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Yearly Scheme Of Work English Language Year Four

Week 1 Theme/ Topic World of ersonal !elationship" (Personal Details) 2. 3. 4. !. ". $. &. (. 1*. Learning Outcomes #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. Listen and enjoy the rhymes, rhythms and sounds n poems and songs Pronounce words accurately. Ask and answer uestions politely. Ac uire words recognition and word attack skills #ead and understand sentences . %opy correctly. %omplete te't with missing words. )pell words and take dictation. +rite simple sentences. Specifications Notes

Le'el One
1.1.1 1.".1 2.1.1 2.2.1 3.1.1 3.3.1 4.1.1 4.4.1 4.".1 4.&.1 Listen to and repeat initial ,owels Listen to and enjoy children-s songs and rhymes. #epeat initial ,owels correctly. Ask .wh- uestions to seek information. Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/ i. initial ,owels #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. %opy letters of the alpha0et in clear and legi0le writing / 1 small letters %omplete missing letters in te'ts. )pell words that are gi,en to 0e memori2ed. +rite a message for a purpose.

Le'el T(o
1.1.2 1.2.2 2.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.2 3.3.2 4.1.2 4.4.2 4.".2 4.&.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen and to repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. Ask uestions with the correct intonation. Ask others forms of uestions to seek for information. 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. #ead and understand simple sentences. %opy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legi0le cursi,e writing. %omplete simple descriptions with the missing word4s5 with guidance gi,en in the form of words or pictures. Apply spelling rules. +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues.

Le'el Three
1.1.3 2.1.! 2.2.3 3.1.3 3.3.3 4.4.3 4.".3 4.&.3 ) World of ersonal !elationship" (Greetings and Social #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and pronounce words and phrases with correct intonation and word stress. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. %hant rhymes ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. Ask uestions to seek clarification . %ompare words for similar and different sounds. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. %omplete simple te'ts with the missing word4s5 4with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture5. 6ake dictation of paragraph gi,en to 0e learnt. +rite simple descriptions with picture cues.

Le'el 1
1.2.1 1.3.1 2.2.1 2.$.1 3.2.1 3.2.2 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of *1sylla$le words. Listen to key (ords in stories and te+ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. Ask .wh- uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends. #ecogni2e complete words in te'ts. #ead and learn the meaning of , key (ords for each topic taught.


2. 3. 4. !. ". $. &.

7nderstand the meaning of words and phrases in conte't. Ask simple uestions. 8'change greetings. Learn meaning of key words. #ead and understand phrases. 9ill in missing words in sentences. +rite simple and compound sentences.

3.3.1 4.4.1 4.!.1

#ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. %omplete missing letters in te'ts. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words.

Le'el )
1.2.2 1.3.3. 2.2.2 2.$.2 3.3.2 4.4.2 4.!.2 Listen and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken words. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6o re uest for specific o0jects in school when carrying out a task. #ead and understand simple sentences. %omplete simple instructions with missing words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts.

Le'el *
2.$.3 2.$.4 3.3.3. 4.!.3 * ersonal !elationship" (Greetings and Social Expressions) #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& (. Listen to and pronounce words and phrases with correct intonation and word stress. 1*. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1!. 1". 7nderstand the meaning of words and phrases in conte't. Ask simple uestions. 8'change greetings. Learn meaning of key words. #ead and understand phrases. 9ill in missing words in sentences. +rite simple and compound sentences. 6o ask for help from neigh0ours and friends. 6o respond to someone asking for help. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. %onstruct simple sentences independently 43 to ! words5 0y looking at a picture.

Le'el 1
1.2.3 1.3.2 2.2.3 2.$.! 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.3.3 4.4.1 4.!.4 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of *1sylla$le words. Listen to key (ords in stories and te+ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. Ask .wh- uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends. #ecogni2e complete words in te'ts. #ead and learn the meaning of , key (ords for each topic taught. #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. %omplete missing letters in te'ts. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words.

Le'el )
1.2.4 1.3.4. 2.2.4 2.$." 3.3.4 4.4.3 4.!.! Listen and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken words. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6o re uest for specific o0jects in school when carrying out a task. #ead and understand simple sentences. %omplete simple instructions with missing words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts.

Le'el *
2.$.$ 2.$.& 3.3.4. 4.!." World of ersonal !elationship #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar 6o ask for help from neigh0ours and friends. 6o respond to someone asking for help. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. %onstruct simple sentences independently 43 to ! words5 0y looking at a picture.

Le'el 1
1..1.1 1.!.2 2.11. Listen and repeat final consonants Listen to simple telephone con,ersations and understand messages #epeat sounds in words correctly /1 final consonants

(Telephone Calls) 2. 3. 4. !. ". $. &. (.

and different sounds. :0tain information from te't listened. Pronounce words correctly. Ask uestions politely ;ake and recei,e telephone calls. Ac uire and recogni2e words. #ead aloud fluently with correct intonation and stress. %omplete te'ts with missing words. +rite simple messages.

2.2.1 2.$.1 3.1.1 3.4.1 4.4.1 4.&.1

Ask .wh- uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/1 final consonants. #ead aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly %omplete missing letters in te'ts. +rite a message for purpose.

Le'el )
1.1.2 1.!.2 1.!.3 2.1.3 2.2.2 2.$.2 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.4.2 4.4.2 Listen to identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering .wh- uestions. Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6o re uest for specific o0jects in school when carrying out a task. 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. #ead aloud words with the letters listed in 3.1.1. #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. %omplete simple telephone con,ersations with missing words.

Le'el *
1.1.3 1.!.4 2.2.3 2.$.3 2.$.4 3.1.4 3.4.3 4.4.3 , World of ersonal !elationship (Telephone Calls) 11. 12. 13. 14. 1!. 1". 1$. 1&. #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1*. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. :0tain information from te't listened. Pronounce words correctly. Ask uestions politely ;ake and recei,e telephone calls. Ac uire and recogni2e words. #ead aloud fluently with correct intonation and stress. %omplete te'ts with missing words. +rite simple messages. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things, on places, directions and amounts and uantities. 6o ask for help from neigh0ours and friends 6o respond to someone asking for help. %ompare words with similar and different sounds. #ead aloud telephone con,ersations clearly and e'pressi,ely. %omplete simple messages with missing word 4s5

Le'el 1
1..1.1 1.!.3 2.12. 2.2.4 2.$.! 3.1.! 3.4.4 4.4.4 4.&.2 Listen and repeat final consonants Listen to simple telephone con,ersations and understand messages #epeat sounds in words correctly /1 final consonants Ask .wh- uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/1 final consonants. #ead aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly %omplete missing letters in te'ts. +rite a message for purpose.

Le'el )
1.1.4 1.!.! 1.!." 2.1.4 2.2.! 2.$." 3.1." 3.1.$ 3.4.! Listen to identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering .wh- uestions. Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6o re uest for specific o0jects in school when carrying out a task. 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. #ead aloud words with the letters listed in 3.1.1. #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation.

