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Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Sequence of Lessons
Lesson 1: Seeing with Poets Eyes
Objective: To introduce students to poetry and encourage them to think like a poet Standards:
W.AT.02.01 Students will !e enthusiastic a!out writing and learning to write W.GN.02.02 approximate poetry !ased on reading a wide "ariety o# grade$appropriate poetry

Materia s Needed: % poetry #older #or each student &!jects #or poetry museum Paper and pencils #or each student Copies o# example poems to read Chart paper or a white !oard Antici!ator" Set: 'ead the students the poem ()ear in There* !y Shel Sil"erstein and ha"e them imagine a picture in their minds o# what is happening in the poem #rocedure: + %nnounce to students that they are !eginning a unit on poetry %lso explain that at the end o# the unit they will create their own poems and !e gi"en the chance to present them to the class , %lso tell students that at the end o# the unit they will !e creating a project on the computer program- Garage Band- which they will use to record a poem and create !ackground sounds and rhythm to go along with it . Explain that in order to write good poems oursel"es- we will study the work o# other poets and that the #irst way we can go a!out thinking like a poet is !y looking at the world in a poetic way %sk students to listen care#ully while / read a poem 0o not gi"e them any context clues or !ackground in#ormation on the poem and ask them to imagine in their heads what is going on in the poem %#ter reading- discuss the "arious ways in which the author ga"e interesting descriptions and told a story without saying exactly what he meant 1 2ext discuss ways to descri!e the pencil sharpener in ordinary ways 'ead the poem (Pencil Sharpener* to the class and discuss the ways the poet descri!es the pencil sharpener in uni3ue ways4 ways that we dont usually think a!out 5a"e this poem written on chart paper so that "isual learners will ha"e a chance to connect with the text Explain that the author could ha"e descri!ed in ordinary ways- !ut chose to use these interesting #orms o# language 6 0iscuss the di##erence !etween scienti#ic o!ser"ations and poetic o!ser"ations and make a !rie# T$chart comparing the two 7 2ext help students practice looking at their world in a di##erent lens Tell them to put on their imaginary poet glasses and look at o!jects in a creati"e way Together we will write

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

9 ;

a #ew descripti"e notes a!out the ceiling 8ake a list o# students o!ser"ations on the !oard Encourage students to descri!e the ceiling in uni3ue ways 2ext show them a poem that :oe 'yder White wrote a!out the ceiling on chart paper and read that short poem together <inally- announce that you ha"e created a poetry museum on the side ta!le Tell the students that this museum includes many di##erent o!jects that might !e #un to write a!out Explain that today they are not going to start writing poems- !ut are going to try taking notes a!out what they see in o!jects Tell them that they dont e"en ha"e to write in #ull sentences- !ut that they can simply write in words and short phrases Explain that once they #eel like they"e taken a good amount o# notes on each o!ject- they can mo"e on to a new o!ject Then allow students to come up to the museum to choose an o!ject one at a timeprogressing in num!er or alpha!etical order Choose the #irst num!er !y drawing a stick >i"e each student a poetry #older that they can use to store their !rand$new poems

Assess$ent: + Walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their o!ser"ational notes Try to gi"e the students who you know will struggle with writing and descri!ing more attention /# some o# the speedier students say they are #inishedencourage them to descri!e another o!ject and go !ack and try to make more o!ser"ations a!out their #irst #ew o!jects , 8ake notes o# students that you want to !e sure to work with in the next #ew days Wra!%&!: + >ather the students on the #loor in the #ront o# the classroom and discuss some o# the o!ser"ations students ha"e made Talk a!out how poets o#ten descri!e normal things in uni3ue and interesting ways 5a"e the students look at their hands and think o# ways they can descri!e their hands 5a"e them tell their partner what they see /n"ite a #ew students to share their work with the class

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson 2: ?istening #or ?ine )reaks

Objective: To teach students a!out the di##erent #orms poetry can take on and how poets design line !reaks within their poems so that they can !est speak to their audiences Standards: Students will@
L.'N.02.01 understand- restate and #ollow three$ and #our$step directions L.'N.02.0( listen to or "iew knowledgea!ly while demonstrating appropriate social skills o# audience !eha"iors Ae g - eye contact- attenti"e- supporti"eB in small and large group settings4 listen to the comments o# peers and respond on topic adding a connected idea L.)#.02.01 listen to or "iew knowledgea!ly and discuss a "ariety o# genre

