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Who are the primary characters in the story Who amongst the primary characters is playing maladaptive behavior What are the defense mechanisms utilized by the primary characters Commonly behavioral manifestations commonly displayed by the characters based on psychoanalytic development by Freud, Sullivan, and Pieaget. Identify or enumerate all unresolved conflict & developmental stage not reached by the main characters 5. What resolutions should you suggest for the unresolved conflict and unmet need? 6. Identify at least ___ priority Nsg Dx for the problems presented and manifestations presented by the character/s. What are underlying questions that may be able to align ?

I Dennis was a kid, who believed that he was from Mars. He was an orphan and convinced himself that he as not abandoned by his parents but arrived from Mars. He kept himself inside the box because he believed that the suns rays were too strong that it would burn his skin and no one ever had the initiative to talk to him and try to explain and present to him the reality. He was also wearing a belt made out batteries that were taped together that he believed kept him from floating away to Mars because Earths gravitational pull was too weak to keep him on his feet. It was also clearly seen that he was suffering from mental illness. II Dennis stashes the possession of others, pretending to be from Mars, wearing of a heavy belt that he believes is what keeps him on earth, ritualistic behavior, insisting the enlistment of his mission, hangs upside-down on bars, and keeps himself from being shined down by the sunlight. He also manifested tantrums when things dont go the way he wants it to. He also likes to observe things and how they decompose which is not normal for his age group. He has these rituals which he repeatedly express by doing this thing with his finger, closing his eyes, and chanting weird made up words that he insist is a language from where he came from every time he feels anxious or nervous. III Dennis- he was unconsciously blocking the memory that his parents abandoned and left him in an orphanage. He insists on not being human rather he came from another planet. He denies facts being presented to him ex. 1 he would not float away if he removed his gravity belt, ex. 2 the suns rays will not obliterate him. David he dissociates himself from reality in order for him to write his novels, I presume that his continued use of this behavior would put him in a bad situation because as he constantly dissociates himself, there might come a time when he would no longer be conscious that he is behaving that way and would not be able to distinguish reality from the world he has created.

IV Freud Unresolved conflict/ developmental stage Oral Phase Anal phase Phallic/Oedipal Manifestation Hoarder Stubborn Temper tantrums Sullivan Unresolved conflict/ developmental stage Infancy Childhood juvenile Manifestation inability to delay gratification inability to form relationship with others Piaget Unresolved conflict/ developmental stage pre-operational


thinking basically complete literal and static egocentricunable to view others concept of dying is only now


Freud Unresolved conflict/ developmental stage Anal phase Manifestation stubborn

V Freud He should be given all the attention he can get from his foster parent. Make him feel safe and secure. Expose him to the outside world where he can play with other kids. Sullivan Teach him the concept of responsibility, to wait and the role of every individual in his surrounding Piaget Provide toys and other stimulating games. Maintain constant conversation and allow him to express his thoughts and feelings. Provide him with comfort



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