4.4.! 1.1.! 1.!.$ 2.2." 2.$.$ 2.$.& 3.1.& 3.4." 4.4." . World of /no(ledge (Occupations) #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. 2. 3. 4. !. ". $. &. (. 1*. Listen to and repeat phrases with correct intonation and word stress. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and meaning of words in conte't. :0tain information from te'ts listened. Listen read and enjoy rhymes, songs and poems. Ask and answer uestions politely 6alk a0out people and their occupations. #ead and understand key words in phrases, sentences and te'ts. #ead and understand simple te'ts for main ideas. %omplete te'ts with words and phrases. %onstruct sentences. Le'el 1 1.2.1 1.3.1 1.!.1 1.".1 2.2.1 2.!.1 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3.1 3.&.2 3.&.3 3.(.1 4.3.1 4.!.1 Le'el ) 1.2.2 1.3.2 1.!.2 1.!.3 2.2.2 2.!.2 3.3.2 3.&.4 3.(.2 4.3.2 4.4.2 4.!.2

%omplete simple telephone con,ersations with missing words. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things, on places, directions and amounts and uantities. 6o ask for help from neigh0ours and friends 6o respond to someone asking for help. %ompare words with similar and different sounds. #ead aloud telephone con,ersations clearly and e'pressi,ely. %omplete simple messages with missing word 4s5 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of *&sylla$le (ords. Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. <i,e details a0out the people of a story heard or read. #ecognise complete words in te'ts. #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words . #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. )can for specific information in te'ts. #ead and o0tain meaning 0y making reference to words within the te't. #ead simple poems and simple stories. ;atch phrases to pictures. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words 4!1" words in a sentences5 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. Listen to all words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. Listen to simp*le te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out the actions of the people in a story heard or read. #ead and understand simple sentences. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas and details #ead and gi,e details a0out people in the story ;atch words to signs. %omplete simple descriptions with missing words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts.

Le'el *

Le'el * 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 1.!.4 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. 2.!.3 =ame the good and 0ad characters and talk a little a0out them. 3.2.! Learn another ! key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences of their own. 3.3.3 #ead and understand simple paragraphs. 3.(.3 #ead and talk a0out the actions of people in a story heard or read. 3.(.4 6ell why a person in a story is good or 0ad. 4.3.3. ;atch words to other words. 4.4.3 %omplete simple te'ts stories with the missing words

0 World of /no(ledge (Occupations) #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 11. 12. 13. 14. 1!. 1". 1$. 1&. 1(. 2*. Listen to and repeat phrases with correct intonation and word stress. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and meaning of words in conte't. :0tain information from te'ts listened. Listen read and enjoy rhymes, songs and poems. Ask and answer uestions politely 6alk a0out people and their occupations. #ead and understand key words in phrases, sentences and te'ts. #ead and understand simple te'ts for main ideas. %omplete te'ts with words and phrases. %onstruct sentences.

Le'el 1 1.2.4 1.3.3 1.!.! 1.".2 2.2.3 2.!.4 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.3.4 3.&.! 3.&." 3.(.! 4.3.3 4.!.3 Le'el ) 1.2.! 1.3.4 1.!." 1.!.$ 2.2.4 2.!.! 3.3.! 3.&.$ 3.(." 4.3.4 4.4.4 4.!.4

Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of *&sylla$le (ords. Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. <i,e details a0out the people of a story heard or read. #ecognise complete words in te'ts. #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words . #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. )can for specific information in te'ts. #ead and o0tain meaning 0y making reference to words within the te't. #ead simple poems and simple stories. ;atch phrases to pictures. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words 4!1" words in a sentences5 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. Listen to all words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. Listen to simp*le te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out the actions of the people in a story heard or read. #ead and understand simple sentences. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas and details #ead and gi,e details a0out people in the story ;atch words to signs. %omplete simple descriptions with missing words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts.

Le'el * 1.2." Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 1.!.& Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. 2.!." =ame the good and 0ad characters and talk a little a0out them. 3.2." Learn another ! key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences of their own. 3.3." #ead and understand simple paragraphs. 3.(.$ #ead and talk a0out the actions of people in a story heard or read. 3.(.& 6ell why a person in a story is good or 0ad. 4.3.4. ;atch words to other words. 4.4.! %omplete simple te'ts stories with the missing words 1 World Of ersonal !elationship Family and Relationship o People #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. 2. 3. 4. !. Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds. Listen and pronounce words correctly. 7nderstand the meaning of key words and phrases in conte't. Ask and answer uestions. 6alk a0out family mem0ers and relati,es and their relationship. Le'el 1 1.1.1 1.3.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2.1 2.3.1 2.!.1 2.$.1 3.1.1 3.4.1 Listen and repeat / initial diagraphs Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 initial diagraphs Pronounce 31sylla0le words Ask .+h- uestion to seek information. =ame and identify mem0ers of the family <i,e details a0out people in a story heard or read. 6alk a0out one-s family to neigh0ours and friends. Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/1 initial diagraphs #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly

". $. &. (. 1*.

#ead aloud e'pressi,ely. #ead widely and independently. %opy correctly. %omplete te'ts with missing words. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

3.1*.1 4.1.1 4.3.1 4.!.1 Le'el ) 1.1.2 1.3.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2.2. 2.3.3. 2.!.2 3.1.2 3.4.2 4.4.2 4.!.2 Le'el * 1.1.3 2.1.! 2..2.3 3.1.3 3.4.3 4.3.3. 4.4.3 4.!.3

#ead according to one-s interest. %opy letters of the alpha0et in clear and legi0le cursi,e writing > capital letters. ;atch phrases to pictures. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to all words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. Ask uestions with the correct intonation. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 6alk a0out actions of 9amily and relati,es. 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. %omplete descriptions with missing word or words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. %hant rhymes, ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. Ask uestions to seek clarifications on relationship of people. %ompare words for similar and different sounds. #ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and e'pressi,ely. ;atch words with other words. %omplete simple te'ts with missing words. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture Listen and repeat / initial diagraphs Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 initial diagraphs Pronounce 31sylla0le words Ask .+h- uestion to seek information. =ame and identify mem0ers of the family <i,e details a0out people in a story heard or read. 6alk a0out one-s family to neigh0ours and friends. Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/1 initial diagraphs #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly #ead according to one-s interest. %opy letters of the alpha0et in clear and legi0le cursi,e writing > capital letters. ;atch phrases to pictures. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to all words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. Ask uestions with the correct intonation. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 6alk a0out actions of 9amily and relati,es. 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation.

2 World Of ersonal !elationship Family and Relationship o People #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 11. 12. 13. 14. 1!. 1". 1$. 1&. 1(. 2*. Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds. Listen and pronounce words correctly. 7nderstand the meaning of key words and phrases in conte't. Ask and answer uestions. 6alk a0out family mem0ers and relati,es and their relationship. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely. #ead widely and independently. %opy correctly. %omplete te'ts with missing words. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

Le'el 1 1.1.4 1.3.3 2.1." 2.1.$ 2.2.2 2.3.2 2.!.3 2.$.2 3.1.4 3.4.4 3.1*.2 4.1.2 4.3.2 4.!.4 Le'el ) 1.1.! 1.3.4 2.1.& 2.1.( 2.2.3. 2.3.4. 2.!.4 3.1.! 3.4.!

4.4.4 4.!.! Le'el * 1.1." 2.1.1* 2..2.3 3.1." 3.4." 4.3.4. 4.4.! 4.!." Le'el 1 1.3.! 1.".1 2.3.3 3.2.! 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.".1 4.$.1 Le'el ) 1.3."