Materia s Needed: Paper and pencils #or each student Copies o# example poems to read Chart paper or a white !oard Poem written in prose and with line !reaks Antici!ator" Set: ?earn a jump$rope chant and sing it while we swing the jump$rope A('ope 'hyme* #rom 5oney- / ?o"e and other lo"e poems !y Eloise >reen#ieldB #rocedure: + Talk with students a!out the #act that poems ha"e rhythm and #low in certain ways depending on how the poet has written them , 5a"e students #irst #eel the rhythm o# the jump rope !y ha"ing two students spin the rope at a steady pace #or the class 2ext read ('ope 'hyme*and clap the rhythm as it is read <inally- ha"e the class read ('ope 'hyme* together while listening #or the !eat in the jump$rope rhythm . 2ext- students will work on comparing prose to poetry 5a"e the students look at the poem- (%3uarium* !y Valerie Worth- a poem written in !oth prose and in poem #orm that you ha"e typed on a computer projector / will then read each piece and discuss how the line !reaks change the meaning and impact o# the poem 1 %s a class re$arrange poem with #ew line !reaks into a more meaning#ul poem Children will take turns mo"ing the words to di##erent lines This can !e done on a computer that is projected The poems used #or this segment o# the acti"ity can !e written !y the teacher The ones / used are attached 6 /# time allows- ha"e students practice reading these poems aloud to a partner 7 <inally- work with students as a class to practice turning o!ser"ational notes into a poem with line !reaks that emphasiCe meaning 9 %#ter this instruct the students to go !ack to their seats and start turning their o!ser"ational notes o# their #a"orite o!ject or !est descriptions into poems with purpose#ul line !reaks that sound almost like music 'emind them that this lesson will !e important to remem!er throughout the rest o# the poetry unit %s poets they should think and write in this rhythmic way when they are trying to write poemsD

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Assess$ent: ; Walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poems Try to gi"e the students who you know will struggle with writing and descri!ing more attention ?ook #or line !reaks in poems and make notes a!out how well students are understanding this concept in general 0ecide i# this is something you will need to re"isit in one o# the upcoming lessons /# some o# the speedier students say that they are #inished- encourage them to turn one o# their other o!ject o!ser"ations into a poem with line !reaks /# they ha"e already done this #or all o# the o!jects they o!ser"ed- encourage them to take notes on another o!ject and turn those into a poem = 8ake notes o# students that you want to !e sure to work with in the next #ew days Wra!%&!: +E >ather the students on the #loor in the #ront o# the classroom and ha"e a #ew students share the poems they ha"e written Point out aspects o# the lesson to which you were hoping they would catch on

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson (: 5earing the 8usic in Poetry

Objective: Show students how closely related songs and poems are and that poems can !e and o#ten are turned into songs Standards:
S.*S.02.01 engage in su!stanti"e con"ersations- remaining #ocused on su!ject matter- with interchanges !uilding on prior responses in !ook discussions- peer con#erencing- or other interactions S.*S.02.0( respond to multiple text types !y re#lecting- making connections- taking a position- andFor showing understanding W.GN.02.02 approximate poetry !ased on reading a wide "ariety o# grade$appropriate poetry W.GN.02.02 approximate poetry !ased on reading a wide "ariety o# grade$appropriate poetry

Materia s Needed: Paper and pencils #or each student Copies o# example poems to read Chart paper- white !oard- or computer and projector Poem written in prose and with line !reaks Antici!ator" Set: ?earn and sing (Silly )illy * #rocedure: + )egin !y talking a!out how closely related poetry is to music 'ead parts o# ?o"e you <ore"er !y 'o!ert 8unsch and talk a!out how the poem in this story is "ery rhythmic and sing$songy , Practice reading a #ew poems together as a class- such as (Things* and (8usic* !y Eloise >reen#ield . Then the children will split up into pairs and practice reading poems to one another Students should !e made aware that poetry reading will sound di##erent than regular reading and should !e done with #eeling and expression 1 Send students !ack to their seats to continue working on the poems they started the #irst two days o# the unit /nstruct them to try to add a rhythm to at least one o# their poems so that it will !e read in an e##ecti"e manner Tell them that they will !e sharing their work at the end o# class- so they can practice reading it out loud so#tly i# that will help them #igure out good line !reaks and rhythm /nstruct them to read their poems 3uietly out loud to themsel"es at least #i"e times in order to hear the rhythm in their own poems Assess$ent: 6 Walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poems Try to gi"e students who / know will struggle with writing and descri!ing more attention Work with students on adding e##ecti"e line !reaks and rhythm to their poems 5old con#erences with students who are still struggling with getting started on their poems or students who ha"e !een a!sent Work with those students you ha"e wanted to work with !ased on notes #rom pre"ious lessons 7 8ake notes o# students who you want to !e sure to work with in the next #ew days

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

8ake arrangements to study students writing samples closely at the end o# this lesson so that you can take a more in$depth look at student progress 8ake a class assessment chart so that you can group students !ased on current needs

Wra!%&!: ; >ather the students on the #loor in the #ront o# the classroom and draw sticks to ha"e 6$+E students share their poems Point out the rhythm you notice in each o# them and encourage the listening students to listen #or the #low and rhythm as the reader reads and speaks

