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FAVORABLE TIMES GUIDES + panchang & tithis,subha y Ast*

ga & !""# $ays % &' ()

+yc,"s Th" *yLong Astro Cycles have fascinated mankind. This is the Vedic perspective ofAstro Cycles. The Vernal Equinoctial Point was found to precede one degree in every ! years. "ence as one #odiacal $ign is %& degrees in length' !()& years is the duration of an Age Cycle. *e are at the moment undergoing the Piscean Age which will give way to the Aquarian in !+++ A,. -t is called the Piscean Age .ecause the Vernal Equinoctial Point is passing through Pisces and is at the moment &) degrees +& minutes !+ seconds in Pisces.
Age Cycle Precessional Cycle Equinoctial Cycle Cosmological Cycle / !0%&1 / !0%)&1 /!&&&0!()&1 2 2 2 !()& years !34!& years / as the #odiac is %)& degrees 1 +%'!&&&& years +.%! .illion years

/ ! million 0 !()& 1 2

5ne Cosmological Cycle / 6rahma 7alpa1 was considered to .e one 6rahma ,ay and another +.%! .illion years was considered to .eone 6rahma 8ight. 5ne Cosmological Cycle was one thousand Equinoctial Cycles / Chatur 9ugas1 or ! million Age Cycles: The Vedic Calendar ; 6ased on Equinoctial Cycles An Equinoctial Cycle comprises of + Ages. $atya 9uga Threta 9uga ,wapara 9uga 7ali 9uga 2 2 2 2 <&& Age Cycles )&& Age Cycles +&& Age Cycles !&& Age Cycles

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; =aha 9uga 2 !&&& Age Cycles

/ Equinoctial Cycle 1 As per Vedic Astronomy' the ,ark Age / 7ali 9uga 1 commenced from %(&! 6C ' ()th >e.ruary =idnight. The Concept of Ayanamsa The ,ate of Coincidence of the Tropical and the $idereal #odiacs was found to .e !<3 A, and the Ayanamsa / precessional distance 1 was called Lahiri?s Ayanamsa. ,ifferent scholars gave different dates .ut the -ndian @ovt in order to standardise the Ayanamsa value took the initial point of the #odiac as the point in the Ecliptic opposite the star Chitra / Alpha Virginis 1 which was the vernal equinoctial point on the Vernal EquinoA day of !<3 A,. The rate of precession of the Vernal EquinoA was taken as 3&.% seconds per sidereal year.-n Vedic Astrology' Ayanamsa value is deducted from the Tropical longitudes of planets to get the $idereal longitudes. "ence the longitudes of planets in *estern Astrology / Tropical 1 and -ndian Astrology differ .y !%.3 degrees this year. 8atal charts cast in these ! systems will .e entirely different: The Tropicalists / *estern Astrologers1 maintain that the Vernal Point is in the )th degree of Pisces now . The $iderealists / Vedic Astrologers 1 maintain that the $idereal $tarting Point remains to .e & degrees 6eta Arietis / Aswini 1 and that the $idereal #odiac doesn?t change.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------FAVORABLE TIMES GUIDES + panchang & tithis,subha y ga & !""# $ays % &' ()
T*a.", Gui$" *hen certain nakshatras and tithis are in operation' on any day they produce very auspicious for certain types of undertakings. The following are the auspicious tithis and nakshatras for travelling. They are auspicious throughout the year. Auspicious TithisB ,wteeya' Triteeya' Panchami' $aptami' ,ashami' Ekadasi and trayodasi Auspicious 8akshatrasB Ashwini' =rigasira' Punarvasu' Pushyami' "asta' Anuradha' =oola' $hravana' ,hanistha' Cevati are the .est for travelling. Cohni' Dttara.hadra' Dttarashadha and $hata.histha are moderate. Avoid other nakshatras. =onday' *ednesday' Thursday and >riday are suita.le days. To check the tithi and nakshatras this month check Panchang Dai,y / *as The "ora is a one hour duration in a day' ruled .y a particular planet. -n a week' on each of the seven days' starting from the sunrise or sunset time' there are !+ horas ruled .y the seven planets. ,epending on the ruling planet the horas are either suita.le or inimical for various undertakings. This can .e used to select a suita.le time for an undertaking. The following hora chart shows the day and the planet ruling the hora at any given time of the day. To know the horaphala during any hour on any week day' click on the corresponding square. >or this you need to know the sunrise time on that day at your place. you can check the local sunrise time for your place from your local news paper.>or eAampleB 9ou want to check the hora on *ednesday (&.&& am. 9our local news paper gives the sunrise time as' say ).%& am. The first hora /of the first hour after sunrise1 is upto .%&' !nd upto

! <.%& and so on. $o the time you want to check' i.e. (&.&& am' falls on the +th hora and is ruled .y Eupiter. Click on the square to check the hora nature. R",at"$ pag"s0 Ephemeris -mportant days Travel guide 6usiness guide $arvartha sadhaka chart Panchang Day ti1" / *as 2 F* 1 Sun*is" t Suns"t 3""#$ay Sun$ay M n$ay Tu"s$ay (st h* 4n$ h* 5*$ h* $un =oon =ars $aturn Fupiter $un =ars 6th h* 7th h* =ars $un =ars 8th h* 9th h* =ars )th h* $un =ars :th h* (;th h* ((th h* (4th h* Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un =ars =ars $aturn $un =ars Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un =ars

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un =ars $un =ars

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un =ars $un =ars Venus =ercury $aturn Fupiter $un Venus

3"$n"s$ay =ercury =oon Thu*s$ay Fupiter F*i$ay Satu*$ay Sun$ay M n$ay Tu"s$ay Thu*s$ay F*i$ay

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter Fupiter =ars

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter =ars

Venus =ercury =oon

<ight ti1" / *as 2 F* 1 Suns"t t Sun*is" Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un =ars =ars $aturn Fupiter $un =ars Venus =ercury $aturn Fupiter $un =ars Venus $aturn $un =ars Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter =oon =ars Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un =ars

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un =ars

3"$n"s$ay $un

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter $un

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter

Venus =ercury =oon $aturn Fupiter

Satu*$ay =ercury =oon

Venus =ercury =oon

Naksatras: Do's and Dont's Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarasadha, and Uttarabhadrapada are FIXED constellations and are favourable for digging ells, la!ing foundations or cities, e"piator! rituals, planting trees, coronations, bu!ing lands, #eritorious deeds, so ing of seeds, installation of Deities, the building of a te#ple, or an! other activit! desirous of a lasting or per#anent effect$ %rgasira, &itra, 'nuradha, and Revati are ()F* or +EN*,E constellations good for fine arts, learning, #aking friendships, sensual pleasures, decorations, se"ual union, earing ne apparel, #arriage, singing and dancing, processions, auspicious cere#onies, festivities, dealings of agriculture, and -ourne!s$ 'svini, .us!a, and /asta are ,I+/* or (0IF* constellations and are good for sports, en-o!ing ite#s of lu"ur!, starting industries, skilled labour, #edical treat#ents, starting education, starting -ourne!s, seeing friends, bu!ing and selling, the perfor#ance of spiritual activities, decorations, fine arts, e"ercise, and for giving or receiving loans$ 'rdra, 'slesa, 1!estha, and %ula are DRE'DFU, stars and are suitable for success in arfare, invocation of ele#entals and other spirits, i#prison#ent, separations, acts of destruction, and the breaking of alliances ith superiors$ .urnavasu, (vati, (ravana, Dhanistha, and (atabhisa are *E%.)R'R2, %)3'4,E, or 5UI&6 stars favourable for undertaking travel, ac7uiring conve!ances, gardening, going on processions, visiting friends, and an!thing of a te#porar! nature$ 4harani, %agha, .urvaphalguni, .urvasadha, and .urvabhadrapada are FIER&E or &RUE,, constellations and are suitable for acts of evil, deceit, and conflict, destruction of ene#ies, incarceration, poisoning, arson, battle, setting fire, acts of destruction, ill8repute, and cruelt!$ 6rtttika and 3isakha are %IXED constellations and good for routine duties, one's professional responsibilities, and an! activities of da!8to8da! i#portance$ /o to appl! this to their natures: FIXED 9stead!: stars, this is a favourable nakshatra to perfor# such things as la!ing foundations, for building, careers, relationships, things that !ou ant to be per#anent$ ()F* 9gentle: stars, favourable for art, dance, #usic, #arital union, cere#onies$ ,I+/* 9e"cellent: stars, hich give pleasure, sports, giving #edicine, starting industries or travel$ (/'R. 9harsh: stars, tantric incantations, i#prison#ent, causing separation of friends, assasinations$ %)3'4,E stars, ac7uiring vehicles, going on procession, gardening$ DRE'DFU, 9cruel: stars, evil sche#es, evil deeds, planting ghosts in people, deceit, i#prison#ent, setting fires 8 arson$ %IXED stars, orks of ever! da!, da! to da! i#portance$ In the 3edic culture ever!thing has its functional use$ (o#e things #a! be good;right for so#e things, but <inauspicious< for other things$ *he follo ing ill give !ou insights into hat the science of electoral 9nuhurtha: astrolog! is all about$ Tithi: Do's and Dont's =st ,unar Da! > pratipa t*he presiding deit! of the first lunar da! in 4rah#a and is good for all t!pes of auspicious and religious cere#onies$

% ?nd ,unar Da! > dviti!a 3idhatr rules this lunar da! and is good for the la!ing of foundations for buildings and other things of a per#anent nature$ @rd ,unar Da! > triti!a 3isnu is the lord of this da! and is good for the cuttings of one's hair and nails and shaving$ Ath ,unar Da! > chaturthi 2a#a is lord of the Ath lunar da!, hich is good for the destruction of one's ene#ies, the re#oval of obstacles, and acts of co#bat$ Bth ,unar Da! > pancha#i *he %oon rules this da!, hich is favourable for ad#inistering #edicine, the purging of poisons, and surger!$ Cth ,unar Da! > sasthi 6arttike!a presides over this da! and is favourable for coronations, #eeting ne friends, festivities, and en-o!#ent$ Dth ,unar Da! > sapta#i *he Dth lunar da! is ruled b! IndraE one #a! begin a -ourne!, bu! conve!ances, and deal ith other such things as a #ovable nature$ Fth ,unar Da! > asta#i *he 3asus rule this da!, hich is good for taking up ar#s, building of one's defenses, and fortification$ Gth ,unar Da! > nava#i *he (erpent rules this da!, ith is suitable for killing ene#ies, acts of destruction, and violence$ =Hth ,unar Da! > dasa#i *he da! is ruled b! Dhar#a and is auspicious for acts of virtue, religious functions, spiritual practices, and other pious activities$ ==th ,unar Da! > ekadasi Rudra rules this da!E fasting, devotional activities, and re#e#brance of the (upre#e ,ord are ver! favourable$ =?th ,unar Da! > dvadasi *he (un rules this da!, hich is auspicious for religious cere#onies the lighting of the sacred fire, and the perfor#ance of one's duties$ =@th ,unar Da! > tra!odasi *he da! is ruled b! &upid and is good for for#ing friendships, sensual pleasures, and festivities$ =Ath ,unar Da! > chaturdasi 6ali rules this da! suitable for ad#inistering poison and calling of ele#entals and spirits$ =Bth ,unar Da! 8 a#avas!a and purni#a *he 3asve8devas rule the Ne %oon suitable for the propitiation of the %anes and perfor#ance of austerities$ Yogas: Description = =@ Degrees HH' ? 3I(/6'%4/'I ?C ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 3ishka#bha 9(upported: 88 prevails over others, victorious over ene#ies, obtains propert!, ealth!$ @ .RI*I AH Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is .riti 9Fondness: 88 ell8liked, attracted to the opposite se", en-o!s life ith content#ent$ A '2U(/%'N B@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is '!ush#an 9,ong8lived: 88 good health and longevit!, energetic$ B ('U4/'+2' CC Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (aubhag!a 9+ood Fortune: 88 en-o!s a co#fortable life full of opportunities, happ!$ C ()4/'N' FH Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (hobhana 9(plendor: 88 lustrous bod! and de#eanor sensualist, obsessed ith se"$ D '*I+'ND'I G@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 'tiganda 9,arge8cheeked: 88 difficult life due to nu#erous obstacles and accidentsE revengeful and angr!$ 9'ti8ganda described as <big8stink<, as in trouble: F (U6'R%' =HC Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (ukar#a 93irtuous: 88 perfor#s noble deeds, #agnani#ous and charitable, ealth!$ G D/RI*I =?H Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is Dhriti 9Deter#ination: 88 en-o!s the ealth, goods and spouses of othersE indulges in the hospitalit! of others$ =H ()),'I =@@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (hula 9(pear, .ain: 88 confrontational and contrar!, 7uarrelso#e, angr!$ == +'ND'I =AC Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is +anda 9&heek: 88 fla ed #orals or ethics, troubleso#e personalit!$ 9IJve also seen +anda described as stink, as in <causes a stink<: =? 3RIDD/' =CH Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 3riddhi 9+ro th: 88 intelligent, opportunistic and discerningE life constantl! i#proves ith age$ =@ D/RU3' =D@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is Dhruva 9&onstant: 88 stead! character, able to concentrate and persist, ealth!$ =A 32'+'*/'I =FC Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 3!aghata 94eating: 88 cruel, intent on har#ing others$ =B /'R(/'N' ?HH Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is /arshana 9*hrilling: 88 intelligent, delights in #erri#ent and hu#or$ =C 3'1R'I ?=@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 3a-ra 9Dia#ond, *hunderbolt: 88 ell8off, lecherous, unpredictable, forceful$ =D (IDD/I ??C Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (iddhi 9(uccess: 88 skillful and acco#plished in several areasE protector and supporter of others$ =F 32'*'.'*'I ?AH Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 3!atipata 9&ala#it!: 88 prone to sudden #ishaps and reversals, fickle and unreliable$ =G 3'RI2'N ?B@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 3ari!ana 9&o#fort: 88 loves ease and lu"ur!, laK!, lascivious$

