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Planet Nilknarf

February 2014

Welcome to Planet Nilknarf

Certainly Not! You'll have her twinkling and cavorting! said P.L. Travers, when Walt Disney begged and pleaded with her to let him make her book, Mary Poppins into a movie. Twinkling and cavorting, eh? I like the so nd o! that. I still haven"t seen Saving Mr. Banks. The nearest movie theatres are hard to get to !rom where I live and the hotel #anette and I stayed at had no pay$per$view movies. In !act none o! the last !ew hotels I"ve stayed at have. We have a !eeling that tanks to people being able to watch movies on portable devices s ch as their iPods, pay$per$view movies are getting to be a thing o! the past. I have a sinking !eeling I"m probably % st going to end p waiting !or the D&D. The last movie I saw at a theatre was the Spider Man '$D in Toronto when Dave and I were celebrating o r ()th wedding anniversary in # ly o! *)(*+ The day I !o nd that bright orange !eather boa+ ,et another e-ample o! twinkling and cavorting++ Which is what #anette and I did in spades d ring o r last .iagara trip/ twinkling in o r colo r! l glit0y %ewelry and cavorting with balloons in o r room or !rom place to place along 1li!ton 2ill. The complete story o! o r latest 3-cellent 4dvent re can be !o nd here5 http566www.scribd.com6doc6(78998)((6#anette$s$9)th$:irthday$4dvent re Warning/ this tale contains its share o! toilet h mor and b rp and !art %okes, complete with links to all o r 0any shenanigans+ 4nyway, to think we"ve both been aro nd !or hal! a cent ry+ My birthday isn"t ntil # ly b t that"s beside the point. I kid yo not and I am not e-aggerating when I say that d ring those three days we were away I"ve probably la ghed more than I have in these past si- months. .o wonder I have been so tired. I"m serio sly not sed to that m ch merriment++ 4nyway, o r ;)"s have really gone by in a bl r++ We hope that o r 9)"s will be an e-citing tie o! reaping and re%oicing, loose ends being tied, things !alling into place and seeing many hopes and dreams come to !r ition. In the meantime there"s school, there"s work and ever so many pro%ects on the go. I literally have an endless clown car"s worth o! creative ideas on the go backlogged inde!initely. 3very time I !inish one gro p o! pro%ects there are still more that I think p and while I"m working on those I end p with even more ideas. I"m a!raid that even i! I act ally do live to be ()) years old I still won"t get them all done+++

#anette was telling me that when she tried to read the link I posted abo t o r trip, she was getting all kinds o! strange characters between her te-ts++ I immediately imagined a scenario like this5

<ne thing I"m happy abo t is that d ring o r trip #anette and I did something we haven"t done in ,34=> and sho ld probably do a lot more o!ten, % st like we sed to. ?et that silly grin o!! yo r !ace and yo r mind o t o! the g tter...+++ I mean we PRAYED!! We act ally prayed+ We praised ?od and gave 2im thanks !or 2is protection and kindness and the wonder! l time we"ve had. 4nd it !elt D4=.3D ?<<D++++ It"s been a sad time when we"ve !elt so depressed and overb rdened that !or a long time we % st didn"t W4.T to talk to ?od anymore. @2e knows o r tho ghts, why sho ld we?A > re ?od hears o r silent prayers, b t there"s % st that added dash o! power when we speak things o t lo d beca se we speak things into being and there is power in agreement. Meanwhile here"s something am sing... dentbeans.com6worldweirdweb6a6oddB!acts6what$cra0y$national$day$!alls$on$yo r$ birthday'((7.html #anette had her birthday on what happened to be .ational #oy?erm day whatever that is and Man Watcher"s Day++ Mine is .ational Milk 1hocolate day++ ?otta love it. Ironically, # ly *9th is .ational 1aro sel Day b t it"s not on this list++ I % st 24D to share T2I> too, not literally, o! co rse+ :eware o! ? mmi :ears Crom 2ell++ http566slightlyviral.com6beware$s garless$g mmy$bears$on$ama0on$com6 4nd T2I> link appeared on Cacebook"s 1hild!ree page+ Too good .<T to share+ >erio sly, I L<&3 the idea o! throwing a shower !or a woman going on an e-c rsion, o!! to college or anything <T23= than getting married and6or having babies5 http566tho ghtcatalog.com6amy$glass6*)(;6)(6i$look$down$on$yo ng$women$with$h sbands$and$kids$ and$im$not$sorry6 4!ter all here at Planet .ilknar! we 13L3:=4T3 those who live their lives DICC3=3.TL, and don"t !ollow the >ame :oring Path as 3verybody 3lse, whether by choice or by circ mstance+

Carousel of Friendship
4s yo can see, my 8th D ilt is !inally nearing completion...