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson +: Putting Power#ul Thoughts in Tiny Packages

Objective: To introduce students to di##erent types o# poetry topics a!out which they can write Students will !egin to experiment with di##erent poetic themes Standards: Students will@
W.#S.02.01 de"elop personal style in oral- written- and "isual messages in !oth narrati"e Ae g - descripti"e language- use o# imagination- "arying sentence !eginningsB and in#ormational writing Ae g - #acts- e##ecti"e conclusionsB W.#).02.0+ write in #irst and third person !ased on genre type and purpose

Materia s: Chart paper Paper and pencil #or each student Antici!ator" Set: 0emonstrate a small moment and ha"e students descri!e aloud what they see These small moments could !e things like kicking a soccer !all- !lowing !u!!les- sneeCinglaughing- taking the #irst !ite o# a delicious piece o# #ood- taking a sip o# water- swinging on a swing- etc #rocedure: + <irst explain to students that while they ha"e !een writing a!out interesting o!jects to practice the art o# writing poetry- "ery o#ten poets write a!out #eelings- especially #eelings that are "ery important to their own li"es What we know oursel"es is the easiest to write a!out !ecause we are the experts on those #eelings and experiences Explain that today they are going to practice choosing topics and getting started , To choose a good topic- explain that we must choose one that is !ig !ut also "ery small /t can sometimes !e help#ul to think o# a small moment- such as my little sister dropping her ice$cream cone- and think o# the !ig #eeling that goes along with thatGmy lo"e #or her 0emonstrate small moments Asee anticipatory setB and ha"e students write the #eelings or words that go along with one o# those . Share the poem (&ne ?ast ?ittle ?ea#* !y Hack Prelutsky and point out how he expands that moment o# the lea# hanging #rom a !ranch 1 5a"e students close their eyes and imagine doing their #a"orite thing %sk them to think a!out how they #eel This might !e a good topic #or each o# them to write a!out 5a"e a #ew students share this moment with the class 6 Think a!out how we can see this ordinary thing through poets eyes- as we ha"e !een practicing with the o!ject descriptions 7 Then write a short poem as a class a!out a #eeling that a majority o# the students will ha"eGa lo"e #or summer "acation- a lo"e #or recess )e sure to Coom in on that moment 9 /t will !e important to point out that while you as the teacher could write a poem a!out what you did today and say@ Today %ll o# my students Wrote poems

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

They did a "ery good jo! / #elt "ery proud /nstead- / could write a!out a small moment that had a !ig #eeling@ 8y heart leapt #or joy %s the pens !egan to dance %nd the minds !egan to sing 8y poets were at work ; <inally- instruct students to work on writing poems o# their own a!out a small moment and a #eeling they ha"e #elt during or a#ter one o# these such moments- may!e the one they imagined in their heads

Wra!%&!: = 0emonstrate the small moment that students wrote a!out at the !eginning o# the lesson again and ha"e students write a!out it one more time +E 5a"e each student share their tiny moment with a !ig #eeling with the class andFor with a partner Assess$ent: ++ Collect the !eginning o# lesson and end o# lesson assignments and use them as an assessment tool to see i# students are +B Understanding the concept o# a !ig moment- ,B %!le to grasp the o!jecti"e o# your lesson- and .B /mpro"ing their thoughts a!out a !ig moment a#ter personal writing time with it and more experience with the concept

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson ,: <inding /ngredients #or a Poem

Objective: Students will learn how they can choose topics #or poems !y utiliCing the skills they practiced in pre"ious lessons- including strong #eelings and concrete details Standards: Students will@
W.#S.02.01 de"elop personal style in oral- written- and "isual messages in !oth narrati"e Ae g - descripti"e language- use o# imagination- "arying sentence !eginningsB and in#ormational writing Ae g - #acts- e##ecti"e conclusionsB S.'N.02.0+ present in standard %merican English i# it is their #irst language AStudents whose #irst language is not English will present in their de"eloping "ersion o# standard %merican English B S.*S.02.0( respond to multiple text types !y re#lecting- making connections- taking a position- andFor showing understanding

