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Research Assignment

_____________________________________________________________________ Paper : Advanced Computer Networks Subject Code : MCA 206 Semester : MCA IV Batch : 2010-2013 Instructor : Mr. Somendra Kumar Maximum Marks : 10 ast !ate o" Submission: 15th March 2012

!urpose: #he purpose o" the mini$project%assi&nment is to a''o( students to exp'ore the breadth o" the subject and to &et "ami'iar (ith the use in the industries. "#$ect%ves: #he main objecti)e o" the project%assi&nment is &et "ami'iar (ith )arious aspects o" computer net(orks in rea' 'i"e b* +i, stud*in& the c'asses o" net(orks +ii, stud*in& )arious aspects o" the Internet and its (orkin&- and +iii, stud*in& the internet(ork architecture o" an Internet Ser)ice Pro)ider. Instructions: #he report shou'd be spira' bound on .$/ si0e sheet in t*ped "orm (ith times ne( roman st*'e and "ont "or headin& shou'd be 11- "or subheadin& 1/- and "or norma' text 12 (ith 1.3 'ine spacin&. 4n"ormatted or poor'* "ormatted documents (i'' be pena'i0ed !repare a deta%&ed report #ased on an' one Ass%(ment Ass%(nment )1 1. #he net(ork I! o" the c'ass . address is Ca'cu'ate the ne( sunet mask- the net(ork I!- the "irst )a'id address- the 'ast )a'id address- and the broadcast address o" the "our subnets. 2. 5ou are responsib'e "or sub$nettin& the net(ork I! o" 160.7/.0.0 into ei&ht subnets. Ca'cu'ate the binar* (orkin& o" sub$nettin& "or c'ass B net(ork into ei&ht subnets. 7. !i""erentiate bet(een c'ass'ess addressin& and c'ass"u' addressin& in internet. Ass%(nment )2 Stud* the internet(ork architecture o" an Internet Ser)ice Pro)ider. 8epresent this architecture (ith the he'p o" dia&ram and exp'ain it in detai'. .'so &i)e the ans(ers to the "o''o(in& 9ueries re'ated to the studied architecture: 1. :o. o" Ser)ice 4sers +or customers, 2. ;o( man* countries are co)ered< 7. Mention major interconnectin& de)ices. /. !i""erent t*pes o" internet connection % ser)ices o""ered. Ass%(nment )3 .. !ra( architecture o" a Mobi'e Communication S*stem and exp'ain the architecture a'on&(ith it=s )arious components.

B. !ra( architecture o" a Sate''ite :et(ork and exp'ain the architecture a'on&(ith it=s )arious components. C. Compare and contrast bet(een Mobi'e Communication S*stem (ith Sate''ite :et(ork.

*u%de&%nes +or ,u#m%ss%on o+ -esearch Ass%(nment

1. Students ha)e to submit their assi&nments in hard cop* at reception a'on& (ith assi&nment submission "orm. #he "ormat o" this "orm and co)er pa&e is a)ai'ab'e (ith c'ass coordinators and subject teachers. 2. .ssi&nment shou'd be spira' bound on .$/ si0e sheet in t*ped "orm (ith times ne( roman st*'e and "ont "or headin& shou'd be 11- "or subheadin& 1/- and "or norma' text 12 (ith 1.3 'ine spacin&. 4n"ormatted or poor'* "ormatted documents (i'' be pena'i0ed. 3. Students ha)e to submit the so"t cop* o" the assi&nment on porta' a'on& (ith p'a&iarism report "or the same. /. I" the p'a&iarism report sho(s that more than /0> content is copied "rom internet- the assi&nment is not to be accepted. 5. ?ormat o" co)er pa&e and assi&nment submission "orm is &i)en be'o(. 6. #he assi&nments are mandator* "or a'' the students. /. V%per - the Ant%-p&a(%ar%sm ,canner 1.5 ,'stem re0u%rements: @peratin& s*stems Aindo(s B- Aindo(s 63- Aindo(s CistaAindo(s DP a'on& (ith .:et "rame(ork support. 1own&oad %n+ormat%on: ?i'e si0e 600.16K 1own&oad &%nk: http:%%(((.scanm*essa*.com%p'a&iarism$"ree$so"t(are.php It (orks on c'ient ser)er approach. So (e need to do(n'oad the c'ient so'ution at our s*stem and usin& internet on'* (e can scan the document. #here"ore internet support is a must.

*u%de&%nes +or us%n( the so+tware: 1. !o(n'oad the c'ient so'ution o" )iper at *our s*stem. 2. 8un the executab'e "i'e to insta'' the so"t(are. 7. 5ou (i'' &et a 4se rid and pass(ord to use the so"t(are on the mai' id (hich *ou (i'' ha)e to pro)ide durin& do(n'oadin& the so"t(are. /. C'ick on icon o" )iper. 3. Pro)ide *our 4se rid and pass(ord. 1. .dd the document *ou (i'' 'ike to scan B. Se'ect the document propert* "rom the drop box 'ist. E. C'ick on &o to step 7. 6. C'ick on start 10. #he scannin& (i'' start automatica''*. 11. @nce the scannin& stops sa)e the report. 12. Submit *our so"t cop* o" assi&nment 17. Submit the so"tcop* o" the report &enerated b* the Ciper so"t(are.

2ormat o+ Cover !a(e

IN34-NA5 A,,I*NM4N3 Name o+ the cand%date: 4nro&&ment no. : Course: 6atch: ,u#$ect: ,u#$ect code: 3op%c o+ ass%(nment: ,u#$ect 3eacher7s name:

Ass%(nment ,u#m%ss%on 2orm

+?or o""ice use on'*, 4nro&&ment No. : Name : Course : 88888 ,ect%on : 8888888 ,u#$ect Name : 88888. 3op%c o+ ass%(nment 9!ro$ect: : ,u#$ect Code : 88888. 888888888888888888 888888888888888888 6atch : 888888.


2acu&t' Name : 888888888888888888 1ate o+ su#m%ss%on o+ ass%(nment : 888888. ,%(nature o+ ,tudent 888888888888888888888888888888888888

-ece%pt Ass%(nment ,u#m%ss%on 2orm

4nro&&ment No. : Name : Course : 88888 ,ect%on : 8888888 ,u#$ect Name : 88888. 3op%c o+ ass%(nment 9!ro$ect: : ,u#$ect Code : 88888. 888888888888888888 888888888888888888 6atch : 888888.


2acu&t' Name : 888888888888888888 1ate o+ su#m%ss%on o+ ass%(nment : 888888. ,%(nature o+ rece%ver ,tamp9o++%ce:

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