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Memoirs Of Mr.

Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East

Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East is the title of a document that was published in series (episodes) in the erman paper Spie!el and later on in a prominent "rench paper. # $ebanese doctor translated the document to the #rabic lan!ua!e and from there on it was translated to En!lish and other lan!ua!es. %a&f '(hlas publications put out and circulated the document in En!lish in hard copy and electronically under the title) *onfessions of a British spy and British enmity a!ainst 'slam. 'n this narrati+e Hempher, tells a tale for his instrumental role in foundin! the conser+ati+e 'slamic reform mo+ement of %ahhabism. The boo( has been denounced by %ahhabi Muslims and called an ,ima!inary fictional narrati+e, coined deliberately to discredit- Muhammad ibn ,and his followers by the British-


by Mr. Hempher P RT O!E

Hempher says" Our reat Britain is +ery +ast. The sun rises o+er its seas, and sets, a!ain, below its seas. Our State is relati+ely wea( yet in its colonies in 'ndia, *hina and Middle East. These countries are not entirely under our domination. Howe+er, we ha+e been carryin! on a +ery acti+e and successful policy in these places. %e shall be in full possession of all of them +ery soon. Two thin!s are of importance) /. To try to retain the places we ha+e already obtained0 1. To try to ta(e possession of those places we ha+e not obtained yet. The Ministry of *olonies assi!ned a commission from each of the colonies for the e2ecution of these two tas(s. #s soon as ' entered the Ministry of *olonies, the Minister put his trust in me and appointed me the administrator of the company of East 'ndia. Outwardly it was a company of trade. But its real tas( was to search for ways of ta(in! control of the +ery +ast lands of 'ndia. Our !o+ernment was not at all ner+ous about 'ndia. 'ndia was a country where people from +arious nationalities, spea(in! different lan!ua!es, and ha+in! contrastin! interests li+ed to!ether. 3or were we afraid of *hina. "or the reli!ions dominant in *hina were Buddhism and *onfucianism, neither of which was much of a threat. Both of them were dead reli!ions that instituted no concern for life and which were no more than forms of addresses. "or this reason, the people li+in! in these two countries were hardly li(ely to ha+e any feelin!s of patriotism. These two countries did not worry us, the British !o+ernment. 4et the e+ents that mi!ht occur later were not out of consideration for us. Therefore, we were desi!nin! lon! term plans to wa!e discord, i!norance, po+erty, and e+en diseases in these countries. %e were imitatin! the customs and traditions of these two countries, thus easily concealin! our intentions. %hat fra55led our ner+es most was the 'slamic countries. %e had already made some a!reements, all of which were to our ad+anta!e, with the Sic( Man (the Ottoman Empire). E2perienced members of the Ministry of *olonies predicted that this sic( man would pass away in less than a century. 'n addition, we had made some secret a!reements with the 'ranian !o+ernment and placed in these two countries statesmen whom we had made masons. Such corruptions as bribery, incompetent administration and inade&uate reli!ious education, which in its turn led to busyin! with pretty women and conse&uently to ne!lect of duty, bro(e the bac(bones of these two countries. 'n spite of all these, we were an2ious that our acti+ities should not yield the results we e2pected, for reasons ' am !oin! to cite below) /. Muslims are e2tremely de+oted to 'slam. E+ery indi+idual Muslims is as stron!ly attached to 'slam as a priest or mon( to *hristianity, if not more. #s it is (nown, priests and mon(s would rather die than !i+e up *hristianity. The most dan!erous of such people are the Shiites in 'ran. "or they put down people who are not Shiites as

disbelie+ers and foul people. *hristians are li(e no2ious dirt accordin! to Shiites. 3aturally, one would do one6s best to !et rid of dirt. ' once as(ed a Shiite this) %hy do you loo( on *hristians as such7 The answer ' was !i+en was this) ,The 8rophet of 'slam was a +ery wise person. He put *hristians under a spiritual oppression in order to ma(e them find the ri!ht way by 9oinin! #llah6s reli!ion, 'slam. #s a matter of fact, it is a State policy to (eep a person found dan!erous under a spiritual oppression until he pled!es obedience. The dirt ' am spea(in! about is not material0 it is a spiritual oppression which is not peculiar to *hristians alone. 't in+ol+es Sunnites and all disbelie+ers. E+en our ancient Ma!ian 'ranian ancestors are foul accordin! to Shiites.' said to him) ,%ell: Sunnites and *hristians belie+e in #llah, in 8rophets, and in the ;ud!ment <ay, too0 why should they be foul, then7- He replied, ,They are foul for two reasons) They impute mendacity to our 8rophet, Hadrat Muhammad may #llah protect us a!ainst such an act: (/)= #nd we, in response to this atrocious imputation, follow the rule e2pressed in the sayin!, 'f a person torments you, you can torment him in return6, and say to them) >4ou are foul.6 Second0 *hristians ma(e offensi+e alle!ations about the 8rophets of #llah. "or instance, they say) 'saa (;esus) >alaihis.salaam6 would ta(e (hard) drin(s. Because he was accursed, he was crucified.'n consternation, ' said to the man that *hristians did not say so. ,4es, they do,- was the answer, ,and you don6t (now. 't is written so in the Holy Bible.- ' became &uite. "or the man was ri!ht in the first respect, if not in the second respect. ' did not want to continue the dispute any lon!er. Otherwise they mi!ht be suspicious of me in an 'slamic attire as ' was. ' therefore a+oided such disputes. 1. 'slam was once a reli!ion of administration and authority. #nd Muslims were respected. 't would be difficult to tell these respectable people that they are sla+es now. 3or would it be possible to falsify the 'slamic history and say to Muslims) The honor and respect you obtained at one time was the result of some (fa+orable) conditions. Those days are !one now, and they will ne+er come bac(. ?. %e were +ery an2ious that the Ottomans and 'ranians mi!ht notice our plots and foil them. <espite the fact that these two States had already been debilitated considerably, we still did not feel certain because they had a central !o+ernment with property, weaponry, and authority. @. %e were e2tremely uneasy about the 'slamic scholars. "or the scholars of 'stanbul and #l.adh.har, the 'ra&i and <amascene scholars were insurmountable obstacles in front of our purposes. "or they were the (ind of people who would ne+er compromise their principles to the tiniest e2tent because they had turned a!ainst the transient pleasures and adornments of the world and fi2ed their eyes on the 8aradise promised by Aur6aan al. (ereem. The people followed them. E+en the Sultan was afraid of them. Sunnites were not so stron!ly adherent to scholars as were Shiites. "or Shiites did not read boo(s0 they only reco!ni5ed scholars, and did not show due respect to the Sultan. Sunnites, on the other hand, read boo(s, and respected scholars and the Sultan.

%e therefore prepared a series of conferences. 4et each time we tried we saw with disappointment that the road was closed for us. The reports we recei+ed from our spies were always frustratin!, and the conferences came to nau!ht. %e did not !i+e up hope, thou!h. "or we are the sort of people who ha+e de+eloped the habit of ta(in! a deep breath and bein! patient. The Minister himself, the hi!hest priestly orders, and a few specialists attended one of our conferences. There were twenty of us. Our conference lasted three hours, and the final session was closed without reachin! a fruitful conclusion. 4et a priest said, ,<o not worry: "or the Messiah and his companions obtained authority only after a persecution that lasted three hundred years. 't is hoped that, from the world of the un(nown, he will cast an eye on us and !rant us the !ood luc( of e+ictin! the unbelie+ers, (he means Muslims), from their centers, be it three hundred years later. %ith a stron! belief and lon!.term patience, we must arm oursel+es: 'n order to obtain authority, we must ta(e possession of all sorts of media, try all possible methods. %e must try to spread *hristianity amon! Muslims. 't will be !ood for us to reali5e our !oal, e+en if it will be after centuries. "or fathers wor( for their children.# conference was held, and diplomats and reli!ious men from Bussia and "rance as well as from En!land attended. ' was +ery luc(y. ', too, attended because ' and the Minister were in +ery !ood terms. 'n the conference, plans of brea(in! Muslims into !roups and ma(in! them abandon their faith and brin!in! them round to belief (*hristiani5in! them) li(e in Spain was discussed. 4et the conclusions reached were not as had been e2pected. ' ha+e written all the tal(s held in that conference in my boo( ,'laa Mele('t is difficult to suddenly uproot a tree that has sent out its roots to the depths of the earth. But we must ma(e hardships easy and o+ercome them. *hristianity came to spread. Our $ord the Messiah promised us this. The bad conditions that the east and the west were in, helped Muhammad. Those conditions bein! !one, ha+e ta(en away the nuisances (he means 'slam) that accompanied them. %e obser+e with pleasure today that the situation has chan!ed completely. #s a result of !reat wor(s and endea+ors of our ministry and other *hristian !o+ernments Muslims are on the decline now. *hristians, on the other hand, are !ainin! ascendancy. 't is time we retoo( the places we lost throu!hout centuries. The powerful State of reat Britain pioneers this blessed tas( Cof annihilatin! 'slamD.


'n the Hi9ree year //11, *.E. /E/F, the Minister of *olonies sent me to E!ypt, 'ra&, Hid9a5 and 'stanbul to act as a spy and to obtain information necessary and sufficient for the brea(in! up of Muslims. The Ministry appointed nine more people, full of a!ility and coura!e, for the same mission and at the same time. 'n addition to the money, information and maps we would need, we were !i+en a list containin! names of statesmen, scholars, and chiefs of tribes. ' can ne+er for!et: %hen ' said farewell to the secretary, he said,

,The future of our State is dependent on your success. Therefore you should e2ert your utmost ener!y.' set out on a +oya!e to 'stanbul, the center of the 'slamic caliphate. Besides my primary duty, ' was to learn +ery well Tur(ish, the nati+e lan!ua!e of the Muslims bein! there. ' had already learned in $ondon a considerable amount of Tur(ish, #rabic (the lan!ua!e of the Aur6aan) and 8ersian, the 'ranian lan!ua!e. 4et learnin! a lan!ua!e was &uite different from spea(in! that lan!ua!e li(e its nati+e spea(ers. %hile the former s(ill can be ac&uired in a matter of a few years, the latter re&uires a duration of time se+eral times as lon! as this. ' had to learn Tur(ish with all its subtleties lest the people should suspect me. ' was not an2ious that they should suspect me. "or Muslims are tolerant, open.hearted, bene+olent, as they ha+e learnt from their 8rophet Muhammad >alai.his.salaam6. They are not s(eptical li(e us. #fter all, at that time the Tur(ish !o+ernment did not ha+e an or!ani5ation to arrest spies. #fter a +ery tiresome +oya!e ' arri+ed in 'stanbul. ' said my name was Muhammad and be!an to !o to the mos&ue, Muslims6 temple. ' li(ed the way Muslims obser+ed discipline, cleanliness and obedience. "or a moment ' said to myself) %hy are we fi!htin! these innocent people7 's this what our $ord the Messiah ad+ised us7 But ' at once reco+ered from this diabolical C:D thou!ht, and decided to carry out my duty in the best manner. 'n 'stanbul ' met an old scholar named ,#hmed Efendi.- %ith his ele!ant manners, open. heartedness, spiritual limpidity, and bene+olence, none of our reli!ious men ' had seen could ha+e e&ualled him. This person endea+ored day and ni!ht to ma(e himself li(e the 8rophet Muhammad. #ccordin! to him, Muhammad was the most perfect, the hi!hest man. %hene+er he mentioned his name his eyes would become wet. ' must ha+e been +ery luc(y, for he did not e+en as( who ' was or where ' was from. He would address me as ,Muhammad Efendi.- He would answer my &uestions and treat me with tenderness and with compassion. "or he considered me a !uest who had come to 'stanbul to wor( in Tur(ey and to li+e in the shadow of the Ghaleefa, the representati+e of the 8rophet Muhammad. 'ndeed, this was the prete2t ' used to stay in 'stanbul One day ' said to #hmed Efendi) ,My parents are dead. ' don6t ha+e any brothers or sisters, and ' ha+en6t inherited any property. ' came to the center of 'slam to wor( for a li+in! and to learn Aur6aan al.(ereem and the Sunnat, that is, to earn both my worldly needs and my life in the Hereafter.- He was +ery deli!hted with these words of mine, and said, ,4ou deser+e to be respected for these three reasons.- ' am writin! down e2actly what he said) ,/. 4ou are a Muslim. #ll Muslims are brothers. 1. 4ou are a !uest. Basoolullah >sall.allaahu alaihi wa sallam6 declared) >Offer (ind hospitality to your !uests:6

?. 4ou want to wor(. There is a hadeeth.i shereef statin! that >a person who wor(s is belo+ed to #llah.6 , These words pleased me +ery much. ' said to myself, ,%ould that there were such bri!ht truths in *hristianity, too: 't6s a shame there aren6t any.- %hat surprised me was the fact that 'slam, such a noble reli!ion as it was, was bein! de!enerated in the hands of these conceited people who were &uite unaware of what was !oin! on in life. ' said to #hmed Efendi that ' wanted to learn Aur6aan al.(ereem. He replied that he would teach me with pleasure, and be!an to teach me ("aatiha soora). He would e2plain the meanin!s as we read. ' had !reat difficulty pronouncin! some words. 'n two years6 time ' read throu!h the whole Aur6aan al.(ereem. Before each lesson he would ma(e ablution himself and also command me to ma(e ablution. He would sit towards the &ibla (Ga6ba) and then be!in teachin!. %hat Muslims call ablution consisted of a series of washin!s, as follows) /) %ashin! the face0 1) %ashin! the ri!ht arm from fin!ers to elbows0 ?) %ashin! the left arm from fin!ers to elbows0 @) Ma(in! masah of (moistenin! both hands and rubbin! them !ently on) the head, bac(s of ears, (bac( of) nec(0 H) %ashin! both feet. Ha+in! to use the miswaa( +e2ed me +ery much. ,Miswaa(- is a twi! with which they (Muslims) clean their mouth and teeth. ' thou!ht this piece of wood was harmful for the mouth and teeth. Sometimes it would hurt my mouth and cause bleedin!. 4et ' had to use it. "or, accordin! to them, usin! the ,miswaa(- was a mua((ad sunnat of the 8rophet. They said this wood was +ery useful. 'ndeed, the bleedin! of my teeth came to an end. #nd the foul breath that ' had till that time, and which most British people ha+e, was !one. <urin! my stay in 'stanbul ' spent the ni!hts in a room ' had rented from a man responsible for the ser+ice in a mos&ue. This ser+ant6s name was ,Marwaan Efendi-. Marwaan is the name of one of the Sahaaba (*ompanions) of the 8rophet Muhammad. The ser+ant was a +ery ner+ous man. He would boast about his name and tell me that if ' should ha+e a son in the future ' should ,name him Marwaan, because Marwaan is one of 'slam6s !reatest warriors.,Marwaan Efendi- would prepare the e+enin! dinner. ' would not !o to wor( on "riday, a holiday for Muslims. On the other days of the wee( ' wor(ed for a carpenter named Ghaalid, bein! paid on a wee(ly basis. Because ' wor(ed part time, from mornin! till

