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1. What is the different between Workgroup and Domain?

Domain Server has Centralized Control Where else Workgroup has no Centralized Control Domain Network has higher level of security when compared to Workgroup. Domain Network Implementation and Maintained cost is very less when compared to that of workgroup. Time constrain is very less when compared to that of a Workgroup. Administrator has overall control on the network where else workgroup has no control. 2. How will assign o!al "dministrator rights for domain user? Navigate to Local ser and !roups add the domain users to administrators group in the local system. #. How will $ou restri!t user logon timing in domain? Navigate to Active Directory sers and "omputers# ser $roperties select logon times and restrict the user logon timing as needed. %. What is the purpose of s$svol? The sysvol folder stores the server%s copy of the domain%s pu&lic files. The contents such as group policy# users# and groups of the sysvol folder are replicated to all domain controllers in the domain. The sysvol folder must &e located on an NT'( volume. &. What is '(? )*plain its (ses. )rgani*ation nit is set of active directory o&+ect within a domain. It is used to design an organi*ation structure# ,estrict user-s visi&ility and to delegate control. +. )*plain different edition of windows 2,,# Server? Windows (erver .//0# (tandard 1dition2 3 is aimed towards small to medium si*ed &usinesses. (tandard 1dition supports file and printer sharing# offers secure Internet connectivity# and allows centrali*ed desktop application deployment. Windows (erver .//0# 1nterprise 1dition2 3 is aimed towards medium to large &usinesses. It is a full3 function server operating system that supports up to eight processors and provides enterprise3class features and support for up to 0. !4 of memory. Windows (erver .//0# We& 1dition2 3 is mainly for &uilding and hosting We& applications# We& pages# and 5ML We& (ervices. Windows (erver .//0# Datacenter 1dition2 3 is the flagship of the Windows (erver line and designed for immense infrastructures demanding high security and relia&ility. -. What is D.S Server? Domain Name (ystem is used to resolve domain name to I$ Address and also used to resolve I$ Address to Domain Name. It has two *ones 'orward and ,everse Lookup 6one. 'orward Lookup 6one resolve Domain name to I$ address. ,everse Lookup 6one is used to resolve I$ address to Domain Name. (ome records associate with DN( A ,ecord &inds Name with I$ Address $T, ,ecord &inds I$ Address to Name /. Wh$ D.S server is re0uired for "!tive Dire!tor$? The key reason for integrating DN( with AD is that client server communication takes place with Domain Name. Network needs I$ address to reach the destination7 In order to resolve Domain Name to I$ Address we need DN( (erver. If DN( (erver is not configured properly the network &ecomes slow. 1. What is the 2urpose of " and 234 4e!ord? A ,ecord ), 8ost ,ecord is used to &ind a Name with I$ Address. $T, ,ecord is used to &ind an I$ Address with Name. 1,. What is the purpose of DHC2 Server? D8"$ (erver is used to assign I$ address automatically to all the clients- computers. It is useful in large enterprise network# where we may not a&le track the I$ address and also used to avoid I$ conflict. 11. )*plain about S!ope in DHC2 Server? (cope is collective information of assigning I$ address for clients. It contains information like I$ Address

,ange# 19clusion ,ange# Lease $eriod# ,eservation# ,outer I$ Address# DN( Address# etc. 4ased on the scope configuration D8"$ allocates I$ address to its entire client. 12. )*plain about 5roup S!opes? 1#. How will $ou ba!kup D.S Server? 4ackup the directory :;(ystem ,oot;<(ystem0.<DN(=. 1%. How will ba!kup DHC2 Server? 'irst Method2 4ackup the directory in the ;(ystem ,oot;<(ystem0.<D8"$ folder. Alternate method2 )pen D8"$ "onsole select server to &ackup and restore D8"$ data&ase. 1&. )*plain "262". A Windows3&ased computer that is configured to use D8"$ can automatically assign itself an Internet $rotocol >I$? address if a D8"$ server is not availa&le or does not e9ist. The Internet Assigned Num&ers Authority >IANA? has reserved @AB..CD././3@AB..CD..CC..CC for Automatic $rivate I$ Addressing >A$I$A?. 1+. )*plain about "D Database. Windows .//0 Active Directory data store# the actual data&ase file# is ;(ystem ,oot;<NTD(<NTD(.DIT. AD Data&ase all information such as ser Accounts# !roups# "omputer Information# Domain "ontroller information# !roup $olicy# )rgani*ation nit#etc. 1-. )*plain about 5roup 2oli!$. !roup policies are used &y administrators to configure and control user environment settings. !roup $olicy )&+ects >!$)s? are used to configure group policies which are applied to sites# domains# and organi*ational units >) s? .There is a ma9imum of @/// applica&le group policies. 1/. What is the default time for group poli!$ refresh interval time? The default refresh interval for policies is B/ minutes. The default refresh interval for domain controllers is C minutes. !roup policy o&+ect%s group policy refresh intervals may &e changed in the group policy o&+ect. 11. )*plain Hidden Share. 8idden or administrative shares are share names with a dollar sign >E? appended to their names. Administrative shares are usually created automatically for the root of each drive letter. They do not display in the network &rowse list. 2,. What ports are used b$ DHC2 and the DHC2 !lients? ,eFuests are on D$ port AG# (erver replies on D$ AH. 21. How do 6 !onfigure a !lient ma!hine to use a spe!ifi! 62 "ddress? 4y reserving an I$ Address using client machine MA" or $hysical address. 22. .ame # benefits of using "D7integrated zones. AD Integrated 6ones allow (ecure Dynamic pdates. I.e. there will not &e any duplicate or unwanted records. (ince all the information are validated in active directory. 4y creating AD3 integrated *one you can also trace hacker and spammer &y creating reverse *one. AD integrated *ones are stored as part of the active directory and support domain3wide or forest3wide replication through application partitions in AD. 2#. How do $ou ba!kup 8 4estore "D? sing Windows NT4ackup tility. In 4ackup select systemstate will include active directory &ackup. ,estore the (ame using NT4ackup tility. 2%. How do $ou !hange the DS 4estore admin password? sing NTD( TIL tool.

