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a Division of

thermal products

AE S F i be rs Al kal in e Earth S il icate s (Bi o S o l ubl e F i b ers)

Exonerated from carcin ogenic classication in EU according to the terms of N OTA Q from the Directive 6 7/548/EEC. Low thermal conductivity Low bio-persis tence Low linear shrinkage up to their use limit Lowshotcontent Hig h tensile s trength Hig h production consis tency Hig h acous tic performance Hig h energy saving

Maximum Continuous Temperat ure Classication Temperat ure

1100 o C

1 200 o C

Maximum Continuous Temperat ure Classication Temperat ure

1 200 o C

1300 o C

Re fractor y Cera mi c F i b e rs R C F
Morgan ThermalCeramics alumin o-silicate bres display h ig h temperat ure s ta bility for continuous use at temperat ures up to 1600C. Low thermal conductivity Low heat s torage capacity Hig h thermal shock resis tance Hig h corrosion resis tance In organic - smoke free

Kaowool Cera blanket Cerachem Ceraber Cerachrome Cerafelt Pyro Bloc Pyro Log Z Bloc ThermoBloc Cera board MAFTEC

F ire Pro tec t i on

Appro priated for oil, gas, petrochemical and power indus tries, providing up to 240 minutes hydrocarbons re resis tance.

P ro t e cti on fo r ca b l e s a nd co n d u cts

FireMas ter can be supplied fully encapsulated in aluminum foil offering re, thermal and acous tical protection in a single product. All products are re tes ted and approved according to UL 1709, valid worldwid e for Cellulosic, hydrocarbon and jet re protection.

P ro t e cti on for s teel a nd co n cre te s ecti o n s

Low d e nsity mon olith ic spray applied solutions.

C a lci um s i li c at e
H i g h d en si t y
MON OLUX -500, -800: Medium d ense Insulating Boards from 500 C to 1000 C. Calcium Silicate

MONALITE M1 and M1-A: Calcium Silicate Insulating Boards for Non-Ferrous Metallurgy 850 C to 1000 C.

L i g h t w ei g ht solu tio ns
PROMASIL-1000 , -1000 P, -1100, Lig htweig ht Calcium Silicate Insulating Boards 1000 C to 1100 C.

Lig htweig ht Calcium Silicate Insulatin g Solutions 1000 C to 1100 C. Pre-forms mad e according to cos t umers need and d esign.

M i c ro porous

Nan o porous and micro porous Insulating Boards 500 C to 1000 C.

Tex tiles
E - G las s b ers / S i l i c a F i be rs LizTherm 500
E-Glass Cloth Th ickness - 0,2 and 3 mm Width - 20 to 1500 mm Aluminum foil with 14 microns - 1 or 2 sid es Continuous UseTemperat ure - 550 o C Melting point - 840 o C Resis tant to corrosive environments Exceptions: Hydrouoric and phosphoric acids and concentrated alkalies

LizTherm 1200S
SilicaCloth ( >96%) Th ickness: 0,65; 1,15 and 1,3 mm Width 914 mm Continuous Use Temperat ure: 1100 o C Softning Temperat ure: 1700 o C Resis t ant to corrosive environments

A p pl ic a t i o n s :
Fire-resis tant curtins Protective Cloth ing Controlled cool ing of Cas tings Welding curtains Insulation linings Wrapping of exhaus ts Flange Jointing with o penings Radiant heat Sh ields Heat insulation Ferrous and n on-ferrous melt ne lters for metallurgies

S p e c ia l Co a t in g s fo r t e x til es
(some examples based on E-Glass berglass) Silicone rubber coating / PTFE coating (250 o C) One face Aluminium foil (550 o C) Vermiculite coating (650 o C) Graph ite coating (750 o C)

Ce ra m ic t e x t il e s
RCF bers up to 1100 o C

Bio-soluble bers up to 1100 o C LizBio SW Textiles products are manufact ured, using bio-soluble bers, wh ich are exonerated from carcin ogenic classication in EU according to the terms of N OTA Q from the Directive 6 7/548/EEC. LizBio SW textiles are also availa ble in ro pes, braids, t ubes, tapes, etc.

