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Bill gates William Henry Gates III (Seattle, Washington, 28 de octubre de 1955), ms conocido como Bill 3 Gates, es un empresario

y filntropo estadounidense, cofundador de la empresa 4 desoftware Microsoft. Su fortuna est estimada en 78.5 mil millones de dlares, la cual en 2013 ascendi a 15.8 mil millones de dlares, convirtindolo as en el hombre ms rico delmundo y 5 6 recuperando el ttulo que anteriormente estaba en manos del mexicano Carlos Slim. Est casado con Melinda Gates, y ambos ostentan el liderazgo de la Fundacin Bill y Melinda Gates, dedicada a reequilibrar oportunidades en salud y educacin a nivel local, especialmente en 7 las regiones menos favorecidas, razn por la cual han sido galardonados con el Premio Prncipe 3 8 9 de Asturias de Cooperacin Internacional 2006. William Henry Gates III naci el 28 de octubre de 1955. Es hijo de William Henry Gates II, un destacado abogado, y de Mary Gates, una profesora de la Universidad de Washington y directora del First Interstate Bank. Con ellos y su hermana, dos aos mayor, vivi en la ciudad de Seattle, en el estado de Washington. Hasta sexto grado fue alumno regular de un colegio pblico. Curs estudios en la escuela privada de lite de Lakeside, en Seattle. Esta escuela tena ya una computadora en el ao 1968, as que Gates tuvo la posibilidad de contactar pronto con la mquina y aficionarse a la informtica. Tambin en Lakeside conoci a Paul Allen, con quien ms tarde fundara Microsoft. Cre la empresa de software Microsoft el 4 de abril de 1975, siendo an alumno en la Universidad de Harvard. En 1976 abandon la universidad y se traslad a Albuquerque, sede deMITS, para pactar con esa empresa la cesin de un lenguaje para computadoras, el Basic, el 50%. Al ao siguiente, se enter del xito de la empresa Apple y de que necesitaban un intrprete de Basic. En 1980, se reuni con representantes de IBM en Seattle. Consigui venderles el sistema operativo MS-DOS, aunque l an no lo tena y luego lo compr a muy bajo precio a un joven programador. IBM necesitaba ese sistema operativo para competir con Apple, razn por la cual la negociacin era flexible. Microsoft quiso los derechos de licencia, mantenimiento, e incluso la facultad de vender el DOS a otras compaas. IBM acept, considerando que lo que producira dividendos sera el hardware y no el software. Unos das despus, Microsoft compr los derechos de autor del QDOS a Tim Paterson, que trabajaba para la Seattle Computer Products, por 50.000 dlares, que vendi a IBM como MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS). Lo que llama poderosamente la atencin fue que IBM no comprara el MS-DOS sino que decidiera pagar a Microsoft un canon por cada copia que se vendiera junto con un IBM-PC. Lo que pocas veces se ha dicho es que por esos tiempos la madre de Gates, Mary Maxwell, era directiva de la empresa United Way conjuntamente [cita requerida] con el CEO de IBM, John Opel. Consciente de la importancia del entorno grfico que haba mostrado Apple (originalmente la interfaz grfica y el "ratn" fueron desarrollados por Xerox PARC) en su ordenador Lisa, se propuso conseguir tambin el entorno grfico y el "ratn" para operarlo. Mientras, Steve Jobs, fundador de Apple, iniciaba el desarrollo del Macintosh, Bill Gates visit Apple. Ofreca mejorar sus hojas de clculo y otros programas. Amenazaba con vender su material informtico a IBM, con lo que obtuvo una alianza Apple-Microsoft. Microsoft obtuvo legalmente la tecnologa del entorno grfico y del ratn, y sac al mercado Microsoft Windows, como directo competidor de Macintosh.
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Al comenzar el tercer milenio, el sistema operativo Microsoft Windows (en todas sus versiones) se 4 utiliza en la mayor parte de ordenadores personales del planeta. Desde 2007 Bill Gates ocupaba el segundo lugar en la lista anual de las mayores fortunas personales realizada por la revista Forbes, detrs del empresario mexicano Carlos Slim, pero debido a fluctuaciones en el patrimonio de estos dos magnates, sus fortunas quedaron en 72.7 y 72.1 mil millones de dlares respectivamente, segn el Bloomberg Billionaires Indexde mayo de 2013. En 1994, adquiri un manuscrito de Leonardo da Vinci por 30 millones de dlares. El 16 de junio de 2006 hace pblica su intencin de abandonar sus labores diarias al frente 10 11 de Microsoft hacia 2008 para dedicarse por entero a la fundacin. La transicin de responsabilidades ser progresiva para evitar afecciones negativas en el desarrollo diario de la empresa, continuando como Presidente Honorario de la misma. El da 27 de junio de 2008 abandona sus labores al frente de Microsoft cediendo el control de la empresa a Steve Ballmer; inicialmente Bill Gates tendr dedicado su tiempo al 70% con la Fundacin Bill y Melinda Gates y el otro 30% a la empresa. Ingles:

