for the benefit of residents and ratepayers. =nder my leadership, and -ith my fello- Coun"illors% assistan"e, -e -ill ensure Moreland is re"o'nised as a first "lass lo"al "oun"il.

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In-Coming Mayors Speech .n the past, Moreland has e/"elled in dealin' -ith "limate "han'e, re"on"iliation and multi"ulturalism. 0e need to build on that. .t is time to be #no-n for e/"ellin' in the delivery of essential servi"es to our "ommunity. Residents no- ri'htly e/pe"t to be "onsulted and listened to, as part of the de"ision8ma#in' pro"ess. .t is in"umbent on Coun"il to listen, a"t and deliver on the basi" thin's that matter most to the lo"al "ommunity. 0e must deliver on the #ey issues of street repairs, street "leanin', rubbish "olle"tions, lo"al amenity, plannin', par#s, 'ardens and servi"es to the youn' and elderly; and 0e must be open and a""ountable; our de"isions must be transparent, espe"ially around plannin' and finan"e matters. $ur roads and footpaths are in need of further repair. .n my term of offi"e, Coun"il -ill develop an infrastru"ture pro'ram to ma#e sure our lo"al roads and footpaths are repaired and made safe for our entire "ommunity. 0e -ill rebuild Cobur' throu'h the :Cobur' .nitiative% and start similar pro1e"ts for &runs-i"# and Glenroy. .n partnership -ith the *tate Government, Coun"il -ill re8develop the &runs-i"# &aths. Coun"il -ill also rene- the $a# Par# );uati"s Centre and revie- the openin' hours of all outdoor pools, to better meet residents% needs.

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In-Coming Mayors Speech Coun"il -ill also fo"us on providin' servi"es to youn' people. +ru's, al"ohol and unemployment are needlessly harmin' youn' lives. 0e have a responsibility to the youth of Moreland, to brin' viable 1obs into the distri"t and ensure e;uality of opportunity from s"hoolin' to employment. .n my term of offi"e, Coun"il -ill lobby both *tate and Federal 'overnment to deliver real 1obs, parti"ularly into our a"tivity "entres, so that people "an live and -or# lo"ally. To our seniors and the a'ein', you -ho -or#ed so hard to defend this 'reat nation in -ars and "onfli"ts, you -ho -or#ed hard to edu"ate your "hildren and are no- approa"hin' or are in retirement, Coun"il and the "ommunity o-e you a debt of 'ratitude. .n my term of offi"e, Coun"il -ill deliver more and better servi"es, li#e Meals on 0heels and Home Help to assist you maintain your independen"e and sense of "ommunity. 0ith the "urrent -orld e"onomi" un"ertainty, Coun"il must be fle/ible to adapt and "han'e if and -hen re;uired. The "risis is 'lobal and . a""ept that on its o-n Coun"il "an do little to influen"e the e"onomy. Ho-ever, Coun"il understands the finan"ial pressure fa"ed by residents and in parti"ular, pensioners. .n my term of offi"e, Coun"il -ill advo"ate for a 'reater rate8rebate for pensioners and mana'e the bud'et "arefully and responsibly to ensure rates are #ept to the lo-est level possible. Re"ently, Coun"il si'ned onto the Australian Made - Australian Grown "ampai'n as a sponsor. This is not lip servi"e to )ustralian farmers and manufa"turers, but in my term of offi"e Coun"il%s "ommitment -ill be to pur"hase lo"ally 'ro-n produ"e and -here possible to preferen"e lo"ally manufa"tured 'oods over imported produ"t.

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In-Coming Mayors Speech Citi,ens of Moreland, toni'ht, . pled'e to -or# for the 'reater 'ood of our "ommunity. *u"h a pled'e demands that . be fair in my dealin's -ith businesses, residents and "ommunity interest 'roups. To that end, . ma#e my "ommitment. $n our -at"h, Moreland -ill "ontinue to be a leader amon'st Coun"ils. .t -ill be responsible, a""ountable and deliver first8"lass servi"es to the "ommunity. . have dis"ussed some of our plans and . en"oura'e you read the details in the -ritten poli"y se"tion. Finally, in li'ht of the season that is upon us; let me -ish you a Happy Christmas, and a 1oyous, safe and prosperous >e- 9ear.

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Policy Summary and Highlights 2008 2012

Implement the Coburg 2020 redevelopment strategy; the Brunswic !tructure "lan and the Glenroy !tructure "lan; #evelop an in$rastructure program to repair our local roads and $ootpaths and to ma e them sa$e $or our entire community% Implement a City improvement program& to eep Moreland's streets& clean and $ree o$ rubbish; !upport senior citi(ens by upgrading senior citi(en centres and itchens& campaigning $or a better deal $or pensioners on the rate rebate& and supporting essential services li e )ome )elp and Meals on *heels% !upport $amilies by implementing a centralised pre-school and childcare enrolment system $or Moreland and build new children's centres& including a Gowanbrae Children's Centre; +nsure libraries are wonder$ul resources& by continuing to increase $unds $or new boo s; ,edevelop the Brunswic Baths& renew the -a "ar A.uatics Centre and investigate having outdoor pools open all year round% /eep outdoor pools open and review morning opening hours to meet the needs o$ residents; "romote a healthy li$estyle and increase the participation o$ sports activities in our community particularly amongst women and girls; Continue to upgrade sports in$rastructure across the municipality; !ee to establish youth centres across the municipality; Improve the Arts by supporting "er$orming Arts Moreland and investigating ways to increase public art across Moreland; +nhance Moreland's $estivals& in particular those in Brunswic & "ascoe 0ale& Glenroy and 1aw ner and loo at ways to re-establish a Coburg $estival; Advocate $or numerous important public transport improvements in the areas o$ greatest need; !upport 20 m3h (ones $or strip shopping centres and advocate $or grade separation at Glenroy; #eliver "ar ing Action "lans across the municipality; Implement the Active *omen in Moreland !trategy in 2004& ensure access and e.uity& and promote awareness amongst women o$ the opportunities available to them% 5pgrade cycling by completing the 5p$ield Bi e "ath and advocate $or a new bi e path along the Craigieburn railway line% Administer a planning system to help create a liveable and sustainable city; "romote housing diversity& respect neighbourhood character and sponsor better consultation on planning; -ppose privati(ation o$ public open space& especially the +dgar and Merri Cree par lands in 6orth Coburg; 5pgrade playgrounds and improve public open space; Improve streetscapes& protect signi$icant trees and continue revitali(ing our cree s and waterways; Implement the Climate Action "lan& the Moreland !olar City pro7ect and reduce our water consumption;
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Increase $unding $or public toilet installations and upgrades; !upport the local economy by promoting Moreland business and assisting the creation o$ more 7obs in our local community; *or to clean up inappropriate gra$$iti in Moreland% Celebrate Christmas with carols& $und decorations in the main retail centres and $ind ways to appropriately celebrate other religious $estivals; +nsure council meetings remain open to the public and accountable& and maintain the hal$ hour .uestion time; Improve community consultation and enhance customer service; ,educe red tape $or all residents dealing with Council and $or internal processes; #evelop a sound $inancial strategy $or income growth and asset renewal; Improve Council's engagement with the community& and increase rates o$ active citi(enship& empowerment& decision ma ing and in$ormation e8change%