%omplete descriptions with missing word or words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. %hant rhymes, ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. Ask uestions to seek clarifications on relationship of people. %ompare words for similar and different sounds. #ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and e'pressi,ely. ;atch words with other words. %omplete simple te'ts with missing words. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture Listen to and understand cardinal num0ers. )cope 3* > 4* Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 7nderstand num0ers in stories and situations / 3* > 4* #ecognise and read aloud the cardinal num0ers 3* > 4* in numeral and word forms +rite clearly and legi0ly numerals 3* > !* in 0oth num0er and word forms using cursi,e writing for word forms. ;atch phrases to pictures )pell words that are gi,en to memori2e 7se full stop for initials and a00re,iations Listen to and understand information 0ased on cardinal num0ers/ )cope 4* > !* 1 num0ers in tens / !* > $* 1 when the num0ers are added, su0tracted and refuted. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 7nderstand and respond in rele,ant situations and stories pertaining to num0ers 1 4* >!* 1 num0ers in tens up to $* 1 adding, su0tracting and refuting the num0ers. #ecognise and read aloud 1 the num0ers 4* >!* 1 num0ers in tens/ !* > $* in its numeral and word forms Listen to and understand ordinal num0ers/1 )cope / 1*th > 1!th Ask uestions to seek clarification on how to make things on places, directions and on amounts and uantities <i,e replies pertaining to ordinal num0ers 1*th > 1!th #ead and learn ordinal num0ers/ 1*th > 1!th ;atch words to other words Listen to and understand cardinal num0ers. )cope 3* > 4* Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 7nderstand num0ers in stories and situations / 3* > 4* #ecognise and read aloud the cardinal num0ers 3* > 4* in numeral and word forms +rite clearly and legi0ly numerals 3* > !* in 0oth num0er and word forms using cursi,e writing for word forms. ;atch phrases to pictures )pell words that are gi,en to memori2e 7se full stop for initials and a00re,iations Listen to and understand information 0ased on cardinal num0ers/ )cope 4* > !*


World of /no(ledge !um"ers#Calenda r#Time

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. identify, name and refute num0ers 2. ac uire ,oca0ulary on %ardinal and :rdinal =um0ers, days of the week and months of the year. 3. Add and su0tract num0ers. 4. Listen to and enjoy rhymes, ja22 chants and songs. !. write num0ers clearly and legi0ly ". )pell and take dictation $. Ask and answer uestions. &. Punctuate meaningfully.

2.2.3 2.3.4

3.2." Le'el * 1.3.$ 2.2.4 2.3.! 3.2.". 4.3.2 Le'el 1 1.3.& 1.".2 2.3." 3.2.$ 4.2.2 4.3.3 4.".2 4.$.2 Le'el ) 1.3.(

11 World of /no(ledge !um"ers#Calenda r#Time #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& (. identify, name and refute num0ers 1*. ac uire ,oca0ulary on %ardinal and :rdinal =um0ers, days of the week and months of the year. 11. Add and su0tract num0ers. 12. Listen to and enjoy rhymes, ja22 chants and songs. 13. write num0ers clearly and legi0ly 14. )pell and take dictation 1!. Ask and answer uestions.


Punctuate meaningfully. 2.2.! 2.3.$

3.2.& 4.3.4 Le'el * 1.3.1* 2.2." 2.3.& 3.2.$. 4.3.! 4.".3 1) World of /no (led ge Clothing #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen and discriminate sounds, 2. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and meaning of words in conte't. 3. Pronounce words correctly 4. :0tain information from te'ts read. !. Ask and answer uestions. ". 6o talk a0out clothing $. #ead and understand key words in i phrases, sentences and te'ts. &. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts for main ideas and supporting details. Le'el 1 1.1.1. 1.3.1 1.".1 2.1.1 2.2.1 2.!.1 3.2.1 3.3.1 3.&.1 3.&.2 4.!.1 (. 1*. 11. +rite words in clear legi0le print and cursi,e writing. %omplete te'ts %onstruct sentences. Le'el ) 1.1.2 1.3.2 1.!.2 1.!.3 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2.2. 3.2.2 3.3.2 3.&.4 4.22 4.4.2 4.!.2 4.&.3

1 num0ers in tens / !* > $* 1 when the num0ers are added, su0tracted and refuted. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 7nderstand and respond in rele,ant situations and stories pertaining to num0ers 1 4* >!* 1 num0ers in tens up to $* 1 adding, su0tracting and refuting the num0ers. #ecognise and read aloud 1 the num0ers 4* >!* 1 num0ers in tens/ !* > $* in its numeral and word forms ;atch words to signs. Listen to and understand ordinal num0ers/1 )cope / 1*th > 1!th Ask uestions to seek clarification on how to make things on places, directions and on amounts and uantities <i,e replies pertaining to ordinal num0ers 1*th > 1!th #ead and learn ordinal num0ers/ 1*th > 1!th ;atch words to other words 6ake dictation of paragraphs gi,en to 0e learnt Listen to and repeat medial diagraphs.. Listen to key words in stories and te't heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing pictures. Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. #epeat the following sounds in words correctly 1 medial diagraphs. Ask .+h- uestions to seek for information. <i,e details a0out the people of a story heard. #ecognise complete words in te'ts. #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. #ead and recogni2e instructions, directions notices, la0els, messages, letters, recipes ,passages descriptions. )can for specific information in te'ts . 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. Ask uestions with the correct intonation Ask other forms of uestions to seek information #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words . #ead and understand simple sentences. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main details. +rite words and phrases in clear and legi0le cursi,e writing. %omplete simple descriptions with missing words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues.

Le'el * 1.1.3 1.!.4 2.1.4 3.2.! 3.3.3. 4.!.3 4.&.3 1* World of /no (led ge Clothing #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 12. Listen and discriminate sounds, 13. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and meaning of words in conte't. 14. Pronounce words correctly 1!. :0tain information from te'ts read. 1". Ask and answer uestions. 1$. 6o talk a0out clothing 1&. #ead and understand key words in i phrases, sentences and te'ts. 1(. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts for main ideas and supporting details. Le'el 1 1.1.2. 1.3.3 1.".2 2.1.2 2.2.1 2.!.2 3.2.3 3.3.3 3.&.3 3.&.4 4.!.4 2*. 21. 22. +rite words in clear legi0le print and cursi,e writing. %omplete te'ts %onstruct sentences. Le'el ) 1.1.4 1.3.4 1.!.! 1.!." 2.1.! 2.1." 2.2.3. 3.2.4 3.3.4 3.&.! 4.23 4.4.3 4.!.! 4.&.4 Le'el * 1.1.! 1.!.$ 2.1.$ 3.2." 3.3.4. 4.!." 4.&.4 4.&.!

Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. Learn another ! key words and use these key words in sentences of one-s own. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture. +rite descriptions with picture cues.

Listen to and repeat medial diagraphs.. Listen to key words in stories and te't heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing pictures. Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. #epeat the following sounds in words correctly 1 medial diagraphs. Ask .+h- uestions to seek for information. <i,e details a0out the people of a story heard. #ecognise complete words in te'ts. #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. #ead and recogni2e instructions, directions notices, la0els, messages, letters, recipes ,passages descriptions. )can for specific information in te'ts . 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. Ask uestions with the correct intonation Ask other forms of uestions to seek information #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words . #ead and understand simple sentences. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main details. +rite words and phrases in clear and legi0le cursi,e writing. %omplete simple descriptions with missing words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues. Listen to and group words according to the same sound. Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. Learn another ! key words and use these key words in sentences of one-s own. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture. +rite descriptions with picture cues.


World of personal !elationship Parts o the $ody

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 2. Listen and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and sounds of poems, ja22 chants and songs. 3. Listen and follow simple instructions. 4. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately !. <i,e rele,ant information politely to en uiries made. ". #ecognise word on sight $. Ac uire a wide range of ,oca0ulary. &. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts. (. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

Le'el 1 1.1.1 1.4.1 1.".1 2.1.1 2.3.1 3.1.1 3.".2 3.&.1 3.&.! 4.!.1 Le'el ) 1.1.2 1.4.2 2.1.2 2.3.3 3.1.2 3.".3 3.".4 3.&."

Listen to and repeat final diagraphs. Listen to and understand simple instructions Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/ 1 final diagraphs. =ame and identify parts of the 0ody. Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds. > final diagraphs <i,e words according to categories #ead and recogni2e descriptions. #ead and o0tain meaning 0y making references to words within the te't. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Listen and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and follow simple instructions. )ay aloud phrases e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. 7nderstand words similar in meaning. 7nderstand words opposite in meaning. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas and details 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues.