noon, that is, he would !i+e me half the wa!e he !a+e the other employees. This carpenter would spend much of his free time tellin! about the +irtues of ,Ghaalid bin %aleed.- Ghaalid bin %aleed, one of the Sahaaba of the 8rophet Muhammad, is a !reat mu9aahid (a warrior for 'slam). He accomplished +arious 'slamic con&uests. 4et his (Ghaalid bin %aleed6s) dismissal from office by >Imar bin Hattaab durin! the latter6s caliphate chafed the carpenter6s heart(1)=. ,Ghaalid-, the carpenter for whom ' wor(ed, was an immoral and e2tremely neurotic person. He somehow trusted me +ery much. ' do not (now why, but perhaps it was because ' always obeyed him. He i!nored the Sharee6at ('slaam6s commandments) in his secret manners. 4et when he was with his friends he would display obedience to the commandments of the Sharee6at. He would attend the "riday prayers, but ' am not sure about the other (daily) prayers. ' would ha+e brea(fast in the shop. #fter wor( ' would !o to the mos&ue for noon prayer and would stay there till afternoon prayer. #fter the afternoon prayer ' would !o to #hmed Efendi6s place, where he would teach me such lessons as (readin!) Aur6aan al. (ereem, #rabic and Tur(ish lan!ua!es for two hours. E+ery "riday ' would !i+e him my wee(ly earnin!s because he tau!ht me +ery well. 'ndeed, he tau!ht me +ery well how to read Aur6aan al.(ereem, re&uirements of the 'slamic reli!ion and the subtleties of #rabic and Tur(ish lan!ua!es. %hen ,#hmed Efendi- (new that ' was sin!le, he wanted to marry me to one of his dau!hters. ' refused his offer. But he insisted, sayin! that marria!e is a sunnat of the 8rophet6s and the 8rophet had stated that ,# person who turns away from my sunnat is not with me.- #pprehendin! that this e+ent mi!ht put an end to our personal dealin!s, ' had to lie to him, sayin! that ' lac(ed se2ual power. Thus ' ensured the continuance of our ac&uaintance and friendship. %hen my two.year stay in 'stanbul was o+er, ' told ,#hmed Efendi- ' wanted to !o bac( home. He said, ,3o, don6t !o. %hy are you !oin!7 4ou can find anythin! you mi!ht loo( for in 'stanbul. #llaahu ta6aalaa has !i+en both the reli!ion and the world at the same time in this city. 4ou say that your parents are dead and you ha+e no brothers or sisters. %hy don6t you settle down in 'stanbul7J- ,#hmed Efendi- had formed a compulsi+e dependence upon my company. "or this reason he did not want to part company with me and insisted that ' should ma(e my home in 'stanbul. But my patriotic sense of duty compelled me to !o bac( to $ondon, to deli+er a detailed report concernin! the center of the caliphate, and to ta(e new orders. Throu!hout my stay in 'stanbul ' sent reports of my obser+ations monthly to the Ministry of *olonies. ' remember as(in! in one of my reports what ' was to do should the person ' was wor(in! for as( me to practice sodomy with him. The reply was) 4ou can do it if it will help you attain your !oal. ' was +ery much indi!nant o+er this answer. ' felt as if the whole world had fallen down on my head. ' already (new that this +icious deed was +ery common in En!land. 4et it had ne+er occurred to me that my superiors would command

me to commit it. %hat could ' do7 ' had no other way than to empty the dru! to the dre!s. So ' (ept &uiet and went on with my duty. #s ' said farewell to ,#hmed Efendi-, his eyes became wet and he said to me, ,My son: May #llaahu ta6aalaa be with you: 'f you should come bac( to 'stanbul and see that ' am dead, remember me. Say the (soora) "aatiha for my soul: %e will meet on the ;ud!ement <ay in front of >Basoolullah6.- 'ndeed, ' felt +ery sad, too0 so much so that ' shed warm tears. Howe+er, my sense of duty was naturally stron!er.


My friends had returned to $ondon before ' did and they had already recei+ed new commands from the Ministry. ', too, was !i+en new commands upon returnin!. Infortunately, only si2 of us were bac(. One of the other four people, the secretary said, had become a Muslim and remained in E!ypt. 4et the secretary was still !lad because, he said, he (the person who had remained in E!ypt) had not betrayed any secrets. The second one had !one to Bussia and remained there. He was Bussian in ori!in. The secretary was +ery sorry about him, not because he had !one bac( to his homeland, but because perhaps he had been spyin! on the Ministry of *olonies for Bussia and had !one bac( home because his mission had been o+er. The third one, as the secretary related, had died of pla!ue in a town named ,'mara- in the nei!hborhood of Ba!hdaad. The fourth person had been traced by the Ministry up to the city of San6aa in the 4emen and they had recei+ed his reports for one year, and thereafter his reportin! had come to an end and no trail of him had been found despite all sorts of efforts. The Ministry put down the disappearance of these four men as a catastrophe. "or we are a nation with !reat duties +ersus a small population. %e therefore do +ery fine calculations on e+ery man. #fter a few of my reports, the secretary held a meetin! to scrutini5e the reports !i+en by four of us. %hen my friends submitted their reports pertainin! to their tas(s, ', too, submitted my report. They too( some notes from my report. The Minister, the secretary, and some of those who attended the meetin! praised my wor(. 3e+ertheless ' was the third best. The first !rade was won by my friend , eor!e Belcoude-, and ,Henry "ansewas the second best. ' had doubtlessly been !reatly successful in learnin! Tur(ish and #rabic lan!ua!es, the Aur6aan and the Sharee6at. 4et ' had not mana!ed to prepare for the Ministry a report re+ealin! the wea( aspects of the Ottoman Empire. #fter the two.hour meetin!, the secretary as(ed me the reason for my failure. ' said, ,My essential duty was to learn lan!ua!es and the Aur6aan and the Sharee6at. ' could not spare time for anythin! in addition. But ' shall please you this time if you trust me.- The secretary said ' was certainly successful but he wished ' had won the first !rade. (#nd he went on))

,O Hempher, your ne2t mission comprises these two tas(s) /. To disco+er Muslims6 wea( points and the points throu!h which we can enter their bodies and dis9oin their limbs. 'ndeed, this is the way to beat the enemy. 1. The moment you ha+e detected these points and done what ' ha+e told you to, Cin other words, when you mana!e to sow discord amon! Muslims and set them at lo!!erheads with one anotherD, you will be the most successful a!ent and earn a medal from the Ministry.' stayed in $ondon for si2 months. ' married my paternal first cousin, ,Maria Sh+ay-. #t that time ' was 11 years old, and she was 1?. ,Maria Sh+ay was a +ery pretty !irl, with a+era!e intelli!ence and an ordinary cultural bac(!round. The happiest and the most cheerful days of my life were those that ' spent with her. My wife was pre!nant. %e were e2pectin! our new !uest, when ' recei+ed the messa!e containin! the order that ' should lea+e for 'ra&. Becei+in! this order at a time while ' was awaitin! the birth of my son made me sad. Howe+er, the importance ' attached to my country, doubled with my ambition to attain fame by bein! chosen the best one amon! my collea!ues, was abo+e my emotions as a husband and as a father. So ' accepted the tas( without hesitation. My wife wanted me to postpone the mission till after the child6s birth. 4et ' i!nored what she said. %e were both weepin! as we said farewell to each other. My wife said, ,<on6t stop writin! to me: ' shall write you letters about our new home, which is as +aluable as !old.- These words of hers stirred up storms in my heart. ' almost cancelled the tra+el. 4et ' mana!ed to ta(e control of my emotions. E2tendin! my farewell to her, ' left for the ministry to recei+e the final instructions. Si2 months later ' found myself in the city of Basra, 'ra&. The city people were partly Sunnite and partly Shiite. Basra was a city of tribes with a mi2ed population of #rabs, 8ersians and a relati+ely small number of *hristians. 't was the first time in my life that ' met with the 8ersians. By the way, let me touch upon Shi6ism and Sunnism. Shiites say that they follow >#lee bin #boo Taalib, who was the husband of Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 dau!hter "aatima and at the same time Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 paternal first cousin. They say that Muhammad >alaihis.salaam6 appointed #lee, and the twel+e imaams, >#lee6s descendants to succeed him as the Ghaleefa. 'n my opinion, the Shi6ees are ri!ht in the matter pertainin! to the caliphate of >#lee, Hasan, and Huseyn. "or, as far as ' understand from the 'slamic history, #lee was a person with the distin!uished and hi!h &ualifications re&uired for caliphate. 3or do ' find it alien for Muhammad >alaihis.salaam6 to ha+e appointed Hasan and Huseyn as Ghaleefas. %hat ma(es me suspect, howe+er, is Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 ha+in! appointed Huseyn6s son and ei!ht of his !randsons as Ghaleefas. "or Huseyn was a child at Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 death. How did he (now he would ha+e ei!ht

!randsons. 'f Muhammad >alaihis.salaam6 was really a 8rophet, it was possible for him to (now the future by bein! informed by #llaahu ta6aalaa, as the Messiah had di+ined about the future. 4et Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 8rophethood is a matter of doubt to us *hristians. Muslims say that ,There are many proofs for Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 8rophethood. One of them is the Aur6aan (Goran).- ' ha+e read the Aur6aan. 'ndeed, it is a +ery hi!h boo(. 't is e+en hi!her than the Torah (Taurah) and the Bible. "or it contains principles, re!ulations, moral rules, etc. 't has been a wonder to me how an illiterate person such as Muhammad >alaihis.salaam6 could ha+e brou!ht such a lofty boo(, and how could he ha+e had all those moral, intellectual and personal &ualifications which could not be possessed e+en by a man who has read and tra+elled +ery much. ' wonder if these facts were the proofs for Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 8rophethood7 ' always made obser+ations and research in order to elicit the truth about Muhammad6s >alaihis.salaam6 8rophethood. Once ' brou!ht out my interest to a priest in $ondon. His answer was fanatical and obdurate, and was not con+incin! at all. ' as(ed #hmed Efendi se+eral times when ' was in Tur(ey, yet ' did not recei+e a satisfactory answer from him, either. To tell the truth, ' a+oided as(in! #hmed Efendi &uestions directly related to the matter lest they should become suspicious about my espiona!e. ' thin( +ery much of Muhammad >alaihis.salaam6. 3o doubt, he is one of #llah6s 8rophets about whom we ha+e read in boo(s. 4et, bein! a *hristian, ' ha+e not belie+ed in his 8rophethood yet. 't is doubtless that he was +ery much superior to !eniuses. The Sunnites, on the other hand, say that ,#fter the 8rophet6s passin! away, Muslims considered #boo Be(r and >Imar and >Ithmaan and >#lee suitable for the caliphate.*ontro+ersies of this sort e2ist in all reli!ions, most abundantly in *hristianity. Since both >Imar and >#lee are dead today, maintainin! these contro+ersies would ser+e no useful purpose. To me, if Muslims are reasonable, they should thin( of today, not of those +ery old days(?)=. One day in the Ministry of *olonies ' made a reference to the difference between the Sunnites and the Shiites, sayin!, ,'f Muslims (new somethin! about life, they would resol+e this Shiite.Sunnite difference amon! themsel+es and come to!ether.- Someone interrupted me and remonstrated, ,4our duty is to pro+o(e this difference, not to thin( of how to brin! Muslims to!ether.Before ' set out for my tra+el to 'ra&, the secretary said, ,O Hempher, you should (now that there has been natural differences amon! human bein!s since od created #bel and *ain. These contro+ersies shall continue until the return of the Messiah. So is the case with racial, tribal, territorial, national, and reli!ious contro+ersies.

,4our duty this time is to dia!nose these contro+ersies well and to report to the ministry. The more successful you are in a!!ra+atin! the differences amon! Muslims the !reater will be your ser+ice to En!land. ,%e, the En!lish people, ha+e to ma(e mischief and arouse schism in all our colonies in order that we may li+e in welfare and lu2ury. Only by means of such insti!ations will we be able to demolish the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise, how could a nation with a small population brin! another nation with a !reater population under its sway7 $oo( for the mouth of the chasm with all your mi!ht, and !et in as soon as you find it. 4ou should (now that the Ottoman and 'ranian Empires ha+e reached the nadir of their li+es. Therefore, your first duty is to insti!ate the people a!ainst the administration: History has shown that >The source of all sorts of re+olutions is public rebellions.6 %hen the unity of Muslims is bro(en and the common sympathy amon! them is impaired, their forces will be dissol+ed and thus we shall easily destroy them.-


%hen ' arri+ed in Basra, ' settled in a mos&ue. The imaam of the mos&ue was a Sunnite person of #rabic ori!in named Shai(h >Imar Taaee. %hen ' met him ' be!an to chat with him. 4et he suspected me at the +ery be!innin! and sub9ected me to a shower of &uestions. ' mana!ed to sur+i+e this dan!erous chat as follows) ,' am from Tur(ey6s '!dir re!ion. ' was a disciple of #hmed Efendi of 'stanbul. ' wor(ed for a carpenter named Ghaali (Haalid).- ' !a+e him some information about Tur(ey, which ' had ac&uired durin! my stay there. #lso, ' said a few sentences in Tur(ish. The imaam made an eye si!nal to one of the people there and as(ed him if ' spo(e Tur(ish correctly. The answer was positi+e. Ha+in! con+inced the imaam, ' was +ery happy. 4et ' was wron!. "or a few days later, ' saw to my disappointment that the imaam suspected that ' was a Tur(ish spy. #fterwards, ' found out that there was some disa!reement and hostility between him and the !o+ernor appointed by the (Ottoman) Sultan. Ha+in! been compelled to lea+e Shai(h >Imar Efendi6s mos&ue, ' rented a room in an inn for tra+ellers and forei!ners and mo+ed there. The owner of the inn was an idiot named Murshid Efendi. E+ery mornin! he would disturb me by (noc(in! hard at my door to wa(e me up as soon as the adhaan for mornin! prayer was called. ' had to obey him. So ' would !et up and perform the mornin! prayer. Then he would say, ,4ou shall read (ereem after mornin! prayer.- %hen ' told him that it was not fard (an act commanded by 'slam) to read Aur6aan al.(ereem and as(ed him why he should insist so much, he would answer, ,Sleepin! at this time of day will brin! po+erty and misfortune to the inn and the inmates.- ' had to carry out this command of his. "or he said otherwise he would send me out of the inn. Therefore, as soon as the adhaan was called, ' would perform mornin! prayer and then read Aur6aan al.(ereem for one hour. One day Murshid Efendi came to me and said, ,Since you rented this room misfortunes ha+e been befallin! me. ' put it down to your ominousness. "or you are sin!le. Bein!

