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CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro.

To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman

CS454 Principles of Programming Languages

Lecture Notes 3: Introduction to Functional Programming and Scheme/Racket

Functional versus Procedural approach. The Von Neumann bottleneck. Introduction to Scheme. Recursion. Modeling data structures.

James M. Bieman Computer Science Department Colorado State University

CS 454 Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman 3-1

CS 454

Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


A Tilted Example Robinson Crusoe & Friday

Robinson wants Friday to construct a bench. (Robinson is very lazy.) Friday knows nothing about benches. So, Crusoe lays down

Bench Algorithm
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cut a piece of it and throw the rest away.

Take what is on your right.

Cut a piece of it and leave the remainder on your left.

Plane what you have in your hands and leave it on your right. Take what is on your left. Put before you what you have in your hands. Repeat steps 3 & 4 three more times. Mount what you have on your right on top of what is before you.
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A pole on Fridays left side. A plank on Fridays right side. And gives the following directions:
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Procedural Approach Characteristics

Poor Friday!
He doesnt dare change the sequence or placement of items. Even a second Friday is no help.

Poor Robinson!
He had to perform the construction in his mind to write the algorithm. What if he forgot something?


Prescribes activity in terms of how to do it rather than what and why. Prescribes activity in terms of the system that executes it rather than in the activities own terms. Rigid sequence of commands; action driven. Actions tightly coupled to system space. Cyclic --- requires careful planning.
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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman

CS 454

Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman

Another Approach - Functional

Bench Making
Mount(Plane(Saw(Plank)), Cut-four-pieces(Pole))

Output = Function(inputs).
Bench = Mount(Seat, Legs). Legs = Cut-four-pieces(Pole).

Visualize as a tree:
Mount Plane Saw Plank Pole Cut-four-pieces


Parallelism is apparent:
You do the seat; I do the legs.

Actions transform objects into other objects without reference to position.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Functional Approach Characteristics

Result motivated. Object transforming. Side effect free. Hierarchical and decomposable.

Von Neumann Machine

CPU Memory One-word connecting tube:



Von Neumann Bottleneck

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Assignments and the Bottleneck

Variables imitate storage cells. Control statements imitate machine jump and test. Assignment --- fetch, store, and arithmetic. Each assignment produces a one-word result.

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Typical Procedural (imperative) Program

Several assignment statements, each with one word results. Assignments executed many times to make desired overall change in memory. Programmer is concerned with the flow of words through an assignment bottleneck when designing a program. Assignment statement
= VN bottleneck = intellectual bottleneck

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman

Functional Programming
No assignments (in pure functional languages). Small concise framework. Simpler syntax (usually). Mathematically easier to handle.

Introducing Lisp and Scheme (now Racket)

LISP: LISt Processing language. 1958-1959: developed by John McCarthy and his students at MIT. To prove the equivalence of Lisp to Turing machines, McCarthy wrote a Lisp function that simulates Lisp functions. Steve Russell hand compiled McCarthys theoretical function, the apply or eval function. Lisp evolved into an extensive language of many flavors. Common Lisp is popular in the field of Artificial Intelligence. 1970s: Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman developed Scheme as a small, clean functional programming language. 2010: Scheme evolves into Racket.
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This is the first Lisp interpreter.

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Lisp/Scheme Characteristics

Lisp/Scheme Applications
Non-numeric processing (performance improvements support numeric applications). Artificial intelligence: due to interactive nature, lack of static type checking, higher order nature, and storage management. Programming language theory: due to simple syntax, higher order and applicative nature. We concentrate on Scheme without assignments and variables.

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Lists are fundamental data types; lists can hold lists. Interactive. Simple syntax: programs & data appear the same and are lists. No compile-time type checking. Higher-order: functions can take functions as arguments and return functions.

Storage management: heap based; automatic deallocation via garbage collection. Original Lisp used dynamic scoping identifiers attached to most recent definition.

