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Balfour Declaration of 1917

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#rthur Jame" Balfour$ %he Balfour Declaration of 1917 (dated &o em'er (, 1917) )a" a cla""ified formal "tatement of policy 'y the Briti"h !o ernment "tatin! that the Briti"h !o ernment * ie) )ith fa our* the e"ta'li"hment in +ale"tine of *a national home for the Je)i"h people* on the condition" that *nothin! "hall 'e done )hich may pre,udice the ci il and reli!iou" ri!ht" of e-i"tin! non.Je)i"h communitie" in +ale"tine* or *the ri!ht" and political "tatu" en,oyed 'y Je)" in any other country$* %he declaration )a" made in a letter from Forei!n /ecretary #rthur Jame" Balfour to 0ord Roth"child (Walter Roth"child, (nd Baron Roth"child), a leader of the Briti"h Je)i"h community, for tran"mi""ion to the 1ioni"t Federation, a pri ate 1ioni"t or!ani2ation$ %he letter reflected the po"ition of the Briti"h 3a'inet, a" a!reed upon in a meetin! on 4cto'er 51, 1917$ 6t further "tated that the declaration i" a "i!n of *"ympathy )ith Je)i"h 1ioni"t a"piration"$* %he "tatement )a" i""ued throu!h the effort" of 3haim Wei2mann and &ahum /okolo), the principal 1ioni"t leader" 'a"ed in 0ondon 'ut, a" they had a"ked for the recon"titution of +ale"tine a" 7the8 Je)i"h national home, the Declaration fell "hort of 1ioni"t e-pectation"$91: %he *Balfour Declaration* )a" later incorporated into the /; re" peace treaty )ith %urkey and the <andate for +ale"tine$ %he ori!inal document i" kept at the Briti"h 0i'rary$


1 %e-t of the declaration ( %e-t de elopment and differin! ie)" 5 <ilner a" the chief author = &e!otiation > 3onflict" and Broken %reaty 3ommitment" ( 3ontradictory a""urance" ) ? 3ontro er"y 'ehind Declaration 7 #ra' oppo"ition @ Reference" 9 /ee al"o 1A B-ternal link"

[edit] Text of the declaration

%he declaration, a typed letter "i!ned in ink 'y Balfour, read" a" follo)":
Forei!n 4ffice, &o em'er (nd, 1917$ Dear 0ord Roth"child, 6 ha e much plea"ure in con eyin! to you, on 'ehalf of Ci" <a,e"tyD" Eo ernment, the follo)in! declaration of "ympathy )ith Je)i"h 1ioni"t a"piration" )hich ha" 'een "u'mitted to, and appro ed 'y, the 3a'inet: *Ci" <a,e"tyD" Eo ernment ie) )ith fa our the e"ta'li"hment in +ale"tine of a national home for the Je)i"h people, and )ill u"e their 'e"t endea our" to facilitate the achie ement of thi" o',ect, it 'ein! clearly under"tood that nothin! "hall 'e done )hich may pre,udice the ci il and reli!iou" ri!ht" of e-i"tin! non.Je)i"h communitie" in +ale"tine, or the ri!ht" and political "tatu" en,oyed 'y Je)" in any other country*$ 6 "hould 'e !rateful if you )ould 'rin! thi" declaration to the kno)led!e of the 1ioni"t Federation$ Four" "incerely #rthur Jame" Balfour