1, World of personal !elationship Parts o the $ody #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1*. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 11. Listen and enjoy the rhyme , rhythm and sounds of poems, ja22 chants and songs. 12. Listen and follow simple instructions. 13. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately 14. <i,e rele,ant information politely to en uiries made. 1!. #ecognise word on sight 1". Ac uire a wide range of ,oca0ulary. 1$. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts. 1&. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

4.!.2 4.&.! Le'el *" 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. 2.1.4 Ask uestions with the correct intonation. 3.1.3 %ompare words for similar and different sounds. 4.!.3 %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture. 4.&.3 +rite simple descriptions with picture cues. Le'el 1 1.1.4 Listen to and repeat final diagraphs. 1.4.3 Listen to and understand simple instructions 1.".2 Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 2.1.3 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/ 1 final diagraphs. 2.3.2 =ame and identify parts of the 0ody. 3.1.4 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds. > final diagraphs 3.".! <i,e words according to categories 3.&.2 #ead and recogni2e descriptions. 3.&.$ #ead and o0tain meaning 0y making references to words within the te't. 4.!.4 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.1.! Listen and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.4.4 Listen to and follow simple instructions. 2.1.4 )ay aloud phrases e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. 2.3.3 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 3.1.! 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. 3."." 7nderstand words similar in meaning. 3.".$ 7nderstand words opposite in meaning. 3.&.& #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas and details 4.!.! 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. 4.&." +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues. Le'el *"

1.1." 2.1.4 3.1." 4.!." 4.&.3 1. World of e r s o n a l E + p e r i e n c e s 4nd World of Stories #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 2. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and meaning of words. 3. Listen and follow instructions 4. Listen to stories and predict outcomes. !. )peak and pronounce words correctly ". Ask and answer uestions politely. $. 6alk a0out what one does often. &. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently. (. %onstruct simple sentences 1*. Punctuate meaningfully

Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Ask uestions with the correct intonation. %ompare words for similar and different sounds. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture. +rite simple descriptions with picture cues.


Le'el 1 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat dou0le consonants 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures 1.4.1 Listen and understand simple instructions. 1.".1 Listen and enjoy children-s songs , rhymes and poems. 1.$.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.1.1 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/ dou0le consonants. 2.2.1 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 2.4.1 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing phrases. 2.!.1 <i,e details a0out actions of people. 2.".1 <i,e non ,er0al response to the story heard or read. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/1 ?ou0le consonants. 3.4.1 #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 4.!.1 9orm sentences and uestions 0y arranging words . Le'el ) 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.3.3.Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken words. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instructions . 1.!.2 Listen to te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 1.!.3 Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. 2.2.2 Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 2.4.2 %omplete parts of a story heard 0efore. 2.!.2 6alk a0out actions of people in a s story heard or read. 2.".2 )tate whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read. 3.4.2 #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 4.&.2 +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues. Le'el * 1.!.4 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents 2.4.! #etell stories heard 0efore with e'pression. 2.".3. <i,e reasons why one likes or does not like the story. 3.4.3 #ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and e'pressi,ely. 3."." ?istinguish words that show action4,er0s5 4.&.3 +rite simple description with picture cues. Le'el 1 1.1.3 Listen to and repeat dou0le consonants 1.3.2 Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures 1.4.3 Listen and understand simple instructions. 1.".2 Listen and enjoy children-s songs , rhymes and poems. 1.$.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.1.2 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/ dou0le consonants. 2.2.3 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 2.4.3 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing phrases. 2.!.3 <i,e details a0out actions of people. 2.".1 <i,e non ,er0al response to the story heard or read. 3.1.2 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/1 ?ou0le consonants. 3.4.4 #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly.

10 World of e r s o n a l E + p e #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 11. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 12. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and meaning of words. 13. Listen and follow instructions 14. Listen to stories and predict outcomes. 1!. )peak and pronounce words correctly 1". Ask and answer uestions politely. 1$. 6alk a0out what one does often.

r i e n c e s 4nd World of Stories

1&. 1(. 2*.

#ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently. %onstruct simple sentences Punctuate meaningfully


4.!.2 9orm sentences and uestions 0y arranging words . Le'el ) 1.1.4 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.3.4.Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken words. 1.4.4 Listen to and follow simple instructions . 1.!.! Listen to te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 1.!." Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. 2.2.4 Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 2.4.4 %omplete parts of a story heard 0efore. 2.!.4 6alk a0out actions of people in a s story heard or read. 2.".3 )tate whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read. 3.4.! #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 4.&.3 +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues. Le'el * 1.!.$ Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents 2.4." #etell stories heard 0efore with e'pression. 2.".4. <i,e reasons why one likes or does not like the story. 3.4." #ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and e'pressi,ely. 3."." ?istinguish words that show action4,er0s5 4.&.3 +rite simple description with picture cues.

11 12 World Of ersonal !elationship &nterests #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 2. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words , and the intonation and word stress in phrases, e'pressions and sentences 3. :0tain information from te'ts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se uence. 4. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. !. 8'press thoughts and feelings and gi,e opinions on things read, seen, heard and ,iewed in simple language. ". Ac uire word recognition and word attack skills. $. Ac uire a wide range of ,oca0ulary. &. #ead and enjoy simple poem and stories. (. %omplete te'ts with missing words 1*. )pell correctly and take dictation. 11. <i,e accurate information when writing simple reports.

567 YE4! E845

Le'el 1 1.1.1. Listen to and repeat initial 0lends. 1.2.1 Listen and repeat the pronunciation of 31syllanle words. 1.!.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. 2.1.1 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 initial 0lends 2.".1 <i,e non1,er0al response to the story heard or read. 3.1.3 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/ initial 0lends 3.".1 #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words. 3.(.1 #ead simple poems and simple stories. 4.!.1 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. 4.&.1 +rite a message for purpose. Le'el ) 1.1.2 Listen and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.2.2. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. 1.!.2 Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.2.! Ask other forms of uestions to* seek information. 2.".2 )tate whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read. 3.1.4 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds 3.".3 7nderstand words similar in meaning 3.".4 7nderstand words opposite in meaning. 3.(.2 #ead and gi,e details a0out people and animals in the story. 4.!.2 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts 4.&.2 +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues. Le'el *" 1.13 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. 1.2.2 Listen and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation stress and intonation correctly

1.!4 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. 1.$.3 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feeling a0out the story. 2.1! %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words correctly. 2.".3 <i,e reasons why one likes or does not like the story. 3.14 %ompare words for similar and different sounds. 3.".". ?istinguish words that show action . 3.".$. ?istinguish words that show comparison 3.(.3 #ead and talk a0out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. 4.!.3 %onstruct simple sentences independently. 4.".3 6ake dictation of paragraphs gi,en to 0e learnt. 4.&.3 +rite simple descriptions with pictures cues World Of ersonal !elationship &nterests #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 12. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds 13. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words , and the intonation and word stress in phrases, e'pressions and sentences 14. :0tain information from te'ts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se uence. 1!. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. 1". 8'press thoughts and feelings and gi,e opinions on things read, seen, heard and ,iewed in simple language. 1$. Ac uire word recognition and word attack skills. 1&. Ac uire a wide range of ,oca0ulary. 1(. #ead and enjoy simple poem and stories. 2*. %omplete te'ts with missing words 21. )pell correctly and take dictation. 22. <i,e accurate information when writing simple reports. Le'el 1 1.1.2. Listen to and repeat initial 0lends. 1.2.3 Listen and repeat the pronunciation of 31syllanle words. 1.!.3 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. 2.1.2 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 initial 0lends 2.".4 <i,e non1,er0al response to the story heard or read. 3.1.! Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/ initial 0lends 3.".2 #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words. 3.(.4 #ead simple poems and simple stories. 4.!.4 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. 4.&.4 +rite a message for purpose. 4.&.! Le'el ) 1.1.3 Listen and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.2.3. Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. 1.!.4 Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.2." Ask other forms of uestions to* seek information. 2.".! )tate whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read. 3.1." 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds 3.".! 7nderstand words similar in meaning 3."." 7nderstand words opposite in meaning. 3.(.! #ead and gi,e details a0out people and animals in the story. 4.!.! 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts 4.&." +rite simple sentences with word and picture cues. Le'el *" 1.14 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. 1.2.4 Listen and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation stress and intonation correctly 1.!! Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. 1.$.4 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feeling a0out the story. 2.1" %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words correctly. 2."." <i,e reasons why one likes or does not like the story. 3.1! %ompare words for similar and different sounds. 3.".&. ?istinguish words that show action . 3.".(. ?istinguish words that show comparison 3.(." #ead and talk a0out the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. 4.!." %onstruct simple sentences independently. 4.".3 6ake dictation of paragraphs gi,en to 0e learnt. 4.&.$ +rite simple descriptions with pictures cues Le'el 1 1.1.1. Listen to and repeat final 0lends



