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How much of a bath salts shall be in one bath or tub? There should be enough water in the bath so the salt concentration in water is higher than in the bloodstream. That means a 500 g per one bath (0.5% salt content in the water). The salt always travels from area of a greater concentravtion to areas with a lower concentration; the salt content in the human body is similar to that of sea water (0.4% salt in the bloodstream). For arefreshing bath just an appropriate amount, according to ones own consideration, is sufficient. Karlovy Varys bath salt can be used at any time and without restrictions, except for people whom the doctor does not recommend a hot bath or who are kitchen salt allergic. Bath salts are available in packages of 140 g, 600 g and a gift pack of 6 x 140 g. For wellness studios, facilities and SPA we supply bath salts in 8 kg buckets. Foot baths are in packages of 140 g and 350 g

Nature (Natural): This original bath salt helps to immediately relieve sore joints and muscles from fatigue. Warm bath with Karlovy

Varys bath salts help to calm the nervous system while improving skins blood circulation and thus it regenerates the bodys surface, soften the skin and boost an overall younger appearance. helps to your overall relaxation.

Pure Eucalyptus: The bath salt with the scent of eucalyptus immediately release your respiratory system, calms your breathing and Patchouli and Rosenwood: The bath salt with the scent of patchouli and rosewood helps from insomnia and relieves stress. Let the intense smell of rosewood and patchouli accompanied by a nice orange colour appeal on you. The hot steam rising from this bath, in combination with these scents, will relieve both, your body and soul. Pine: The green bath salt helps to immediately relieve pains from joints and muscles and prevent as well as reduce influence of fatigue and cold. According to the recent research dealing with winter depressions it has been found that among strong light an intense forest and wood aroma also helps to relieve a depression. Let the intense smell of pine wood and nice spring-green colour appeal on you.The hot bath also helps with runny sinuses. The hot steam rising from this bath, in combination with the summer scent of pine, immediately release the upper respiratory tract and your sinuses. Lemon, Olive Oil: The bath salt with the scent of lemons and olive oil will relieve fatigue and your whole body will be immediately released. Let the intense fresh scent of lemon and olive oil create a sunny Mediterranean atmosphere for you. The hot steam rising from this bath and combination of these scents, will immediately release your body and evoke a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Wild Berries: This bath salt blended with the aroma of fresh berries will significantly contribute to the Goethe Tourmaline: This bath salt is reminiscent of the great German poet and politician Johann
relaxation of your body by creation of a comfortable sunlit forest glade. It also gives your skin a feeling of youth and freshness.

Wolfgang von Goethe. Since the 18th century a legend passed around that an eminent German poet revel in the Karlovy Varys thermal spring baths with salt mixed with strawberries. This unsubstantiated tale inspired us to produce a bath salt with a very special fragrance, which takes you to the poetic world, opens your mind and enhance your perception of the surrounding beauty.


Relax: The Karlovy Varys foot bath is a traditional product, which is more than 100 years helping to
regenerate stressed feet, regenerates the skin, reduces itching, improves feets blood circulation and gives them anatural feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Professional: The Karlovy Varys Professional foot bath is a new product that combines the virtues

of traditional Karlovy Varys foot baths with excellent characteristics of Rochs salt. This product is particularly suitable for those whose feet are more burdened and under higher pressure, such are for instance athletes, firemen, policemen, soldiers and people engaged in extreme sports.

Original Karlsbader Sprudelsalz s.r.o. Nerudova 99, 360 17 Karlovy Vary, Czech republic phone / fax: +420 353 541 102 e-mail:

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