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Dud|ey Gabr|e|

Clebe CoLLage, Wllllngale 8oad, Cngar, Lssex, CM3 0S8
07702839773 - 01277899340

l am an ArchlLecLure and roperLy uevelopmenL graduaLe eager Lo pursue a career ln properLy developmenL. asslonaLe
abouL creaLlng an lnsplraLlonal and susLalnable bullL envlronmenL, l sLrongly belleve ln a hollsLlc approach Lo developlng
properLy, enhanclng Lhe lnhablLanL's lnLeracLlon wlLh a bulldlng, whlle also mlnlmlslng lLs envlronmenLal lmpacL. l am hard
worklng, enLhuslasLlc and have Lhe confldence Lo Lake on new experlences alongslde famlllar pro[ecL Lasks.


!uly 2009 ro[ect Ass|stant - Masco|o Group (1on| & Guy) Sa|on Des|gners, London
Work experlence over a Lwo-week perlod:
underLook surveys of properLles LhaL were due for a reflL, provldlng me wlLh good f|e|dwork experlence
and lncreaslng my confldence when underLaklng unfamlllar Lasks lndependenLly.
used CAD Lo drafL up surveys and deslgn poLenLlal sLrucLures and space layouLs for new pro[ecLs.
rovlded advlce on des|gn |ssues such as properLy layouLs and bu||d|ng regu|at|ons, lncreaslng my
confldence wlLhln a profess|ona| env|ronment as a number of my suggesLlons were lmplemenLed.


2010 - 2012 MSc roperty Deve|opment - Un|vers|ty of ortsmouth (Mer|t) CompleLed CcLober 2012

Successfully compleLed mulLlple pro[ecLs lncludlng: a deve|opment proposa|, plannlng appeal, properLy
valuaLlon reporL and a 13,000-word dlsserLaLlon on 1he racLlcallLles of lnLegraLlng 'Green Arch|tecture'
lnLo Lhe labrlc of L|sted uomesLlc Scale kes|dent|a| 8ulldlngs".

AssessmenLs were submlLLed Lo t|ght dead||nes and ln a professlonal formaL, furLher developlng my t|me
management skllls along wlLh my ablllLy Lo drafL up profess|ona| documents Lo lndusLry sLandards.
underLook a group presenLaLlon ln relaLlon Lo our developmenL proposal Laklng Lhe role of prlnclpal
speaker, Lhls furLher lncreased my presentat|on sk|||s and conf|dence when speaklng Lo an audlence.

Sub[ects covered: ConsLrucLlon 1echnology, uevelopmenL ro[ecLs, roperLy Law, lannlng Law, roperLy
valuaLlon and rofesslonal racLlce.

2007 - 2010 8A (nons) Arch|tecture - Un|vers|ty of ortsmouth (2.1) CompleLed !uly 2010

Successfully accompllshed a range of des|gn pro[ects, lncludlng construct|on deta||s and env|ronmenta|
so|ut|ons. All pro[ecLs were submlLLed Lo regular deadllnes, greaLly lncreaslng my ablllLy Lo compleLe work
qulckly and efflclenLly malnLalnlng a str|ct work schedu|e.
resenLed pro[ecLs and proposals ln stud|o cr|t|ques, persuadlng LuLors and peers LhaL my concepL was an
|nformed des|gn approach, had responded Lo Lhe des|gn br|ef and was Lhe besL posslble soluLlon for Lhe
allocaLed slLe, as well as respondlng Lo feedback. 1hls greaLly developed my commun|cat|on sk|||s and
confldence when presenLlng ldeas ln fronL of large groups of people.
underLook mulLlple group pro[ects, greaLly lncreaslng my teamwork ablllLles. 1he mosL exLenslve one
belng Lhe Lhlrd year exhlblLlon, lnvolvlng Lhe archlLecLural dlsplay of each sLudenLs work wlLhln my deslgn
sLudlo lnLo one unlformed exh|b|t|on. ln charge of Lhe pro[ect f|nances, l worked lndependenLly Lo map
ouL and conLrol pro[ecL spendlng, whlle also a member of boLh Lhe des|gn and construct|on Leams.

Sub[ects covered: ArchlLecLural ueslgn, ConsLrucLlon 1echnology, LnvlronmenLal 1echnology, PlsLory and
1heory of ArchlLecLure, ro[ecL ManagemenL, resenLaLlon Skllls and rofesslonal racLlce.

2000 - 2007 8ancroft's Schoo| - Woodford Green, London

A-Leve|s: ueslgn 1echnology [8] LlecLronlcs [u]

AS-Leve|s: llnanclal SLudles [A] 8lology [u] ChemlsLry [L]

9 GCSLs: Crades A*- C lncludlng: MaLhs, Lngllsh and uouble Sclence.

2004 - 2007 Duke of Ld|nburgh Award: 8ronze, Sllver and Cold expedlLlons.

1eamwork and perseverance helped me compleLe a number of challenglng physlcal and psychologlcal
Lasks, lncludlng expedlLlons and charlLy work.

Comput|ng: lully confldenL uslng boLh Mac|ntosh and W|ndows operaLlng sysLems, l am a fasL learner of sofLware and
experlenced ln mulLlple programmes lncludlng: M|crosoft Cff|ce (Word, Lxcel and owerolnL), Adobe
hotoshop and CAD wlLhln Vectorworks, whlle also currenLly Leachlng myself Lo use Adobe InDes|gn and
3u modelllng wlLhln Sketchup.