William Henry Gates III ( Seattle , Washington, October 28, 1955 ), better known as Bill Gates is an American businessman and filntropo , co-founder fromSoftware Microsoft. His fortune is estimated at 78.5 billion dollars, which in 2013 amounted to 15.8 billion dollars, thus making him the richest man delmundo and regaining the title that was previously held by Mexican Carlos Slim. He is married to Melinda Gates, and both can hold the leadership of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, dedicated to rebalancing opportunities in health and education at the local level , especially in disadvantaged regions why have won the Prize Prince of Asturias International Cooperation William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955 . He is the son of William Henry Gates II , a prominent lawyer , and Mary Gates , a professor at the University of Washington and director of First Interstate Bank. With them and his sister, two years older , lived in the city of Seattle in Washington state . Until sixth grade was a regular student of a public school . He studied at the elite private school in Lakeside, in Seattle. The school already had a computer in 1968 , so Gates was able to quickly contact with the machine and dabble in computer science. Lakeside also met Paul Allen , who later founded Microsoft . Created the software company Microsoft on April 4 , 1975, while still a student at Harvard University. In 1976 he left the university and moved to Albuquerque , home deMITS to agree with that company the assignment of a language for computers, Basic , 50% . The following year , he learned of the success of the company and that Apple needed a Basic interpreter . In 1980 , he met with representatives of IBM in Seattle. Gotta sell the MS -DOS operating system , even though he did not have it and then bought it at a very low price to a young programmer . IBM needed the operating system to compete with Apple, which is why trading was flexible. Microsoft wanted the license , maintenance, and even the power to sell DOS to other companies. IBM agreed , considering what dividends would produce the hardware and not the software. A few days later , Microsoft bought the rights to QDOS author Tim Paterson, who worked for the Seattle Computer Products, for $ 50,000 , which he sold to IBM as MS -DOS ( Microsoft DOS). What

catches the attention was that IBM did not buy the MS -DOS but decided to pay Microsoft a royalty for each copy that is sold together with an IBM -PC. What is seldom said is that by that time the mother of Gates , Mary Maxwell, was director of the company in conjunction with the United Way IBM CEO John Opel. [citation needed] Aware of the importance of the graphical environment that had been Apple (originally the GUI and the "mouse" were developed by Xerox PARC) in its Lisa computer was proposed also get the graphical environment and the " mouse " to operate . Meanwhile, Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, started the development of the Macintosh , Apple Bill Gates visited . Offered enhance your spreadsheets and other programs. Threatened to sell their supplies to IBM , which earned an Apple - Microsoft alliance. Microsoft legally obtained GUI technology and mouse , and brought to market Microsoft Windows , Macintosh as a direct competitor . As the third millennium, the Microsoft Windows operating system ( all versions ) is used in most personal computers planet.4 Since 2007 Bill Gates ranked second on the annual list of the largest personal fortunes by Forbes magazine , behind businessman Carlos Slim , but due to fluctuations in the equity of these two magnates, their fortunes were at 72.7 and 72.1 thousand billion, respectively , according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Indexde May 2013. In 1994 , he acquired a manuscript by Leonardo da Vinci for 30 million dollars. The June 16, 2006 made public its intention to leave the front of your daily work by 2008 Microsoft to devote himself entirely to fundacin.10 11 transition of responsibilities will be gradual to avoid negative conditions in the daily development of the company , continuing Honorary President of the same . On June 27, 2008 leaving his duties as head of Microsoft ceding control of the company to Steve Ballmer , Bill Gates will initially devoted his time to 70 % with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the other 30 % to the company. Nelson mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (IPA: [roli'aa]) (Mvezo, Unin de Sudfrica, 18 de julio de 1918 Johannesburgo, Gauteng, Sudfrica, 5 de diciembre de 2013), conocido en su pas, Sudfrica, como Madiba (ttulo honorfico otorgado por los ancianos del clan de Mandela; tambin era llamado Tata), abogado, poltico, lder del Congreso Nacional Africano (CNA) y comandante en jefe 3 de la organizacin guerrillero/terrorista Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) o La Lanza de la Nacin. En palabras de van Engeland y Rudolph (2007) pas de terrorista a poltico hasta llegar a presidente de Sudfrica entre 1994 y 1999. Encabez la rama que violenta de la oposicin sudafricana al rgimen del Apartheid con sabotajes primero y posteriormente asesinatos y atentados con minas antipersonal e incursiones armadas. En 1962 fue arrestado y condenado por sabotaje, adems de otros cargos, a cadena perpetua. La mayor parte de los ms de 27 aos que estuvo en la crcel los pas en la prisin-isla de Robben Island. Tras su liberacin, el 11 de febrero de 1990, Mandela trabaj con el entonces presidente de Sudfrica, Frederik Willem de Klerk, como representante de su partido en las negociaciones para conseguir una democracia multirracial en Sudfrica que dieron paso a las primeras elecciones con sufragio universal de 1994. Tras el aplastante triunfo del CNA, Mandela fue elegido presidente por

