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Edmodo Questionnaire

How long should our lunch break be today?

15 minutes (skip lunch) 30 minutes 45 minutes 1 hour

7 5 4 2

39% 28% 22% 11%

Do you have a facebook for personal use?

Yes 13 68% No 6 32%

Do you have a twitter for personal or professional use?

Yes 6 32% No 13 68%

How often do you check your social networking?

multiple times a da 10 53% once a da 2 11% a !e" times a "eek 2 11% once a "eek 0 0% a !e" times a month 0 0% once a month 0 0% a !e" times a ear 0 0% ne#er 5 26%
How do you communicate with parents?

a note home 7 13% a phone call 17 31% an email 17 31% school !usion 11 20% te$t messa%e 1 2% & rarel communicate to parents 1 2%

On a scale of 1 to 10, how digital is your classroom/assignments?

1 2 3 4 5 6 ' 8 9 10

2 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 0

11% 11% 11% 16% 16% 5% 16% 5% 11% 0%

hy did you sign up for this professional development class?

!or introduction and to see i! & can incorporate it into m teachin% &mpro#e social net"orkin%( lan%ua%e arts !or students) &mpro#e social net"orkin% *+ !or sta!! & used the tool a couple o! ears a%o ,ut & did not reall made the most out o! it) -a ,e "ith this trainin% & "ill %et to learn more a,out the tool and put it to a ,etter use) & need it) .s the li,rarian( & "ould like to encoura%e teachers to use /dmodo !or their classrooms) & "anted to !eel more con!ident in m a,ilities usin% /dmodo and the man "a s it can ,e used to enhance the educational e$perience) *012 online site & "ant to ,e a,le to utili3e technolo% in a "a that ,oth the students and parents can easil access) & "ould like to use somethin% more relia,le than 2chool 4usion and ha#e instant !eed,ack on student pro%ress) 5earn more a,out /dmodo( see i! its applica,le in m classroom) colle%e credit !or recerti!ication & "as interested in e$pandin% the use o! technolo% in m classroom) &nterested in replacin% atleast part o! !usion & am lookin% !or"ard to learnin% more a,out /dmodo and usin% it in class6 & "ould like to introduce /dmodo to m sta!!) & "ould like to see ho" it is used in the classroom) 0ould like to %o paperless and "ould also like to !ind a "a to en%a%e all m students in learnin%) & am mo#in% !rom special ed to re% ed and "ould like to learn ho" to ,etter use technolo% in m ne" position 7ired o! 24 ,o%%in% do"n and not ,ein% a,le to respond to kids "ritin% in timel manner edmodo is somethin% i heard o! last ear and i am interested in learnin% more a,out it & lo#e technolo% ( ho"e#er as & pro%ressed the schools & "orked seem to ,e ,ehind "ith ha#in% the technolo% and &8m an$ious to reach m students "ith the technolo% the use e#er da ) & reall "ant to en%a%e m students "ith technolo% ) & don8t "ant to ,e paper ,ased i! so onl 10% paper usa%e

hat is your goal for today!s professional development?

7o "alk a"a kno"in% ho" & "ill incorporate it into m classroom) 2ee ho" /dmodo is used in the classroom and %et ideas !or a %i#in% a trainin% to m sta!! a,out it) remem,er "hat & learned and replicate it in 2ept - principal is tr in% to decide ,et"een usin% /dmodo and 2choololo% ) - %oal is to ha#e enou%h in!ormation on /dmodo , the end o! this trainin% to present her "ith m opinion) to learn more a,out edmodo 5earn more a,out /dmodo to learn somethin% ne" to use in m computer classes 5earn "hat are some %ood "a s to inte%rate social net"orkin% into our classrooms) 2tren%then ,asic skills in order to pro#ide intro *+ to sta!! and students 5earn ho" & can use /dmodo in the classroom 7o ,e a,le to use this much more 9uickl and !re9uentl to respond and encoura%e !luenc ) & 7:&N; & ha#e an account ,ecase & ha#e a num,er %i#en , our &7<7) 7o kno" this pro%ram ,etter than =ust ha#in% an account and readin% "hat others are doin% and not sa in% on the screen so to me edmodo is dead "ei%ht ri%ht no" and &8m read to take it to the ne$t le#el e!!ecti#el ) 2o mold me toda >e a,le to use /dmodo ri%ht a"a this school ear) 5earn smethin% ne" to use in the classroom) 5earn all the !eatures o! edmodo ?et ,lo%%in% 7o learn ho" to inte%rate technolo% in the class settin%)
Do you already have an "dmodo account?

Yes 11 58% No 8 42%

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