Materia s: Chart paper Paper and pencil #or each student ?etter #rom Hack Prelutsky #rocedure: + Explain that students need to look at ideas #or poems !e#ore writing and ask themsel"es(0o / ha"e strong #eelings a!out thisI* Share a #ew examples o# students work #rom the pre"ious lesson /# someone asked you to write a poem a!out !ase!all- it might !e hard #or you !ecause you dont ha"e "ery strong #eelings a!out !ase!all Jou ha"ent played it "ery much and you dont ha"e a strong attachment to any !ase!all teams 5owe"er- i# someone asked Himmy to write a!out !ase!all- you might ha"e strong #eelings a!out it and !e a!le to talk a!out how it #eels to win a game- to swing a !at- to hit the !all really #ar or score a home run and he would !e a!le to write a 8UC5 !etter poem than you would !ecause mine might !e something like- (Well- )ase!all . !ases- running- hitting !alls- home runs * Whereas Himmys could ha"e #eelingsG(8y heart pounds as the !all comes toward me- eyes #ocused- arms loose- / swing and 5/TD* , Share a letter #rom Hack Prelutsky a!out how he !egan writing poetry AattachedB . 8ake a chart as a class discussing the !ig #eelings and details and o!jects used to descri!e these in the poems we ha"e read so #ar as a class 1 Encourage students to work with one another during their poetry writing /# a student doesnt know what to write a!out- what can we tell themI (Poets #ind a !ig topic that gi"es them !ig- strong #eelings- poets #ind a small o!ject or moment or detail that holds the !ig #eeling- poets look with poets eyes and see this ordinary thing in a new way- and poets write a!out it- experimenting with line !reaks * So tell students that they can tell these things to one another and think a!out them i# they are ha"ing trou!le coming up with writing topics %lso- i# someone says they are #inished- we can always think('eread the poem and look #or the music in itGCan / change the line !reaks to make it more rhythmic and musicalI* 6 Then send students on their own to work on either writing new poems or re"isiting old ones =

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Assess$ent: 7 Walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poetry writing- looking #or those !ig #eelings in small moments 9 8ake notes o# students that you want to !e sure to work with in the next #ew days Wra!%&!: ; >ather the students on the #loor in the #ront o# the classroom and in"ite 6$+E students to share pieces that are a!out something that the student has !ig #eelings a!out Point out strengths to the rest o# the class


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson -: Showing- 2ot Telling

Objective: We will re"iew the concept o# showing what one means when writing rather than telling We will practice writing in ways that con"ey strong #eelings Standards: Students will@
L.)#.02.01 listen to or "iew knowledgea!ly and discuss a "ariety o# genre W.#S.02.01 de"elop personal style in oral- written- and "isual messages in !oth narrati"e Ae g - descripti"e language- use o# imagination- "arying sentence !eginningsB and in#ormational writing Ae g - #acts- e##ecti"e conclusionsB

Materia s: Chart paper Paper and pencil #or each student /ts SnowingD /ts SnowingD )y Hack Prelutsky Antici!ator" Set: Show students a #ew acting examples o# showing- not telling and ha"e students try a #ew o# these #or the class #rocedure: + >ather students on the rug and ask them to !ring their writing #olders with them , Explain that although we ha"e talked !e#ore a!out showing- not telling when writing stories- we also ha"e to do the same thing when writing poems /n #act it is more important to show- not tell #or poetry !ecause poems are so shortD This means that the words chosen must !e the !est words possi!le that will say the 8&ST to readersD . 2ext share with them a good example o# a poet who really shows instead o# telling P 9 in Hack Prelutskys /ts SnowingD /ts SnowingD 'emind students that they must always !e thinking o# their audience o# readers and a!out how they can keep them entertained 1 >i"e examples o# telling statements on the !oard and ha"e students work with a partner to think o# ways they could make that statement more o# a showing statement 'e"iew these statements as a class and discuss how they can !e impro"ed upon 6 2ext students will look at one o# their poems and choose one line in their poem that they could turn into more o# a showing statement 7 They will share with their partner an idea o# how they can make it !etter Their partner will share with them one idea o# how T5EJ think it could !e e"en !etter 9 <inally- students will !e sent !ack to their seats )e#ore they can continue working on other pieces o# poetry- ha"e them make at least one line o# their poem !etter !y turning it into a showing- not telling statement They then must get this line appro"ed !y a teacher Assess$ent: ; Walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poetry writing Check each students work to ensure they ha"e tried to create a showing- not telling statement Praise good showing statements and possi!ly share these with the class as moti"ation and ideas &ne way to practice showing- not telling statements might !e to


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

ha"e students sort some o# the phrases in their poems into Kshowing and Ktelling categories They then would ha"e to work on impro"ing any Ktelling phrases 8ake notes o# students you want to !e sure to work with in the next #ew days

Wra!%&!: +E >ather the students on the #loor in the #ront o# the classroom and in"ite 6$+E students to share lines #rom their poems that show rather than tell Point out strengths to the rest o# the class


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson .: 5earing the Voices o# Poetry

Objective: Students will work on trans#orming their poems #rom ones written in ordinary "oices to ones written in di##erent thematic poetic "oices that express #eelings Standards: Students will@
W.#).02.0, dra#t a coherent piece with appropriate grammar- usage- mechanics- and temporary spellings L.'N.02.01 understand- restate and #ollow three$ and #our$step directions Student generates- dra#ts- re"ises- edits and pu!lishes di##erent #orms o# written expression