[edit] Text development and differing views

%he record of di"cu""ion" that led up to the final te-t of the Balfour Declaration clarifie" "ome detail" of it" )ordin!$ %he phra"e *national home* )a" intentionally u"ed in"tead of *"tate*, and the Briti"h de oted "ome effort o er the follo)in! decade", includin! Win"ton 3hurchillD" 19(( White +aper, to denyin! that a "tate )a" the intention$ Co)e er, in pri ate, many Briti"h official" a!reed )ith the interpretation of the 1ioni"t" that a "tate )ould 'e the e entual outcome$9(: %he initial draft of the declaration, contained in a letter "ent 'y Roth"child to Balfour, referred to the principle *that +ale"tine "hould 'e recon"tituted a" the &ational Come of the Je)i"h people$*95: 6n the final te-t, the )ord that )a" replaced )ith in to a oid committin! the entirety of +ale"tine to thi" purpo"e$ /imilarly, an early draft did not include the commitment that nothin! "hould 'e done )hich mi!ht pre,udice the ri!ht" of the non.Je)i"h communitie"$ %he"e chan!e" came a'out partly a" the re"ult of the ur!in!" of Bd)in /amuel <onta!u, an influential anti.1ioni"t Je) and /ecretary of /tate for 6ndia, )ho, amon! other", )a" concerned that the declaration )ithout tho"e chan!e" could re"ult in increa"ed anti./emitic per"ecution$ %he draft )a" circulated and durin! 4cto'er the !o ernment recei ed replie" from ariou" repre"entati e" of the Je)i"h

community$ 0ord Roth"child took e-ception to the ne) pro i"o on the 'a"i" that it pre"uppo"ed the po""i'ility of a dan!er to non.1ioni"t", )hich he denied$9=: #t that time the Briti"h )ere 'u"y makin! promi"e"$ #t a )ar 3a'inet meetin!, held on 51 4cto'er 1917, Balfour "u!!e"ted that a declaration fa ora'le to 1ioni"t a"piration" )ould allo) Ereat Britain *to carry on e-tremely u"eful propa!anda 'oth in Ru""ia and #merica*9>: %he Briti"h al"o dropped Balfour Declaration leaflet" )ritten in Fiddi"h o er Eermany$9?: Cenry <c<ahon had e-chan!ed letter" )ith Cu""ein 'in #li, /herif of <ecca, in 191>, in )hich he had promi"ed Cu""ein control of #ra' land" )ith the e-ception of Dportion" of /yriaD lyin! to the )e"t of Dthe di"trict" of Dama"cu", Com", Cama and #leppoD$ +ale"tine lie" to the "outh and )a"nDt e-plicitly mentioned$ %hat 0e'ane"e re!ion of the <editerranean coa"t )a" "et a"ide a" part of a future French <andate$ #fter the )ar, the e-tent of the coa"tal e-clu"ion )a" hotly di"puted$ Cu""ein had prote"ted that the #ra'" of Beirut )ould !reatly oppo"e i"olation from the #ra' "tate or "tate", 'ut did not 'rin! up the matter of the Jeru"alem or +ale"tine$ Dr$ 3haim Wei2mann in hi" auto'io!raphy Trial and Error that +ale"tine had 'een e-cluded from the area" that "hould ha e 'een #ra' and independent$ %hi" interpretation )a" "upported e-plicitly 'y the Briti"h !o ernment in the 19(( White +aper$ 0ord Erey had 'een the Forei!n /ecretary durin! the <c<ahon.Cu""ein ne!otiation"$ /peakin! in the Cou"e of 0ord" on the (7th <arch, 19(5, he made it clear that, for hi" part, that he entertained "eriou" dou't" a" to the alidity of the Briti"h Eo ernmentD" interpretation of the pled!e" )hich he, a" Forei!n /ecretary, had cau"ed to 'e !i en to the /harif Cu""ein in 191>$ Ce called for all of the "ecret en!a!ement" re!ardin! +ale"tine to 'e made pu'lic$97: <any of the rele ant document" in the &ational #rchi e" )ere later decla""ified and pu'li"hed$ #mon! them )ere the minute" of a 3a'inet Ba"tern 3ommittee meetin!, chaired 'y 0ord 3ur2on,)hich )a" held on > Decem'er 191@$ Balfour )a" in attendance$ %he minute" re ealed that in layin! out the !o ernmentD" po"ition 3ur2on had e-plained that: *+ale"tine )a" included in the area" a" to )hich Ereat Britain pled!ed it"elf that they "hould 'e #ra' and independent in the future*$9@:

[edit] Milner as the chief author

6n hi" po"thumou"ly pu'li"hed 19@( 'ook The Anglo-American Establishment, Eeor!eto)n Gni er"ity hi"tory profe""or 3arroll Hui!ley e-plained that the Balfour Declaration )a" actually drafted 'y 0ord #lfred <ilner, )ho )a" the head of the Rhode".<ilner Round %a'le Eroup" that 3ecil John Rhode" called for in hi" )ill to 'e *3hurche" for the e-ten"ion of the Briti"h Bmpire$* <ilner )a" the tru"tee of Rhode"D )ill, )hile 'oth <ilner and Rhode" )ere ""cri'ed Briti"h Race patriot"$ %he recipient of the Balfour Declaration, 0ord Roth"child, )a" al"o a clo"e friend of Rhode" and )a" at an earlier time the tru"tee of Rhode"D )ill$ Hui!ley )rote:

*%hi" declaration, )hich i" al)ay" kno)n a" the Balfour Declaration, "hould rather 'e called Dthe <ilner Declaration,D "ince <ilner )a" the actual draft"man and )a" apparently, it" chief "upporter in the War 3a'inet$ %hi" fact )a" not made pu'lic until (1 July 195?$ #t that time 4rm"'y.Eore, "peakin! for the !o ernment in 3ommon", "aid, D%he draft a" ori!inally put up 'y 0ord Balfour )a" not the final draft appro ed 'y the War 3a'inet$ %he particular draft a""ented to 'y the War 3a'inet and after)ard" 'y the #llied Eo ernment" and 'y the Gnited /tate"$ $ $and finally em'odied in the <andate, happen" to ha e 'een drafted 'y 0ord <ilner$ %he actual final draft had to 'e i""ued in the name of the Forei!n /ecretary, 'ut the actual draft"man )a" 0ord <ilner$*99:

[edit] egotiation
4ne of the main proponent" of a Je)i"h homeland in +ale"tine )a" Dr$ 3haim Wei2mann, the leadin! "poke"man for or!ani2ed 1ioni"m in Britain$ Wei2mann )a" a chemi"t )ho had de eloped a proce"" to "ynthe"i2e acetone ia fermentation$ #cetone i" reIuired for the production of cordite, a po)erful propellant e-plo"i e needed to fire ammunition )ithout !eneratin! tell.tale "moke$ Eermany had cornered "upplie" of calcium acetate, a ma,or "ource of acetone$ 4ther pre.)ar proce""e" in Britain )ere inadeIuate to meet the increa"ed demand in World War 6, and a "horta!e of cordite )ould ha e "e erely hampered BritainD" )ar effort$ 0loyd.Eeor!e, then <ini"ter for <unition", )a" !rateful to Wei2mann and "o "upported hi" 1ioni"t a"piration"$ 6n hi" ar !emoirs, 0loyd Eeor!e )rote of meetin! Wei2mann in 191? that Wei2mann $$$ e-plained hi" a"piration" a" to the repatriation of the Je)" to the "acred land they had made famou"$ %hat )a" the fount and ori!in of the famou" declaration a'out the &ational Come for the Je)" in +ale"tine $$$$ #" "oon a" 6 'ecame +rime <ini"ter 6 talked the )hole matter o er )ith <r Balfour, )ho )a" then Forei!n /ecretary$ Co)e er, thi" er"ion of the "tory of the declarationD" ori!in" ha" 'een de"cri'ed a" *fanciful*, a fair a""e""ment con"iderin! that di"cu""ion" 'et)een Wei2mann and Balfour had 'e!un at lea"t a decade earlier$ 6n late 19A> Balfour had reIue"ted of hi" Je)i"h con"tituency repre"entati e, 3harle" Dreyfu", that he arran!e a meetin! )ith Wei2man, durin! )hich Wei2man a"ked for official Briti"h "upport for 1ioni"m, and they )ere to meet a!ain on thi" i""ue in 191=$91A: Durin! the fir"t meetin! 'et)een Wei2mann and Balfour in 19A?, Balfour a"ked )hat )hat Wei2mannD" o',ection" )ere to the idea of a Je)i"h homeland in G!anda rather than in +ale"tine$ #ccordin! to Wei2mannD" memoir, the con er"ation )ent a" follo)": *<r$ Balfour, "uppo"in! 6 )a" to offer you +ari" in"tead of 0ondon, )ould you take itJ* Ce "at up, looked at me, and an")ered: *But Dr$ Wei2mann, )e ha e 0ondon$* *%hat i" true,* 6 "aid, *'ut )e had Jeru"alem )hen 0ondon )a" a mar"h$* Ce $$$ "aid t)o thin!" )hich 6 remem'er i idly$ %he fir"t )a": *#re there many Je)" )ho think like youJ* 6 an")ered: *6 'elie e 6 "peak the mind of million" of Je)" )hom you )ill ne er "ee and )ho cannot "peak for them"el e"$* $$$ %o thi" he "aid: *6f that i" "o you )ill one day 'e a force$*911:

[edit] Conflicts and Bro!en Treat" Commitments # Contradictor" assurances $

%he #n!lo.French Declaration of &o em'er 191@ pled!ed that Ereat Britain and France )ould *a""i"t in the e"ta'li"hment of indi!enou" Eo ernment" and admini"tration" in /yria and <e"opotamia 'y *"ettin! up of national !o ernment" and admini"tration" deri in! their authority from the free e-erci"e of the initiati e and choice of the indi!enou" population"*$ Balfour re"i!ned a" Forei!n /ecretary follo)in! the Ker"aille" 3onference in 1919, 'ut continued in the 3a'inet a" 0ord +re"ident of the 3ouncil$ 6n a memorandum addre""ed to the ne) Forei!n /ecretary, 0ord 3ur2on, he "tated that the Balfour Declaration contradicted the letter" of the co enant (referrin! to the 0ea!ue 3o enant) the #n!lo. French Declaration, and the in"truction" of the Lin!.3rane 3ommi""ion$ #ll of the other en!a!ement" contained pled!e" that the #ra' population" could e"ta'li"h national !o ernment" of their o)n choo"in! accordin! to the principle of "elf.determination$ Balfour e-plained:
*%he contradiction 'et)een the letter" of the 3o enant 9of the 0ea!ue of &ation": and the policy of the #llie" i" e en more fla!rant in the ca"e of the Mindependent nationN of +ale"tine than in that of the Mindependent nationM of /yria$ For in +ale"tine )e do not propo"e to e en !o throu!h the form of con"ultin! the )i"he" of the pre"ent inha'itant" of the country thou!h the #merican 3ommi""ion i" !oin! throu!h the form of a"kin! )hat they are$ %he Four Ereat +o)er" 9Britain, France, 6taly and the Gnited /tate": are committed to 1ioni"m$ #nd 1ioni"m, 'e it ri!ht or )ron!, !ood or 'ad, i" rooted in a!e.lon! tradition", in pre"ent need", and future hope", of far profounder import than the de"ire" and pre,udice" of the 7AA,AAA #ra'" )ho no) inha'it that ancient land$ 6n my opinion that i" ri!ht$ What 6 ha e ne er 'een a'le to under"tand i" ho) it can 'e harmoni2ed )ith the 9#n!lo.French: declaration, the 3o enant, or the in"truction to the 9Lin!.3rane: 3ommi""ion of BnIuiry$ 6 do not think that 1ioni"m )ill hurt the #ra'", 'ut they )ill ne er "ay they )ant it$ Whate er 'e the future of +ale"tine it i" not no) an Mindependent nationN, nor i" it yet on the )ay to 'ecome one$ Whate er deference "hould 'e paid to the ie)" of tho"e li in! there, the +o)er" in their "election of a mandatory do not propo"e, a" 6 under"tand the matter, to con"ult them$ 6n "hort, "o far a" +ale"tine i" concerned, the +o)er" ha e made no "tatement of fact )hich i" not admittedly )ron!, and no declaration of policy )hich, at lea"t in the letter, they ha e not al)ay" intended to iolate$ 6f 1ioni"m i" to influence the Je)i"h pro'lem throu!hout the )orld +ale"tine mu"t 'e made a aila'le for the lar!e"t num'er of Je)i"h immi!rant"$ 6t i" therefore eminently de"ira'le that it "hould o'tain the command of the )ater.po)er )hich naturally 'elon!" to it )hether 'y e-tendin! it" 'order" to the north, or 'y treaty )ith the mandatory of /yria, to )hom the "outh)ard flo)in! )ater" of Camon could not in any e ent 'e of much alue$