sin!le (unmarried) portends ill omen. 4ou shall either !et married or lea+e the inn.- ' told him ' did not ha+e property enou!h to !et married. ' could not tell him what ' had told #hmed Efendi. "or Murshid Efendi was the (ind of person who would undress me and e2amine my !enitals to see whether ' was tellin! the truth. %hen ' said so, Murshid Efendi repro+ed me, sayin!, ,%hat a wea( belief you ha+e: Ha+en6t you read #llah6s aayat purportin!, 'f they are poor, #llaahu ta6aalaa will ma(e them rich with His (indness67- ' was stupefied. #t last ' said, ,#ll ri!ht, ' shall !et married. But are you ready to pro+ide the necessary money7 Or can you find a !irl who will cost me little7#fter reflectin! for a while, Murshid Efendi said, ,' don6t care: Either !et married by the be!innin! of Ba9ab month, or lea+e the inn.- There were only days before the be!innin! of the month of Ba9ab. 'ncidentally, let me mention the #rabic months0 Muharram, Safar, Babi6ul.awwal, Babi6ul.aa(hir, ;emaa5iy.ul.awwal, ;emaa5iy.ul.aa(hir, Ba9ab, Sha6baan, Bamadaan, Shawwaal, Kil&a6da, Kilhi99a. Their months are neither more than thirty days, nor below twenty.nine. They are based on lunar calculations. Ta(in! a 9ob as an assistant to a carpenter, ' left Murshid Efendi6s inn. %e made an a!reement on a +ery low wa!e, but my lod!in! and food were to be at the employer6s e2pense. ' mo+ed my belon!in!s to the carpenter6s shop well before the month of Ba9ab. The carpenter was a manly person. He treated me as if ' were his son. He was a Shiite from Ghorassan, 'ran, and his name was #bd.ur. Bidaa. Ta(in! the ad+anta!e of his company, ' be!an to learn 8ersian. E+ery afternoon 'ranian Shiites would meet at his place and tal( on +arious sub9ects from politics to economy. Most often than not they would spea( ill of their own !o+ernment and also of the Ghaleefa in 'stanbul. %hene+er a stran!er came in they would chan!e the sub9ect and be!in to tal( on personal matters. They trusted me +ery much. Howe+er, as ' found out later on, they thou!h ' was an #5erbai9ani because ' spo(e Tur(ish. "rom time to time a youn! man would call at our carpenter6s shop. His attirement was that of a student doin! scientific research, and he understood #rabic, 8ersian, and Tur(ish. His name was Muhammad bin #bd.ul.wahhaab 3a9dee. This youn!ster was an e2tremely rude and +ery ner+ous person. %hile abusin! the Ottoman !o+ernment +ery much, he would ne+er spea( ill of the 'ranian !o+ernment. The common !round which made him and the shop.owner #bd.ur.Bidaa so friendly was that both were inimical towards the Ghaleefa in 'stanbul. But how was it possible that this youn! man, who was a Sunnee, understood 8ersian and was friends with #bd.ur.Bidaa, who was a Shi6ee7 'n this city Sunnites pretended to be friendly and e+en brotherly with Shiites. Most of the city6s inhabitants understood both #rabic and 8ersian. #nd most people understood Tur(ish as well.

Muhammad of 3a9d was a Sunnee outwardly. #lthou!h most Sunnites censured Shiites, in fact, they say that Shiites are disbelie+ers this man ne+er would re+ile Shiites. #ccordin! to Muhammad of 3a9d, there was no reason for Sunnites to adapt themsel+es to one of the four madh.habs0 he would say, ,#llah6s Boo( does not contain any e+idence pertainin! to these madh.habs.- He purposefully i!nored the aayet.i.(ereemas in this sub9ect and sli!hted the hadeeth.i.shereefs. *oncernin! the matter of four madh.habs) # century after the death of their 8rophet Muhammad >alaihis. salaam6, four scholars came forward from amon! Sunnite Muslims) #boo Haneefa, #hmad bin Hanbal, Maali( bin #nas, and Muhammad bin 'dris Shaafi6ee. Some Ghaleefas forced the Sunnites to imitate one of these four scholars. They said no one e2cept these four scholars could do i9tihaad in Aur6aan al.(ereem or in the Sunna. This mo+ement closed the !ates of (nowled!e and understandin! to Muslims. This prohibition of i9tihaad is considered to ha+e been the reason for 'slam6s standstill. Shiites e2ploited these erroneous statements to promul!ate their sect. The number of Shiites was smaller than one.tenth that of Sunnites. But now they ha+e increased and become e&ual with Sunnites in number. This result is natural. "or i9tihaad is li(e a weapon. 't will impro+e 'slam6s fi&h and reno+ate the understandin! of Aur6aan al. (ereem and Sunna. 8rohibition of i9tihaad, on the other hand, is li(e a rotten weapon. 't will confine the madh.hab within a certain framewor(. #nd this, in its turn, means to close the !ates of inference and to disre!ard the time6s re&uirements. 'f your weapon is rotten and your enemy is perfect, you are doomed to be beaten by your enemy sooner or later. ' thin(, the cle+er ones of the Sunnites will reopen the !ate of i9tihaad in future. 'f they do not do this, they will become the minority and the Shiites will recei+e a ma9ority in a few centuries. CHowe+er, the imaams (leaders) of the four madh.habs hold the same creed, the same belief. There is no difference amon! them. Their difference is only in worships. #nd this, in turn, is a facility for Muslims. The Shiites, on the other hand, parted into twel+e sects, thus becomin! a rotten weapon. There is detailed information in this respect in the boo( Milal wa 3ihalD. The arro!ant youn!ster, Muhammad of 3a9d, would follow his nafs (his sensuous desires) in understandin! the Aur6aan and the Sunna. He would completely i!nore the +iews of scholars, not only those of the scholars of his time and the leaders of the four madh.habs, but also those of the notable Sahaabees such as #boo Ba(r and >Imar. %hene+er he came across a Goranic (Aur6aan) +erse which he thou!ht was contradictory with the +iews of those people, he would say, ,The 8rophet said) ' ha+e left the Aur6aan and the Sunna for you.6 He did not say, ' ha+e left the Aur6aan, the Sunna, the Sahaaba, and the imaams of madh.habs for you.6 Therefore, the thin! which is fard is to follow the Aur6aan and the Sunna no matter how contrary they may seem to be to the +iews of the madh.habs or to the statements of the Sahaaba and scholars.-

<urin! a dinner con+ersation at #bd.ur.Bidaa6s place, the followin! dispute too( place between Muhammad of 3a9d and a !uest from Gum, a Shiite scholar named Shai(h ;awad) Shai(h ;awad. Since you accept that >#lee was a mu9tahid, why don6t you follow him li(e Shiites7 Muhammad of 3a9d #lee is no different from >Imar or other Sahaabees. His statements cannot be of a documentary capacity. Only the Aur6aan and the Sunna are authentic documents. CThe fact is that statements made by any of the #s.haab.i (iraam are of a documentary capacity. Our 8rophet commanded us to follow any one of themD. Shai(h ;awaad Since our 8rophet said, ,' am the city of (nowled!e, and >#lee is its !ate,- shouldn6t there be difference between >#lee and the other Sahaaba7 Muhammad of 3a9d, 'f >#lee6s statements were of a documentary capacity, would not the 8rophet ha+e said, ,' ha+e left you the Aur6aan, the Sunna, and >#lee-7 Shai(h ;awaad 4es, we can assume that he (the 8rophet) said so. "or the stated in a hadeeth.i.shereef, ,' lea+e (behind me) #llah6s Boo( and my #hl.i.Bayt.- #nd >#lee, in his turn, is the !reatest member of the #hl.i.Bayt. Muhammad of 3a9d denied that the 8rophet had said so. Shai(h ;awaad confuted Muhammad of 3a9d with con+incin! proofs. Howe+er, Muhammad of 3a9d ob9ected to this and said, ,4ou assert that the 8rophet said, ' lea+e you #llah6s Boo( and my #hl.i.Bayt.- Then, what has become of the 8rophet6s Sunna7Shai(h ;awad. The Sunna of the Messen!er of #llah is the e2planation of the Aur6aan. The Messen!er of #llah said, ,' lea+e (you) #llah6s Boo( and my #hl.i.Bayt.- The phrase >#llah6s Boo(6 includes the >Sunna6, which is an e2planation of the former. Muhammad of 3a9d. 'nasmuch as the statements of the #hl.i.Bayt are the e2planations of the Aur6aan, why should it be necessary to e2plain it by hadeeths7 Shai(h ;awaad %hen hadrat 8rophet passed away, his Immat (Muslims) considered that there should be an e2planation of the Aur6aan which would satisfy the time6s re&uirements. 't was for this reason that hadrat 8rophet commanded his Immat to follow the Aur6aan, which is the ori!inal, and his #hl.i.Bayt, who were to e2plain the Aur6aan in a manner to satisfy the time6s re&uirements. ' li(ed this dispute +ery much. Muhammad of 3a9d was motionless in front of Shai(h ;awaad, li(e a house.sparrow in the hands of a hunter.

Muhammad of 3a9d was the sort ' had been loo(in! for. "or his scorn for the time6s scholars, his sli!htin! e+en the (earliest) four Ghaleefas, his ha+in! an independent +iew in understandin! the Aur6aan and the Sunna were his most +ulnerable points to hunt and obtain him. So different this conceited youn!ster was from that #hmed Efendi who had tau!ht me in 'stanbul: That scholar, li(e his predecessors, was reminiscent of a mountain. 3o power would be able to mo+e him. %hene+er he mentioned the name of #boo Haneefa, he would stand up, !o and ma(e ablution. %hene+er he meant to hold the boo( of Hadeeth named Bu(haaree, he would, a!ain, ma(e ablution. The Sunnees trust this boo( +ery much. Muhammad of 3a9d, on the other hand, disdained #boo Haneefa +ery much. He would say, ,' (now better than #boo Haneefa did.- 'n addition, accordin! to him, half of the boo( of Bu(haaree was wron!. C#s ' was translatin! these confessions of HempherLs into Tur(ish, ' remembered the followin! e+ent) ' was a teacher in a hi!h school. <urin! a lesson one of my students as(ed, MSir, if a Muslim is (illed in a war, will he become a martyr7M M4es, he will,M ' said. M<id the 8rophet say so7M M4es, he did.M M%ill he become a martyr if he is drowned in sea, too7M M4es,M was my answer. M#nd in this case he will attain more thawaab.M Then he as(ed, M%ill he become a martyr if he falls down from an aeroplane7M M4es, he will,M ' said. M<id our 8rophet state these, too7M M4es, he did.M Ipon this, he smiled in a triumphant air and said, MSir: %ere there aeroplanes in those days7M My answer to him was as follows) MMy son: Our 8rophet has ninety.nine names. Each of his names stands for a beautiful attribute he was endowed with. One of his names is ;aamiLul.(alim. He would state many facts in one word. "or e2ample, he said, LHe who falls from a hei!ht will become a martyr.L M The child admitted this answer of mine with admiration and !ratitude. By the same to(en, AurLaan al.(ereem and hadeeth.i.shereefs contain many words, rules, commandments and prohibitions each of which denotes +arious other meanin!s. The scientific wor( carried on to e2plore these meanin!s and to apply the ri!ht ones to the ri!ht cases, is called '9tihaad. 8erformin! i9tihaad re&uires ha+in! profound (nowled!e. "or this reason, the Sunnees prohibited i!norant people from doin! i9tihaad. This does not mean to prohibit i9tihaad. #fter the fourth century of the He!iral Era, no scholars were educated so hi!hly as to reach the !rade of an absolute mu9tahid Cscholar profoundly learned (enou!h to perform i9tihaad)D0 therefore, no one performed i9tihad, which in turn naturally meant the closure of the !ates of i9tihaad. Towards the end of the world, 'saa (;esus) >alaihis.salaam6 shall descend from hea+en and Mahdee (the e2pected 'slamic hero) shall appear0 these people shall perform i9tihaad. Our 8rophet >sall.allaahu alaihi wa sallam6 stated, ,#fter me Muslims shall part into se+enty.three !roups. Only one of these !roups shall enter 8aradise.- %hen he was as(ed who were to be in that !roup, he answered, ,Those who adapt themsel+es to me and my #shaab.- 'n another hadeeth.i.shereef he stated, ,My #s.haab are li(e celestial stars. 4ou will attain hidaayat if you follow any one of them:- 'n other words, he said, ,4ou will attain the way leadin! to 8aradise.- # ;ew of 4emen, #bdullah bin Saba, by name, insti!ated hostility a!ainst the #s.haab amon! Muslims. Those i!norant people who belie+ed this ;ew and bore enmity a!ainst the #s.haab were called Shi6ee (Shiite). #nd

people who obeyed the hadeeth.shereefs, lo+ed and followed the #s.haab.i.(iraam were called Sunnee (Sunnite).D ' established a +ery intimate friendship with Muhammad bin #bd.ul.wahhaab of 3a9d. ' launched a campai!n of praisin! him e+erywhere. One day ' said to him) ,4ou are !reater than >Imar and >#lee. 'f the 8rophet were ali+e now, he would appoint you as his Ghaleefa instead of them. ' e2pect that 'slam will be reno+ated and impro+ed in your hands. 4ou are the only scholar who will spread 'slam all o+er the world.Muhammad the son of #bd.ul.wahhaab and ' decided to ma(e a new interpretation of the Aur6aan0 this new interpretation was to reflect only our points of +iew and would be entirely contrary to those e2planations made by the Sahaaba, by the imaams of madh. habs and by the mufassirs (deeply learned scholars speciali5ed in the e2planation of the Aur6aan). %e were readin! the Aur6aan and tal(in! on some of the aayats. My purpose in doin! this was to mislead Muhammad. #fter all, he was tryin! to present himself as a re+olutionist and would therefore accept my +iews and ideas with pleasure so that ' should trust him all the more. On one occasion ' said to him, ,;ihaad (fi!htin!, stru!!lin! for 'slam) is not fard.He protested, ,%hy shouldn6t it be despite #llah6s commandment, >Ma(e war a!ainst unbelie+ers.67' said, ,Then why didn6t the 8rophet ma(e war a!ainst the munaafi&s despite #llah6s commandment, >Ma(e ;ihaad a!ainst unbelie+ers and munaafi&s.- COn the other hand, it is written in Mawaahibu ladunniyya that twenty. se+en ;ihaads were performed a!ainst unbelie+ers. Their swords are e2hibited in 'stanbulLs museums. Munaafi&s would pretend to be Muslims. They would perform namaa5 with the Messen!er of #llah in the Mas9eed. i. 3abawee durin! the days. Basoolullah Lsall.allaahu alaihi wasallamL (new them. 4et he did not say, M 4ou are a munaafi&,M to any of them. 'f he had made war a!ainst them and (illed them, people would say, MMuhammad Lalaihis. salaamL (illed people who belie+ed in him.M Therefore he made +erbal ;ihaad a!ainst them. "or ;ihaad, which is fard, is performed with oneLs body andNor with oneLs property andNor with oneLs speech. The aayat.i.(areema &uoted abo+e commands to perform ;ihaad a!ainst unbelie+ers. 't does not define the type of the ;ihaad to be performed. "or ;ihaad a!ainst unbelie+ers must be performed by fi!htin!, and ;ihaad a!ainst munaafi&s is to be performed by preachin! and ad+ice. This aayat.i.(ereema co+ers these types of ;ihaadD. He said, ,The 8rophet made ;ihaad a!ainst them with his speech.' said, ,'s the ;ihaad which is fard (commanded), the one which is to be done with one6s speech7He said, ,Basoolullah made war a!ainst the unbelie+ers.-

