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Motor f eet !afet" and !e#urit" $anage$ent Student%! na$e In!titution affi iated Date


1 . GIVE your opinion of the value of vehicle out of service rates and driver log errors as a driver supervisor tool. Provide specific examples of how you would use this data to evaluate your drivers performance. The 'a ue of 'ehi# e out of !er'i#e rate! in #on(un#tion )ith the dri'er og error! are e!!entia dri'er !u*er'i!or too that he *! to redu#e the nu$+er of a##ident! #au!ed +" the 'ehi# e!, A! a re!u t- the nu$+er of death! that re!u t! fro$ 'ehi# e a##ident! i! dra!ti#a " redu#ed, Out of !er'i#e rate! !hou d +e en#ouraged to get rid of a road)orth" 'ehi# e! a! )e a! a'oiding the irre!*on!i+ e dri'er! fro$ u!ing the road! and #au!ing a'oida+ e a##ident! .De a/ Giu!tina- &0012, There are 'ariou! t"*e! of out of !er'i#e rate! that are u!ed to $onitor the road tran!*ort !"!te$, Thi! rate! aid to !trea$ ine thi! indu!tr" a! )e a! en!uring +etter- ea!ier and !afer tran!*ort $ean!, The In!*e#tion Out/of/Ser'i#e Rate! in# ude o'era - dri'er and 'ehi# e out of !er'i#e in!*e#tion rate!, O'era in!*e#tion out/of/!er'i#e rate #an +e de!#ri+ed to a! the *er#entage of a the in!*e#tion! that ha'e +een #ondu#ted in the e3hi+it ti$e *eriod that *ro'ed to ha'e out/of/ !er'i#e defe#t!, An e3a$* e in thi! #an +e de$on!trated +" a dri'er )ho ha! had !i3 in!*e#tion! )ithin a *eriod of &1 $onth!- of the !i3 in!*e#tion!- three in!*e#tion! )ere found to ha'e had out/of/!er'i#e defe#t!, In !u#h a #a!e- the o'era out/of/!er'i#e rate a! *er #a #u ation )i +e 40 *er#ent, 5ehi# e out/of/!er'i#e rate i! defined to a! the *er#entage of tota in!*e#tion! that re*orted a *arti#u ar 'ehi# e out/of/!er'i#e defe#t!,


On the other hand- the dri'er out/of/!er'i#e rate i! de!#ri+ed to a! the *er#entage of the tota in!*e#tion! that re*orted !*e#ifi# a dri'er out/of/!er'i#e defe#t, In #a!e of #ontinued defe#t!- a di!* inar" $ea!ure i! i$*o!ed on a dri'er or a 'ehi# e, Other a#tion! $a" in# ude * ate !ei7ure- f eet i$itation and #an#e ation of dri'er! o*erating *ri'i ege!, I find the!e $ea!ure! +e!t in order to in!ti di!#i* ine in our road!,

Dri'er og error! are too ! that he * in *ro'iding #ru#ia infor$ation on dri'er%! !afet" *erfor$an#e, The data o+tained fro$ thi! too ! he *! in $a8ing infor$ed de#i!ion! +" in!uran#e #o$*anie!- !hi**er! and finan#ia in!titution!, An e3a$* e of e'a uating dri'er!% *erfor$an#e #an +e through the dri'er !afet" rating! )hi#h range fro$ e3#e ent- !ati!fa#tor"- !ati!fa#tor"/ unaudited- #onditiona and un!ati!fa#tor" .De a/Giu!tina- &0012, , 2. leet s!ills test can "e accomplished on a driving range or in actual traffic conditions. Give at least one advantage and one disadvantage of each testing environment. The rationa e for ha'ing a dri'er #arr" out a !8i te!t i! to a!!e!! ho) that *arti#u ar dri'er hand e! a 'ehi# e, The te!t in'o 'e! of #arr"ing out a !et of e3er#i!e! throughout a road te!t, It #an a! )e +e *erfor$ed at the training * a#e hen#e that the in!tru#tor #an e3a$ine a dri'er *erfor$ing $aneu'er! de'oid of the #han#e of a !eriou! *ro*ert" !$a!h u*, Dri'ing !8i ! #an +e deter$ined to !o$e e3tent +" a!!e!!ing dri'er! *a!t dri'ing *ra#ti#e and an ana "!i! of hi! #o$$er#ia dri'er%! i#en!e a**ro'a .9eintrit- &00:2,


