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Vibrations in OBE-ing and Mysticism

by Alfred Ballabene Vibrations seem to be an elementary feature in OBE-ing and mysticism and there has been speculated a lot as to them. Now you have some more speculations in this article. Some of which are my personal unconventional insights. Although in the conclusions of this article many observations are interpreted less imaginatively as this is done usually ! am not a materialist. ! do not thin" that esoterics should be considered as opposed to science and that science has to be counterbalanced by imaginative interpretations. ! have reali#ed that physical world is fantastic as well and everything if subtle or nonsubtle belongs to a great uni$ue world. %here are speculations whether vibrations initiating or sustaining OBE&s are physical and'or subtle. !n my e(periments ! successfully have used physical vibrations to sustain OBE-ing and as well ! have e(perienced etheric waves when "undalini has been arising. %herefore ! dare say that in the field of OBE-ing and mysticism both "inds of vibrations physical and subtle ones are e(isting. Below ! shall give the most well "nown theories on vibrations and some personal conclusions. Materialistic Interpretation Based On Vibrations Of The Physical Body: At the s"ull or inner surfaces of brain vibrations are reflected enhanced and focused resulting in locations of different energy densities stimulating special areas of the brain. %he "ind of energy which might influence biological material is the wea"est point of this postulate )for instance magnetic or electrical fields are postulated* Bentov +*. %he emotional and visual sensations caused by overtones and Bi,a -antras )nasal sounds* are e(plained in this way as well. Acoustical sensations in the state of vibrations are e(plained physically by direct sensory perception via the auditory system. %he physical theory includes all "inds of fre$uencies - felt or heard - since it states that slow rhythms as caused by heart beat for instance - are transformed in the head to vibrations in high fre$uency ranges. .oncerning vibrations interpreted as being subtle there are two traditional esoteric theories both e(isting side by side without e(cluding each other/ the mechanistic e(planation )%heosophy Occultism* and the spiritual e(planation )%heosophy 0oga*. Esoteric Mechanistic Interpretation Based On Different Movements Of Physical and !btle Body: According to this theory the subtle body gets out of alignment with the physical body resulting from non-identical movements of both bodies. %his situation occurs when the subtle body moves asynchronously to physical body or when the subtle body vibrates synchronously but at higher amplitude in a preferred direction )sustained by imagination*. %he degree of dissociation depends on the amplitude of vibration. %he amplitude of vibrations can be increased actively by imagination which causes a loosening of the

subtle body. %he final step of body separation is done by will or by automatisms induced by autosuggestions at the beginning of the e(ercise. pirit!al Interpretation "s Provided By Theosophy "nd #oga: According to a 1induistic myth the god Shiva created the universe by emanating the sound O-. !n the saga the first stage of universe was a large ocean. On the surface of this ocean consisting of the substance 2supreme consciousness2 )Sans"rit/ chitta personified as Shiva* this vibrational force O- )personified as the female aspect called Sha"ti* caused waves )called chittavrittis*. %hese waves were the first traces of individualism. By differentiation of these waves the diversity of forms and matter of universe originated. !n the course of evolution of universe Sha"ti descended to the lowest form of 2vibration2 the physical matter. %his state is associated with the lowest form of consciousness. !n human body this evolution is reproduced as descendence of Sha"ti )the inner power* from the top of the head down the spine to the base of abdomen )-ulhadhara .ha"ra* creating an awareness more and more lin"ed to the physical matter. %his evolution of soul is thought to have happened in past aeons. !n theosophic philosophy evolution of soul is independent of the evolution of biological life and the above mentioned first step evolved not in physical but in subtle worlds. %he aim of the 0ogis is to elevate Sha"ti from cha"ra to cha"ra by means of meditation by sound e(ercises )Shabda 0oga* and energetic e(ercises )3undalini 0oga*. Each cha"ra is characteri#ed by a category of sounds by a special color of inner light and by special forms of transcendental awareness. !n a certain respect the "ind of subtle body separation depends on the "ind of activated cha"ra/

-ulhadhara .ha"ra .... Sha"ti is sleeping in the material world Svadhisthana .ha"ra .... dense mediumistic body separation accompanied by paranormal phenomena -anipura .ha"ra )navel* .... etheric body separation Anahata .ha"ra )heart* ..... astral pro,ection Vishudha .ha"ra )laryn( throat* ....4 A,na .ha"ra )5third eye6 between the eyes* ..... mental pro,ection

