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Salawaat ( Sending Blessings on the Holy Prophet & his family)

allahumma salli O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and `ala muhammadin wa ali the Household of Muhammad muhammadin

Longer format

Verily, Allah and His an els send blessin s inna allaha wa malaikatahu upon the !rophet, yusalluna `alaalnnabiyyi

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O you who belie"e: #all for $i"ine blessin s on him and salute him with a be%omin salutation &uran '':()

ya ayyuha alladhena amanu sallu `alayhi wa sallmu tasleman

! *) (! +, &)*-. /0&# 1)*

Here * am at +our ser"i%e, my ,ord- $oin labbayka ya rabbi wa sa`dayka that whi%h pleases +ou, and lory be to +ou. wa subhanaka



allahumma salli O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad and `ala muhammadin wa ali the Household of Muhammad muhammadin

And send blessin s upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

wa barik `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

) 40&5 6)70&5 6)*& 7

*n the same way as +ou ha"e blessed and %onferred benedi%tions upon (!rophet) Abraham and the Household of Abraham,

kama sallayta wa barakta `ala ibrahema wa ali ibrahema

* 89)5 *89)5

+ou are "erily worthy of all praise and full innaka hamedun ma/edun of all lory.

;*: : <*13

The Meaning of Salawaat - Sheikh Mansour Leghaei

In the Name of Allah; the Most Compassionate the Most Mer!if"l

0 Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet, O you who believe! send your blessings on him, and solute
him a thorough salutation. (33: !" One o# the best ways to $now the personality o# great men is to study their literature and listen to their words. As %mam Ali states in &ah'ul()alagha : *+an is hidden behind his tongue meaning by our words we introdu,e ourselves not with our ,erti#i,ates.

-i##erent people a,,ording to their 'ob use di##erent 'argons. Politi,ians have their own 'argons, as physi,ians do, as drivers do et,. .he 'argons o# tru,$ drivers are di##erent #rom pro#essors. .here#ore, when people tal$ you ,an more or less depending on your s$ills in this #ield ,an tell whi,h ,lass o# so,iety do they belong to. .oday, being the birthday anniversary o# %mam /eda (a.s." % would li$e to present to you a very #ragrant #lower #rom the garden o# %mam /eda , i.e. a wisdom word o# him. .he Hadith is regarding the meaning o# 0alawat, something that we every day o##er many times. However, many o# us may not $now enough i# any about the signi#i,an,e o# it. 1irst o# all lets read the Hadith: 0hei$h 0adou2 one o# our distinguishing Olama3 who was living in the 4th ,entury AH has written a boo$ named 5Oyoun(A$hbarul(/eda3 meaning 5the #ountains o# the wisdom words o# %mam /eda3 . % 2uote the Hadith under the ,onsideration #rom this boo$. %mam /eda (a.s.": 6O Allah ! send your blessings onto the one that -aily Prayers is honored with having the 0alawat on him3. 0alam and 0alawat on the Prophet is an established #a,t in the 7uran. %n 0ura 33 Aya ! we re,ite: 6 Allah and His Angels send 0alat on the Prophet, O you who believe! send 0alat on him, and solute him a thorough salutation. (33: !"

