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Robotics Course Outline

Day 1 - Monday, June 29th

1) Welcome to Robotics! 2) Rules of the classroom a) These should be adjusted to the specific setting, but should i) include rules such as: (1) No mishandling (dropping, thro ing ) an! materials especiall! the N"T units and laptops# (2) Notif! teacher immediatel! of problems ith e$uipment (%) No food around an! electronics (&) No building non'class related structures ith the (egos (This one can be )er! important ith the !ounger students, as the! are )er! easil! distracted b! (egos and ill li*el! immediatel! build a race car or castle unless specificall! instructed not to# %) +a)e all students introduce themsel)es &) ,ass out noteboo*s and ha)e the students rite responses to the follo ing reflection $uestions a) What is a Robotb) What are e.amples of a robotc) What can robots dod) What can/t robots do0) +a)e the students discuss their responses ith a partner and then discuss ans ers as a hole class# 1) 2s* the students to de)elop a definition of a robot 3) +a)e the students cop! do n the follo ing definition of a robot a) A robot is a device that is built to inde endently er!or" actions and interact #ith its surroundin$s%& 4) Watch the )ideo clips of actual robots a) 56adison The 7ridge (a!ing Robot8

5Robo 9lush8 PchUm!

ercg illiams':;

c) Rubi* <ube =ol)er"#$v%& '&t4()eatu*e=*e+ated,b%"-hPcx4.$/00o!/Z1(N,=2**b/3m4u"56

d) Robo <up >og =occer

e) 7i?arre @apanese 9ighting 7ots f) Red =umo 7ot

;) 2fter atching the )ideo clips ans er the follo ing $uestions a) Which of the clips sho ed actual 5robots-8 b) A.plain the difference bet een a robot and a remote controlled machineBto! 1:)>iscuss e.amples of surprising robots (post list in class) a) 2ir conditioner b) 6otion detector at a traffic light 11) +a)e students or* on a team building Tin*er To! To er 7uilding 2cti)it! 12)+a)e students self select groups of 2'% and pic* up *its 1%)+a)e students pic* up computer and find the processor a) =ho students ho to do basic programming of sound onl! and ma*e their processor tal* and sa! a sentence or sing a song 1&)A.plain that the students ill start b! building the 5Tri'7ot8 and then ill ta*e an in)entor! of the parts the! ha)e to ma*e sure their *its are complete 10)=tudents or* ith team to follo building instructions found in the small direction boo*# 11)+a)e students pac* up *its carefull! before lea)ing class#

ercg illiams':;

Day 2 - June '(th

1) >iscussionBReflection C =tudents rite the follo ing $uestions in their journals and discuss their ans ers ith their partners and then hole class discussion a) +o are robots used in our dail! li)esb) What is possible ith a Robot2) 7uild a) 9inish 7uilding Tri'7ot b) (abel <ables %) Team and 7ot Names a) Aach team should come up ith a Team name and a name for their Tri'7ot b) 6a*e a sign to hang abo)e each station ith team member/s names, Team and 7ot names &) <hallenge C Dnderstanding N"T ,rogramming (anguage a) =ho students ho indi)idual action bloc*s can be strung together in se$uence to perform an ordered set of actions# b) Dse the projector and the teacher robot to sho students ho to use the sound bloc*s to ma*e the robot pla! sounds in a se$uence c) E6,FRT2NT: 6a*e sure that students are told to onl! use the G<ommon ,alette/ tab of bloc*s# (ater on, hen e use sensors and flo control there ill be a lot of confusion if students start loo*ing into the G<omplete ,alette/ tab# 0) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;

Day ' ) July 1st

1) >iscussionBReflection a) En hat a!s to robots need to interact ith their surroundingsb) Hi)e specific e.amples of a robot and the t!pe of mo)ement or sensors it ill need# 2) >efine T!pes of mo)ement a) (ocomotion C The abilit! to mo)e from place to place (mo)e from place to place) b) (ocali?ation C To perform functions in a specific area (turn head) c) 6anipulation C To touch or mo)e b! mechanical means (mo)e other things around) d) <ooperation ' To or* together (t o motors or*ing together for mo)ement) %) Watch Iideo <lips a) Robo <up >og =occer,b%"-hPcx4.

