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S. M. Safi Uddin Miah, Md. Amran H !!an Geography & Environment, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh E-mail: safiuddin.fuad@gmail. om A"!#ra$# !he study "as ondu ted at Dhaka #amalapur, $ymensingh %un tion and &ylhet rail"ay stations to assess the level of noise in stations. Dhaka is the largest mega ity and most important ity in south 'sian region. Dhaka, $ymensingh and &ylhet regions are mainly developing area of Bangladesh and a good edu ation entre. !here is a rapid ur(ani)ation and alarming gro"th of population "hi h is ausing serious environmental pro(lems. *oise is one of the environmental pro(lems that hamper our daily life. *oise pollution has (e ome a ma+or on ern for ommunities living "ithin the ities. !he onsideration of the sudden in rease in the num(er of trains from Dhaka #amalapur, $ymensingh %un tion and &ylhet rail"ay stations, rapid gro"th and illness effe t due to noise pollution, there is need to study noise pollution in those rail"ay stations. -n this study an attempt is made to monitor the noise pollution due to rail"ay (y using digital sound meter along "ith the olle tion of traffi volume data and train fre.uen y. !he variation in the noise level due to rail"ay stations /engine, platfrom, rolling point and "aiting pla e0, traffi flo" and traffi volume data in the peak hours are studied and presented in the graphi al form for the sele ted lo ations. %&'( rd!) *oise level, 1ail"ay station, &ound, 2ollution, 3uman health

*. In#r d+$#i n
Bangladesh is fa ing tremendious environmental pro(lems "here many resear h "orks has done along "ith the effe tive role of e4pert dis ussions. 1e ently, polythene (ags have dra"n mu h attention to the Government of Bangladesh and (anned the use of polythene shopping (ags. 'ir pollution is also often dis ussed and different (odies are trying to redu e this pollution. 5hat a(out another one named noise pollution6 -t has not re eived serious attention although it is mentioned sometime (y different dis ussions. *oise pollution is not only an aggravation, (ut also a serious health risk. 1egular e4posure to high levels of noise damages hearing apa(ility of human. *oise pollution espe ially in ur(an areas is in reasing rapidly /Dey et al, 78870. -t has (e ome a very important stress fa tor and intruded into our daily a tivities. -t "ill (e ome a ma+or threat to the .uality of human lives in future. !he main sour es of high level of noise produ e (y the industries, ronstra tional a tivities, ommer ial esta(lishments and traffi in luding road, rail and air /$iah, 78990.

,. N i!& P --+#i n in Tran!. r# S&$# r

*oise an (e defined as an un"anted or undesired sound. De i(el is the standard unit for measurement of sound. Usually :8 dB is the level at "hi h sound (e omes physi ally painful for human and an (e termed as noise /Uddin et al, 788;0. 3umans, animals, plants and even inert o(+e ts like (uildings and (ridges have (een vi tims of the in reasing noise pollution. !ransport is a (ig sour e of pollution espe ially noise and air pollution. !raffi reates a ma+or sour e of noise, espe ially in ur(an areas. *oise an (e des ri(ed as unpleasant sound and it is affe ting "ell (eing of people. 't higher levels noise pollution ontri(utes to various health pro(lems su h as stress, sleep distur(an es, ardio-vas ular disease and hearing loss /#afiluddin and Begum, 9;;;0. !here are surveys sho"ing that people per eive noise pollution as more affe ting than any other sour e of pollution. 1oad transport a ounts for appro4imately <8 per ent of total transport related noise emissions, "hile noise aused (y rail ontri(utes (y 98 per ent /'lam and 'hmed, 78880. $ain sour es of noise are the engine and the fri tion of the "heels over the road surfa e /=handrasekhar, 788>0. !ravel speed an (e dire tly linked to the intensity of noise. 3o"ever, it "ould re.uire (oth signifi ant redu tions in traffi a tivity and development of noise prote tion measures. 1ail traffi is not so mu h responsi(le for noise pollution then other transports system (ut rail noise is also harmful for human health "hi h is responsi(le for health ha)ard. ,.* N i!& f Rai- S#a#i n) 1ail noise means to produ e sound (y vehi les using a tra k (ed or rail guidan e system. !rains in lude freight, long haul passenger, ommuter rail, metro or mass transit and light rail systems. 5hen a train is moving, there are several distin t sounds su h as lo omotive engine noise and "heels turning on the railroad tra k /$o , 788?0. !he air displa ement of a train or su("ay ar in a tunnel an reate different "hooshing sounds /#anakasa(ai et al, 788@0. !rains also employ horns, "histles, (ells, and other noise making devi es for (oth ommuni ation and "arning /$iah, 78990. Besides, the shunting and s"it hing operations in rail yards ause noise pollution to a great e4tent /Dey et al, 78870. *oise pollution is also reates through passengers "ho are "aiting for the train.