As #ar as % $now sending 0alam and 0alawat to the prophet o# %slam, is one o# the distinguishing ,hara,teristi,s o# our Prophet, o# whi,h the previous prophets were deprived. +uslims a,ross the world #rom the time the above Aya has been revealed up to the -ay o# 8reat 9udgment are bound to send their 0alawat onto the Prophet o# %slam. +uslims #ive times a day when they ,all #or Adhan and :2ama and even in their daily Prayers send their 0alawat onto the Prophet o# %slam. .his is due to the -ivine Promise that 6And ;e raised high #or you your esteem <4:4" #he $ti%"ette of Presen!e ;hen you are at the presen,e o# a highly respe,ted person you use high titles, li$e : His :minen,e, -r. 0h. et,. However, when he is absent and we are tal$ing about him we may not bother about those titles. %n %slami, :r#an the abpve e=pression is used #irstly #or Allah (s.w.t" and then #or >4 %n#allible. +uslim 8nosti,s believe they are and they should be always at the presen,e o# Allah and the >4 in#allible, and hen,e, they always mention those name with high respe,t. % don3t ever remember that %mam ?homeini (r.a." ever mentioned the name o# Allah (swt" without any o# His -ivine Attributes. 0alawat on the Prophet and his pure progeny ,omes in this regards. .he @irtues o# 0alawat: >. the most valuable deeds in your 0,ale: A. An atonement #or the sins: 6;hoever, ,an not ma$e an atonement #or his sins, then he should repeatedly send 0alawat on the Prophet and his Ahlul()ait, #or it destroys the sins thoroughly. 3. A $ey to the grant o# suppli,ation: .here are many Hadiths stating that in order to have your suppli,ation granted start your suppli,ation with 0alawat and end it with 0alawat. )e,ause, 0alawat is an absolutely granted suppli,ation and Allah (swt" is more mer,i#ul than to a,,ept the beginning o# your suppli,ation and the end o# it , but does not grant the one in the middle. 4. /emembering the Prophet is e2ual to remembering Allah: 6;hoever remembers 8od will re,eive >B rewards, and whoever remembers the Prophet will re,eive >B rewards, #or Allah has 'oined His +essenger to Himsel#. A,,ording to a Hadith #ro %mam /eda (a.s." 0alawat is e2ual to .asbih, .ahlil and .a$bir. . .he best ;ord (-hi$r" in the Holy +os2ue: 0omeone ,ame to %mam 0adi2 (a.s." and said to him that he visited the Holy +os2ue in +e,,a . -uring his rituals he ,ould not remember any other suppli,ation e=,ept 0alawat. .he %mam replied you had remembered the best suppli,ation. !. 0alawat ,a treatment to amnesia. %t is pra,ti,ally proven that 0alawat will treat the #orget#ulness. C. -aily Prayers is invalid without 0alawat. All o# the +ara'e3 agree that 0alawat in .ashahod is ,ompulsory and on the ,ondition it is not mentioned intentionally then the Prayers is invalid. Also, 0ha#e3 and Hanbali hold the same opinion #or the se,ond .ashahod. Sala&at in the "ni'erse(