Materia s: Chart paper or computer projector Paper and pencil #or each student #rocedure: + Show children how di##erent the "oice o# poetry is #rom regular writing "oices and #rom speaking "oice &ne strategy to will explain is how we can write T& a particular o!ject instead o# writing a!out it <or example- we might say (<lowers- how ex3uisite and !reathtaking you are* instead o# (8y #lowers are "ery pretty * (5omework oh 5omework* !y Hack Prelutsky , Suggest that another way o# writing poems is to make a story poem % poem can ha"e a story- !ut we ha"e to !e care#ul not to use too many words so that it isnt a story instead o# a poemD Tell students to imagine they are trying to tell the story with urgency Areally #astB- so that thy only use the most important pointsD Ause Hack Prelutskys (/ce Skating* poem or (Two ?ittle Littens*B . %nother strategy is #or students to talk as i# they are speaking directly to the reader and sharing them a deep secret o# their heart (/ 0o 2ot 8ind Jou- Winter Wind* !y Hack Prelutsky is a good example P 7, in ?ucy Calkins also has a list o# some good example poems 1 2ext ha"e students practice speaking in these di##erent ways #irst in #ront o# the class and then with a partner !y playing a speaking game %ssign students to a partner and command them to talk to their partner in a certain way depending on the command you gi"e Examples o# such commands might !e- (Tell your partner a!out your #a"orite type o# #ood to eat !y talking to the #ood* or (0escri!e your #a"orite toy to your partner !y talking as i# you are sharing a deep secret o# your heart* or (Tell your partner a!out what you ha"e done so #ar in school today as #ast as you can * )e sure to model this acti"ity #or the students !e#ore sending them on their own to practice with one another 6 <inally- instruct students to write a new poem in one o# these "oices Tell them that they must get this new poem appro"ed !e#ore they can continue working on any o# their other poems /# they #inish that and still ha"e more time- ha"e them change an old poem into one o# these "oices Assess$ent: +.

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

7 9

Continue to o!ser"e and con#erence with students )e sure to check that each student is making an attempt to write in one o# the new ways we ha"e learned a!out today 8ake notes o# student progress and o# students you want to work with

Wra!%&!: ; 5a"e students who experimented with these new poetry "oices share their poems with the class Encourage students to try these types o# writing in the coming days %sk #or a show o# hands #or how many students already ha"e and want to try each type


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson /: Searching #or 5onest- Precise Words

Objective: Students will practice using e##ecti"e words in their poems that will !e precise and simple Standards: Student@
M 8onitors text #or meaning M <ocuses writing !y identi#ying occasion- audience- and purpose

Materia s: Chart paper or computer projector Paper and pencil #or each student #rocedure: + 'emind students that poems are relati"ely short- so there is no room #or useless words and meaningless words like Knice and Kgood Poets need to practice choosing the per#ect words that will say the most in a short period o# time , %s a class- make an alternate list o# words that can !e su!stituted #or Kgood- Knice- and Khappy on chart paper These lists can then !e displayed during all #uture writing workshop sessions so that students can use them in their poems . Then tell them how they can search their poems and #igure out where they need to add more precise words They can go through their poems and circle words like KgoodKnice- and Khappy and make lists on the margins o# their paper o# other ways they could write the word 1 /# time allows- together write a poem and work on using speci#ic- precise words 6 /nstruct students that !e#ore they mo"e on to working on any poetry they would like- they ha"e to #ind . words in poems they ha"e already written that they can change to more precise and descripti"e words &nce they ha"e gotten these appro"ed !y a teacher- they are #ree to work on any poetry writing they would like Assess$ent 7 Walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their writing )e sure to check that each student has made impro"ements to three words in their poem 9 8ake notes o# student progress and continue to make notes o# students you want to work with in the next #ew days Wra!%&!: ; /n"ite students to the rug and ha"e 6$+E students share examples o# lines #rom their poems where they used precise language


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson 0: Patterning on the Page

Objective: Students will use the language and structures they ha"e practiced pre"iously in the unit to create patterns #or their poems that support their meaning Standards: Students will@
L.'N.02.01 understand- restate and #ollow three$ and #our$step directions

Writes #or di##erent purposes4 e g - to share what heFshe has learned- to entertain- to gi"e directions