+ ?H .'RI+/'I ?CC Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is .arigha 9)bstruction: 88 encounters #an! obstacles to progress in lifeE irritable and #eddleso#e$ ?= (I3' ?FH Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (hiva 9'uspicious: 88 honored b! superiors and govern#ent, placid, learned and religious, ealth!$ ?? (IDD/' ?G@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (iddha 9'cco#plished: 88 acco##odating personalit!, pleasant nature, interest in ritual and spiritualit!$ ?@ ('D/2' @HC Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (adh!a 9'#enable: 88 ell behaved, acco#plished #anners and eti7uette$ ?A (U4/' @?H Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (hubha 9'uspicious: 88 lustrous bod! and personalit!, but proble#s ith healthE ealth!, irritable$ ?B (U6,' @@@ Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is (hukla 94right 0hite: 88 garrulous and flight!, i#patient and i#pulsiveE unstead! and changeable #ind$ ?C 4R'/%' @AC Degrees ?H' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 4rah#a 9.riest, +od: 88 trust orth! and confidential, a#bitious, good discern#ent and -udg#ent$ ?D INDR' @FH Degrees AH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is Indra 9&hief: 88 interest in education and kno ledgeE helpful, ell8 off$ 3'ID/RI*II Degrees HH' *he (oli8,unar 2oga is 3aidhriti 9.oor (upport: 88 critical, sche#ing natureE po erful and over hel#ing #entall! or ph!sicall!$ *he planets #erel! represent 7ualities in nature$ *he language of astrolog! is -ust another for# of the language of nature and her basic energetic attributes$ )ur solar s!ste# is so#eti#es taken to be the personification of the Divine .erson of ti#e 96ala .urusha:$ *he (un is the soul of this 6ala .urusha, the %oon /is senses and e#otions, %ars /is po er and strength, etc$ *he (un is Ro!al and noble, the %oon changeable, inconstant and fickle$ %ars the arrior is fier!, angr!, hast! and courageousE hile %ercur!, the student, is a calculator and a co##unicator$ 1upiter is the ise teacher of the gods and spirituall! #inded people, and 3enus the teacher of sensualists, fashion and art lovers$ The Hora hours and the Persuasions Method (UN 'ND %'R( rule punish#ent9danda: %ER&UR2 'ND ('*URN rule diplo#ac! 9bheda: %))N rules te#ptation 9dana: 1U.I*ER 'ND 3ENU( rule good counsel 9sa#a: .eople ho are ver! hard to deal ith, one can choose the %oon /ora, and the person gain their a! b! te#ptations, hich is to sa! b! incentives or various sorts, potentiall! gifts$ During the (un and %ars /ora one can resort to punish#ent or threat of punish#ent and one can be co#pelling and insistent in their #ethod of persuasions$ During the %ercur! and (aturn hour one can #ost readil! accept or use artfulness, including secret, behind the scenes #anoeuvres and the unethical negotiations, like black#ail$ During the 1upiter and 3enus one can spontaneousl! ork through and naturall! accepted a! of appeals to reasons, #ild and polite but direct and honest re7uests and good advice$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (UN /)UR: (un is the lord of (unda!$ (un gives intelligence, perception, strength of ill and character$ It affords endurance, sta#ina, vitalit!, positive spirit, direction, courage, conviction, confidence, leadership, independence and straight8 for ardness$ *he (un is in his strongest place#ent directl! overhead in the =Hth /ouse$ /e is also strong in the other 6endras, or 'ngles$ *hese are the /ouses =, A, and D$ *he (un also does ell in hat are called the Upacha!a, or gro ing /ouses$ *hese are the /ouses @, C and ==$ /is nature, or te#pera#ent is pitta, or fier!, and the ge#stone associated ith the (un is the red rub!$ *he (un's #etal is +old and his direction is East$ /is da!, of course, is (unda!, and he co#es into full #aturit! and brilliance at age ??$ (un: .osition of po er, dignit!, authorit! and responsibilit!, -udges, #agistrates, banks and business here huge su#s of #one! are handled and golds#iths$ (un governs vitalit!, i##unit! and speed! recover! fro# diseases$ /ence, to take #edicine or to undergo surgical operations, solar hour is auspicious$ (un also indicates po er authorit!, influence, dignit!, honours and reputation, hich #eans it is a good ti#e to take charge of so#e i#portant -ob or post$ For assistance fro# po erful people, one should select the (un /our$ (un, %ars and 1upiter co#bination$ For the 1udge or ,a #atters 8 (un 1upiter and 3enus$ Doctor8 (un %ercur! and 1upiter$ For surger! or surgeons8 (un, %ercur! and %ars$ )ne can co##ence pra!ing to (ur!anaran!an and ,ord 3ishnu for peace and prosperit!$ (un is e"alted in the sign of 'ries, and he is in his fall in the sign of ,ibra$ *he (un is the indicator of the father, our ego, honours, status, fa#e, the heart, the e!es, general vitalit!, respect and po er$ (un /our is beneficial for signing contracts 9(un, %ercur! and 1upiter:$ 'lso good for registering of docu#ents, to approach for favour, to e"ecute a ill, to let on lease propert!, to appeal for pro#otion, to co#plain to the police about the lost propert!$ 'n ill8placed (un gives lack of intelligence, poor perception, eakness of ill and character$ It creates lack of endurance, lo vitalit!, #elanchol!, fear, dependenc! or servitude, deviousness or dishonest!$ 'n overl! strong but ill8disposed (un creates pride, arrogance, t!rann! and control$ It creates #uch of the sa#e proble#s as %ars 9or (aturn: hen too strong$

3 ' eak but spirituall! disposed (un #akes us receptive, anting to do good and self8effacing$ It can indicate the govern#ent in general and hatever favours or pro#otions #a! co#e through it$ It represents la and order on lo er or higher levels$ (*R)N+ .ERI)D(: *he /our of the (un ill be #ost potent henever (un is strong: i$e$ henever (un transits in its e"alted or o n sign and in the Nakshatra of 6RI**I6', Uttra .halguni, and Uttra '(/'D/'$ *he best ti#e of the #onths are fro# ?= %arch to ?F 'pril and =H 1ul! to 'ugust ?H$ *hese periods are best suited for #aking ne plans L invest#ents$ /e is particularl! beneficial for the fire sign 'scendants of 'ries, ,eo, and (agittarius$ *he (un's #etal is +old and his direction is East$ *he first da! of the eek dedicated to the (un has the special #erit of the re#oval of sin, especiall! for 4rah#ins$ 0E'6 .ERI)D(: For the (un are during the #onths of )ctober, Nove#ber and Dece#ber$ During these ti#es one feels lack of interest in their ork, setbacks in their health, and stress level is generall! high$ )ne #a! also suffer fro# position and ealth$ *he! should avoid #aking ne plans$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII %oon is the lord of %onda!$ %oon rules over the sign of &ancer$ In Rohini, in *aurus here the %oon is e"alted$ /e is e"alted in *aurus, and fallen in the opposite sign of (corpio$ *he %oon is #ost co#fortable and po erful in the Ath /ouseE also in the angles$ %etal is silver and the direction is North est$ *he bright %oon is considered a benefic of the highest order, and the dark %oon is considered a #alefic$ /er nature is kapha, or ater!$ %oon, the fastest #oving planet, suggests that %oon /ora is advantageous for safe and successful overseas -ourne!$ %usicians should select %oon /ora on %onda!s or Frida! for fertile i#agination and #elodious tune$ *uesda! is beneficial for those ho use dru#$ /)R' )F %))N 's the (un represents character or individualit!, the %oon indicates our personalit!$ 'fflictions to the %oon sho personalit! disorders, difficulties in relating to other people and e#otional disturbances$ ' strong %oon, on the other hand, sho s sensitivit!, receptivit!, caring for others and a nurturing attitude in life$ It gives e#otional #aturit!, responsibilit! and the capacit! to have a beneficial effect upon societ!$ Rahu can cause us to lose thinking po er over our #ind$ %oon period is preferable for those seeking appoint#ent as #id ife, nurse, etc$ 2ou can plan and conte#plate during %oon /ora the right and rong can be clear and eas! to co#e to conclusions$ %oon /ora in the night is good for pleasure$ For public activities and popularit!, for speeches etc$ 'pproach people during %oon /ora$ Even the strong illed person ill be favourable to !ou$ *hose ho deal in food #aterials and in oils, kerosene, petrol, acids, etc$ can start business during %oon /ora on a %onda! and Rohini (tar da!s ill be good$ .earls, -e els, orna#ents, corals, can be purchased in this /ora$ .urchase of propert! in the %oon /ora$ *he price of the propert! ill increase in capital value$ %oon /ora is good especiall! on *hursda!$ +ood for gains ithout pains hen dealing ith #others and #aternal relatives$ /otels or ine bars #a! be opened on *uesda!s during %oon /ora$ During %oon /ora pra! to +oddess ,akhs#i and ,alitha for .eace$ 0ith cooked rice, soaked in ghee and feed 4rah#in couples$ *he bright %oon is considered a benefic of the highest order, and the dark %oon is considered a #alefic$ 0E'6 .ERI)D(: Dece#ber, 1anuar! and Februar! are the #onths hen so#eone's %oon in the birth chart is affected$ *he person ill suffer fro# ps!chological proble#s$ *he! should prepare the#selves to face hardship during these #onths$ 'fflictions to the %oon sho personalit! disorders, difficulties in relating to other people and e#otional disturbances$ ' strong %oon, on the other hand, sho s sensitivit!, receptivit!, caring for others and a nurturing attitude in life$ It gives e#otional #aturit!, responsibilit! and the capacit! to have a beneficial effect upon societ!$ Rahu can cause us to lose thinking po er over our #ind$ *he! should not #ake i#portant decisions hen 9=: the %oon is full 9?: the %oon's rising ti#e is close to the rising ti#e of the (un 9the last @ da!s of the descending %oon c!cle 8 6rishna .aksha of the %oon:$ )r 9@: hen the person is near a lake, river or an ocean$ Decisions are best #ade #id a! through the descending or ascending c!cle of the %oon$ During these ti#es the %oon is not po erful$ *he! should take up sports and hobbies that involve the# in outdoor activities$ *he! should be forced to e"ercise to keep their ps!che in proper shape$ ' benefice %oon is often found in the charts of doctors, healers or ps!chologists, as ell as good #others and ives$ ' strong %oon can give po er like the (un$ ' strong %oon can outshine the other planets, so#eti#es even the (un$ 0hereas the (un creates the king or strong illed leader, the %oon creates a good ad#inistrator or a leader open to the needs of his people$ *he %oon indicates relationship, interchange and co##unication$ (*R)N+ .ERI)D(: *he period bet een 1une ?Hth and 1ul! ?Dth called <*he /ouse of the %oon< is the #ost beneficial ti#e$ During this period the! should devote their energ! in pro#oting their business$ *his is a suitable ti#e for all sorts of auspicious activities, travelling, and planning for the future$ 0hen %oon is in Rohini and henever %oon transits &ancer and in /asta and (harvana Nakshatra da!s$ 'lso it is advantageous to note hether %oon occupies the 6endra position counted fro# the 'scendant during the /ora of %oon, hen it is strong$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII /)R' )F %'R( is the great planet of energ!$ 's 3enus governs our affections, our e#otional and vital i#pressionabilit!, %ars relates to our passions, our e#otional and vital capacit! for self8pro-ection$ 0e could sa! that 3enus governs our inco#ing e#otions, our capacit! to receive e#otionE %ars rules our outgoing e#otions, our

