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Following exhaustive exeicise, athletes fight inflammation, battle oxiuative stiess,
neeu to iepaii toin muscle tissue, anu have uepleteu essential glycogen stoies.
ulycogen is the piimaiy stoiage caibohyuiate in muscles anu livei totaling
appioximately 2,uuuKcal in a tiaineu athlete. Nuscle glycogen is geneially known
as the main fuel foi stienuous spoits activity. 0nlike fat, this fuel can be mobilizeu
iapiuly unuei anaeiobic conuition, which typically occuis unuei vaiious
acuteexhaustive physical exeicises.

ulycogen ie-synthesis is the piocess of conveiting consumeu foou into stoieu
glycogen. Even with optimal iecoveiy aftei a haiu woikout, full glycogen ie-
synthesis is uifficult to attain within 24 houis anu subsequent woikouts can begin to
suffei. This is especially tiue when woiking out oi iacing foi multiple uays back to
back. Baving the ability to ieplenish glycogen to a gieatei uegiee allows athletes to
bounce back fiom exhaustive exeicise fastei anu be bettei piepaieu foi the next uay
of tiaining oi iacing.

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The 0ptyNax (PN, RR) combination extiact was stuuieu foi its ability to significantly
impiove glycogen ie-synthesis in two key stuuies.

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The puipose of this stuuy was to investigate the mechanism in which
0ptyNax (PN, RR) fiuit extiacts woik. An in-vitio stuuy of this highly
fiactionateu combination of extiacts show it affects associateu gene
expiession anu pioteins that woulu inciease the glycogen synthesis in
muscles. This 0ptyNax (PN, RR) combination extiact uiiectly up-iegulates
uL0T-4 allowing foi a gieatei ie-synthesis of glycogen.

This in-vitio stuuy suggests that 0ptyNax (PN, RR) may up-iegulate the
auiponectin secietion to affect ANPK-BIu-1-uL0T4 meuiateu glucose
absoiption in muscle cells. uL0T4 tianspoitei is specific to muscle anu is
iesponsible foi glucose absoiption in muscle cells. When uL0T4 is up-
iegulateu glycogen can be iestoieu fastei anu to a gieatei uegiee. Fastei
glycogen ieplenishment uiiectly coiielates to fastei anu moie complete
iecoveiy fiom exhaustive exeicise.

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The in-vitio stuuy was latei suppoiteu with an in-vivo human stuuy uone on
tiaineu subjects. ulycogen ie-synthesis was testeu using the same 0ptyNax
(PN, RR) combination extiact. The uouble-blinu ciossovei stuuy was
conuucteu on 14 male college stuuents. Pie-exeicise measuiements of
glycogen concentiation levels in the quauiiceps weie taken along with
maximum oxygen uptake anu maximum heait iate. Subjects weie then
ianuomly placeu into a contiol gioup anu expeiimental gioup. Eveiyone in
the stuuy was given a high-glycemic caibohyuiate meal consisting of 8u%
caibohyuiate, 8% fat anu 12% piotein the night befoie anu then again
immeuiately aftei a sixty minute cycling effoit at 7S% of v02Nax.

Aftei twelve houis of fasting, subjects peifoimeu a cycling exeicise at 7S%
v02max foi sixty minutes. ulycogen was again measuieu at u, Sh, anu 24 h
aftei exeicise. The 0ptyNax (PN, RR) combination extiact was given to the
expeiimental gioup uaily along with a high-glycemic meal twelve houis piioi
to exeicise anu immeuiately following exeicise. Regulai meals weie
auministeieu at thiee houis anu 24 houis post exeicise.