World of

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%&

1. Food 2. 3. 4. !. ". $. &.

Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds Listen to and follow simple instructions. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words clearly. Ask uestions politely Perform a ,ariety of functions in a social conte't such as e'changing ,iews on different types of food. Ac uire word recognition and word attack skills. Ac uire key words . #ead and understand simple factual te'ts for main ideas , supporting details, se uence, and cause and effect. %onstruct simple and compound sentences )pell and take dictation.

1.4.1 Listen to and understand simple instructions. 2.1.1 #epeat following sound in words correctly/1 9inal 0lends 2.2.1 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information 2.$.1 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends pertaining to likes and dislikes concerning food. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound/1 9inal 0lends 3.2.1 #ecognise complete words in te'ts. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.".1 #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words 3.&.1 #ead and recogni2e instructions , notices, la0els , recipes, passages , descriptions. 3.&.2 )can for specific information in te'ts, letters , words . 3.&.3 #ead and o0tain meaning 0y making references to words within the te't. 4.3.1 ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.!.1 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. 4.".1 )pell words memori2ed . 4.&.1 +rite a message for a purpose. Le'el ) 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instructions in preparing food. 2.1.2 )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation 2.2.2 Ask other forms of uestions to seek information 3.1.2 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds 3.2.2 #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words 3.3.2 #ead and understand sentences. 3.".2 <i,e words according to categories. 3.&.4 #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas, details. 4.3.2 ;atch words to signs. 4.4.2 %omplete simple instructions, recipes, descriptions with words. 4.!.3 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. 4.4.2 Apply spelling rules to plurals. Le'el * 1.1.4 Listen to and group words according to same sounds 2.2.$ Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make food. 2.$.3 6o ask for help from neigh0ours and friends 2.$.4 6o respond to someone asking for help. 3.2.! Learn another ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. 3.3.3 #ead and understand simple paragraphs 3.".$ %om0ine 0ase words to form new words. 4.4.3 %omplete simple instructions , te'ts, rhymes notices recipes, stories with missing words. 4.!.4 %onstruct simple sentences independently. 4.&.2 +rite simple descriptions with picture cues. Le'el 1 1.1.2. Listen to and repeat final 0lends 1.4.3 Listen to and understand simple instructions. 2.1.3 #epeat following sound in words correctly/1 9inal 0lends 2.2.2 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information 2.$.2 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends pertaining to likes and dislikes 3.1.3 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound/1 9inal 0lends 3.2.1 #ecognise complete words in te'ts. 3.3.4 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. concerning food.

(. 1*.

)) World of Food

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 11. Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds 12. Listen to and follow simple instructions. 13. 14. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words clearly. Ask uestions politely

1!. 1". 1$. 1&.

1(. 2*.

Perform a ,ariety of functions in a social conte't such as e'changing ,iews on different types of food. Ac uire word recognition and word attack skills. Ac uire key words . #ead and understand simple factual te'ts for main ideas , supporting details, se uence, and cause and effect. %onstruct simple and compound sentences )pell and take dictation.

3.".3 3.&.! 3.&." 3.&.$ 4.3.3 4.!.1 4.".2 4.&.3 Le'el ) 1.1.2 1.4.4 2.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.4 3.2.3 3.3.! 3.".4 3.&.& 4.3.4 4.4.3 4.!.! 4.4.4 Le'el * 1.1.! 2.2.& 2.$.3 2.$.4 3.2.! 3.3." 3.".& 4.4.! 4.!." 4.&.4

#ecognise and make small words from 0ig words #ead and recogni2e instructions , notices, la0els , recipes, passages , descriptions. )can for specific information in te'ts, letters , words . #ead and o0tain meaning 0y making references to words within the te't. ;atch phrases to pictures. 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. )pell words memori2ed . +rite a message for a purpose. Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to and follow simple instructions in preparing food. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation Ask other forms of uestions to seek information 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words #ead and understand sentences. <i,e words according to categories. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas, details. ;atch words to signs. %omplete simple instructions, recipes, descriptions with words. 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Apply spelling rules to plurals. Listen to and group words according to same sounds Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make food. 6o ask for help from neigh0ours and friends 6o respond to someone asking for help. Learn another ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. #ead and understand simple paragraphs %om0ine 0ase words to form new words. %omplete simple instructions , te'ts, rhymes notices recipes, stories with missing words. %onstruct simple sentences independently. +rite simple descriptions with picture cues.


World of


#y the end of the pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds 2. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and understand the meaning 3. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. 4. !. ". $. &. <i,e rele,ant information politely in response to en uiries made. Perform a ,ariety of functions in a social conte't. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently. 7se the dictionary %omplete te'ts

Le'el 1 1.1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1diphthongs 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. 2.11 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly > diphthongs 2.3.1 =ame or identify o0jects 3.4.1 #ead aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly. 3.".1 #ecognise and make small words from 0ug words. 3.$.1 #ead and group words according to alpha0etical order. 4.4.1 %omplete missing letters in te'ts. 4.!.1 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words 4.".1 )pell words that are gi,en to 0e memori2ed. Le'el ) 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.33. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. 2.2.2 Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information.

(. 1*.

%onstruct simple and compound sentences. )pell correctly and take dictation..

2.3.3. 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 2.$.3 6o re uest for specific o0jects in school when carrying out a task. 3.4.2 #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 3.".2 <i,e words according to categories. 3.$.2 7nderstand the function of guide words. 3.$.3 7nderstand parts of an entry. 4.4.2 %omplete simple instructions , descriptions with missing words. 4.!.2 9orm sentences 0y matching sentence parts. 4.".2 Apply spelling rules to plurals. Le'el * 11.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds 2.2.3 Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 3.4.3 #ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and e'pressi,ely. 3."! %om0ine 0ase words to form new words. 3."$ ?istinguish words that show comparison. 3.$4 #ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in conte't. 3.$! #ead and locate the re uired words in the dictionary. 4.4.3 %omplete simple te'ts with missing words. 4.!.3 %onstruct simple sentences independently Le'el 1 1.1.3 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1diphthongs 1.3.2 Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. 2.12 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly > diphthongs 2.3.2 =ame or identify o0jects 3.4.4 #ead aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly. 3.".3 #ecognise and make small words from 0ug words. 3.$.4 #ead and group words according to alpha0etical order. 4.4.4 %omplete missing letters in te'ts. 4.!.4 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words 4.".3 )pell words that are gi,en to 0e memori2ed. Le'el ) 1.1.4 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.34. Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and the spoken word. 2.2.3 Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information. 2.3.4. 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 2.$.4 6o re uest for specific o0jects in school when carrying out a task. 3.4.! #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 3.".4 <i,e words according to categories. 3.$.! 7nderstand the function of guide words. 3.$." 7nderstand parts of an entry. 4.4.! %omplete simple instructions , descriptions with missing words. 4.!.! 9orm sentences 0y matching sentence parts. 4.".4 Apply spelling rules to plurals. Le'el * 11.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds 2.2.3 Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 3.4." #ead aloud poems and simple stories clearly and e'pressi,ely. 3."" %om0ine 0ase words to form new words. 3."$ ?istinguish words that show comparison. 3.$" #ead and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in conte't. 3.$$ #ead and locate the re uired words in the dictionary. 4.4." %omplete simple te'ts with missing words.