!n %heosophy and 0oga philosophy activation of a higher located cha"ra is indicated by sounds becoming higher. !n 3undalini 0oga all three "inds of sensory perceptions can be obtained in each activated cha"ra though in different $ualities. 7ith higher cha"ra location fre$uencies are increasing/ sounds become higher and light is changing from red )-ulhadhara .ha"ra* to orange- yellow (Anahata Chakra) and to bluish white )A,na .ha"ra*. %his statement is based on my own observations and on those of the yogis of ananda ashram )in accordance with the observations of 8eadbeater 9**. !n modern literature cha"ras are described in all "inds of colours but ! thin" this is incorrect. %he respective statements are produced by different 2clairvoyants2 who want to demonstrate their individual better sight. )! don:t li"e chaos which is caused by seminar leaders who try to ma"e money by creating an 2outstanding2 individual way.* %he basic e(perienced phenomena of sensory perception - tactile acoustic and light - are e(plained

in 3undalini 0oga by three different $ualities of "undalini. %hese three $ualities of "undalini correspond to the three shells )subtle bodies*/ etheric astral mental. etheric shell )prana*/ "undalini is activated in the 2tube2 Sushumna astral shell )ra,as*/ "undalini is activated in the 2tube2 Va,rini spiritual )chit*/ "undalini is activated in the 2tube2 .hittrini All three $ualities of "undalini )$ualities of vibrations respectively see above* may be superimposed and therefore can e(ist simultaneously. Based on this philosophy in esoteric field the terminology 2higher planes2 and 2higher vibrations2 was established. %he spiritual theory seems very mythological and unrealistic but its practical implications wor" very well. %his is why cha"ra meditations have become so popular in modern esoteric field. Because of the O- theory the above $uoted philosophy cannot discriminate between vibrations and "undalini arousal. ;ollowing ! shall try to provide arguments supporting the assumption that vibration and "undalini arousal have to be considered as different phenomena though both can occur simultaneously. Vibrations: Personal Theory "$ Difference Bet%een &!ndalini "ro!sal "nd Vibrations In OBE-ing <espite similar effects between "undalini arousal and vibrations )acoustic perceptions energeti#ation and warmth* both phenomena seem to be different. As ! believe "undalini arousal and vibrations in OBE-ing can be distinguished by the "ind of movement of etheric substance in respect to the vertical a(is of the human body the spinal column. %he vector of upwards moving etheric force can be/

Vector of ' ()ero$ degrees in respect to the a*is of body (!p%ards streaming or longit!dinal %aves$: E(amples are the well "nown slow energy circulation )upwards on bac"side downwards on frontside* furthermore "undalini arousal )without overlapping vibrations*. Vector bet%een ' and +' degrees to the vertical a*is (more or less transversal %aves$: 3undalini motion in the form of waves moving upwards at the bac"side. %his most common form of "undalini arousal is accompanied by acoustic perceptions sensed heat ad,acent to the spine very strong energy flow euphori#ation inner light perception )mostly in gold and white* and is sometimes accompanied by paranormal effects. Vector of +' degrees to the a*is (vibrations$: %here is no upward motion of force. %he vibrations are felt locally )f.i. breast* or in the whole body and are independent of energy flow in the spine. Vibrations are sensed as fre$uently on front side as on bac" side. Very often warmth is felt and sometimes acoustic phenomena are perceived. %he => degree vector is facilitating a loosening of the etheric double. ?ractically only these vibrations are important for OBE-ing.

!n both "inds of phenomena "undalini arousal as well as vibrations sensory inputs can be perceived as in normal awa"e state as in trance as at the border of sleep or as in sleep