Applicative (pure Lisp & Scheme): no assignments!

Common Lisp and Scheme use static scoping (similar to C and Java).

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Statically scoped: each use of a variable is associated with a lexically apparent binding of that variable. Dynamically typed: types are associated with values rather than with variables. All objects in the course of a Scheme computation have unlimited extent:

Factorial in Scheme
(define fact (lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))) ) )) Fully parenthesized prefix notation for programs and data.
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Procedures/functions in Scheme are first-class:

No accessible Scheme object is ever destroyed. Inaccessible objects can be garbage-collected.

Procedures/functions can be created dynamically, stored in data structures, returned as results of functions, etc.
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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman



Predicates: functions that always return a boolean. State changing procedures --- those that store values into previously allocated locations. Functions that take an object of one type and return an object of another type: Upper and lower case letters are not distinguished in names. (They are in constants.)
-> appears within the function name. Procedure names usually end with a !. Function names usually end with a ?.

Start with a character or special character, followed by a sequence of special characters, or digits: Syntactic structure:
Foo, lambda, list->vector, +, myName, big-deal, x27, x. <identifier> ::= <initial> <subsequent>* | <peculiar identifier> <initial> ::= <letter> | <special initial> <special initial> ::= ! | $ | % | & | * | / | : | < | = | > | ? | ^ | _ | ~ <subsequent> ::= <initial> | <digit> | <special subsequent> <special subsequent> ::= + | - | . | @ <peculiar identifier> ::= + | - |
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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


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Variables, Keywords, Storage


Variables may name a syntax element, or a location where a value can be stored.

True: #t

Scheme is block structured:

Location names: variable that is bound to that location. Syntax names: syntactic keyword that is bound to that syntax. The binding of an identifier corresponds to a region of the program text where the binding is visible.
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False: #f. Type predicates. No object satisfies more than one of the following predicates: The empty list, (), is a special object of its own type; it satisfies only list?.
boolean?, symbol?, char?, vector?, procedure?, pair?, number?, string?, port?

All values count as true except #f.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Literal Expressions
Either external representations of scheme objects or constants that evaluate to themselves: Syntax: (quote <datum> | `<datum> | constant ) Examples:

Function/Procedure Calls

Enclose the function/procedure name and arguments in quotes Syntax: (<operator> {<operand>}* ) Examples:
> > (+ 2 3) 5 > (+ 2 3 4) 9 > ((if #f + *) 3 4) 12

> (quote a) ; evaluates to <datum> a > (quote (+ 1 2)) ; evaluates to (+ 1 2) (+ 1 2) > `(+ 1 2) ; abbreviation of (quote (+ 1 2)) (+ 1 2) > string ; evaluates to itself; quote is not needed. string
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Uses call-by-value: each argument is evaluated, including the expression denoting the function, before the function is invoked.
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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman


Definitions: Bind Names to Expressions

Functions are parameterized abstractions over expressions. Syntax: (lambda <formals> <body>)
<formals> a formal parameter list.
<formals> ::= ({<variable>}+ ) | <variable> | ( <variable1> <variableN> . <variableN+1>)

( define <variable> <expression>)


<body> is a sequence of one or more expressions. > ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4) 8 > ((lambda x x) 3 4 5 6) (3 4 5 6) > ((lambda (x y . z) z) 3 4 5 6) (5 6)

> (define succ (lambda (x) (+ x 1))) > (succ 7) 8 > (define square (lambda (x) (* x x))) > (square 5) 25

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman



Lists and Dotted Pairs

(if <test> <consequent> <alternative>) (if <test> <consequent>) (cond <clause1> <clause2> )
Each clause is of the form:
(<test> <expression1> ) or (<test> => <expression>)

A pair (or dotted pair) has two fields:

car and cdr fields.