' said, ,The 8rophet made war a!ainst the unbelie+ers in order to defend himself. "or the unbelie+ers intended to (ill him.He nodded. #t another time ' said to him, ,Mut6a ni(aah is permissible.He ob9ected, ,3o, it is not.' said, ,#llah declares, 'n return for the use you ma(e of them, !i+e them the mehr you ha+e decided upon6.He said, ,>Imar prohibited two e2amples of mut6a practice e2istent in his time and said he would punish anyone who practiced it.' said, ,4ou both say that you are superior to >Imar and follow him. 'n addition, >Imar said he prohibited it thou!h he (new that the 8rophet had permitted it. %hy do you lea+e aside the 8rophet6s word and obey >Imar6s word7He did not answer. ' (new that he was con+inced. ' sensed that Muhammad of 3a9d desired a woman at that moment0 he was sin!le. ' said to him, ,*ome on, let us each !et a woman by mut6a ni(aah. %e will ha+e a !ood time with them. He accepted with a nod. This was a !reat opportunity for me, so ' promised to find a woman for him to amuse himself. My aim was to ally the timidity he had about people. But he stated it a condition that the matter be (ept as a secret between us and that the woman not e+en be told what his name was. ' hurriedly went to the *hristian women who had been sent forth by the Ministry of *olonies with the tas( of seducin! the Muslim youth there. ' e2plained the matter to one of them. She accepted to help, so ' !a+e her the nic(name Safiyya. ' too( Muhammad of 3a9d to her house. Safiyya was at home, alone. %e made a one.wee( marria!e contract for Muhammad of 3a9d, who !a+e the woman some !old in the name of ,Mehr.- Thus we be!an to mislead Muhammad of 3a9d, Safiyya from within, and ' from without. Muhammad of 3a9d was thorou!hly in Safiyya6s hands now. Besides, he had tasted the pleasure of disobeyin! the commandments of the Sharee6at under the prete2t of freedom of i9tihaad and ideas. The third day of the mut6a ni(aah ' had a lon! dispute with him o+er that hard drin(s were not haraam (forbidden by 'slam). #lthou!h he &uoted many aayats and hadeeths showin! that it was haraam to ha+e hard drin(s, ' cancelled all of them and finally said, ,'t is a fact that 4e5eed and the Imayyad and #bbasid Ghaleefas had hard drin(s. %ere they all miscreant people and you are the only adherent of the ri!ht way7 They doubtless (new the Aur6aan and the Sunna better than you do. They inferred from the Aur6aan and the Sunna that the hard drin( is ma(rooh, not haraam. #lso, it is written in ;ewish and *hristian boo(s that alcohol is mubaah (permitted). #ll reli!ions are #llah6s

commandments. 'n fact, accordin! to a narrati+e, >Imar had hard drin(s until the re+elation of the aayat, >4ou ha+e all !i+en it up, ha+en6t you7- 'f it had been haraam, the 8rophet would ha+e chastised him. Since the 8rophet did not punish him, hard drin( is halaal.- CThe fact is that LImar Lradiy.allaahu anhL used to ta(e hard drin(s before they were made haraam. He ne+er dran( after the prohibition was declared. 'f some of the Imayyad and #bbasid Ghaleefas too( alcoholic drin(s, this would not show that drin(s with alcohol are ma(rooh. 't would show that they were sinners, that they committed haraam. "or the aayat.i.(ereema &uoted by the spy, as well as other aayat.i.(ereemas and hadeeth.i.shereefs, shows that drin(s with alcohol are haraam. 't is stated in Biyaad.un. naasiheen, M"ormerly it was permissible to drin( wine. Hadrat LImar, SaLd ibni %a&&as, and some other Sahaabees used to drin( wine. $ater the two hundred and nineteenth aayat of Ba&ara soora was re+ealed to declare that it was a !ra+e sin. Sometime later the forty.second aayat of 3isaa soora was re+ealed and it was declared, L<o not approach the namaa5 when you are drun(:LM E+entually, the ninety.third aayat of Maaida soora came and wine was made haraam. 't was stated as follows in hadeeth.i. shereefs) M'f somethin! would into2icate in case it were ta(en in a lar!e amount, it is haraam to ta(e it e+en in a small amount.M and M%ine is the !ra+est of sins.M and M<o not ma(e friends with a person who drin(s wine: <o not attend his funeral (when he dies): <o not form a matrimonial relationship with him:M and M<rin(in! wine is li(e worshippin! idols.M and MMay #llaahu taLaalaa curse him who drin(s wine, sells it, ma(es it, or !i+es it.MD === Muhammad of 3a9d said, ,#ccordin! to some narrati+es, >Imar dran( alcoholic spirits after mi2in! it with water and said it was not haraam unless it had an into2icatin! effect. >Imar6s +iew is correct, for it is declared in the Aur6aan, >The de+il wants to stir up enmity and !rud!e amon! you and to (eep you from doin! dhi(r of #llah and from namaa5 by means of drin(s and !amblin!. 4ou will !i+e these up now, won6t you76 #lcoholic spirits will not cause the sins defined in the aayat when it does not into2icate. Therefore, hard drin(s are not haraam when they don6t ha+e an into2icatin! effect.' told Safiyya about this dispute we had on drin(s and instructed her to ma(e him drin( a +ery stron! spirit. #fterwards, she said, ,' did as you said and made him drin(. He danced and united with me se+eral times that ni!ht.- "rom them on Safiyya and ' completely too( control of Muhammad of 3a9d. 'n our farewell tal( the Minister of *olonies had said to me, ,%e captured Spain from the disbelie+ers Che means MuslimsD by means of alcohol and fornication. $et us ta(e all our lands bac( by usin! these two !reat forces a!ain.- 3ow ' (now how true a statement it was. One day ' broached the topic of fastin! to Muhammad of 3a9d) ,'t is stated in the Aur6aan, >4our fastin! is more auspicious for you.6 't is not stated that fastin! is fard (a plain commandment). Then, fastin! is sunna, not fard, in the 'slamic reli!ion.- He protested and said, ,#re you tryin! to lead me out of my faith7- ' replied, ,One6s faith consists of the purity of one6s heart, the sal+ation of one6s soul, and not committin! a trans!ression a!ainst others6 ri!hts. <id not the 8rophet state, >"aith is lo+e67 <id not #llah declare in Aur6aan al.(ereem, >%orship thine Bab (#llah) until ya&een comes to thee7 Then, when one has attained ya&een pertainin! to #llah and the <ay of ;ud!ement

and beautified one6s heart and purified one6s deeds, one will become the most +irtuous of man(ind.- He shoo( his head in reply to these words of mine. Once ' said to him, ,3amaa5 is not fard.- ,How is it not fard7- ,#llah declares in the Aur6aan, >8erform namaa5 to remember Me.6 Then, the aim of namaa5 is to remember #llah. Therefore, you mi!ht as well remember #llah without performin! namaa5.He said, ,4es. ' ha+e heard that some people do dhi(r of #llah instead of performin! namaa5.6 ' was +ery much pleased with this statement of his. ' tried hard to de+elop this notion and capture his heart. Then ' noticed that he did not attach much importance to namaa5 and was performin! it &uite sporadically. He was +ery ne!li!ent especially with the mornin! prayer. "or ' would (eep him from !oin! to bed by tal(in! with him until midni!ht. So he would be too e2hausted to !et up for mornin! prayer. ' be!an to pull down the shawl of belief slowly off the shoulders of Muhammad of 3a9d. One day ' wanted to dispute with him about the 8rophet, too. ,"rom now on, if you tal( with me on these topics, our relation will be spoilt and ' shall put an end to my friendship with you.- Ipon this ' !a+e up spea(in! about the 8rophet for fear of ruinin! all my endea+ors once and for all. ' ad+ised him to pursue a course &uite different from those of Sunnites and Shiites. He fa+ored this idea of mine. "or he was a conceited person. Than(s to Safiyya, ' put an halter on him. On one occasion ' said, ,' ha+e heard that the 8rophet made his #s.haab brothers to one another. 's it true7- Ipon his positi+e reply, ' wanted to (now if this 'slamic rule was temporary or permanent. He e2plained, ,'t is permanent. "or the 8rophet Muhammad6s halaal is halaal till the end of the world, and his haraam is haraam till the end of the world.- Then ' offered him to be my brother. So we were brothers. "rom that day on ' ne+er left him alone. %e were to!ether e+en in his tra+els. He was +ery important for me. "or the tree that ' had planted and !rown, spendin! the most +aluable days of my youth, was now be!innin! to yield its fruit. ' was sendin! monthly reports to the Ministry of *olonies in $ondon. The answers ' recei+ed were +ery encoura!in! and reassurin!. Muhammad of 3a9d was followin! the path ' had drawn for him. My duty was to imbue him with feelin!s of independence, freedom and s(epticism. ' always praised him, sayin! that a brilliant future was awaitin! him. One day ' fabricated the followin! dream) ,$ast ni!ht ' dreamed of our 8rophet. ' addressed him with the attributes ' had learnt from hod9as. He was seated on a dais. #round him were scholars that ' did not (now. 4ou entered. 4our face was as bri!ht as haloes. 4ou wal(ed towards the 8rophet, and when you were close enou!h the 8rophet stood up and (issed between your both eyes. He said, >4ou are my namesa(e, the heir to

my (nowled!e, my deputy in worldly and reli!ious matters.6 4ou said, >O Messen!er of #llah: ' am afraid to e2plain my (nowled!e to people.6 >4ou are the !reatest. <on6t be afraid,6 replied the 8rophet.Muhammad bin #bd.ul.%ahhaab was wild with 9oy when he heard the dream. He as(ed se+eral times if what ' had told him was true, and recei+ed a positi+e answer each time he as(ed. "inally he was sure ' had told him the truth. ' thin(, from then on, he was resol+ed to publici5e the ideas ' had imbued him with and to establish a new sect.


Hempher says" 't was on one of those days when Muhammad of 3a9d and ' had become +ery intimate friends that ' recei+ed a messa!e from $ondon orderin! me to lea+e for the cities of Gerbelaa and 3a9af, the two most popular Shiite centers of (nowled!e and spirituality. So ' had to put an end to my company with Muhammad of 3a9d and lea+e Basra. 4et ' was happy because ' was sure that this i!norant and morally depra+ed man was !oin! to establish a new sect, which in turn would demolish 'slam from within, and that ' was the composer of the heretical tenets of this new sect. >#lee, the fourth Ghaleefa of the Sunnites, and the first one accordin! to the Shiites, was buried in 3a9af. The city of Goofa, which was a distance of one fersah (lea!ue), i.e., an hour6s wal( from 3a9af, was the capital of >#lee6s caliphate. %hen >#lee was (illed, his sons Hasan and Huseyn buried him outside Goofa at a place called 3a9af today. 'n the course of time, 3a9af be!an to !row, while Goofa !radually fell into decay. The Shiite men of reli!ion came to!ether in 3a9af. Houses, mar(ets, madrasas ('slamic schools and uni+ersities) were built. The Ghaleefa in 'stanbul was (ind and !enerous to them for the followin! reasons) /. The Shiite administration in 'ran was supportin! the Shiites. The Ghaleefa6s interferin! with them would cause tension between the states, which in turn could lead to warfare. 1. The inhabitants of 3a9af included a number of armed tribes supportin! the Shiites. #lthou!h they did not ha+e much si!nificance in terms of weaponry and or!ani5ation, it would be unwise for the Ghaleefa to run the ris( of !ettin! into trouble with them. ?. The Shiites in 3a9af had authority o+er the Shiites all o+er the world, particularly those in #frica and 'ndia. 'f the Ghaleefa disturbed them, all the Shiites would rise a!ainst him. Huseyn bin >#lee, the 8rophet6s !randson, i.e., his dau!hter "aatima6s son, was martyred in Gerbelaa. The people of 'ra& had sent for Huseyn in Medina and in+ited him to 'ra& to elect him their Ghaleefa. Huseyn and his family were in the territory called Gerbelaa when the 'ra&is !a+e up their former intention and, actin! upon the order !i+en by

4a5eed bin Muaawiya, the Imayyad Ghaleefa li+in! in <amascus, set out with the intention of arrestin! him. Huseyn and his family put up a heroic last.ditch fi!ht a!ainst the 'ra&i army. The battle ended in their death, so the 'ra&i army was the winnin! side. Since that day, the Shiites ha+e accepted Gerbelaa as their spiritual center, so that Shiites from all o+er the world come here and form such a hu!e crowd that our reli!ion of *hristianity does not ha+e a li(eness to it. Gerbelaa, a Shiite city, contains Shiite madrasas. This city and 3a9af support each other. Ipon recei+in! the order to !o to these two cities, ' left Basra for Ba!hdad, and thence to a city named >Hulla6 situated alon!side the Euphrates. The Ti!ris and Euphrates come from Tur(ey, cut throu!h 'ra&, and flow into the 8ersian ulf. 'ra&6s a!riculture and welfare are due to these two ri+ers. %hen ' was bac( in $ondon, ' proposed to the Ministry of *olonies that a pro9ect could be drawn up to chan!e the beds of these two ri+ers in order to ma(e 'ra& accept our proposals. %hen the water was cut off, 'ra& would ha+e to satisfy our demands. "rom Hulla to 3a9af ' tra+elled in the !uise of an #5erbai9ani tradesman. Establishin! close friendships with Shiite men of reli!ion, ' be!an to mislead them. ' 9oined their circles of reli!ious instruction. ' saw that they did not study science li(e the Sunnites, nor did they ha+e the beautiful moral &ualities possessed by the Sunnites. "or e2ample) /. They were e2tremely inimical towards the Ottoman State. "or they were Shiites and the Tur(s were Sunnites. They said that the Sunnites were disbelie+ers. 1. The Shiite scholars were entirely absorbed in reli!ious teachin!s and had +ery little interest in worldly (nowled!e, as was the case with priests durin! the period of standstill in our history. ?. They were &uite unaware of 'slam6s inner essence and sublime character, nor did they ha+e the smallest notion of the time6s scientific and technical impro+ements. ' said to myself) %hat a wretched sort of people these Shiites are. They are sound asleep when the whole world is awa(e. One day a flood will come and ta(e them all away. Se+eral times ' attempted to entice them to re+olt a!ainst the Ghaleefa. Infortunately, no one would e+en listen to me. Some of them lau!hed at me as thou!h ' had told them to destroy the earth. "or they loo(ed on the Ghaleefa as a fortress impossible to capture. #ccordin! to them, they would !et rid of the caliphate with the ad+ent of the promised Mahdi. #ccordin! to them, Mahdi was their twelfth imaam, who was a descendant of 'slam6s 8rophet and who disappeared in the Hi9ree year 1HH. They belie+ed he was still ali+e and would one day reappear and rescue the world from this state of utter cruelty and in9ustice, fillin! it with 9ustice.

