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A further application of


By Anneliese and Doris Hagemann

3 H Dowsing International is a registered trademark and registered service mark of Anneliese Hagemann. All rights reserved. Copyright 2003. Copyright is owned by the authors: Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann Doris Katharine Hagemann Anneliese's address: 3 H Dowsing International LLC Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann . Telephone contact for Anneliese in Tel. 1-520-868-5711 Florence, AZ

E-mail address for Anneliese: or Web site address for Anneliese: This book may be purchased and used for educational purposes. For information, contact Anneliese at the postal address or a phone number listed above. See the Bibliography for a list of other books published by 3 H Dowsing International. First edition 2003 by 3 H Dowsing International Cover designed by Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann.

Table Of Contens
Nature Communication 3 H Dowsing International Table of Contents All Things Bright and Beautiful Nature Communication: Vibrational Interpretation Nature Communication with the Inner Art of Dowsing Introduction As We Walk Our Path Of Enlightenment What is Dowsing / Divining? Why Do We Desire To Dowse / Divine? Dowsing / Divining Tools The Pendulum Guidelines For Inner Art Of Dowsing / Divining Energy Vibrational Chart How to use the Vibrational Chart Ideas and Questions with Permission More Questions Identify the Issue or Imbalance How is the Issue manifested on/in/around the Body Death Natural, accidental, inertia Nutritional Approaches To Daily Living for self / others Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Enzymes Emotional Gauge for Health Happiness Harmony Dowsing Negative Emotional Vibrational Influences Positive Words, Statements and Feelings References Books, Charts, Pendulums, Sessions, Classes Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann: Who is she? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 33 34 35

The authors of this Workbook warn you that this work-booklet is not to be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any rational form of disease or illness. According to some laws only your medical doctor has this right. If you have an "illness", a disease," or are seriously injured, you need to seek competent professional aid or advice.

All Things Bright and Beautiful All things bright and beautiful, all creation great and small All things wise and wonderful,The Lord God made them all. Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings God made their glowing colors and made their tiny wings. The purple headed mountain, the river runnung by The sunset and the morning that brightens up the sky The cold wind in the winter, the pleasant summer sun The ripe fruits in the garden:God made them every one. God gave us eyes to see them and lips that we may tell How great is God Almighty,who has made all things well By Roal Oaf 17th Century Melody, Words by Frances Alexander 1848

The beautiful maned Lion, the loyal Dog of all, The snake who sheds its old skin to transform for All By destruction and transformation we start to reconnect With our Journey on this Great Planet Mother Earth. Planet Earth is Nature, our Mother Divine, We highly respect her and never decline her beauty in all creation From the Earth to the Stars A new beginning every day with God in our Hearts. So now move on my children, enjoy all seasons of the year, For it is in these cycles we learn to care for Mother Nature and self. Morning is "Spring time" when we plant the Seeds of Truth and Caring. Noon is "Summer time" when we weed out all outdated belief systems Afternoon is "Fall time" where we reap the fruit of our labor Night is the "Winter time" when we rest and sleep for work well done. So share with the Spring, Summer and Fall people all you have learned and experience when they are ready to listen.To wake up every morning to a new beginning, the noon day with the warming sun, the evening with thank you's and the nights with me in your heart. Amen

Mother Nature is asking us, have you done your duty of cleansing your thoughts from grime? We always need to be open ,to receive and do not recline ,going back to old patterns we feel comfortable in. The past is gone, the new begun, so enjoy our creative energy. To Bless The Earth To bless the earth, God sendeth From His abundant store, The waters of the spring-time, Enriching it ones more. The seed by God provided, Is sown o'er hill and plain, And with the gentle showers, Doth bless the springing grain. The year with good He crownest, The earth His mercy fills, The wilderness is fuitful, And joyful are the hills. With corn the vales are covered, The flocks in pastures graze, All nature joins in singing, A joyful song of praise. Words from The Psalter,1912 based on Psalm 65

Nature Communication
Vibrational Interpretation between Nature and Humanity Using the INNER ART OF DOWSING
Humans are not the only beings existing in this physical realm. Other beings, animals, plants, the earth itself, are a functioning living being. People need to remember that we are not just separate. We are a part of this world, interconnected, sharing energy and existence. Many people find strong connections with animals such as pets or plants, which they may nurture for years or decades in and around their homes. There is a sharing of space and light occurring between each of them daily and continuously. This booklet came about because many people are questioning their ability to communicate with their nature/pets. Many have felt a strong connection and knew there was more to the connection. They desired to better understand how to work with their pets (nature/ plants etc...), and to better hear, if they chose, what their pets nature is / were saying to them. Through this booklet we attempt to give you guidelines and ideas as to how to work with the divinity of nature within your lives. We can no longer pretend it is meaningless. All exists in the oneness and is equal in that Oneness.