Pairs are created by cons function:

> (cons a b) (a . b)

The last clause may be an else clause:

(else <expression1> <expression2> )
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Pairs represent lists. A list is either an empty list or a pair whose cdr is a list:
(a b c d e) and (a . (b . (c . (d . (e . ()))))) mean the same thing.

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Check for Pairs and Lists

Operations on Lists

(pair? obj) returns #t if obj is a pair; #f otherwise.

(pair? (a . B)) #t (pair? (a b c)) #t ; a list is a pair: (a . (b . (c . ()))) (pair? ()) #f; the empty list is not a pair.

(car pair) returns the contents of the car field of the pair the 1st element of a list:
(car (1 2 3)) 1 (car ((a) b c)) (a) (car ()) error; () has no car field.

(null? obj) returns #t if obj is the empty list, otherwise returns #f. (list? obj) returns #t if obj is a list, #f otherwise.
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(cdr pair) returns the contents of the cdr field of pair the list without the 1st element.
(cdr (1 2 3)) (2 3) (cdr ((a) b c)) (b c) (cdr (a . b)) b (cdr ()) error; () has no cdr field.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman


Constructing Lists with cons

(caar L) (car (car L)) (cdar L) (cdr (car L)) (cadar L) (car (cdr (car L))) (caddar L) (car (cdr (cdr (car L))))
(cadar ((a b c d) e)) c (cadar ((a b) c)) b (cdar ((a b) c)) (b) (caar ((a b) c)) a

(cons obj1 obj2) returns a newly allocated pair whose car is obj1 and cdr is obj2.
(cons a ()) (a) (cons (a) (b c)) ((a) b c) (cons (a b) (c d)) ((a b) c d) ( car (cons (a) (b c))) (a)

Scheme supports composition of up to four car and cdr operations.

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Note: car pulls out what cons puts in.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Merging Lists with Append

Constructing Lists with list

(append list1 list2 listN) returns a new list containing the elements of the first list followed by the elements of the other lists.
(append (a) (b)) (a b) (append (a) (b c)) (a b c) (append (a (b)) ((c)) (a (b) (c))

(list obj ) returns a newly allocated list of its arguments.

(list a (list a (list a (list a b c) (a b c) b (* 3 5)) (a b 15) (b) c) -> (a (b) c) b (* 3 5) (a b (* 3 5))

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Vectors are lists in which each element has an index and can be accessed through the index To create a vector, use the vector procedure

More vector procedures

(vector-ref vector index)

Returns the item at that index of the vector

(vector-set! vector index val) Example:

Sets the item at index to value val > (vector 1 2 3) #3(1 2 3) (vector-ref #3(1 2 3) 0) 1 > (vector-ref (vector 1 2 3) 2) 3

=>(vector 6 7 8) #3(6 7 8)
#3 means this is a vector with 3 elements
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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman


Equivalence Predicates

(map F L)

(eq? obj1 obj2) compares object identities.

(eq? a a) #t (eq? (a b) (a b)) #f (eq? (cons a ()) (cons a ())) #f

Maps a unary function F onto list L. F is invoked on each item in L and map returns the list of the results.

(map F L1 L2 ...)

(define succ (lambda (n) (+ 1 n))) >(map succ '(1 2 3)) (2 3 4)

(eqv? obj1 obj2) returns #t if obj1 and obj2 should normally be regarded as the same object. Very similar to eq?
(eqv? #t #t) #t

Maps a function F with arity n onto n lists of operands. Call F once for each item in L1, L2, The 1st time, F processes 1st element of each list, then it processes the 2nd element of each list, etc. > (map + '(1 2 3) '(2 3 4) '(3 4 5)) (6 9 12)

(equal? obj1 obj2) structural equivalence like the equals method in Java. Recursively compares the contents of lists, pairs, etc using eqv? on primitives.
(equal? (a b) (a b)) #t (equal? (cons a ()) (cons a ())) #t

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Expression Evaluation

A list is a function call. The value of a list is a function call. But the value of (a b c) or (quote (a b c)) is the list (a b c) and not a call to the function a. () need not be quoted. #t, #f, and numbers need not be quoted.