/. Ban0-ad&!h G 1&rnm&n# . -i$' 0+id&-in& a" +# N i!& L&1&!he a eptan e level of noise are set (y the type of neigh(orhood like .uiet, residential, mi4ed, ommer ial, and industrial as "ell as (y time of day and night. 's the ta(le (elo", the range is from >@ to <@ de i(els. 3o"ever, the a tual situation in Bangladesh is .uite different from the desired one portrayed (y the limits. ' ording to the $inistry of Environment and AorestBs Environment =onservation 1ules 9;;<, as ited (y Unnayan &hamannay, C'rea "ithin 988 meters of hospital or edu ational institution or government designed D to (e designated spe ifi institutionDesta(lishment are onsidered silent

)ones. Use of motor vehi le horns or other signals and loudspeakers are for(idden in silent )ones.E Table 1: Noise Quality Standards, by Zone and Time of Day.
Limi#! in dB 4 n& C-a!! Si-&n# 4 n& R&!id&n#ia- 4 n& Mi:&d 4 n& 5R&!id&n#ia-;$ mm&r$ia-;ind+!#ria-9 C mm&r$ia- 4 n& Ind+!#ria- 4 n&
Da'#im& 5 6am 7 8.m 9 Ni0h##im& 5 8.m 7 6am 9

F@ dB @8 dB ?8 dB <8 dB <@ dB

>@ dB F8 dB @8 dB ?8 dB <8 dB

Source: Unnayan &hamannay, 7889.

2. Ma#&ria-! and M&#h d!

2revious studies have mentioned that periodi al noise study is more appropriate and less e4pensive of ourse. =ontinuous noise study is desira(le (ut not ne essary and is more e4pensive. !he study "as arried out using a porta(le digital sound level meter /model- E4te h F8<<>?0. -n the present study, a noise sample si)e of @ minute in ea h hour "as taken at the sele ted lo ations. *oise sample "ere olle ted in dB /'0 s ale at every >8 se ond interval /i.e. 7 ounts per minute0 or total 98 reading in one sample si)e. !he o(servations "ere taken at a distan e 7 meter from the edge of road and at right angle to the enterline of road and the rail"ay tra k. !he ontinuous monitoring of noise level "as o(served from morning ::88 am to 8?:88 pm daily for the span of 7 days generally "hen the train used to pass from the route.

3. S#+d' f N i!& L&1&- in Diff&r&n# Rai- S#a#i n!

!he measurement of the noise level of rail station three rail stations "ere sele ted like Dhaka #amalapur rail station, $ymensingh %un tion station and &ylhet station (e ause of their area, traffi flo", fa ilities, infustru ture and daily num(er of passengers.