b) Edentif! each t!pe of mo)ement ithin the conte.t of the clip &) 7uild a) En)entor! b) Dsing the )isual in)entor! chec* that all e$uipment is accounted for c) 6a*e a list of missing pieces 6o)e to da! 2 0) <hallenge C Dnderstanding N"T ,rogramming (anguage a) =ho students ho indi)idual action bloc*s can be strung together in se$uence to perform an ordered set of actions# b) Dse the projector and the teacher robot to sho students ho to use the sound bloc*s to ma*e the robot pla! sounds in a se$uence c) E6,FRT2NT: 6a*e sure that students are told to onl! use the G<ommon ,alette/ tab of bloc*s# (ater on, hen e use sensors and flo control there ill be a lot of confusion if students start loo*ing into the G<omplete ,alette/ tab# 1) +a)e groups open laptops, and start the N"T program# Aach group should no ma*e their robot either pla! a song, or sa! a sentence using the sound bloc*s# 3) When all students are finished, ha)e each group present their robot song or sentence# 4) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day * ) July 2nd

1) 9inish En)entor! 2) ,rogram 7ot to sa! a sentence or sing a song %) Robots can onl! do hat the! are programmed to do &) >iscussionBReflection a) Wh! is it important to be specific hen gi)ing directionsb) Write do n the step b! step directions of ho to fold a paper airplane# 0) 2pplicationBNotes a) 7! the end of the course, e ill ma*e our o n search and rescue robot# =o hat does it need in order to do thati) 6o)ing: The robot must be able to control some set of actuators to mo)e ho and hen e ant it to# We must be able to reliabl! place the robot an! here e ant# ii) =ensing: The robot must be able to percei)e its en)ironment through sensors obstacles to a)oid, and objects of interest that e ant it to interact ith# iii) ,lanB2ct: The robot must be able to ma*e decisions using its processor based on it/s sensors and feed them to it/s actuators to be able to mo)e# b) What is a sensori) Ta*es readings from ph!sical en)ironment and turns it into an electrical messageBsignal ii) =ensors e ill or* ith: (1) Touch' hit something and it reacts (2) (ight' can sort b! color or detect light from dar* (%) =onarBultrasonic' tells ho far a a! things are (&) =ound' tells ho loud something is c) What is a processori) Et is the logic circuitr! that responds to and processes the basic instructions that dri)e a computer# ii) 2 computer needs to be able to: (1) Recei)e inputs from the sensors, and con)ert the sensor readings into perceptions (2) 6a*e decisions based on it/s perceptions (%) Dse these decisions to change its en)ironment (or mo)e itself in the en)ironment) using its actuators# (&) Aach of the abo)e three things is programmed b! the user using a programming language#
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d) What is an actuatori) Ta*es electrical message and turns it into a ph!sical action# ii) 9or e.ample: (1) Alectric motors recei)e electricit! hich ma*es their a.les turn# These can be connected to heels, hich can ma*e the robot mo)e (2) ,umps recei)e electricit! hich ma*es them compress li$uid through tubes hich can ma*e a robotic arm mo)e around# This arm can push, pull, and lift things in the orld#

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1) ,rogramming <hallenge a) >iscussion on 6otors and the 6o)ement 7loc* b) =ho the students each of the options in the G6o)e/ bloc*, and demonstrate each of the options# i) 7e sure the! understand hich ports are the motor ports on the N"T unit, and ho to select these in the 6o)e bloc* ' this is a common misunderstanding ith the students# ii) >emonstrate the steering and po er options using the teacher robot iii) A.plain the difference bet een Dnlimited, >egrees, Rotations, and =econds# (1) 6a*e sure the students understand that the G>egrees,/ and GRotations/ options refer to the rotations of the heels, not the robot itself# (2) A.plain that Rotations or >egrees is better to use than seconds# 2s* =tudents h!- A.plain that as the batter! starts going dead, the heels ill start going slo er# =o, if !ou tell the robot to go for ard for t o seconds, it ill go less distance on a batter! ith lo er charge# +o e)er, if !ou tell the robot to turn the heels a certain number of times, it ill ma*e sure that it does so, no matter ho long it ta*es# 3) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;