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(eval L) algorithm:

Note that quote, i.e. (a b) is a special function that returns its arg unevaluated.
Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman

if L is a primitive then return Ls value else if (car L) names a normal function then in order eval each arg in L and apply (car L) using the evaluated args else if (car L) names a special function that does not eval its args then apply (car L) with unevaluated args else error.

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Some Functions

Factorial Revisited
(define fact (lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))) Try it: (fact 3)
(if (= 3 0) 1 (* 3 (fact (- 3 1)))) (if #f 1 (* 3 (fact (- 3 1)))) (* 3 (fact (- 3 1))) (* 3 (fact 2))) (* 3 (if (= 2 0) 1 (* 2 (fact (- 2 1))))) (* 3 (if #f 1 (* 2 (fact (- 2 1))))) (* 3 (* 2 (fact (- 2 1)))) (* 3 (* 2 (fact 1))) (* 3 (* 2 (if (= 1 0) 1 (* 1 (fact (- 1 1)))))) (* 3 (* 2 (if #f 1 (* 1 (fact (- 1 1)))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact (- 1 1))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (fact 0)))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (if (= 0 0) 1 (* 0 (fact (- 0 1)))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 (if #t 1 (* 0 (fact (- 0 1))))))) (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1))) Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman

(define double (lambda (N) (+ N N))) (define double2 (lambda (M N) (+ (double M) (double N)))) Lets use the functions:
(+ (double 3) (double2 4 6)) (+ (+ 3 3) (double2 4 6)) (+ 6 (double2 4 6)) (+ 6 (+ (double 4) (double 6))) (+ 6 (+ (+ 4 4) (double 6))) (+ 6 (+ 8 (double 6))) (+ 6 (+ 8 (+ 6 6))) (+ 6 (+ 8 12)) (+ 6 20) 26

Winding phase

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman

Factorial Continued
(* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1)))
(* 3 (* 2 1))) (* 3 2 ) 6

A List length Function

(define mylength (lambda (L) (if (null? L) 0 (+ 1 (mylength (cdr L))))))

Unwinding phase

Run it:

All of the real computation is done during unwinding.

(mylength (1 (a b) 3) ) (+ 1 (mylength ((a b) 3) (+ 1 (+ 1 (mylength (3))) (+ 1 (+ 1 (+ 1 (mylength () )))) (+ 1 (+ 1 (+ 1 0))) (+ 1 (+ 1 1)) (+ 1 2) 3

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


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Returning a List

Unwind doubleAll
(cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 6 () ))) (cons 2 (cons 4 (6) )) (cons 2 (4 6) ) (2 4 6)

Double the elements of a list:

(define doubleAll (lambda (L) (if (null? L) () (cons (* (car L) 2) (doubleAll (cdr L)))))) Run it: (doubleAll (1 2 3)) (cons (* 1 2) (doubleAll (cdr (1 2 3)) (cons 2 (doubleAll (2 3))) (cons 2 (cons (* 2 2) (doubleAll (cdr (2 3))))) (cons 2 (cons 4 (doubleAll (3)))) (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons (* 3 2) (doubleAll () )))) (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 6 (doubleAll () )))) (cons 2 (cons 4 (cons 6 () )))
Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman 3-45

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


List Recursion Pattern

(define F (lambda (L) (if (null? L) V0 (OPC (OPH (car L)) (F (cdr L))))) V0: answer for empty list. OPH: operation processing head element of list. OPC: operation to combine answer for the head element with the answer produced from the tail of the processed list.
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Consider mylength & doubleAll

For mylength:
V0 is 0. OPH: is a constant function that converts the head element into a 1. OPC: +

For doubleAll:
V0 is (). OPH is (* head 2). OPC is cons.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman

Recursive Functions with 2 Arguments

(define constList (lambda (V L) (if (null? L) () (cons V (constList V (cdr L)))))) (define myAppend (lambda (L1 L2) (if (null? L1) L2 (cons (car L1) (myAppend (cdr L1) L2) ))))

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(define constList (lambda (V L) (if (null? L) () (cons V (constList V (cdr L)))))) Builds an answer list that is the same length as L, but each element in the answer list is the value V. Uses recursion on its second argument list L.