6. R&!+-# and Di!$+!!i n

6.* Pa!!&n0&r! O.ini n a" +# Rai- N i!&) !he sample survey has addressed to the rail passengers (y onsidering the Dhaka, $ymensingh, &ylhet and #hulna-=huadanga route of Bangladesh. !his sele ted route is a very important for east and "est )one of Bangladesh 1ail"ay. !his survey "as ondu ted at %uly 7899 to a sample of 978 rail passengers. !he respondents "ere asked a(out the sound level of rail and its impa t on human and also asked a(out the servi e pattern of and ondition of rail"ay. 2assengers and rail"ay employees are the main vi tims of high noise level of rail. 6.1.1 Respondents Opinion about Sound Level of Different Rail Stations: $ost of the respondents have said that noise level is so high in different rail stations. $ost of them e4plained that the noise level of rail over omes the tolera(le level. Different types of sounds produ e in rail stations (y the reason of rail traffi , horn, peoples sound and other purposes. !otal @?.?< per ent respondents said that the noise levels of rail stations are e4tremely high and 9<.@ per ent respondents thought that pollution is in reasing day (y day.
Rai- R +#& Dha<a=Chi##a0 n0 Dha<a=>ama-.+r Dha<a=S'-h&# %h+-na T #a-

S +nd L&1&Hi0h L ( T -&ra"-&' In$r&a!&

O#h&r! T #a-

* 7< 9 7 88 88 >8

G ;8 >.>> ?.?< 88 88 988

* ; 88 ; 99 9 >8

G >8 88 >8 >?.?< >.>> 988

* 79 9 < 9 88 >8

G <8 >.>> 7>.>> >.>> 88 988

* 99 88 @ ; @ >8

G >?.?< 88 9?.?< >8 9?.?< 988

* ?: 7 7> 79 ? 978

G @?.?< 9.?< 9;.9? 9<.@ @ 988 Opinion Level of Stations. Health Rail

Table 2: Respondents about Sound Different Rail 6.1.2 Human ffects for !oise:

"i#ure 1: Human Healt !ffe"ts for Rail Noise. 1ail noise (adly affe ts on human health. 1ail noise is responsi(le for noise pollution and it has negetive impa t on our environment espe ially on human health. Different types of human diseases su h as permanent hearing loss, aggravation, (ad temper, heada he and sleeping pro(lem are responsi(le for this noise pollution. $ost of the respondents />7.@G0 said that hearing pro(lem is a ma+or pro(lem and hildren are mainly vi tims of this noise. 6., N i!& L&1&- f Diff&r&n# Rai- S#a#i n!) 1ail"ay &tations of Dhaka #amalapur, &ylhet and $ymensingh %un tion of Bangladesh 1ail"ay "ere sele ted to arry out the noise level survey (ased on traffi fre.uen y. -n Dhaka #amalapur 1ail"ay &tation, @; e4press trains and 99 ommuter trains are arriving and departing in a day. &hunting of trains in this station is a ontinuous phenomenon "ith a fre.uen y of 9@ minutes and that indi ates ontinuous noise is produing everyday. 'part from this primary noise, se ondary noises are produ ed due to trolley movements, announ ements, audio speakers, passenger onversations, et . ' porta(le digital sound level meter /model- E4te h F8<<>?0 has (een used to measure the noise level in different rail"ay stations. !he noise level o(servations "ere re orded at a distan e of 7m in lo ations like platforms, rolling point a(in, "aiting hall, par el offi e, and driversB rest room.
Train NOISE LEVEL 5dB9 in Diff&r&n# Rai- S#a#i n!

Da#& ?Tim& In#&r1a/@=@A=,@**

:.88 H ;.>8 '$ 98.>8 H 99.>8 '$ 9.88 H 7.88 2$ >.88 H F.88 2$ @.88 H ?.88 2$ :.88 H ;.>8 '$ 98.>8 H 99.>8 '$ 9.88 H 7.88 2$ >.88 H F.88 2$ @.88 H ?.88 2$

Dha<a %ama-a.+r Rai- S#a#i n

S'-h&# Rai- S#a#i n

M'm&n!in0h >+n$#i n S#a#i n

A1&ra0& 5L.9 S +nd Pr&!!+r& L&1&-

;;.< dB 98? dB 98@.@ dB 98@.F dB 98@.; dB ;?.> dB 987.F dB 98@.< dB 988.F dB 98>.F dB 98>.9 dB

;:.< dB 988 dB 987.> dB ;;.F dB ;: dB ;< dB ;;.7 dB ;;.9 dB 989.F dB 988.9 dB ;;.@ dB

;@.> dB 98F dB 987.? dB 98F.; dB 98F dB ;7.> dB ;?.; dB 98>.> dB 98>.? dB 987.F dB 988.; dB


Table $: Noise Level Survey of Different Rail Stations in #an$lades .