't is consternatin!: How come these Shiite people belie+e in these superstitions: 't was li(e the superstitious doctrine, ,;esus *hrist will come bac( and fill the world with 9ustice,- held by our *hristians. One day ' said to one of them) ,'sn6t it fard for you to pre+ent in9ustice li(e the 'slamic 8rophet did7- His reply was) ,He mana!ed to pre+ent in9ustice because #llah helped him.- %hen ' said, ,'t is written in the Aur6aan, 'f you help #llah6s reli!ion, He will help you in return.6 ,'f you re+olt a!ainst the torture of your shaahs, #llah will help you- He answered, ,4ou are a tradesman. These are scientific matters. 4ou cannot understand this.The mausoleum of #lee the Emeer.ul.mu6mineen was profusely decorated. 't had a splendid yard, a ! dome, and two tall minarets. E+ery day !reat numbers of Shiites +isited this mausoleum. They performed namaa5 in 9amaa6at in it. E+ery +isitor first stooped in front of the threshold, (issed it, and then !reeted the !ra+e. They as(ed for permission and then entered. The mausoleum had a +ast yard, which contained numerous rooms for men of reli!ion and +isitors. There were two mausoleums similar to that of >#lee6s in Gerbelaa. One of them belon!ed to Huseyn and the other belon!ed his brother #bbaas, who had been martyred with him in Gerbelaa. 'n Gerbelaa the Shiites repeated the same practices as they did in 3a9af. The climate of Gerbelaa was better than that of 3a9af. 't was surrounded with !raceful orchards and lo+ely broo(s. <urin! my mission to 'ra& ' met with a scene that !a+e relief to my heart. Some e+ents heralded the end of the Ottoman Empire. "or one thin!, the !o+ernor appointed by the administration in 'stanbul was an uneducated and cruel person. He acted as he wished. The people did not li(e him. The Sunnites were uneasy because the !o+ernor restricted their freedom and did not +alue them, and the Shiites felt indi!nant o+er bein! !o+erned by a Tur( while amon! them there were sayyeds and shareefs, the 8rophet6s descendants, who would ha+e been a much better choice for !o+ernorship. The Shiites were in an utterly woebe!one situation. They li+ed in s&ualid and dilapidated en+ironments. The roads were not safe. Hi!hwaymen always awaited cara+ans, and attac(ed whene+er they saw that there were no soldiers escortin! them. "or this reason, con+oys would not set out unless the !o+ernment would appoint a detachment to escort them. The Shiite tribes were mostly warli(e with one another. They (illed and plundered one another daily. '!norance and illiteracy were dreadfully widespread. This state of the Shiites reminded me of the time when Europe had been under an ecclesiastical in+asion. %ith the e2clusion of the reli!ious leaders li+in! in 3a9af and Gerbelaa and a small minority, who were their +otaries, not e+en one out of e+ery thousand Shiites (new how to read or write.

The economy had collapsed entirely, and the people were sufferin! utter po+erty. The administrati+e system was &uite out of order. The Shiites committed treasons a!ainst the !o+ernment. The State and the people +iewed each other with suspicion. #s a result, there was no mutual aid between them. The Shiite reli!ious leaders, totally !i+en to +ituperatin! the Sunnites, had already relin&uished (nowled!e0 business, reli!ious and worldly ali(e. ' stayed in Gerbelaa and in 3a9af for four months. ' suffered a +ery serious illness in 3a9af. ' felt so bad that ' completely !a+e up hope of reco+ery. My illness lasted three wee(s. ' went to a doctor. He !a+e me a prescription. Isin! the medicine, ' be!an to reco+er. Throu!hout my illness ' stayed in an under!round room. Because ' was ill, my host prepared my medicine and food in return for an insi!nificant sum of money and e2pected !reat thawaab for ser+in! me. "or ' was, so to spea(, a +isitor of >#lee the Emeer.ul.mu6mineen. The doctor ad+ised me to ha+e only chic(en broth durin! the first few days. $ater on he permitted me to eat chic(en as well. The third wee( ' had rice soup. #fter becomin! well a!ain ' left for Ba!hdad. ' prepared a report of one hundred pa!es on my obser+ations in 3a9af, Hulla, and Ba!hdad and while on the way. ' submitted the report to the Ba!hdad representati+e of the Ministry of *olonies. ' waited for the Ministry6s order on whether ' should remain in 'ra& or return to $ondon. ' wished to !o bac( to $ondon. "or ' had been abroad for a lon! time. ' missed my homeland and my family. Especially, ' wanted to see my son Basputin, who had been born after my departure. "or this reason, ' appended to my report a petition for permission to return to $ondon for a short time at least. ' wanted to !i+e an oral report of impressions about my three years6 mission in 'ra& and to !et some rest in the meantime. The 'ra& representati+e of the Ministry ad+ised me not to call on him often lest ' should arouse suspicion. He also ad+ised to rent a room in one of the inns alon!side the Ti!ris Bi+er, and said, ,' shall inform you of the Ministry6s answer when we recei+e the mail from $ondon.- <urin! my stay in Ba!hdad ' obser+ed the spiritual distance between 'stanbul, the capital of the caliphate, and Ba!hdad. %hen ' left Basra for Gerbelaa and 3a9af, ' was +ery much an2ious that Muhammad of 3a9d would swer+e from the direction ' had led him. "or he was an e2tremely unstable and ner+ous person. ' feared that the aims ' had built upon him mi!ht be spoilt. #s ' left him he was thin(in! of !oin! to 'stanbul. ' did my best to dissuade him from the notion. ' said, ,' am +ery an2ious that when you !o there you may ma(e a statement whereby they will pronounce you a heretic and (ill you.My apprehension was &uite the other way round. ' was an2ious that upon !oin! there he should meet profound scholars capable of settin! his fallacies ri!ht and con+ertin! him to the Sunnee creed and thus all my dreams should come to nau!ht. "or there was (nowled!e and 'slam6s beautiful morality in 'stanbul.

%hen ' found out that Muhammad of 3a9d did not want to stay in Basra, ' recommended that he !o to 'sfahan and Sheeraa5. "or these two cities were lo+ely. #nd their inhabitants were Shiites. #nd Shiites, in their turn, could not possibly influence Muhammad of 3a9d. "or Shiites were inefficient in (nowled!e and ethics. Thus ' made it certain that he would not chan!e the course ' had charted for him. #s we parted ' said to him, ,<o you belie+e in Ta&iyya7- ,4es, ' do,- he replied. ,The unbelie+ers arrested one of the Sahaaba and tormented him and (illed his parents. Ipon this he made Ta&iyya, that is, he said openly that he was a polytheist. (%hen he came bac( and said what had happened), the 8rophet did not reproach him at all.- ' ad+ised him, ,%hen you li+e amon! the Shiites, ma(e Ta&iyya0 do not tell them that you are Sunnee lest they become a nuisance for you. Itili5e their country and scholars: $earn their customs and traditions. "or they are i!norant and stubborn people.#s ' left, ' !a+e him some money as 5a(aat. Ka(aat is an 'slamic ta2 collected in order to be dealt out to the needy people. 'n addition, ' !a+e him a saddled animal as a present. So we parted. #fter my departure ' lost contact with him. This made me utterly uneasy. %hen we parted we decided that both of us were to return to Basra and whiche+er party was bac( first and did not find the other party was to write a letter and lea+e it with #bd.ur.Beedaa. P RT SI& ' stayed in Ba!hdad for a time. Then, recei+in! the messa!e orderin! me to return to $ondon, ' left. 'n $ondon, ' tal(ed with the secretary and some officials of the Ministry. ' told them of my acti+ities and obser+ations durin! my lon! mission. They re9oiced !reatly at the information ' !a+e about 'ra& and said that they were pleased. On the other hand, Safiyya, the !irl friend of Muhammad of 3a9d, sent a report a!reein! with mine. ' found out also that throu!hout my mission ' had been followed by men from the Ministry. These men also sent reports concurrent with the reports ' had sent and with the account ' had !i+en to the secretary. The secretary made an appointment for me to meet the Minister. %hen ' +isited the Minister, he met me in a manner that he had not shown towards me upon my arri+al from 'stanbul. ' (new that ' occupied an e2ceptional place in his heart now. The minister was +ery pleased to (now that ' had obtained Muhammad of 3a9d. ,He is a weapon our Ministry has been loo(in! for. i+e him all sorts of promises. 't would be worth while if you spent all your time indoctrinatin! him,- he said. %hen ' said, ,' ha+e been an2ious about Muhammad of 3a9d. He may ha+e chan!ed his mind,- he replied, ,<on6t worry. He has not !i+en up the ideas he had when you left him. The spies of our Ministry met him in 'sfahan and reported to our Ministry that he had not chan!ed.- ' said to myself, ,How could Muhammad of 3a9d re+eal his secrets to a stran!er7- ' did not dare to as( this &uestion to the Minister. Howe+er, when ' met Muhammad of 3a9d later, ' found out that in 'sfahan a man named #bd.ul.(ereem had met him and ferreted out his

secrets by sayin!, ,' am Shai(h Muhammad6s Cmeanin! meD brother. He told me all that he (new about you.Muhammad of 3a9d said to me, ,Safiyya went with me to 'sfahan and we cohabited with mut6a ni(aah for two more months. #bd.ul.(ereem accompanied me to Sheeraa5 and found me a woman named #siya, who was prettier and more attracti+e than Safiyya. Ma(in! mut6a ni(aah with that woman, ' spent the most deli!htful moments of my life with her.' found out later that #bd.ul.(ereem was a *hristian a!ent li+in! in the ;elfa district of 'sfahan and wor(in! for the Ministry. #nd #siya, a ;ewess li+in! in Sheeraa5, was another a!ent for the Ministry. #ll four of us coordinated to train Muhammad of 3a9d in such a way that in future he would do what was e2cepted from him in the best way. %hen ' related the e+ents in the presence of the Minister, the secretary, and two other members of the Ministry whom ' did not (now, the Minister said to me, ,4ou ha+e deser+ed to recei+e the !reatest award of the Ministry. "or you are the best one amon! the most si!nificant a!ents of the ministry. The secretary will tell you some State secrets, which will help you in your mission.Then they !a+e me a lea+e durin! which ' could see my family. So ' went home ri!ht away and spent some of my sweetest moments with my son, who resembled me +ery much. My son spo(e a few words, and wal(ed so ele!antly that ' felt as if he were a piece from my own body. ' spent this lea+e so cheerfully, so happily. ' felt as if ' were !oin! to fly from 9oy. 't was such a !reat pleasure to be bac( home, to be with my family. <urin! this lea+e ' +isited my old paternal aunt, who lo+ed me +ery much. 't was wise of me to +isit my paternal aunt. "or she passed away after my departure for my third mission. ' felt so sad about her decease. This lea+e elapsed as fast as an hour. %hereas cheerful days such as these !o by as &uic(ly as an hour, days of !rief seem to ta(e centuries. ' remembered the days when ' had suffered that illness in 3a9af. Those days of affliction had seemed li(e years to me. %hen ' went to the Ministry to recei+e new orders, ' met the secretary with this cheerful face and tall stature. He shoo( my hand so warmly that his affection was perceptible. He said to me, ,%ith the command of our minister and the committee in char!e of *olonies, ' shall tell you two State secrets. $ater you will benefit +ery much from these two secrets. 3o one e2cept a couple of confidential people (now these two secrets.Holdin! my hand, he too( me to a room in the Ministry. ' met with somethin! +ery attracti+e in this room. Ten men were sittin! around a round table. The first man was in the !uise of the Ottoman Emperor. He spo(e Tur(ish and En!lish. The second one was dressed in the attire of the Shai(h.ul.islaam (*hief of 'slamic Matters) in 'stanbul. The third one was dressed in an attirement identical with that of the Shah of 'ran. The fourth one was in the attire of the +i5ier in the 'ranian palace. The fifth one was dressed li(e the !reat scholar leadin! the Shiites in 3a9af. The last three of these people spo(e 8ersian and

En!lish. Each of these fi+e people had a cler( sittin! beside him to write down whate+er they would say. These cler(s were impartin! to the fi+e men the information collected by spies about their archetypes in 'stanbul, 'ran, and 3a9af. The secretary said, ,These fi+e people represent the fi+e people there. 'n order to (now what their archetypes thin(, we ha+e educated and trained these people e2actly li(e their archetypes. %e intimate the information we ha+e obtained about their ori!inals in 'stanbul, Teheran and 3a9af to these men. #nd these men, in their turn, ima!ine themsel+es to be their ori!inals in those places. Then we as( them and they answer us. %e ha+e determined that the answers !i+en by these people are se+enty.percent a!reeable with the answers that their ori!inals would !i+e. ,'f you li(e, you may as( &uestions for assessment. 4ou ha+e already met the scholar of 3a9af.- ' replied in the affirmati+e, for ' had met the !reat Shiite scholar in 3a9af and as(ed him about some matters. 3ow ' approached his copy and said, ,<ear teacher, would it be permissible for us to wa!e war a!ainst the !o+ernment because it is Sunnee and fanatical7- He reflected for a while, and said, ,3o, it is not permissible for us to wa!e war a!ainst the !o+ernment because it is Sunnee. "or all Muslims are brothers. %e could declare war on them (Sunnite Muslims) only if they perpetrated cruelty and persecution on the Immat (Muslims). #nd e+en in this case we would obser+e the principles of and 3ahy.i.ani.l.mun(ar. %e would stop interferin! with them as soon as they stopped their persecution.' said, ,<ear teacher, may ' ha+e your opinion concernin! the matter that ;ews and *hristians are foul7- ,4es, they are foul,- he said. ,'t is necessary to (eep away from them.- %hen ' as(ed the reason why, he replied, ,'t is done so in retaliation for an insult. "or they loo( on us as disbelie+ers and deny our 8rophet Muhammad >alaihis.salaam6. %e therefore retaliate for this.- ' said to him, ,<ear teacher, isn6t cleanliness an issue of eemaan7 <espite this fact, the a+enues and streets around the Sahn.i.shareef Cthe area surroundin! hadrat L#leeLs mausoleumD are not clean. E+en the madrasas, which are the places of (nowled!e, cannot be said to be clean.- He replied, ,4es, it is true0 cleanliness is from eemaan. 4et it cannot be helped because the Shiites are ne!li!ent o+er cleanliness.The answers !i+en by this man in the Ministry were precisely concurrent with the answers ' had recei+ed from the Shiite scholar in 3a9af. Such accurate identity between this man and the scholar in 3a9af ama5ed me utterly. 'n addition, this man spo(e 8ersian. The secretary said, ,'f you had met the archetypes of the other four persona!es, you would tal( to their imitations now and see how identical they are with their ori!inals.%hen ' said, ,' (now how the Shai(h.ul.islaam thin(s. "or #hmad Efendi, my hod9a in 'stanbul, !a+e a detailed description of the Shai(h.ul.islaam to me,- the secretary said, ,Then you can !o ahead and tal( with his model.' went near the Shai(h.ul.islaam6s model and said to him, ,'s it fard to obey the Ghaleefa7- ,4es, it is waa9ib,- he replied. ,'t is waa9ib, as it is fard to obey #llah and the

