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Lesson Plan in Science 3 OBJECTIVE To identify the properties of air To know the importance of air for the survival

al of human beings II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Air B. References: Growing With Science And Health 3 pp. 146-148 C. Science Concept/s: Air has its own properties. It has weight and can be squeezed and occupies space. It has no taste, color, odor or definite shape. Air is a mixture of gases in the Earths atmosphere like water vapor, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and ozone. D. Processes: Identifying, Describing, Communicating E. Materials: Weighing scale, Two empty balloons/plastic bags, Piece of yarn, Activity sheets and Visual materials F. Value Infusion: Importance of air for humans to survive III. PROCEDURES A. Guided Inquiry 1. Review Teacher Pupils Stand up class and let us pray Good morning class You may take your seat Do you still know what we had yesterday? What is it all about? Amen. Good Morning Maam Thank you! (Pupils be seated) Yes Maam We learned about different kinds of soil I.

Very good? And what are those different kinds of soil? The different kinds of soil are sand, clay, silt and loam

Very good! 2. Motivation We will play a game first The title of our game is Angry Balloons I will separate you into two groups and each Group should have five representatives. What you are going to do is to sit on the chair With the balloon on it. You need to crash the Balloons. One player per turn. As the first

Player do the task and come back to the Starting the point, then it will be the turn of The next until there will be no player left. The first group to finish the tasks wins Is that clear? Very good! Lets play the game (game proper) Because group __ did the tasks first, they Are the winners. Give them a hand Did you enjoy the game class? Very good! 3. Science Vocabulary (the teacher will pick one balloon) Class look at this balloon What do you think is inside this balloon? Very good! Can we smell, taste and see air? But can we feel air? How can we feel the presence of air? Very good! Do you want to learn about air? Okay lets do another activity 4. Presentation a. Presentation of materials I will group you into two. This is the group one And this will be the group two. Each group will be given the materials that you Need to do the activity. You have to record your Observations and answer the following questions afterwards . Yes Maam No Maam Yes Maam Through our skin There is an air inside the balloon (pupils clapping) Yes Maam (game proper) Yes Maam

Is that clear? Very well b. Statement of the problem Our main problem in this activity is W hat are the properties of air? Again, What is our main problem in this activity? Very good! c. Setting of standards This activity has time allotment of five minutes You need to exercise coopertion within the Group as you do the activity. You may talk To your seatmate but not too loud Is that clear? Alright! d. Distribution of Activity Card I am now going to distribute the activilty sheet to you. Read carefully the instructions and answer the following questions completely. B. Guided Exploration 1. Activity Proper

Yes Maam

W hat are the properties of air?

Yes Maam

(the pupils do the activity) Okay times up! Each group will choose a leader to present their work Very good! 2. Analysis What is the weight of the balloon/plastic bag When it is empty? When it is with air? What is its size when empty? When filled with Air? Very well (pupils answer) (pupils present their work)

C. Guided Discovery 1. Generalization What are the properties of the air then? Air occupies space and has weight. It has no taste, color, odor, or definite shape

Very well said! Do you know that air is composed of mixture Of gases in the earths atmosphere? Some important one is water vapor and nitrogen Can you give another example of that? Oxygen, carbon dioxide and ozone

Very good! 2. Application I will group you into two. Each group will choose One representative. What your are going to do Is to list down some uses of iar. The group That will listed the more within one minute wins Is that clear? (game proper) Group __ is the winner. Give an angel clap For them. Very good 3. Valuing Is air important? Why? What are you going to do to maintain our air Clean? Alright! (pupil answer) Yes Maam (pupil answer) (pupils clapping) Yes Maam (game proper)



Get your notebook and answer the following. A. TRUE OR FALSE. Write your answer on Your notebook 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Air has weight Air has color Air has definite shape Air can be squeezed Air does not occupy space Yes Maam (pupils answers are T,F,F,T,F)

Okay class! Are you through? Lets answer this.. Count the correct answers. 1. ASSIGNMENT For your assignment (teacher posts the assignment) Will you please read ? Do the WORK THESE OUT activities On page 148 of your textbook Is there any questions for that? Very good Lets stand up and pray! Goodbye class!

(pupil reads) None!

Amen Good bye Maam!

Prepared by: Mary Joy Ann M. Bragais Demo Teacher

Activity Sheet I. II. Problem : What are the properties of air? Materials: weighing scale, two empty balloons/plastic bags, piece of yarn, manila paper, marker III. Procedures

a. Measure and weigh the empty balloons/plastic bags. b. Blow air into one of the balloons/plastic bags. Seal the balloon by tying it with the yarn. Measure its size c. Weigh the empty and with air balloon/plastic bags. d. Squeeze the air in the balloon e. Record your observations Answer these: 1. What is the weight of the balloon/plastic bag When it is empty? When it is with air? 2. What is its size when empty? When filled with Air?

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