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SUMMARY The common rationale of our project is to increase the feeling of European togetherness among students and school staff by offering them opportunities to study and perform some sports and games. And they will explore European countries and get experiences of international living and give them opportunutiy to improve their self confidence, self respect, social integration while improving their performance and behaviour. Through this project we want to help our students to improve their tolerance to others and to have courage to be able to say their ideas democratically and to be aware of values of justice, equality and solidarity for these values. They should also learn how to solve the conflicts logically through processes based on dialogue. Mobilities, studies of English , !T s"ills and the project partners# help to each other will achieve these goals. The concrete objective of the project is to give students and school staff, positive learning experiences and to motivate them to $$$ and to promote their mobility. %e intend to develop our methods to activate and motivate students to study in groups and we also aim to establish a continuing cooperation for all the students and the staff with the partner schools . !ommon study program will be planned together with the partner schools. The program will consist of some group games from each partner country. Each partner will organi&e groups of students and school staff, and each partner will organi&e a partnership meeting in their own country. 'uring the partnership meetings an international fair( with products from all the partner countries) or other performances will be arranged by the host school students,parents and staff. %e will also wor" on the European cultures and the universal values of the sport. %e thin" that our students will gain these values while running and playing with other students of their similar age. The project has a good combination of seven partners from Austria, Estonia ,Tur"ey ,*inland ,+oland, ,pain and -ermany. ,tudents and school staff will get a lot of new transnational learning experiences during the project. European cooperation will help them to share "nowledge and understand other cultures better and students can feel that they are members of the European community. The project is also a way to combat prejudice, racism and xenophobia. +roject wor" will be chronicled and supported on a jointly.managed %eb site.

D.2. RATIONALE (Please describe the m ti!ati " # r this $r %ect a"d &h' this $r %ect is "eeded.( /ur !omenius project will give students ideal experience of wor"ing and communicating with their counterparts across Europe, constituting unique preparation for the future. At the same

time this project provides a framewor" for developing other "ey competences such as creativity, problem solving and teamwor".

The common rationale of the project is to increase the feeling of European togetherness by offering students and school staff opportunities to learn sports0games performed in partner countries and explore democracy , justice, equality and solidarity for these values and gain experiences of international living. %e will achieve these goals by mobilities, studies of English and !T s"ills and new networ"s .

Each $art"er has its s$ecial m ti!ati "s # r this $r %ect as # ll &s)

The goals of our $earning +artnership project are based on the wishes of our students to become more familiar with other partners and countries in the European 1nion and Tur"ey. %e are very enthusiastic to continue our studies and cooperation with new partners. %e li"e to "now more about people#s everyday life and problems in partner countries and are prepared to host people from abroad during the partnership meeting in Tur"ey by offering them a chance to learn about Tur"ey and our life at a personal level. $earning with our partners also gives our students and school staff a chance to ma"e new friends. /ur students and school staff are really interested in other cultures and we hope to have a good cooperation with our new partners from Europe, so this project is a practical and interesting way to learn about each other. %e want our students and especially school staff to be more interested in learning foreign languages through this project. %e also want them to learn how to use !T better. ,tudents will be as"ed to write articles and these articles will be posted on the %ebsite that will serve as an example for exchanging 2positive stories3 on !T learning, and best practices.,tudents will actively participate in sport activities, in mixed teams, and they will be aware of their own culture and learn about culture of other countries by visiting other European countries and meeting students of different cultures. As a combination of those rationales we can write the following summary4 The project will give a chance to the teachers to develop their methods to activate and motivate their students to study in groups and to become familiar with the learning method of project wor". They will have a chance to benchmar" their colleagues from abroad, because possibilities of $$$ are different in the participating countries. *or the partner schools, the project will give a way to find new approaches and aims for their students and the school staff, as it is sometimes difficult to get them to study complicated social matters. Through the mobility and partnership meetings the students and the school staff can establish continuing cooperation with other partners after the project has finished. *or a wider aspect in participating countries the project gives a chance to become familiar with distant countries and open to different cultures . and to some extent also reach the same aims as the students in the project. n the course of the project and after that we are