Detailed Policy and Initiatives 2008 2012

Council's vision $or the City will see it grow economically& have improved social conditions $or its residents& the built and natural environment will be improved and we will do this with open& responsive and consultative governance% In its continuing mission $or Moreland& Council will engage in partnership with the community to lead and develop9 a city with sustainable growth& a city that cares $or and respects all citi(ens& a city that welcomes people be they Australians or new-comers to this land& a city that celebrates its social& cultural and ethnic heritage& and a city that promotes wellbeing% :his policy is presented in $our themes to ta e account o$ the diverse role o$ local government9 Building community and reducing social disadvantage :ransport& planning and the environment& ;ocal economic conditions and -pen& responsive and consultative governance

Building Community & reducing social disadvantage

Community Health and ell!eing Council believes that the health& sa$ety and well-being o$ the Moreland community is council's $irst priority% ;ocal Government has a ey role to play in the provision o$ some health services and a critical role in the identi$ication o$ needs% Council believes that the maintenance o$ .uality& independent community health services is essential in promoting the health& sa$ety and well-being o$ the Moreland community%
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Council will9 update the municipal public heath plan in consultation with the community and implement its recommendations support the development o$ a new ma7or community health $acility in Coburg and local outreach services support e$$orts to increase !tate and 1ederal $unds to reduce the waiting lists at the Moreland Community )ealth Centre $or services such as physiotherapy& podiatry and dental care Continue community strengthening programs in 1aw ner and Glenroy Investigate and support creation o$ <men's sheds= 6egotiate our "rimary Care "artnership to re$lect strategies that address social ine.uities& $amily violence& climate change& $ood security and mobility Su""orting Senior Citi#ens Council will promote healthy and active ageing so that senior 0ictorians continue to play a $ull role in the community% Council has stood up $or& and achieved& more aged care $acilities in the municipality& and has campaigned $or& and achieved& better home and community care services& and a reduction in waiting lists% Council will9 continue to promote the needs o$ senior citi(ens campaign $or $urther increases o$ the rate rebate so that it reaches a sustainable level as well as other concession re$orms see better $unding $rom the 1ederal Government $or )ome and Community Care !ervices such as home help and meals on wheels ensure that services remain accessible and culturally appropriate $or our multicultural community conduct a rolling program o$ upgrades to senior citi(en centres and itchens% Advocate to ensure a range o$ a$$ordable and secure accommodation options $or older people& including public housing& is available% Improve and e8tend access to the Community :ransport !ervices& including access $or resident shopping Investigate the costs and bene$its o$ de$erred payment o$ rates by pensioners to enable the burden o$ rates to be borne by the children o$ pensioners who will be the main bene$iciaries o$ the asset% Children$s and %amily services Council will support $amilies to provide an environment where children can develop to their $ullest potential% Council will play a ey role in early childhood education in Moreland by9 ensuring Councils services eep up with increasing demand and advocating $or more $unding to do so $rom other levels o$ Government advocating $or more child care in Moreland supporting Council's 1amily #ay Care !ervice implementing a centralised preschool and childcare enrolment system $or Moreland
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upgrading early childhood $acilities in partnership with government and other agencies advocating $or improved services $or children with additional needs encouraging greater lin ages between early childhood and health services improving access $or all $amilies with young children to the support systems they need ensure that services are responsive to children and $amilies $rom culturally and linguistically diverse bac grounds build a new Gowanbrae Community and Children>s Centre% As well as a community house the building will accommodate indergarten& childcare& playgroup& maternal and child health services& early intervention& allied health and $amily support service% !upport community managed children's services% +ncourage nurses into maternal health to address sta$$ shortages $or e8ample by o$$ering cadetships%

Disa!ility Council will wor to ensure that people with a disability are easily able to live& learn& wor and engage with their $amilies& neighbourhoods and communities without the many barriers they currently $ace% Council will9 continue to improve the physical environment so it is sa$e& accessible and inclusive $or all% improve access to in$ormation and community participation in decisions ma ing $or people with a disability& their carers and their community at large% improve access to services and to opportunities $or people with a disability in all areas across Council and the community% Increase the opportunities $or people with disabilities to gain employment at Council% &eigh!ourhood Houses Council believes that neighbourhood houses help build stronger communities% 6eighbourhood houses deliver important grass roots programs that strengthen local communities and provide support and services Council will9 continue to improve conditions o$ neighbourhood houses in partnership with the community and other levels o$ Government increase $unding to neighbourhood houses in partnership with !tate Government% !upport 6eighbourhood )ouses& including prioritising the redevelopment o$ the Brunswic and !usse8 !treet )ouses to enable a more e$$icient and $ar reaching service% Community Building Council believes that community organisations are a vital part o$ our municipality% Council will9 maintain the value o$ the numerous grants programs run by Council% continue the success$ul community partnerships program
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continue to support the 1riends o$ Aileu and the Aileu-Moreland intergovernmental agreement

'i!rary Services Council will9 ensure that the $unds $or the purchase o$ new boo s are increased at a minimum o$ the C"I rate each year continue to improve community access to online technologies ensure that seven day a wee operations will continue $or the three largest libraries& Coburg& Brunswic and Glenroy continue to improve the library buildings in Moreland to ensure that they are warm& user $riendly and available $or study continue and enhance the award-winning Moreland ,eading "rogram& including the in$ant reading program and e8pand the ,hyme time sessions% (ecreation centres Council owned ,ecreation Centres are important community $acilities that re.uire longterm planning and consistent commitment% Council will9 implement a plan to renew all o$ Moreland's a.uatic $acilities support the installation o$ energy and water conservation in$rastructure across each o$ the indoor a.uatic centres redevelop the Brunswic Baths renew the -a "ar A.uatics Centre& including dry space $or community use& gymnasium and $itness programs& and introduce new improved water play3leisure $eatures $or children continue to run outdoor pools as part o$ the contribution they ma e to the recreation in summer periods review the morning opening hours o$ outdoor pools to better meet the needs o$ young $amilies and people who want to avoid the middle o$ the day sun or e8ercise early in the morning S"orting grou"s and %acilities Council believes that increased participation by citi(ens in sporting activities builds a healthier and more active community% Council will9 continue to roll out a program o$ upgrading our many sporting pavilions on a needs and priority basis increase $unding $or sporting in$rastructure and l actively see grants $unding $rom !tate and 1ederal Governments wherever possible ensue public land and public $acilities are optimally utilised by encouraging multi use buildings and playing sur$aces continue to support high level cric et& $ootball& soccer and other sports as well as supporting grass roots clubs support a new year round indoor bowls and multi use $acility in Glenroy