Mode|||ng: Lxperlenced ln consLrucLlng a varleLy of mode|s ranglng from small-scale mode| card and foam board Lo
large wooden sLrucLures. l creaLed mulLlple models for each of my deslgn pro[ecLs as well as group models
wlLhln my sLudlo Leam, worklng LogeLher wlLh my peers Lo dellver a profess|ona| f|n|sh.


March 2013 Ga||ery Ass|stant - 'Nat|ona| Museum of the koya| Navy', ortsmouth n|stor|c Dockyard
- SepL 2013 lull-Llme employmenL:

CreeLed vlslLors wlLh a welcomlng and frlendly manner, answerlng any quesLlons and ensurlng Lhelr vlslL
was as en[oyable as posslble, bulldlng upon my |nterpersona| sk|||s and confldence ln cusLomer relaLlons.
lncreaslng my knowledge of Lhe 8oyal navy and Lhe llsLed bulldlngs ln whlch Lhe museum ls slLuaLed has
relnforced my passlon for h|stor|c bu||d|ngs and Lhelr adapLaLlon for modern uses. CurrenLly, an 18

cenLury naval sLorehouse ls belng converLed lnLo a new gallery, lncludlng a glass walkway connecLlng Lwo
of Lhe sLorehouses. l was lucky enough Lo Lake parL ln s|te v|s|ts and waLch Lhe renovaLlon progress.

March 2011 V|s|tor nost - 'Act|on Stat|ons', ortsmouth n|stor|c Dockyard, ortsmouth
- March 2013 arL-Llme employmenL:

Worked as parL of a |arge team runnlng a varleLy of dlfferenL acLlvlLles wlLhln Lhe aLLracLlon ensurlng aL all
Llmes LhaL hlgh levels of cusLomer saLlsfacLlon were malnLalned, provldlng Lhe besL posslble experlence for
all vlslLors. 1hls customer |nteract|on has glven me Lhe skllls and confldence Lo be able Lo lnLeracL well
wlLh a large varleLy of people and provlde vlslLors wlLh Lhe besL posslble experlence.
Lead and co-ord|nated blrLhday parLles for chlldren, uslng strong commun|cat|on sk|||s Lo bulld a rapporL
wlLh Lhem, whlle also ensurlng LhaL Lhe parenLs are well lnformed and happy wlLh all Lhe arrangemenLs.
1hls has glven me Lhe confldence Lo manage a large group of lndlvlduals wlLhln a fasL paced scenarlo.

March 2011 Adm|ss|ons Ass|stant - numan|t|es Adm|ss|ons, Un|vers|ty of ortsmouth, ortsmouth
- !uly 2012 arL-Llme employmenL:

underLook offlce duLles wlLhln a fast-mov|ng off|ce env|ronment, lncludlng: answerlng Lelephone and
emall enqulrles, daLa lnpuLLlng and managlng sLocks of markeLlng leafleLs by Lracklng Lhelr suppllers,
quanLlLles and cosLs wlLhln Lxcel, glvlng me Lhe confldence Lo carry ouL mu|t|p|e ob[ect|ves aL once.
uurlng unlverslLy Cpen uays l provlded excepLlonal levels of cusLomer servlce when asslsLlng prospecLlve
sLudenLs by respondlng Lo face-to-face enqulrles, ensurlng Lhey had Lhe correcL lnformaLlon and sLrlvlng Lo
guaranLee LhaL Lhelr day aL Lhe unlverslLy of orLsmouLh was a memorable one.

AugusL 2006 ara|ega| - Staa| & Staa| So||c|tors, London
+ 2009 lull-Llme employmenL over Lwo separaLe one-monLh perlods:

Worked wlLhln a profess|ona| off|ce env|ronment ln a secreLarlal and admlnlsLraLlve role, deallng wlLh all
lncomlng cllenL Lelephone calls, ensurlng LhaL Lhey were puL Lhrough Lo Lhe correcL person whlle
malnLalnlng a pollLe and helpful Lelephone manner.
Lva|uated and presented my LhoughLs on how Lhe company's offlce and computer systems were run,
maklng suggesLlons for poLenLlal changes ln relaLlon Lo flllng and compuLer neLworklng sysLems.


Athens roperty kenovat|on: l am currenLly renovaLlng a house locaLed on Lhe ALhens coasL ln Creece, lL was bullL ln Lhe
1920's by my greaL grandfaLher and has been empLy for around Len years and requlres a loL of work Lo be compleLed Lo
make lL hablLable once agaln. 1hls pro[ecL ls a passlon of mlne and l have Laken on Lhe role of pro[ect manager on a small
scale, assesslng whaL work ls requlred, how lL can be achleved and des|gnat|ng tasks Lo Lradesmen, famlly and myself. 1hls
pro[ecL has provlded me wlLh a wealLh of hands on pract|ca| exper|ence, has greaLly lncreased my lnLeresL ln renovaLlon
pro[ecLs and has allowed me Lo conLlnuously develop my CAD skllls by drawlng up bulldlng plans for my personal use.

C|troen 2CV kestorat|on: l have been resLorlng a ClLroen 2Cv slnce Lhe age of fourLeen, Leachlng myself auLomoLlve
mechanlcs from a beglnners level. lL passed an MC1 durlng Lhe summer of 2011 and ls a conLlnulng resLoraLlon pro[ecL.

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