World of


#y the end of the pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds 2. Ac uire ,oca0ulary and understand the meaning 3. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. 4. <i,e rele,ant information politely in response to en uiries made. !. Perform a ,ariety of functions in a social conte't.

". $. &. (.

#ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently. 7se the dictionary %omplete te'ts

1*. 11.

%onstruct simple and compound sentences. )pell correctly and take dictation..

4.!." ), World of / n o ( l e d g e Transport #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds . 2. :0tain information from te'ts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se uence. 3. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. 4. Ask uestions politely to o0tain information and clarification. !. 6ell stories 0ased on pictures and other stimuli. ". Ac uire key words at ,arious stages of de,elopment. $. #ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and whole te'ts. &. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly. (. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

%onstruct simple sentences independently

Le'el 1 1.1.1 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 silent letters 1.!.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. 2.1.1 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 silent letters. 2.2.1 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 2.4.1 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing phrases. 3.2.1 #ecogni2e complete words in te'ts. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching pictures. 3.4.1 #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 4.3.1 ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.4.1 %omplete missing letters in te'ts 4.!.1 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.!.! Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.1.2 )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.4.2 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing whole lines. 2.4.3 %ompleting parts of a story heard 0efore. 3.22 #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words 3.3.2 #ead and understand simple sentences 3.4.2 #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 4.3.2 ;atch words with signs 4.!2 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts.

Le'el * 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.!." Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ent. 2.1.! 2.2.3 2.4.4 2.4.! 3.2.$ 3."$ 4.3.3 4.!.2 ). World of / n o ( l e d g e #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1*. Listen and discriminate similar and different sounds . 11. :0tain information from te'ts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se uence. 12. )peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. 13. Ask uestions politely to o0tain Le'el 1 1.1.3 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 silent letters 1.!.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. 2.1.3 #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 silent letters. 2.2.2 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 2.4." #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing phrases. 3.2.2 #ecogni2e complete words in te'ts. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching pictures. 3.4.3 #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 4.3.4 ;atch phrases to pictures. %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things #ecite simple poems with e'pressions and appropriate gestures #etell stories heard 0efore with e'pression. Learn another ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. ?istinguish words that show comparison . ;atch words with other words. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture.

14. Transport 1!. 1". 1$. 1&.

information and clarification. 6ell stories 0ased on pictures and other stimuli. Ac uire key words at ,arious stages of de,elopment. #ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and whole te'ts. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

4.4.2 %omplete missing letters in te'ts 4.!.3 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.1.4 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.!.$ Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.1.4 )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.4.$ #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing whole lines. 2.4.& %ompleting parts of a story heard 0efore. 3.23 #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words 3.3.2 #ead and understand simple sentences 3.4.4 #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 4.3.! ;atch words with signs 4.!3 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el * 1.1.3 1.!.& 2.1.! 2.2.3 2.4.( 2.4.1* 3.2.& 3."& 4.3." 4.!.4 Listen to and group words according to same sounds Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ent. %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things #ecite simple poems with e'pressions and appropriate gestures #etell stories heard 0efore with e'pression. Learn another ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. ?istinguish words that show comparison . ;atch words with other words. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture.


World of / n o ( l e d g e $uilding# Places#Directions

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 2. Listen to and pronounce words accurately. 3. Listen to and follow directions. 4. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poem, ja22 chants and songs. !. Ask uestions politely ". <i,e rele,ant information politely in response to en uiries made. $. Ac uire key words and a wide range of ,oca0ulary. &. 7se the dictionary (. %onstruct simple and compound sentences

Le'el 1 1.1.1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 word contractions 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 31sylla0le words 1.4.1 Listen to and understand directions. 1.".1 Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 2.2.1 Ask .+h- uestions to seek for information. 2.3.1 =ame and identify 0uildings , parts of 0uildings. 3.2.1 #ecognise complete words in te'ts. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.".1 #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words. 3.$.1 #ead and group words according to alpha0etical order. 4.3.1 ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.!.1 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.12 Listen and identify different types of letter sound 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. 2.2.2 Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.3.3. 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 3.2.2 #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words . 3.3.2 #ead and understand simple sentences. 3.".2 <i,e words according to categories. 3.$.2 7nderstand function of guide words. 3.$.3 7nderstand parts of entry. 4.3.2 ;atch words to other words. 4.!.2 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el *"

1.13. 1.2.! 3.2.! 3.3.3 3.".& 3.$.4. 3.$.!. 4.4.3 4.!.3 )1 World of / n o ( l e d g e $uilding# Places#Directions #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1*. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 11. Listen to and pronounce words accurately. 12. Listen to and follow directions. 13. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poem, ja22 chants and songs. 14. Ask uestions politely 1!. <i,e rele,ant information politely in response to en uiries made. 1". Ac uire key words and a wide range of ,oca0ulary. 1$. 7se the dictionary 1&. %onstruct simple and compound sentences

Listen to and group words according to same sounds Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. Learn ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. #ead and distinguish homographs and homophones. #ead and select the definiton suited to the meaning of the word in the conte't. #ead and locate the re uired words in the dictionary. ;atch words to other words. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture.

Le'el 1 1.1.2. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 word contractions 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 31sylla0le words 1.4.1 Listen to and understand directions. 1.".2 Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 2.2.3 Ask .+h- uestions to seek for information. 2.3.2 =ame and identify 0uildings , parts of 0uildings. 3.2.3 #ecognise complete words in te'ts. 3.3.4 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.".3 #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words. 3.$.4 #ead and group words according to alpha0etical order. 4.3.3 ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.!.4 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.12 Listen and identify different types of letter sound 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions. 2.2.4 Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.3.4. 6alk a0out personal e'periences. 3.2.4 #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words . 3.3.! #ead and understand simple sentences. 3.".4 <i,e words according to categories. 3.$.! 7nderstand function of guide words. 3.$." 7nderstand parts of entry. 4.3.4 ;atch words to other words. 4.!.! 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el *" 1.13. Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.2." Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 3.2.! 3.3." 3.".( 3.$.". 3.$.$. 4.4.4 4.!." Learn ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. #ead and distinguish homographs and homophones. #ead and select the definiton suited to the meaning of the word in the conte't. #ead and locate the re uired words in the dictionary. ;atch words to other words. %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture.