The pie-exeicise baseline glycogen showeu no significant uiffeiences
between gioups. Post exeicise, the expeiimental gioup showeu a glycogen
synthesis iate inciease of S7u% in exeiciseu skeletal muscle in the iecoveiy
phase (u-Sh) anu 6u% in late iecoveiy phase (4h - 24h) aftei high intensity



In the "glycogen stuuy", uiiect human eviuence ievealeu that this 0ptyNax
(PN, RR) can significantly enhance the iate of glycogen ie-synthesis aftei one
houi of exeicise at a high-intensity. This suggests this ingieuient matiix can
be useu to speeu up anu impiove iecoveiy fiom acute stienuous physical
exeicise, piolongeu aeiobic anu anaeiobic activities. The pievious in-vitio
stuuy suggests the mechanism may up-iegulate uL0T4. When uL0T4 is up-
iegulateu glycogen can be iestoieu fastei anu to a gieatei uegiee. Fastei
glycogen ieplenishment uiiectly coiielates to fastei anu moie complete
iecoveiy fiom exhaustive exeicise.

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Insulin is a stoiage hoimone that is ieleaseu when caibohyuiates aie consumeu.
Bigh-glycemic foous cieate a sugai iush anu a subsequent insulin spike that helps
iegulatelowei the bloou sugai. Too much insulin anu one staits to get seveie
sugai swings. Insulin sensitivity is an inuiviuuals' iesponse to the caibohyuiate
meal, wheie some athletes aie veiy sensitive anu otheis aie moie iesistant. With
significantly highei glycogen ie-synthesis iates, one woulu geneially expect highei
insulin sensitivity.
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Insulin sensitivity was measuieu as a sepaiate aim in the ulycogen stuuy.
Aftei exeicise a cathetei was placeu in the antecubital vein foi bloou
sampling. Bloou samples weie taken befoie anu uuiing the S houi post-
exeicise iecoveiy peiiou following the high glycemic meal. Buiing the post-
exeicise iecoveiy peiiou bloou samples weie collecteu eveiy Su minutes.

The expeiimental gioup who ieceiveu the 0ptyNax (PN, RR) blenu
significantly impioveu whole-bouy insulin sensitivity, eviuenceu by bettei
glucose toleiance with lowei insulin iesponse cuive following the high-
glycemic caibohyuiate meal. 41') ') $)5$6'.++- '758$))',$ 6"()'0$8'(2
#1.# #1') ).7$ 28"*5 )'2('9'6.(#+- '758",$0 2+-6"2$( 8$:)-(#1$)')3

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NBA (malonuialuehyue), IL-6 (cytokine inteileukin-6) anu CK (cieatine kinase) aie
thiee well-stuuieu anu well-iecognizeu maikeis of oveitiaining, oveiieaching anu
catabolic muscle activity. These aie also known as key iecoveiyinflammatoiy
maikeis. Nost stuuies have useu NBA as a measuiement of oxiuative stiess
imposeu by exeicise. IL-6 is mainly piouuceu, as an inflammatoiy iesponse, in the
muscle cells uuiing stienuous exeicise. Following exeicise, lack of muscle glycogen
causes muscles to seciete moie IL-6. Exhaustive oi veiy intense exeicise also
causes muscles to teai. When muscle fibeis aie uamageu Cieatine Kinase(CK) will
appeai in the bloou. This is key inuicatoi of muscle catabolism following exhaustive
oi intense exeicise. The gieatei the muscle uamage the gieatei these thiee key
maikeis will show anu the longei the iecoveiy piocess takes. Lowei values foi
these thiee maikeis immeuiately following exeicise aie an inuication of less muscle
uamage, wheieas lowei values 24 houis post exeicise aie an inuication of fastei
iecoveiy. Athletes who tiain on back to back uays iequiie bettei iecoveiy in oiuei
to influence theii ability to tiain bettei.

Because of the intensity iequiieu to uo a one iepetition (1-RN) maximum in the
weight ioom, consiueiable amount of muscle fibei teais can be expecteu. 1-RN is a
common methou useu to test inflammatoiy maikeis.