Materia s: Chart paper or computer projector Paper and pencil #or each student #rocedure: + <irst gather students on the rug and discuss the meaning o# the word Kpattern We will discuss the meaning o# a pattern in math- calendars- and design and then make predictions a!out how poets might use patterns in their writing , Then look at a #ew poems and work together as a class to identi#y the patterns that might !e present in those poems ?ook at line !reaks and structure as well as word patterns such as (>o wind- !lowF push wind- swoosh and starting each stanCa with a certain phrase such as- (/ts snowingD /ts snowingD* A)e sure to point out interesting stanCa !reaks and poem shapes on p 1+$1. o# Hack Prelutskys !ookB %nother interesting poem to study might !e (Things* !y Eloise >reen#ield- which was studied once already earlier in the unit . Together we will !rainstorm other patterns we could add to poems 1 5a"e students organiCe poems into piles o# poems with patterns and poems without patterns 5a"e them consider adding patterns to the ones that dont ha"e patterns 6 /t might !e interesting to consider writing a!out a turtle might walk "ersus how a kangaroo- cheetah- dog- child- or grandmother might walk 7 2ext ha"e the students try adding a pattern to their writing They will not !e allowed to mo"e on to another aspect o# writing until they ha"e showed a teacher that they ha"e added a pattern to a new or old poem Wra!%&!: 9 /n"ite students to the rug and ha"e those who added a pattern to their poem share these patterns with the class %lso share a pattern you ha"e used in poetry with the class Assess$ent: ; Continue to walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poetry writing


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

8ake notes o# student progress and continue to make notes o# students you want to work with more

Lesson 10: Using Comparisons to Con"ey <eelings

Objective: To show students that another way to express #eeling is !y comparing #eelings or o!jects to other things Standards: Students will@
S.*S.02.0( respond to multiple text types !y re#lecting- making connections- taking a position- andFor showing understanding W.#S.02.01 de"elop personal style in oral- written- and "isual messages in !oth narrati"e Ae g - descripti"e language- use o# imagination- "arying sentence !eginningsB and in#ormational writing Ae g - #acts- e##ecti"e conclusionsB

Materia s: Chart paper or computer projector Paper and pencil #or each student #rocedure: + 'emind students that they ha"e !een studying di##erent ways to express our #eelings and descri!e our thoughts and that one way o# doing so is to compare our #eelings to something else So just like we tried to see our o!jects with #resh eyes at the !eginning o# the unit- today we are trying to see our #eelings in di##erent ways and talk a!out them in new and exiting ways , Then read them a poem called (/nside 8y 5eart* !y :oe 'yder White Explain that instead o# saying exactly how she #elt- she compared her #eelings to other things in li#e Tell them to make guesses at how she is #eeling just !y listening to the things she compares her #eelings to a /nside 8y 5eart !y :oe 'yder White /nside my heart li"es one !irthday party two jaCC !ands three wrestling puppies #our dancing !irds #i"e laughing !a!ies six !lasting spaceships se"en lucky #ire#lies and a sky #ull o# stars . Then explain that instead o# saying that she was happy- :oe thought o# things in the world that reminded her o# how she #elt and she wrote a!out the things she was #eeling Jou could say something like- (/ might write a!out second graders !eing close to my heart or my #amily or my #riends %nd some o# you might write a!out your #amilies or your pets or your #a"orite sport *


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

6 7

2ext ask students to think a!out a time recently when they #elt really sad %sk them to think a!out how they would write a!out how their heart #elt then and what kinds o# things they might imagine to !e li"ing inside there Then ha"e them tell someone near them how their heart #elt when they #elt sad without actually saying the word sad- !ut comparing it to something else in their li"es Encourage them to think o# something really sad and use that to explain their sadness rather than actually writing that they #elt sad They should use the phrase- (/nside my heart li"esN* 5a"e the students repeat the same acti"ity only this time saying something like- (When /m angry my heart #eels likeNa roaring lion * Send students !ack to their seats to work on their poems Tell them that good poets write with strong #eelings such as the ones we ha"e just discussed /nstruct them that they must either #ind one new #eeling to add to their poem or #ind one place in one o# their poems where they could make a #eeling more realistic sounding or impro"e upon their poem They must change this part o# their poem and share it with the class !e#ore they can mo"e on to another aspect o# their writing

Wra!%&!: 9 0uring indi"idual work- look #or students who are adding #eeling to their poems and tell these students that they will !e sharing their poems with the class at the end o# the lesson %t the end o# the lesson- ha"e these students share and point out what aspects o# their poems you really liked Assess$ent: ; Continue to walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poetry writing = 8ake notes o# student progress and continue to make notes o# students you want to work with more


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson 11: Contrasting &rdinary and Poetic ?anguage

Objective: To !uild on and add to the idea o# comparisons that were discussed yesterday Standards: Students will@
S.*S.02.0( respond to multiple text types !y re#lecting- making connections- taking a position- andFor showing understanding W.#S.02.01 de"elop personal style in oral- written- and "isual messages in !oth narrati"e Ae g - descripti"e language- use o# imagination- "arying sentence !eginningsB and in#ormational writing Ae g - #acts- e##ecti"e conclusionsB S.*S.02.01 engage in su!stanti"e con"ersations- remaining #ocused on su!ject matter- with interchanges !uilding on prior responses in !ook discussions- peer con#erencing- or other interactions