8rophet.- %hen ' as(ed what e+idence he had to pro+e this, he answered, ,<idn6t you hear about ;anaab.i.#llah6s aayat, >Obey #llah, His 8rophet, and the Ilul amr from amon! you67- ' said, ,<oes this mean that #llah commands us to obey the Ghaleefa 4a5eed, who permitted his army to plunder Medeena and who (illed our 8rophet6s !randson Huseyn, and %aleed who dran( alcoholic spirits7- His answer was this) ,My son: 4a5eed was the #meer.ul.mu6mineen with #llah6s permission. He did not command the (illin! of Huseyn. <o not belie+e in the Shiite lies: Bead the boo(s well: He made a mista(e. Then he made tawba for this (he repented and be!!ed for #llah6s for!i+eness and mercy). He was ri!ht about his orderin! Medina.i.munawwara plundered. "or the inhabitants of Medina had become &uite unbridled and disobedient. #s for %aleed0 yes, he was a sinner. 't is waa9ib not to imitate the Ghaleefa, but to obey his commandments compatible with the Sharee6at.- ' had as(ed these same &uestions to my hod9a #hmed Efendi and recei+ed identical answers with sli!ht differences. Then ' as(ed the secretary, ,%hat are the ultimate reasons for preparin! these models7- He said, ,%ith this method we are assessin! the mental capacities of the (Ottoman) Sultan and the Muslim scholars, be they Shi6ee or Sunnee. %e are searchin! for the measures that will help us cope with them. "or instance, if you (now what direction the enemy forces will come from, you will ma(e preparations accordin!ly, post your forces at suitable positions, and thus rout the enemy. On the other hand, if you aren6t sure about the direction of the enemy assault you will spread your forces here and there in a hapha5ard way and suffer a defeat. J By the same to(en, if you (now the e+idences Muslims will furnish to pro+e that their faith, their madh.hab is ri!ht, it will be possible for you to prepare the counter.e+idences to rebut their e+idences and shoc( their belief with those counter.e+idences.Then he !a+e me a boo( of one thousand pa!es containin! the results of the obser+ations and pro9ects carried out by the aforenamed fi+e representati+e men in areas such as military, finance, education, and reli!ion. He said, ,8lease read this boo( and return it to us.- ' too( the boo( home with me. ' read throu!h it with utmost attention durin! my three.wee( holiday. The boo( was of a wonderful sort. "or the important answers and the delicate obser+ations it contained sounded !enuine. ' thin( that the answers !i+en by the representati+e fi+e men were more than se+enty percent a!reeable with the answers that their archetypes would ha+e !i+en. 'ndeed, the secretary had said that the answers were se+enty percent correct. Ha+in! read the boo(, ' now had more confidence in my State and ' (new for certain that the plans for demolishin! the Ottoman Empire in time shorter than a century had already been prepared. The secretary also said, ,'n other similar rooms we ha+e identical tables intended for countries we ha+e been coloni5in! as well as for those we are plannin! to coloni5e.- %hen ' as(ed the secretary where they found such dili!ent and talented men, he replied, ,Our a!ents all o+er the world are pro+idin! us intelli!ence continuously. #s you see, these representati+es are e2perts in their wor(. 3aturally, if you were furnished with all the information possessed by a particular person, you would be able to thin( li(e him and to ma(e the decisions he would ma(e. "or you would be his substitute now.-

The secretary went on, ,So this was the first secret ' was ordered by the Ministry to !i+e you. ,' shall tell you the second secret a month later, when you return the boo( of one thousand pa!es.' read the boo( part by part from the be!innin! to the end, focusin! all my attention on it. 't increased my information about the Muhammadans. 3ow ' (new how they thou!ht, what their wea(nesses were, what made them powerful, and how to transform their powerful &ualities into +ulnerable spots. Muslims6 wea( spots as recorded in the boo( were as follows) /. The Sunnite.Shiite contro+ersy0 the so+erei!n.people contro+ersy0 the Tur(ish.'ranian contro+ersy0 the tribal contro+ersy0 and the scholars.states contro+ersy. 1. %ith +ery few e2ceptions, Muslims are i!norant and illiterate. ?. $ac( of spirituality, (nowled!e, and conscience. @. They ha+e completely ceased from worldly business and are absorbed in matters pertainin! to the Hereafter. H. The emperors are cruel dictators. O. The roads are unsafe, transportation and tra+els are sporadic. E. 3o precaution is ta(en a!ainst epidemics such as pla!ue and cholera, which (ill tens of thousands of people each year0 hy!iene is alto!ether i!nored. P. The cities are in ruins, and there is no system of supplyin! water. Q. The administration is unable to cope with rebels and insur!ents, there is a !eneral disorderliness, rules of the Aur6aan, of which they are so proud, are almost ne+er put into practice. /F. Economical collapse, po+erty, and retro!ression. //. There is not an orderly army, nor ade&uate weaponry0 and the weapons in stoc( are classical and friable. C#re they unaware of the systematic army established by Orhan haa5ee, who ascended to the (Ottoman) throne in E1O (*.E. /?1O), 4ildirim (The Thunderbolt) Baaye5eed GhanLs immaculate army, which routed the !reat army of crusaders in 3i!hbolu in EQQ (*.E. /?QQ)7D /1. Riolation of women6s ri!ht. /?. $ac( of en+ironmental health and cleanliness(@1).

#fter citin! what was considered as Muslims6 +ulnerable spots in the para!raphs paraphrased abo+e, the boo( ad+ised to cause Muslims to remain obli+ious of the material and spiritual superiority of their faith, 'slam. Then, it !a+e the followin! information about 'slam) /. 'slam commands unity and cooperation and prohibits disunion. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,Hold fast to #llah6s rope alto!ether.1. 'slam commands bein! educated and bein! conscious. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,Tra+el on the earth.?. 'slam commands to ac&uire (nowled!e. 't is stated in a hadeeth, ,$earnin! (nowled!e is fard for e+ery Muslim, male and female ali(e.- @. 'slam commands to wor( for the world. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,Some of them) O our #llah: #llot to us whate+er is beautiful both in the world and in the Hereafter.H. 'slam commands consultation. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,Their deeds are (done) upon consultation amon! themsel+es.O. 'slam commands to build roads. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,%al( on the earth.E. 'slam commands Muslims to maintain their health. 't is stated in a hadeeth, ,Gnowled!e is (made up) of four (parts)) /) The (nowled!e of "i&h for the maintenance of faith0 1) The (nowled!e of Medicine for the maintenance of health0 ?) The (nowled!e of Sarf and 3ahw (#rabic !rammar) for the maintenance of lan!ua!e0 @) The (nowled!e of #stronomy so as to be aware of the times.P. 'slam commands de+elopment. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,#llah created e+erythin! on the earth for you.Q. 'slam commands orderliness. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,E+erythin! is based on calculations, orders./F. 'slam commands to be stron! economically. 't is stated in a hadeeth. ,%or( for your world as thou!h you would ne+er die. #nd wor( for your hereafter as if you were !oin! to die tomorrow.//. 'slam commands to establish an army e&uipped with powerful weapons. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,8repare as many forces as you can a!ainst them./1. 'slam commands to obser+e women6s ri!hts and to +alue them. 't is stated in the Aur6aan, ,#s men le!ally ha+e (ri!hts) o+er women, so women ha+e ri!hts o+er them./?. 'slam commands cleanliness. 't is stated in a hadeeth, ,*leanliness is from eemaan.The boo( recommended to de!enerate and to impair the followin! power sources)

/. 'slam has ne!ated racial, lin!ual, traditional, con+entional, and national bi!otry. 1. 'nterest, profiteerin!, fornication, alcoholic spirits, and por( are forbidden. ?. Muslims are firmly adherent to their >Ilamaa (reli!ious scholars). @. Most of the Sunnee Muslims accept the Ghaleefa as the 8rophet6s representati+e. They belie+e that it is fard to show him the same respect as must be shown to #llah and the 8rophet. H. ;ihaad is fard. O. #ccordin! to the Shee6ee Muslims, all non.Muslims and Sunnee Muslims are foul people. E. #ll Muslims belie+e that 'slam is the only true reli!ion. P. Most Muslims belie+e that it is fard to e2pel the ;ews and *hristians from the #rab peninsula. Q. They perform their worships, (such as namaa5, fast, ha99J), in the most beautiful way. /F. The Shi6ee Muslims belie+e that it is haraam (forbidden) to build churches in Muslim countries. //. Muslims hold fast to the principles of the 'slamic belief. /1. The Shi6ee Muslims consider it fard to !i+e one.fifth of the Humus, i.e. booties ta(en in Holy %ar, to the >Ilamaa. /?. Muslims raise their children with such education that they are not li(ely to abandon the way followed by their ancestors. /@. Muslim women co+er themsel+es so well that mischief can by no means act on them. /H. Muslims ma(e namaa5 in 9amaa6at, which brin!s them to!ether fi+e times daily. /O. Because the 8rophet6s !ra+e and those of #lee and other pious Muslims are sacred accordin! to them, they assemble at these places. /E. There are a number of people descendin! from the 8rophet, Cwho are called Sayyeds and ShereefsD0 these people who remind of the 8rophet and who (eep Him always remain ali+e in the eyes of Muslims. /P. %hen Muslims assemble, preachers consolidate their eemaan and moti+ate them to do pious acts. /Q. 't is fard to perform C#d+isin! pietyD and nahy.i.ani.l.mun(ar Cadmonishin! a!ainst wron!doin!D. 1F. 't is sunnat to marry more than one women in order to contribute to the increase of Muslim population. 1/. *on+ertin! one person to 'slam is more +aluable to a Muslim than possessin! the whole world. 11. The hadeeth, ,'f a person opens an auspicious way, he will attain the thawaabs of people who follow that way as well as the thawaab for ha+in! attained it,- is well (nown amon! Muslims. 1?. Muslims hold the Aur6aan and hadeeths in +ery profound re+erence. They belie+e that obeyin! these sources is the only way of attainin! 8aradise. The boo( recommends to +itiate Muslims6 staunch spots and to populari5e their wea(nesses, and it prescribed the methods for accomplishin! this. 't ad+ised the followin! steps for populari5in! their +ulnerable spots) /. Establish contro+ersies by inducin! animosity amon! disputin! !roups, inoculatin! mistrust, and by publishin! literature to further incite contro+ersies.

1. Obstruct schoolin! and publications, and burn literature whene+er possible. Ma(e sure that Muslim children remain i!norant by castin! +arious aspersions on reli!ious authorities and thus pre+entin! Muslim parents from sendin! their children to reli!ious schools. CThis British method has been +ery harmful to 'slamD. ?.@. 8raise 8aradise in their presence and con+ince them that they need not wor( for a worldly life. Enlar!e the circles of Tasawwuf. Geep them in an unconscious state by encoura!in! them to read boo(s ad+isin! Kuhd, such as ', by ha5aalee, Mesne+ee, by Mawlaanaa, and +arious boo(s written by Muhyiddeen #rabee. H. %heedle the emperors into cruelty and dictatorship by the followin! dema!o!ic falsifications) 4ou are #llah6s shadows on the earth. 'n fact, #boo Ba(r, >Imar, >Ithmaan, >#lee, Imayyads and #bbasids came to sei5e power by sheer force and the sword, and each of them was a so+erei!n. "or e2ample, #boo Ba(r assumed power with the help of >Imar6s sword and by settin! fire to the houses of those who would not obey him, such as "aatima6s house. #nd >Imar became Ghaleefa upon #boo Ba(r6s commendation. >Ithmaan, on the other hand, became the president with >Imar6s order. #s for >#lee0 he became head of the State by an election held amon! bandits. Muaawiya assumed power by the sword. Then, in the time of the Imayyads, so+erei!nty was turned into an inheritance transferred throu!h paternal chain. So was the case with the #bbasids. These are the e+idences for the fact that in 'slam so+erei!nty is a form of dictatorship. O. <elete death penalty for homicide from the penal code. C<eath punishment is the only deterrent to homicide and banditry. #narchy and banditry cannot be pre+ented without death penaltyD. Hinder the administration in punishin! hi!hwaymen and robbers. Ma(e sure that tra+elin! is unsafe by supportin! and armin! them. E. %e can ma(e them lead an unhealthy life with the followin! scheme) E+erythin! is dependent on #llah6s foreordination. Medical treatment will ha+e no role in restorin! health. <oes not #llah say in the Aur6aan, ,My Bab (#llah) ma(es me eat and drin(. He cures me when ' am ill. He alone will (ill me and then resurrect me.- Then, no one will reco+er from an illness or escape death outside #llah6s will. P. Ma(e the followin! statements for encoura!in! cruelty) 'slam is a reli!ion of worship. 't has no interest in State matters. Therefore, Muhammad and his Ghaleefas did not ha+e any ministers or laws. Q. Economic decline is a natural conse&uence of the in9urious acti+ities ad+ised so far. %e can add to the atrophy by rottin! the crops, sin(in! the trade ships, settin! fire to the mar(et places, destroyin! dams and barra!es and thus lea+in! a!ricultural areas and industrial centers under water, and finally by contaminatin! their networ(s of drin(in! water. /F. #ccustom statesmen to such indul!ences as Cse2, sports,D alcohol, !amblin!, corruption which cause sedition and intri!uin!, and spendin! the State property for their personal ad+anta!es. Encoura!e the ci+il ser+ants to do thin!s of this sort and reward