) capacit! to pro-ect e#otion$ %ars is the planet of po er, strength, and courage, aggression, hich #easures our abilit! to pro-ect force in life$ %ars is a karaka, or indicator, of brother and siblings, assertion, aggressiveness, soldiers and #ilitar! endeavours, #echanical abilit!, engineers and surgeons, co##anders and rulers, accidents, violence and ar, a#bition, strength, argu#ents and conflict, passion and desire$ ,ike (ur!a, the (un, %ars #ost po erful position is in the =Hth /ouse$ /e is a particularl! beneficial planet for &ancer or ,eo 'scendants$ /is nature is .itta, or fier!$ /is ge# is red coral and his direction is (outh$ %ars' da! is *uesda! and he reaches full #aturit! at age ?F$ %'R( /)UR %ars rules over *uesda!s$ It is the lord of the Nakshatra of %R+'(/IR', &/I*R' and D/'NI(*/'$ It gets e"alted in &apricorn 0henever %ars is strong b! transiting in its o n or e"alted signs or in its stars and on *uesda!s$ Especiall! hen it happens to be the =Hth house to the ,agna rising and during %ars /ora$ It is good to file an! la suit in a court of la , it is advantageous to argue during %ars /ora and in the case$ )n a *hursda! during %ars /ora tr! for co#prise and fair settle#ent for the propert!$ 0hen it beco#es necessar! to stir so#eone ho has fallen into a habit of neglect and idleness and !ou need to bring hi# back into the full orking habits, herefro# others are #ade to suffer, it see#s al#ost necessar! to build a fire under hi# to #ake an! #ove#ent fro# this person$ For this purpose one can bring the fire and energ! of %ars as a da! ruler ith his influence as an hour ruler, b! talking to hi# on *uesda!$ *he person ill heed then if it is at all possible to get hi# started$ *o purchase surgical instru#ents (unda! 8 %ars /ora or the da! of the lord of =? and %ars /ora$ *o -oin dut! in the %ilitar!, .olice or Factor!, %ars /ora on *uesda! is advantageous$ It is luck! ti#e to start a press, #echanical engineering, and industr!, building construction or opening electronics shop on a 0ednesda! in %ars /ora$ *o -oin dut! in a court of ,a or take oath as a .resident, 1udge etc$ *hursda! is especiall! good$ +olds#iths, -e ellers, should have opening cere#on! on *hursda!s or Frida!s$ %ars /ora on a *hursda! is beneficial for e"ecutive officers in industr!, church or colleges and schools$ *hose of !ou ho are bu!ing propert! during the %ars /ora, signing the docu#ents in the #orning bet een C$@H '% to D$@H '% having the (un in the =?th 4hava ill not en-o! the benefit of the value of the propert!, as the person ill lose to others$ 4ut those ho sign and purchase the propert! bet een F$HH'% to =H '% having (un in the ==th house ill have the full advantage of the high price$ 2ou can bu! coral, rub! and red colour articles$ 4est ti#e to construct a house ould be at a ti#e hen %ars is e"altedE hen %ars /ora is on and the 'scendant is (corpio and in 3ishaka Ath .ada governed b! 1upiter and the sub is %ars$ In this case there ill be no difficult! for the availabilit! of #one!, building #aterials etc$ For peace and prosperit! pra! to the ,ord +anesh$ )n *uesda!$ ,ike (ur!a, the (un, %ars #ost po erful position is in the =Hth /ouse$ /e is a particularl! beneficial planet for &ancer or ,eo 'scendants$ /is nature is .itta, or fier!$ Direction is (outh$ )n the positive side, a strong %ars is necessar! to give us the energ!, independence, ill and self8confidence to carr! out our endeavours887ualities it shares ith the (un$ %ars is a critical, perceptive and discri#inating planet$ /is po er of argu#ent #a!, on the positive side, be able to give good skills at speech, orator! and the good logical faculties$ *he la !er, the politician and the scientist need such a strong %ars$ 0ith logic and science, %ars gives #echanical skills$ &o#bined ith 1upiter, the positive side of %ars co#es out as the capacit! to #ake great achieve#ents in life in har#on! ith la and truth$ )n the negative side, this sa#e aggression brings about co#petition, argu#ent, conflict88and hen not checked b! other factors, causes do#ination, control, violence and in-ur!, a placing of our o n personal ill8to8po er over the good of life$ &o#bined ith (aturn, its negative side usuall! predo#inates, creating selfish, perverted or cri#inal tendencies, particularl! hen there are no balancing factors$ 0here ell balanced this co#bination creates discipline and the capacit! for great acco#plish#ents$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII /)R' )F %ER&UR2 94udha: *his is the planet, hich represents speech, co##unication and co##erce on all levels$ In his lo er function he organiKes and articulates #aterial resources$ %ercur!'s favourite place#ent is rising in the =st /ouse$ /is nature is 3ata, or 'ir!$ /is ge# is E#erald and his #etal is all for#s of allo!s$ /is direction is North$ %ER&UR2 /)UR is ver! strong and po erful on 0ednesda!s during ti#e hen in +e#ini or 3irgo and on '(/,E(/', 1!eshta and RE3'*I star da!s especiall! RE3'*I )n a higher level %ercur! connects us ith our inner capacities, the po ers of the #ind$ 's 1upiter generall! represents the higher or abstract #ind, %ercur! indicates the lo er or concrete #ind, the intellect or infor#ational #entalit!$ 's a planet of co##erce, %ercur! represents trade, or articles of trade, including #one!$ /e #a! value co##unication and public opinion #ore than truth, and beco#e dependent on and defensive of hatever is the strongest environ#ental influence$ Under a strong negative (aturn influence %ercur! can lose its po er and sho lack of intelligence$ 'fflictions to %ercur! do not al a!s give lack of intelligence or intellect, ho ever$ *he! #a! cause so#e other har#, like speech defects, nervous disorders$ )ther planets, like 1upiter can give intelligence, but ithout a strong %ercur! there ill be difficult! in e"pressing it, particularl! through the ritten ord$ *elephone, radio, television and co#puters are products of %ercurial needs aligned ith the engineering capacit! of %ars$ 'd#it children in schools and colleges on a 0ednesda! da! during %ercur! /our, for success in studies$ )ne can start learning i#portant sub-ects in the %ercur! /our$ During the %ercur! /our to deliver a speech especiall! on *hursda!s$ It is good ti#e to take a -ob of teacher, accountants' etc on *hursda! and Frida! of %ercur! /our$

.ainters, artists and dancers can start on Frida!s in %ercur! /our$ Editors, publishers, booksellers, printers, press o ners, publicit! organiKations can start functioning on *uesda!s in %ercur! period$ %ost successful and efficient ork ill be done if one co##ences during %ercur! /our$ Dail! ne spapers, a#bassadors, agents representatives, brokers, auctioneers can begin on 0ednesda!s$ *!pists should choose, *uesda!s, and (horthand riters should select (aturda!s$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII /)R' )F 1U.I*ER */UR(D'2 1upiter is ell kno n as the #ost helpful, generous and benefice of the planets$ *his planet rules planet religion and philosoph!$ /e is a spiritual and ethical 9(attvic: planet$ 1upiter is the planet of luck, grace, favour, and fortune$ /e gives ealth, prosperit! and success$ *hose ho in at races or lotteries or have great inheritances usuall! have a ell8placed 1upiter$ )ne #a! suffer fro# une"pected bad luck, bad kar#a, trouble ith authorities and institutions or loss in litigation hen eak$ 1upiter is a karaka, or indicator of fortune, ealth, fa#e, luck, devotion and faith, spiritualit!, charit!, #oralit!, #editation, #antra, children, #agistrates, #inisters, la !ers and leaders in govern#ent and religion$ 1upiter represents sacred scripture, isdo#, benevolence and philosoph!$ 1upiter's #ost favoured position is in the =st $ /e does ell in both the 6endras, and 'ngles, and the auspicious *rikonal /ouses$ /is nature is kapha, or ater!$ /is ge#stone is 2ello (apphire or 2ello *opaK and his #etal is +old$ 1upiter's direction is North8East and his da! is *hursda!$ 's a benefice planet he reaches full #aturit! the earliest of the G +rahas at age =C$ 's %ercur! tends to sho our outer career in life, ho e relate to societ! on a practical level, 1upiter indicates our inner career, here e reall! find our personal fulfil#ent and hat e en-o! doing #ost$ 1U.I*ER /)UR 0hen %oon transits in .$ 4hardrap in the Ath .ada$ 0hen %oon *ransits in &ancer, in (agittarius and .isces$ 0hen %oon transits in .unarvasu, 3I(/'6/'$ ,ook if !our 1upiter is beneficial to !ouM 're !ou running 1upiter's DasaM *hen approach people during 1upiter /our$ (uccess in atte#pts for studies, ,a , 4anking$ /e is e"alted in the sign of &ancer and fallen in the opposite sign of &apricorn$ 1upiter's #ost favoured position is in the =st /ouse$ /e does ell in both the 6endras, and 'ngles, and the auspicious *rikonal /ouses$ /is nature is 6apha, or ater!$ /is ge#stone is 2ello (apphire or 2ello *opaK and the #etal is +old$ (*R)N+ .ERI)D(: *he periods bet een Februar! =Gth and %arch ?Hth, and bet een Nove#ber ?=st and Dece#ber ?Hth are the #ost favourable$ 'll ne pro-ects should be started during these ti#es$ *ravel during these periods brings long and lasting benefits$ .urchases of ite#s on *hursda!, preferabl! on 1upiter's star da! and in 1upiter /our$ (aving's not satisfactor!M )pen a saving account on a *hursda! in 1upiter /our, hen 1upiter is in direct #otion and is strong8 then !ou ill have good increase in inco#e$ Deal ith !our ta" #atters or #one! #atters during 1upiter hour$ *his /our is good for purchase of vehicles8 on Frida!s during 1upiter /our, or an! household ite#s$ )n (aturda! during 1upiter /our do house building ork$ *ake a -ob or start ork on (unda!s or *uesda!s in 1upiter /ora /our$ 4orro or invest #one! on *hursda!$ In the night hours note the 1upiter hour and one can have se" for getting children$ *his ill fulfil !our desire to have a child$ *ake up Insurance polic! on (aturda!s during 1upiter /our$ 2our polic! ill #ature and !ou ill en-o! the benefits of !our invest#ents$ 0E'6 .ERI)D(: *he #onths of )ctober and Nove#ber are not favourable$ During this period, the! should avoid starting ne pro-ects or undertaking long -ourne!s$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII /)R' )F 3ENU( 3enus is a karaka, or indicator of spouse, love, #arriage, co#fort, lu"ur!, beaut!, prosperit!, happiness, all conve!ances, art, dance #usic, acting, passion and healing$ 3enus' #ost po erful position is in the Ath /ouse and the *rikona /ouses, =, B and G$ 3enus is a particularl! beneficial planet for &apricorn and '7uarius 'scendants$ +e# is dia#ond and the #etal is copper and silver$ 3enus' direction is (outh East$ )n the lo er stage she represents the pleasure of the senses and the co#forts of the bod!$ (uch a pure 3enus co#es out in association ith 1upiter and %ercur!$ /er vain side #anifests in alliance ith %ars, hich causes an e"cess of passion, e#otion, se"ualit! and sensualit!$ 3enus also gives po er$ It is not onl! the po er, hich fascinates but also the po er to #ove and to #otivate$ *he /our of 3enus is strong on Frida!s, on the da!s hen %oon transits in 4harani, .$ .halguni and .$ '(/'D/' stars$ For loss of 3italit!, take #edicine, on *hursda! or Frida! during 3enus hour: it ill #ake !ou strong and health!$ During 3enus /our, start %antras in 3enus /our for Dhan ,a"#i for ealth on *hursda! or Frida!$ )n %onda!s .arvathi$ )n *uesda!s ,alita or 6ail %ata$ 0hen %oon transits in *aurus and ,ibra or .isces, these are the signs of e"altation$ During this ti#e peace of #ind and prosperit! can be assured$ &hoose 3enus /our if !ou ant to #eet so#eone ho is generall! i#patient and ho is #ood!$ *he person ill be cal# and co8operative during this hour$ 3enus ill tone do n the fier! nature of the person$ For #arriage proposal, the person has to select a 3enus /our, if !ou like the partner in 7uestion$ 'nd if !ou do not like the proposal, choose the %ars or (aturn hour, the proposal ill fall through$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ('*URN In 3edic astrolog! the planet (aturn is called (hani$ In (anskrit (hani co#es fro# shanaiscara, hich #eans, <slo #over<$ Fro# (hani e get the ord <shun<, hich #eans to ignore, or lose a areness of so#ething$ *hus, (aturn represents a loss of a areness, or ignorance$ *his loss of a areness can also #ean the di#inishing a areness of the #aterial orld of #anifestation$ /ere (aturn indicates the ascetic, rich ith inner spiritualit!, and lost to this #aterial plane of e"istence$ /e rules over the t o sidereal signs of &apricorn and '7uarius$ /e is e"alted in ,ibra, and fallen in the opposite sign of 'ries$ (aturn is a karaka, or indicator, of longevit!, #iser!, sorro , old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibilit!, dela!s,