going to inform also other schools around about the results of our project by organa&ing exhibitions and meetings. D.*. PRO+E,T O-+E,TI.ES AND STRATE/Y 0 1hat are the c "crete b%ecti!es # the $art"ershi$2 0 E3$lai" &hat s4b%ects r $r blems ' 4 i"te"d t address. 0 1hat a$$r ach &ill ' 4 ta5e t achie!e ' 4r b%ecti!es2 /56E!T 7E, 8. To enable a partnership of schools to collaborate and develop the theme of sports within their curricular provision. 9. To raise students awareness for behaviour, challenges and opportunities in partner countries. :. To promote students; uses of !T in researching and communicating with their partners about games played in other countries and their cultures. <. To promote competences essential for lifelong learning4 foreign language s"ills, problem solving, project management, creativity and entrepreneurship. =. To develop an awareness among students and staff the broader local community of similarity and diversity within the framewor" of shared European citi&enship. +roject wor" will be student.centred. They will be allowed free scope in determining which information is relevant and interesting for their partners, and will manage the collation and presentation of this information, via e.mail, website and video.conferencing. ,imilarly, they will be encouraged to form themselves into mini.teams. The results will be documented on a project %eb site. !T will play a vital role in the development and presentation of project outcomes. The concrete objective of the project is to give students and school staff, positive learning experiences and to motivate them to $$$ and to promote their mobility. %hen studying they will have the opportunity to rethin" their attitudes and reduce their prejudices through new friendships and cooperation with other countries and they will be aware of their need to learn more facts about the everyday life of people to get a better understanding of different cultures and problems. Teachers can develop their methods to activate and motivate the students to study in groups. 1e &ill address # ll &i"6 s4b%ects a"d $r blems) The a$$r ach t achie!e 4r b%ecti!es is) %hen they study the common project themes(,traditions,history, nature, culture,human rights and democracy in partner countries) they can also have motivation to learn English and computer s"ills.

Each three partners will organi&e team of students for the games,the other three will be their rivals. e.g. in the first phase >he first team will consist of students from Estonia, +oland, *inland and the other team will consist of students from Tur"ey and ,pain and -ermany, while A4stra is preparing the first partnership meeting. After studies about three months the groups will change partners. Each partner will organi&e a partnership meeting in their own country. The partner schools and teachers have a chance to evaluate the progress, the methods used and the feedbac" from the earlier phase. The students will have a chance to learn more about the target country and about the school and to ma"e friends at a personal level. D.7. EUROPEAN ADDED .ALUE 1hat is the added !al4e # ' 4r $r %ect t &ards a m re i"te"si!e E4r $ea" c $erati "2 *riendships through sports must increasingly be seen in the context of ever greater E1 mobility and shared European interests. t is essential therefore for students from an early age to begin to learn about their European counterparts and develop positive attitudes towards communicating and wor"ing with their partners. This project provides an ideal opportunity for the development of communication s"ills and uses of !T to transcend cultural, linguistic and geographical boundaries within a shared European framewor" and it cannot be adequately substituted to prepare students for wor"ing together as European citi&ens in tomorrow;s %orld. This is the sort of indispensable experience which the project will provide to our students. The project has a good combination of partners.The students will get a lot of new transnational learning experiences during the project. European cooperation will help them to share "nowledge and understand other cultures better and students can feel that they are members of the European community. The project is also a way to combat prejudice, racism and xenophobia. The project ma"es it possible for both students and teachers . via teams and project meetings . to get a wide conception of the E1 and the special features of the partner countries, as the partners come from a geographically wide area4 *inland,Estonia,+oland,-ermany,Austria,,pain and Tur"ey. %e believe that cooperation will continue between the schools and the students after the project has finished. D.8. IMPA,T 1hat im$act d ' 4 e3$ect $art"ershi$ acti!ities t ha!e " $ers "s (st4de"ts 9trai"ees a"d sta##( a"d " the $artici$ati"6 i"stit4ti "s2 This project will help students and teachers broaden their hori&ons about European citi&enship generally (similarity and differences) as well as partner countries and mobility issues in particular. t will help teachers deliver "ey curricular objectives ( !T,communication s"ills) in an innovative and stimulating way.

