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A tremendous amount of unique data floats-about; now that my son has placed a housecall to this office-puter [due to the

storm, still no power @ home], many processes have been accelerated and, thus, perhaps a series of blast e-mails will clear the backlog a bit, providing unique-info. Therefore, after updating Guzzardi and the Holocaust-Education-Mandate issues, the academic underpinnings of ObamaDontCare are explored, citing the latest [and immediately-prior] Annals of Internal Medicine. Again, the goal here is to articulate action-items [which require focused cognitive-services to conjure] rather than mere critique [which abounds elsewhere] without yielding excess sensory-overload; also, juxtaposing multiple pieces on comparable issues again yields often-flabbergasting meta-analyses {plus levity, such as why-women-outlive men and videos of amazing-climbers [CRANE and tower]}. Before embarking, note that a local tv-reporter went on an epic rant warning of results of the ice storm and that clips from jay-lenos last-episode as the tonight-show-host [noting Leno went for broke in his final monologue: I Dont Like Good-Byes. NBC Does.] are blockbusters [while only conan took a shot as other-hosts-said goodbye graciously], yielding this TEARY-EYED GOODBYE before his BIGGEST AUDIENCE IN 15 YEARS, during which he said, the worst-thing-about-losing-this-job is I must sign-up for-obamacare. {Recalling the accolades for Barry Rubin in the prior blast, note Frank Gaffney's.}

During Thursdays meeting of the Tea Party Patriots of Lower Bucks County, I presented the rationale for nominating Guzzardiand reviewed the aforementioned petitioning-process and petitioning-forms. After I was queried about Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick [because Guzzardi had allegedly trashed both him and LG-Cawley, four years ago @ a Tea Party Event], I elucidated linkages among myriad figures in the GOP AND how their having provided each other support has led to problematic outcomes such as the no-bid $100 million bond-contract awarded to Pat Poprick for renewal of the Bensalem High School and the stalled effort to sell the State Stores. I also reminded the assembly that Mike had unambiguously expressed fealty for amnesty during his 8/3/2013appearance @ the Lower Bucks Community College and noted thatabsent a modicum of pressure exerted by a primary-opponenthe will continue ONLY to hear from his conservative constituentsprior to voting regularly with the GOP-establishment. {Also, noting the claim that Pa. needs campaign contribution limits, note that Guzzardi isnt soliciting.} During the discussion, I [innocently?] queried the two people present who plan efforts to run for GOP-State Committee [Messrs. Jim Clendennen and Jay Russell] whether they would support policy-generation by this political entity; I reminded everyone thatlast weekendit had defeated resolutions opposing amnesty for Illegals and Common Core. Thus, perhaps it is now recognized that the optimal approach to deciding who best to endorse must include assessment of the political postures of each of the candidates ; this also applies on the county-level and, indeed, there is no reason why township-level GOP-entities should not tackle strictly-local concerns. It is suspected that the rationale of the powers-that-be in clearing these sticky agenda items was simply to avoid the embarrassment of the party opposing Common Core [which Corbett has implemented]. Ancillary, perhaps, also, is the desire for the GOP not to have endorsed a position that might be countered by Boehner, et al. in D.C. Yet, if they cannot sustain social-pressure,

then one wonders whether they can truly claim they represent their constituency. {Also, lest it be forgotten, there is a streak of libertarianism in conservatism that Guzzardi channels in his emphasis on individualism and, through it all, he campaigns against the type of corruption that allowed a former-pa-lawmaker to use per-diem to buy-house.}

One of my quotes that seemed well-received was The unions own the Dems and rent the GOP. Underpinning many of Guzzardis observations is that it is this $ that compromises otherwise OK-pols, although I attempt to be more circumspect; for example, he attacks Vereb/Rafferty for accepting this $ while they note numerous ways they have voted independently. Nevertheless, noting forces functioning in PA often have national correlates [with multiple hyperlinks yet to be provided illustrating this], it is revelatory that moderate-republicans are teaming-up with labor-unions to defeat the-tea-party-in-2014; for example, it is advised that people work for the city to get 8 weeks off annually. Pending is scrutiny of corbetts budget [which includes more-education-spending] for its impact on debt and pension-liability. {Also noted: sen-kasunic-to-retire-triggering-swing-district-battle; SD-32 is the single most conservative district represented by a Dem and was already among the GOPs best pick-up opportunities.} Following-up the Mandatory Holocaust Education issue, an essay conveys the essence of this exhaustive-effort and an article lists 10-companies involved in the Shoah [h/t to

Jim Clendennen, who provided these data and went to Harrisburg on the lobbying-trip, showing that the impetus for this legislation is not delimited to a single demographic]. Also, the daughter of a patient reports that there is no justification to the argument that age-specific information can be provided to younguns; within 24-hours of having been asked to provide a bibliography, she drew upon her school-teacher experience [plus that of a colleague, if memory serves] to produce documentation {along with Anne Frank}: Numbers To The Stars, by Lois Lowry [4th to 5th grade]; Terrible Things - An Allegory Of The Holocaust, by Eve Bunting [ages 6 and up]; Night, by Elie Wiesel [4th and 5th grade]; and The Big Lie - A True Story, by Isabella Leither [5th and 6th grades]. Sadly, there will always be a need to monitor this process, recognizing both the internal dynamic [universalist vs. nationalist holocaust, as per a prior blast] and the external dynamic [LABOUR MP ACCUSES ISRAEL OF GAZA HOLOCAUST, followed by Labour-Party-claims Gaza-Holocaust-comments-taken-out-of-context]; another slap from BHO just emerged, as he is responsible for a National Disgrace: 9/11 Museum to Charge $24 Admission. A spate of articles exposed French Anti-Semitism (as distinct from Islamic influence): Anti-Semitism in 21st-century France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; Are the French Anti-Semitic?; Anti-Semitism in France: Should I Really Be That Surprised?; Britain bars entry to French comedian accused of anti-Semitism; Anti-Semitism row shines light on fractured French society -; Anti-Semitic French comedian returns to stage after ban ... - France 24; French appeal court upholds ban on 'antisemitic' comic Dieudonn's ...; France Anti Semitism - Huffington Post; France divided over 'antisemitic' comedian Dieudonne M'bala M ...; Articles: France Combats Anti-Semitism American Thinker; 'Anti-Semitic' French comic who invented 'quenelle' banned from ...; France: Anti-Semitism Now Mainstream; and anti-Semitism in France.

I closed the meeting by sharing an observation that built upon my having countered the pair of articles related to gun-control, namely, by noting the thrust of most of the articles in the most-recent issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine. Previously, I discussed how Id trashed both a review-article and an accompanying-editorial in the immediate-past issue; it was noted that themes in the most-recent issue were related to the expense of mammography [article and editorial]; overuse of upper-endoscopy and the potential to depend more upon stool-guaiac rather than to depend upon lower-endoscopy; Prescription Drug Abuse; and Alternatives to Hospitalization when Frail Elderly Adults Get Sick.

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