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Development in Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Aswathy.A.P. II BASLP

Early Intervention and Language

Moeller M P 2000 Pediatrics Sep;106(3):E43.

The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between age of enrollment in intervention and language outcomes at 5 years of age in a group of deaf and hard-ofhearing children.

Participants in this study were 112 children (5 males! 5" females# with prelingual-onset hearing losses


ranging from mild to profound (mean ((. #

better ear pure tone average $PT%& '

These children were included if they had) 1# hearing loss! confirmed bilateral* sensorineural

2# participated in the +,-P program between 1. 1 and 1.."! /# received formal language evaluations through 5 years of age! "# lived in a home where ,nglish was spo0en! 5# hearing parent(s#! and disabilities* including nonverbal intelligence scores*(3. 1# no evidence of ma2or secondary

Demography of the !ample

They were identified through such procedures as high-ris0 registries*neonatal intensive care unit screening* child find programs* and parental self-referral.

Age of

They ranged in age of identification from the second day of life to 5" months of age.

%ge at amplification and enrollment in intervention services ranged from 41 months. month to 5" months with a mean of 22

The average time that elapsed between age of identification and initiation of services across the group of children was / months.

$o"a%ulary !&ill! at 5 years of age were examined in a group of 112 enrolled at various ages in a children with hearing loss who were comprehensive intervention program. 3 of these children.


$er%al rea!oning !&ill! were explored % rating scale was developed to in a subgroup of

characteri5e the level of family involvement in the intervention for children in the study.


6hildren who were enrolled earliest 11 months of age# had

(eg* by

better vocabulary and verbal reasoning s0ills at 5 yrs of age than did laterenrolled children.

early-enrolled children achieved scores on these measures that approximated those of their hearing peers

7egardless of degree of hearing loss*

factors explained a significant

The analyses revealed that only 2

amount of the variance in language scores obtained at 5 yrs of age) family involvement and age of enrollment

Vocabulary scores plotted as a function of the two key variables, age of enrollment and family involvement ratings

The rating 4 to 5 (filled circle) represents the highest levels of family involvement; (filled triangle) represents average family involvement; ! to " (open s#uare) represents below average family involvement

The figure clearly shows that) ,arly enrollment was of benefit to

children across all levels of family involvement. 8owever* the mo!t !u""e!!ful

"hildren in thi!

)ith high level! of family in intervention !ervi"e!


!tudy )ere tho!e

involvement )ho )ere enrolled early

9etter language scores were associated with early enrollment in intervention. 8igh levels of family involvement correlated with positive language outcomes. :imited family involvement was

associated with significant child especially when enrollment in intervention was late.

language delays at 5 years of age*

The results suggest that success is paired with early interventions that actively involve families. families achieved when early identification is

;ary Pat ;oeller* ;oeller Ph.+.* +irector* 6enter for 6hildhood +eafness

A%out the author of the paper

,ducation) Purdue <niversity 9.=. 1.(2 =peech and 8earing =ciences Purdue <niveristy ;.=. 1.(/ %udiology>%ural 7ehabilitation <niversity of ?ebras0a-:incoln Ph.+. 2332 Psychological =tudies) 6hild :anguage>+eafness Professional %ffiliations) @ellow of the %merican =peech-:anguage-8earing %ssociation (1. 1#! 6ertificates) 6ertificate of 6linical 6ompetence in %udiology* %m. =peech A 8earing %ssoc.! :icense to Practice %udiology* =tate of -ndiana! :icense to Practice %udiology* =tate of ?ebras0a.

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