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implement the Moreland ,ecreation "lan to generate the best outcomes $or local sporting clubs and encourage greater participation $rom our community% :hese plans will include how $unds can be allocated to improve $acilities& provide council assistance in club development and promotion and wor to ensure that all people in Moreland now their closest sporting venues ensure that in$ormation about local sporting $acilities is $reely available ensure that a wide range o$ sports are promoted such as sport that is o$ interest to a broad cross section o$ the community; senior citi(ens& people with disabilities& women& di$$erent ethnic groups continue to support community based sport in Moreland through improved $acilities& support $or club development& and promotion o$ community sport encourage the development o$ sports speci$ic $orums to enable better sports speci$ic dialogue with council ?along the lines o$ the success$ul soccer based <$ootball $orum=@ implement the Active *omen In Moreland !trategy in 2004 investigate ways to improve participation in passive recreation such as tai chi in par s and wal ing groups "rovide improved $acilities $or women involved in community based sports clubs "rovide an additional A netball courts within Moreland by 20B2% !upport access to swimming pools through +.ual -pportunity e8emptions where there is demand $or service% commence $acility upgrades at9 o Mutton reserve in 1aw ner& to better accommodate $ootball and cric et including an undercover viewing area o Coo ,eserve in Glenroy and support $or a new year round indoor bowls and multi use $acility o /itchen upgrade at Campbell reserve in Coburg o )olbroo reserve to better support women's cric et and 7unior soccer o )os en ,eserve to better support soccer and cric et o -a "ar Central pavilion ?ad7oining -a "ar "ool@ $or $ootball and cric et o 5pgrade o$ cric et nets at Gillon -val to reach sub district standard o 1aw ner !econdary College& a synthetic pitch $or soccer in partnership with the !tate Government

)outh Council will implement the Moreland Couth !trategy including the $ollowing actions9 investigating the $easibility o$ establishing youth centres which are inclusive o$ all young people& as well as to promote the development o$ public space that re$lects the needs and interests o$ young people% e8amining the barriers to participation in sport and recreation opportunities and develop a strategy to reduce these barriers% implementing health promotion programs and strategies that address the health needs o$ young people such as mental illness and depression that have been identi$ied as being at higher than average levels%
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continuing the biennial Moreland Couth !ummit and establish a Couth Council& made up o$ members between B2 and BD& to lead the review o$ the Couth !trategy% underta ing research and advocacy to address issues around youth employment and education% Council will maintain current youth activities and will wor towards greater participation in such activities through greater promotion o$ events% !uch programs and other youth initiatives provide an area o$ social interaction $or younger people& which the council will loo to enhance% Housing *%%orda!ility Council will9 advocate $or greater investment $rom !tate E 1ederal Governments in social and public housing identi$y opportunities $or e8pansion E redevelopment o$ e8isting public housing stoc identi$y and support opportunities $or public3social housing in larger redevelopment pro7ects ?eg re(oned industrial sites@ ensure a$$ordable housing is included in structure plan implementation advocate $or action $rom !tate and 1ederal Governments on housing a$$ordability advocate $or the release o$ any surplus Government land to be utili(ed $or public good& including a$$ordable housing& open space& employment uses or sustainable transport advocate $or rental re$orm in areas such as rental bidding& minimum standards $or rental properties and better training $or landlords continue to pursue community partnerships with agencies to develop and encourage a$$ordable housing% Investigate the introduction o$ inclusionary (oning to $acilitate social housing !upport the long-term lease o$ Council properties& such as airspace& $or social housing "rovide ade.uate resources to ensure local private rooming houses comply with health and building regulations +ducation +ducation is the ey to our children's $uture and our continuing prosperity% +very student in every school should have every chance to reach their $ull potential% :o help ensure local schools are schools o$ choice Council will9 support a 7unior high school in Coburg advocate $or $unding $or in$rastructure upgrades at local schools advocate to the !tate Government $or an increase in education investment and standards in Moreland; continue to support homewor groups continue to develop active partnerships with the Inner 6orthern ;ocal ;earning and +mployment 6etwor ?I6 ;;+6@ and the !chool 1ocused Couth !ervices ?!1C!@ !upport local children attending local schools
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Council will oppose any attempts to close any local educational $acilities and will strongly oppose the selling o$ any educational land $or residential purposes% Cultural Diversity Council will enhance multiculturalism by providing programs and activities that promote tolerance and understanding between all citi(ens o$ Moreland% Council will con$ront ignorance and pre7udice with a healthy e8ample o$ the positive bene$its o$ multiculturalism% :he banner <-ne Community "roudly #iverse= will continue to be held alo$t in Moreland% (econciliation Council shall continue to wor with the local indigenous people& the *urund7eri to promote reconciliation in the community% Aside $rom the recognition o$ prior ownership o$ this land and maintenance o$ the Aboriginal $lag ne8t to Australian $lags& Council shall investigate the appropriate mar ing o$ places o$ archaeological& cultural& historical E indigenous signi$icance in Moreland% Council will continue to $und Moreland's indigenous internship program% Council will 9 Implement the ,econciliation "olicy and Action "lan !upport community based groups that aim to promote awareness o$& and address& indigenous issues *rts & Culture Council believes that the arts are integral to the li$e o$ our community% Arts and cultural activities play an important role in $ostering a strong community identity% Arts events and programs in Moreland engender pride& enhance amenity and promote and contribute to economic activity% Council will9 Increase the community grants program support "er$orming Arts Moreland ;td wor on enhancing the artistic vibrancy that e8ists in our City and increased opportunities $or community art investigate ways to increase the level o$ public art in Moreland% ,estivals Council will9 continue to support the !ydney ,oad !treet "arty& in con7unction with the acclaimed Brunswic Music 1estival continue to support the "ascoe 0ale 1estival& 1aw ner 1estival and Glenroy 1estival re-establish a Coburg 1estival continue to run movies in the par and carols by candlelight support local neighbourhood street parties