)producing special dream symbols li"e fire volcanoes earth $ua"es etc.*. Since sensory perception may be e(perienced in all states of consciousness it is difficult to define "undalini phenomena and vibrations as either physical or subtle. %herefore theories - if materialistic or spiritual - can be based on arguments each of them conclusive in the respective paradigma. %herefore a wide range of possible interpretations is legitimate. &!ndalini E*periences: 3undalini e(periences published so far tend to describe highlights li"e 2cosmic consciousness2. 1owever in most cases e(periences are less divine but nevertheless very interesting for basic understanding. Altogether a wide range of e(periences can be made in wa"ing state as well as in trance or in sleep. ome ,otes O!t Of Diaries: --./-.+00 ("lfred$ ! was dreaming something ! can:t remember when all of a sudden ! became lucid and got aware of lying in a wide un"nown room. !t was dar" but by means of concentration ! became aware of some contours. %hus encouraged ! increased concentration and by doing this ! got the impression that the walls got crac"s and light was shining through. Suddenly ! felt "undalini arising in form of hot waves moving upwards the spine. %he ne(t moment it criss-crossed up to the shoulder-blades and thereafter moved again straight upwards the spine. !nstantly ! could see/ ! was lying in bed surrounded by bi#arre demonli"e creatures staring at me and approaching. %here were so many of them that they filled the room to the rear piling up to the ceiling. ! felt myself "eeping them away at a distance of about +@ meters ma"ing use of an inner force which re$uired a tremendous amount of concentration. %hey were standing there without moving and stared at me. One of them in front of me was imposing by his long claws. ! tried to scare them away by mantras but they echoed disharmonically. Since all my efforts were in vain ! turned to awa"e state as speedily as possible turning my body around still out of trance state. 8ater on ! was ama#ed how fast ! had been able to leave trance and to move my body. %he e(perience was very vivid and vigorous and moreover ! li"ed adventures. Subse$uently my bac" especially in the region of the spine felt stri"ingly heated. "!g!st .+12 ("lfred$ !n trance ! had the inner sight of the Anahata .ha"ra )breast*. !t was a shallow whirl of energy and "undalini moved out of its center li"e a chain of small fire-balls creating spirals in the whirl and finally spreading out over the body. "pril .+1. ( omadatta$ %he past months while awa"e ! fre$uently felt energy circling up and down my bodyA this happened spontaneously whilst ! did no aim for it deliberately. %he e(perience changed in a remar"able way the day ! started light-e(ercises on my Anahata .ha"ra. An emotion of cosmic love arose and ! felt something li"e small inner flames originating at my feet and moving upwards in spirals. %hen the stream of the golden flames became

vertical and my body was forced to bow forewards )in 0oga called "riya*. Afterwards ! felt strengthened and 6high6. B$ ignificance Of Different 3re4!ency 5anges 3or OBE "nd Esoteric Mysticism6 7eneral 8onsiderations: Based on vibration fre$uency range ! propose following classification/

tactile perception -- etheric OBE-ing mediumistic phenomena. sound perception -- astral OBE-ing light perception -- mental OBE-ing

lo% motions belo% . 9) (cps$ Swaying imaginations are a good help for autohypnotic states as basis for 2floating out of the body2 methods for etheric OBE:s because swaying motions are typical for this "ind of OBE after body separation. . 9) (cps$ and 2 9) %hese fre$uencies are very easily produced in a sitting or lying body position in which swinging motions caused by heartbeat can be amplified. 1owever ! did not use these fre$uencies for OBE and other e(ercises in order to avoid disturbance of heart rhythm. / 9) (cps$ - ca6 2'' 9) This is a frequency range in which vibrations still can be perceived by the tactile sense. ;rom +B 1# upwards the tactile range is overlapping with the range of deep sounds. %his fre$uency range favours OBE-ing in the form of 2stepping out of the body2. ! prefer to use this "ind of vibrations for OBE:s performed in the state of false awa"ening. ! start these vibrations used for OBE-ing at day by imagination e(ercises and recall them at night when starting OBE-ing. !n order to induce vibrations by will )see below* ! need at least one hour or more the first day and less time the following days. 7hen there is a brea" in daily e(ercises ! have to start from the beginning. %he vibrations seem to be physical and ! do not try to gain subtle awareness while e(ercising with vibrations. Brief periods of concentration during day help to sustain a latent tendency for vibrations. 7hen ! start OBE-ing at night ! need to start vibrations immediately because long and intense concentration would "eep me awa"e. %here are different e(ercises ! use to induce vibrations all of them supported by vibration imagination/ a* !magination of warmth and vibrations concentration circling up and down the spine in the rhythm of breathing. b* !magination of warmth and vibrations in the breast in the rhythm of breathing supported by the imagination of humming )as it is heard near the trafos of power stations*