Day + ) July ,th

1) >iscussionBReflection a) Teams ma*e up directions to send teams through a ma?e b) Teams rite out dance mo)es for 7ot before programming 2) Iideo <lips a) =on! Jrio >ancing 7ots1 b) =on! Jrio >ancing 7ots2,"x9:96(N,=2;bPho<5!iZ%=+>U()eatu*e=pyv(ad=" 0? ' "05(@w=*obot

c) =on! Jrio >ancing 7ots ' 9an >ance d) Wall'A @ai +o >ancing

%) 7uildB<hallenge a) >ance <ompetition: Tell each group that the! are going to plan out a Gdance/ for the robot# This is just to reinforce their understanding of the 6o)e bloc*, as ell as the se$uential nature of N"T programming# +a)e them rite out a reasonable Gdance/ (i#e# motion path) on a piece of paper, and then ha)e them implement the se$uence on their robots# Ancourage them to mi. in =ound bloc*s to ma*e the robots sing and dance at the same time# +a)e students e.plain their planned dances to the class, and then sho the results on their robot# &) >iscussion a) <lose class ith a discussion about ho so far the! ha)e built robots that can plan and can act, but cannot !et sense the en)ironment# 0) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;

Day , - July -th

1) Reflection B >iscussion a) Re)ie discussion about hat has been done so far, ma*ing sure that all students understand the G6o)e/ bloc*, and ho multiple mo)ements can be chained together# b) (ead discussion on sensors, and as* students to remember hat *inds of sensors robots can ha)e# A.plain that toda! the! are going to begin ith the simplest of all sensors ' the Gtouch sensor/, as ell as a ne language concept 'the Gloop/# A.plain the G(oop/ bloc*, and sho the students ho actions inside of a <ontrolK9ore)er loop can be repeated# c) A.plain ho a loop is similar to sa!ing Guntil#/ 2) Iideos a) Watch =earch and Rescue %) Hroup 2cti)it! a) (ead e.ercise here students must rite Gprograms/ for other students to follo using the ord Guntil/ to get them out of a ma?e (!ou can use a combination of tape on the floor, des* chairs, and an!thing else in the en)ironment)# i) 9or A.ample: (1) Ho for ard DNTE( !ou hit a all (2) Turn Right ;: >egrees Ho for ard DNTE( !ou hit a all (%) Turn (eft ;: >egrees Ho for ard DNTE( !ou are on top of the treasure (&) ,ic* Dp The Treasure (0) Turn Right ;: >egrees (1) Ho for ard DNTE( !ou hit a all b) The instructions must be gi)en to other groups ho ha)e to act out the instructions# &) Enstruction a) =ho ho the (oop bloc* can be used ith a sensor input, ma*ing sure to e.plain the <ontrol, =ensor, ,ort, and 2ction options# 0) 7uildB<hallenge a) 2ttach the touch sensor (pgs &;'0% in large boo*) b) Write out program on paper c) +a)e students implement G7ump and Run/ program using the G(oop/ bloc*, here robots must mo)e for ard, bump into a all, and return to the start# +a)e the students race their robots# 1) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;