The top row are all animals !rom the 1aro sel o! 2appiness in .ederland, 1olorado. I am almost !inished the top and the bottom row is completed. 4ll the sD ares on the bottom row, with the e-ception o! the p 00le piece, are horses I designed when I was in Eansas. Proposal idea: I have been thinking...since it has been so hard here in my town to get the s pport I"ve been needing !or the 1aro sel o! Criendship, here"s a proposal to help me gain e-perience and b ild credibility5 I wo ld like to vol nteer my time and talent at a local comm nity caro sel nder constr ction. Wo ld there be anyone o t there willing to take p a collection to sponsor me to cover travel and e-penses !or me to stay !or anywhere between a week and a month to learn how to carve, paint, sand, b ild and anything else I need to know to b ild a caro sel so that in t rn I may be able to teach others. 4nd in t rn I wo ld bring my line drawings and art s pplies to cond ct workshops inviting yo r local participants o! all ages to decorate caro sel horses !or me to se in my D ilt pro%ects and ! t re caro sels. Please message me on Cacebook or email me at nilknar!F; I"ve posted the above paragraph in my Cacebook page as well as the .ational 1aro sel 4ssociation"s

page and my 4 tism 4wareness 1aro sel61aro sel o! Criendship pages. 4ll I can do now is wait and see what happens. It wo ld be nice i! some wealthy philanthropist or even a gro p o! individ als banding together co ld sponsor me to help me make my dreams come tr e. Is this too m ch to wish !or? I am willing to sell a D ilt or two or three, pre!erably some o! the older ones that have already been seen. In the meantime, these are the most recent sD ares !inished along with their original drawings5

The 1aro sel o! 4loha in 2awaii wo ld like it i! I co ld come and help o t. I wo ld like it very m ch i! I co ld a!!ord to % st drop everything and go there right now+++ 2ere is their link5 http566www.caro selo!aloha.org6 4s with the previo s D ilt I completed, the second row is the last row on this D ilt. 4nd I will be displaying my work at the :oyd ?allery in :obcaygeon d ring the months o! May and # ne.

2ere"s the latest edition to my little @!amilyA

I! he looks !amiliar it"s beca se here"s where yo "ve seen him be!ore5

2ere"s #anette"s original design on the le!t and my D ilt sD are on the right. 4nd yo may remember the papier$mache horse I repainted.

2ere he is with his @older sisterA, the @2oneymoon 2orseA also designed by #anette.

I"m thinking that when I do my show in :obcaygeon my !irst D ilt will be draped over a table so these !irst two horses, or at least copies o! them, will stand near the sD ares that have their own pict res+ 4nd I want to make more copies o! the ?as >ign horse. I still have several 2oneymoon 2orses le!t !or sale and perhaps more people will be interested in b ying them when they see e-tra ?as >ign horses too to provide some conte-t, especially when they"re posing on top o! the D ilt. My !o rth D ilt will go on that wall ne-t to the entrance so that the papier$mache animals can stand on the co nter in !ront o! it. 2ere is that D ilt5

4nd here are the animals that appear on it5

They will all sell !or only H*9 each and each one contains assorted @Time 1aps leA items inside.

Adventures of the ravelin! "olls

:e!ore I share the latest pict res, here"s a very important link I m st share5 http566themetapict re.com6little$girl$loses$her$st !!ed$animal6 4s yo can see this little bear, who act ally t rned o t to be a lion, has had D ite the advent re++ I am so happy !or Phoebe and =oar being re nited+ 5I >ince then o r dolls and their !riends have had a real blast at .iagara. That"s their pict re on the cover o tside the =ain!orest 1a!e. They"ve been photographed with that !rog on at least more than one occasion5 January 2 !" July 2 !

4nd they"ve been on the >ky Wheel a n mber o! times over the years too5 2 !" 2 !

