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Brittany Hooker

Mrs. H.

email: portfolio:

OBJECTIVE: To obtain a School Library Media Specialist position. EDUCATION: Media Specialist erti!ication "rogram !rom #eorgia Southern $ni%ersity. ompletion
date: &ecember '( 2)1'. #.".*.: +.). #* , e-am date: .ebruary 1/( 2)1+. Masters o! *rts in teaching degree !rom #rand anyon $ni%ersity. #raduation date: May 2))0. 1%erall #.".*.: +.). 2.S. in ,lementary ,ducation 3,arly hildhood "4567 !rom *ugusta State $ni%ersity. #raduation date: May 12( 2))8. erti!ication: ,arly hildhood ,ducation 3"re 4567. 1%erall #.".*.: '.99. "assed "ra-is :: e-am. ;igh School &iploma( ass ;igh School( May( 2))'. ollege and Tech "reparatory seals. ;onor graduate and member o! 2eta lub. MEDIA EXPERIENCE: 1%er 19) hours obser%ing( collaborati%ely planning( teaching students in

grades 456( pro%iding pro!essional de%elopment( and per!orming other media tasks. 1nline port!olio shown at *merican *ssociation o! School Librarians <o%ember( 2)1'. Media Practicu 53*ugust 2)1'5&ecember 2)1'7. "arsons ,lementary( Timber =idge ,lementary( Tussahaw ,lementary( Luella Middle( Luella ;igh. TEACHIN! EXPERIENCE: Taught 4indergarten and .irst grade. Lessons are based on ommon ore
#eorgia "er!ormance Standards and re!lect di!!erentiated instruction methods. =eader>s ?orkshop and ?riter>s ?orkshop e-perience.

Pro"e##iona$ E%&erience'4indergarten (2))/5"resent7. Tussahaw ,lementary: Mr.

arl 4nowlton( "rincipal. Mrs. *ttenya Scott( *ssistant "rincipal.

Pro"e##iona$ E%&erience'1st #rade (2))852))/7. ?esley Lakes ,lementary:

Mrs. Lori S@uires( "rincipal. Mr. emond =obinAine( *ssistant "rincipal.

)tudent Teac*in+,4indergarten 3Ban. 2))85 May 2))87. =i%erside ,lementary( Mrs.

Turner5Master Teacher( Mrs. 4elly .armer5$ni%ersity oordinator. : led students to enter =i%er o! ?ords( the largest international art and poetry contest !or students. ;a%e e-perience teaching in a culturally di%erse classroom with resource and *2* inclusion.

Au+u#t E%&erience: 3/) hours: pre5planning and the !irst week o! school7. Practicu #: 3'6) hours7. 1bser%ed classroom and taught lessons to small groups( and to
the whole class. Three classrooms total( grades 15+. Taught Coyager Literacy "rogram and Bunior *chie%ement Lessons in%ol%ed cooperati%e learning( language e-perience approach( directed reading thinking acti%ities( and interdisciplinary teaching.

Ot*er E%&erience: Taught %acation bible school and was a part time child care pro%ider
since 1009.

Vo$unteer -ork: 312)D hours7. Tutored at *ugusta State $ni%ersity>s Literacy enter(
%olunteered in a second grade classroom at 2rockett ,lementary School( also %olunteered !or #irl Scout outings( and at amp Toccoa.


Tar+et 3*ugust 2))65&ecember 2))97. +22' ?ashington =d. ,%ans( #* ')/)0. Manager: *nthony hildress 38)97 21)5/601. ?orked in Starbucks( .ood *%enue( and ran registers. -inn Di%ie/)a0e Rite 3Bune 2))15May 2))'7. <ow out o! business. *ssisted customers( ran a cash register( re5stocked and organiAed merchandiAe( and operated the o!!ice and customer ser%ice desk.

"ro!icient in the use o! computers( so!tware/internet programs( and websites. *ttended ;enry ounty School>s Teaching with Technology con!erence 32)1'7 *ttended =eading .irst on!erence 3September 2))97 *ttended :mpacting Student Learning con!erence 3March 2))6( 2))87.

#eorgia Library Media *ssociation 4appa &elta ,psilon #eorgia ouncil o! Teachers o! Mathematics S"*#, / "*#, Member since 2013 Member since 2005 Member since 2005 Member since 2004

PRO3E))IONA1 !OA1): : ha%e a serious commitment to be the best media specialist !or each group
o! students and educators : ha%e the opportunity to teach and impact. : will work hard to be a positi%e in!luence in the li%es o! my students( their parents( and my !ellow !aculty members. : will keep up with the most e!!ecti%e teaching methods and media/technology strategies. : wish to attend con!erences( webinars and workshops( and collaborate with and learn !rom other media specialists and teachers to work to the best o! my ability.

RE3ERENCE): Note: Contact information is not included online to protect privacy. Please refer to my application for reference information. Thank you!

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