-rans"ort. Planning and the +nvironment

Council$s Plan %or im"roving trans"ort

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Council will continue to wor at improving transport options $or all Moreland residents% :ransport is an essential component o$ achieving social& economic and environmental e.uity% Council believes that all people have the right to en7oy a sa$e travelling environment F regardless o$ the mode o$ transport% Council recogni(es the challenges o$ increasing petrol prices and the introduction o$ an +missions :rading !ystem ?+:!@% :hese developments mean that Moreland residents need greater transport choice more than ever% Council opposes the proposed +ast *est road tunnel% !uch a tollway will a$$ect local amenity& will add to inner suburban congestion& and will not aid our attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions% Council will continue to maintain and improve local transport in$rastructure and will advocate $or increased transport $unding $rom !tate and 1ederal Governments% Council supports lower speed limits in strip shopping centres and around schools% Planning %or Better -rans"ort Council believes that integrated transport planning will lead to a better local transport system% Council will9 develop and implement a new Moreland Integrated :ransport !trategy implement the Coburg& Glenroy and Brunswic !tructure plans encourage more local 7obs& through employment attraction and retention retain and enhance viability o$ local shopping strips oppose selling o$$ o$ public land i%e% 0ic trac and 0ic roads where it could be used to improve sustainable transport outcomes or where it could provide public bene$it such as local 7obs& aged care& childcare etc advocate $or better use o$ 0ictrac land% Pu!lic -rans"ort Council believes in an integrated& environmentally $riendly and properly planned transport system that meets the needs o$ the travelling public and a modern economy% Council will9 Continue to advocate $or ey public transport route improvements including9 o Immediate implementation o$ !mart Bus ,outes on Bell !treet ?red orbital@ and #awson !treet3Glenlyon ,oad ?blue orbital@ o 5pgrade the 5p$ield line to provide more pea services and only A carriage trains o +8tension o$ tram B4 to 1aw ner o ;arger and bigger trams on ,outes GG& D& B4 and 4A o Immediate implementation o$ the #epartment o$ :ransport Bus ,eview& especially the e8tension o$ route G22 to "ascoe 0ale !tation o Immediate improvements to bus services to run H days a wee and later at night and improved $re.uency o Better co-ordination between public transport modes o Better bus and tram stops with more real time in$ormation& more seating and more shelter% o More low $loor buses o 1ree or discounted "ublic :ransport travel out o$ pea hours to increase patronage and sa$ety
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o Immediate ad7ustments the (one anomalies between bus and train services in the northern parts o$ Moreland o Advocacy $or the movement o$ Ione one to Broadmeadows advocate $or $ederal government $unding $or public transport in$rastructure support improvements to accessibility to ensure all members o$ the community including people with special needs can access train& tram& bus and ta8i services build a Coburg :ransport Interchange as a part o$ the implementation o$ the Coburg Initiative advocate $or improvements to !ydney ,oad to enable trams to $low more $reely% Council considers it important that changes are made to !ydney ,oad to ma e it $unction better $or public transport& pedestrians& people in wheelchairs& cyclists and as a shopping environment% continue to oppose the unilateral imposition o$ e8tended clearway times investigate ways o$ better utilising o$ all $orms o$ community transport& possibly through a database% Advocate $or Jat grade' tram stops to increase accessibility and to slow tra$$ic% Advocate $or new tram stops to be sited to best serve users not cars% +nsure ade.uate seating& signs and lighting at all bus stops

(oads Council is responsible $or maintaining and improving our local roads& paths and associated in$rastructure% Council will9 continue to use G year $orward loo ing plans to ensure ade.uate $unding is provided $or the maintenance o$ our road networ s call on !tate and 1ederal Governments to provide $unding to help achieve this aim& especially in relation to areas listed as accident blac spots support 20 m3h (ones $or strip shopping centres ensure that replacement roads improve conditions $or all users& including cyclists and pedestrians and introduce greater greening advocate $or grade separation at Glenroy ,oad as outlined in the Glenroy !tructure plan% :his will not only improve congestion and the viability o$ the shopping centre but will lin the community o$ Glenroy& which is currently split in two by the railway line% continue to support the installation o$ tra$$ic control measures where they are appropriate% *here tra$$ic control measures are re.uired at intersections& we will support the use o$ the tool it developed by Bicycle 0ictoria to ma e intersections sa$er $or all road users% improve sa$ety at (ebra crossings support !tate Government anti-hoon laws% ,eview the ,oad Asset Management "lan to re$lect the need to prioritise roads according to their importance in meeting public transport ?bus@ needs& sustainable transport ?cycling@ needs and essential $reight routes Ad7ust tra$$ic signal phases on all roads Council owns to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists& and advocate $or a similar ad7ustment on roads managed by 0icroads
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Par/ing Council believes that par ing management policies are e$$ective in reducing demand on par ing spaces and helping to share the cost o$ par ing in$rastructure e.uitably% :his provides all users with sa$e& convenient and appropriate access to par ing in Moreland whilst enabling ade.uate road access $or pedestrians& cyclists& emergency vehicles& trams& buses and street maintenance and delivery vehicles% Council will9 develop and implement par ing action plans $or areas o$ Moreland which $ace a scarcity o$ car par ing including our activity centres F Coburg& Brunswic and Glenroy ensure that ade.uate par ing is provided with all new developments discourage cars $rom par ing in bicycle lanes investigate ways in which par ing can be better utili(ed to support shopping precincts& such as time limits to prevent e8cessive amounts o$ all day par ing% Car Sharing Council supports car sharing as a way o$ reducing the number o$ cars needing par ing in our local neighbourhoods& as well as reducing the number o$ vehicles on the road% Council will wor with organisations to support and promote car-sharing programs and increase the level o$ car sharing available& particularly in the northern section o$ the city Pedestrians Council supports wal ing as a sustainable and healthy transport mode% *al ing is easy& cheap and accessible $or most people% *e would li e to see more people wal ing more o$ten and will help ma e wal ing a transport mode o$ choice by improving our $ootpaths and providing more resting places& and better amenity through planting more trees $or shade and providing appropriate lighting% Council will also ensure $acilities remain within wal ing distance% Council will9 $inalise and implement a pedestrian and wal ing strategy that will prioritise actions to improve wal ing conditions in the city implement innovative programs to encourage more wal ing trips and to increase pedestrian sa$ety advocate $or the installation o$ pedestrian crossings where a need is identi$ied& including Boundary ,oad Cumberland ,oad& Glenroy ,oad and *id$ord !treet support programs such as the <*al ing !chool Bus= and the <,iding !chool Bus= ensure that new or rebuilt roads contain measures to improve pedestrian amenity and sa$ety continue investing in $ootpath in$rastructure invest in better amenity and streetscape o$ pedestrian paths& including more trees or shade& places to rest and appropriate lighting ensure all $ootpaths in shopping strips are compliant with the #isability #iscrimination Act ?##A@ advocate $or ##A compliant underpasses at :rain !tations ensure that new building developments and car par redevelopments provide ade.uate pedestrian access
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produce a <*al ing in Moreland= boo let to assist people identi$y pleasant& sa$e and historic wal ing routes and associated amenities%

