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Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Suite TW- !

25 Washin"ton, DC 2#554

Annual 47 C.F.R. 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification EB oc!et 06"#6

nnual $4.2##%&e' C()* Certi+ication +or 2#1! Date Filed, -anuary 2., 2#14 )ame o+ Com/any co0ered 1y this certi+ication, DFT 2ocal Ser0ice Cor/oration Form 4%% Filer *D, 31.444 )ame o+ Si"natory, 4urt W. Maytum Title o+ Si"natory, (resident5CT6 *, 4urt W. Maytum, certi+y that * am an o++icer o+ the Com/any named a1o0e, and actin" as an a"ent o+ the Com/any, that * ha0e /ersonal 7no8led"e that the Com/any has esta1lished o/eratin" /rocedures that are ade9uate to ensure com/liance 8ith the Commission:s C()* rules. See 4. C.F.;. < $4.2##1 et seq. ttached to this certi+ication is an accom/anyin" statement e=/lainin" ho8 the Com/any:s /rocedures ensure that the Com/any is in com/liance 8ith the re9uirements set +orth in section $4.2##1 et seq. o+ the Commission:s rules. The Com/any has not ta7en any actions &/roceedin"s instituted or /etitions +iled 1y a com/any at either state commission, the court system, or at the Commission a"ainst data 1ro7ers' a"ainst data 1ro7ers in the /ast year. Com/anies must re/ort on any in+ormation that they ha0e 8ith res/ect to the /rocesses /rete=ters are usin" to attem/t to access C()*, and 8hat ste/s com/anies are ta7in" to /rotect C()*. The Com/any has not recei0ed any customer com/laints in the /ast year concernin" the unauthori>ed release o+ C()* &num1er o+ customer com/laints a com/any has recei0ed related to unauthori>ed access to C()*, or unauthori>ed disclosure o+ C()*, 1ro7en do8n 1y cate"ory or com/laint, e.g., instances o+ im/ro/er access 1y em/loyees, instances o+ im/ro/er disclosure to indi0iduals not authori>ed to recei0e the in+ormation, or instances o+ im/ro/er access to online in+ormation 1y indi0iduals not authori>ed to 0ie8 the in+ormation'. The com/any re/resents and 8arrants that the a1o0e certi+ication is consistent 8ith 4.. C.F.;. < 1.1. 8hich re9uires truth+ul and accurate statements to the Commission. The com/any also ac7no8led"es that +alse statements and misre/resentations to the Commission are /unisha1le under Title 13 o+ the ?.S. Code and may su1@ect it to en+orcement action.

Si"nedA5s5 4urt W. MaytumAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4urt W. Maytum (resident B CT6 cc, Telecommunications Consumers Di0ision, Cn+orcement Dureau Dest Co/y and (rintin", *nc.

C=hi1it 1 F$ %&CA% 'ER(ICE C&RP&RA$I&N '$A$E)EN$ E*P%AININ+ ,&- $,E C&)PAN./' &PERA$IN+ PR&CE 0RE' EN'0RE C&)P%IANCE -I$, $,E FCC/' CPNI R0%E' I. Cu1to2er Pro3rietar4 Net5or! Infor2ation (6CPNI7) C()* is de+ined in Section 222&+' o+ the Communications ct as & ' in+ormation that relates to the 9uantity, technical con+i"uration, ty/e, destination, and amount o+ use o+ a telecommunications ser0ice su1scri1ed to 1y any customer o+ a telecommunications carrier, and that is made a0aila1le to the carrier 1y the customer solely 1y 0irtue o+ the carriercustomer relationshi/E and &D' in+ormation contained in the 1ills /ertainin" to tele/hone e=chan"e ser0ice or tele/hone toll ser0ice recei0ed 1y a customer o+ a carrier &e=ce/t that C()* does not include su1scri1er list in+ormation'. Fenerally, C()* includes /ersonal in+ormation re"ardin" a consumer:s use o+ his or her telecommunications ser0ices. C()* encom/asses in+ormation such as, &a' the tele/hone num1ers called 1y a consumerE &1' the tele/hone num1ers callin" a customerE &c' the time, location and duration o+ a consumer:s out1ound and in1ound /hone calls, and &d' the telecommunications and in+ormation ser0ices /urchased 1y a consumer. Call detail in+ormation &also 7no8n as Gcall recordsH' is a cate"ory o+ C()* that is /articularly sensiti0e +rom a /ri0acy stand/oint and that is sou"ht 1y /rete=ters, hac7ers and other unauthori>ed entities +or ille"itimate /ur/oses. Call detail includes any in+ormation that /ertains to the transmission o+ a s/eci+ic tele/hone call, includin" the num1er called &+or out1ound calls', the num1er +rom 8hich the call 8as /laced &+or in1ound calls', and the date, time, location and5or duration o+ the call &+or all calls'. II. 01e an8 i1clo1ure of CPNI I1 Re1tricte8 The Com/any reco"ni>es that C()* includes in+ormation that is /ersonal and indi0idually identi+ia1le, and that /ri0acy concerns ha0e led Con"ress and the FCC to im/ose restrictions u/on its use and disclosure, and u/on the /ro0ision o+ access to it 1y indi0iduals or entities inside and outside the Com/any. The Com/any has desi"nated a C()* Com/liance 6++icer 8ho is res/onsi1le +or, &1' communicatin" 8ith the Com/any:s attorneys and5or consultants re"ardin" C()* res/onsi1ilities, re9uirements and restrictionsE &2' su/er0isin" the trainin" o+ Com/any em/loyees and a"ents 8ho use or ha0e access to C()*E &!' su/er0isin" the use, disclosure, distri1ution or access to the Com/any:s C()* 1y inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artnersE &4' maintainin" records re"ardin" the use o+ C()* in mar7etin" cam/ai"nsE and &5' recei0in", re0ie8in" and resol0in" 9uestions or issues re"ardin" use, disclosure, distri1ution or /ro0ision o+ access to C()*.