those who ser+e us in this way. Then the boo( added the followin! ad+ice) The British spies assi!ned this duty must be protected secretly or openly, and no e2pense must be spared to rescue the ones arrested by Muslims. //. 8opulari5e all sorts of interest. "or interest not only ruins national economy, but also accustoms Muslims to disobeyin! the Goranic rules. Once a person has +iolated one article of law, it will be easy for him to +iolate the other articles, too. They must be told that ,interest is haraam when in multiples, for it is stated in the Aur6aan, ><o not recei+e interest in multiples.6Therefore, not e+ery form of interest is haraam.- CThe time of a loan must not be appointed in ad+ance. #ny e2tra payment a!reed on (at the time of lendin!) is interest. This type of interest is a !ra+e sin, be the e2tra payment stipulated worth only a dirham. 'f it is stipulated that the same amount (borrowed) must be repaid after a certain time, this is interest accordin! to the Hanafee madh.hab. 'n sales on credit, time of repayment must be appointed0 yet if the debtor cannot pay off at the appointed time and the time is protracted and an e2tra payment is stipulated, this (ind of interest is called MudaaLaf. The aayat.i.(areema &uoted abo+e states this type of interest in tradeD. /1. Spread false char!es of atrocity a!ainst scholars, cast sordid aspersions a!ainst them and thus alienate Muslims from them. %e shall dis!uise some of our spies as them. Then we shall ha+e them commit s&ualid deeds. Thus they will be confused with scholars and e+ery scholar will be loo(ed upon with suspicion. 't is a must to infiltrate these spies into #l.#5.har, 'stanbul, 3a9af, and Gerbelaa. %e shall open schools, colle!es for estran!in! Muslims from scholars. 'n these schools we shall educate By5antine, ree( and #rmenian children and brin! them up as the enemies of Muslims. #s for Muslim children0 we shall imbue them with the con+iction that their ancestors were i!norant people. 'n order to ma(e these children hostile towards Ghaleefas, scholars, and statesmen, we shall tell them about their errors and con+ince them that they were busy with their sensuous pleasures, that Ghaleefas spent their time ha+in! fun with concubines, that they misused the people6s property, that they did not obey the 8rophet in anythin! they did. /?. 'n order to spread the calumniation that 'slam abhors woman(ind, we shall &uote the aayat, ,Men are dominant o+er women,- and the hadeeth, ,The woman is an e+il alto!ether./@. <irtiness is the result of lac( of water. Therefore, we must deter the increasin! of the water supplies under +arious schemes. The boo( ad+ised the followin! steps for destroyin! Muslims6 stron!holds) /. 'nduce such chau+inistic de+otions as racism and nationalism amon! Muslims so as to retract their attention towards their pre.'slamic heroisms. Be9u+enate the 8haraoh period in E!ypt, the Ma!i period in 'ran, the Babylonian period in 'ra&, the #ttila and <5en!i5 eraCtyrannismsD in the Ottomans. CThey contained a lon! list on this sub9ectD. 1. The followin! +ices must be done secretly or publicly) #lcoholic spirits, !amblin!, fornication, por(, Cand fi!hts amon! sports clubs.D 'n doin! this, *hristians, ;ews, Ma!ians, and other non.Muslims li+in! in Muslim countries should be utili5ed to a

ma2imum, and those who wor( for this purpose should be awarded hi!h salaries by the treasury department of the Ministry of the *ommonwealth. ?. Sow suspicion amon! them concernin! ;ihaad0 con+ince them that ;ihaad was a temporary commandment and that it has been outdated. @. <ispel the notion that ,disbelie+ers are foul- from the hearts of Shiites. Auote the Goranic +erse, ,#s the food of those !i+en a (hea+enly) Boo( is halaal for you, so is your food halaal for them,- and tell them that the 8rophet had a ;ewish wife named Safiyya and a *hristian wife named Maariya and that the 8rophet6s wi+es were not foul at all. H. 'mbue Muslims with the belief that ,what the 8rophet meant by 'slam6 was >a perfect reli!ion6 and therefore this reli!ion could be ;udaism or *hristianity as well as 'slam.Substantiate this with the followin! reasonin!) The Aur6aan !i+es the name >Muslim6 to members of all reli!ions. "or instance, it &uotes the 8rophet ;oseph (4oosuf >alaihis. salaam6) as ha+in! in+o(ed, ,Gill me as a Muslim,- and the 8rophets 'braaheem and 'smaa6eel as ha+in! prayed, ,O our Bab (#llah): Ma(e us Muslims for 4ourself and ma(e a Muslim people for 4ourself from amon! our offsprin!,-and the 8rophet 4a6&oob as ha+in! said to his sons, ,<ie only and only as Muslims.O. Bepeat fre&uently that it is not haraam to build churches, that the 8rophet and his Ghaleefas did not demolish them, that on the contrary they respected them, that the Aur6aan states, ,'f #llah had not dispelled some people by means of others, monasteries, churches, syna!o!ues, and mos&ues wherein #llah6s name is mentioned +ery much would ha+e been annihilated (by now),- that 'slam respects temples, that it does not demolish them, and that it pre+ents those who would otherwise demolish them. E. *onfuse Muslims about the hadeeths, ,<eport the ;ews from the #rabic 8eninsula,and, ,Two reli!ions cannot coe2ist on the #rabic peninsula.- Say that ,'f these two hadeeths were true, the 8rophet would not ha+e had a ;ew wife and a *hristian one. 3or would he ha+e made an a!reement with the 3a9ran *hristians.P. Try to hamper Muslims in their worships and ma(e them falter about the usefulness of worships by sayin! that ,#llah does not need men6s worships.- 8re+ent them from their worship of Ha99 as well as from any sort of worship that will brin! them to!ether. $i(ewise, try to obstruct construction of mos&ues, mausoleums and madrasas and the restoration of Ga6ba. Q. Mystify the Shiites about the rule that one.fifth of the !haneema property ta(en from the enemy in combat is to be !i+en to the >Ilamaa and e2plain that this one.fifth belon!s to the !haneema property ta(en from (<aar.ul.harb) and that it has nothin! to do with commercial earnin!s. Then add that ,Humus (the one.fifth mentioned abo+e) is to be !i+en to the 8rophet or to the Ghaleefa, not to the >Ilamaa. "or the >Ilamaa are !i+en houses, palaces, animals, and orchards. Therefore, it is not permissible to !i+e them the (Humus).- /F. 'nsert heresies into Muslims6 creedal tenets and then critici5e 'slam for bein! a reli!ion of terror. #ssert that Muslim countries are retro!ressi+e and that they ha+e under!one shoc(s, thus impairin! their adherence to 'slam. COn the other hand,

Muslims established the !reatest and the most ci+ili5ed empire of the world. They declined as their adherence to 'slam deterioratedD. //. Rery important: #lienate children from their fathers, thus depri+in! them of their elders6 education. %e shall educate them. *onse&uently, the moment children ha+e parted from their fathers6 education, there will no lon!er be any possibility for them to maintain contact with their belief, faith, or reli!ious scholars. /1. 8ro+o(e the womenfol( to !et rid of their traditional co+ers. "abricate such falsifications as ,*o+erin! is not a !enuine 'slamic commandment. 't is a tradition established in the time of the #bbasids. "ormerly, other people would see the 8rophet6s wi+es and women would 9oin all sorts of social acti+ities.- #fter strippin! the woman of her traditional co+er, tempt the youth towards her and cause indecencies between them: This is a +ery effecti+e method for annihilatin! 'slam. "irst use non.Muslim women for this purpose. 'n the course of time the Muslim woman will automatically de!enerate and will be!in to follow their e2ample. /?. E2ploit e+ery opportunity to put an end to performin! namaa5 in 9amaa6at by castin! aspersions on the imaams in mos&ues, by re+ealin! their mista(es, and by sowin! discord and ad+ersity between them and the 9amaa6ats (!roups of Muslims) who perform their daily prayers of namaa5 behind them. /@. Say that all mausoleums must be demolished to the !round, that they did not e2ist in the 8rophet6s time. 'n addition, deter Muslims from +isitin! the !ra+es of 8rophets, Ghaleefas and pious Muslims by arisin! doubts about +isitin! !ra+es. "or instance say, ,The 8rophet was buried by his mother and #boo Be(r and >Imar were buried in the cemetery called Baa(ee6.LIthmaan6s !ra+e is un(nown. Huseyn6s head was buried at (a place called) Hannana. 't is not (nown where his body was buried. The !ra+es in Gaa5imiyya belon! to two caliphs. They do not belon! to Gaa5im and ;awaad, two descendants of the 8rophet. #s to the one in Tus (city)0 that !ra+e belon!s to Haarun, not to Bidaa, a member of the #hl.i.Bayt (the 8rophet6s "amily). The !ra+es in Samerra belon! to the #bbasids. They do not belon! to Haadee, #s(eree, and Mahdee, members of the #hl.i.Bayt. #s it is fard to demolish all the mausoleums and domes in Muslim countries, so is it a must to bulldo5e the cemetery called Baa(ee6./H. Ma(e people feel s(eptical about the fact that Sayyeds are the 8rophet6s descendants. Mi2 Sayyeds with other people by ma(in! non.Sayyeds wear blac( and !reen turbans. Thus people will be perple2ed in this matter and will conse&uently be!in to distrust Sayyeds. Strip reli!ious authorities and Sayyeds of their turbans so that the 8rophetic pedi!ree will be lost and reli!ious authorities will not be respected any more. /O. Say that it is fard to demolish the places where Shiites mourn, that this practice is a heresy and aberration. 8eople should be pre+ented from +isitin! those places, the number of preachers should be decreased and ta2es should be le+ied on preachers and owners of the places for mournin!.

/E. Inder the prete2t of lo+e of freedom, con+ince all Muslims that ,E+eryone is free to do whate+er he li(es. 't is not fard to perform and 3ahy.i.anil. mun(ar or to teach the 'slamic principles.- COn the contrary, it is fard to learn and teach 'slam. 't is a MuslimLs first dutyD. 'n addition, imbue them with this con+iction) ,*hristians are to remain in their own faith (*hristianity) and ;ews are to abide by theirs (;udaism). 3o one will enter another person6s heart. #mr.i.ma6roof and 3ahy.i.anil. mun(ar are the Ghaleefa6s duties./P. 'n order to impede Muslims from increasin! in number, births must be limited and poly!amy must be prohibited. Marria!e must be sub9ected to restrictions. "or instance, it must be said that an #rab cannot marry an 'ranian, an 'ranian cannot marry an #rab, a Tur( cannot marry an #rab. /Q. Ma(e sure to stop 'slamic propa!ations and con+ersions to 'slam. Broadcast the conception that 'slam is a reli!ion peculiar to the #rabs only. #s an e+idence for this, put forward the Aur6aanic +erse which reads, ,This is a <hi(r for thee and thine people.1F. 8ious institutions must be restricted and confined to the State monopoly, to the e2tent that indi+iduals must be unable to establish madrasas or other similar pious institutions. 1/. #rouse doubts as to the authenticity of the Aur6aan in Muslims6 minds0 publish Goranic translations containin! e2cisions, additions, and interpolations, and then say, ,The Aur6aan has been defiled. 'ts copies are incon!ruous. # +erse one of them contains does not e2ist in another.- E2cise the +erses insultin! ;ews, *hristians and all other non. Muslims and those commandin! ;ihaad, and 3ahy.i.anil mun(ar.Translate the Aur6aan into other lan!ua!es such as Tur(ish, 8ersian, 'ndian, thus to pre+ent #rabic from bein! learned and read outside #rabic countries, and a!ain, pre+ent the (#d.haan), (3amaa5), and (<uaa) from bein! done in #rabic outside #rabic countries. $i(ewise, Muslims will be made to feel doubts about hadeeths. The translations, criticisms and interpolations planned for the Aur6aan should be applied to hadeeths as well. %hen ' read throu!h the boo(, which was entitled How *an %e <emolish 'slam, ' found it really e2cellent. 't was a peerless !uide for the studies ' was !oin! to carry on. %hen ' returned the boo( to the secretary and told him that it afforded me !reat pleasure to read it, he said, ,4ou can be sure that you are not alone in this field. %e ha+e lots of men doin! the same 9ob as you ha+e been carryin! on. Our Ministry has assi!ned o+er fi+e thousand men to this mission. The Ministry is considerin! increasin! this number to one hundred thousand. %hen we reach this number we shall ha+e brou!ht all Muslims under our sway and obtained all Muslim countries.Sometime later the secretary said) , ood news to you: Our Ministry needs one century at the most to reali5e this pro!ram. %e may not li+e to see those happy days, but our children will. %hat a beautiful sayin! this is) ' ha+e eaten what others sowed. So ' am

sowin! for others.6 %hen the British mana!e this they will ha+e pleased the whole *hristian world and will ha+e rescued them from a twel+e.century.old nuisance.The secretary went on as follows) ,The crusadin! e2peditions which continued for centuries were of no use. 3or can the Mon!ols Carmies of <5en!i5D be said to ha+e done anythin! to e2tirpate 'slam. "or their wor( was sudden, unsystematic, and un!rounded. They carried on military e2peditions so as to re+eal their enmity. *onse&uently, they became tired in a short time. But now our +aluable administrators are tryin! to demolish 'slam by means of a +ery subtle plan and a lon!.ran!e patience. %e must use military force, too. 4et this should be the final phase, that is, after we ha+e completely consumed 'slam, after we ha+e hammered it from all directions and rendered it into a miserable state from which it will ne+er reco+er a!ain and fi!ht a!ainst us.- The secretary6s final words were these) ,Our superiors in 'stanbul must ha+e been +ery wise and intelli!ent. They e2ecuted our plan precisely. %hat did they do7 They mi2ed with the Muhammadans and opened madrasas for their children. They built churches. They were perfectly successful in populari5in! alcoholic spirits, !amblin!, indecencies, and brea(in! them into !roups by means of insti!ation Cand football clubs.D They aroused doubts in the minds of youn! Muslims. They inserted contro+ersies and oppositions into their !o+ernments. They spread mischief e+erywhere. They depra+ed administrators, directors, and statesmen by fillin! their houses with *hristian women. %ith acti+ities of this sort they bro(e their forces, shoc(ed their adherence to their faith, corrupted them morally, and disrupted their unity and communication. 3ow the time has come to commence a sudden war and e2tirpate 'slam.P RT SE%E! Ha+in! en9oyed the first secret, ' was loo(in! forward to (nowin! the second secret. E+entually one day the secretary e2plained the second secret he had promised. The second secret was a fifty pa!e scheme prepared for the hi!h ran(in! officials wor(in! in the Ministry for annihilatin! 'slam alto!ether within a century6s time. The scheme was comprised of fourteen articles. The scheme was closely !uarded for fear that it mi!ht be obtained by Muslims. The followin! are the articles of the scheme) /. %e ha+e to form a well.established alliance and an a!reement of mutual help with the Bussian Tsar in order to in+ade Bu(haara, Taa9i(istaan, #rmenia, Ghorasan and its nei!hborhood. #!ain, a sound a!reement must be established with Bussians in order to in+ade their nei!hbor, Tur(ey. 1. %e must establish cooperation with "rance in demolishin! the 'slamic world both from within and from without. ?. %e must sow +ery ardent rows and contro+ersies between the Tur(ish and 'ranian !o+ernments and emphasi5e nationalistic and racist feelin!s in both parties. 'n addition, all the Muslim tribes, nations and countries nei!hborin! one another must be set a!ainst one another. #ll the reli!ious sects, includin! the e2tinct ones, must be reco+ered and set a!ainst one another. @. 8arts from Muslim countries must be handed o+er to non.Muslim communities. "or e2ample, Medina must be !i+en to the ;ews, #le2andria to the *hristians, 'maara to the