Cycling Council supports cycling as a sustainable and healthy transport mode& which produces no direct pollution or greenhouse gas emissions% Moreland has a high level o$ cycling in some parts o$ the municipality% Council would li e to see the continued growth o$ cycling as a mode o$ transport across the whole o$ Moreland% Council will9 update the Moreland Bicycle "lan to improve the bicycle networ in the municipality% :his includes the provision o$ mar ed bicycle lanes on roads& e8tensions to the o$$ road networ s and improvements to e8isting routes complete the 5p$ield path between the *estern ,ing ,oad and Bo8 1orest ,oad continue to improve the +ast-*est lin s between the three ma7or 6orth!outh bi e paths investigate the $easibility o$ a separated east west route along !outh !treet& #awson !treet ?between !ydney ,oad and Grantham !treet@ and Blyth !treet ?$rom !ydney ,oad to the Merri Cree @% advocate $or bi e path along Craigieburn rail line $rom Broadmeadows to "ascoe 0ale continue to improve the e8isting 5p$ield !hared "ath to boost sa$ety& lighting and capacity ensure that new or rebuilt roads contain measures to improve the sa$ety o$ cyclists improve signage on bi e paths advocate $or more bi e par ing and storage at stations advocate $or bi e rac s on buses improve bi e par ing in retail centres through innovative measures advocate $or no car par ing in bi e lanes underta e regular maintenance chec s along e8isting o$$ road paths including the ring road and cree trails and wor with ad7oining municipalities and 0icroads $or improved maintenance Continue to improve integration with bicycle networ s3lanes etc in neighbouring municipalities Planning to im"rove our 0uality o% li%e Council see s to create an environmentally sustainable and liveable city& with an abundance o$ high .uality employment& recreation and accommodation opportunities; a city where a car and a high income are not necessary $or a rich and rewarding .uality o$ li$e% Council supports a planning system that encourages sustainable and appropriate development that9 ,espects neighbourhood character; !upports diversity in housing choice and caters $or di$$erent needs o$ people within Moreland Is sensitive to the local in$rastructure;
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Considers the impact on local area tra$$ic congestion and par ing re.uirements; "rotects our common heritage; Consists o$ the best urban and environmental practices in design; "rovides $or suitable (oning especially to support commercial and industrial activities; Creates the best possible environment and .uality o$ li$e $or current and $uture residents; ;in s in with Moreland>s -pen !pace !trategy and ensures ade.uate provision $or all residents to access% :a es into account the needs o$ an ageing population and is designed within the principals o$ <universal design=%

1el!ourne 2020 and activity centres Council endorses the general aims o$ Melbourne 20K0% Council believes that urban consolidation is necessary to protect the Jgreen wedges' and wider environment and to ensure that the whole o$ Melbourne is a sustainable and liveable city% Council& in implementing Melbourne 20K0& aims to ensure that9 #evelopment improves our community& Moreland gets no more than it's $air share o$ development over the same time !tructure plans $or our Ma7or and "rincipal Activity Centres& Coburg& Glenroy and Brunswic are supported and implemented by state government and incorporated into the planning scheme% 5ntil these plans are incorporated into the planning scheme Council will wor to ensure that any proposed developments are consistent with the structure plans as much as possible new housing is built within the activity centres rather than in e8isting residential centres a higher standard o$ energy e$$iciency and accessibility shall be re.uired in all new dwellings in activity centres Council will advocate $or improved noise attenuation standards in mi8ed-use precincts to protect the amenity o$ $uture residents and to protect the viability o$ e8isting business and industry& there$ore ensure mi8ed use can wor harmoniously% Diversity in housing Council will promote and ma e decisions that increase the diversity o$ our housing stoc % :his will ensure that new development meets the needs o$ the wider community% :his will see decisions made that9 "rovide $or aging in place& "rovide a mi8 o$ one& two& three ?and larger@ bedroom dwellings& "rovides housing with good private open space $or $amilies Increases the amount o$ a$$ordable accommodation +nsures the rental stoc does not diminish Increases the amount o$ housing that is suitable $or people with a disability% &eigh!ourhood character
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Council shall restrict development in residential areas to protect neighbourhood character% 6ew development must respect the e8isting scale and built $orm o$ the neighbourhood and its pre$erred $uture character% 6o more than one story height di$$erence will& in general& be allowed between neighbouring properties% 1ront and side setbac s must also respect the established rhythm o$ buildings in the street% :he importance o$ bac yards and garden outloo s will also be respected% 3niversal Housing design Council will continue to advocate $or changes to the building code to include LuniversalL $eatures that improve access to appropriate housing $or people with disabilities and allow more people to Lage in placeL sa$ely% Planning Consultation Council will advise developers& be they home renovators or large developers& to wor in consultation with a$$ected parties be$ore designing new or modi$ied buildings% #ecent consultation will help ensure more appropriate developments% Council believes that the consultation3noti$ication re.uired $or large developments should be greater than the statutory re.uirements% *e will see to increase noti$ication $or large developments to a$$ected parties :his will be done by putting in place criteria ?eg% height& cost@ that once e8ceeded will ensure that additional consultation with the a$$ected community is carried out% Council will provide advice to residents on how potential developments may a$$ect them to help them assess the impact o$ proposed developments% ,ees Council shall put in place its own higher $ees and continue to lobby the !tate Government $or increases to scheduled $ees $or large developments% Currently& the city subsidies the assessment o$ private development by around MB%2 Million per year and this is unacceptable% Develo"ment Contri!utions Council shall wor towards changes in the planning scheme to re.uire $inancial contributions $rom developments to provide improved built and social in$rastructure% :his way new development will improve the in$rastructure that we all use such as $ootpaths& par s and community services rather than 7ust ma ing a pro$it% Heritage Council will continue to promote the preservation o$ heritage areas or items and their lin s to our past% *here new construction is permitted to occur in a designated heritage precinct the principle o$ non-intrusive design shall prevail% Council will support the incorporation into the planning scheme o$ $urther buildings o$ importance to the community% Council will9 5nderta e additional heritage studies $or the area north o$ Bell !treet to complete the research necessary to commence the preparation o$ a planning scheme amendment by 20B0% "repare a planning scheme amendment to ensure ade.uate heritage protection is contained in the Moreland "lanning !cheme by 20B2% Protecting and Im"roving Pu!lic 4"en S"ace Council will treat our scarce par land reserves as a precious community resource%
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Council will wor to ensure that all residents have .uality& accessible open space within sa$e wal ing distance ?G00m@& with particular regard to higher density areas ?K00m@% Council will9 involve the local community in open space decision ma ing maintain and improve public open space by allocating ade.uate resources $or maintenance and re$urbishment o$ e8isting and additional open space as well as see ing additional $unding $rom developers and outside bodies In par development and improvement wor s& Council will provide access $or people with disabilities wherever possible and ensure that the design and maintenance o$ open space provides a high standard o$ sa$ety $or users "rogressively upgrade playgrounds in Moreland and will provide shade and seating where possible audit o$ all par s and ensure any unnamed par s are given names by the community introduce a par s heritage program& to in$orm residents o$ the history o$ their local par s% Shared %acilities Council will protect sporting reserves and move to ensure that all public land and open space is utilised to its $ull potential% Council will9 pursue partnerships to place open space and sporting $acilities at local schools& which will bene$it both the local community and the schools investigate ways to contribute to open space improvements and will pursue opportunities through the !tate Government's <!hared 1acilities= $unding program develop guidelines and memoranda o$ understanding with schools regarding out o$ hours public access to grounds to ensure that liability3duty o$ care issues are ade.uately addressed see a$ter hours access arrangements to the grounds o$ Brunswic 6orth "rimary !chool& Glenroy "rimary !chool and Glenroy *est "rimary% 4"en S"ace Corridors Council supports the consolidation o$ open space corridors and the permanent re(oning o$ land with particular regard to !tate-owned properties% Council opposes any privatisation o$ open space held in trust by any agency% In particular& Council opposes the sale o$ 0icroads land nown as the +dgars and Merri Cree par lands% Council will not cease lobbying until the !tate Government trans$ers the land to the people o$ Moreland% Council$s Plan %or 5reening 1oreland Council will continue its strong emphasis on improving and greening streetscapes and revegetation initiative% Council will9 increase the number o$ street trees and ensure they are well managed and add amenity to the neighbourhood introduce local legislation to protect signi$icant trees prioritise plantings in streets that are used as pedestrian routes to activity centres
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plant trees along well utili(ed o$$ road shared paths such as the western ring road path hold community and school planting days% +stablish a signi$icant tree registry "reserve e8isting natural assets& including all street trees% "romote training that will ensure all par s sta$$ are s illed in indigenous plant identi$ication& care and maintenance +nsure greener and more permeable streetscapes& including reducing road pavements and planting trees within the roadway in streets with narrow $ootpaths%