Rai- R +#&

Train n i!& -&1&- 5dB9

P-a#f rm! H rn En0in& R --in0 P in# Ca"in H rn En0in& Bai#in0 S.a$&

Da#& ? Tim& In#&r1a:.88 H ;.>8 '$ 98.>8 H 99.>8 '$ 9.88 H 7.88 2$ >.88 H F.88 2$ @.88 H ?.88 2$ :.88 H ;.>8 '$ 98.>8 H 99.>8 '$ 9.88 H 7.88 2$ >.88 H F.88 2$ @.88 H ?.88 2$

A1&ra0& 5L.9 S +nd Pr&!!+r& L&1&-

;;.? 98>.7 98@ 987.@ 98F ;;.< 989.@ ;;.; 98F.> 989.7 987.9

989 987.@ 988.; 989.> 988 ;:.; 988.< 989.< ;;.? ;;.: 988.?

987 987.? 987.@ 98>.7 98> 989.9 989.; 98@ ;;.; 988 987.9

;;.7 ;;.? ;;.7 988 989 ;;.> 988.? 988.? 989 988.9 988.9

;@ dB ;@.? dB ;?.@ dB ;F.7 dB ;F dB ;F.> dB ;@.9 dB ;; dB ;F.7 dB ;F.F dB ;@.7 dB

Table %: Noise Level Survey in D a%a &amalapur Rail Station. -n Dhaka #amalapur 1ail"ay &tation, "hen no train is arriving or departing, the average sound pressure level /Lp0 in the empty platform "as found @; dB. !he noise produ ed (y the horn, the engine and "heels of a train "ere measured "ith the help of the instrument on platforms /> & @0,



and near the rolling point a(in noise level 989 to 98< dB "hi h is very high. Ma.: Ievel of noise pollution in sele tive rail stations. '(out 78 e4press and passenger trains are arriving and departing daily at &ylhet rail station and $ymensingh %un tion station. !he average sound pressure levels / Lp0 al ulated from o(servations "hi h ranges from ;; to 98F dB in these rail"ay +un tions. *oise levels assessed in all three rail"ay stations "ere almost the same.
Rai- R +#&

Train n i!& -&1&- 5dB9

P-a#f rm! R --in0 P in# Ca"in Bai#in0 S.a$&

Da#& ? Tim& In#&r1a:.88 H ;.>8 '$ 98.>8 H 99.>8 '$ 9.88 H 7.88 2$ >.88 H F.88 2$ @.88 H ?.88 2$ :.88 H ;.>8 '$ 98.>8 H 99.>8 '$ 9.88 H 7.88 2$ >.88 H F.88 2$ @.88 H ?.88 2$

A1&ra0& 5L.9 S +nd Pr&!!+r& L&1&-

988 dB 987 dB 987.? dB 987.; dB 98F.9 dB 988.? dB 98>.F dB 98>.F dB 98F dB 989.> dB 987.F dB

;:.? dB ;;.< dB 988.9 dB ;;.; dB 988.> dB 988 dB 989 dB 987.> dB ;;.: dB 988.> dB 988.7 dB

;: dB ;:.7 dB ;:.; dB ;:.> dB ;@ dB ;F.7 dB ;F.? dB ;F.> dB ;@ dB ;@.7 dB ;?.9 dB

Table &: Noise Level Survey in 'ymensin$ Rail Station. "i#ure 2 ' $: 'a(imum, 'inimum and avera$e noise levels durin$ t e observation period. !he arrival or departure hours of trains at the platform, the noise level suddenly in reases (y F8 dB from the normal level. !his sudden in rease "ill have a definite effe t on the health of the passengers on the platform. !he main reason of the high noise level of those three rail stations is old lo omotives, oa hing vehi les and freight "agons. $ost of the oa hing vehi les



and lo omotives are >8 - F8 years old. Bangladesh rail"ay should repla e those vehi les and also e4port some ne" modern vehi les "hi h are environment friendly and redu e the rail noise. Government should take some ne essary steps to prevent rail noise pollution and try to make a silent )one in every rail stations for the passengers "here passengers "ait for train. 1ail stations safety system also develop (e ause most of the time rail drivers use horn to make a"are the people "hen entering into the stations.