el parlamento. Por su trabajo en comn, Mandela y de Klerk recibieron conjuntamente el Premio 5 Nobel de la Paz de 1993. Su prioridad estuvo frecuentemente en la reconciliacin nacional, el 6 progreso del pas y la alfabetizacin de la infancia. Su ltima aparicin pblica fue el 11 de julio de 2010 en la final del Campeonato Mundial de ftbol de Sudfrica 2010. Falleci el da 5 de diciembre del ao 2013.

Ingles: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela ( Mvezo , Union of South Africa, July 18, 1918 - Johannesburg , Gauteng, South Africa, December 5, 2013 ), known in his country, South Africa as Madiba (an honorary title given by elders of Mandela's clan , was also called Tata ) , lawyer, politician , leader of the African National Congress (ANC ) and commander of the guerrilla / terrorist organization Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK ), or Spear of the Nation. 3 in the words of van Engeland and Rudolph (2007 ) became a political terrorist to become president of South Africa between 1994 and 1999. He led the violent branch of the South African opposition to apartheid regime to sabotage first and then murders and attacks with mines and armed incursions . In 1962 he was arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, to life imprisonment. Most of the more than 27 years he spent in prison were spent in the prison - island Robben Island. After his release on February 11, 1990 , Mandela worked with then South African President Frederik Willem de Klerk , representing his party in the negotiations for a multi-racial democracy in South Africa that led to the first elections with universal suffrage 1994 . After the overwhelming victory of the ANC, Mandela was elected president by the parlamento.4 For his work in common, Mandela and de Klerk were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.5 His priority was frequently on national reconciliation , the progress of the country and the literacy infancia.6 His last public appearance was on July 11, 2010 in the final of the football World Cup in South Africa 2010. He died on 5 December 2013 . Angelina jolie
Angelina Jolie Voight (Los ngeles, California, Estados Unidos; 4 de junio de 1975), conocida como Angelina Jolie, es una actriz de cine y televisin, modelo, filntropa y guionistaestadounidense. A lo largo de su carrera, Jolie ha recibido mltiples reconocimientos por sus logros actorales, entre ellos dos Premios scar y tres Globos de Oro. Actualmente forma parte del Alto Comisario de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. Aunque comenz actuando en 1982 junto con su padre Jon Voight, se le atribuye como debut oficial su papel en la pelcula Cyborg 2 de 1993. La primera interpretacin principal que hizo fue en la pelcula Hackers de 1995. En 1997 actu en la polmica pelcula George Wallace. Interpret a un personaje principal en el filme para televisin GIA de 1998. Su reconocimiento mundial comenz a desarrollarse despus de que ganara un premio scar como mejor actriz de reparto, en 2000, gracias a su trabajo en la pelcula Inocencia interrumpida. Interpret el personaje del videojuego Tomb Raider, Lara Croft, en la pelcula homnima, y gracias al xito taquillero del filme, desde entonces obtuvo fama internacional y es considerada como una 1 de las actrices mejores pagadas en Hollywood. Actu como "Jane Smith", en la pelcula de accin