#ith $ric in 2

Twice o r dolls have posed on the elephant near =ain Corest 1a!e5 2 ! 2 !2

Cor some reason the second time #anette"s doll kept sliding o!! the elephant"s t sk so we had to p t her in its tr nk+ 4nyway here are the rest o! their pict res !rom this last trip5

Le!t5 #anette"s doll, ,onkers Jthe p rple leopard$spotted b g+I, Cl !!y, and the rest o! her ento rage are e-cited to arrive at the hotel. =ight5 4t the ?reat 1anadian Midway with 3rnie K :ert+ Perhaps one o! o r most !avorite moments d ring o r visit was !inding that peace! l place at the arcade with those com!y chairs in !ront o! the window with that ama0ing view o! the Calls % st beyond <aks ?arden Theatre. I liken it to the peace! l e-perience we had at the top o! the Minolta Tower d ring o r *)() trip5

&dventureland &rcade 2 !"

'inolta (ower 2 !

"ear #om and "ad

> nday, #an ary, (7th, *)(; Dear Mom and Dad 2ow are things p in heaven? 4re 1oco and =ags there with yo too? I wish I co ld say everything here is !ine b t it isn"t anyone who"s !ollowed me on Cacebook or read my blog on my Deviant 4rt acco nt wo ld s rely know otherwise compared to what I"ve posted in the latest iss e o! Planet .ilknar! so !ar. Crankly I have been less than a happy camper. I sho ld have been in bed ages ago. I wish yo were still here. I !eel like I need yo more than ever at the moment b t I"m a!raid yo probably wo ldn"t nderstand either. Li!e has been hard lately. I"m not e-aggerating when I say this !eels like it"s been the worst winter ever. It"s been IMP<>>I:L3 to avoid ice. I"ve arrived at school shaken and tra mati0ed on more than one occasion beca se o! altercations with the ice. 3ven when I get o!! the b s there is ice waiting to do me in between the b s stop and the entrance to the school. 4nd worse I"ve had an altercation with a classmate. I don"t want there to be any more hard !eelings between s. We both owe each other an apology. : t I still think she sho ld go !irst beca se what she said was wronger+ I! I don"t belong in school beca se I am a tistic then where D< the hell I belong? >ame arg ment, di!!erent person. ,o may remember how last time I was in this class I had an arg ment with somebody else regarding the radio and noise. I am still h rting. I have been h rting all week. This whole incident has cast a gloomy clo d over the classroom and it still hasn"t D ite gone away. It"s impossible to % st pretend nothing"s happened. 3specially last Wednesday. I am very thank! l that my !riend 4my drove me to school that day and went with me to class even tho gh she was late beca se she got lost on the way to my ho se. >t pid ?P> system totally took her to the wrong part o! town. This st pid town has T2=33 streets called 3lmgrove++ I live on 3lmgrove 4ven e, b t there"s an 3lmgrove Drive and an 3lmgrove 1rescent. There sho ld be some sort o! L4W against having more than one street with the same name even i! they % st call them McClooneynoo Drive and >hillyshally 1rescent+ >till, Wednesday was an e-ha sting day. The girl I"d !o ght with was there and we basically avoided having anything to do with each other. I kept my MP' player on b t I co ld still hear the radio and didn"t want to say anything abo t it !or !ear that the whole mess wo ld start all over again.

I had an appointment with Dr. Mistry later that a!ternoon b t I was there at least an ho r early beca se I didn"t want to go all the way home and go all the way back downtown again to get to the hospital. 4 horrendo s, empty aching !eeling went thro gh my whole body. My head was killing me. I tho ght I was h ngry. I went to my !avorite b rrito place. I ordered my s al b t had a large instead o! a small and ended p being nable to !inish it. I wish !lat$screen T&"s had never been invented. They"re >< annoyingly biD ito s+ They"re in 3&3=, resta rant and there was one in the waiting room o! the hospital. 3ven with my MP' player on I co ld still hear the news nattering away nyanyanyanyanya... I begged !or a D iet place to be alone b t they seem to think anyone who asks !or this is p to no good. .evertheless, they !o nd me a corner near the receptionist"s o!!ice, o!! the beaten track b t I was anythng :LT alone. I had to deal with people asking me D estions/ @What are yo doing here?A @Who are yo waiting !or?A I got pretty sick o! e-plaining my deal to everyone. I! only invisibility cloaks really DID e-ist++ Part o! me !elt like saying @I"m okay. I"m % st going to mast rbate !or a !ew min tes be!ore I !inish b ilding my bomb+A BAZINGA!!! Dave bro ght his dad"s birthday gi!t to their ho se yesterday. I was going to go with him b t he spr ng it on me at the last second that we were only going to take the cab one way and W4LE back+ 4re yo kidding? M3??? W4LE+++??? With all this I13++???? I am >< C3D LP WIT2 I13 that I =3CL>3 to walk as m ch as I can avoid it+ I even took a cab to school on Criday. I miss being able to walk everywhere witho t !alling beca se o! the st pid ice+ It t rns o t that Dave"s dad drove him home a!ter all. # st as well, at least it gave me time to get the dishes done. Which is a good thing beca se !or the last three > ndays in a row, #anette"s been in the habit o! phoning me. I am always glad to hear !rom her b t > nday a!ternoon is s ally when I happen to be doing the dishes. I con!ess I"ve been a bad >m r!+ I let them pile p all week+ In !act on Criday I was so tired I % st dropped everything at '5)) and had a nap. This was one o! those evenings when I was act ally so tired I % st got p to change into my nightgown, take my meds and go back to sleep. I didn"t even want s pper. I m st have needed sleep pretty badly. My ordeal this past week has % st worn me o t and part o! me still !eels like II haven"t D ite recovered yet. Will I 3&3=? Will things ever be normal again? 4t least my art pro%ects have been things I can !oc s on witho t having to interact with anyone else. I made #anette a belated birthday card and be!ore that I was doing the mosaic landscape with the bits o! maga0ine pict res.