Saaiba, Germanshah to the 3usayriya !roup, who ha+e di+ini5ed >#lee, Mousul to the 4a5eedees, the 'ranian !ulf to Hindus, Tripoli to the <ru5is, Gars to the #lawees, and Mas&at to the Ghaari9ee !roup. The ne2t step should be to arm these !roups so that each of them will be a thorn on the body of 'slam. Their areas must be widened till 'slam has collapsed and perished. H. # schedule must be concocted to di+ide the Muslim and Ottoman States into, as small as possible, local states that are always at lo!!erheads with one another. #n e2ample of this is today6s 'ndia. "or the followin! theory is common) ,Brea(, and you will dominate,- and ,Brea(, and you will destroy.O. 't is necessary to adulterate 'slam6s essence by addin! interpolated reli!ions and sects into it, and this we must de+ise in such a subtle manner that the reli!ions we are to in+ent should be compatible with the sensuous tastes and aspirations of the people amon! whom we are !oin! to spread them. %e shall in+ent four different reli!ions in the Shiite countries) /. # reli!ion that di+ini5es hadrat Huseyn0 1. # reli!ion that di+ini5es ;a6fer Saadi&0 ?. # reli!ion di+ini5in! Mahdi0 @. # reli!ion di+ini5in! #lee Bidaa. The first one is suitable for Gerbelaa, the second one for 'sfahaan, the third one for Samarra, and the fourth one for Ghoraasaan. 'n the meantime, we must de!enerate the e2istin! four Sunnite madh.habs into four self. standin! reli!ions. #fter doin! this, we shall establish an alto!ether new 'slamic sect in 3a9d, and then insti!ate bloody rows amon! all these !roups. %e shall annihilate the boo(s belon!in! to the four madh.habs, so that each of these !roups will consider themsel+es to be the only Muslim !roup and will loo( on the other !roups as heretics that are to be (illed. E. Seeds of mischief and malice, such as fornication, pederasty, alcoholic spirits and !amblin!, will be scattered amon! Muslims. 3on.Muslims li+in! in the countries concerned will be used for this purpose. # tremendous army of people of this sort is on re&uisition for the reali5ation of this !oal. P. %e should spare no effort to train and educate +icious leaders and cruel commanders in Muslim countries, to brin! them into power and thus to pass laws prohibitin! obedience to the Sharee6at (reli!ious in9unctions). %e should put them to use, to the e2tent that they should be subser+ient enou!h to do whate+er the Ministry (of the *ommonwealth) as(s them to do, and +ice +ersa. Throu!h them we should be able to impose our wishes on Muslims and Muslim countries by usin! laws as an enforcement. %e should establish a social way of life, an atmosphere wherein obeyin! the Shari6at will be loo(ed on as a !uilt and worshippin! as an act of re!ression. %e should tric( Muslims into electin! their leaders from amon! non.Muslims. "or doin! this, we should dis!uise some of our a!ents as 'slamic authorities and brin! them into hi!h positions so that they may e2ecute our wishes. Q. <o your best to pre+ent the learnin! of #rabic. 8opulari5e lan!ua!es other than #rabic, such as 8ersian, Gurdish, and 8ushtu (8ashto). Besuscitate forei!n lan!ua!es in the #rabic countries and populari5e the local dialects in order to annihilate literary, elo&uent #rabic, which is the lan!ua!e of the Aur6aan and the Sunna. /F. 8lacin! our men around statesmen, we should !radually ma(e them secretaries of

these statesmen and throu!h them we should carry out the desires of the Ministry. The easiest way of doin! this is the sla+e trade) "irst of all we must ade&uately train the spies we are to send forth in the !uise of sla+es and concubines. Then we must sell them to the close relati+es of Muslim statesmen, for instance, to their children or wi+es, or to other people li(ed or respected by them. These sla+es, after we ha+e sold them, will !radually approach the statesmen. Becomin! their mothers and !o+ernesses, they will encircle Muslim statesmen li(e a bracelet !irdin! a wrist. //. Missionary areas must be widened so as to penetrate into all social classes and +ocations, especially into such professions as medicine, en!ineerin!, and boo(.(eepin!. %e must open centers of propa!anda and publication under such names as churches, schools, hospitals, libraries and charity institutions in the 'slamic countries and spread them far and near. %e must distribute millions of *hristian boo( free of char!e. %e must publish the *hristian history and inter!o+ernmental law alon!side the 'slamic history. %e must dis!uise our spies as mon(s and nuns and place them in churches and monasteries. %e must use them as leaders of *hristian mo+ements. These people will at the same time detect all the mo+ements and trends in the 'slamic world and report to us instantaneously. %e must institute an army of *hristians who will, under such names as >professor6, >scientist6, and >researcher6, distort and defile the 'slamic history, learn all the facts about Muslims6 ways, beha+ior, and reli!ious principles, and then destroy all their boo(s and eradicate the 'slamic teachin!s. /1. %e must confuse the minds of the 'slamic youth, boys and !irls ali(e, and arouse doubts and hesitations in their minds as to 'slam. %e must completely strip them of their moral +alues by means of schools, boo(s, ma!a5ines Csports clubs, publications, motion pictures, tele+isionD, and our own a!ents trained for this 9ob. 't is a prere&uisite to open clandestine societies to educate and train ;ewish, *hristian and other non.Muslim youn!sters and use them as decoys to trap the Muslim youn!sters. /?. *i+il wars and insurrections must be pro+o(ed0 Muslims must always be stru!!lin! with one another as well as a!ainst non.Muslims so that their ener!ies will be wasted and impro+ement and unity will be impossible for them. Their mental dynamisms and financial sources must be annihilated. 4oun! and acti+e ones must be done away with. Their orders must be rendered into terror and anarchy. /@. Their economy must be ra5ed in all areas, their sources of income and a!ricultural areas must be spoilt, their irri!ation channels and lines must be de+astated and ri+ers dried up, the people must be made to hate the performance of namaa5 and wor(in!, and sloth must be made as widespread as possible. 8lay!rounds must be opened for la5y people. 3arcotics and alcoholic spirits must be made common. CThe articles we ha+e cited abo+e were e2plained +ery clearly with such aids as maps, pictures and chartsD. ' than(ed the secretary for !i+in! me a copy of this ma!nificent document. #fter a month6s stay in $ondon, ' recei+ed a messa!e from the Ministry orderin! me to !o to 'ra& to see Muhammad of 3a9d a!ain. #s ' was lea+in! for my mission, the secretary said to me, ,3e+er be ne!li!ent about Muhammad of 3a9d: #s it is understood from the reports sent by our spies up until now, Muhammad of 3a9d is a typical fool +ery con+enient for the reali5ation of our purposes.

,Tal( fran(ly with Muhammad of 3a9d. Our a!ents tal(ed with him fran(ly in 'sfahaan, and he accepted our wishes on terms. The terms he stipulated are) He would be supported with ade&uate property and weaponry to protect himself a!ainst states and scholars who would certainly attac( him upon his announcin! his ideas and +iews. # principality would be established in his country, be it a small one. The Ministry accepted these terms.' felt as if ' were !oin! to fly from 9oy when ' heard this news. ' as(ed the secretary what ' was supposed to do about this. His reply was, ,The Ministry has de+ised a subtle scheme for Muhammad of 3a9d to carry out, as follows) ,/. He is to declare all Muslims as disbelie+ers and announce that it is halaal to (ill them, to sei5e their property, to +iolate their chastity, to ma(e their men sla+es and their women concubines and to sell them at sla+e mar(ets. ,1. He is to state that Ga6ba is an idol and therefore it must be demolished. 'n order to do away with the worship of ha99, he is to pro+o(e tribes to raid !roups of had9is (Muslim pil!rims), to plunder their belon!in!s and to (ill them. ,?. He is to stri+e to dissuade Muslims from obeyin! the Ghaleefa. He is to pro+o(e them to re+olt a!ainst him. He is to prepare armies for this purpose. He is to e2ploit e+ery opportunity to spread the con+iction that it is necessary to fi!ht a!ainst the notables of Hed9a5 and brin! dis!race on them. ,@. He is to alle!e that the mausoleums, domes and sacred places in Muslim countries are idols and polytheistic milieus and must therefore be demolished. He is to do his best to produce occasions for insultin! 8rophet Muhammad, his Ghaleefas, and all prominent scholars of madh.habs. ,H. He is to do his utmost to encoura!e insurrections, oppressions and anarchy in Muslim countries. ,O. He is to try to publish a copy of the Aur6aan interpolated with additions and e2cisions, as is the case with hadeeths.#fter e2plainin! this si2.para!raph scheme, the secretary added, ,<o not panic at this hu!e pro!ramma. "or our duty is to sow the seeds for annihilatin! 'slam. There will come !enerations to complete this 9ob. The British !o+ernment has formed it a habit to be patient and to ad+ance step by step. %asn6t 8rophet Muhammad, the performer of the !reat and bewilderin! 'slamic re+olution, a human bein! after all7 #nd this Muhammad of 3a9d of ours has promised to accomplish this re+olution of ours li(e his 8rophet.# couple of days later, ' too( permission from the Minister and the Secretary, bid farewell to my family and friends, and set out for Basra. #s ' left home my little son said, ,*ome bac( soon daddy:- My eyes became wet. ' could not conceal my sorrow from my wife. #fter a tiresome 9ourney ' arri+ed in Basra at ni!ht. ' went to #bd.ur.Bidaa6s home. He was asleep. He was +ery pleased when he wo(e up and saw me. He offered me warm hospitality. ' spent the ni!ht there. The ne2t mornin! he said to me, ,Muhammad of 3a9d called on me, left this letter for you, and left.- ' opened the letter. He wrote the was lea+in! for his country, 3a9d, and !a+e his address there. ' at once set out to !o there, too. #fter an e2tremely onerous 9ourney ' arri+ed there. ' found Muhammad of 3a9d in his

home. He had lost a lot of wei!ht. ' did not say anythin! this concernin! this to him. #fterwards, ' learned that he had !otten married. %e decided between us that he was to tell other people that ' was his sla+e and was bac( from some place he had sent me. He introduced me as such. ' stayed with Muhammad of 3a9d for two years. %e made a pro!ramma to announce his call. E+entually ' fomented his resolution in //@? Hi9ri C#.<. /E?FD. Hence by collectin! supporters around himself, he insinuated his call by ma(in! co+ert statements to those who were +ery close to him. Then, day by day, he e2panded his call. ' put !uards around him in order to protect him a!ainst his enemies. ' !a+e them as much property and money as they wanted. %hene+er the enemies of Muhammad of 3a9d wanted to attac( him, ' inspirited and heartened them. #s his call spread wider, the number of his ad+ersaries increased. "rom time to time he attempted to !i+e up his call, especially when he was o+erwhelmed by the multitude of the attac(s made on him. 4et ' ne+er left him alone and always encoura!ed him. ' would say to him, ,O Muhammad, the 8rophet suffered more persecution than you ha+e so far. 4ou (now, this is a way of honor. $i(e any other re+olutionist, you would ha+e to endure some difficulty:Enemy attac( was li(ely any moment. ' therefore hired spies on his ad+ersaries. %hene+er his enemies meant harm to him, the spies would report to me and so ' would neutrali5e their harm. Once ' was informed that the enemies were to (ill him. ' immediately too( the precautions to thwart their preparations. %hen the people (around Muhammad of 3a9d) heard about this plot of their enemies, they be!an to hate them all the more. They fell into the trap they had laid. Muhammad of 3a9d promised me that he would implement all the si2 articles of the scheme and added, ,"or the time bein! ' can e2ecute them only partly.- He was ri!ht in this word of his. #t that time it was impossible for him to carry out all of them. He found it impossible to ha+e Ga6ba demolished. #nd he !a+e up the idea of announcin! that it (Ga6ba) is an idol. 'n addition, he refused to publish an interpolated copy of the Aur6aan. Most of his fears in this respect were from the Shereefs in Me((a and the 'stanbul !o+ernment. He told me that ,'f we made these two announcements we would be attac(ed by a powerful army.- ' accepted his e2cuse. "or he was ri!ht. The conditions were not fa+orable at all. # couple of years later the Ministry of *ommonwealth mana!ed to ca9ole Muhammad bin Su6ood, the #meer of <er6iyya, into 9oinin! our lines. They sent me a messen!er to inform me about this and to establish a mutual affection and cooperation between the two Muhammads. "or earnin! Muslims6 hearts and trusts, we e2ploited our Muhammad of 3a9d reli!iously, and Muhammad bin Su6ood politically. 't is an historical fact that states based on reli!ion ha+e li+ed lon!er and ha+e been more powerful and more imposin!. Thus we continuously became more and more powerful. %e made <er6iyya city our capital. #nd we named our new reli!ion the %#HH#B' reli!ion. The Ministry supported and reinforced the %ahhaabee !o+ernment in an underhanded way. The new !o+ernment

bou!ht ele+en British officers, +ery well learned in the #rabic lan!ua!e and desert warfare, under the name of sla+es. %e prepared our plans in cooperation with these officers. Both Muhammads followed the way we showed them. %hen we did not recei+e any orders from the Ministry we made our own decisions. %e all married !irls from tribes. %e en9oyed the pleasure of a Muslim wife6s de+otion to her husband. Thus we had stron!er relations with tribes. E+erythin! !oes well now. Our centrali5ation is becomin! more and more +i!orous each day. Inless an une2pected catastrophe ta(es place, we shall eat the fruit we ha+e prepared. "or we ha+e done whate+er is necessary and sown the seeds.

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/. "alse 8romise in the Middle East) #!ain: 1. enocide.'!norin! $ies 'n Obama6s Middle East Speech ?. 'srael #n 'mpediment to 3uclear."ree Middle East @. 'ran) 3o Tran&uility 'n Middle East #s $on! #s 'srael E2ists H. %hy The %est *ra+es Materialism T %hy The East Stic(s To Beli!ion O. "riday U The Best <ay of the %ee( E. The Meanin! of the %ord ,'slamP. 's 'slamic Mysticism Beally 'slam7 Q. British 'ntelli!ence 'nfiltratin! 8a(istan #rmy7 /F. Auaid.e.#5am and Holy Auran

8opular $atest

*hina plans to brea( up ,'ndia- into @F states) #nalyst uo an! of ''SS FPN//N1FFQ Auaid e #5am, Secularism and Two 3ation Theory FQN/@N1F// The impact of 8a(istan6s first indi!enous ;"./E F@N1ON1FFQ Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East FPNF@N1F// The Truth about Gar!il FEN/EN1FFQ Sha9ra.e.3asab of the 8rophet Muhammad(saws) FEN1?N1FFQ %ere 'ndia6s /QQP 8o(hran.Sha(ti nuclear e2plosions a flop7 FPN1EN1FFQ


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