Cree/s & ater6ays Moreland's waterways are a scarce and wonder$ul resource and their improvement has been instrumental in bringing bac native $lora and $auna to the area% Council will9 continue its e$$orts to revitalise the Moonee "onds Cree % Council will continue to support the principles o$ the Moonee "onds Cree Concept "lan and the resourcing o$ the Moonee "onds Cree Coordinating Committee Continue $ocus on the regeneration o$ the +dgar& Merlynston and *estbreen cree s wor with the Merri Cree Management committee $or improvements to the cree environs and increased water .uality o$ the precious Merri Cree devote resources to the Moonee "onds Cree revitalisation and to attracting $unding $rom state and $ederal government agencies and private companies including Melbourne *ater& "ar s 0ictoria& Melbourne City ;in Authority and :ransurban continue to wor with the Cree s 1riends groups& believing that the most e$$ective way o$ improving the cree s is to involve local residents implement the Moreland !tormwater Management "lan have a <(ero tolerance= approach to littering wor with Melbourne *ater and the cree committees to investigate additional wetlands in the municipality% !upport the protection and restoration o$ the Merlynston and +dgars Cree s and local tributaries% Building a sustaina!le community Moreland has led the way in putting in place programs to promote a more sustainable community and will continue to do so% *e have developed a Moreland Climate Action "lan& which will be implemented% Council will9 reduce Council greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 20B0 and community emissions by 20 percent by 20B0 in partnership& implement the Coburg !olar City pro7ect reduce council $leet emissions by B0 percent per annum retro$it Moreland's street lights with energy e$$icient globes continue to support popular programs such as C+,+!& Moreland +nergy 1oundation& Community "ower& !ustainability !treet and community education programs
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support new programs designed to encourage a whole o$ community approach to sustainability support $ood security pro7ects and investigate the role community gardens could play in providing a more sustainable local $ood base% A $ood security tas $orce will be initiated and supported% advocate $or higher environmental standards $or new dwellings provide in$ormation to planning applicants to assist with environmentally $riendly design and to minimise environmental impacts o$ developments maintain or increase current $unding levels $or energy programs& initiatives and community education support and engage in environmental and community partnerships with C+,+! ,evise the current Climate Action "lan 200H F20B0 to ensure Council is carbon neutral by 20B2 and Moreland is carbon neutral by 2020% Continue support o$ the IC;+I ?International Cities $or Climate "rotection Initiative@ program% !upport the development o$ a pea oil strategy by Nune 2004 aimed at addressing the implications o$ pea oil $or Council operations; and providing recommendations on reducing Council's oil dependence by Nune 2004% Investigate the replacement o$ all electric hot water systems in Council buildings with solar hot water systems and all Council owned lights with solar lights Install s ylights where possible in Council buildings to increase the amount o$ natural lighting& and reduce lighting energy use% !upport the conversion o$ non-Council owned street lighting to the most energy e$$icient option available at each changeover o$ globes% Continue to support the purchase o$ B00O Greenpower $or all Council operations% ,e.uire all new developments to be connected to reticulated gas%

ater Council will9 reduce Council water consumption 2GO by 20BB $rom baseline consumption in 200B% reduce community water consumption 20O by 20BB $rom baseline consumption in 200B% increase council water reuse increase the upta e o$ water e$$icient technologies by residents& including grey water and rainwater harvesting systems support the use o$ water saving techni.ues at our par s and gardens such as computer controlled sprin ler systems and the use o$ plants that re.uire less water where appropriate renew playing $ields with drought tolerant tur$ ,etro$it council buildings with water saving measures and ensure that new buildings install a minimum o$ AAA $ittings develop and implement& i$ needed& a community action plan $or stage 2 water restrictions to in$orm and help our community deal with its impact advocate $or individual water allocations& to replace watering restrictions so that residents can better manage watering their gardens%
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,evise the current *atershed !trategy to9 o plan $or the whole water cycle o including stormwater management o include waste water recycling and the use o$ stormwater $or open space watering; o continue to advocate $or the widespread use o$ rainwater tan s; o include an increase in the percentage o$ Councils own water use that is not sourced $rom the mains& while reducing the total amount o$ water used $rom all sources o complete the conversion o$ all sports $ields to warm seasons grasses by 20B2 o advocate $or the installation o$ 2 wetlands& at ma7or cree discharge points& as natural $iltration systems $or stormwater discharge by 20B2%

aste Moreland has consistently advocated $or waste management policies designed to increase recycling and reduce land$ill% Council will9 continue to provide a reliable waste collection service wor with the community towards reducing the .uantity o$ waste that is sent to land$ill provide e$$icient and reliable recycling and green waste services continue to pursue improvements to the appearance and maintenance o$ state owned land such as ,ailway corridors wor with local schools on waste education and litter reduction% Drainage Council will continue to $und improvements to Moreland drainage system; we will also loo $or innovative ways to deal with the increasing run o$$ $rom more $re.uent storm events% Pu!lic -oilets "ublic toilets are important assets to the local community% :here is currently a lac o$ accessible& clean and sa$e public toilets in shopping centres in the municipality% Council will $und at a minimum two new public toilet upgrades per year% :hese will be $unded once an assessment has been done based on priority& pro7ected use and relative need%