A. C n$-+!i n
-t has found that the sound e4 eeds permissi(le limit of @8 dB for residential and <8 dB for ommer ial area. !he sele ted lo ation ma4imum noise limits "ere ranging (et"een ;8 dB to 998 dB "hi h "as almost 9.@ times the permissi(le limits for ommer ial )one. !his variation of sound from ;8 dB to 998 dB may have moderate to very severe effe ts on human health su h as, poor on entrations, stress, ardiovas ular illness and many more. -t is very essential to ontrol noise pollution from the sour e, along the transmission path and at re eivers end (y using the remedial measures. 5e should "ork together for redu ing this pro(lem and in reasing the servi e .uality of passengers and people living standard in this ountry. !he magnitude of the pro(lem and of the human suffering that results, "e an no longer afford to negle t the issue of rail noise pollution. Aor the health, sanity, and "ell-(eing of the population and for the future of our rail passengers, it is time that "e should onsider those entire pro(lems seriously and (egin implementing solutions to solve this pro(lem.

C. A$<n (-&d0&m&n#!
!he author thankful to 2rofessor Dr. *a)neen 'frose 3a., Department of Geography & Environment of University of Dhaka, 5ork for Beter Bangladesh /5BB0 trust for logisti , finan ial and other supports and also grateful to Bangladesh 1ail"ay authorities for their kind permission to arry out the study.

J9K 'lam, $.%.B.3. and 'hmed, $.'. /78880. C!raffi -ndu ed *oise 2ollution in Dhaka =ityE, 2ro eedings of the -=BE*-7888. J7K, '.3.$.'. /9;<@0. ' Iand !ransport -ntensity $ap of Bangladesh, Lriental Geographer /%ournal of the Geographi &o iety of Bangladesh0, pp. @7-?9. J>K =handrasekhar, E /788>0. &tudy of noise level in trains and stations, $.E !hesis, Department of =ivil Engineering, 'nnamalai University, 'nnamalainagar, -ndia. JFK Dey, '.1., #a(ir, *. and Efroymson, D. /78870. *oise 2ollution: 1esear h and ' tion: 5ork for a Better Bangladesh.

J@K #afiluddin, '.#.$. and Begum, 1.'. /9> %une, 9;;;0. C*oise 2ollution Epidemi for Dhaka =ityE, Daily 2rothom-alo. J?K #anakasa(ai, M., &enthilkumar, G. and =handrasekhar, E /788@0. C&tudy of noise Ievel in 1ail"ay &tationsE, -ndian %ournal of & ientifi and -ndustrial 1esear h, Mol. ?F, pp. ;@<-;@;. J<K $iah, &.$.&.U. /78990. -nter ity 1ail 2assenger !ransportation in Bangladesh: ' Geographi al &tudy, JUnpu(lishedK $.&. !hesis, Department of Geography & Environment, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. J:K $o= /788?0, Iand !ransport 2oli y of Bangladesh, 2u(lished (y $inistry of =ommuni ation, Government of Bangladesh. J;K 1ahman, $.$. /788>0. CEnvironmental 2ollution in Dhaka =ity and i-tBs Effe ts on 2u(li 3ealthE. J98K Uddin, $.%., 1ahman $.'. and 1oy, 1. /788;0. *oise $apping and their -nterpretations of &ah(agh area, Dhaka, Bangladesh. %ournal of Environmental 1esear h <: F>-@9. J99K Unnayan &hamannay, /78890. 2eopleBs 1eport on Bangladesh Environment 7889, Data(ase, Molume --, !he University 2ress Iimited, Dhaka.

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