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Graded Test 1 Paper 1

(Level 1)

Each question in this test is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the best answer for each question. Section A 1. Read the message below and answer the question that follows. Dear Amin* +,m sorr) + couldn,t ma'e it to )our birthda) part) )esterda). + had to bab)sit little #u-) as m) mum had to attend a meeting. + hope )ou,ll understand. Salman

The purpose of this message is to A B C D invite enquire decline apologise

Questions 2 and 3 Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
"andicraft Centre

useum Jalan useum


# ! #etia Ra$a

%ost &ffice Anif Ban'


(uc') #upermar'et %ar'ing


Jalan !ucing 1

.. +f A-man wants to go to the librar)* he must go along Jalan A turn left B turn right C turn bac' / #all) can bu) souvenirs for her friends from the A post office B handicraft centre C librar) D ban' #tud) the sign below and answer the following question. No Swimming on Weekdays The sign tells us that we can swim here on A #aturda)s B onda)s C Tuesda)s D Thursda)s 1 #tud) the picture below and answer the question that follows.

useum and

+t,s alread) 1 pm. (et,s call it a da).

The teacher is telling his student that she should A continue practising for the da) B stop practising and go home C call her parents to ta'e her home D practise on another da)

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Section B Questions 6 13 2ach question in the te3t below refers to a numbered blan'. 4or each question* choose the best answer from the options to fit the numbered blan'. Bu'it 5ang is a recreational forest in !edah. +t is a retreat for quiet rela3ation 6666 768 a popular picnic spot. The mornings and evenings there 7!8 cool and chill). Along the $ungle trails* we 7"8 observe and learn about trees which are tagged for observation and stud). There is a pool for 7#8 and picnic'ers can en$o) having 66666 71$8 dip in the shallow water. The water is clean and clear. an) people have visited Bu'it 5ang for a picnic 7118 the) en$o) the picturesque view near the area. The surrounding forest reserve is rich 7128 flora and fauna. The construction of public facilities* the cutting down of trees and levelling of the 7138 have been 'ept to a minimum to preserve the natural beaut) of the forest. 9 A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D so and but also is are was were can will could would swim swam swum swimming


1= A a B an C the 11 A B C D so besides because although /

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1. A B C D

b) on for with

1/ A pool B ground C building Section % Questions 1& 16 !ead the conversation in Situation " and choose the best meanin# for the phrases that are underlined. #ituation A > ar' ? Dad ? ar' is tal'ing to his father at home.

5hat are )ou doing* Dad@ +,m wrapping a gift for imi. #he passed her e3ams with fl)ing colours. 71&8

ar' ? Dad ?

&hA That,s wonderful. 5hat did )ou get her@ + got her a new s'ateboard. %romise me )ou won,t let the cat out of the bag 71'8 ar'. + would li'e it to be a surprise. Don,t worr)* Dad. Bou can count on me 7168 . her. imi will love the gift )ou got

ar' ?

10 with fl)ing colours A with man) colours B with great success C with great difficult) C with man) colourful mar's 11 let the cat out of the bag A inform ever)one B 'eep the secret C reveal the secret D announce the secret 19 count on me A trust me B include me C forget about me
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Section ( Questions 1! 22 !ead the passa#e below and answer the followin# questions. During the last school holida)s* m) friends Cul* Ram and + visited m) Dncle Rashid,s farm. +t was a oneEda) trip and we were ver) e3cited. Besides* + was also loo'ing forward to eating m) Aunt Aini,s coo'ing. All the dishes she coo's taste delicious. ) favourite dish is chic'en rendang and hers is the best. 5hen we reached the farm m) uncle too' us to the fields and showed us around. 5e were surprised at what he did with food leftovers. FThe process is scientific and is called composting*, he started. FBour aunt and + collect vegetable discards* fruit peel as well as dead leaves and plants and cover them with soil. 5e leave them to compost and the resulting product acts as a natural fertili-er for use in organic agriculture. +n this wa) we rec)cle all our leftover food., 5e were ama-ed with the piles of soil we saw in the fields and the wa) the) were spra)ed with water. Ram then as'ed* F5here does coo'ed food go then@, ) uncle replied* F5ell* we feed the chic'ens with leftover coo'ed foodA This wa) nothing is wasted., F%erhaps we could also do something li'e this at school*, suggested Cul. F5e alread) rec)cle paper and aluminium cans. +n this wa) we can also rec)cle leftover food., #oon it was time for lunch and Aunt Aini had coo'ed m) favourite chic'en rendang* fish curr) and fried aubergines. After the delicious meal* we helped Dncle Rashid in his farm 1: The writer,s favourite dish is A fish curr) B fried aubergines C chic'en rendang 1; 5hich of the following is not added to compost heap@ A potato peel B leftover papa)a C dead leaves D leftover fried fish 1< Compost is a natural A leftover B agriculture C fertili-er

