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Mesh & Animation Exporting Mesh Place meshes zeroed in world, XZ plane is floor.

Freeze all transforms, (Zeroing out transform pivot point). Assign a material, (either am!ert or Phong), to each mesh. Assign a te"ture, (onl# one for enveloped o!$ects), to each mesh. Freeze the geometr#, (collapse stac%, delete construction histor#, whatever #ou li%e to call it). &ones Place !ones with hierarch# as children of mesh. &ones can !e '%eleton ()*+) chain !ones or nulls. (&ones can !e geometr# as well !ut shouldn,t !e used in the mesh.) Place a traversing !one, (usuall# a null), as parent of the mesh. ($ust called ,dumm#root,) -his !one defines the mesh traversing along the ground. All !ones mush have a direct parent*child relation. (.hain !one effectors must !e lin%ed to the last !one in /0 chain.) Place a world !one, (usuall# a null), as a parent to the traverse !one, ($ust called ,grounddumm#,), -his will allow #ou to offset the animation starting point in the world. Place hardpoints, (usuall# nulls or simple geometr#), wherever needed. 1ardpoints are simpl# !ones that have the prefi" ,hp2,. -he# are used as transform nodes that can !e used as reference points for placing weapons, event hot spots, etc. 3ig 3ig nodes should not !e in the hierarch# of the s%eleton. 3ig elements could !e regarded as !ones or offset child !one transforms otherwise. 4se rig controllers to drive /0 effectors and up vectors. &ones can !e animated with /0 or F0 depending on the situation. 5nveloping Most meshes re6uire rigid enveloping meaning onl# one !one influence for each verte", (this is mostl# for soldiers 7 vehicles). 8therwise, #ou could have up to + !ones influence each verte" !ut #ou must define it as ,9softs%in, in the meshes .option file, (/ hope .option files are covered elsewhere). :) Animation )o not animate the mesh, s%eleton ()*+) chain !one roots or effectors. /t will offset child !ones transforms. -he traverse !one must start at the world !one, (it will zero the traverse !one transforms.) -his is good for if #ou have multiple animations in a scene with different starting locations. -he traverse !one must have onl# two %e#frames from the !eginning of the animation to the end of the animation se6uence with onl# linear interpolation, (#ou could use spine interpolation to normalize certain overe"tended motions).

5"porting -he Mesh -he enveloped mesh with the s%eleton mush !e e"ported as the in9game o!$ect name and the s%eleton itself must !e e"ported individuall# as a !asepose, (called ,!asepose.msh,). 5"porting -he Animations 3emove all meshes from the s%eleton hierarch#. 'et the start and end frame in the pla#!ac% timeline !o"es. &ranch select the traverse !one. 5"port the mesh the using the e"porter plugin. &e sure to have ,5"port 'elected Models 8nl#,, ,5"port Animations, 7 ,5"port F0 Animation, selected.

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