The ad'antage of training on a dri'ing range i! that the dri'er! #an +e #ontinuou! " te!ted on an arra" of di'er!e !8i !, The $ain di!ad'antage i! that )hat a dri'er $a" a##o$* i!h $a" not +e !o dire#t- and the #o!t )ou d +e high, The ad'antage of e3*o!ing the dri'er on to different 8ind! of a#tua traffi# #ondition! i! that !o$e of the!e a#ti'itie! ta8e * a#e in ight and hea'" #it" traffi#- e3*re!!)a" dri'ing- and !e#ondar" road! thu! he *! to identif" )hether the dri'er! #an hand e the different traffi# *attern!, The di!ad'antage i! that the" rare " ref e#t the a#tua $i e! that $u!t +e dri'en in order for the dri'er to ha'e attained the re;uired !8i !, F eet $anaging i! the running of a #o$*an"%! tran!*ortation #on'o", It #o$*ri!e! $one"/$a8ing $otor 'ehi# e! !u#h a! !hi*!- 'an! tru#8! and #ar!, F eet .'ehi# e2 ad$ini!tration #an ta8e a##ount of a 'ariet" of fun#tion! for in!tan#e 'ehi# e $aintenan#e- 'ehi# e te e$ati#! .tra#8ing and diagno!ti#!2- 'ehi# e finan#ing- !*eed $anage$ent- dri'er $anage$ent- !afet"and hea th and fue $anage$ent .De a/Giu!tina- &0012, F eet $anage$ent i! a ta!8 )hi#h #on!ent to #o$*anie! )hi#h re " on $o'ing good! and !er'i#e! in +u!ine!! to get rid of or $ini$i7e the danger! in8ed to 'ehi# e in'e!t$ent, It i$*ro'e! *rodu#ti'it"- effi#ien#" and redu#ing their on the )ho e tran!*ortation and !taff e3*en!e!- *ro'iding tota #onfor$it" )ith go'ern$ent egi! ation- i,e, dut" of #are, The!e ta!8! #an +e dea t )ith +" +oth out!our#ed f eet $anage$ent *ro'ider and an in/hou!e f eet $anage$ent de*art$ent .9eintrit- &00:2,


#. $eing a good driver re%uires more than &ust "eing a"le to operate the assigned vehicle properly. Give five examples of %ualities that might "e needed' and explain why each could "e important to overall success as a driver. A good dri'er $u!t +e *atient- re!*on!i+ e and #arefu , Dri'ing #arefu " $a8e! #ertain that the road! )i +e !afe ,*atien#e i! i$*ortant a! it ena+ e! dri'er! to $aintain a rea!ona+ e !*eed and +e *o ite to other road u!er!, La!t "- a re!*on!i+ e dri'er t "our *a!!enger! a! )e a! tho!e on the road, Anti#i*ation <defen!i'e dri'ing = it%! the a+i it" to read 8een " on thing! that are ta8ing * a#e around "ou- )hi#h in ine ead! one into defen!i'e dri'ing ,to $a8e it *o!!i+ e for one to read the road )e - it%! i$*ortant to #ontinua " 8ee* #hanging "our 'i#init" +et)een ong- $ediu$ and !hort di!tan#e!, Thi! )i *ro'ide a greater de*i#tion of )hat i! going on around "ou and $a"+e +" doing thi! "ou #an *redi#t )hat i! i8e " to ha**enand thu! !hou d o+'iou! " re!u t into a $ore defen!i'e $ode of dri'ing .Motor fleet safety and security management- &01&2, S8i = it i! e!!entia to +e a+ e to $a8e u!e of e'er" one of the #ontro ! effi#ient " and !$ooth ", The o#ation of the 'ehi# e on the road )hen ta8ing a #orner in addition to +eing in the right !*eed and #orre#t gear are 'er" 'ita fro$ the *a!!enger!% *oint of 'ie) a! )e a! +a an#ing of the 'ehi# e, Attitude= it i! e!!entia to ha'e the right attitude- t add onto the 8no) edge and !8i ! "ou *o!!e!, One !hou d +e to erant and #a $ in e'er" #ir#u$!tan#e,


?no) edge= one !hou d ha'e *rofound 8no) edge of the @igh)a" Code, Thi! $a8e! one to +e#o$e +etter dri'er!- on #ondition that the" o+e" the ru e! and +e read" to earn ne) ru e! the" 8no) nothing a+out .9eintrit- &00:2, Referen#e!

De a/Giu!tina- D, .&0012, Motor fleet safety and security management, Ao#a Raton: CRC Bre!!, Internationa Na'igationa S"$*o!iu$ on Marine Na'igation and Safet" of Sea Tran!*ortationC 9eintrit- A, .&00:2, Marine navigation and safety of sea transportation, Ao#a Raton- F a: CRC, Motor fleet safety and security management, .&01&2, Ao#a Raton- F a: Ta" or C Fran#i!,

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