Materia s: Chart paper or computer projector Paper and pencil #or each student Pre$made T$chart comparing ordinary and poetic language #rocedure: + <irst re"iew the concepts discussed yesterday and then extend students thinking !y letting them know that they can use these comparisons to compare any type o# writingnot just #eelings , 2ext show children the T$chart you ha"e made that will compare ordinary and poetic language This will !e a re"iew #rom lesson ,- !ut ha"e se"eral ordinary language statements prepared on a piece o# chart paper and ha"e a couple o# examples o# poetic language listed on the other side %#ter you go through the #irst #ew examples and ha"e children share other poetic language ideas- ha"e them talk !oth to eachother and share with the class their ideas a!out other ways they could make the language more poetic . 'emind students that it is always ad"antageous to try new things when writing This is the only way poets and authors learn that they are goodG!y experimenting with new things 1 %#ter this acti"ity- ha"e students go !ack to their seats to work on writing their poems!ut re3uire them to #ind one place in their old poems that could use a comparison or more poetic language Wra!%&!: 6 5a"e se"eral students share their comparisons with the class >i"e more ideas and possi!ly share another poem with the class Assess$ent:


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

8ake a checklist o# students who ha"e completed the comparison assignment so that they will not !e !ehind #or the next lesson where they will need to ha"e already created a comparison /# students are #alling !ehind- take an extra day to allow students to catch up Students who are caught up could write a poem o# their choice using some o# the 3ualities we ha"e learned a!out or could !e gi"en a speci#ic strategy to try using

Lesson 12: Stretching &ut a Comparison ASustaining a 8etaphorB

Objective: Students will take one metaphor or comparison that they ha"e made and stretch it out to se"eral lines or an entire poem Standards: Students will@
L.'N.02.01 understand- restate and #ollow three$ and #our$step directions W.GN.02.02 approximate poetry !ased on reading a wide "ariety o# grade$appropriate poetry W.#).02.0+ write in #irst and third person !ased on genre type and purpose W.#).02.0, dra#t a coherent piece with appropriate grammar- usage- mechanics- and temporary spellings

Materia s: Chart paper or computer projector Paper and pencil #or each student #rocedure: + )rie#ly re"iew the concept o# a comparison that we discussed in the pre"ious lesson 2ext- students will look through their poetry writing samples and will choose one poem in which they ha"e originally written or added a comparison Awhich they should ha"e done in the pre"ious lesson- i# not the lesson !e#oreNcatch up a!sent students prior to the lesson i# possi!leB 5a"e students choose their !est comparison , &nce students ha"e chosen their !est comparison- ha"e them all come to the rug with that comparison in their hands 0iscuss the #act that o#ten poets write an entire poem !ased on one simple comparison like the ones they ha"e in their hands / will read an example o# a metaphor that has !een stretched A()at* and (8y 8um*B . Point out how the author kept re#erring to the same concept used in the original metaphor 1 2ext work as a class to stretch out a comparison together into a short poem Use one o# the metaphors the class created yesterday 6 See p == o# ?ucy CalkinsGthe classroom is sleepingGused in e"ery line 7 &nce you #eel that the students #eel com#orta!le with stretching out metaphors- ha"e them go !ack to their seats and only work on writing an extended metaphor poem #or the rest o# the class period 'e3uire them to extend one o# their metaphors at least #our lines !e#ore they can mo"e on to another poem Wra!%&!: 9 /n"ite students to the rug and draw 6$+E sticks to ha"e these students share their extended metaphor Aor part o# itB with the class Assess$ent: ,E

Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Continue to walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poetry writing- #ocusing on the extended metaphors 0o not hold indi"idual con#erences today- !ut circulate and make sure to get to all o# the students to check that they are working on extending a metaphor and that they understand this concept = 8ake notes o# student progress and continue to make notes o# students you want to work with more +E %lso assess students a!ility to work independently on a gi"en task and how e##iciently they work when gi"en a speci#ic task as opposed to the usual #reedom gi"en during writers workshop


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson 1(: <inding Treasures in 0iscarded 0ra#ts

Objective: Students will choose the poem they want to work on as a re"ision piece that they will present at the >arage )and cele!ration at the end o# the unit Standards: Students will@
W.#).02.0, dra#t a coherent piece with appropriate grammar- usage- mechanics- and temporary spellings W.#).02.0. attempt to proo#read and edit writing using appropriate resources including dictionaries and a class$de"eloped checklist !oth indi"idually and in groups