.he entire universe is as$ing the blessings #or the Prophet. 5Allah and His Angels are sending the blessings to the Prophet3. .his is why the Prophet is 5the blessings #or the universe3. 1ollowing this natural pro,ess the believers are re,ommended to send the blessings onto the Prophet. As a matter o# #a,t, all o# the %slami, rules are harmonious with the natural laws. .hat3s why %slam is ,alled the religion o# nature (1etrat". .he universe is ,onstantly as$ing the blessings #or the 5blessing o# the world3 and there#ore the believers are also re,ommended to #ollow this natural law. #he Meaning of Sala&at( P>: 0alawat is the plural #orm o# 0alat whi,h simply means 5to ,all3 (-o3a". .he reality o# ,alling is that the person who ,alls tries to attra,t the attention o# the one who is ,alled to. .his type o# attra,ting the attention i# it ,omes #rom a higher is ,alled /ahmat (blessing" and i# it ,omes #rom a lower is ,alled -o3a (pray". PA: %t is an established #a,t in %slami, :r#an that the e=isten,e o# the Prophet +ohammad (saww" is the #irst e=istent ,ame #rom Allah. %n other words, his e=isten,e is on the pea$ o# the ,one o# the ,reation. .hat means the blessing o# e=isten,e whi,h ,ontains all other blessings ,omes to the prophet #irst and then goes to others. .he prayer o# people to Allah does not rea,h Him unless through His +essenger, as the blessings o# Allah does not rea,h His ,reatures unless through His +essenger. .here#ore, the 0alawat o# Allah to the Prophet sin,e it ,omes #rom Allah the Omnipotent, He is sending the ,onstant blessings to His +essenger and hen,e, the Prophet be,omes 5 /ahmatun(lelalamin3 (blessing #or the universe". As, the 0alawat o# people to the Prophet is to pray to 8od to send His blessings to them through the Prophet who is /ahmatun(Delalamin. 0alawat o# the Angels: As the %mam (a.s." stated in the above Hadith , the 0alawat o# the angels is 5.aE$eiah3 . .aE$eiah means to e=onerate and imma,ulate. ;hat does it meanF :a,h one o# the angels is the resemblan,e o# one o# the beauti#ul attributes o# 8od. &o angel ,an ever resemble all -ivine beauti#ul attributes. ;hereas, the Prophet, being the most per#e,t man, held all o# the -ivine beauti#ul attributes. .his is why his statue is higher than the angels. .o this end, the angels are ,onstantly e=onerating and imma,ulating the Prophet in the sense that he is #ree #rom their e##i,ien,y. .his is the meaning o# prostration o# the angels be#ore Adam. .hat means the angels are the servants o# the Prophet and his Ahlul()ait. Ho& to perform the Sala&at( ;hat appears in the 7uran about the way 0alawat must be ,ondu,ted is to send it on to the Prophet. .here is nothing regarding 5Aal3 (his pure #amily". .o this end, the 0hiite will be 2uestioned as why and on whi,h basis do they add 5Aal3 to the 0alawat F .he answer o# this 2uestion lies down under the ,ir,umstan,es in whi,h the Aya was revealed. +ost o# the interpreters o# the 7uran have 2uoted that on,e the Aya under the ,onsideration was revealed , the ,ompanions as$ed the Prophet o# %slamG O +essenger o# 8od ! we $now how to say 0alam to you but how should we send 0alawat onto you (whi,h was something new #or them". .he Prophet (saww" replied: 0ay: 5Allahuma salle alaa +ohammad wa Aale +ohammad ?ama 0alayta Alaa %brahim :nna$a Hamidun +a'id.3 Apart #rom numerous 0unni resour,es who have 2uoted the above Hadith, %mam /eda (a.s." in a debating meeting with the distinguishing 0unni s,holars has mentioned the Hadith and all agreed upon its a,,ura,y. +ore over, there are some other Hadiths in whi,h the Prophet has warned people to send an in,omplete 0alwat onto him. ;hen he was as$ed what did he mean by in,omplete 0alawat , he replied: that is to send a 0alawat to me and not to 'oin my Aal with me. %t is interesting to 2uote that +uslim in his 0ahih has opened a ,hapter under the heading: ) Chapter of Salat on the Prophet*

He has mentioned only two Hadiths in that ,hapter about the way the 0alawat ought to be ,ondu,ted. %n the both Hadiths it is mentioned to say: +ohammad and Aal +ohammad. However, it seems +uslim himsel# or perhaps the publisher has ignored the ,ontents o# the ,hapter and when on the top o# the ,hapter the name o# the Prophet has been mentioned it is typed in #ront o# it : 0allalahu alayhe ;a 0allam, the 5Aal3 is omitted. %n short, one o# the reasons that the Prophet (saww" added his 5Aal3 to his name ,ould be the Aya o# +obahila.

1+ #he Prophet (S+A+,+) said( -#he meanest person is he &ho does not in'o.e

SA/A,AA# (1an2"l





name 4ol


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in p


presen!e0+ 678)


9+ A:" Amamah reports that the Prophet (S+A+,+) said( - In'o.e more SA/A,AA# "pon me on e'ery ;riday the SA/A,AA# from my "mmah is presented to me on e'ery ;riday+ ,hoe'er had in'o.ed more SA/A,AA# "pon me &ill :e !losest to me0+ (1an2"l 3mmal 4ol 5 p 677) <+ Anas reported that the Prophet (S+A+,+) said( -= people the most se!"red among yo" on the >ay of ?"dgment against its horrors and mena!ing sit"ations &ill :e those &ho in'o.ed SA/A,AA# most "pon me in this &orld+ In fa!t it &as s"ffi!ient from Allah and his Angles :e re&arded+ as He said( -Allah and his Angles send :lessings on the (1an2"l 3mmal 4ol 5 p @B6) prophet0 (<<(@A) :"t He also !ommanded the :elie'ers to do so so that they may 6+ I:n Asa.ri has transmitted from al-Hasan :in Ali that the Prophet (S+A+,+) said( -In'o.e more SA/A,AA# "pon me for yo"r in'o!ation is !ond"!i'e to yo"r sins :eing forgi'en+ And pray for me a high stat"s and inter!ession inter!ession (1an2"l &ill plead in 4ol yo"r fa'o"r 5 3mmal p for s"rely my Allah0+ 678) :efore