For the "ame rea"on +ale"tine "hould 'e e-tended into the land" lyin! ea"t of the Jordan$ 6t "hould not, ho)e er, 'e allo)ed to include the Ced,a2 Rail)ay, )hich i" too di"tinctly 'ound up )ith e-clu"i ely #ra' 6ntere"t"$$$* 91(:

[edit] Controvers" %ehind Declaration

Briti"h pu'lic and !o ernment opinion 'ecame increa"in!ly le"" fa ora'le to the commitment that had 'een made to 1ioni"t policy$ 6n Fe' 19(( Win"ton 3hurchill, a fer ent 1ioni"t him"elf, tele!raphed Cer'ert /amuel a"kin! for cut" in e-penditure and notin!:
6n 'oth Cou"e" of +arliament there i" !ro)in! mo ement of ho"tility, a!ain"t 1ioni"t policy in +ale"tine, )hich )ill 'e "timulated 'y recent &orthcliffe article"$ 6 do not attach undue importance to thi" mo ement, 'ut it i" increa"in!ly difficult to meet the ar!ument that it i" unfair to a"k the Briti"h ta-payer, already o er)helmed )ith ta-ation, to 'ear the co"t of impo"in! on +ale"tine an unpopular policy$ 915:

/ir John B elyn /huck'ur!h of the ne) <iddle Ba"t department of the Forei!n 4ffice di"co ered that the corre"pondence prior to the declaration )a" not a aila'le in the 3olonial 4ffice, Dalthou!h Forei!n 4ffice paper" )ere under"tood to ha e 'een len!thy and to ha e co ered a con"idera'le periodD$* %he Dmo"t comprehen"i e e-planationD of the ori!in of the Balfour Declaration the Forei!n 4ffice )a" a'le to pro ide )a" contained in a "mall DunofficialD note of Jan 19(5 affirmin! that:
little i" kno)n of ho) the policy repre"ented 'y the Declaration )a" fir"t !i en form$ Four, or perhap" fi e men )ere chiefly concerned in the la'our.the Barl of Balfour, the late /ir <ark /yke", and <e""r"$ Wei2mann and /okolo), )ith perhap" 0ord Roth"child a" a fi!ure in the 'ack!round$ &e!otiation" "eem to ha e 'een mainly oral and 'y mean" of pri ate note" and memoranda of )hich only the "cantie"t record" are a aila'le, e en if more e-i"t"$ 91=:

[edit] &ra% opposition

%he #ra'" "en"ed dan!er in &o em'er 191@ at the parade markin! the fir"t anni er"ary of the Balfour Declaration$ %he <u"lim.3hri"tian #""ociation prote"ted the carryin! of ne) D)hite and 'lue 'anner" )ith t)o in erted trian!le" in the middleD$ %hey dre) the attention of the authoritie" to the "eriou" con"eIuence" of any political implication" in rai"in! the 'anner"$91>: 0ater that month, on the fir"t anni er"ary of the occupation of Jaffa 'y the Briti"h, the <u"lim.3hri"tian #""ociation "ent a len!thy memorandum and petition to the military !o ernor prote"tin! once more the 1ioni"t intru"ion$91?:

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