y comedia Sr. y Sra. Smith, junto a Brad Pitt. Su mayor xito comercial fue Kung Fu Panda, que a su vez fue producida por la empresa Dreamworks y dirigida por el cineasta Mark Osbourne. Es considerada una de las mujeres ms sensuales del mundo y por esto es el centro de atencin 3 de varios medios del entretenimiento. Ha sido pareja amorosa de los actores Jonny Lee Miller y Billy Bob Thornton. Actualmente tiene una relacin con el tambin actor, Brad Pitt, que ha atrado la atencin de todos los medios de comunicacin del mundo. Es reconocida por sus trabajos humanitarios en diversos pases, y ha recibido varios reconocimientos por su labor. En 2005, el rey de Camboya, Norodom Sihamon, emiti un decreto a travs del cual la nombr "ciudadana del pas por sus esfuerzos para preservar el alma humanitaria". A mediados del 2009, Angelina Jolie ocup el primer lugar en la lista de la revista Forbes, de las actrices mejor pagadas de Hollywood, segn datos difundidos por esa publicacin especializada. Angelina gan entre junio de 2008 y junio de 2009 un total de 27 millones de dlares gracias a 5 pelculas como Kung Fu Panda y Wanted. En el 2011, nuevamente ocup el primer lugar en la lista de la revista Forbes de las actrices mejor pagadas de Hollywood, junto con Sarah Jessica Parker. Ha conseguido este puesto gracias a la exitosa pelcula Salt, que recaud en Estados Unidos 300 millones de dlares, y a The Tourist, que consigui 280 millones de dlares. En mayo del 2013, Angelina Jolie se someti a una doble mastectoma preventiva ante su propensin gentica a sufrir un cncer de mama, reabriendo as, debates sobre la mastectomapreventiva en Estados Unidos, ya que fue pronosticado un 87% de posibilidades de contraer esta enfermedad. Sus pelculas ms exitosas en trminos de comerciales han sido Sr. y Sra. Smith, que ingres 478 millones de $, Wanted con unos ingresos de 341 millones de $, Salt con 293 millones de $ de ingresos, The Tourist que ingres 278 millones, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 275 millones y 60 segundos con una recaudacin mundial de 237 millones de dlares.

Ingles: Angelina Jolie Voight (Los Angeles , California , USA , June 4, 1975 ) , known as Angelina Jolie, is a film and television actress , model , philanthropist and guionistaestadounidense . Throughout his career, Jolie has received multiple awards for his acting achievements, including two Oscars and three Golden Globe Awards is currently part of the United High Commissioner for Refugees . Although she began acting in 1982 with her father Jon Voight , is credited as his official debut role in the 1993 film Cyborg 2 . The first major interpretation made was in the movie Hackers 1995. In 1997 he starred in the controversial movie George Wallace. He played a lead character in the television film GIA 1998. Its global recognition began to develop after it won an Oscar as best supporting actress in 2000 for her work in the film Girl, Interrupted . He played the character of the video game Tomb Raider , Lara Croft, in the eponymous film , and thanks to the blockbuster film has since gained international fame and is considered one of the best paid actresses in Hollywood.1 acted as " Jane Smith " in the action- comedy Mr. & Mrs. Smith, with Brad Pitt.2 his greatest commercial success was Kung Fu Panda, which in turn was produced by the company Dreamworks and directed by filmmaker Mark Osbourne.

It is considered one of the sexiest women in the world and this is the focus of several media entretenimiento.3 Was loving couple from actors Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton. Currently has a relationship with fellow actor Brad Pitt , who has attracted the attention of all the world media . He is recognized for his humanitarian work in various countries , and has received several awards for his work . In 2005, King of Cambodia, Norodom Sihamoni issued a decree through which named "citizen of the country for its efforts to preserve the humanitarian soul." In mid 2009 , Angelina Jolie ranked first in the list of Forbes magazine , the highest paid actresses in Hollywood, according to data released by the trade publication data. Angelina earned between June 2008 and June 2009 a total of $ 27 million thanks to movies like Kung Fu Panda and Wanted.5 In 2011 , he again took first place in the Forbes list of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood, along with Sarah Jessica Parker. It has achieved this position thanks to the hit movie Salt , which grossed U.S. $ 300 million , and The Tourist , which got $ 280 million . In May 2013 , Angelina Jolie double preventive mastectomy was subjected to genetic propensity to suffer from breast cancer and reopening , debates on mastectomapreventiva in the United States, as it was predicted a 87 % chance of getting this disease . His most successful films in terms of trade have been Mr. and Mrs. Smith , who joined $ 478 million , Wanted with revenues of $ 341 million , Salt with $ 293 million of revenue , The Tourist was admitted 278 million , Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 275 million and 60 seconds with a worldwide gross of $ 237 million

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