2&. How !an $ou for!ibl$ remove "D from a server? sing the command dcpromo Iforceremoval 2+. What will be the problem if D.S Server fails? If your DN( server fails# No "lient will a&le to reach the Domain "ontroller# which will create authentication and "ontrol Issues. 2-. How !an $ou restri!t running !ertain appli!ations on a ma!hine? The !roup $olicy )&+ect 1ditor and the (oftware ,estriction $olicies e9tension of !roup $olicy )&+ect 1ditor are used to restrict running certain applications on a machine. 'or Windows 5$ computers that are not participating in a domain# you can use the Local (ecurity (ettings snap3in to access (oftware ,estriction $olicies. 2/. What !an $ou do to promote a server to DC? sing the command dcpromo 21. How will map a folder through "D? (pecify the network share path > N"? in the active directory users home directory. #,. )*plain 9uotas. Disk Juota is a feature or service of NT'( which helps to restrict or manage the disk usage from the normal user. It can &e implemented per user user per volume &asis.4y default it is disa&led. Administrative privilege is reFuired to perform the task. In .//0server we can control only drive &ut in .//Gserver we can esta&lish Fuota in folder level. #1. )*plain :a!kup ;ethodolog$. The different types of &ackup methodologies are2 Normal 4ackup23This is default &ackup in which all files are &acked up even if it was &acked up &efore. Incremental 4ackup23In this type of &ackup only the files that haven-t &een &acked up are taken care of or &acked up. Differential 4ackup23This &ackup is similar to incremental &ackup &ecause it does not take &ackup of those files &acked up &y normal &ackup &ut different from incremental &ecause it will take &ackup of differentially &acked up files at ne9t time of differential &ackup. (ystem 4ackup23This type of &ackup takes &ackup of files namely# 4oot file# ")MK"lass ,egistry# ,egistry. 4ut in server it takes &ackup of AD(. A(, 4ackup23This type of &ackup takes &ackup of entire &oot partition including )( and user data. This should &e the last trou&leshooting method to recover an os from disaster. #2. )*plain how to publish printer through "D. Navigate to Active Directory sers and "omputers# "reate new printer and add the printer i.e. the printer share name > N"? $ath. Automatically the printer will &e pu&lished in Active Directory. ##. )*plain the fun!tionalit$ of <32 Server? 'ile Transfer $rotocol is used transfer large volume of files and huge num&er of files simultaneous &etween different geographic locations. #%. Spe!if$ the 2ort .umber for "D= D.S= DHC2= H332= H332S= S;32= 2'2# 8 <32 AD 3 0GB DN( 3 C0 D8"$ 3 AH#AG 8TT$ 3 G/ 8TT$( 3 DD0 (MT$ 3 .C $)$0 3 @@/