Day . - July 9th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) Within the police department hat *ind of robots or remote controlled machines do !ou thin* the! ould need- +o ould the! be usedb) ,olice >emonstration 2) 2cti)it! a) 7uild ma?e path %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 7uild a ma?e hich the students must get through b! programming in a se$uence of loops and mo)e commands# +a)e them first rite their programs on paper using the ord Guntil/ appropriatel!# b) Time bots going through the ma?e, and encourage them to t ea* their programs to get the best time# &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 9 - July 1(th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) =onar or Dltra =onic =ensor i) Dltra =onic sensor sends out a high fre$uenc! chirp from one circle and the sound a)e bounces off an object and returns to the microphone in the other circle# ii) A.plain that the sonar sensor or*s b! ha)ing a spea*er and a microphone )er! close to each other (sho them the t o circles on the sonar sensor)# The spea*er pla!s a $uic* chirp at a )er! high fre$uenc! (just higher than e can hear), producing a sound a)e hich tra)els a a! from the robot, hitting the nearest object in the a!, and bouncing bac* to the robot# The microphone part of the sensor recogni?es this fre$uenc! and reports on the amount of time bet een hen the chirp as sent out, and hen it returned# 7ecause the speed of sound is fairl! constant ( L1,120 ftBs depending on humidit!, atmospheric pressure, etc### ) e can tell the distance to the object just from the amount of time it too* that chirp to lea)e the robot, hit the object, and come bac*# b) 2s* the students 5En hat situations might a sonar sensor fail-8 i) Dse a bounc! ball (or handful of bounc! balls) to ii) demonstrate hen: (a) The object is too far a a!: Thro a bounc! ball at a all that is )er! far a a! and sho that the ball does not return (b) The object surface is at too great an angle to the robot: =tand along a all, and thro the bounc! ball at it, sho ing that the ball hits the all and bounces a a! from !ou# (c) The object is too absorbent: thro a bounc! ball at a pillo and sho that the ball does not return Achos: =tand in a corner and thro the ball such that it bounces off t o alls and then returns# (d) A.plain that sound a)es can sometimes bounce off multiple objects before returning, ma*ing the robot thing that objects are further a a! than the! reall! are# (e) 6ultiple =onars: 7ecause all of the sonars in the classroom are the same t!pe, the! all send out the e.act same fre$uenc!# Therefore, a sonar sensor cannot tell the difference bet een a sound a)e that it sent out, and a sound a)e sent out b! another robot# To demonstrate, thro a ball at a distant object, and ha)e a responsible student pitch !ou another ball before !ours returns# (i) Dsing the board, sho students that sonar a)es are fairl! ide (L2: degrees), and the unit ill report the distance to the nearest object in the path of the a)e# (ii) =ho that this a)e spreads out, and so the sensor is not good for discriminating bet een small objects#

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1# +o e)er, the sonar is usuall! )er! good at detecting distances to large objects such as alls# 2) +a)e students attach the =onar sensor to their robots# 6a*e sure that the sensor is not too close to the ground, and that there is nothing (including ires ) in the a! of the sensor# %) +a)e the students use the GTr! 6e/ feature of the N"T to learn about the sonar a# <onnect the Dltrasonic =ensor to the N"T b# =elect the Iie submenu on the N"T# =elect the Dltrasonic =ensor icon and the port here the sensor is connected# c# +a)e them go into different parts of the room to determine the ma.imum distance of their sonars# 2lso ha)e them tr! to demonstrate echoing, and large angle problems# ,ossibl! allo them to tr! to jam each others/ readings b! pointing their sonar at another robot# d# =ho students ho the Dltrasonic sensor can be used ith the e# (oop bloc* b! changing the =ensor pull'do n bo.# i# A.plain the ne Dntil settings, ma*ing sure the! understand the greater than or less than s!mbols and ho to use them# ii# +a)e them implement the bump and run program using the sonar sensor &) 2cti)it! a) +a)e students rite their programs for their 7ots to ma*e it through the ma?e using the touch sensor and Dltra =onic sensor# 6a*e sure the students using the ord Guntil/ appropriatel!# 0) 7uildB<hallenge a) 2ttach the sonar sensor to the 7ot b) ,rogram the 7ot to mo)e through the ma?e including the Touch sensor the Dltra =onic sensor and loops# c) Time bots going through the ma?e, and encourage them to t ea* their programs to get the best time and accurac!# 1) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 1( - July 1'th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) =onar or Dltra =onic =ensor i) What problems did !ou ha)e calibrating or or*ing ith the Dltra =onic =ensor2) 2cti)it! a) +a)e students rite their programs for their 7ots to ma*e it through the ma?e using the touch sensor and Dltra =onic sensor# 6a*e sure the students using the ord Guntil/ appropriatel!# %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 2ttach the sonar sensor to the 7ot b) ,rogram the 7ot to mo)e through the ma?e including the Touch sensor the Dltra =onic sensor and loops# c) Time bots going through the ma?e, and encourage them to t ea* their programs to get the best time and accurac!# d) Those that finish the ma?e build grabber arms for the bots &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 11 - July 1*th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) 2ttaching Hrabber 2rms i) Watch N"T Hrabber ii) Watch Iideo <lip Tedd! 7ear Rescue b) (ight =ensor C (ine 9ollo ing i) (ine 9ollo er 1 ii) (ine 9ollo er2,4i#>'6*xi#()eatu*e=*e+ated>84.A3"4>;vt;hc