Materia s: Chart paper or computer projector Paper and pencil #or each student #rocedure: + <irst instruct students to spend some time looking through all o# the many poetry pieces they ha"e worked on during this unit thus #ar 5a"e them separate them into pieces they want to re"ise and ones that they dont #eel as good a!out and may not want to keep Explain that sometimes poets #ind special lines or phrases that they like in a poem although they really dont like the rest o# the poem Encourage students to look #or lines such as these and circle them with a crayon and placing them in their sa"e pile %lso instruct students that they should choose one poem that they want to pu!lish at the end o# the unit , %t this point explain the >arage )and project in more detail . &nce students ha"e chosen the piece they want to re"ise- ha"e them go through the pieceAsB and check them #or all o# the di##erent components that are an integral part o# a poem and a poets process Put this list on the !oard 1 /# time allows- ha"e children work together to edit one anothers poems &r possi!ly sa"e this #or another day and ha"e students continue to work on #ixing up their poems 6 /# students are editing one anothers poems- model an editing demonstration #or the entire class so that they are #amiliar with how to do this Wra!%&!: 7 >ather the students attention and ha"e se"eral students share one way they helped a partner make their poem !etter )rie#ly discuss how important re"ision and editing is to the writing process Assess$ent:


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

9 ;

/ will continue to walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poetry writing / will make notes o# student progress and continue to make notes o# students / want to work with more

Lesson 1+: 'e"ising and Editing Poetry

Objective: Students will edit and re"ise the piece o# poetry they ha"e chosen to pu!lish and record on >arage )and Standards: Students will@
W.#).02.0. attempt to proo#read and edit writing using appropriate resources including dictionaries and a class$de"eloped checklist !oth indi"idually and in groups S.*S.02.01 engage in su!stanti"e con"ersations- remaining #ocused on su!ject matter- with interchanges !uilding on prior responses in !ook discussions- peer con#erencing- or other interactions S.*S.02.0( respond to multiple text types !y re#lecting- making connections- taking a position- andFor showing understanding L.'N.02.0( listen to or "iew knowledgea!ly while demonstrating appropriate social skills o# audience !eha"iors Ae g - eye contact- attenti"e- supporti"eB in small and large group settings4 listen to the comments o# peers and respond on topic adding a connected idea

Proo#reads #or capitals A!eginnings o# sentences- peopleOs names and (/*B- end$o#$sentence punctuation and con"entional spelling

#rocedure: + Today will !e a re"ision day and students will work toward pu!lishing that one #inal poem They will work "ery hard on this poem and will con#er with at least . other students When the students con#erence with one another- they should !e looking #orN Agi"e students a list !ased on their progress with poetry so #ar and the desired outcomes and o!jecti"es #or the unitB , 8odel an exemplary con#erence with the students and practice criti3uing as a group Put a poem on an o"erhead projector and ha"e students make comments a!out how they could change the poem and add to it Encourage all students to participate 5a"e students raise their hands to answer !ut also ha"e them work in pair occasionally so that e"eryone gets a chance to !e a part o# the discussion . %lso introduce the re"ision checklist to students and keep this chart "isi!le during con#erencing a 'eread ! 8ake sure all the words are there c Words ha"e spaces !etween d There are no !ackwards letters e Word$wall words are spelled right


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

The punctuation is correct Aperiods- 3uestion marks- exclamation points- 3uotation marks- commasB g CapitaliCation is correct h )lends and spelling patterns are spelled correctly 5a"e students practice reading their poems out loud to themsel"es- a partner- and to you This will !e in preparation #or their >arage )and recordings which will take place soon

Wra!%&!: 6 >ather the students attention and ha"e se"eral students share one way they made their own poem !etter )rie#ly discuss how important re"ision and editing is to the writing process Assess$ent: 7 Continue to walk around the classroom and o!ser"e and con#erence with students a!out their poetry writing 9 8ake notes o# student progress and continue to make notes o# students you want to work with more


Catherine Vaughn

Experimenting with Poetry Writers Workshop Unit Plan Project

Lesson 1,: Working on >arage )and Presentation 0ay one@ 0ay two@ Lesson 1-: Presenting Poems to the World@ %n %uthors Cele!ration
Objective: To make students #eel proud at what they ha"e accomplished and share their work with the rest o# the class *escri!tion: Students will practice reading their poetry with #eeling and emotion and will record their work on the >arage )and program on computers This will unite with their science unit on sound %t the end o# the science unit- they will create their own song on >arage )and and it will match the rhythm and #eeling o# their poem They will read and record their poem with the songFrhythm playing in the !ackground Each child will ha"e a chance to share their work with the class and we will ha"e a cele!ration at how much the children ha"e accomplished in writinglearning a!out sound- and in using the computersD Assess$ent: / will e"aluate how well students incorporated all o# the many di##erent aspects o# writing into their poems / will look #or metaphors- small moments with !ig #eelings- e"idence o# re"ision- rhythm- and #low in their poems / will also listen #or #luency in reading their poems and will try to hear expression- #eeling- and tone i# possi!le / will also assess how well students were a!le to connect their poem to the sounds they created on >arage )and


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