< a#bition, leadership and authorit!, hu#ilit!, integrit!, isdo# born of e"perience$ (aturn also indicates asceticis#, denial, non8attach#ent, spiritualit!, hard ork, organiKation, realit! and ti#e itself$ ('*URN /)UR *he /our of (aturn is strong for the #atters relating to (aturn$ *he period of ?H (ept and ?Bth )ct and bet een 1an ?H and Feb ?H$ *hese are the best ti#es to start ne ventures, co#plete all the pending -obs and pro-ects for travel and business$ 0hen strong: in the chart it brings isdo# and a areness of the right and rong in the people$ (aturn's #ost po erful place in the chart is in the Dth /ouse and the 6endras, or 'ngles$ /e is a particularl! beneficial planet for *aurus and ,ibra 'scendants$ (aturn's nature is 3ata, or 'ir!$ /is ge# is 4lue (apphire and all black stones and his #etal is ,ead$ (aturn's direction is 0est$ 0hen %oon transits in .U(/2', 'nuradha or Uttra 4hadrap stars or hen the ,anga at that hour is in (aturn's sign or stars$ )n the da!s hen %oon transits in (aturn's signs &apricorn and '7uarius$ For practice of !oga or #ediation choose the (aturn /our, for e"tra concentration$ 0rite letters to !ogis and religious person and deal ith propert! #atters etc$ in this hour$ 0hen !ou ant to finish off an! relationship, do so in (aturn hour$ .ra! to ,ord (hiva or /anu#an-i in the (aturn hour and to beco#e (an!asi$ (aturn is a karaka, or indicator, of longevit!, #iser!, sorro , old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibilit!, dela!s, a#bition, leadership and authorit!, hu#ilit!, integrit!, isdo# born fro# e"perience$ 's 1upiter indicates the process of creation and e"pansion, (aturn brings about contraction and destruction$ 1upiter is the positive teacher of the soul and the (aturn is the negative guide$ *he influence of (aturn is to dela!, to ithhold$ 's the slo est #oving of the planets he retards things, holds back their develop#ent$ (aturn indicates propert!, land and fi"ed assets$ *hose ho obtain ealth through a ell8disposed (aturn #a! beco#e #isers, and ill carefull! hold on to hat has ith such difficult! been ac7uired$ Its negative side co#es out particularl! in association ith %ars, another cruel planet$ 's the po er of darkness and obstruction, (aturn is the ene#! of the (un and the %oon, and has an eclipse like affect upon the#$ )nl! 1upiter has the po er to reall! subdue or to balance out his influence, though 3enus and %ercur! can refine it to a great degree$ In this respect, the po er of (hiva, the lord of the !ogis, the god of death and transcendence #a! ork through (aturn$ Retrograde or 0eak (aturn in the chart ill generall! have a eak period during the first ?H da!s of da!s of 1an, and the last eak of Feb, and the #onths of Dec, %arch and 'pril$ During these ti#es the! suffer losses, get bla#ed and hu#iliated and suffer separations fro# loved ones$ *he! should avoid ne undertakings, signing legal papers$ 0hen eak: *his #akes the person greed!, #orbid, gloo#!$ *he! continuousl! suffer fro# losses and ps!choso#atic proble#s caused b! disturbance in their bod! che#istr!$ this is due to aggravation of ind ele#ent hu#our$ 9 a disturbance of in the flo of the gases in the bod!:$ *he! do not like discipline, the! are rebellious and la breakers the! behave like an old #an and appear older$ Sa*.a*tha sa$ha#a +ha*t According to Vedic astrology' some week days are suita.le and auspicious for certain undertakings and some are not suita.le for some other undertakings. >or eAample it is considered inauspicious to .uy vehicles on Tuesday. The same is true for the nakshatras in operation during various days. "owever the com.ination of certain week days and nakshatras is very auspicious for all undertakings. "ence these com.inations are called sarvartha sadhaka or all round auspicious com.inations. The following chart gives the auspicious day and nakshatra com.ination details. These com.inations hold true through out the year. -t simply means that on any particular week day' if any of the nakshatras mentioned under the week column is in operation' it is auspicious for any and all undertakings. 9ou can check the nakshatra in operation on any day and its duration from the Panchanga chart given in this site. >or eAample under the Tuesday column the nakshatras mentioned are Ashwini' Ashlesha' 7rittika and Dttara 6hadra. This means that on any Tuesday if any one of these nakshatras is in operation the time is auspicious to start any type of work. Sun$ay Ash!ini &ushya1i U'Asha$ha /asta M ,a U'Asha$ha U'Bha$*a M n$ay S*a.ana &ushya1i R hini 2 M*igasi*a 2 2 Tu"s$ay Ash!ini As,"sha 2 2 2 =*itti#a U'Bha$*a 3"$n"s$ay 2 2 R hini /asta M*igasi*a =*itti#a Anu*a$ha Thu*s$ay Ash!ini &ushya1i 2 R".ati &una*.asu 2 Anu*a$ha F*i$ay Ash!ini 2 2 R".ati &una*.asu Anu*a$ha Satu*$ay S*a.ana 2 R hini 2 2 S!ati -

.an8changa, a (anskrit ord, #eans <five li#bs,< hich refers to the fact that ever! panchanga# includes the five basic ele#ents of tithi 9lunar da!:, naksatra 9the constellation the #oon is aligned ith:, karana 9half8da!:, !oga 9a particular angle of the sun and #oon: and vara or vasara 9solar eekda!:$ 0e are all ell a are of the concepts of <good ti#ing< and <bad ti#ing< and ho at certain ti#es ever!thing see#s to be flo ing along s#oothl!, hile at other #o#ents things <-ust don't co#e together$< *he calendar provides kno ledge to understand such pheno#ena, so that one can take advantage of auspicious #o#ents and avoid ne undertakings hen the creative forces are on the ane$ DIVISIONS OF TIME *elling ti#e has been refined to a science in the /indu culture$ 'nd no here is ti#e given greater pro#inence than in the /indu te#ple$ */E 2E'R8('%3'*('R'

4 In India there are nu#erous era s!ste#s in use$ *he 6ali Era, 3ikra#a Era, and the (aka Era are several of the era s!ste#s being follo ed toda!$ *he /indu !ear for the 6ali Era s!ste# begins hen the (un enters the sign of %esha 9'ries:$ It is a da! of great i#portance, and a ti#e of celebration, #arking the da n of a Ne 2ear c!cle$ */E N'%E )F */E 2E'R In all, there are si"t! na#es, hich repeat in a si"t!8!ear c!cle based on the ti#e it takes 1upiter to orbit the sun five ti#es$ *he na#es of the !ears are: .rabhava, 3ibhava, (ukla, .ra#oda, .ra-apati, 'ngiras, (ri#ukha, 4hava,2uvan, Dhatri, Isvara, 4ahudhan!a, .ra#athin, 3ikra#a, 3risha, &hitrab8hanu, (ubhanu, *arana, .arthiva, 3!a!a, (arva-it, (arvadharin, 3irodhin,3ikrita, 6hara, Nandana, 3i-a!a, 1a!a, %an#atha, Dur#ukha, /e#ala#ba, 3ila#ba, 3ikarin, (arvari, .lava, (ubhakrit, (obhana, 6rodhin, 3is8vavasu, .arabhava, .alavanga, 6ilaka, (au#a!a, (adharana, 3irodhakrit,.aridhavin, .ra#adin, 'nanda, Rakshasa, 'nala 9or Nala:, .ingala,6ala!ukta, (iddharthin, Raudra, Dur#ati, Dundubhi, Rudhirodgarin,Raktaksha, 6rodhana and 6sha!a 9or 'ksha!a:$ The Sixt !Year " c#e Each !ear in the *a#il calendar has a na#e$ *hese na#es follo a CH8!ear c!cle$ 9*he nu#ber CH represents five 1ovian periods i$e$ it takes 1upiter about =? !ears to orbit the sun:$ *he follo ing table lists the c!cle of si"t! !ear na#es: No$ Na%e = ? @ A B C D F G =H == =? =@ =A =B =C =D =F =G ?H ?= ?? ?@ ?A in Eng#ish Prabhava Vibhava Sukla Year =GFD88=GFF =GFF88=GFG =GFG88=GGH

Pramodhudha =GGH88=GG= Prajorpati Angirasa Srimukha Bhava Yuva Dhatu Isvara Vehudhanya Pramathi Vikrama Vishu Chitrabanu Subanu Tarana Parthiba Viya Sarvajit Sarvadhari Virodhi Viruti =GG=88=GG? =GG?88=GG@ =GG@88=GGA =GGA88=GGB =GGB88=GGC =GGC88=GGD =GGD88=GGF =GGF88=GGG =GGG88?HHH ?HHH88?HH= ?HH=88?HH? ?HH?88?HH@ ?HH@88?HHA ?HHA88?HHB ?HHB88?HHC ?HHC88?HHD ?HHD88?HHF ?HHF88?HHG ?HHG88?H=H ?H=H88?H==