Doris Hagemann A note from Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann.

As I shared information about Humanity/Nature/Pets etc., I came to an understanding that we forgot the Source, the Creator of us All. We look on the sidelines searching for the light and truly forgetting to look within ourselves, where the Light shines continually. We, with our shadow side (Ego), shy away from the Light. Ego tells us "You are not worthy, you are not right, how are you judging? You are coming from your heart, that is wrong, you need to come only from your mind, that is where the Truth lies. Wrong, if we do not listen to our Heart and Soul our Source, we are out of control, we are in the Ego energy of destruction. Where do you choose to be?

What nourishes you and/or takes away from you in regards to Nature,( this includes the Human Race, the Animal and the Plant Kingdom)? Is it their energy? Gifts we receive from Nature. Nature has for us unconditional love, acceptance, loyalty, nurturing, compassion, health benefits, feeling needed, and Nature also gives us purpose in life to get up every morning. All we need to do is stay in tune with Nature and use all our special resources, senses --- sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and feelings, knowing beyond knowing, which we sometimes do not trust. Look and feel inside of you. Are you looking for Love? Are you not giving to yourself? No one can make you happy- you are looking to the outside and forgot you're inside my child. Look at it. Is it truly you that you are presenting? Is the Ego the part of you who is looking for fulfillment --- No One can fulfill you, its you my child who can fulfill your own journey --- I (the Source) am the Creator of your Reality, you forgot truly me, your own Source, whatever you choose to call me. You need to connect to whatever feels comfortable to you and that is what you go with my child..

Nature Communication
"The Inner Art of Dowsing/Divining"

We all have the ability to communicate with Nature.

It may be with: People, Animals, Trees, Plants, Mountains, Desert, Sea, etc. All may be done with

Our Five Senses.

Sight Sound Smell Taste Touch

And we had better do not forget our Sixth Sense

(Expanding Our Consciousness. Knowing beyond knowing)
To truly communicate be open to all your senses use them, appreciate them. There is more to living in this physical realm than just thought and /or emotion.

Healing Nature's Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul Nature People / Animals / Trees / Plants / Mountain, Sea , Etc... are structural, electrical, chemical, magnetic, spiritual, and psychological beings. There must be a balance among all of these features. Balancing is the key word of nature and health. Once awareness of balance is gained, and effort is made to heal Oneself and Nature, the natural healing process takes over. If/ when there is no balance, dis-ease or disharmony may result. Dis-ease does not imply there is, as of yet, an organic malfunction. Rather, it implies that some part of a person/ nature is not at ease. Self-healing, as discussed by Edgar Cayce, implies that." ...all power, all healing, all help must come from within.'' Edgar Cayce also stated "Why consult a physician when the physician needed most is within". Why not use the power within and share with others how they can heal themselves and by that Nature heals." Body, mind, spirit, soul must be seen as unified. They are all interconnected and interactive, each affecting and affected by the other. A person needs to be aware of this interconnectedness. Without this awareness, one can never truly understand or get to the heart of an issue or problem. The 1947 World Health Organization gave this definition of Health: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity." Remember, we are the Architect of our Life, this includes Nature.

As We Walk Our Path Of Enlightenment

.... WE MAY ASK: "What are we truly looking for"? Are we looking for happiness in our lives or are we giving happiness to someone else's life? Look within yourself ... what do you feel?

(Much of this material you are reading right now has been included from some of our books already published. Please note the listing at the back of the booklet to see a complete listing.)

We need to move beyond our own perception of Nature. Nature is our Source at all times.

This a short Version of Self- Healing and helping Nature heal with Permission.

How can we use and truly be a part of Nature which we deny within ourselves?
. What is the Inner Art of Dowsing --- DOWSING / DIVINING you may ask? Please read on...

