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6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

T pr rofessionals s

Med dian annual s salary:Abou ut $71,000

Incr reasingly, it's a tech hnology-dr riven world d, and d health ca are is no e exception. Those wh ho wor rk at the in ntersection n between n health ca are and d informatiion techno ology say the Affo ordable Ca are Act wi ill only brin ng the two o field ds even clloser. "Th he ACA ma andate for r the imple ementation n of electron nic medica al records has creat ted a stron ng need fo or IT profe essionals, which creates c ex xcellent job b opportun nities," say ys Amand da Bleakne ey, manag ging director r for health h services s at The Ex xecuSearc ch Group, , a New Yo ork City staffing g firm. According to Blea akney, the ere's alrea ady been a "strong u uptick" in d demand fo or IT sionals wit th health care c exper rience. profess The IT crowd also is benef fiting from the Obam macare he ealth insura ance marketp places. Re eston, Va. .-based hC Centive, w which is he elping insu urers conn nect to the exchanges e s, recently y filled 150 0 new jobs s, the bulk of which a are in the IT field, ac ccording to o Manoj Agarwala, A the t compa any's pres sident and d chief operatin ng officer. "These online ma arketplace es are a ne ew techno ology for th he health insurance e market, requiring g quick dev velopment t of an ent tirely new cottage in ndustry," s says Agarwa ala. "In add dition to so oftware de evelopmen ources are e required on nt, IT reso the plan n and exchange side in order r to keep th he exchan nges up to o date and d


6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

The ere's been n a lot of n noise abou ut the broa ad imp pact on job bs from the Affordab ble Care A Act, or ACA. A For e example, debate ra ages about t whe ether emp ployers will make cu uts to avoid d the mandate that they must offer health insu urance if t they have more than n 50 full-time wor rkers. But t the law ra aises narr rower emp ployment que estions, su uch as: Wi ill Obamac care creat te jobs, sp pecifically in health care? c And d what willl those job bs be? Those aren't a easy question ns to answ wer, in par rt because e the constant churn n of hiring and a firing in a complex econom my makes s it difficult t to isolate e specific trends, says Den nnis Hoffm man, an economics p professor and resea archer at Arizona a State Un niversity's W.P. Care ey School of Busine ess. "It's too o early to tell whethe er the ACA A is playing a significant role i in job creation n and hirin ng," says Hoffman. H "While " we e can see general em mploymen nt trends, including health care job num mbers, it w will take more analys sis to determine the mo otivation behind b any y moveme ent." But there already y is widesp pread, if anecdotal, evidence that some e sectors have be een hiring to gear up for the la aw's imple ementation. Here ar re six exampl les, including pay in nformation largely fro om the U.S. Bureau u of Labor Statistic cs' most re ecent Occ cupational Outlook H Handbook k.

6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

wye ers

Med dian annual salary:Abou ut $113,000

"Wi ith any new w law, the ere's alway ys a need for inte erpretation n," says Craig B. Ga arner, a Sa anta Monica, Calif f., lawyer a and health h care con nsultant. "N Not surpris singly, the e larger-insco ope the law w, the grea ater the de emand for r inte erpreters." " The e more tha an 900-pa age Afforda able Care Act and its many rela ated regula ations hav ve created d a bonanz za for lawy yers, and for f them. more of "The increased demand d ha as two driv ving factor rs," says G Garner. "F First, the A ACA plicated an nd long (and) few pe eople really want to o read it. S Second, there is comp is an ab bundance of incorre ect informa ation freely y dissemin nated (abo out the law w)." Prior ex xperience with the subject s ma atter isn't r required. "Health h care law covers jus st about every e topic c of the leg gal profess sion," he says. "A As a result, there ar re opportunities for jjust about t any attorney to transitio on into health care." " But Garner stress ses that even e those e who have e invested d three yea ars in law ral years practicing p law need to realize health ca are law school and sever ts some very specif fic challeng ges. He points to what he des scribes as s the present "sheer volume" of o health-re elated stat tutes at bo oth the sta ate and federal leve els.

6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

Man nagement c consultants s

Med dian annual s salary:Abou ut $78,000

Hea alth care is s big business, so it t's not sur prising to hear that consultan nts, who alre eady are in nvolved in n virtually e every Am merican ind dustry, sta and to gain n at least som mewhat fro om health insurance e reform. Gar rner says there may y be some e uptick in hirin ng at cons sulting firm ms special lizing in health c are, tho u gh he ad d s that th ere's e already an "abundance o of consulta ants right no ow who ma ay be able e to assist in these issues." Still, the e Obamac care online e insuranc ce exchanges, or marketplace es, the employ yer require ements and the expa ansion of Medicaid in some s states all present t opportun nities for co onsultants s catering to businesses and governme ent. For the most part t, consulta ants are ad dvising the ese institu utional insurance custom mers on how to meet t the law's requirements witho out breakin ng the ban nk. Consult tants also are advis sing pharm maceutical firms and d medical device makers s on how to o exploit opportuniti o ies presen nted by the e ACA, an nd they're helping g doctors adapt a their r practices s for the po otential inf flux of new w patients s. Applica ants seekin ng consult ting jobs need n top-n notch math h skills, sa ays Garne er, explaining that he ealth care e is becom ming increa asingly dom minated b by quantita ative analysis. finition of "consultan nt" can be e incredibly y broad. A At the sam me time, the The def pay is often o quite e good.