(& ?B ?C ?D ?F ?G @H @= @? @@ @A @B @C @D @F @G AH A= A? A@ AA AB AC AD AF AG BH B= B? B@ BA BB BC BD BF Kara andana Vijaya !aya "anmatha Dhunmuki #evilambi Vilambi Vikari Sarvari Plava Subakrit Sobakrit Krodhi Visuvasuva Parabhava Plavanga Kilaka Saumya Sadharana Virodhikritu Paridhabi Pramadhisa Ananda $akshasa ala Pingala Kalayukti Siddharthi $audri Dunmati Dundubhi ?H==88?H=? ?H=?88?H=@ ?H=@88?H=A ?H=A88?H=B ?H=B88?H=C ?H=C88?H=D ?H=D88?H=F ?H=F88?H=G ?H=G88?H?H ?H?H88?H?= ?H?=88?H?? ?H??88?H?@ ?H?@88?H?A ?H?A88?H?B ?H?B88?H?C ?H?C88?H?D ?H?D88?H?F ?H?F88?H?G ?H?G88?H@H ?H@H88?H@= ?H@=88?H@? ?H@?88?H@@ ?H@@88?H@A ?H@A88?H@B ?H@B88?H@C ?H@C88?H@D ?H@D88?H@F ?H@F88?H@G ?H@G88?HAH ?HAH88?HA= ?HA=88?HA? ?HA?88?HA@

$udhrodhgari ?HA@88?HAA $aktakshi ?HAA88?HAB

(( BG CH Krodhana Akshaya ?HAB88?HAC ?HAC88?HAD

/',F82E'R8'2'N' Each !ear is divided into t o halves, kno n as a!ana$ Uttara!ana begins on the da! of the inter solstice, nor#all! Dece#ber ?=, hen the sun begins its apparent north ard -ourne!$ Dakshina!ana begins on the first da! of the su##er solstice, nor#all! 1une ?=, #arking the sun's south ard #ove#ent$ *he t o da!s co##encing the t o a!anas are considered sacred and kno n as pun!a kala, <ti#es of great #erit$ */E (IX (E'()N(8R*'U In the 0est e are fa#iliar ith four seasons8spring, su##er, autu#n and inter$ In India, there are si" seasons$ Each season is t o #onths 9#asa: duration$ =:*he ne !ear begins ith 3asanta Rtau, the season hen the trees and plants are blosso#ing, hich begins on the first da! of %esha %ase 9#id8'pril:$ ?: +rish#a Rtau, co##encing at the start of %aithuna %ase 9in #id81une:, is the <hot su##er$< @: *he rain! season, 3arsha Rtau, begins in (i#ha %ase 9#id8'ugust:$ A: (ara Rtau, the season of fruits, begin in *hula %ase 9#id8)ctober:$ B: /e#antha Rtau, the cold season, begins in #id8Dece#ber$ C: (isir Rtau, the last season of the !ear, begins in 6u#bha %ase 9#id8Februar!:, hen trees and plants begin sprouting ne leaves$ Each season a different te"tbook is studied$ *he! are as follo s: =: Nartana Ritau, the season of Dancing ith (iva, begins on /indu Ne 2ear$ *his is the period of creation, the ar# season, fro# #id8'pril through #id8'ugust$ ?: During 1ivana Ritau, the rain! season, fro# #id8'ugust to #id Dece#ber, ,iving ith (iva: /induis#'s &onte#porar! &ulture is the pri#ar! te"t$ @: *he third period of the !ear, %oksha Ritau, the cool season, is fro# #id8Dece#ber to #id8'pril$ */E %)N*/8%'('8(),'R 'ND ,UN'R In India, several states use a solar8!ear calendar hile others use the lunar8!ear calendar$ In all states the lunar calendar is used for deter#ining the dates of religious festivals and for selecting auspicious ti#es for beginning #an! socio8religious activities$ 3edic &alendar uses both the solar #onth and the lunar #onth and ould be kno n as a <luni8solar calendar$< For business purposes and #odern convenience e also use the +regorian !ear hich follo s neither a solar #onth nor a lunar s!ste#$ (),'R %)N*/( *he /indu astrono#ical te"t, (ur!a8(iddhanta, defines the solar #onth as the ti#e it takes the sun to traverse one rasi 9Nodiac sign:, #easured fro# the ti#e of entr! into one rasi 9this point is kno n as a sa#kranti: and the ne"t$ *he point hen the sun enters %esha 9'ries: rasi is idel! accepted as the beginning of the !ear$ *hus the first solar #onth is called %esha in (anskrit$ *he (anskrit na#es of the solar #onths are listed in 3edic &alendar$ Each is na#ed after the sign of the Kodiac that the sun is in$ *heir na#es are %esha9'ries:, 3rshabha 9*aurus:, %ithuna 9+e#ini:, 6ataka 9&ancer:, (i#ha 9,eo:,6an!a 93irgo:, *hula 9,ibra:, 3rschika 9(corpio:, Dhanus 9(agittarius:, %akara9&apricorn:, 6u#bha 9'7uarius: and %eena 9.isces:$ ,UN'R %)N*/( *he lunar #onth is #easured either b! the period covered fro# one ne 8#oon to the ne"t, kno n as the a#anta or #ukh!a #ana s!ste#, or fro# one full8#oon to the ne"t one, kno n as the purni#anta or gauna #ana s!ste#$ 3edic &alendar uses the purni#anta lunar #onth s!ste#$ .'6(/' )ne #onth is the duration of one orbit of the #oon around the earth$ In /indu #easuring of ti#e, this period is divided in t o parts, the light fortnight, called shukla paksha 9or sudi:, and the dark fortnight, called krishna paksha 9orvadi:$ (hukla .aksha is the period hen the #oon is a"ing, beginning on the ne #oon 9'#avas!a: and e"tending to the full #oon 9.urni#a:$ 6rishna pak8sha, the period hen the #oon is aning, begins after the full #oon and e"tends to the ne #oon$ 6no ing hether the #oon is a"ing or aning is helpful in understanding the #oon's current influence$ Under the a"ing #oon, e are generall! #ore energetic, as #oon's forces are on the rise, indicating gro th and develop#ent$ */E %))N (I+N )R R'(I In 3edic &alendar the rasi na#es the Nodiac sign the #oon is currentl! passing through$ It lists the degree of the sign of the #oon at C:HH '%$ For e"a#ple, <6ataka 9&ancer: Rasi =$A< #eans that the #oon is at =$A degrees &ancer atC:HH in the #orning$ *he #oon travels appro"i#atel! =?O per da!$ For gardening, the #oon sign is useful in deter#ining planting, harvesting, fertiliKing gardening activit! dates$ *he #oon takes a little over t o and one8half da!s to traverse one Kodiac sign$ *he rasis are %esha 9'ries:, 3rshabha 9*aurus:, %ithuna 9+e#ini:, 6ataka 9&ancer:,(i#ha 9,eo:, 6an!a 93irgo:, *hula 9,ibra:, 3rschika 9(corpio:, Dhanus 9(agittar8ius:, %akara 9&apricorn:, 6u#bha 9'7uarius: and %eena 9.isces:$ */E D'28(),'R 'ND ,UN'R*/E (),'R D'283'R'

(! In addition to observing the lunar da!, or tithi 9discussed in the ne"t section:, the traditional /indu calendar also recogniKes the solar da!, or vara$ *he vara begins ith sunrise and ends ith sunrise the ne"t da!, based on the rotation of the earth on its a"is$ 9*he ti#e of sunrise and sunset are listed in 3edic &alendar$: Each solar da! is divided into ?A horas 9hours:, and the horas are assigned to the planets in their <descending side8 real period$< *here are seven da!s in the eek, and each is #ost strongl! influenced b! a particular planet as follo s$ In 3edic calendar, vara is listed after the English eekda! notation$ (olar Da! 9vara: 4hanu9orRavi:vara(unda!(un Indu9or(o#a:vara%onda!%oon %angalavara*uesda!%ars 4udhavara0ednesda!%ercur! +uru9or4rihaspati:vara*hursda!1upiter (ukravaraFrida!3enus %anta 9or (ani: vara (aturda! (aturn 6',I ER' ,UN'R D'2(8@H *I*/I( Da!s are also designated b! the 6ali Era #easure#ent, kno n as the tithi$ ' tithi is an e"act lunar da!, hich is appro"i#atel! one8thirtieth of the ti#e it takes the #oon to orbit the earth$ ' tithi #a! var! in length fro# da! to da!$ *here are =B tithis in each fortnight$ *heir na#es are: .ratha#a, Dviti!a, *riti!a,&haturthi, .ancha#i, (hasthi, (apta#i, 'shta#i, Nava#i, Dasa#i, Ekadasi, Dvadasi, *ra!odasi, &haturdasi and '#avas!a;.urni#a$ .urni#a, full8#oonda!, is the fifteenth tithi of the bright fortnight, and '#avas!a, ne 8#oon da!, is the fifteenth tithi of the dark fortnight$ 9)n #an! panchanga#s, the ne #oon is nu#bered as the thirtieth tithi$: RE*RE'* D'2( &ertain tithis are not conducive for stud! or beginning ne efforts$ In +urukulas 9schools: and aadheena#s 9#onasteries: these are ti#es of retreat$ 's the! occur in pairs four ti#es per #oon, the! are roughl! parallel to the #odern < eekend<, though, of course, the! do not necessaril! fall on (aturda! and (un8da!$ *he retreat tithis are 'shta#i, Nava#i, '#avas!a, .ratha#a and .urni8#a$ Each has its o n special nature$ .urni#a 9full8#oon da!: is especiall! good for orship$ '#avas!a 9ne #oon da!: is conducive to #editation$ For #an! de8vout /indus, '#avas!a and .urni#a are ti#es of vrata, observing religious vo s$ .ratha#a, the tithi follo ing both .urni#a and '#avas!a, is generall! a good da! for se#inars and philosophical discussions$ 'shta#i and Nava#i are ideall! reserved for rest and rela"ation$ 'shta#i is traditionall! a da! for fasting and not a good da! for learning$ 9In estern as8trolog!, 'shta#i ould be recogniKed as a s7uare aspect bet een the sun and the #oon, a configuration hich can #ake for a difficult da!$: 'shta#i is considered inauspicious for beginning ne activities because of the inhar#onious energies e"isting due to the relationship bet een the sun and #oon$ */E /',F8D'286'R'N'' 6arana is half of a tithi or lunar da!$ *here are si"t! karanas in one lunar #onth, but onl! eleven distinct na#es are used$ *he first karana ends at the #iddle of the tithi and the second karana ends ith the ending of that tithi$ ,ike the !oga, the karana is a factor used b! astrologers for deter#ining the auspicious8ness of the da! for a given activit!$ *he na#es of the karanas are: 4ava, 4alava, 6aulava, *aitila, +ara, 3ani-, 3isti, (akuni, &hatuspada, Naga and 6i#tughna$ */E &)N(*E,,'*I)N )F */E D'28N'6(/'*R' Nakshatras i#pl! #eans star cluster$ In /indu astrolog! the ter# nearl! al8 a!s refers to ?D specific star8clusters, or constellations, hich lie along the ecliptic$ *he ecliptic is the apparent !earl! path of the sun as seen fro# the earth$ *hese constellations happen to be at appro"i#atel! e7ual distances apart$ Each naksatra e#bodies particular ideas, po ers and forces of nature$ 0hen a planet co#es into align#ent ith one of these star clusters 9fro# the vie of an individual standing on the earth:, the ra!s of the stars co#bine ith those of the planet to influence the earth$ 'll of the planets, one after another, pass through the ecliptic and align ith each of the ?D Nakshatras$ *he #ost i#portant <naksatra< is the one the #oon is currentl! aligned ith, as the s ift8#oving #oon's influence is the #ost significant to dail! life on Earth$ 'll the nakshatras given in 3edic &alendar are for the #oon$ *his #eans that the naksatra currentl! in effect is the one that the #oon has <con-oined$<9(i#ilarl!, the current rasi, Nodiac sign, is the one that the #oon has con-oined$: */E I%.)R*'N&E )F N'6(/'*R' Each naksatra e"erts its o n uni7ue energies upon the planets ithin its influence$ *he nakshatras are considered so i#portant that constellational or naksatra astrolog! is a field of /indu astrolog! in itself$ Naksatra consideration is a critical ele#ent in %uhurtha#8discerning the nature of a given period and choosing auspicious ti#es for various activities$ *he t ent!8sevennakshatras are: 'svini, 4harani, 6rittika, Rohini, %rigasira, 'rdra, .unarvasu, .ush!a,'slesha, %agha, .urvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, /asta, &hitra, (vati,3isakha, 'nuradha, 1!eshtha, %ula, .urvashadha, Uttarashadha, (ravana,Dhanishtha, (atabhisha-, .urvaprostapada, Uttaraprostapada and Revati$ ENDIN+ *I%E(