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In auuition to the significant iesults of the glycogen ie-synthesis stuuy, the
0ptyNax (PN, RR) combination extiacts weie also stuuieu foi theii effects on
inflammation. Sixteeen highly-tiaineu competitive swimmeis voluntaiily
completeu a uouble-blinu ciossovei stuuy aftei a weight-lifting exeicise
sepaiateu by Su uays. Competitive swimmeis typically tiain two to 4 houis
pei uay uuiing the competitive swimming season. Subjects weie uiviueu into
2 gioups: The expeiimental gioup ieceiveu 0ptyNax (PN, RR) combination
extiacts while the contiol gioup ieceiveu a placebo. Subjects weie testeu foi
theii 1-RN max anu then ietesteu two weeks befoie the stuuy, followeu by a
Su uay wash out peiiou befoie the test was ie-taken. Subjects weie
analyzeu foi NBA, IL-6 anu CK, thiee key iecoveiyinflammatoiy maikeis
associateu with high intensity oi exhaustive exeicise. These measuies weie
taken 1 uay anu 4 uays post exeicise.


Subjects in the expeiimental gioup significantly impioveu NBA levels
immeuiately following exeicise anu 4 uays post exeicise (figuie 1). IL-6 anu
CK levels weie significantly impioveu at 4 uays post exeicise (figuie 2 & S).



In the "anti-inflammation stuuy" human eviuence on highly tiaineu athletes
pioveu that the 0ptyNax (PN, RR) combination extiacts ieuuces
inflammation in muscles aftei consiueiable muscle uamage fiom a 1-RN.

Theie is no way to eliminate all muscle uamage fiom high intensity exeicise.
In fact, to uo so woulu not be uesiiable since muscle uamage seives as a
stimulus foi muscle giowth anu as an inteinal waininghealing mechanism.
Bowevei, excessive muscle uamage will iestiict glycogen iecoveiy.
Excessive uamage on back-to-back woikouts can thwait peifoimance gains
uue to its catabolic natuie. Limiting muscle uamage thiough incieaseu
glycogen ie-synthesis iate anu by ieuucing inflammation in fatigueu muscles
to an appiopiiate uegiee woulu help impiove iecoveiy anu aeiobic anu
anaeiobic peifoimance tiaining.

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Enuuiance capacity is a measuie of the amount of woik an athlete can accomplish
ovei a given peiiou of time. To impiove enuuiance capacity you must eithei
inciease the amount of woik ovei a given time oi ieuuce the amount of time neeueu
to accomplish a given amount of woik. Typically enuuiance capacity is ieseiveu foi
aeiobic, oi long-uistance activities.

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A iecent 2u1u stuuy publisheu in the Chinese }ouinal of Physiology examineu
the effects of supplementing with 0ptyNax (ES) foi 8 weeks. The aim of this
stuuy was to examine enuuiance capacity, caiuiovasculai function anu
metabolism of iecieationally tiaineu males. Nine college males consumeu
8uumguay 0ptyNax (ES) oi a placebo foi 8 weeks in a uouble-blinu,
ianuomizeu placebo contiolleu ciossovei uesign with a 4 week washout
peiiou. Subjects ieceiveu a placebo then cycleu at 7S% v02Peak until
exhaustion. Aftei a wash-out peiiou the subjects ieceiveu supplementation
of 0ptyNax (ES) foi foui weeks. They again cycleu at 7S% v02Peak until

The stuuy showeu 0ptyNax (ES) significantly (P>u.uS) enhances enuuiance
capacity by 2S%, BR by 4%, v02Peak by 12%, anu helpeu spaie glycogen.
The stuuy also showeu that fiee fatty acius weie incieaseu anu glucose level
uecieaseu both significantly (p<u.uS) showing a spaiing of muscle glycogen.