iii) (ine 9ollo <hallenge

2) 2cti)it! a) Time 7ots through the ma?e %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 2ttach the grabber arms and light sensor to the 7ot b) ,rogram the 7ot to follo the line, grab the ball at the end of the line and turn right L;: degrees and let go of the ball &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 12 - July 1+th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) En hat a!s can a robot pro)ide companionshipb) Read article 5Time 9or Mids C Robots at Wor*8 i) What did !ou find interesting about the articleii) >iscuss 2) 2cti)it! a) Time 7ots through the ma?e %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 2ttach the grabber arms and light sensor to the 7ot b) ,rogram the 7ot to follo the line, grab the ball at the end of the line and turn right L;: degrees and let go of the ball &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 1' - July 1,th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) What ha)e !ou learned so far about robots and programming2) 2cti)it! a) 9inish timing 7ots through the ma?e %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 2ttach the grabber arms and light sensor to the 7ot b) ,rogram the 7ot to follo the line, grab the ball at the end of the line and turn right L;: degrees and let go of the ball &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 1* - July 1-th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) What cool things do !ou thin* !ou could create ith !our (AHF N"T *itb) A.planation of 9inal ,roject i) <reate robot of !our choice ii) +ome or*: Ho online this ee*end and find directions for building and programing 2) 2cti)it! a) Time Trials 5(ine 9ollo B 7all Hrab8 %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 2ttach the grabber arms and light sensor to the 7ot b) ,rogram the 7ot to follo the line, grab the ball at the end of the line and turn right L;: degrees and let go of the ball c) A.tension: Ho through ma?e, grab to!, turn around and return to start &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 1+ - July 2(th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) What t!pes of projects did !ou find or are !ou interested in building for the final projectb) What can !ou do to !our project if !ou finish earl!c) ,arent En)itation to Robotics =ho case i) Thursda!, @ul! 2%rd N ;:%: 2) 2cti)it! a) Time Trials 5(ine 9ollo B 7all Hrab8 %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 7egin building and programming final project &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 1, - July 21st

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) What ould !ou li*e a robot to do for !ou around the houseb) ,arent En)itation to Robotics =ho case i) Thursda!, @ul! 2%rd N ;:%: 2) 2cti)it! a) ,lan 9inal ,roject 7ots %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 7uild 9inal ,rojects b) ,rogram 9inal ,rojects &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 1- - July 22nd

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) =hould Robots loo* li*e humans or should the! loo* li*e machines- Wh! does it matterb) Read 2rticle c) ,arent En)itation to Robotics =ho case i) Thursda!, @ul! 2%rd N ;:%: 2) 2cti)it! a) ,lan 9inal ,roject 7ots %) 7uildB<hallenge a) 7uild 9inal ,rojects b) ,rogram 9inal ,rojects &) <lean Dp

ercg illiams':;


Day 1. - July 2'rd

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) What is !our 9inal ,roject designed to dob) +o can !ou pro)e it is a Robot and not a remote controlled machinec) What ha)e !ou learned about robots and programmingi) What has been the biggest challenge for !ouii) What has been the biggest challenge for !our group2) 2cti)it! a) ,ractice ith 9inal ,rojects %) =ho case a) =ho off each 7ot and demonstrate hat it can do and hat !ou ha)e learned &) <lean Dp 0) >iscussion B Reflection a) 9inal A)aluation 1) 2cti)it! a) 9inish =ho casing 7ots b) En)entor! all *its 3) 7uildB<hallenge a) Watch Robot Iideo <lips 4) <lean Dp

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Day 19 - July 2*th

1) >iscussion B Reflection a) 9inal A)aluation 2) 2cti)it! a) 9inish =ho casing 7ots b) En)entor! all *its %) 7uildB<hallenge a) Watch Robot Iideo <lips &) <lean Dp

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''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' 2cti)it! 6o)e around ithin s$uare When 7ot locates an object grab object 6o)e for ard until blac* line is detected Fpen arms and drop item 7ac* up =pin around Repeat until all objects are outside the s$uare 2cti)it! 9ind directions for a 7ot of !our choice 7uild 7ot to perform a specific function 6ust use three sensors and loops

ercg illiams':;


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