,o can compare the one I did previo sly with the more recent one on the right. I basically ended p

taking everything I know abo t what colo rs things are s pposed to be and throwing it all o t the window++ Pink and ma ve !ields with trippy red and t rD oise trees, go !ig re. I was so scared this week. 4!ter my ordeal on T esday I tho ght I was having a nervo s breakdown. I co ldn"t stop crying. I was a!raid I might have to be sent to the hospital. Personally I think the hospital is co nter$prod ctive. Why wo ld anyone W4.T to !ake being cra0y to go there? Lnless things are =34LL, bad in their homes+ The bed was crappy and they pretty m ch starved me when I was there in *))F+ .o wonder I gained weight+ The hospital sets its patients p !or !ail re+ They know that 4LL psychiatric meds ca se weight gain so they"re so hell$bent on making s re we don"t gain weight in the hospital that they starve s while we"re there+ I"m so sleep$deprived !rom that crappy bed, not to mention I had a roommate who insisted on keeping the lights on all night, pl s the amo nt o! !ood I was !ed wo ldn"t !ill a b g"s nose so it"s no wonder all I wanted to do when I came home !rom the hospital was st !! my !ace and sleep++ That reminds me. ,o remember my !riend Todd Cord. 2e % st had gastric bypass s rgery. I was serio sly thinking o! going !or that a co ple years ago a!ter seeing those horrible signs everywhere in P eblo at the *)(( .14 convention b t I chickened o t. 2e"s been on a diet and lost something like ;M po nds in *8 days. I don"t know whether to congrat late him or be worried. That"s more than a po nd a day. Is that healthy or even sa!e? I know !rom my own previo s e-perience that anytime I"ve lost a lot o! weight D ickly I"ve never been able to do so witho t compromising my imm ne system. :esides, !ood is one o! the !ew pleas res le!t to en%oy in li!e. I m st be doing ><M3T2I.? right altho gh I"m not s re what. :eca se o! the ice I"ve been avoiding walking as m ch as possible even tho gh I know I"m s pposed to walk !or at least an ho r a day. 4.D I"ve been eating chocolate every day. The weird part is my %eans have act ally been a bit L<<>3= on me++ It"s probably beca se o! nights like Criday when I"ve been too tired to eat m ch. Lately I"ve been bitten by the 2awaii b g. I !eel like I"d give anything to go there. >o !ar nobody"s responded to my appeal !or sponsors. ?o !ig re. 1h rches and !riends sponsor missionaries to travel to third world co ntries to preach the gospel. I g ess vol nteering to help b ild caro sels isn"t that important, even tho gh my heart breaks beca se there"s % st no opport nity to do that sort o! thing aro nd here. I want to b ild caro sels the way scary @normalA women want to have :4:I3>+++ .o o!!ense. The world was a di!!erent place when yo had me. .ew moms nowadays seem to act like they I.&3.T3D pregnancy and childbirth and seem to !eel threatened by anyone who doesnNt want to !ollow the >ame <ld Plan. Well, it"s ((5') already. I sho ld have been in bed ages ago. I still love yo and miss yo very m ch. ,o "ll always be a part o! me. Love, Margaret P.>. I"m going o t !or l nch at Tim 2orton"s with 4my and Mel on T esday+ 5I