Com/any em/loyees and a"ents that may deal 8ith C()* ha0e 1een in+ormed that there are su1stantial +ederal restrictions u/on C()* use, distri1ution and access. *n order to 1e authori>ed to use or access the Com/any:s C()*, em/loyees and a"ents must recei0e trainin" 8ith res/ect to the re9uirements o+ Section 222 o+ the Communications ct and the FCC:s C()* ;ules &Su1/art ? o+ (art $4 o+ the FCC ;ules'. De+ore an a"ent, inde/endent contractor or @oint 0enture /artner may recei0e or 1e allo8ed to access or use the Com/any:s C()*, the a"ent:s, inde/endent contractor:s or @oint 0enture /artner:s a"reement 8ith the Com/any must contain /ro0isions &or the Com/any and the a"ent, inde/endent contractor or @oint 0enture /artner must enter into an additional con+identiality a"reement 8hich /ro0ides' that, &a' the a"ent, inde/endent contractor or @oint 0enture /artner may use the C()* only +or the /ur/ose +or 8hich the C()* has 1een /ro0idedE &1' the a"ent, inde/endent contractor or @oint 0enture /artner may not disclose or distri1ute the C()* to, or allo8 access to the C()* 1y, any other /arty &unless the a"ent, inde/endent contractor or @oint 0enture /artner is e=/ressly and s/eci+ically re9uired to do so 1y a court order'E and &c' the a"ent, inde/endent contractor or @oint 0enture /artner must im/lement a//ro/riate and s/eci+ic sa+e"uards acce/ta1le to the Com/any to ensure the con+identiality o+ the Com/any:s C()*. III. Protection of CPNI 1. The Com/any may, a+ter recei0in" an a//ro/riate 8ritten re9uest +rom a customer, disclose or /ro0ide the customer:s C()* to the customer 1y sendin" it to the customer:s address or record. ny and all such customer re9uests, &1' must 1e made in 8ritin"E &2' must include the customer:s correct 1illin" name and address and tele/hone num1erE &!' must s/eci+y e=actly 8hat ty/e or ty/es o+ C()* must 1e disclosed or /ro0idedE &4' must s/eci+y the time /eriod +or 8hich the C()* must 1e disclosed or /ro0idedE and &5' must 1e si"ned 1y the customer. The Com/any 8ill disclose C()* u/on a++irmati0e 8ritten re9uest 1y the customer to any /erson desi"nated 1y the customer, 1ut only a+ter the Com/any calls the customer:s tele/hone num1er o+ record and5or sends a noti+ication to the customer:s address o+ record to 0eri+y the accuracy o+ this re9uest. 2. The Com/any 8ill /ro0ide a customer:s /hone records or other C()* to a la8 en+orcement a"ency in accordance 8ith a//lica1le le"al re9uirements. !. The Com/any retains all customer /ass8ords and Gshared secretH 9uestion-ans8er com1inations in secure +iles that may 1e accessed only 1y authori>ed Com/any em/loyees 8ho need such in+ormation in order to authenticate the identity o+ customers re9uestin" call detail in+ormation o0er the tele/hone. 4. Com/any em/loyees authenticate all tele/hone re9uests +or C()* in the same manner 8hether or not the C()* consists o+ call detail in+ormation. That is, Com/any em/loyees must, &a' 1e +urnished the customer:s /re-esta1lished /ass8ord &or correct ans8ers to the 1ac7-u/ Gshared secretH com1inations'E &1' send the re9uested in+ormation to the customer:s /ostal or electronic Gaddress o+ recordH &see de+inition a1o0e'EH or &c' call the customer 1ac7

