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February 9, 2014

Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! So glad youre here. We worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11am, and Genesis worship in Lee Fellowship Hall at 9:45am and 11am. If youd like to connect and learn more about this church family, someone will be available at the front of the room after worship, or you can visit

Next Step

Humbly serving one another and our community is one of the ways we share the love of Jesus and illustrate our own redemption. Our Jobs Partnership class meets every Tuesday & Thursday evening; could your small group bring or sponsor a light meal for the participants? Email Greg Swartwood at

This Week
The Chancel Choir is open for new members in February, with openings in all sections. Has God been tugging at your heart, telling you this might be a place of ministry for you in this covenant family? Talk with one of the choir members or Dr. Sharp after the service. Childcare is provided for every rehearsal. Previous choir experience, while most helpful, is not essential. Never forget your offering envelope again! Our Automatic Deduction signup online makes it easy to honor your giving commitment, and is completely paperless. Sign up once and youre all set:

Coming Up
New to First Pres? Learn more about what it means to be a part of a covenant community and a disciple who lights the world. First Connections is a 7-week seminar starting March 2, hosted by our Minister of Discipleship, Kent Sterchi. First Connections gives you an opportunity to connect with others and nd out about the life and ministry of this church family. Find out more at

Save the Date

Lent Devotionals on sale: February 23 Ash Wednesday: March 5

The text of the opening hymn was written by an Englishman, Robert Robinson. He had a tough start in life with the death of his father when Robert was a young boy. He was a rebellious and wild trouble maker until around the age of seventeen when he heard George Whiteld preach. He was convicted by the sermon and struggled with it until three years later in 1755 he gave his life to Christ. He then went into the ministry. He wrote the text of Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing for a sermon he was giving at Pentecost. It was a prayer that the Holy Spirit would ood our hearts. The tune is a traditional American melody from the early 1800s. It is a wonderful prayer for the beginning of worship and is our prayer today. Worship has been described as an act of retuning our hearts to the mind of God. May that be so today for each of us. - Dr. Dan Sharp
(Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)

Prelude All Glory Be to God on High J.S. Bach Announcements *Organ Meditation *Call to Worship *Processional Hymn of Praise Ascription of Praise Organ Praise Prelude on Tallis Canon
Robert a. Hobby

Psalm 95
Daniel Sharp Hymn No. 68

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

*Passing of the Peace

St. Paul always greeted with the words, The peace of God be with you. This is an appropriate way to greet fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and so we say, The peace of the Lord be with you and respond, And also with you. We then pass this greeting of peace to one another. At the passing of the peace we should earnestly desire Gods peace upon each person we greet.

Introduction of New Members (11:00) Ministry Focus Call to Prayer Pastoral Prayer The Sacrament of Baptism S Adelyn Casey Greenslait, born May 3, 2013, daughter of Yvonne and Todd Greenslait. (8:30) S Holland Elaine Ort, born June 14, 2013, daughter of Traci and Joseph Ort. (11:00) Charge to Congregation Song of Commitment Take Her Life and Let It Be Consecrated
Hymn No. 466

Overseas Council O Lord, Hear My Prayer


Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings *Doxology

Old Hundredth
Hymn No. 34

*Prayer of Commitment Order My Steps

Glynn Burleigh Chancel Choir

Anthem of Challenge

To Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson *Scripture Reading Hebrews 5:11-6:3 Pew Bible p. 848 Message Jesus: Not New, Not Improved Time to Grow

Proclamation of Gods Word

*Hymn God Has Spoken By His Prophets Hymn No. 667

*Invitation and Charge

*Benediction *Choral Response

Daniel Sharp

Elmer Amen

Postlude Fanfare Michael Helman

* All who are able are invited to stand.

Assisting in Worship: Dr. Case Thorp, Dr. Dan Sharp and Josiah Armes. Visual Arts: The owers on the Communion table are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Janet Griffin on the anniversary of her birth, from her son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Diana Griffin.

Congregational Care

As a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those recently hospitalized or recuperating at home: Karen Bassarear & George Sorn. Our sympathy to the families of those who have joined the Church Triumphant, including Rosemary Harvey on January 29, 2014. To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at x1455, or submit an online prayer request at


Stewardship Report as of February 2, 2014

Tithes & Offerings This Week Fiscal Year-to-Date Budgeted $87,968 $3,867,362 Received $142,903 $3,888,161 Surplus/(Decit) $54,935 $20,799
Give online from your smartphone:

eeves! Roll up your sl ning r Spend the mo our city. in g volunteerin rs, amilies, senio n, and F dre students, chil all first-timers are ut and o inv ited to get ce. n make a dif fere

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