World of

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e

Le'el 1


a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 2. Listen to and pronounce words accurately 3. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poem, ja22 chants and songs 4. Ask uestions politely !. #ead and understand phrases and sentences. ". Ac uire key words and a wide range of ,oca0ulary. $. 7se the dictionary &. %onstruct simple and compound sentences

1.11 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 word endings 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 31sylla0le words 1.".1 Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 1.$.1 Listen to stories and recall names of ,egetation. 2.2.1 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 3.".1 =ame and identify ,egeta0le 9ruits and flowers. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.".2 #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words. 4.3.1 ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.!.1 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. 4.".1 )pell words that are gi,en to 0e memori2ed. Le'el ) 1.1.2 1.2.2 1.$.2 2.2.2 3.32 4.!.2 4.".2 Listen and identify different types of letter sound Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions Listen to simple stories and recall story1line 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information #ead and understand simple sentences 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Apply spelling rules to plurals

Le'el * 1.1.! Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly 1.$.3 Listen to short stories and fairy tales and share feelings a0out the story. 2.2.3 Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 3.3.3. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. 4.!.3 %onstruct simple sentences independently. 4.".3 6ake dictation of paragraphs gi,e to 0e learnt. *3 World of (egetation #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. (. Listen to and pronounce words accurately 1*. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poem, ja22 chants and songs 11. Ask uestions politely 12. #ead and understand phrases and sentences. 13. Ac uire key words and a wide range of ,oca0ulary. 14. 7se the dictionary 1!. %onstruct simple and compound sentences Le'el 1 1.12 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 word endings 1.2.4 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 31sylla0le words 1.".2 Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 1.$.4 Listen to stories and recall names of ,egetation. 2.2.4 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 3.".3 =ame and identify ,egeta0le 9ruits and flowers. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.".4 #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words. 4.3.2 ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.!.4 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. 4.".3 )pell words that are gi,en to 0e memori2ed. Le'el ) 1.1.2 1.2.! 1.$.! 2.2.! 3.33 4.!.! 4.".4 Le'el * Listen and identify different types of letter sound Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions Listen to simple stories and recall story1line 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information #ead and understand simple sentences 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Apply spelling rules to plurals

1.1." Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.2." Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly 1.$." Listen to short stories and fairy tales and share feelings a0out the story. 2.2." Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 3.3.3. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. 4.!." %onstruct simple sentences independently. 4.".3 6ake dictation of paragraphs gi,e to 0e learnt. *1 World of (egetation #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. 1". Listen to and pronounce words accurately 1$. Listen to and enjoy the rhyme, rhythm and sounds of poem, ja22 chants and songs 1&. Ask uestions politely 1(. #ead and understand phrases and sentences. 2*. Ac uire key words and a wide range of ,oca0ulary. 21. 7se the dictionary 22. %onstruct simple and compound sentences Le'el 1 1.13 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 word endings 1.2.$ Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 31sylla0le words 1.".3 Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 1.$.$ Listen to stories and recall names of ,egetation. 2.2.$ Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 3.".! =ame and identify ,egeta0le 9ruits and flowers. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures. 3."." #ecognise and make small words from 0ig words. 4.3.3 ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.!.$ 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. 4.".! )pell words that are gi,en to 0e memori2ed. Le'el ) 1.1.2 1.2.& 1.$.& 2.2.& 3.34 4.!.& 4."." Listen and identify different types of letter sound Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and e'pressions Listen to simple stories and recall story1line 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information #ead and understand simple sentences 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Apply spelling rules to plurals

Le'el * 1.1.$ Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.2.( Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly 1.$.( Listen to short stories and fairy tales and share feelings a0out the story. 2.2.( Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 3.3.3. #ead and understand simple paragraphs. 4.!.( %onstruct simple sentences independently. 4.".3 6ake dictation of paragraphs gi,e to 0e learnt. *) World of #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1. Listen and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words.. 2. :0tain information from te'ts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se uence 3. Listen to and enjoy stories , fa0les Le'el 1 1.1.& Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 silent letters 1.!.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. 1.$.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.1.! #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 silent letters. 2.2.3 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 2.4.11 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing phrases. 3.2.3 #ecogni2e complete words in te'ts. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching pictures.



and other tales of imagination and

fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions .

!. ". $. &. (. 1*. 11.

)peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. Ask uestions politely to o0tain information and clarification. 6ell stories 0ased on pictures and other stimuli. Ac uire key words at ,arious stages of de,elopment. #ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and whole te'ts. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

3.4.! #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 4.3.$ ;atch phrases to pictures. 4.4.! %omplete missing letters in te'ts 4.!.! 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.1.( Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.!.( Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.1." )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.4.12 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing whole lines. 2.4.13 %ompleting parts of a story heard 0efore. 3.24 #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words 3.3.2 #ead and understand simple sentences 3.4." #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 4.3.& ;atch words with signs 4.!4 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el * 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.!.1* Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ent. 2.1.! %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 2.2.3 Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 2.4.14 #ecite simple poems with e'pressions and appropriate gestures 2.4.1! 6ell stories heard 0efore with e'pression. 3.2.( Learn another ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. 3."( ?istinguish words that show comparison . 4.3.( ;atch words with other words. 4.!." %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture.

** World of #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 12. Listen and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words.. 13. :0tain information from te'ts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se uence 14. Listen to and enjoy stories , fa0les Le'el 1 1.1.1* Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 silent letters 1.!.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. 1.$.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.1.$ #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 silent letters. 2.2.4 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 2.4.1" #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing phrases. 3.2.4 #ecogni2e complete words in te'ts. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching pictures. 3.4.$ #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 4.3.1*;atch phrases to pictures. 4.4." %omplete missing letters in te'ts 4.!.$ 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.1.11Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.!.11Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.1.& )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.4.1$ #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing whole lines. 2.4.1& %ompleting parts of a story heard 0efore. 3.2! #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words 3.3.2 #ead and understand simple sentences



and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions .

1". 1$. 1&. 1(.

)peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. Ask uestions politely to o0tain information and clarification. 6ell stories 0ased on pictures and other stimuli. Ac uire key words at ,arious stages of de,elopment.

2*. 21. 22.

#ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and whole te'ts. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

3.4.& #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 4.3.11 ;atch words with signs 4.!! 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el * 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.!.12 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ent. 2.1.! %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 2.2.3 Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 2.4.1( #ecite simple poems with e'pressions and appropriate gestures 2.4.2* 6ell stories heard 0efore with e'pression. 3.2.1* Learn another ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. 3.$* ?istinguish words that show comparison . 4.3.12;atch words with other words. 4.!.& %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture.

*World of #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 23. Listen and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words.. 24. :0tain information from te'ts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and se uence 2!. Listen to and enjoy stories , fa0les Le'el 1 1.1.12 Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds1 silent letters 1.!.1 Listen to simple announcements and understand the message. 1.$.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.1.( #epeat the following sounds in words correctly/1 silent letters. 2.2.! Ask .+h- uestions to seek information. 2.4.21 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing phrases. 3.2.! #ecogni2e complete words in te'ts. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching pictures. 3.4.( #ead aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly. 4.3.13;atch phrases to pictures. 4.4.$ %omplete missing letters in te'ts 4.!.( 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.1.13Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.!.13Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.1.1* )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation 2.2.2. Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.4.22 #ecite simple poems and ja22 chants 0y completing whole lines. 2.4.23 %ompleting parts of a story heard 0efore. 3.2" #ead and learn the meaning of ! key words 3.3.2 #ead and understand simple sentences 3.4.1* #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. 4.3.14 ;atch words with signs 4.!" 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el * 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to same sounds 1.!.14 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ent. 2.1.! %hant rhymes , ja22 chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 2.2.3 Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things 2.4.24 #ecite simple poems with e'pressions and appropriate gestures 2.4.2! 6ell stories heard 0efore with e'pression. 3.2.11 Learn another ! key words and use them in sentences of one-s own. 3.$1 ?istinguish words that show comparison . 4.3.1!;atch words with other words.



and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions .

2$. 2&. 2(. 3*. 31. 32. 33.

