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041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1

Strictly Confidential : (For Internal and Restricted Use Only) Secondary School Examination [Class X/2011] Summative Assessment II

Marking Scheme MATHEMATICS

Total No. of Pages : 9 General Instructions : 1. The Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity and maintain uniformity. The answers given in the marking scheme are the best suggested answers. Marking be done as per the instructions provided in the marking scheme. (It should not be done according to ones own interpretation or any other consideration). Marking Scheme be strictly adhered to and religiously followed. 3. 4. Alternative methods be accepted. Proportional marks be awarded. If a question is attempted twice and the candidate has not crossed any answer, only first attempt be evaluated and EXTRA written with second attempt. 5. A full scale of marks 0 to 80 be used. Do not hesitate to award full marks if the answer deserves it. In case where no answers are given or answers are found wrong in this Marking Scheme, correct answers may be found and used for valuation purpose.



SECTION - A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (D) (A) (C) (D) (C) (D) (D) (C) (A) (B) SECTION - B 11. For equal roots, D50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

k224(2) (8)50 k2564 k568

Roots are 62 12. (p 110)2 2p5(3p12)2(p110) Or p56 13. RC5PC56 cm, BP5BQ510 cm, QA5AR58 cm Hence AC5x514 cm 14. Given, Area of square 5 Area of circle
2 a25pr2 or a 5p r2


a 5 p r

1 1

Perimeter of square 4a 4 2 5 5 3 p5 52 : p Perimeter of circle 2 pr 2p p

041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1


Let r and R be radii of the circular ends of the frustum of the cone. Then, R2r54, l55 We know Or Or Or l25(R2r)21h2 525 421 h 2 h 2 5 25 2 16 5 9 h53 cm


Given that OA5OB5r

(4 2 2)2 1 (3 2 3)2 5 ( x 2 2)2 1 (5 2 3)2

4 1 0 5 ( x 2 2)2 1 4

Squaring both sides, we get 45(x22)214 or (x22)250

x2250 or x52
17. Let the y-axis cut the join of points (22, 23) and (3, 7) at the point P in the ratio k : 1
coordinates of P are


3k 2 2 7k 2 3 , y5 k11 k11

As, P lies on the y-axis So, 3k 2 2 5 0 3k2250 k52/3 k11 Hence the required ratio is 2/3 : 1, i.e., 2 : 3 18. P(neither a red card nor a queen) 5 5P(black cards except queen)524
P5 24 5 6 52 13

1 1

OR There are 20 balls in the bag. Out of these 20 balls, one can be chosen in 20 ways. Total number of elementary events 5 20 Since the bag contains 8 green or 5 red balls Therefore, P(neither a green ball nor a red ball) 5 041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1 3
7 20

4 5 235 x 2x 13

423x 5 5 x 2x 13

(423x) (2x13)55x 8x 112 2 6x22 9 x5 5 x x21x 22 50

x 212 x2 x2 250
(x12) (x21)50 x522; x51
Hence, 1 and 22 are the roots of the given equation OR Let the present age of Rehmans be x years So, 3 years ago Rehmans age 5 (x23) years And 5 years hence, Rehmans age 5 (x15) years According to question, we have
1 1 1 1 5 x 23 x 15 3

x 2 2 4 x 2 21 5 0 (x27) (x13)50 x57 or x523 But x cannot be negative Therefore, present age of Rehman 5 7 years


All two digit odd positive numbers are 11, 13, 15,.............., 99. Here, a511, d51321152, l599 Let the number of terms be n Then an5a1(n21)d 1

995111(n21)2 2n590
Now, Sn5

99511 12n22

n 45 (a1l)5 (11199)52475 2 2

041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1


Since tangents from an exterior point to a circle are equal in length Therefore BP5BQ [Tangents from B]............(i) CP 5 CR [Tangents from C]............(ii) And, AQ5AR [Tangents from A]............(iii) From (iii), we have AQ 5 AR AB1BQ5AC1CR AB1BP5AC1CP [using (i) and (ii)]............(iv)

Now, perimeter of DABC5AB1BC1AC 5AB1(BP1PC)1AC 5(AB1BP)1(AC1PC) 52(AB1BP) .......[using (iv)] 5 2(AB1BQ)5 2AQ .......[using (i)] OR