Teachers and students will gain experience in project management and associated lifelong learning s"ills such as teamwor" and problem solving. t will promote creativity and a sense of entrepreneurial potential among students. t will also help to increase the number of well informed students within the participating schools. n addition to providing students with basic "nowledge of,traditions,history, nature, culture,human rights and democracy in participanting countries, the project will also offer a forum for discussion on common themes and thus may form the students# opinions and attitudes and decrease prejudices. The teachers are given a chance of using project teaching methods and getting new impulses in their wor" through benchmar"ing. The partners will have a chance to exchange opinions on the institutional policy frames of partner countries and exchange good practices in formal learning. The exchanges become more valid, comparable and effective in learning. +roject meetings offer a unique opportunity of interaction in partner schools. They are also a display of each partner#s own group and schools. nternational fairs and performances arranged in connection with the meetings draw bigger attention and give the schools a chance of getting positive publicity. E. PRO+E,T MAIN :O,US E.1. RELE.AN,E TO1ARDS T;E O-+E,TI.ES O: T;E PRO/RAMME Describe the rele!a"ce # the $r %ect i" ' 4r c "te3t ("ati "al a"d9 r re6i "al r ther( a"d i" the c "te3t # the $r 6ramme b%ecti!es ch se" b' ' 4. The focus of our +roject is to find opportunities for mobility within the E1 emphasise the need for education to inculcate s"ills, attitudes and competences within students that dispose and equip them to engage with their counterparts using foreign language and !T s"ills. This project provides an authentic and stimulating framewor" for developing the confidence and the interest to begin these processes at an early age. :.1. DISTRI-UTION O: TAS<S Please e3$lai" the distrib4ti " # tas5s bet&ee" $artici$ati"6 i"stit4ti "s a"d the c m$ete"ces re=4ired #r m each # them. Als e3$lai" h & ' 4 &ill e"s4re the acti!e e"! l!eme"t # all $art"ers i" c mm " $art"ershi$ acti!ities. Every partner has almost the same tas"s. A4stria 222 will ta"e the role of coordinator and facilitate effective communication among all project coordinators, including monitoring of progress towards objectives and adherence to agreed action plan schedules. t will organise the first project meeting>including an international *air (That each school will bring two "inds of food for the fair.)and supply necessary equipment for students# presentations. The coordinator school will ta"e part in other project meetings and facilitate video show of ? nternational fair? that presented in its

own country. t will collate final project evaluations and produce a report. The coordinator is also responsible for collecting all data for interim and final report together with the partners. Every partner will organi&e one partnership meeting of < days and they will send some active students and some staff to the meetings in other countries.

The schools will underta"e to develop and manage the project %ebsite on behalf of all the partners, though staff and students from all schools will contribute regularly to this site. Every partner ta"es part in producing material for each partner#s own website, e.g. by writings blogs according to their T! s"ills. Every partner is responsible for the dissemination of results in their own local and 0or national area during and after the project and producing material (!'s, boo"lets) for it. Each meeting will have a topic (e.g.,traditions,history, nature, culture,human rights and democracy etc.). The host school will also organise a European fair( with the products from the partner countries) and0or some other presentations about the choosen topic. There will be two monitoring schools for the games during the preparation period and they will be in contact with the coordinator and the other group#s monitor.After each meeting,two schools ta"e the responsiblity of monitoring until the next meeting. Each partner will have one or more teachers for their group. n each school, a number of students will ta"e part in topic research and share information with their team partners via e. mail. The students will be active when planning and organi&ing the program of each meeting. :.2. ,OOPERATION AND ,OMMUNI,ATION Please e3$lai" h & e##ecti!e c sch ls &ill be r6a"ised. $erati " a"d c mm4"icati " bet&ee" $artici$ati"6

,ix project meetings will be the opportunity for participating staff to monitor progress and fine.tune planning.,tudent representatives will also present their progress reports at these meetings. 5etween meetings, communication among staff and students will be supported via e.mail, and once per term via video.conferencing. Teachers will act as facilitators in each partner school. ,tudents will be allowed freedom to choose national products for international fair.!ommunication will therefore be very important among students. Teachers will play an important role in monitoring the effectiveness and suitability of progress in this respect. Any problems will be addressed jointly by staff and students during the project meetings. The project has a management group consisting of the contact persons of the partners, headed by the coordinator. The members of the management group observe how the project is getting on and how the goals are achieved both in their own country and within the project