)peak clearly 0y pronouncing words accurately. Ask uestions politely to o0tain information and clarification. 6ell stories 0ased on pictures and other stimuli. Ac uire key words at ,arious stages of de,elopment. #ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and whole te'ts. #ead aloud e'pressi,ely and fluently pronouncing words correctly. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

4.!.1* %onstruct simple sentences independently 0y looking at a picture. Le'el 1 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. 1.$.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.2.1 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information 2.!.1 <i,e details a0out people and festi,als . 2.$.1 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends. 3.3.1 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures 3.(.1 #ead simple poems and simple stories. 4.!.1 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and spoken words. 1.!.2 Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple uestions. 1.$.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the story >line 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.2.2. . Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.!.2 6alk a0out actions of the people. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas and details. 4.!.2 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el * 1.!.& Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. 2.2." Ask uestions to seek clarifications on people and their festi,als 3.&! #ead and understand cause and effect relationships. 4.!.3 %onstruct simple sentences independently. Le'el 1 1.3.2 Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures. 1.$.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.2.2 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information 2.!.3 <i,e details a0out people and festi,als . 2.$.2 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends. 3.3.2 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures 3.(.2 #ead simple poems and simple stories. 4.!.4 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.3.4 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and spoken words. 1.!.2 Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple uestions. 1.$.3 Listen to simple stories and recall the story >line 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.2.2. . Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.!.4 6alk a0out actions of the people. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas and details. 4.!.! 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el * 1.!.( Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. 2.2.$ Ask uestions to seek clarifications on people and their festi,als 3.&" #ead and understand cause and effect relationships. 4.!." %onstruct simple sentences independently. Le'el 1 1.3.3 Listen to key words in stories and te'ts heard and demonstrate understanding 0y pointing to pictures.


World of ersonal !elationship Festi%als# *alaysia and her !eigh"ours+

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to %& 1. Ac uire and understand the meanings of words and phrases in conte't. 2. Listen to and enjoy stories fa0les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and conclusions. Ask uestions politely 6alk a0out people ,places and moral ,alues . Perform a ,ariety of functions in a social conte't. #ead and understand phrases, sentences ,paragraphs and whole te'ts. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

3. 4. !. ". $. *. World of ersonal !elationship Festi%als# *alaysia and her !eigh"ours+

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to %& &. Ac uire and understand the meanings of words and phrases in conte't. (. Listen to and enjoy stories fa0les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and conclusions. Ask uestions politely 6alk a0out people ,places and moral ,alues . Perform a ,ariety of functions in a social conte't. #ead and understand phrases, sentences ,paragraphs and whole te'ts. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.

1*. 11.

12. 13. 14. *0 World of

#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e

ersonal !elationship Festi%als# *alaysia and her !eigh"ours+


a$le to %& Ac uire and understand the meanings of words and phrases in conte't. Listen to and enjoy stories fa0les and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and conclusions. Ask uestions politely 6alk a0out people ,places and moral ,alues . Perform a ,ariety of functions in a social conte't. #ead and understand phrases, sentences ,paragraphs and whole te'ts. %onstruct simple and compound sentences.


1$. 1&.

1(. 2*. 21. *1 *2 World of ersonal !elationship (Telephone Calls) 2*. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2!. 2". 2$.

1.$.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 2.2.3 Ask .+h- uestions to seek information 2.!.! <i,e details a0out people and festi,als . 2.$.3 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends. 3.3.3 #ead and understand phrases 0y matching simple phrases to pictures 3.(.3 #ead simple poems and simple stories. 4.!.$ 9orm simple sentences and uestions 0y arranging words. Le'el ) 1.3.! Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning 0y matching them to pictures and spoken words. 1.!.2 Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering simple uestions. 1.$.4 Listen to simple stories and recall the story >line 0y answering simple .+h- uestions. 2.2.2. . Ask for other forms of uestions to seek information 2.!." 6alk a0out actions of the people. #ead and understand simple factual te'ts 0y answering comprehension uestions in relation to main ideas and details. 4.!.& 9orm simple sentences 0y matching sentence parts. Le'el * 1.!.1*Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. 2.2.& Ask uestions to seek clarifications on people and their festi,als 3.&$ #ead and understand cause and effect relationships. 4.!.( %onstruct simple sentences independently.

F6N4L E845
#y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1(. Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds. :0tain information from te't listened. Pronounce words correctly. Ask uestions politely ;ake and recei,e telephone calls. Ac uire and recogni2e words. #ead aloud fluently with correct intonation and stress. %omplete te'ts with missing words. +rite simple messages.

Le'el 1
1..1.1 1.!.4 2.13. 2.2.$ 2.$.( 3.1.( 3.4.$ 4.4.$ 4.&.$ Listen and repeat final consonants Listen to simple telephone con,ersations and understand messages #epeat sounds in words correctly /1 final consonants Ask .wh- uestions to seek information. 6alk a0out oneself to neigh0ours and friends Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds/1 final consonants. #ead aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly %omplete missing letters in te'ts. +rite a message for purpose.

Le'el )
1.1." 1.!.& 1.!.( 2.1.! 2.2.& 2.$.1* 3.1.1* 3.1.11 3.4.& 4.4.& 1.1.$ 1.!.1* 2.2.( Listen to identify different types of letter sounds. Listen to simple te'ts and recall details 0y answering .wh- uestions. Listen to simple te'ts and tell what the te't is a0out. )ay aloud phrases, e'pressions and e'clamations with the correct stress and intonation. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 6o re uest for specific o0jects in school when carrying out a task. 3dentify letter shapes 0y their sounds. #ead aloud words with the letters listed in 3.1.1. #ead aloud sentences in simple te'ts o0ser,ing correct stress and intonation. %omplete simple telephone con,ersations with missing words. Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the se uence of e,ents. Ask uestions to seek clarifications on how to make things, on places, directions and amounts and uantities.

Le'el *

2.$.11 2.$.12 3.1.12 3.4.( 4.4.( -3 World of /no(ledge !um"ers#Calenda r#Time #y the end of the lesson pupils should $e a$le to%& 1$. identify, name and refute num0ers 1&. ac uire ,oca0ulary on %ardinal and :rdinal =um0ers, days of the week and months of the year. 1(. Add and su0tract num0ers. 2*. Listen to and enjoy rhymes, ja22 chants and songs. 21. write num0ers clearly and legi0ly 22. )pell and take dictation 23. Ask and answer uestions. 24. Punctuate meaningfully. Le'el 1 1.3.11 1.".3 2.3.( 3.2.( 4.2.3 4.3." 4.".4 4.$.3 Le'el ) 1.3.12

6o ask for help from neigh0ours and friends 6o respond to someone asking for help. %ompare words with similar and different sounds. #ead aloud telephone con,ersations clearly and e'pressi,ely. %omplete simple messages with missing word 4s5 Listen to and understand cardinal num0ers. )cope 3* > 4* Listen to and enjoy children-s songs, rhymes and poems. 7nderstand num0ers in stories and situations / 3* > 4* #ecognise and read aloud the cardinal num0ers 3* > 4* in numeral and word forms +rite clearly and legi0ly numerals 3* > !* in 0oth num0er and word forms using cursi,e writing for word forms. ;atch phrases to pictures )pell words that are gi,en to memori2e 7se full stop for initials and a00re,iations Listen to and understand information 0ased on cardinal num0ers/ )cope 4* > !* 1 num0ers in tens / !* > $* 1 when the num0ers are added, su0tracted and refuted. Ask other forms of uestions to seek information. 7nderstand and respond in rele,ant situations and stories pertaining to num0ers 1 4* >!* 1 num0ers in tens up to $* 1 adding, su0tracting and refuting the num0ers. #ecognise and read aloud 1 the num0ers 4* >!* 1 num0ers in tens/ !* > $* in its numeral and word forms ;atch words to signs. Listen to and understand ordinal num0ers/1 )cope / 1*th > 1!th Ask uestions to seek clarification on how to make things on places, directions and on amounts and uantities <i,e replies pertaining to ordinal num0ers 1*th > 1!th #ead and learn ordinal num0ers/ 1*th > 1!th ;atch words to other words 6ake dictation of paragraphs gi,en to 0e learnt

2.2.$ 2.3.1*

3.2.1* 4.3.$ Le'el * 1.3.13 2.2.& 2.3.11 3.2.&. 4.3.& 4.".! -1

!69E :6;6N: 74Y/ 6NTE! <O=ES :45ES

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