or supported by the imagination of the purring of a cat. Emotion is a source of energy which increases inner dynamics and alertness. %herefore these vibration-e(ercises have to be combined with emotions otherwise they wonCt wor". Emotionali#ation is best obtained by mystic orientation especially by creating a feeling of love. 3re4!encies In The "co!stic 5ange: <eep sounds still in the fre$uency range of sensed vibrations facilitate etheric OBE-ing )see above*. 1owever the higher the fre$uency increases the more the amplitude of vibrations diminishes. ;inally the dissociative effect will be too small to get the etheric body out of alignment. 7ith higher fre$uency rates the state of consciousness becomes astral. !n mysticism it is intended to achieve this state of awareness while still in the body )in trance*. A typical indication of change of consciousness is that sounds become comple(. %he perceived sounds are no longer natural sounds but they change to sounds of musical instruments and often change into melodies concerts and songs. %his inner music has nothing to do with cosmic or astral sounds but is of hypnagogic origin and a "ind of border mar" before entering astral state. E(ercises based on sounds are very common in mystic disciplines/

.abbalistic vocal e(ercise by 7einfurther D* E* F* B*. Shabd 0oga G* -antras G*

;re$uencies generating inner light perception A fre$uency range higher than the acoustic one causes inner perception of light )this does not relate to the fre$uencies of light*. !t may be the response of the brain to strong stimuli and can be in form of light flashes or bright colours or mosaics or even ob,ects and landscapes. %hese e(periences ! consider as border phenomena perceived between physical and subtle consciousness. OBE&s starting out of this state are mental-travelling and other high-planes-travellings. ;or mentaltravelling the inner state of consciousness has following $ualities )according to my own observations*/ %he state is mentally dominated. %he word 2mental2 in mysticism has nothing to do with thin"ing. !t is a "ind of clear strong inner sight without disturbances by thoughts. !n mental travelling )mental OBE:s* you find yourself sometimes in planes which shine in splendour of light. %he mental plane is not heavenly in the .hristian sense because despite all the glamour love is missing. %here are no emotions at all but instead of them there is an everything-penetrating-sight. Sometimes awareness of time is missing and you live in a "ind of eternity. ! tend to believe that all sensory perceptions in the state when vibrations are felt are hypnagogic border phenomena )sounds music light flashes etc.*. Out of the body usually all these sensations vanish.


E*periences :ith lo% %inging Motions (Etheric OBE$: .+0+ ("lfred$ 8ying flat on my bac" in a rela(ed state ! became aware that synchronously with breathing my subtle body swung to and fro leaving the body rhythmically at the top of my head by as much as ca.9 feet. ! tried to induce the same process at the end of my feet but this way ! did not succeed. %herefore ! directed my awareness again to the top of my head. ! began to breathe deeper and more slowly which increased the amplitude of swinging so that finally ! gained full body separation. 7ith my subtle body set free ! left the house to have a wal" along the street which appeared $uite different from what it used to loo" li"e. %here was a wonderful bright blue s"y and sunshine made the area loo" colourful and bright rendering my wal" a highly en,oyable e(perience. ,on-hypnagogic o!nd "nd ;ight ensations: 2-.--.+1. (,arayan$ After a brief sleep period ! slowly became aware that the swaying motions ! registered originated from beginning body separation. Hetting more and more conscious ! began to hear a high rushing as the sound of wind. Otherwise ! was wrapped in dar"ness. After a short while in this state ! felt myself sin" down and ! registered that breathing was irregulary. 7ithout any blac" out in consciousness ! slid bac" into the body. 2-..-.+0+ ("lfred$ ! rela(ed lying on the floor when ! heard a rumbling which developed to thunder every time when rela(ation became deeper. At these moments ! was alarmed to wa"ing state thus shifting periodically between being deeply rela(ed and being awa"e. %he sounds oscillated in this way for about F minutes. Subse$uently ! succeeded in stopping this oscillation and was left with a continuous rumbling which was superimposed by a higher-fre$uent bu##ing. Infortunately this state seemed to be not deep enough for trance because after some time rumbling vanished ! became fully awa"e and the intended body separation was not accomplished. --/-.+0+ ( !mirana$ !n the evening lying on my bac" ! actively rela(ed. Suddenly ! heard e(plosion-li"e sounds and was very alarmed. Jeflecting upon this situation ! remembered what different sounds could be accompanying floating out of the body and ! rela(ed again. %he e(plosion-li"e sounds started again in chaotic se$uence. After some time the sound developed to a drumming li"e that of rain. Now ! felt ready for OBE-ing and for that purpose ! tried to sit upright with my subtle body. ! was successful. ! stood up and wal"ed across the room. Inable to see anything ! became aware that the eyes of my subtle body were closed and therefore ! tried to open them. But tiredness made my eyelids heavy )commentary/ the state of physical body was transmitted to subtle body by repercussion* and soon ! felt so tired that ! accepted to be pulled bac" into my physical body. Bac" in body ! heard the drumming again and felt an intense circulation of energy producing an euphoric state of mind. Shortly afterwards ! fell asleep. <-=-.+1' ( hanita$ One morning feeling comfortable in my warm bed ! decided to sleep longer and turned