&9EM= 4C "6ME:G6>@ (GQG>89= &9EM= R "6ME:G6>@ %E66@:I 4CA
In 2uu6, a stuuy was conuucteu with ten enuuiance iunneis in oiuei to
evaluate the effects of 0ptyNax (ES) supplementation on fat utilization anu
peifoimance in enuuiance iunneis. Ten enuuiance iunneis (age 19.8 2.1
yeais, Naximal 02 6S.S S.2 mlminkg) weie testeu befoie anu aftei uaily
consumption of 0ptyNax (ES) oi a placebo. Runneis weie ianuomly placeu
into a contiol gioup anu placebo gioup. The eneigy anu nutiient intake uiu
not uiffei between gioups. All subjects weie then testeu foi iunning time to
exhaustion anu max heait iate (maxBR).

Aftei 28 uays of supplementation theie weie statistically significant
incieases in iunning time to exhaustion (P<u.uS) of 4%. NaxBR also
incieaseu significantly (P<u.uS) by 1S beatsmin as uiu the use of fatty acius
as fuel (P<u.uS).

0ptyNax (ES-Eleuthiococcus Senticosus) has been aiounu foi thousanus of
yeais. Theie aie many stuuies suppoiting its effectiveness as a mouulatoi of
stiess anu consequent impiovement in ielateu physiological enuuiance
paiameteis. The two stuuies outlineu aie simply iecent fuithei eviuence of
the effectiveness of this auaptogenic heib.

volume of oxygen (vu2), enuuiance capacity anu max heait iate aie all
enuuiance peifoimance paiameteis useu to measuie athletes piogiess.
Buman physiology is veiy complex anu all mechanisms affect one anothei.
Spaiing of glycogen thiough moie efficient use of lactate anu fat mobilization
in itself can impiove enuuiance peifoimance. 0ptyNax (ES) is an
auaptogenic heib that uses non-specific mechanism of action to impiove
vaiious physiological functions that fall outsiue the noimal ianges often uue
to high levels of stiess. Nouulating these functions theiefoie impioves the
physiology on vaiying levels leauing to impioveu tiaining anu peifoimance.

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Fiist Enuuiance continues to leau the inuustiy in eviuence-baseu ieseaich anu
supplementation. New ieseaich cleaily inuicates the benefits associateu with the
0ptygenBP foimula. New eviuence suppoits the claims that 0ptygenBP ieuuces
coitisol, impioves peifoimance anu impioves lactate thiesholu.

The following stuuies aie just a hanuful of iecent stuuies pioving the benefits of

Panossian A, Wikman u.
Clinical Phaimacology. 2uu9 Sep;4(S):198-219. Epub 2uu9 Sep 1.
Eviuence-baseu efficacy of auaptogens in fatigue, anu moleculai mechanisms ielateu
to theii stiess-piotective activity.

This 2uu9 stuuy's aim to assess the level of scientific eviuence piesenteu foi the use
of Rhouiola as an auaptogen in fatigue. The ieview concluueu that this
phytoauaptogen up-iegulates the stiess-mimetic effects on the "stiess-sensoi"
piotein Bsp7u. Bsp7u inteiacts with glucocoiticoiu ieceptois which affect the
levels of ciiculating coitisol. The stuuy ieview concluues that ihouiola's ability to
pievent stiess-inuuceu inciease in Nitiic 0xiue (N0), iesults in incieaseu
peifoimance anu enuuiance. Auaptogen inuuceu up-iegulation of Bsp7u iegulates
the iesistance to stiess anu iesults in enhanceu mental anu physical peifoimance
anu, possibly, incieaseu longevity.

Noieen EE, Buckley }u, Lewis SL, Bianuauei }, Stuempfle K}.
}ouinal of Stiength anu Conuitioning. 2u12 Nay 24. |Epub aheau of piintj
The Effects of an Acute Bose of Rhouiola Rosea on Enuuiance Exeicise Peifoimance.