"o Androids "ream of $lectric %heep&

Prepare to be ama0ed+ Lots o! s mpt o s colo r! l eye$candy here+ http566electricsheep.org6

A'esome Carousel "o'n (nder

1heck o t these ama0ing pict res+ 6photogallery6act$news6civic$merry$goro nd$*)(;)(*)$'(;-%.html 4s m ch as I am an e-pert on caro sels, this is the !irst time I"ve ever heard o! Thompson. M st be an

4 stralian man !act rer. Impressive details, I m st say. 3specially those etched mirrors with the !loral moti!s. I sed to do acid$etched mirrors back when I lived in Lindsay so I can appreciate that kind o! cra!tsmanship. This is the !irst and only time I"ve seen etched mirrors on a caro sel. Perhaps an interesting idea to add to the niD eness o! the Carousel o) *riendship someday++

his is )reat
>erio sly, I wish I had something like this when I was at the hospital waiting !or my appointment with Dr. Mistry last week and people didn"t nderstand why I didn"t want to sit in the waiting room and wanted to be le!t alone+ http566ballaste-isten0.wordpress.com6*)(*6)F6*96comm nication$page$i$ sed$to$handle$that$invasive$ woman$i$met6

he *acobean +uilt Pro,ect

This term, I chose the !ollowing pro%ect !or my s mmative pro%ect in art class. ,ears ago when I was working on her @Eawartha > mmerA m ral, 4 nt #ean gave me several embroidery books, incl ding this relatively ancient book o! iron$on embroidery trans!ers. I say relatively ancient beca se this book was made in the M)"s and I"m not so s re it"s still available anymore. It was a book o! #acobean$style embroidery patterns, *; pict res in all. Traditional #acobean embroidery tends to be in rather somber colo rs/ browns, earth$tones, m ted shades o! peach and teal. I"d ga0ed pon this book many nights be!ore I went to sleep at night, m sing abo t my many pcoming pro%ects. :y my bedside I keep a whole stash o! colo ring books, embroidery books and books abo t carving caro sel animals. My stash o! reso rces is seemingly endless. 4nd as I !lipped thro gh the pages o! this partic lar book, I kept thinking abo t how it wo ld look i! I gave it a more modern spin and sed my own colo rs. 4 prime e-ample wo ld be the bird pict red on the cover o! the book5

4s the pro%ect n!olded I tried to alternate either birds with plants or moti!s with checkerboards with those that did not have checkerboards5

It took me abo t a month to get all these designs !inished and I chose the glorio s batik !abric I bo ght when I was at the :ig O ilt >how back in >eptember. I bo ght the checkered !abric on the corners there too.

he hread Pile that Almost Ate -sha'a

Please bear with me i! this month"s iss e is a little later than s al. I am in the middle o! a ma%or clean p+ < r landlord is on the W4=P4T2+ 2e has threatened to evict s i! we don"t get this place cleaned p in three months. My h sband doesn"t believe me. To him it looks like I haven"t been doing anything. : t the pile in my room is at least two$thirds smaller than it was. I reali0e I still have a ways to go. There"s got to be something I can do abo t the pile o! books and maga0ines ne-t to my bed. 4nd there is the con ndr m that we"re !aced with that s ally a place looks worse be!ore it can look better. 2al! the battle o! a ma%or clean p is rearranging the mess in order to clear space !or yo r st !!. I had to pile a ton o! st !! on top o! my bed in order to makes space so I co ld get three o! those big plastic bins o!! the !loor and on to the top o! the desk in the corner. ,es, I con!ess I am a bit o! a hoarder. I especially have a weakness !or bo-es and packaging materials. ?od knows how m ch cardboard I threw away+++ I"m s re I have a ton o! padded envelopes I can get rid o! too. I have to admit I s ally recycle those. Whenever I send people gi!ts in the mail, I