(% *he ending ti#e for each tithi, naksatra and !oga is listed in colu#n after each ite#, respectivel!$ Usuall! the tithi ending ti#e is the sa#e as the karana ending ti#e$ If this is the case, the ending ti#e for the evening karana is listed, and !ou can assu#e that the #orning karana ends on the tithi ending ti#e$ EI+/* D'2*I%E .ERI)D(8*/E 6','( *he period bet een sunrise and sunset each da! is divided into eight periods$ Each period, or kala, lasts appro"i#atel! one and one8half hours, depending on the total duration of sunlight$ *hree of the eight kalas are considered #ost i#portant$ Rahu 6ala, 2a#a 6ala and +ulika 6ala8kno n collectivel! as the trinisa#a!a#$ Rahu 6ala is considered #alefic for co##encing ne undertakings$2a#a is also an interfering current, but is less influential than Rahu$ 2a#a 6ala is considered an auspicious ti#e for ant!esti 9funeral: rites$ +ulika is the #ost auspicious ti#e of the da! for co##encing ne activities$ Each kala occurs at appro"i#atel! the sa#e ti#e on each particular da! of the eek$ *hus, +ulika 6ala occurs at appro"i#atel! D'% ever! Frida!$ If !ou've ever ondered h! %onda! #ornings are so infa#ous, note that Rahu 6ala is generall! bet een D:@H and G'% ever! %onda!$ *he trini sa#a!a# are listed at the top of colu#n three for each da!$ */E *0EN*28(E3EN 2)+'( 2oga is a planetar! configuration, union or relationship$ 2oga, like the tithi, is an angle of the sun and the #oon 9the earth being the point of the angle:$ 2ogas are another factor in deter#ining the auspiciousness of the da!$ 1ust as there are t ent!8seven nakshatras, there are t ent!8seven !ogas, kno n as the 2oga *aras of Nakshatras$ *he! are: 3ishaka#bha, .riti, '!ush#an, (aubhag!a, (obhana, 'tiganda, (ukar#a,Dhriti, (ula, +anda, 3riddhi, Dhruva, 3!aghat, /arshana, 3a-ra, (iddhi,3!atipatha, 3ari!an, .arigha, (iva, (iddha, (adh!a, (ubha, (ukla, 4rah#a, Indra and 3aidhriti$ R)U*INE )R &RE'*I3E 0)R6 D'2(8'%RI*'DI 2)+'( *he resultant of the aves propagated b! the planets and the stars on the hu#an ps!che are indicated in four degrees$ In the 3edic calendar, this esoteric !oga is listed in bold t!pe in the left colu#n of each da!'s designations$ '%RI*' 2)+'8&RE'*I3E 0)R6: 3er! good for creative t!pes of ork and auspicious undertakings$ (IDD/' 2)+'8&RE'*I3E 0)R6: +ood for creative t!pes of ork and auspicious undertakings$ %'R'N' 2)+'8R)U*INE 0)R6: (hould be avoided for ne under8takings and beginning travel$ Routine ork onl!$ .R'4','R(/*' 2)+'8R)U*INE 0)R6: (hould be absolutel! avoided for ne undertakings and beginning travel$ Routine ork onl!$ */E &),)R )F */E D'2 Each da! has a color 9listed in the fifth colu#n:, indicating the general subconscious or astral vibration of the da!$ *his is the vibration caused b! the #oon rasi$ DEI*2 &,)*/IN+ &),)R( Each da! lists the appropriate color of clothing for dressing the Deit! in 3edic ages of ,ord (iva, ,ord %uruga and ,ord +anesha in te#ples and ho#e shrines$ *he colors of ,ord (iva and ,ord +anesha generall! change about ever! three da!s, hile ,ord %uruga's color changes about once a #onth$ */E +E% )F */E D'2 +e#s, kno n in (anskrit as ratna, are the #ost potent representatives of the #ineral orld and are fre7uentl! ob-ects of great veneration$ +e#s are the congealed influences of the planets and heavenl! bodies, the cr!stalliKed products of invisible ra!s operating ithin the crust of the earth$ *he!, therefore, retain the po ers of the planets in a highl! concentrated for#$ +e#s are believed to have the po er to cure diseases, to increase strength and counteract negative influences$ *he! are orn as a#ulets against sickness and are so#eti#es 9though rarel!: po dered and i#bibed in li7uid concoctions$ )n each da! of 3edic &alen8dara ge# is indicated$ *he ge# of the da! can be used to adorn the Deities in the te#ple or the ho#e shrine$ *here is one ge# for each da! of the eek as follo s: (unda!8rub!, %onda!8pearl, *uesda!8coral, 0ednesda!8 e#erald, *hurs8da!8topaK, Frida!8dia#ond, (aturda!8sapphire$ FE(*I3',( 'ND )*/ER (.E&I', D'2( .R'D)(/' 3R'*' D'2( )ne of the special da!s noted on !our calendar is the .radosha 3rata, liter8all! <evening vo $< *his is a traditional observance a#ong devout (aivites, a da! of fasting, orship and #editation$ .radosha is a dail! @ hour period fro# ==;?hours before sunset until ==;?hours after ards as da! dissolves into night$ .radosha ti#e on *ra!odasi 9the =@th tithi: is especiall! special, hailed for (iva orship and #editation$ If the =@th tithi ends before sun8set, then the .radosha vrata begins on the =?th tithi$ For e"a#ple, if !ou look at !our panchanga# and it sa!s: <0ednesda!, *ra!odasi 9tithi =@: until @:=G .%< !ou can see that it ends before sunset on 0ednesda!$ *herefore the .radosha vrata begins the previous da! 9*uesda!: as the =@th tithi ill actuall! begin so#eti#e *uesda! evening$ .R'D)(/' F'(*IN+ If !ou ish to fast once each #onth, observe the vrata on the 6rishna .ak8sha .radosha#$ If !ou ish to fast t ice each #onth, then !ou #a! observe this fast on both .radosha da!s8one during each paksha$ *he #ost orthodo" devotees ill fast on ater all da! and onl! take light te#ple prasada#s or fruits and #ilk in the evening$ No cooked food is taken until the follo ing da!$ ' less strict observance is to fast during the da! on -ust ater, herb teas or fruits and #ilk and then take one's nor#al food in the evening after the te#ple pu-as and !our #editations are finished$ *he strictness of one's fasting ill depend entirel! on one's inner goals, health and dail! activities$ For those interested in

(+ integrating their !oga sadhana ith the pan8changa#, the .radosha da!s of both pakshas are considered ver! special for intensification of #editation$ 'fter fasting all da! and observing the auspicious orship of +od (iva at sunset, a vigil is kept in the evening, at hich ti#e one perfor#s Ra-a 2oga, #editating on inner light and ,ord (iva$ *he .radosha da! of the (ukla .aksha is especiall! conducive to good #editation$ *he .radosha da! of the 6rishna .aksha is considered the last da! of the 6rishna .aksha hen the #oon ill help !ou in !our !oga$ It is advisable to do a vigil then to absorb the last of the #oon's po er$ */E (&IEN&E )F +))D *I%IN+8%U/UR*/' In this section a vast area of /indu astrolog! kno n as %uhurtha, the choosing of auspicious ti#es is touched upon briefl!$ First is a si#ple su##ar! of auspicious ti#es for ne ventures, follo ed b! a description of the nature of the ?D nakshatras$ ' 0)RD '4)U* 'U(.I&I)U( 4E+INNIN+($ /ere it #a! be helpful to #ention the idea behind auspicious beginnings$ 1ust as each person has an astrological nature hich is deter#ined b! the configuration of the stars and planets at his ti#e of birth, so do buildings, businesses, countries and co##unities$ In fact, each and ever! endeavor is influenced b! the nature of the #o#ent of its conception and continues to reflect that nature throughout its e"istence$ 0ith this in #ind, it beco#es clear h! one ould, for e"a#ple, ish to ait for the <right da!< to ear ne clothing for the first ti#e, to plant a tree or set a foundation stone for a ne building$ %'RRI'+E, /)%E84,E((IN+( 'ND NE0 3EN*URE( 4elo are listed auspicious nakshatras, tithis and rasis for #arriage, blessing a ne ho#e, starting a ne business, and for gardening$ )pti#u# ti#ing occurs hen a da! that has all three8suitable naksatra, suitable rasi and suitable tithi8for the desired activit!$ 4E(* *I%E( F)R %'RRI'+E (UI*'4,E N'6(/'*R'(:Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarasadha, Uttara8prostapada, 'nuradha, %rigasira, /asta, (vati, %agha$ *he first pada of %agha and %ula and the last 7uarter of Revati are inauspicious$ *hose not#entioned should be avoided$(UI*'4,E *I*/I(:*ithis ?, @, B, D, =H, == and =@ of the bright half are good$ )ne should avoid the =st, C, G, =A and the full #oon$ *ithis not suitable during 6rishna .aksha are F, ==, =?, =@, =A and the ne #oon 9'#avas!a:$(UI*'4,E R'(I( F)R %'RRI'+E:%ithuna, 6an!a and *hula$ )6 are 3r8ishabha, 6ataka, (i#ha, Dhanus and 6u#bha$ *he rest are inauspicious$ 4E(* *I%E (F)R NE0 4U(INE(( Busin"ss Gui$"*hen certain 8akshatras and tithis are in operation' on any day they produce very auspicious for certain types of undertakings. The following are the auspicious tithis and 8akshatras for .usiness. They are auspicious throughout the year.The following are the auspicious days' tithis and 8akshatras for all .usiness undertakings .,aysB =onday' *ednesday' Thursday and >riday TithisB !' %' 3' ' (& and ((th tithis 8akshatrasB Ashwini' Cohini' Punarvasu' Pushyami' "asta' Chitta' $wati' Dttarashadha' Dttara.hadra' Anuradha' $hravana' ,hanistha and Cevati 8akshatras. To check the tithi and 8akshatras this month check Panchang 4E(* N'6(/'*R'(:'svi, .ush!a, Uttaraphalguni, (vati, 'rdra, (atab8hishak, Uttaraprostapada 4E(* R'(I(: %esha, %ithuna, (i#ha, *hula, %akara, %eena4E(* *I*/I(: .ancha#i, (apta#i, Dasa#i, Ekadasi, 'nd *ra!odasi 4E(* *I%E( F)R /)U(E 0'R%IN+ 4E(* N'6(/'*R'(:'nuradha, %rigasira, Revati, .unarvasu, (atab8hishak, .ush!a, /asta, 'rdra Rohini, Uttarasadha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttara8prostapada$4E(*R'(I(:3rishabha, %ithuna, (i#ha, 6an!a, *hula, Dhanus, 6u#bha, %eena 4E(**I*/I(:Dvadasi, .ancha#i, (apta#i, Dasa#i, Ekadasi, *ra!odasi,*riti!a 4E(* *I%E( F)R +'RDENIN+ 4E(* N'6(/'*R'(:.lanting seeds and plants: Rohini,Uttaraphalguni,Uttarashadha and Uttaraprostapada$ &aring for an e"isting garden: (hravana, Dhanishta, (vati, (atabishak, .unarvasu 4E(* *I*/I(:.lanting is best done during the tithis of shukla paksha, and eeding should be done during krishna paksha$ N'6(/'*R' &)N(IDER'*I)N In this section, the nature of the nakshatras are described$ )ne #ust keep in #ind, of course, that naksatra is onl! one of the factors involved in deter#ining the nature of a given da!$ &ertainl!, it is one of the #ost i#portant ele#ents but for a co#plete picture, other influences #ust be considered as ell$ N'6(/'*R'( )F FIXED ENER+2 Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarasadha and Uttaraprostapada$ *hese nakshatras are auspicious ti#es for per#anent orks8planting seeds, #oving into ane ho#e, house blessings, #aking vo s, la!ing foundations, etc$ 'n!thing started at this ti#e #a! have good and lasting results$ Uttaraphalguni and Uttara8prostapada are especiall! good for starting a ne business$ N'6(/'*R'( )F ()F* ENER+2 &hitra, %rigashira, 'nuradha, Revati$ *hese nakshatras are considered auspicious for the first earing of ne clothes, se"ual union for conception, dancing, art, cultural perfor#ances and cere#onial rites$ %rigashira, 'nuradha and Revati