@+ #he Prophet (S+A+,+) said( -Say( -= Allah send Co"r gra!e "pon M"hammed and "pon M"hammedDs progeny the same &ay as Co" sent Co"r gra!e to I:rahim and :less M"hammed and M"hammedDs progeny the same &ay as Co" :lessed I:rahim among the nations+ Co" are indeed &orthy of all praise+ ;"ll of all glory E And greet (me) (1an2"l as 3mmal yo" 4ol ha'e 5 :een p ta"ght+ 68A)

A+ A:" Saeed says he said to the Prophet (S+A+,+) ( -= Messenger of Allah this greeting is (to say) pea!e :e "pon yo" :"t ho& do &e in'o.e SA/A,AA# "pon yo"F - He said( -Say = Allah and M"hammedDs :y send yo"r gra!e to M"hammed as yo" :lessed (al I:rahim G #aH and yo"r sla'e and yo"r I:rahimDs @ p progeny+ 566) messenger the same &ay as yo" sent yo"r gra!e to I:rahim and :less M"hammed progeny al (#ransmitted B".hari) 4ol

I+ Jeported :y A:d"l Jehman :in A:" /ayle &ho said that 1aD: :in 3Haira on!e met

me to

and greet

said( yo" :"t

-May ho&

I do

:esto& &e in'o.e

gift SA/A,AA#

"pon "pon

yo"F0 yo"F0

#he Prophet (S+A+,+) !ame to "s and &e said( -= Messenger of AllahE ,e .no& ho& He said( - Say = AllahE Send yo"r gra!e to M"hammed and M"hammedDs progeny H"st as yo" sent Co"r gra!e to the progeny of I:rahim+ S"rely Co" are &orthy of all praise f"ll of glory0+ (al #aH 4ol @ p 566) 7+ Ali :in I:rahim reported from his fathers &ho reported from I:n A:" 3mayr &ho reported from A:d"lla :in Sinan &ho reported from Imam adi% (A+S+) that the Prophet (S+A+,+) said( - In' SA/A/,AA# "pon me and my Ahl"l Bayt !arries a&ay hypo!risy0+ (Al G 1afi 4ol 6 p 9@B) 8+ A n"m:er of o"r !olleag"es ha'e reported from Sahl :in Kiyad &ho reported from ?affer :in M"hammed al AshDari &ho reported from I:n at G Laddah &ho reported from A:" A:dillah (al Sadi%) A+S+ that the Prophet (S+A+,+) said( ->o not treat me li.e a riderDs :o&l of &ater; the rider fills it and then drin.Ds from it &hen he pleases+ 1eep me at the opening of yo" s"ppli!ation and at the end of it and (also) at the middle0+ (Al G 1afi 4ol 6 p 967) 5B+ I:n A:" 3mair reports from A:d"lla :in Sinan &ho reports from A:" A:dillah (al Sadi%) A+S+ that the Prophet (S+A+,+) said( -Jaise yo"r 'oi!es &hen yo" in'o.e SA/A,AA# "pon me for it s"rely !arries a&ay hypo!risy0+ (Al G 1afi 4ol 6 p 9@5) 55+ #hey #he Prophet said( said( ->o not in'o.e is in!omplete SA/A,AA# "pon me0+ -,hat in!omplete SA/A,AA#F

He said( -,hen yo" say( = AllahE Send Co"r gra!e to M"hammed and then stop at that+ Jather say( = AllahE Send Co"r gra!e to M"hammed and M"hammedDs progeny0+ (AlGSa&ai% alGM"hri%ah !hap II p 5A6)

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