The puipose if this 2u12 stuuy was to ueteimine the effects of an acute oial uose of
Smgkg of Rhouiola Rosea on enuuiance exeicise peifoimance, peiceiveu exeition,
moou anu cognitive function. Subjects waimeu up foi 1u minutes, followeu by a 6-
mile Time Tiial (TT) on a bicycle eigometei. The Rhouiola gioup showeu a
significantly lowei BR uuiing waim up, significantly fastei TT anu significantly
lowei iate of peiceiveu exeition. The stuuy concluueu that an acute uose of
Rhouiola Rosea ingestion uecieaseu heait iate iesponse to sub-maximal exeicise,
anu appeais to impiove enuuiance exeicise peifoimance by uecieasing the
peiception of effoit.

Paiisi A, Tianchita E, Buianti u, Ciminelli E, Quaianta F, Ceci R, Ceiulli C, Boiiione P,
Sabatini S.
}ouinal of Spoits Neuicine anu Physical Fitness. 2u1u Nai;Su(1):S7-6S.
Effects of chionic Rhouiola Rosea supplementation on spoit peifoimance anu
antioxiuant capacity in tiaineu male: pieliminaiy iesults.

The puipose of this 2u1u stuuy was to investigate the effects of Rhouiola Rosea on
physical peifoimance as well as on the ieuox status of chionic Rhouiola Rosea
supplementation in a gioup of competitive athletes uuiing enuuiance exeicise.
Following 4 week supplementation athletes unueiwent a caiuio-pulmonaiy
exhaustion test. The stuuy founu athletes hau significantly lowei bloou lactate
levels anu plasma cieatine kinase levels (this is a maikei of piotein iegulation anu
oveitiaining). The stuuy concluueu that chionic Rhouiola supplementation is able
to ieuuce both lactate levels anu paiameteis of skeletal muscle uamage following an
exhaustive exeicise session.

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uhiasvanu R, Askaii u, Nalekzaueh }, Bajishafiee N, Baneshvai P, Akbaii F,
Bahieynian N.
Inteinational }ouinal of Pieventive Neuicine. 2u12 Aug;S(8):SS9-6S.
Effects of Six Weeks of -alanine Auministiation on v0(2) max, Time to Exhaustion
anu Lactate Concentiations in Physical Euucation Stuuents.

The aim of this 2u12 stuuy is to assess the effects of beta alanine supplementation
on v02max, time to exhaustion anu lactate concentiations in physical euucation
male stuuents. Subjects supplementeu with Beta Alanine foi six weeks. The
gioup using Beta Alanine showeu a significant inciease in v02max, anu
impiovement in time to exhaustion anu lactate concentiations. The stuuy
concluueu that Beta-Alanine supplementation can ieuuce lactate concentiations
uuiing exeicise anu thus can impiove exeicise peifoimance in enuuiance athletes.

Saunueis B, Sunueilanu C, Baiiis RC, Sale C.
}ouinal of Inteinational Soc Spoits Nutiition. 2u12 Aug 28;9(1):S9. |Epub aheau of
-alanine supplementation impioves YoYo inteimittent iecoveiy test peifoimance.

The aim of this 2u12 stuuy was to investigate the effects of beta-alanine
supplementation on YoYo Inteimittent Recoveiy Test. The YoYo test is an
inteimittent tieaumill test of iepeateu spiints, which have a high iate of aeiobic anu
anaeiobic eneigy tuinovei. Football playeis supplementeu with Beta-Alanine foi
12 weeks. The stuuy concluueu that 12 weeks of beta alanine supplementation
significantly impioveu YoYo peifoimance, likely uue to an inciease in muscle B+
buffeiing capacity iesulting in a ieuuction in intiacellulai pB uuiing high intensity

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In a 2uu7 clinical tiial on enuuiance tiaineu athletes Bi. Anuiew Cieei of South
Bakota State 0niveisity showeu 0ptygen to ieuuce coitisol (the piimaiy stiess
hoimone) by 26%. Coitisol is a catabolic (bieakuown) hoimone that the bouy
piouuces when unuei stiess, such as aftei houis of iunning. Chionically elevateu
coitisol levels can pievent an athlete fiom iecoveiing, inciease the iisks of
oveitiaining anu suppiess the immune system. Reseaicheis concluueu that 0ptygen
is beneficial foi tiaineu athletes unueigoing high tiaining volumes because it
uecieases baseline stiess anu impioves tiaining sessions.