aside. Shortly afterwards however ! heard a roaring which seemed to be outside of me. Ne(t ! felt myself loosening and then separating from the physical body. ! recogni#ed to have no control of my subtle body because my double turned head down in a looping and slid head foremost into the floor. %his e(perience frightened me and instantly ! was pulled bac". 9ypnagogic ensations Before OBE: 2-.<-.+<0 ("lfred$ ! lay on the floor and rela(ed. After some time ! heard a sound as of a water fall. Somewhat later the sound ceased and ! began to see colourful landscapes passing movieli"e in front of me. Some time afterwards it became dar" and ! felt elevated upwards by a "ind of wind by which ! was swayed to and fro. Subse$uently ! had the feeling of being carried away by the wind in my original lying position. All of a sudden ! felt to be set down and ! was able to see. ! slid along the street of an un"nown village where ! started a sightseeing tour. %hough in my everyday life ! might have felt lonesome there because ! saw only few people and no traffic ! rather felt euphoric. 2-/-.+<0 ("lfred$ 8ying on the floor ! tried to fall in trance by rela(ing using a step by step method initially inducing heaviness of body and limbs thereafter listening to my blood pulsating in the bloodvessels then by feeling warmth and following all these steps by distracting my awareness from the body towards inner space. ! began to hear a rushing. %hereafter the rushing vanished and ! saw very colourful mosaics attracting my attention. After a while the mosaics disappeared and it became dar" and silent and very peaceful. %hen ! heard the laughing and screaming of many children initially the sounds were faint as if far awayA then they seemed to be approaching. 7hen they seemed to be very close ! had the impression of dissociating from my physical body. !n lying position ! drifted through a short tunnel which ! could not see but of which ! had a space feeling. 7hen the tunnel was passed all of a sudden ! stood on a meadow. %here was full daylight and ! saw a swimming pool ,ust in front of me. -eadow and swimming pool were crowded. ! went to the swimming pool to have a better loo" and there ! saw a lot of people splashing and diving through the clear water. After ! had loo"ed for a while ! thought it would be interesting to test the possibility of influencing matter and rules of this other world so vividly felt. ! too" a long stic" ! found nearby obviously left by an attendant. %o find out if ! could change the consistency of this water by my will ! set one end of the stic" on the surface of water and bent forward leaning upon the stic" with all my weight. %he tip of the stic" did not dip into the water which seemed solid li"e ice though nearby people were swimming. .ontent of my e(periment and interested to see more of the surroundings ! left and turned to a street. 7al"ing there after some time ! had passed the town. ;ar in the distance ! saw a forest and beyond there were high mountains with snow. A wonderful bright orange sunball was shining from the s"y so wonderful that it gave me a feeling of ecstasy. ! was somehow hypnoti#ed by this unearthy beauty of the sun and steadily wal"ed forward attracted li"e a moth by the flame. After a long wal" ! was pulled bac" into my physical body and ! felt a sadness for having lost this overwhelming shine of eternal home.

;iterat!re: +* Bentov !. -icromotion of the body as a factor in the developement of the nervous system. in/ 3undalini Evolution and Enlightment page D+B - DD=. Editor/ 7hite K.A New 0or"/ Anchor Boo"s +=G= 9* 8eadbeater ..7./ .ha"ras D* 7einfurter 3./ <er brennende Busch E* 1eller 1./ !-E-O-I-A Esotera ),ournal* Oct. +=G> F* Leisel K./ Von der -agie #ur -ysti" Esotera +=MD p.9FG ff. B* Leisel K./ Entschleierte -ysti"A ;reiburg <e./ 1. Bauer Verl. +=ME. p +>>-+9D G* 7oodroffe K. )Avalon A.*/ %he Harland of 8etters )Varnamala*A -adras/ Hanesh and .o. -- "lfred Ballabene

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