'ocal +conomic Conditions

A vibrant and thriving local economy providing 7obs and local access to shops and services is critical in a sustainable society% Council sees reducing unemployment in the municipality as one o$ its highest priorities and supports initiatives that create local employment and training opportunities% Promoting 1oreland Business Council will actively generate interest in& and understanding o$& local product and service o$$erings& to assist in the encouragement o$ a vibrant local economy% Council will provide in$ormation on obtaining local products and services& including9
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;oo $or ways to support the creation o$ themed business directories% +8amples might include9 o Building E renovation supplies guide o ,estaurant guide o ;ive +ntertainment guide 3 theatre E gigs calendar o 1actory outlets shopping guide o 6iche business guides& particularly $or multicultural businesses o ;eisure and sporting clubs E $acilities guide o )istorical E tourist guide +nsure these guides are published and maintained on the internet "romote Moreland as a destination $or shopping& leisure and tourism% Conduct campaigns and $estivals to encourage the en7oyment o$ what the Moreland economy has to o$$er% 5phold and improve the amenity and appeal o$ local shopping centres with practical measures such as clear par ing signage& appropriate levels o$ cleaning and rubbish $acilities& provision o$ bi e rac s& seating and other beauti$ication%

1oreland 7entures Council will continue its broad and inventive program o$ initiatives to encourage and support new businesses& including9 the Moreland Community +nterprise Centre which provides a$$ordable o$$ice space to new businesses and organisations; the Moreland Business Incubator which provides a$$ordable o$$ice and light industry space and a supportive learning environment; Active membership o$ 6orth;in ?the 6orthern Melbourne regional economic development organisation@ including participation and support $or pro7ects such as the +8port ,eadiness "rogram& and mar eting the northern region% Council will support o$ businesses by see ing to add the $ollowing initiatives to its e8isting program9 !ee $unding to e8pand the Business Incubation program to campuses in the northern and central areas o$ the municipality Create and maintain a virtual business incubator& to cost-e$$ectively provide business incubation services Investigate an outlet in Glenroy to provide local manu$acturers& particularly clothing and $ootwear& a direct to public shop-$ront with low levels o$ rent; to encourage the purchase o$ locally made products at $actory outlet prices% Advocate $or large parcels o$ state owned land to be retained $or public use or local employment creation% !ee opportunities to encourage active commercial3industrial use o$ commercial3industrial property% Council Service to 'ocal Business Council will see to develop a service culture in its ordinary dealings with local businesses& which ensures that Council obtains an enhanced reputation as a business $acilitator% Council will9 Continue to conduct and enhance the annual Business Customer !urvey& which will allow Council to9
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o -btain a .uantitative and .ualitative understanding o$ business satis$action with Council o -btain a better pro$ile o$ Moreland's businesses o Identi$y business which predict the possibility o$ e8panding& downsi(ing& moving or closing down in the coming year and earmar them $or special attention Maintain $ormal lin s between Council and bodies& which represent and advocate $or the needs o$ local businesses% Council will continue to support local traders groups including supporting a new ;ygon !treet traders group +nsure transparency and awareness o$ rules and processes and use clear plain language $or all communication and $orms%

(etail Centres Access to local conveniences and retail shops is important $or a sustainable society% Council will9 improve the amenity and level o$ cleanliness o$ all shopping strips through the <Moreland City Improvement program= investigate annual <clean up days= in activity centres and shopping centres where council& traders and interested residents wor together to <spruce up= an area% :his may involve e8tra waste collection& high pressure cleaning o$ awnings& gra$$iti removal& general maintenance and partnerships with groups such as 0ictrac % investigate ways in which par ing can be better utili(ed to support shopping precincts& such as time limits to prevent all day par ing continue to wor with the department o$ 7ustice $or the timely removal o$ inappropriate gra$$iti continue to $und Christmas decorations in the main retail centres and "elebrate throu'hout the muni"ipality -ith Christmas "arols +m"loyment Council believes that every adult see ing paid employment should have the opportunity to wor in a 7ob& which utilises their s ills% Council sees reducing unemployment in the municipality as one o$ its highest priorities% Council sees local employment as desirable $or the environment ?less pollution $rom travel@ and $or .uality o$ li$e ?less time spent travelling@% Council see s to reduce the unemployment rate% Council will9 Advocate $or !tate and 1ederal Government departments to relocate to Moreland's Activity Centres +stablish Council as a model employer& participating as an employer in ;abour mar et programs% Advocate $or improvements and additions to the employment programs o$ better-$unded levels o$ government% Mobilise other organisations& including employers and educators to continually loo $or opportunities to increase the employment options o$ target groups o$ interest ?young uns illed& migrant& mature aged& indigenous& northern@ Advocate $or education improvement& including year B2 retention rates& increase the rate o$ secondary education& and provision o$ education appropriate to local 7ob opportunities%
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!upport training and career development& by providing wor e8perience and employment at Council% +ncourage Moreland residents to apply $or Council 7ob vacancies and ensure that over time more council wor ers are local Increase opportunities $or people with a disability to gain employment at Council% +ncouraging Moreland businesses to bid $or Council contracts% Continue Council's membership o$ Apprenticeship "lus% Continue and e8pand Council's employment o$ apprentices across the organisation%

Budgetary Policy Council believes that budgetary policy must balance prudent $inancial management with a commitment to properly resource community services and assets& as well as the need to ensure rates 7ustice% Council recognises that $inancial management is not an end in itsel$ but a tool to deliver improved services and outcomes $or our community% Council notes the decline in !tate and Commonwealth grants and the corresponding reliance on rates and user charges $or Council's revenue base% *e will ensure that any broadening o$ Council's revenue base is governed by the principles o$ e.uity and the community's capacity to pay% Council is committed to balanced budgets and to not borrowing to $und operational budgets% Moreland Council will renew and enhance Moreland's in$rastructure% *e will allow council to borrow speci$ically $or targeted in$rastructure improvements& which can arguably be seen to have an intergenerational bene$it% Any such borrowings will be prudent and manageable within a balanced budget $ramewor & but principled in parallel with our commitment to an e.uitable rates system% Council will conduct budgetary policy according to the $ollowing principles9 In$rastructure must be renewed - Ade.uate $unding will be allocated to ensure that Moreland's in$rastructure will continue to be renewed; ,evenue collection must remain e.uitable and in accordance to the community's capacity to pay; !pending will also be allocated in an e.uitable manner F spending will be e$$ectively targeted& sustainable and produce clear service delivery outcomes% 5ser charges will only be imposed where necessary and they will be set within a range that re$lects the social& cultural and economic ma e-up o$ Moreland% Standards %or 4utsourcing Contracts Council has a moral obligation that goes beyond the letter o$ the law& in writing up and supervising contracts $or e8ternal parties to provide services% Council will9 ensure that Council's standards and values are re$lected in the wording o$ any contract it o$$ers% ensure that any contracts o$$ered are sensible& written clearly in plain language& and properly e8ecuted in terms o$ Council's rights and responsibilities% ensure that all contracts o$$ered include a clause stating Council's right to monitor per$ormance%
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monitor the adherence o$ contractors to the terms in their contracts& to ensure Council and community values are being met& including occupational health and sa$ety& and the ob7ectives o$ the contract%