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.= (eftover coo'ed food is used to A fertili-e the crops B feed the chic'ens C ma'e up the compost heap D pile up on the soil .1 5hat was Cul,s suggestion@ A to rec)cle paper B to rec)cle aluminium cans C to rec)cle leftover food. .. 5hich of the following words does not describe the writer and his friends@ A Responsible B "elpful C 2nthusiastic D (a-) Section ) Questions 23 2'

Read the poem below carefull). Then* choose the best answer for the questions that follow. Lifes Brief Candle ToEmorrow* and toEmorrow* and toEmorrow* Creeps in this pett) pace from da) to da) To the last s)llable of recorded time* And all our )esterda)s have lighted fools The wa) to dust) death. &ut* out* brief candleA (ife,s but a wal'ing shadow* a poor pla)er* That struts and frets his hour upon the stage* And then is heard no moreG it is a tale Told b) an idiot* full of sound and fur)* #ignif)ing nothing. $illiam Sha%espeare

./ 5hat does the first line of the poem tell us@ A Time is short B Time is endless C 5e can alwa)s find time D Ta'e our time
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.0 The word Fcreep, in the second line tells us that time moves A slowl) B quic'l) C at its own pace .1 The persona in the poem sa)s that life A is filled with man) friends B has no meaning C is e3citing Questions 26 2" !ead the e&tract below carefully and choose the best answer for the questions that follow.

*+ Bunga Te,ur and Ba,,y S-oes

Jamal went to the ban'. The loan officer was most helpful and he said Jamal could borrow R 1* ===. 4ive thousand ringgitA Jamal,s heart leapt s') high. That,s itA All his problems are solved. But* wait JamalA here's a catch. (oo' at the loan repa)ment scheme* it,s R 1==.== for the first month and R 0==.== ever) month henceforth. Jamal,s heart san'. 5ith his miniscule salar) he couldn,t even bu) cucumbers with the mone) left over after the repa)ments. "e cannot imagine his beautiful wife eating cucumbers ever) da). Che (usna ")hari .9 5h) did Jamal go to the ban'@ A There was a loan offer. B The loan officer wanted to meet him. C "e wanted to ta'e a loan. D "e had an appointment. .: The sentence here's a catch means A there is a possibilit) B there is an availabilit) C there is a hidden disadvantage .; According to Jamal* his wife ma) have to eat cucumbers ever) da) because A she loves to eat cucumbers B he will not have enough mone) to bu) other food C the) will be bu)ing onl) cucumbers from the mar'et

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Grammar ).ercise Questions 2# 3" Choose the best answers for the followin#. .< "e was warned not to $ump 66666666 the fence. A upon B at C over D along /= + bought the boo'* so it is 66666666. A m) B me C mine /1 Jasmin is the 66666666 girl in class. A la-) B la-ier C la-iest /. #alman spea's 4rench ver) well 66666666 he has never been to 4rance. A because B although C however D besides // The girl loo's as though she has not slept 66666666 wee's. A from B about C into D for /0 The pupil will be punished for 66666666 he has done. A which B what C that /1 5e will need 66666666 egg to ma'e 66666666 ca'e. A an* an B a* the C an* the D the* a

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/9 + have not seen m) friends 66666666 + left school last )ear. A for B before C since D until /: 66666666 the school runners* A-man is the fastest. A Between B Around C About D Among /; (ast )ear* our school librar) lost 66666666 boo's. A man) B much C a lot D none Questions 3# &" Choose the best answers for the blan%s in the te&t below. The greatest benefit fire brought to primitive man was warmth. "e could not have survived without fire because it 66666666 73#8 protection against the bitter cold. 4ire also protected primitive man 66666666 7&$8 wild animals b) 'eeping them awa). "e lit 66666666 7&18 ring of bonfires around the place he 66666666 7&28 for the night and this protected him from wild animals. 4ire provided light 66666666 7&38 dar' caves where the primitive man lived. Before the discover) 7&&8 fire* primitive man ate raw food. 4ire enabled him to 66666666 7&'8 food on open fires. +n this wa) he had more varied* tast) 66666666 7&68 digestible food. %rimitive man heated water b) 66666666 7&!8 a hole dug in the ground with s'ins. "e 66666666 7&"8 dropped redEhot stones into it. "e also made soups and porridges this wa). /< A B C D 0= A B C D is was are were in b) with from

01 A a
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B an C the

0. A B C D 0/ A B C D 00 A B C D 01 A B C D 09 A B C D 0: A B C D 0; A B C D
1.D 11.A .1.C /1.C

slept sleep sleeps sleeping beside around inside outside in of from with roast roasts roasted roasting with but and so line lines lined lining after before then since

..B 1..B ...D /..B

/.B 1/.B ./.A //.D

0.A 10.B .0.C /0.B

1.D 11.B .1.C /1.C

9.B 19.A .9.A /9.C

:.B 1:.C .:.C /:.D

;.A 1;.D .;.B /;.A

<.D 1<.B .<.A /<.B

1=.A .=C /=.C 0=.B

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