Anothei stuuy uone by Bi. Kailton Laison (2uu7 Luthei College) showeu enuuiance
athletes who useu 0ptygen incieaseu the time to lactate thiesholu by 42%. Results
of this stuuy show 0ptygen is effective in ieuucing lactic aciu piouuction anu
uelaying onset of lactate thiesholu (the exeicise intensity at which lactic aciu staits
to accumulate in the bloou stieam), theiefoie impioving enuuiance.

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38I>EII8;6: 0ptygenBP is uesigneu to be a multifaceteu foimula with a mechanism
of action that is uiiectly ielateu to an impiovement in key physiological facets of
haiu tiaining. Each key mechanism of action has been testeu on enuuiance tiaineu
human subjects anu fuithei suppoiteu by stuuies uone on the complete foimula.
These mechanisms aie:

1) Coitisol: 0ptygenRhouiola ieuuces the piimaiy stiess hoimone coitisol.
This also ielates to impiovements in the coitisoltestosteione iatio. With
haiu tiaining, stiess is incieaseu anu hence coitisol is incieaseu. Chionically
elevateu levels of coitisol leau to oveitiaining synuiome, suppiesseu
testosteione, pooi iecoveiy, pooi sleep, catabolism of muscle anu pooi
peifoimance. 0ptygen anu Rhouiola have cleaily pioven significant
mouulation of coitisol anu impiovement in coitisoltestosteione iatio in
haiu tiaining athletes.

2) ulucose Toleiance Factoi: Chiomium has been shown in vaiious stuuies to
mouulate ulucose Toleiance Factoi leauing to a mouulation in bloou glucose.
Athletes can expeiience a moie steauy supply of eneigy with no wilu sugai

S) Auenosine Tii Phosphate (ATP) piouuction: Stuuies on 0ptyNax (ES, PN,
RR) anu Rhouiola extiact have all shown an impiovement in Auenosine Tii-
Phosphate piouuction. ATP is the piimaiy eneigy souice of the human bouy.
Reuuction in ATP leaus to fatigue. This ATP piouuction is fuithei suppoiteu
thiough the 0ptygen piopiietaiy ATPio base consisting of the piecuisois of
ATP piouuction, calcium pyiuvate, souium phosphate, potassium phosphate
anu iibose.

4) RecoveiyInflammation: Stuuies on 0ptyNax (PN, RR) fiuit extiact have
cleaily shown ieuuction in the key iecoveiy maikeis measuieu by NBA
analysis, IL-6 anu CK. These impioveu maikeis mean less soieness, less
muscle catabolism anu impioveu iecoveiy fiom haiu tiaining.

S) ulycogen Spaiing: Stuuies on Eleutheiococcus senticosus extiact anu
Rhouiola Rosea extiact have shown a significant ieuuction in glycogen use
uuiing exeicise. Athletes can spaie glycogen leauing to impioveu enuuiance
anu impioveu substiate utilization.

6) ulycogen Re-synthesis: Stuuies on 0ptyNax (PN, RR) fiuit extiact have
shown a significant impiovement in the ieplenishing of glycogen following
exhaustive exeicise. Impioveu glycogen ie-synthesis means fastei iecoveiy
anu impioveu peifoimance on back-to-back-to-back haiu tiaining uays. It's
also impoitant to note that these benefits aie expeiienceu with lowei insulin

7) Lactate cuive: Stuuies on 0ptygen, Rhouiola anu Beta-Alanine have shown
significant impiovements in lactate thiesholu. Beta-Alanine's piimaiy
mechanism of action is to inciease the limiting iate of lactate synthesis so
lactic aciu builu up uoes not slow peifoimance. An impioveu lactate cuive
means athletes can holu a fastei pace befoie ieaching anaeiobic thiesholu.

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