(3 are also good da!s for house ar#ing$ %rigashira and 'nuradha are suit8able for #arriage cere#onies, but &hitra and Revati are not$ N'6(/'*R'( )F ,I+/* ENER+2 'svi, .ush!a, /asta$0hen the %oon is in these stars, activities such as decorations, pleasure outings, sports, starting businesses, undertaking travels and ad#inistering #edicines are reco##ended$ /asta is also suitable for #arriage cere#onies$ 'svi and .ush!a are the best stars for starting ne businesses$ .ush!a and /asta are also good for house blessings$ N'6(/'*R'( )F (/'R. ENER+2 %ula, 1!estha, 'rdra, 'slesha$ 0hen the %oon is in an! of these stars, ac8tions like separating oneself fro# others, engaging in debate, and chanting of po erful #antras are #ore successful than at other ti#es$ *hese are good da!s for activities re7uiring a harsh or strong, cutting force$ 'rdra is also good for starting a ne business or blessing a ne ho#e$ N'6(/'*R'( )F %)3'4,E ENER+2 (ravana, Dhanishta, (vati, (atabishak, .unarvasu$ 0hen the %oon is in these stars, gardening, traveling, ac7uisition of vehicles L good deeds of a non8per#anent nature are reco##ended$ (vati is also suitable for #arriage cere#onies and good for starting a ne business$ (atabhishak is also good for starting a ne business or house blessing$ .unarvasu is good for house blessings$ N'6(/'*R'( )F /'R(/ ENER+2 .urvaphalguni, .urvasadha, 4harani, .urvaprostapada, %agha: *hese nakshatras are considered earthl! in nature because the! stir the #ind in one a! or another$ *he! are not good da!s to begin so#ething ne $ .urvaphalguni is a harsh naksatra but luck! b! nature$ Its influence gives the abilit! to s a! othersE gives courage, fire and enthusias#, but #a! cause the #ind to beco#e lust!$ .ur8vasadha, earthl! in 7ualit!, indicates an influence causing people to do hat the! like ithout considering others' opinions$ 4harani can cause the #ind to beco#e entangled in the #aterial orld$ It can hide or eclipse insight, causing struggle$ .urvaprostapada 9also called .urvabhadrapada: #a! cause the #ind to be passionate, unstable and i#petuous$ It is a good ti#e for penance$ N'6(/'*R'( )F %IXED ENER+2 6rittika, 3isakha$ During these nakshatras, routine actions and dail! duties #a! be perfor#ed but no ne i#portant orks should be undertaken$ *hese are e"cellent da!s for #editation and absorbing the shakti$ *o choose an appropriate da! to begin a -ourne!, look in the &alendar for a (iddha 2oga da! or a Devaloka da!$ 'void nakshatras follo ed b! an asterisk in the &alendar$ *hese are not good da!s to begin a -ourne!$ *he ti#e of !our departure is also i#portant$ +ulika 6ala is best$ 'void leaving during the periods of Rahu and 2a#a$ 4egin ith a pu-a to invoke the blessings of all three orlds$ 2)+' &)N(IDER'*I)N Inauspicious !ogas for beginning ne things are: 3!aghat, .arigha, 3a-ra,3!athipatha, Dhriti, +anda, 'thiganda, (hula, 3ishakabha$ /IN*( F)R ,E'RNIN+ *) U(E */E &',END'R If !ou are -ust ar#ing up to the 3edic &alendar, !ou ill ant to kno here to start, as there are so #an! factors to consider$ *he best ti#e to refer to the calendar to learn about the current da! is in the #orning, before !ou begin !our #orning orship or sadhana$ 4egin b! asking !ourself the follo ing: =:0hich of the four !ogas is indicated for the da!, e$g$ <(iddha2oga8&reative 0ork<M?:0hat is the nakshatra, and hat is its natureM@:0hat is the tithi and its natureMA:0hat is the paksha 9is the #oon a"ing or aning:M B:0hat are the #ost auspicious 9+ulika 6ala: and inauspicious ti#es 9Rahu and 2a#a: of the da!M *hen intuitivel! put the ans ers together and pra! to the Deities for guidance and blessings throughout the da!$ 4! beco#ing a are of and attuning !our8self to these indicators, !ou ill be better prepared for the energies !ou are likel! to face$ If all of the above factors are positive, !ou kno this is an e"ceptionall! good da! for beginning ne ventures$ N'6(/'*R' )bserve ho !ou feel and behave during different nakshatras$ 6eep a record on those da!s so !ou'll kno hat to e"pect fro# !our nature$ 2our nature ill incline !ou to behave in a pattern$ If !ou are a are of it, !ou can <catch< !our8self and be able to #onitor !our behavior$ 4! doing this !ou allo !our soul nature to co#e forth$ .anchanga# helps us to look for those ti#es hen e need to ork harder$ 0hat does that #eanM 0e are a are of our outer nature, and e consciousl! #ake an effort to overco#e it$ 0e practice the 7ualities of the soul nature$ 2)+'( '#rtha !oga: *hese da!s can be ver! productive$ Use the# to push pro8-ects ahead to co#pletion or to start the#$ 0atch for those rare periods hen a#8rita !oga falls over a period of several da!s$ (iddha !oga: *hese da!s are also good for #oving ahead ith pro-ects$ *here #a! not be the King present of the a#rita !oga da!s$ .rabhalarishta !oga: Never begin ne pro-ects on these da!s ithout of pra!er and pu-a$ .erfor# ver! routine ork$ 4etter !et is to take the da! off and go to the te#ple$ *he inauspicious effects of the orking !ogas can be softened through pra!er, archanas and specific pu-as$ 0e set ourselves up at the beginning of the da! according to the pan8changa#$ 1ust as e put on outer clothing according to the eather, e prepare ourselves to ork ith our o n individual nature and its conco#itant effect on those e live and ork ith during the da!

() .ER()N', '(*R),)+2 It is also ver! helpful to beco#e fa#iliar ith !our o n birth chart$ *heda! is -ust one s#all but significant part of !our o n life pattern$ 6no ing !our birth chart, -ust the si#ple and basic three things8lagna 9rising sign:, #oon and sun signs8helps !ou to #onitor !our e#otions, !our reactions and habit pat8terns$ 6','( Rahu kala: Rahu is #ost i#portant to be a are of$ 0indo s are closed$ Doors are closed8in ardl!, that is$ 4e careful of confrontation, encounters, negotiations, deals, contracts and agree#ents during this ti#e$ For e"a#ple, it #a! not be a good idea to have lunch ith a client on 0ednesda!$ Rahu 6ala starts at noon$ *his is a ti#e hen kar#as are intensified, hether good or bad, and the focus is on the kar#as instead of the pro-ect at hand$ ' general for#ula to deter8#ine rahu kala hen !ou don't have a calendar hand! is to #e#oriKe the follo ing -ingle: <%other sa father earing the turban suddenl!$< %other %onda! D:@H8G:HH'% sa (aturda! G:HH8=H:@H'% father Frida! =H:@H8=?:HH'% earing 0ednesda! =?:HH8=:@H.% the *hursda! =:@H8@:HH.% turban *uesda! @:HH8A:@H.% suddenl! (unda! A:@H8C:HH.% +ulika is a good ti#e to do business, call that vendor ho ants to be paid$ /ash over a business proble#, talk to !our son about his grades in school, or to !our daughter about her role in the school pla!$ 2a#a kala is noted as a goodti#e for inauspicious events such as funerals$ ('D/'N' &heck the panchanga# in the #orning during pu-a$ Note do n hat !ou think the da! ill be like$ 't the end of the da!, revie the da!'s actual events$ (ee if there ere an! rough spots hich could use i#proving upon and note the various factors involved for future reference$ 0e ish !ou ell ith !our use of 3edic &alendar$ %a! it help !ou to al8 a!s be in tune ith +od (iva's &os#ic Energ!$ 0e elco#e !our suggestions and co##ents on a!s to i#prove the calendar !ear after !ear$ ,iterall! 'five li#bs' 9pancha, 'five' and anga, 'li#b':$ *he al#anac of the /indus, so na#ed because it deals ith the five /indu divisions of ti#e 'n 'auspicious' #o#ent is considered ver! i#portant, for starting a cere#on!, a -ourne!, a ne venture or the co##ence#ent of studies$ *he panchanga is used to find such 'auspicious' #o#ents hen the various per#utations and co#binations of the five units of ti#e are found congenial$ .anchanga *he five li#bs of the panchanga are: =$ 3ara 9solar da!: ?$ *ithi 9lunar da!: @$ Nakshatra 9lunar asteris#: A$ 2oga 9con-unction of planets: B$ 6arana 9half of a lunar da!: 3ara 9solar da!:, literall! #eans a eekda!$ *his is the ti#e fro# one sunrise to the ne"t$ For official purposes, one da! is reckoned fro# #idnight to #idnight$ *he solar da! of the /indus is divided into four parts: divas 9da!:, ratri 9night:, sandh!a 9#orning t ilight:, sandh!ansha 9evening t ilight:$ )ne solar da! is #ade of CH ghatikas and also of =B #uhurtas$ *he /indus follo a seven8da! eek s!ste# and each da! of the eek is a vara$ Each vara is special to a particular presiding deit!$ *he seven varas are also associated ith the seven planets of the /indus$ Ravivara is sacred to (ur!a hence sun orship is en-oined on this da!$ *hursda!, Frida!, 0ednesda! and %onda! 9(ukla .aksha: is considered good$ Ravivara is sacred to (ur!a hence sun orship is en-oined on this da!$ (o#vara is sacred to the #oon$ 's the #oon is an adorn#ent of (hiva, it is also sacred to hi#$ (ince he is an ascetic, people observe fasts on this da! to please hi#$ 4! perfor#ing a vrata for =C %onda!s, it is believed that all ishes are fulfilled$ %angalavara is sacred to %ars$ It is na#ed %angala 9auspicious: to counter its #alefic nature$ It is sacred to /anu#an, the #onke! god ho helped Ra#a recover his ife (ita fro# Ravana 9see Ra#a!ana:$ /anu#an is said to have also freed the nine planets fro# Ravana's hold$ %ars and (aturn are the strongest and #ost #alefic of the nine$ Devotees therefore believe that b! pra!ing to /anu#an on *uesda!, the inauspicious effects of %ars are overco#e, for, b! freeing %ars, he proved that he as the stronger of the t o$ 4udhvara is sacred to %ercur!, the lovechild of the %oon, and 4rihaspativara or +uruvara to 1upiter, the preceptor of the gods$ (hukravara, in turn, is special to 3enus, the puissant and ise guru of the asuras, hile (hanivara is the dreaded da! that belongs to (hani 9(aturn:, hose baleful glare causes untold har# 9see also 1an#apatri:$ 0ithin an! given da!, there are certain ti#e periods hich are particularl! spirituall! potent$ *o start ith, e ill #ention three such ti#e periods in ever! da!: 4rah#a %uhoortha#: the three hour ti#e period cul#inating at da nE assu#ing a C a$#$ sunrise, this ould be bet een @ a$#$ and C a$#$ ever!da!$ 'bhi-it %uhoortha#: high noon hen the sun is at its KenithE assu#ing a C a$#$ sunrise, this ould be at =? noon$ Nit!a .radosha 6aala#: one and a half hours before dusk and half an hour thereafterE assu#ing a C p$#$ sunset, this ould be bet een A:@H p$#$ and C:@H p$#$ ever!da!$ *hese ti#es are also kno n as sandhi kaala#, -unction ti#es ithin a da!$ *he first is hen the night #eets the da!, the second is hen #orning #eets afternoon and the third is hen da! #eets night$ *he 3edhas sa! that spiritual activities conducted during these ti#e periods are particularl! effective$ (piritual aspirants should #ake use of these potent ti#e periods for rapid spiritual advance#ent$

