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O serie de expresii in engleza, pe care le-am invatat pentru examenul la engleza juridica.

Contract Agreement Este incheiat de si intre is entered into by and between Persoana fizica individual Unde Whereas In baza prevederilor prezentului contract, partile sunt de acord ca - In consideration of and in relience upon the convenant herein contained, and for other good valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficeny of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows. Semnare conclusion Data scadentei due date Comision fee Cheltuieli costs Alte taxe sundries Suportate de in curred by Vor fi platite de cumpartor Shall be at buyers expense Respectarea stricta a termenelor Time shall be of the essence Rata installement Reziliere Repudiation / Cancellation A cere to requiere A cere daune to claim damages Incalcare a contractului Violation / breach of contract Nerespectarea clauzelor contractuale duce la anulare failure by any parties to observe the provisions of the contract shall lead to the cancellation of the contract Nelivrarea la timp este considerata anulare...- failure by the seller to delive on time shall be deemed as a breach. Se obliga binds to / bound to / undertakes to Sa cumpere to aquiere Bunuri goods / merchandise Prevazut stipulated / indicated / mentioned Anexa apendics Pret price Termeni terms A conveni to agree upon A respecta to observe / to comply with A furniza to supply In conformitate in conformity Clauze provisions Declaratie statement Atasat attached Incapacitate de plata if buyer defaults Are dreptul is entitled to A acuza to charge A percepe to levy (taxes) Penalizare default interest Dobanda interest

In valoare de in the amount of Pretul nu include TVA the price is without VAT Nu a convenit diferit unless otherwise agreed Sediu principal principal place of business Sediu office Prezentul contract va intra in vigoare de la data semnarii si va fi valabil pe o perioada de - This contract shall be in effect from its date and for a performance period of Sediu social business Judet- County Avand obiect principal de activitate is in the business of Garant Guarantor Cu sediul in headquarters Cod fiscal tax identification number Prin reprezentant legal through its duly authorized representative In baza procurii dully authorization Registrul Comertului Trade Register Persoana juridica legal entity / legal person / juristic person Inregistrata in coformitate cu legile registred under the laws Eliberat de issued by Preturile vor fi considerate prices shall be taken Preturile nu includ rata taxei pe valoare adaugata curenta Prices shall not include the prevailing statutory value added tax Vor fi suportate Shall be borne Intarzie la plata falls into arrears with payment Plati esalonate deferred payments Cerere reconventionala Counterclaims Obligatoriu mandatory Factura invoice Transport- freight materie prima raw material Sa compenseze set off Evaluare facuta de o terta parte third party valuation Vor fi scutite de shall be exempted Disponibilitate de livrare readiness for dispatch Obligatii liabilities Datorii debts Suportat incurred Sume restante outstanding amounts Sume monies A suspenda to hold back Taxe de import import duties Defalcat pe sortimente de produse broken down into various product ranges Plata in avansa (cu garantii) advance payment Plata in avans (fara garantii) down paymenet Taxe vamale customs duties Virmanet bank transfer

Curg de drept are rightful A depasi exceed A curge to run La livrare upon delivery Aviz permit Greva strike Circumstante neprevazute unforseeable circumstances Lot de marfa batch Cu acordul scris al ambelor parti contractante with the written consent of both contractcting parties Timbrate stamped Exonera to relive A opri livrarea to detain delivery Cerere de deschidere a procedurii de insolventa a petition to open insolvency proceedings La alegerea vanzatorului Sellers sale discretion In mod culpabil de alte obligatii contractuale cupably infringes upon other duties contractual.

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