6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

nsurance sales s agents

Med dian annual s salary:Abou ut $47,000

The e Congres ssional Budget Offic ce has esti imated tha at as many y as 33 m million unin nsured Am mericans w will gain health cov verage from m the Affo ordable Ca are Act. To explain he ealth insur rance prod ducts to th he potential new w pool of c customers, Blue Cro oss and d Blue Shield compa anies acro oss the U.S. are ram mping up operations o s, says Eric c Lail, a sp pokesman n for the B Blue Cross s and Blu ue Shield Associatio A on, the nat tionwide u umbrella group for th he 37 separat te "Blues." " Blue Cr ross and Blue B Shield of North h Carolina, mple, is ope ening its f first, for exam ever retail stores to help en nroll new customers c s. Lail say ys the Blue es have m more than a dozen d new w outreach h program ms underw way in vario ous states s, though h he says it's s too early y to say ho ow many new n jobs a are being generated d by those e initiative es. Beyond d the Blues s, some online o listin ngs for ins surance job bs now as sk for candida ates who have h some e knowled dge of Oba amacare. One comp pany with insuran nce sales openings o shouts s in its job pos stings that t Obamaca are will cre eate an "exp plosion" of f sales.

6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

Cus stomer serv vice represe entatives

Med dian annual s salary:Abou ut $30,000

The e Affordab ble Care A Act represe ents a larg ge cus stomer ser rvice unde ertaking. T The federa al Cen nters for M Medicare a and Medic caid Servic ces has s said that t up to 9,000 new cu ustomer serv vice agen ts would b be needed d to assist con nsumers u using the O Obamacar re health insu urance ex xchanges. Many of o those jobs are for call cente er operators, to expl lain insura ance optio ons and ans swer ques stions by phone. p In one o exam mple, the co onsulting firm Challen nger, Gray y & Christm mas says an Iowa c call center added 12 20 jobs after winning g a contrac ct related to the hea alth care la aw. The em mployment t opportunities will ebb e and flo ow with the e market, says Bruc ce Caswel ll, president of healt th services s for Maximus, a co ontractor h handling custom mer service e functions s for sever ral of the o online mar rketplaces s. "The AC CA will certainly cre eate an init tial hiring spike, alth hough this s increase will vary ac cross differ rent states s," says Caswell. C "M Most states s will ramp p up hiring g for the first t open enr rollment, and a then adjust a staff fing accor rdingly." The best candida ates for tho ose jobs are a people e with strong interpe ersonal skills and, ide eally, som me health care c exper rience. Bu ut, says Ca aswell, "th hey don't n need to be he ealth care e professio onals an nd all operators receive comp prehensive e training g."

6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

Nav vigators

Estimated avera age pay:$29 9.20 per hour r

"Na avigator" is s a new cl lass of job b created b by the health ca are law. Th he Obama acare nav vigators ar re charged d with help ping people wor rk through h enrollme ent paperw work. They y edu ucate cons sumers ab bout the ne ew marketplaces s and dete ermine if th hey qualify y for a fe ederal tax credit to s save on th he cost of hea alth insura ance. The job b functions s are similar to those e of a call center op perator, sa ays Caswe ell. "Call ce enter oper rators are not naviga ators, although both h are work king toward d the sam me goal of f getting pe eople insu ured," he s says. "Nav vigators ar re funded by either th he federal l government or the state-bas sed excha anges and will provid de face-to-face assis stance to those indi ividuals in need of s such help." Consum mers looki ing for a navigator's s help mus st check w with their st tate's exchan nge for con ntact inform mation. The fed deral gove ernment ha as awarde ed $67 million in gra ant money y to more t than 100 loc cal commu unity and other o groups to hire navigator rs. Caswell's compa any has bee en contrac cted by at least one state to h help hire a and manag ge navigat tors, who wil ll undergo o 20-30 ho ours of cert tification b before they y can wor rk with the general public. As for pay, p you won't w get ri ich being a navigato or. The pa ay also is s similar to t that of a cal ll center operator, sa ays Casw well.

6 fields where Obamacare is s creating jobs j

wh hat's ne ext

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