at the customer:s Gtele/hone num1er o+ recordH &see de+inition a1o0e' 8ith the re9uested in+ormation. 5. *+ a customer su1scri1es to multi/le ser0ices o++ered 1y the Com/any and an a++iliate, the Com/any is /ermitted to share the customer:s C()* re"ardin" such ser0ices 8ith its a++iliate. *+ a customer does not su1scri1e to any telecommunications or non-telecommunications ser0ices o++ered 1y an a++iliate, the Com/any is not /ermitted to share the customer:s C()* 8ith the a++iliate 8ithout the customer:s consent /ursuant to the a//ro/riate notice and a//ro0al /rocedures set +orth in Sections $4.2##., $4.2##3 and $4.2##% o+ the FCC:s ;ules. $. When an e=istin" customer calls the Com/any to in9uire a1out or order ne8, additional or modi+ied ser0ices &in-1ound mar7etin"', the Com/any may use the customer:s C()* other than call detail C()* to assist the customer +or the duration o+ the customer:s call i+ the Com/any /ro0ides the customer 8ith the oral notice re9uired 1y Sections $4.2##3&c' and $4.2##3&+' o+ the FCC:s ;ules and a+ter the Com/any authenticates the customer. The Com/any discloses or releases call detail in+ormation to customers durin" customerinitiated tele/hone contacts only 8hen the customer /ro0ides a /re-esta1lished /ass8ord. *+ the customer does not /ro0ide a /ass8ord, call detail in+ormation is released only 1y sendin" it to the customer:s address o+ record or 1y the carrier callin" the customer at the tele/hone num1er o+ record. *+ the customer is a1le to /ro0ide to the Com/any durin" a customerinitiated tele/hone call, all o+ the call detail in+ormation necessary to address a customer ser0ice issue &i.e., the tele/hone num1er called, 8hen it 8as called, and, i+ a//lica1le, the amount char"ed +or the call' 8ithout Com/any assistance, then the Com/any may ta7e routine customer ser0ice actions related to such in+ormation. &Ho8e0er, under this circumstance, the Com/any may not disclose to the customer any call detail in+ormation a1out the customer account other than the call detail in+ormation that the customer /ro0ides 8ithout the customer +irst /ro0idin" a /ass8ord.' .. The Com/any uses, discloses, and5or /ermits access to C()* in connection 8ith Com/any-initiated mar7etin" o+ ser0ices to 8hich a customer does not already su1scri1e +rom the Com/any &out-1ound mar7etin"' only /ursuant to the notice and a//ro0al /rocedures set +orth in Sections $4.2##., $4.2##3, and $4.2##% o+ the FCC:s ;ules. ll /ro/osed out-1ound mar7etin" acti0ities are re0ie8ed 1y the Com/any:s C()* Com/liance 6++icer +or com/liance 8ith the C()* restrictions and re9uirements in the Communications ct and the FCC ;ules. 3. The Com/any maintains a//ro/riate /a/er and5or electronic records that allo8 its em/loyees, inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artners to clearly esta1lish the status o+ each customer:s 6ut-out and5or 6/t-*n a//ro0als &i+ any' /rior to use o+ the customer:s C()*. These records include, &i' the date&s' o+ any and all o+ the customer:s deemed 6/t-out a//ro0als and5or 6/t-in a//ro0als, to"ether 8ith the dates o+ any modi+ications or re0ocations o+ such a//ro0alsE and &ii' the ty/e&s' o+ C()* use, access, disclosure and5or distri1ution a//ro0ed 1y the customer.