Consultative 5overnance
Democratic 5overnance :he $irst principle o$ local democracy is that elected councillors remain accountable to their constituents% ;ocal governments provide the most important and accessible opportunity $or citi(ens to be involved in shaping their own communities and that good governance is achieved through open leadership and sensitivity to community needs& interests and aspirations% Council will continue to campaign $or the constitutional recognition o$ ;ocal Government by the Commonwealth% Council is committed to protecting the democratic rights o$ all residents% Council will encourage all residents who are eligible to vote in Council elections to be enrolled to vote% Political 'eadershi" Council will9 remain committed to a $ull time Mayor support elected representatives by ongoing provision o$ an +8ecutive -$$icer Mayor and Councillors and by provision o$ appropriate technology $or councillors% Port%olios and Pro8ect (es"onsi!ilities Council is committed to a system o$ "ort$olios and "ro7ect ,esponsibilities $or the +lected Councillors& which ensures that political leadership is maintained across all areas o$ Council activity% Council will constantly review Councillor "ort$olios and "ro7ect ,esponsibilities in order to provide the best possible governance model% +lectoral Systems Moreland has an electoral structure comprising o$ three wards separating the City into three (ones9 6orth +ast represented by $our councillors& 6orth *est represented by $our councillors and the !outh represented by three councillors% Council believes that constant review o$ these structures& as provided in the ;ocal Government Act& is essential to ascertain whether the community believes they achieve the desired level o$ representation% At the core o$ any review should be the principles o$ good governance set out in the 0;GA3MA0 JCode o$ Good Governance%' *ccounta!ility Council insists on the highest level o$ accountability $or Moreland% All decision-ma ing processes are open and accessible to the community% Council will9 be committed to the Code o$ Good Governance ensure that all in.uiries and complaints are dealt with promptly and thoroughly%
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ensure that Councillors will be available to the community and will be committed to investigating any concerns or complaints brought $orward by the community% eep the Jlocal' in Jlocal government'% :his means that neighbourhoods and precincts will be heard and recognised%

Council and Committee 1eetings Council's commitment to maintaining a high level o$ accountability and openness in local government includes ensuring Council and Committee meetings wor $or the bene$it o$ the community% Council will9 be open and transparent - an absolute minimum o$ items will be dealt with in closed sessions o$ Council% ma8imise opportunities $or community observation o$ and input into decisionma ing% :his will include open and interactive Council and Committee Meetings ensure that Council meetings will be rotated throughout Moreland to $acilitate ma8imum access by the community maintain a hal$ hour .uestion time at the commencement o$ each Council Meeting% mandate all council committees F internal& e8ternal and community F to present minutes o$ the committee and a covering report to the Council and hence the public record& annually or more $re.uently Community Consultation & +ngagement Council is committed to community consultation% Puality consultation leads to improved decision ma ing% Council will9 review and improve its community consultation policy and mechanisms e8plore new approaches with the aim o$ providing yet more opportunities $or the community to be involved in the decision ma ing process% ensure that community groups and individuals wishing to participate in decisions that a$$ect them whether it is council or other authority have their voice heard% Communications Council will9 continue to use local papers& community radio& Council publications and the Internet to communicate with Moreland residents and businesses obtain improved coverage o$ Moreland items through both the +nglish and the non-+nglish media ensure that constant improvement to the Culturally and linguistically diverse ?CA;#@ Community communication strategy will be a Council priority% Moreland's main community languages will be used at least in part to communicate ey messages to the community% In%ormation Society Access to in$ormation and in$ormation technology is critical $or a 7ust society and Council will continue to e8pand the strategies already in place% Council will9
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In-Coming Mayors Speech

ensure that citi(ens' $ree access to in$ormation will be e8tended eep municipal in$ormation services ?such as libraries@ $ree o$ charge and readily accessible to the public "ursue an integrated approach to communication and in$ormation will be adopted% :his will include broadcasting& telecommunications& libraries& and Moreland's in$ormation technology resources%

Industrial (elations Council believes that productivity E service .uality are best achieved as a partnership between employees ?council o$$icers@& 5nions and the customer ?the community@% Council will9 provide a sa$e wor place& with appropriate security provide ade.uate training& re-training E pro$essional development opportunities to ensure a s illed& innovative and resource$ul wor $orce implement e.ual opportunity and ensure $air& open and e.uitable selection processes support the maintenance o$ an award system that provides $or e.uitable and relevant wages and conditions o$ employees% Customer Service Council should deliver the best possible customer service and that residents should only have to ma e a re.uest once to one person% Council will also ensure that communication is improved between the di$$erent departments at council and that correspondence is ac nowledged and con$irmed within a timely manner Council will9 roll out the <tell us once= policy multi-s ill sta$$ so that more sta$$ are able to directly assist residents cut unnecessary red tape and ma e it easy $or citi(ens to do business with council continue to provide accessible options to do business with council including $ace to $ace& on the phone& on line and by mail and assist residents with additional needs anticipate evolving needs and ad7ust services to ta e account o$ those changing needs create a citi(en $ocused corporate environment and retain the best people% Council "lan :he Council "lan 200HF20BB presents Council and its sta$$ at wor % :he plan developed $ollowing a process involving Councillors& sta$$ and the community% :his process sees Council both leading and responding to changes in community needs& inter-governmental relations and other $actors% :he plan provides a comprehensive overview o$ Council's values& commitments and activities $or 200H to 20BB with clear goals and ob7ectives to measure per$ormance% :he Council "lan is consistent with the Municipal !trategic !tatement& the Moreland City "lan and the Moreland )ealth "lan%

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In-Coming Mayors Speech

:he !trategic ,esource "lan provides an overview o$ the long-term $inancial plan& including an appraisal o$ the current and altering economic situation& strategic resource targets& and assumptions which may emerge in the ne8t $ew years% It also provides a summary o$ the Asset Management !trategy& the ,ating !trategy and the #ebt !trategy% Strategic (esource Plan Council continues to be guided by the principles adopted as part o$ its 200K J!trategic ,esource "lan'% :his "lan was not static and is reviewed annually as part o$ the Council planning process and updated to re$lect changing circumstances% :he aim o$ the strategy is to ensure that Council is able to repair its in$rastructure assets at the level e8pected by the community& while continuing to deliver those services needed% 4ccu"ational Health and Sa%ety Strategy 200892011 :his program adopted in August 200D ensures that as an employer& Council provides a sa$e wor ing environment $or all its employees& as well as visitors and contractors coming onto all sites%

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