'T$ 3 .@#.. #&. )*plain >irtual Dire!tor$ in 66S? A virtual server can have one home directory and any num&er of other pu&lishing directories. These other pu&lishing directories are referred to as virtual directories. #+. What is )*!lusion 4ange in DHC2 Server? 19clusion ,ange is used to hold a range I$ addresses. Those I$ Address can &e used or may not &e used in the network# &ut D8"$ server does not assign those I$ to its client. #-. )*plain S'" 4e!ord. (tart )f Authority >()A? ,ecords indicate that Name (erver is authoritative server for the domain. #/. What !ommand is used to !lear D.S !a!he in !lient 2C? Ipconfig Iflushdns #1. )*plain Se!ure D$nami! (pdates in D.S Server. )nly when installing active directory and DN( in the same server >AD Integrated 6ones? we can select (ecure Dynamic pdates. Then all the records will automatically &e updated in DN(. (ince all the information is validated in active directory there will not &e any duplicate or unwanted records. %,. )*plain <4S in detail. 'ile ,eplication (ervice is a Microsoft service which replicates folders stored in sysvol shared folders on domain controllers and distri&uted file system shared folders. This service is a part of Microsoft-s active directory service. %1. )*plain the proto!ol involved in "DC repli!ation. ,emote $rocedure "all >,$"? is the protocol used in AD" replication. %2. )*plain the differen!e between 2at!hes and Servi!e pa!k. $atches are fi9es# updates or enhancements for a particular program whereas service packs include a collection of %#. What is WS(S? W( ( is Windows (oftware pdate (ervices. It is server provided &y Microsoft free of cost to manage patches for windows environment centrali*ed. %%. How !lient server !ommuni!ation takes pla!e in WS(S server? sing We& (erver or We& (ervices %&. What is the differen!e between D$nami! Disk and :asi! Disk? :asi! Disk? 4asic Disk uses a partition ta&le to manage all partitions on the disk# and it is supported &y D)( and all Windows versions. A disk with installed )( would &e default initiali*ed to a &asic one. A &asic disk contains &asic volumes# such as primary partitions# e9tended partition# and all logical partitions are contained in e9tended partition. D$nami! Disk? Dynamic Disk is supported in Windows ./// and later operating system. Dynamic disks do not use a partition ta&le to track all partitions# &ut use a hidden data&ase >LDM? to track information a&out dynamic volumes or dynamic partitions on the disk. With dynamic disks you can create volumes that span multiple disks such as spanned and striped volumes# and can also create fault3tolerant volumes such as mirrored volumes and ,AID C volumes. "ompared to a 4asic Disk# Dynamic Disk offers greater fle9i&ility.

%+. What is ma*imum Size of file s$stem .3<S and <"3#2? NT'( 3 @AT4 'AT0. 3 D!4 %-. What is @hostsA files? The hosts file is a computer file used in an operating system to map hostnames to I$ addresses. The hosts file is a plain3te9t file and is traditionally named hosts. %/. What is @lmhostsA files? The lmhosts files are a computer file used in an operating system to map Net4I)( name. It is eFuivalent that of WIN(. %1. )*plain "bout 5lobal Catalog. glo&al catalog contains a complete replica of all o&+ects in Active Directory for its 8ost domain# and contains a partial replica of all o&+ects in Active Directory for every other domain in the forest. &,. .ame some '( design !onsiderations. It is used to design an organi*ation structure# ,estrict user-s visi&ility and to delegate control. &1. .ame a few benefits of using 52;C. !$M" is used to customi*e group policy. It is easy to maintain different ) policy effectively. $rovide option to take &ackup and restore group policy. &2. Bou want to standardize the desktop environments Cwallpaper= ;$ Do!uments= Start menu= printers et!.D on the !omputers in one department. How would $ou do that? "onfigure !roup $olicy &ased on ) . &#. :$ default= if the name is not found in the !a!he or lo!al hosts file= what is the first step the !lient takes to resolve the <9D. name into an 62 address? "reate a record in DN( (erver &%. Bou are administering a network !onne!ted to the 6nternet. Bour users !omplain that ever$thing is slow. 2reliminar$ resear!h of the problem indi!ates that it takes a !onsiderable amount of time to resolve names of resour!es on the 6nternet. What is the most likel$ reason for this? DN( Issues &&. Des!ribe how the DHC2 lease is obtained. It-s a four3step process consisting of >a? I$ reFuest# >&? I$ offer# >c? I$ selection and >d? acknowledgement. &+. 6 !anEt seem to a!!ess the 6nternet= donEt have an$ a!!ess to the !orporate network and on ip!onfig m$ address is 1+1.2&%.F.F. What happened? The @AB..CD.L.L netmask is assigned to Windows machines running BGI.///I5$ if the D8"$ server is not availa&le. The name for the technology is A$I$A >Automatic $rivate Internet $rotocol Addressing?. &-. WeEve installed a new Windows7based DHC2 server= however= the users do not seem to be getting DHC2 leases off of it. The server must &e authori*ed first with the Active Directory. &/. How do $ou !onfigure mandator$ profiles? ,ename ntuser.dat to

&1. What is 2age <ile and >irtual ;emor$? $age 'ile Is (torage (pace 'or The Mirtual Memory# $age 'ile ses 8ard Disk (pace As a Memory To $rovide Memory Allocation... +,. What is the differen!e between D.S in Windows 2,,, 8 Windows 2,,# Server? We can rename or moved the domain name without re&uilding in windows .//0 server# &ut in windows ./// server# we can%t do that. +1. Where are group poli!ies stored? ;(ystem,oot;(ystem0.<!roup $olicy +2. What are 523 and 52C? !roup policy template and group policy container. +#. Where is 523 stored? ;(ystem ,oot;<(N(M)L<sysvol<domain name<$olicies<! ID +%. Bou !hange the group poli!ies= and now the !omputer and user settings are in !onfli!t. Whi!h one has the highest priorit$? The computer settings take priority. +&. What hidden shares e*ist on Windows Server 2,,# installation? AdminE# DriveE# I$"E# N1TL)!)N# printE and (N(M)L.

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