%. De+ore a customer:s C()* can 1e used in an out-1ound mar7etin" acti0ity or cam/ai"n, the Com/any:s records must 1e chec7ed to determine the status o+ the customer:s C()* a//ro0al. Com/any em/loyees, inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artners are re9uired to noti+y the C()* Com/liance 6++icer o+ any access, accuracy or security /ro1lems they encounter 8ith res/ect to these records. *+ ne8, additional or e=tended a//ro0als are necessary, the C()* Com/liance 6++icer 8ill determine 8hether the Com/any:s G6/t-6ut C()* )oticeH or G6/t-*n C()* )oticeH must 1e used 8ith res/ect to 0arious /ro/osed out-1ound mar7etin" acti0ities. 1#. The C()* Com/liance 6++icer 8ill maintain a record o+ each out-1ound mar7etin" acti0ity or cam/ai"n, includin", &i' a descri/tion o+ the cam/ai"nE &ii' the s/eci+ic C()* that 8as used in the cam/ai"nE &iii' the date and /ur/ose o+ the cam/ai"n, and &i0' 8hat /roducts and ser0ices 8ere o++ered as /art o+ the cam/ai"n. This record shall 1e maintained +or a minimum o+ one year. 11. The Com/any:s em/loyees and 1illin" a"ents may use C()* to initiate, render, 1ill and collect +or telecommunications ser0ices. The Com/any may o1tain in+ormation +rom ne8 or e=istin" customers that may constitute C()* as /art o+ a//lications or re9uests +or ne8, additional or modi+ied ser0ices, and its em/loyees and a"ents may use such customer in+ormation &8ithout +urther customer a//ro0al' to initiate and /ro0ide the ser0ices. 2i7e8ise, the Com/any:s em/loyees and 1illin" a"ents may use customer ser0ice and callin" records &8ithout customer a//ro0al', &a' to 1ill customers +or ser0ices rendered to themE &1' to in0esti"ate and resol0e dis/utes 8ith customers re"ardin" their 1illsE and &c' to /ursue le"al, ar1itration, or other /rocesses to collect late or un/aid 1ills +rom customers. 12. The Com/any:s em/loyees and a"ents may use C()* 8ithout customer a//ro0al to /rotect the Com/any:s ri"hts or /ro/erty, and to /rotect users and other carriers +rom +raudulent, a1usi0e or ille"al use o+ &or su1scri/tion to' the telecommunications ser0ice +rom 8hich the C()* is deri0ed. Decause alle"ations and in0esti"ations o+ +raud, a1use and ille"al use constitute 0ery sensiti0e matters, any access, use, disclosure or distri1ution o+ C()* /ursuant to this Section must 1e e=/ressly a//ro0ed in ad0ance and in 8ritin" 1y the Com/any:s C()* Com/liance 6++icer. 1!. The Com/any:s em/loyees, a"ents, inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artners may N&$ use C()* to identi+y or trac7 customers 8ho ha0e made calls to, or recei0ed calls +rom, com/etin" carriers. )or may the Com/any:s em/loyees, a"ents, inde/endent contractors or @oint 0enture /artners use or disclose C()* +or /ersonal reasons or /ro+it. 14. Com/any /olicy mandates that +iles containin" C()* 1e maintained in a secure manner such that they cannot 1e used, accessed, disclosed or distri1uted 1y unauthori>ed indi0iduals or in an unauthori>ed manner. 15. (a/er +iles containin" C()* are 7e/t in secure areas, and may not 1e used, remo0ed, or co/ied in an unauthori>ed manner.

