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21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 1

Kinetically fully stirred Lagoon-Biogas

Digesters for all climates

Heinz-Peter Mang

Guest Professor of USTB
Vice Chairman of the German Society for Sustainable
Biogas and Bioenergy Utilization
Co-Founder of the German Biogas Association

October 2013
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 2
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 3
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21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 4
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Slmllar Lo a pneumauc mlxlng sysLem, blogas ls ln[ecLed
lnLo Lhe lower parL of Lhe dlgesLer.
1he venLurl sysLem lncreases Lhe mlxlng capaclLy
because blogas ls pressed Lhrough several venLurl [eLs
drllled ln palrs ln an evenly dlsLrlbuLed plpe grld on Lhe
oor of Lhe dlgesLer, lnsLalled under Lhe oor heaung
SedlmenLs are avolded and heaung plpes are cleaned by
Lhe lnLerval expanded pressure.
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 5
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21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 6
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 7
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1he hydrosLauc pressure ls neuLrallzed whlle boLh
parL sLreams are merged.
venLurl ln[ecLor deslgns are commonly used for
dlssolvlng gases ln llqulds.
1he resulung mlxLure ows Lhrough a lncllned hole
as dlusor where lLs surplus klneuc energy ls
Lransformed lnLo pressure energy, and ows
upwards ln an ouLward Lurnlng splral.
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 8
;$#<=*6*0 >35+?*6 :$(,*@A
As observed by vlkLor
Schauberger, AusLrlan
loresLer and naLural
phllosopher (1883-1938),
Lhe BC8+0$/6 3'"+* +5(:*
9$:*9*%,B by an open
sysLem ('Lube') ls Lhe
comblnauon of a rlgld
roLaung (waLer) core
wlLh surroundlng screw
vorLex, whlch roLaLes
also ln lLself.
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 9
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 10
D/#7*( 9*,7"%* +$%,*%,
E% +$%,("3, ,$ +$%:*%2$%"0 '%*59"2+ "#/,"2$%F where
gas bubbles slmply rlse Lhrough Lhe sludge and Lhus
provoke mlxlng, Lhe presenLed meLhod ls more lnLense.
G7* 9")$( "6:"%,"#*H
lL lncreases Lhe blogas quallLy durlng Lhe
mlxlng as a parL of Lhe CC
-lnpuL ls dlssolved
ln Lhe llquld phase by reclrculauon.

21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 11
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 12
;+7("5I3,*J*( "%6 K*33*(3+79/J<-L0?$M<-0$79
1echnology developed ln Lhe research blogas faclllLy
SchraufsLeuer/ M88 (wlLh 300 llvesLock unlLs) ln 8avarla.
ond-Lype blogas planL covered wlLh a membrane was
operaLed by Lhe famlly SchraufsLeuer ln lsmanlng near
Munlch from 1977-1992.
lnluaLed by Messerschmlu-8lkow-8lohm (nowadays
Luropean Aeronauuc uefence and Space Company) and
supporLed by Lhe Cerman lederal MlnlsLry of Sclence and
uurlng Lhe 80ues Lhls planL has been used Lo Lraln hu-
candldaLes on blogas aL Lhe lnsuLuLe of WelhensLephan.
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 13
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 14
N$7"%% O*/+70
!ohann 8elchl, Cerman Lnglneer, exchanged
ldeas wlLh Wlnfrled SchraufsLeuer, a
graduaLed Cerman farmer and blogas ploneer,
durlng varlous vlslLs ln 1980 Lo 1986.
8elchl conunued Lo upgrade Lhls Lechnology
durlng 1982 Lo 1986 ln Llma, eru and CuaLro
onLes - 8ondon, arana, 8razll.
Slnce Lhen he has bullL 30 planLs based on Lhls
Lechnlque ln eru, araguay, 8ollvla and
8razll, and conducLed as member of Lhe
!"#$%& ()*+",- .)# (/0,%+&%12" 3+)4%0 %&5
3+)"&"#4- 672+0%7)& varles deslgn sLudles for
Mexlco and Chlle.
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 15
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21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 16
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Aer havlng evaluaLed Lhls Lechnology ln 8razll ln 2011,
slnce 2013 Lhe 8"&,#" .)# (/0,%+&%12" 9&:+#)&$"&,%2
(%&+,%7)& ). ,;" 6&+:"#0+,- ). (*+"&*" %&5 <"*;&)2)4-
3"+=+&4 sLarLed ln cooperauon wlLh several prlvaLe
companles Lhe Lransfer of Lhe CS18-lagoon or -bag dlgesLer
concepL Lo Mongolla, Chlna, and 8angladesh, adapung lL
wlLh heaLed and lnsulaLed / Canadlan blogas lagoon deslgn
also Lo cold cllmaLe.
A research program LogeLher wlLh Lhe 8"&,#" .)#
>&,"4#%,"5 ?%,"# @"0)/#*" A%&%4"$"&, ). ,;" A)&4)2+%&
6&+:"#0+,- ). (*+"&*" %&5 <"*;&)2)4- ls under preparauon
for 2014 / 2013
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 17
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21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 18
V/#*3,*( 6*3/#%
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 19
V/#*3,*( 6*3/#%
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 20
E%350",*6 +$:*( 9*9W("%*
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 21
K",*(/"03 I$( W/$#"3 9*9W("%*3
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 22
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21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 23
8rand 8.A. lnbeLrlebnahme der 8logas-uemonsLrauonsanlage
lsmanlng und uberlelLen ln den welLgehend selbsuaugen, pP-
sLauschen 8eLrlebsablauf bel mesophller MeLhan-Carung,
Messerschmlu-8lkow-8lohm CmbP. (M88), Cuobrunn
(Cermany). unLernehmensberelch 8aumfahrL, 8undesmlnlsLerlum
fuer lorschung und 1echnologle (8Ml1), 1983
8udolf lehlmann, LllsabeLh Lehmann, Andre Waser, ur. !akob
Puber. kompendlum der Wlrbelphyslk. verslon 1, 1ell 1 and 2,
Swlss Assoclauon for lree Lnergy, May 1999
Mourad Clrgls Louey. numerlsche Slmulauon von Cas-Cas- und
Cas-lesLsLomn[ekLoren, ulsserLauon, lakulLaL fur Maschlnenbau
der unlverslLaL karlsruhe, AugusL 2002
1onl 8aumann. uu sollsL. ule 13 8logas CeboLe, dlz agramagazln.
May 2003
8alner klssel, MaLhlas Lenberger, Cornellus Perb. Lmpfehlungen
fur dle Auswahl von 8uhrwerken fur CarbehalLer, 8logas lorum
8ayern, lebruary 2010
21/10/2013 Centre of Sustainable Environmental Sanitation 24
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Centre for Sustainable Environmental Sanitation
Address: No.30, Xueyuan Rd., Haidian District,
Beijing, China
Tel & Fax 010-62334378
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