F iresleeves
E-glass fa bric coated with h ig h temperat ure silicone rubber. Aeros tyle Pyrojacket Pyrojacket VCO EAF Ca ble Cover Pyrotape Pyrosil Tape

Combines the exibility and softness of fa bric with h ig h-resis tant pro perties of the s tainless s teel.

LizTherm SUS 316L (Stainless Steel Fibers in 31 6L)

Me t a l ic F ib e rs

Verm i c uli t e
Boards Pre-forms

Boards and sheets Ceramic paper with mica foil

Mic a

G ra ph ite
Boards with s tainless s teel AISI 316L core

I ns ul a t i n g A gregates
Vermiculite Perlite

Anc hors
Manufact ure of pre-forms according to cos t umers need and d esign.

M anufa c t ure of p re - fo r m s
Ro c k wo o l
Manufact ure of pre-forms according to cus tomers needs and d esign. Biosoluble and re fractory ceramic bers cutting and modules production.

Co rd ierite/ Co rd ierite Mu llite/Ac id-resis tant Cordierite

LIZCORITE range of qualities Special shapes for kiln car sys tems, kiln walls,draug ht blocks, etc. Battsplain, ribbed and perforated Kiln furnit ure caps, cylindrical t ubes, etc,

Insulation Jac kets and Expansion J o int s

Cus tom mad e and easy to ins tall insulation jackets and expansion joints, mad e with h ig h temperat ure fa brics and insulation materials.
Appl i c a t i o ns : Expans i o n j o i n t s Va lve E xha u s t Tu rb i ne i n s u l a t i o n Fi re prot ect i o n c ove rs Weldi n g b l a nke t s Prot ect i o n c u r t a i ns

Co n crete forms
Cus tom mad e concrete pieces. Applications: Burner blocks, complex concrete shapes.

I n s u l a t io n F ire b r ic k s (IFB)
Specically d esigned for heat containment challenges for indus tries such as ceramic ware, hobby kiln ma nufact urers and primary aluminum producers.

Excellent s trength at ambient and elevated temperat ures Hig h compressive s trength Very low levels of iron and other impurities Lower heat s torage than d enser re fractories Availa ble in cus tom d esigned shapes upon reques t

B a c k u p I n s u l a t in g F ire b ricks
Backup insulation brick, maximum service temperat ure of 900C. Perliz 4 5, h ig hly insulating, very low d ensity bricks Perliz 55, with h ig her mechanical s trength
A va i la b i li ty of spec i a l di m ensi ons a nd la rg e sla b s E x c ellent i nsu la ti on S tru c t u ra l a nd di m ensi ona l s ta b i li ty i n tem pera t u re S a fety of u se (Fi b reless a nd wi thou t Cri s tob a li te or Tri di m ite )

Fireclay bricks
A full range of h ig h quality dry-pressed re fractory bricks, pre-fa bricated shapes and acid resis tant materials for indus trial applications.

Mo n o l ith ics
Lizmontagens Group can provid e a wid e range of solutions for heat-intensive tasks. Availa ble in different formulations, d ensities, and ins tallation methods - d epending on need our mon olith ics can be used as primary or secondary insulation, for repair, or for special applications.

kee p g ro wing , afte r mo re t ha n 3 0 yea rs o f w o rldw i d e a ct ivit y

E uro pe Eas t Euro pe and Russia Japan

Permanent Presence Project Basis Presence

S o u t h A me ri c a

A fri ca

Middle Eas t

Southeas t Asia

1749-041 Lisboa / Portugal Tel. +351 218 429 270 Fax. +351 218 409 412

V C A**


Copyright, Lizmontagens -September, 2013

fo llow us at ww w . li z m o n t ag en s .c om

Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, n.56 - 10th

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