( 0ithin an! given da!, there are also certain ti#e periods hich are inauspicious$ * o of these are Raahu 6aala# and 2a#a +anda#$ *he 3edhas sa! that it's ideal if e can use these ti#es totall! for orship$ If these ti#e periods are used for orship and not for #aterial activities, the! !ield #anifold spiritual benefits$ Raahu 6aala# is dependent on the sunrise and sunset ti#es for !our particular location, !ou #ust calculate it for each da! using the (un rise$ *ithi 9lunar da!:: *ithi is defined as the ti#e taken b! the #oon to gain =? degrees on the sun$ *he #oon takes about @H da!s 9one lunar #onth: to go around the earth's ecliptic$ In each tithi, the #oon travels =? degrees ahead of the sun 9i$e$ if the sun and the #oon are present in a specific position relating to the earth, after one tithi, the #oon ould be ahead of the sun b! =? degrees: hence co#pleting @CH 9=? degrees " @H da!s: degrees in a terrestrial #onth$ In one #onth, there are ?F tithis, one poorni#a or full #oon and one a#avas!a or ne #oon$ *he first tithi begins after the a#avas!a$ *here are =A tithis in the shukla paksha 9light half: and =A in the 6rishna paksha 9dark half: of a #onth 9see also /indu &alendar:$ *he na#es of the =A tithis are .rath#a 9first:, Dviti!a 9second:, *riti!a 9third:, &haturthi 9fourth:, .ancha#i 9fifth:, (hashti 9si"th:, (apta#i 9seventh:, 'shta#i 9eight:, Nava#i 9ninth:, Dash#i 9tenth:, Ekadashi 9eleventh:, Dvadashi 9t elfth:, *riodashi 9thirteenth:, and &haturdashi 9fourteenth:$ 4ecause the #ove#ent of the #oon is irregular, a tithi ranges fro# BA to CB ghatikas$ /ence hen a tithi begins at sunrise and stretches to CH ghatikas, it is e7ual to a solar da!$ 4ut at ti#es there are t o or so#eti#es three tithis in one da! and conversel! one tithi #ight e"tend to three da!s$ *he for#er case is considered to be auspicious hile the latter is not good for occasions like #arriages or #arching on an invasion$ Each tithi has its o n spiritual specialities$ /ere is a sa#pling: '#avas!a Ideal for pithru orship &hathurthi Ideal for +anapathi orship .ancha#i Ideal for orshipping the Universal %other (ashti Ideal for %uruga orship 'shta#i Ideal for 6rishna orship Nava#i Ideal for Ra#a orship Ekaadasi Ideal for Nara!ana orship Dvaadasi Ideal for Nara!ana orship *hra!odasi Ideal for (iva orship &hathurdasi Ideal for (iva and +anapathi orship .ourna#i 4est tithi for all orship activities, particularl! 'runachala and (athguru$ .aksha# 's e sa above, a lunation is divided into @H tithis$ ' lunation is also divided into t o phases$ *he phase bet een '#avas!a and .ourna#i is called (ukla .aksha#$ *he phase bet een .ourna#i and '#avas!a is called 6rishna .aksha#$ Each paksha# has its o n spiritual specialit!$ *he 3edhas sa! that activities that !ou ant to gro should be started in the (ukla .aksha#, e$g$, starting a business$ ,ike ise activities hich !ou do not ant to gro should be conducted in the 6rishna .aksha# e$g$, surger!$ 6arana ' karna is half the tithi ,or @CH #inutes 9C degrees: of arc$ In thirt! tithis co#prising a lunar #onth,there are si"t! half8tithis or karnas$*here are four karnas that occur onl! once in a lunar #onth$ *he! are the fi"ed karnas and called as : =$ (hakuni : assigned to the latter half of the =Ath da! of the krishna paksha$ ?$ &hatuspada : assigned to the first half of the a#avas!a 9=Bth da! of the krisna paksha:$ @$ Naga : assigned to the latter half of the a#avas!a$ A$ 6i#stughna : assigned to the first half of the first da! of the shukla paksha$ *he re#aining D karna recur eight ti#es during rest of the lunar #onth$*heir na#es are : =$ 4ava, ?$ 4alava, @$ 6anlava, A$ *aitila, B$ +ara, C$ 3ani-a, D$ 3ishti$ *hese karnas recur in regular order starting fro# the second half of the first da! of the shukla paksha until the first half of the =Ath da! of the krishna paksha$ 6arnas too find their use in rituals and electional astrolog!$*he 6instughna, 3ishti, (hakuna, &hatushpada, and Naga 6aranas to be avoided$ 2ogas *here are t ent! seven !ogas$ Each !oga #easures =@$?H degrees of arc 9@CH;?DP=@$?H:$' !oga indicates a su# of the longitudes of the #oon and the sun in #ultiples of =@$?H deg$ 'lthough this #easure of a !oga is the sa#e as that of a nakshatra , there is no link bet een the t o$ 'dd the nir!ana longitudes of the sun and the #oon and divide b! the first one 9vishku#bha: on ards$ *he ?D !ogas are listed belo : =$3ishku#bha,?$ .reeti,@$ '!ush#an,A$ (aubhag!a,B$ (hobhana,C$ 'tiganda,D$ (ukar#a,F$ Dhriti,G$ (hool,=H$ +anda,==$ 3riddhi,=?$ Dhruva,=@$ 3!aghata,=A$ /arshana,=B$ 3a-ra,=C$ (iddhi,=D$ 3!atipata,=F$ 3ari!ana,=G$ .arigha,?H$ (hiva,?=$(iddha,??$ (adh!a,?@$ (hubha,?A$ (hukla,?B$ 4rah#a,?C$ Indra,?D$ 3aidhriti$ )f the ?D 2ogas 3!atipata, 3aidhruti and .arigha 2ogas to be avoided for ne ventures or #uhurthas$ Nakshatra# *here are ?D nakshatras in the Kodiac, each of length @CH;?D degrees$ 0hat is co##onl! referred to as nakshatra, is usuall! the nakshatra in hich the #oon is found$ *he nakshatra can be deter#ined b! the follo ing for#ula$ nakshatra 9l#oon ; 9@CH$H;?D$H:: Q = Rrounded D)0N to the nearest integerS$

(< *he #oon revolves around the earth in roughl! ?D da!s$ During this period, the #oon traces a path around the sk!$ *he ancients split this path of the #oon into ?D units and gave each unit the na#e of a star, star group or constellation$ *hese ?D units are kno n as nakshatra#s$ *he! are also referred to as brides of &handra$ *he ?D nakshatra#s are as follo s: = 'svini, ? 4arani or 'pa 4arani , @ 6rithigai or 6rittika , A Rohini , B %rigaseersha# or %rigasira , C *hiruvaadhirai or 'arudra , D .unarpoosa# or .unarvasu , F .oosa# or .ush!a , G 'a!il!a# or 'slesha , =H %aga# or %agha , == .oora# or .oorva .alguni , =? Uttara# or Uttara .alguni , =@ /astha# or /astha , =A &hithirai or &hitra , =B (vaathi , =C 3isaaka# or 3isaka , =D 'nusha# or 'nuradha , =F 6ettai or 1!esta , =G %oola# or %oola , ?H .ooraada# or .oorvashada , ?= Uttaraada# or Uttarashada , ?? *hiruvona# or (ravana , ?@ 'vitta# or (ravishta or Dhanista , ?A (adha!a# or (athabishak , ?B .oorataadhi or .oorva 4roshtapadha , ?B Uttarataadhi or Uttara 4roshtapadha , ?D Revathi$ )f the ?D constellations generall! 4harani, 'slesha, 1!estha, to be avoided for ne ventures or #uhurthas$ %aasa#, Ruthu, '!ana#, 3arusha# ' varusha# is a solar !ear$ ' varusha# starts roughl! in the #iddle of 'pril each !ear$ *he varusha#s repeat in a CH !ear c!cle$ ' varusha# is #ade up of t o a!ana#s$ *hat half hen the sun is on a north ard path 9generall! fro# the #iddle of 1anuar! to the #iddle of 1ul!: is called Uttara '!ana# or Uttaraa!ana# 9uttara P north:$ *he other half hen the sun is on a south ard path 9generall! fro# the #iddle of 1ul! to the #iddle of 1anuar!: is called Dakshina '!ana# or Dakshinaa!ana# 9dakshina P south:$ ' #aasa# is a solar #onth$ *here are =? #aasa#s in a varusha#$ ' ruthu is t o solar #onths$ *here are si" ruthus in a varusha#$ =$ *he 6ali era: 'ccording to one theor!, ti#e is divided into !ugas, and each 2uga is further divided into four parts$ *he present ti#e is believed to be 6ali 2uga, the fourth part$ It is believed to have begun ith the death of 6rishna, hich corresponds to #idnight bet een Februar! =D and =F, @H=? 4&$ 'ccordingl!, this is the si"th #illenniu# of the 6ali era, in hich the !ear =GHH corresponds ith BHH?$ *his reference of ti#e is still used in religion and literature$ ?$ *he 3ikra# era: *his is believed to have begun on the da! of the coronation of 6ing 3ikra#adit!a$ *he !ear =GHH 'D corresponds to =GBF of the 3ikra# era, hich is popular in northern India and +u-arat$ @$ *he (aka era: *his era is believed to have begun ith 6ing (alivahana's accession to the throne$ 'ccording to the (aka era, the !ear =GHH 'D ould be =F?@$ .opular in southern India, this reference in al#ost all8astrono#ical orks

Each $ay > a !""# is ass ciat"$ !ith c"*tain typ"s > acti.iti"s' Sun$ay Coronation' singing' dancing' service' to start diagnosis and therapy' to decorate' to do courageous activities and gold transactions. M n$ay Transact in aquatic articles' to undertake a sea voyage ' dig a well' .ore a well' to do work' milk' dairy' coha.ition. Tu"s$ay $tealing' cheating' indulgence in violence' destruction of things' to Eoin a fight' to start a fight' transaction in gold and cooper' .loodshed' to .uild a furnace. 3"$n"s$ay -ntelligent activities like de.ate' clever work' charity. Thu*s$ay Celigious activities' to start pooEa' to recite slokas' to decorate and wear ornaments. F*i$ay $inging' dancing' Eewellery' perfumes' to have female company' to do agricultural transactions' .oring of holes' .uying cows. Satu*$ay -ron and steel transactions' entering a house/@rahapravesham1' laying foundations' oil massage and .ath' la.our recruiting' to steal and to lie' to indulge in evil acts.

(4 in (anskrit ritten after BHH 'D$ *he +overn#ent calendar also follo s the (aka era$



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