s ally take one o! these envelopes, tape the end sh t and tape a brand new label over top o! the old address. I"ve en%oyed printing new labels o t on my comp ter, s ally with rainbow rows o! lettering and my logo in the corner with my ret rn address. 4nd I"ve % st @m rderedA a closet$! ll o! dolls. :ig dolls. Dolls nobody wants to b y anymore. It t rns o t all I"ve really gotten rid o! !rom them is their skin !rom the neck down. I saved their scalps in a bag so I co ld se the yarn !or other pro%ects and I saved the !abric !rom their shoes to add to the roll o! scraps I se to trim my D ilt sD ares. I even ended p saving their bea ti! l !aces. It !elt like s ch a shame to let all that gorgeo s embroidery go to waste so I want to se these doll !aces to make a wall$ hanging with a @maskA design. I am so grate! l that #anette co ld be here this weekend to help me sort and clean. 4ct ally the real reason she came over this weekend was so that we co ld already b y o r airline tickets !or o r .ew ,ork trip. : t I never co ld have gotten as m ch work done witho t her help. I went thro gh the bins by the bathroom door and took apart a b nch o! n!inished dolls that my mom had started. It was obvio s I wo ld .3&3= !inish them. >o, like I did with those big dolls in the closet, I saved the st !!ing. .ow I have T<.> o! st !!ing. I also managed to save most o! my yarn even tho gh it was a challenge to get m ch o! it ntangled and I ended p throwing away what I call a Lost 1a se. I threw away a ton o! potpo rri yet the contents o! my bin still smell like cinnamon and probably always will. I threw away a b nch o! n!inished sachets I will never get aro nd to embroidering. In !act I threw away vario s odds and ends I reali0e I"m never going to se. : t my biggest challenge has been what I call the <mnivoro s :lob++ 4 pile o! tangled embroidery thread ro ghly the si0e o! a cocker spaniel that devo rs everything in its path. I am l cky my mom le!t me at least two o! those plastic thread organi0ers with all those little compartments and cardboard @bobbinsA. 3ach o! these things comes with a h ndred b t I happened to have some e-tra :ristol board so #anette helped me c t o t e-tra ones. I"ve already @resc edA at least a h ndred cards worth o! thread b t I"m a!raid that it doesn"t look like I"ve done 4.,T2I.?+ The <mnivoro s :lob has eaten more than % st thread. I"ve dislodged vario s assorted !abric scraps too small to really se !or anything se! l, several tiny arti!icial !lowers, pipe cleaners and M<=3 yarn+ The <mnivoro s :lob devo rs everything in its path and !or every skein"s worth o! thread I"ve resc ed there appears to be another tho sand still entwined in its sinister entity++ I swear, however, that when and i! I can possibly ntangle all that thread, I will probably never have to b y anymore embroidery thread again !or the rest o! my li!e+++ I"ve been sitting on a !reaking ?<LDMI.3++ There m st be tho sands o! dollars worth o! thread acc m lated by the <mnivoro s :lob over these past !ew years. 4nd I have to be very care! l to keep it away !rom the ribbons, thread and other goodies I"ve e-tracted otherwise it"s only going to @eatA them again. There may be only so m ch more ntangling I can do be!ore I event ally end p banishing the <mnivoro s :lob to the garbage as a Lost 1a se. Part o! me is scared that no matter how @per!ectA it is o r landlord >TILL wonNt think it"s good eno gh and will evict s anyway. I! that"s the case I am hoping ?od Jwhom I"m a!raid I"ve stopped believing in !or the time beingI will act ally lead s to a bigger and better place !or the same price or even less with more storage space so that I may even be able to have my own o!!ice !or my pro%ects and we"ll even be able to eat at a real kitchen table again like we did be!ore the comp ter came into my li!e.

N$W .--/000
4nother reason I"ve been b sier than s al lately is that I am also % ggling writing a .3W :<<E++ I wo ld like to thank my !riends #an and Cede !or making this possible. They came to visit on Wednesday and Cede was impressed with my port!olio. 4nd he % st happens to work in p blishing+ >o he sat me down here at my comp ter and !ormatted a template !or me and I"ve been working at it bit$ by$bit ever since. Magical Jo rne!s" #$e A%a&ing ' il(s and )rea(ions o* Margare( +ranklin

sho ld be o t by the end o! 4pril, % st in time !or my big e-hibition in :obcaygeon at the :oyd ?allery thro gho t the entire months o! May and # ne. I am hoping to be available on location there on the &ictoria Day weekend to host a @Decorate ,o r <wn 1aro sel 2orsesA workshop and sign copies o! my book. I am also hoping to re$release copies o! my >pringtime in .arnia 1D to sell at this event. I need to try to !ind Eevin Porter at 4rt Pone recording st dios to help me print a batch, hope! lly d ring the March :reak. We seem to have lost to ch when my previo s Cacebook acco nt got hacked and s spended++ 4nd there are a million Eevin Porters o t there+++


>ee ,o .e-t Month+ /I

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