1$. Com/any em/loyees, a"ents, inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artners are re9uired to noti+y the C()* Com/liance 6++icer o+ any access or security /ro1lems they encounter 8ith res/ect to +iles containin" C()*. 1.. The Com/any may /ermit its customers to esta1lish online accounts, 1ut must re9uire an a//ro/riate /ass8ord to 1e +urnished 1y the customer 1e+ore he or she can access any C()* in his or her online account. (ass8ords may )6T 1e 1ased u/on readily o1taina1le 1io"ra/hical in+ormation &e.g., the customer:s name, mother:s maiden name, social security num1er or date o+ 1irth' or account in+ormation & e.g., the customer:s tele/hone num1er or address'. 13. Customers may o1tain an initial or re/lacement /ass8ord, &i' i+ they come in /erson to the Com/any:s 1usiness o++ice, /roduce a dri0er:s license, /ass/ort or other "o0ernmentissued identi+ication 0eri+yin" their identity, and correctly ans8er certain 9uestions re"ardin" their ser0ice and addressE or &ii' i+ they call a s/eci+ied Com/any tele/hone num1er +rom their tele/hone num1er o+ record, and then 8ait at that num1er until a Com/any re/resentati0e calls them 1ac7 and o1tains correct ans8ers to certain 9uestions re"ardin" their ser0ice and address. 1%. The Com/any 8ill noti+y customers immediately o+ certain chan"es in their accounts that may a++ect /ri0acy or security matters. a. The ty/es o+ chan"es that re9uire immediate noti+ication include, &a' chan"e or re9uest +or chan"e o+ the customer:s /ass8ordE &1' chan"e or re9uest +or chan"e o+ the customer:s address o+ recordE &c' chan"e or re9uest +or chan"e o+ any si"ni+icant element o+ the customer:s online accountE and &d' a chan"e or re9uest +or chan"e to the customer:s res/onses 8ith res/ect to the 1ac7-u/ means o+ authentication +or lost or +or"otten /ass8ords. 1. The notice may 1e /ro0ided 1y, &a' a Com/any call or 0oicemail to the customer:s tele/hone num1er o+ recordE &1' a Com/any te=t messa"e to the customer:s tele/hone num1er o+ recordE or &c' a 8ritten notice mailed to the customer:s address o+ record &to the customer:s /rior address o+ record i+ the chan"e includes a chan"e in the customer:s address o+ record'. c. The notice must identi+y only the "eneral ty/e o+ chan"e and must not re0eal the chan"ed in+ormation. d. The Com/any em/loyee or a"ent sendin" the notice must /re/are and +urnish to the C()* Com/liance 6++icer a memorandum containin", &a' the name, address o+ record, and tele/hone num1er o+ record o+ the customer noti+iedE &1' a co/y or the e=act 8ordin" o+ the te=t messa"e, 8ritten notice, tele/hone messa"e or 0oicemail messa"e com/risin" the noticeE and &c' the date and time that the notice 8as sent.

2#. The Com/any must /ro0ide an initial notice to la8 en+orcement and a su1se9uent notice to the customer i+ a security 1reach results in the disclosure o+ the customer:s C()* to a third /arty 8ithout the customer:s authori>ation. a. s soon as /ractica1le &and in no e0ent more than se0en &.' days' a+ter the Com/any disco0ers that a /erson &8ithout authori>ation or e=ceedin" authori>ation' has intentionally "ained access to, used or disclosed C()*, the Com/any must /ro0ide electronic noti+ication o+ such 1reach to the ?nited States Secret Ser0ice and to the Federal Dureau o+ *n0esti"ation 0ia a central re/ortin" +acility accessed throu"h a lin7 maintained 1y the FCC at htt/,55888.+cc."o05e15c/ni. 21. The Com/any 8ill /ro0ide customers 8ith access to C()* at its retail locations i+ the customer /resents a 0alid /hoto *D and the 0alid /hoto *D matches the name on the account. 22. The Com/any ta7es reasona1le measures to disco0er and /rotect a"ainst acti0ity that is indicati0e o+ /rete=tin" includin" re9uirin" Com/any em/loyees, a"ents, inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artners to noti+y the C()* Com/liance 6++icer immediately 1y 0oice, 0oicemail or email o+, &a' any sus/icious or unusual call re9uestin" a customer:s call detail in+ormation or other C()* &includin" a call 8here the caller +urnishes an incorrect /ass8ord or incorrect ans8er to one or 1oth o+ the Gshared secretH 9uestion-ans8er com1inations'E &1' any sus/icious or unusual attem/t 1y an indi0idual to chan"e a customer:s /ass8ord or account in+ormation &includin" /ro0idin" inade9uate or ina//ro/riate identi+ication or incorrect Gaddress or record,H Gtele/hone num1er o+ recordH or other si"ni+icant ser0ice in+ormation'E &c' any and all disco0ered instances 8here access to the Com/any:s electronic +iles or data1ases containin" /ass8ords or C()* 8as denied due to the /ro0ision o+ incorrect lo"ins and5or /ass8ordsE and &d' any com/laint 1y a customer o+ unauthori>ed or ina//ro/riate use or disclosure o+ his or her C()*. The C()* Com/liance 6++icer 8ill re9uest +urther in+ormation in 8ritin", and in0esti"ate or su/er0ise the in0esti"ation o+, any incident or "rou/ o+ incidents that reasona1ly a//ear to entail /rete=tin".