Let ABCD be a parallelogram such that its sides touch a circle with centre O. Therefore, we have AP 5 AS [Tangents from A] ..........(i) BP5BQ [Tangents from B] ..........(ii) CR 5 CQ [Tangents from C] ..........(iii) And DR5DS [Tangents from D] ..........(iv) Adding (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (AP1BP)1(CR1DR)5(AS1DS)1(BQ1CQ) AB1CD5AD1BC AB1AB5BC1BC [ABCD is a parallelogram] AB5BC Thus AB5BC5CD5AD Hence ABCD is a rhombus 041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1 5


Drawing triangle ABC correctly Construction of similar triangle

1 2


Finding radius of incircle 5 2 cm Area of shaded region 5 area of triangle ABC 2 area of circle 5 1 2 3 6 3 8 2 22/7 3 2 3 2 5 80/7 cm2 1 1 1 1 1 OR Radius of cylindrical well 5 3.5 m ; depth of well 5 20 m Let H be height of platform Vol. of platform 5 Vol. of earth dug out from cylindrical well. 22 314 3H5p r2h522/73 (7/2)2320 5770 m3 1 1


Radius of hemisphere 5 Radius of cylinder 5 7 cm ; height of cylinder 5 6 cm Inner S.A. of vessel 5 Curved S.A of cylindrical part 1 Curved S.A of hemispherical part 5(2prh12pr2)52pr(h1r) 5572 cm2

H52.5 m
25. Correct Figure, tan 3085
AB AP510 3 AP

i.e. distance of the building 5 1031.732517.32 m tan 4585

AD 10 1 x 5 or 15 AP 10 3

Or x510( 3 21)57.32 041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1 6


As the diagonals of the parallelogram bisect each other,

x 11 612 314 51 y , , 5 2 2 2 2

1+1 1 1

x56 and y53

27. Coordinates of P5(1, 2), Q5(0, 1), R5(1, 0)

Area of DPQR5 Area of DABC5

1 [1(120)10(022)11(221)]51 sq. unit 2 1 [0(123)12(311)10(2121)]54 sq. units 2

1 1 1

Ratio of area of DPQR to the area of DABC51 : 4 28. The number of possible outcomes 5636536 (i) no. of favourable outcome of the Event (two numbers are prime) are : (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 5), (5, 2) (5, 3), (5, 5)59

Hence P (two no. are prime)59/365 1 4 (ii) All outcomes are favourable to the event G, sum of two numbers [12. So, P(G)536/3651 SECTION - D 29. Let original speed of the train be x km/h Then time taken to travel 63 km563/x hours New speed5(x16) km/hr Time taken to travel 75 km572/(x16) hours By question, Or Or
63 72 1 53 x x 16

x 2 2 39 x 2 126 5 0 x523 or x542

As the speed cannot be negative, Therefore average speed of the train is 42 km/hr. OR 041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1 7

Let the sides of the squares be x and y meters Areas of first square and second square are x2 & y2 Perimeter of first and second square are 4x & 4y x21y25468 And 4x24y524 or x2y56 or y5x26 x 2 2 6 x 2 216 5 0 x518 or x5212 As the side cannot be negative, Hence side of first square, x518 m Side of second square, y5(1826)512 m 30. Here, n58, d525, Sn52700 Sn5n/2 [2a1(n21)d] 2700 5 8/2[2a 1 7 3 25] Or a5250 So the prizes are, Rs. 250, Rs. 275, Rs. 300, Rs. 325, Rs. 350, Rs. 375, Rs. 400, Rs. 425 Correct Given, To prove, construction and figure and correct proof Radius of copper shell, rc59 cm Radius of cone, rc514 cm Height5hc531/7 cm 4/3p(rc32ri3)51/3prc3hc ri35512 ri58 cm and diameter516 cm Radius of cylinder 5
21 m 2 height54 m

1 1 1 1 1 1 2+2

31. 32.

1 1 1 1 OR

3 22 21 3 34 SA5 2 3 7 2
5264 m2 l512.5 1

11 3 25 22 21 125 3 3 Curved S.A. of cone 5 7 2 10 2

33 3 25 825 5 2 2

5412.5 m2 Total S.A.52641412.5 5676.5 m2 Cost 5 676.5 3 12 5Rs. 8118.0 041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1 8

1 1 1


r512 cm R520 cm V512308.8 cm3 Vfrustum51/3ph(R21r21Rr) h515 cm l5 (225 1 64) 517 cm Area of the metal sheet used : p(R1r)l1pr252160.32 cm2 1 1 1 1 1


Correct figure :

tan 6085


tan 3085

AC54500 m
PQ5BC5AC2AB53000 m


Thus, the plane travels 3000 m in 15 seconds. Speed of the plane 5 200 m/s 5 720 km/h

041 / X / SA2 / 31 / A1

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