First argument is carried along at each function call and copied into the answer list as needed.
Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman

L is shortened by one element before each recursive call to guarantee termination, when L is empty.

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(define myAppend (lambda (L1 L2) (if (null? L1) L2 (cons (car L1) (myAppend (cdr L1) L2) ))))

Reverse a List
(define myReverse (lambda (L) (myRev L '()))) (define myRev (lambda (arg ans) (if (null? arg) ans (myRev (cdr arg) (cons (car arg) ans)))))
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Builds an answer list that is the concatenation of its two argument lists L1 and L2. The 1st list is decomposed. The 1st element in L1 is inserted into the answer produced by the recursive call. The recursive call appends a shortened L1 into L2. Its is much easier to decompose the 1st list than the 2nd.
The program terminates when L1 becomes empty.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


(myReverse (1 (a b) 3))

Primitive (linear) Recursion vs. Tail Recursion

(myRev (1 (a b) 3) ()) (myRev ((a b) 3) (1)) (myRev (3) ((a b) 1)) (myRev () (3 (a b) 1)) (3 (a b) 1)

Answer built in the 2nd argument to myRev. When the 1st argument is an empty list, the 2nd argument holds the answer. myReverse initializes myRev with the proper ans argument for reversing an empty list. At each recursive call, the 1st argument is smaller. No unwinding stage!

Tail recursion: no unwinding stage.

After the last recursive call, the answer is already computed.

Primitive recursion: unwinding is necessary.

The answer is built in pieces and must be assembled during unwinding.

Answers are built in opposite directions.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman

General Tail Recursive Pattern

Recursion vs. Looping

(define startFun (lambda (L) (Fun L v0))) (define Fun (lambda (L ans) (if (null? L) ans (Fun (cdr L) (opH2ans (opH (car L)) ans))))

V0: answer for an empty list. opH: processes head element of list. opH2ans: combines the answer from the head element with the partial answer value (ans) produced so far.
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while E do C; Procedure loop(){ if (E) { C; loop();} }

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Recursion vs. Looping

We can combine binding and recursion techniques to build an equivalent version of any iterative algorithm, say in C, C++, Java, or Pascal. Tail recursive functions correspond closely to loop algorithms.

Factorial: Primitive Recursion vs. Tail Recursive

Primitive recursive factorial:

4! = 4 * (3 * (2 * 1)) Multiplications are deferred.

Non-tail recursive functions can be written in iterative form (in C or Java) without recursion.
Use a stack data structure to simulate recursion.


Tail recursive factorial:

4! = ((4 * 3) * 2) * 1 The answer is accumulated.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman


Modeling Data Structures

Lists are a very general and very flexible data structure. We can use them to model most any commonly used construct:

Modeling Trees

Binary tree: v0 v1 v3 v4 v2 v5 v6

Modeled by:

Arrays, linked lists, vectors, records/structs, sets, trees.

(v0 (v1 (v3 ()) (v4 ())) (v2 (v5 (..)) (v6 ())) )

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Relation between node v & its subtrees takes the form: (v T1 T2). Useful ops: build empty tree, build tree from root & subtrees, traverse a tree, list values attached to nodes.

Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman

Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman

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CS 454: Principles of Programming Languages Notes 3: Intro. To Functional Programming and Scheme

Spring 2013 James M. Bieman

The functional approach to programming. Introduction to Scheme:

Constructs. Programming.

Recursion. Modeling data structures out of lists.

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Copyright 1990-2013 James M. Bieman

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