as a whole by collecting feedbac" from students and teachers. At the end of the project the group draws up a final report together with the coordinator. The management group communicates via email and meets at the partnership meetings six times altogether. The purpose of the meetings is to bring out potential problems in carrying out the project and search for solutions together as well as provide partners with examples of good ideas and practices. The common language between the partners is English. :.*. PARTI,IPANTS> IN.OL.EMENT I# ' 4r $art"ershi$ # c4ses mai"l' " $4$il9 st4de"ts 9trai"ee i"! l!eme"t? $lease e3$lai" t &hat e3te"t the' &ill be i"! l!ed i" the $la""i"6? im$leme"tati " a"d e!al4ati " # $r %ect acti!ities. A"d9 rI# ' 4r $art"ershi$ mai"l' deals &ith $eda6 6ical r ma"a6eme"t iss4es? $lease e3$lai" h & all rele!a"t sta## &ill be acti!el' i"! l!ed i" $la""i"6? im$leme"tati " a"d e!al4ati " # $r %ect acti!ities. +roject wor" will be predominantly pupil.centred and allow maximum student involvement in all decision ma"ing (e.g. selection of information to be researched, development of entrepreneurial ideas).,tudent representatives will be present at project meetings to discuss progress and address issues arising. They will provide the main input to the project %ebsite and underta"e the "ey presentations during the nternational *air. Their final evalutions and reports will constitute the main substance of the case studies published on the %ebsite. These will contribute significantly to the writing of a final report by coordinating staff. ,tudents will write articles about their learning experiences to be published on the common website. %riting articles and blogs is also part of self evaluation. ,tudents are involved in the dissemination of results by telling about their own experiences at the meetings of their own school to their partners. Teachers have ta"en part in the preparation of the +roject. They will ta"e part in the meetings and they will monitor the students while preparing for the project meetings during the course of the project and wor" as group leaders.They will also prepare the evaluation of results and dissemination of results outside the organi&ation e.g. in +arents communities and neighbour schools. :.@. INTE/RATION INTO ON/OIN/ A,TI.ITIES ,tudents will get first.hand experience of using foreign language s"ills (English) to liaise with their partners. This project will provide students with authentic opportunities for researching information on the nternet and engaging with partners via e.mail and video.conferencing. n the development of a joint %ebsite and in their final presentations to the public they will gain an opportunity to improve their s"ills in using +owerpoints and resources. n most of the partner countries, there is a need for the development of genuine lifelong learning competences such as creativity, problem solving, self management, and teamwor". This project will provide an ideal framewor" for two years of stimulating wor" which will contribute directly to these aims.

:.7. E.ALUATION ; & &ill ' 4 e!al4ate? d4ri"6 a"d a#ter the $art"ershi$? &hether the aims # the $art"ershi$ ha!e bee" met a"d the e3$ected im$act has bee" achie!ed2 At each project meeting, the coordinator will remind the project aims to the groups. 'iscussions will ta"e place under each common subject and the achivement of the project will be observed. Any obstacles will be addressed and future action fine.tuned on this basis. ,imilarly, project aims will be displayed on walls for each participating classroom and students will be encouraged to engage in regular reviews. Teachers will then assist in the review of progress during project meetings and in collating case study material for the %ebsite and final presentations. A wide.ranging audience during the nternational fair will be as"ed to complete a questionnaire about their perceived impact of the students; wor". The students answer a self.evaluation form at the end of the project (how well the studies have been organi&ed, how well cooperation has succeeded ,how satisfied they are with the support from the organi&er(the number of nternet contacts, the amount of information delivered about the +roject), how the results correspond to their expectations,how the research groups have succeeded in their wor", and the dissemination of results after the project. @esults of evaluation are dealt with at every partnership meeting between contact persons, teachers and students. :.8. DISSEMINATION AND T;E USE O: RESULTS ; & &ill ' 4 dissemi"ate a"d 4se the res4lts? e3$erie"ces a"d? &here a$$licable? $r d4cts # the $art"ershi$2 0 i" the $artici$ati"6 sch ls2

0 i" the l cal c mm4"ities2 0 i" the &ider li#el "6 lear"i"6 c mm4"it'2 @esearch about issues will be shared with their partners via e.mail, video conferences and the %ebsite. !ollated reports and final case study material will be used by teachers of relevant subjects beyond the project term, as they teach on related issues in subsequent years. This will be encouraged in the partner schools.The nternational *air will also have a disseminating impact within the wider local community.+arents,educationalists and journalists will be invited to the +roject meetings. 1sing results and experiences in each partner#s own school4 the main emphasis is on the learning process of the research groups, but there will also be tangible output to refer to after the project4 !'s 0 '7's, blogs and websites of each partner school. The schools and staff get experiences of recruiting and motivating students, teaching through project wor", arranging studies using the nternet, cooperation between schools in different countries and new views of school teaching. These experiences can be used in future study arrangements

and potential international projects.The programmes are also open to the neighbour schools, we will send invitations to other neighbour schools. n $$$ environment4 Each school is ready to present the project in national and international seminars. As the schools have umbrella organi&ations at national and some at international level, their occasions, publications and websites offer good channels to spread information about the project. n addition, teachers# national and international seminars and meetings can be an arena where project learning, benchmar"ing and recruiting and motivating students can be discussed. There#s also the possibility to find out how partners can continue or deepen future cooperation within wider projects. %e believe that the neighbour schools are interested in visiting our meetings and getting more contacts.

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