I(. CPNI Co23liance &fficer *n addition to the s/eci+ic matters re9uired to 1e re0ie8ed and a//ro0ed 1y the Com/any:s C()* Com/liance 6++icer, em/loyees and a"ents, inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artners are stron"ly encoura"ed to 1rin" any and all other 9uestions, issues or uncertainties re"ardin" the use, disclosure, or access to C()* to the attention o+ the Com/any:s C()* Com/liance 6++icer +or a//ro/riate in0esti"ation, re0ie8 and "uidance. The e=tent to 8hich a /articular em/loyee or a"ent 1rou"ht a C()* matter to the attention o+ the C()* Com/liance 6++icer and recei0ed a//ro/riate "uidance is a material consideration in any disci/linary action 1rou"ht a"ainst the em/loyee or a"ent +or im/ermissi1le use, disclosure or access to C()*.

(. i1ci3linar4 Proce8ure1 The Com/any has in+ormed its em/loyees and a"ents, inde/endent contractors and @oint 0enture /artners that it considers com/liance 8ith the Communications ct and FCC ;ules re"ardin" the use, disclosure, and access to C()* to 1e 0ery im/ortant. Iiolation 1y Com/any em/loyees or a"ents o+ such C()* re9uirements 8ill lead to disci/linary action &includin" remedial trainin", re/rimands, un+a0ora1le /er+ormance re0ie8s, /ro1ation, and termination', de/endin" u/on the circumstances o+ the 0iolation &includin" the se0erity o+ the 0iolation, 8hether the 0iolation 8as a +irst time or re/eat 0iolation, 8hether a//ro/riate "uidance 8as sou"ht or recei0ed +rom the C()* Com/liance 6++icer, and the e=tent to 8hich the 0iolation 8as or 8as not deli1erate or malicious'. Iiolation 1y Com/any inde/endent contractors or @oint 0enture /artners o+ such C()* re9uirements 8ill lead to /rom/t disci/linary action &u/ to and includin" remedial trainin" and termination o+ the contract'.

C=hi1it 2 F$ %&CA% 'ER(ICE C&RP&RA$I&N '$A$E)EN$ &F AC$I&N' $A9EN A+AIN'$ A$A BR&9ER' . Durin" Calendar Jear 2#1!, the Com/any has instituted the +ollo8in" /roceedin", or +iled the +ollo8in" /etitions, a"ainst data 1ro7ers 1e+ore the Federal Communications Commission, )6)C D. Durin" Calendar Jear 2#1!, the Com/any has instituted the +ollo8in" /roceedin", or +iled the +ollo8in" /etitions, a"ainst data 1ro7ers 1e+ore the )CW J6;4 C6MM*SS*6), )6)C C. Durin" Calendar Jear 2#1!, the Com/any has instituted the +ollo8in" /roceedin", or +iled the +ollo8in" /etitions, a"ainst data 1ro7ers 1e+ore the +ollo8in" +ederal or state courts, )6)C

C=hi1it ! F$ %&CA% 'ER(ICE C&RP&RA$I&N '0))AR. &F C0'$&)ER C&)P%AIN$' RE+AR IN+ 0NA0$,&RI:E RE%EA'E &F CPNI . Durin" Calendar Jear 2#1!, the Com/any has recei0ed the +ollo8in" num1er o+ customer com/laints related to unauthori>ed access to, or disclosure o+, C()* due to im/ro/er access 1y Com/any em/loyees, )6)C D. Durin" Calendar Jear 2#1!, the Com/any has recei0ed the +ollo8in" num1er o+ customer com/laints related to unauthori>ed access to, or disclosure o+, C()* due to im/ro/er disclosure to indi0iduals not authori>ed to recei0e the in+ormation, )6)C C. Durin" Calendar Jear 2#1!, the Com/any has recei0ed the +ollo8in" num1er o+ customer com/laints related to unauthori>ed access to, or disclosure o+, C()* due to im/ro/er access to online in+ormation 1y indi0iduals not authori>ed to 0ie8 the in+ormation, )6)C D. Durin" Calendar Jear 2#1!, the Com/any has 1ecome a8are o+ the +ollo8in" /rocesses that /rete=ters are usin" to attem/t to access its C()*, )6)C

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