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Highlight Capture Check List - Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - Document ersion !


Setup for Image Capture

#et light distance at 3-$ times the diameter o% the ob&ect 'or portion o% ob&ect( being shot )osition spheres *here they can be easily cropped out" Check %or shado*s %rom spheres, sphere stands, tripod legs Camera settings #et to ne+er turn o%% #et camera to ,anual mode #et appro-imate %ocus using .uto%ocus /inal camera ad&ustments" 0% using Li+e ie*, lea+e lens in .uto%ocus mode %or ad&ustments, then s*itch to ,anual %ocus &ust be%ore the capture 1ther*ise, change to ,anual %ocus and make ad&ustments using test shots" 2se the camera control so%t*are to make sure the test images go into a test directory ,ake sure the re%lecti+e spheres are completely *ithin the %rame o% +ie* Check %ocus at %ull resolution - checking the sur%ace you are interested in, and the spheres Check e-posure at highest light position '34 degrees( and lo*est light position '!4 degrees(" Check histogram to make sure nothing is burnt out and e+ery image has some usable data" Check histogram in ambient light 'shoot *ithout %lash or lighting, *ith shutter and aperture set as %or the real se5uence(" 0% necessary, use neutral density %ilters to block ambient light, and recheck lighted e-posures *ith %ilter" 6ust be%ore starting capture se5uence #et camera lens to manual %ocus i% needed #et image 5uality to ra* #et the %ile name and *here to do*nload the %iles in the capture so%t*are 2pdate shooting notes *ith string length, %lash in%ormation 'type and setting( *ho is per%orming the di%%erent roles, anything else *orth noting"

Capture Sequence
,o+e the light to positions in an arc %rom !4 degrees to 34 degrees '*here 0 is the hori7on, and 90 degrees is high noon o% your +irtual hemisphere( 2se a string to keep your distance steady 'it doesn8t ha+e to be per%ect, &ust close( Do not touch or mo+e camera, spheres, or sub&ect, or let the string touch them" Do not bump cables" 0% anything other than the light mo+es, start the se5uence o+er 0% a hand, person, shado* %rom tripod leg, etc" is in the image, or the %lash does not %ire, &ust keep going, and remo+e the image later" 9ry to reshoot that light position as appropriate" #hoot a gray card i% there isn8t a piece o% one in the image" :ou may also *ish to shoot a color chart"

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