What Is Dowsing/Divining?
It is an ancient art, known in, and used even before, biblical times. The Old Testament (Exodus 17:5-6) and Numbers 20:8-11) describes Moses and his brother-in-law, Aaron, using dowsingthe tool, a Rod. Aborigines of various countries have been using Hand Dowsing for water, food, etc. since the beginning of time. Each civilization has its own way of Searching for, or tuning into, a Higher Consciousness for answers. Albert Einstein said: I know very well that many scientists consider Dowsing as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The Dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time I feel DOWSING/DIVINING is our Spiritual Survival Tool in this Twenty First Century. We are truly Detectives. We found the Missing Link to our Higher Self. Detective = Detecting through the tool (for example, rods or pendulum). Skin = The Vibration, Frequencies. Detective = A Revealer. Detector = A Discoverer, uncover, expose. Discover = To find out, to bring to light, hidden, formerly unknown, discovery. Dowsing in the USSR has been a legitimate field of scientific study for many years. Read about it in Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, a book by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. Geologists, geophysicists and physiologists call dowsing the BPE METHOD, that is, the Biophysical Effect Method. BioLife PhysicalPertaining to nature; relating to what is material and perceived by the senses; pertaining to the material part or structure of an organized being as opposed to what is mental or moral. EffectFact, something known to exist.

Why Do We Desire to Dowse / Divine?

To Stay Healthy, Happy, and to Live in Harmony on All Levels (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Soul Levels) of our TOTAL BEING and with Nature, for we are Nature.. We desire to Dowse/Divine whatever our total Being/ Nature is in need of on a daily basis. This includes: Dowsing for vitamins, minerals, supplement, herbs, etc, for self and nature. Finding out what foods to eat, or not to eat, in order to receive the correct amount of Energy for survival. Keeping the Immune system balanced on a daily basis, in order to deal with any kind of bacteria or airborne or other environmental Dis-Ease. Dowsing for oil, water, silver, gold and other minerals; missing persons or animals; lost objects; gasoline; underground cables; archeological sites; agriculture; spot removal from clothing; buying clothing, an automobile, a home, equipment; where to live and when actually to move; workplace, career, relationship; buying, renting, or leasing; and more Dowsing for problems or issues that might affect us and nature around us on all levels of our / their Being. An issue could relate to something in the Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual or Soul Level of our /their Being. It may include or relate to something like education, family, finance, relationships, sexual issues, social issues or other areas in our lives. Keeping in mind the last point listed above, an issue can be eliminated through an Energy Pattern shift that eliminates the cause. By eliminating the cause, you eliminate the issue. In other words, change the Vibratory Rate of the issue, and the problem/issue does not exist. It is as simple as that. For example, let's say that you find through dowsing that the Dis-Ease you/they suffer is caused by a deep-seated, long-harbored angera Negative Energy. Shift the Negative Vibratory Rate, and embrace the Positive Vibration. You might ask, "How can I shift the Negative Vibratory Rate? With Permission of self/others on all levels you can. " You can read or take a class that uses the book To Our Health written with LOVE by Anneliese and Doris Hagemann. In that book you go through a 13-step, eliminating/balancing process. Qualified 3 H Dowsing facilitators are ready to share with you the tools for self-empowerment and self-healing through workshops, classes, or private sessions. DOWSING/DIVINING IS ENDLESS! WE HUMAN BEINGS ARE OUR OWN CHOICE-MAKER. IN PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD/UNIVERSE, WE CAN CREATE A WONDERFUL, HAPPY ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH TO LIVE!


Some interesting notes: DOWSING/DIVINING can be done in the remote manner, i.e. from a distance. This includes Map Dowsing (water, minerals, lost persons, and objects, etc.) and Body Dowsing (for health issues). Some dowsers prefer to use a "Witness" to obtain the Vibration/Energy of the person, animal, or object. The Witness may simply be the person's name written on a piece of paper and/or a photographjust about anything.


There are many DOWSING/DIVINING tools one may use. They are listed below in three groups: the dowsing rod, the pendulum, and deviceless dowsing. For a dowsing rod or pendulum, a Dowser/ Diviner makes or purchase the tool. With deviceless dowsing, the dowser's body serves as the tool, and the body is taught (or programmed) to respond to questions asked. What might your style be? Maybe more than one? The Dowsing Rod It can be made from branches (like willow, witch hazel, peach, etc.); wood dowels; metal (like bronze, copper); plastic; flexible nylon; whale boneyou name it, whatever feels right with you. In addition to items shown below, the following are used as dowsing rods: a single L rod; swing rods; wood sticks; and U rod (this is called an Aura meter). L Rods Y Rod Bobber Radio Antenna


The Pendulum
The pendulum is a refined tool. A weight hangs on a string, chain, fish line, etc. I would not use a crystal because it can pick up other energies, like thought forms, etc., that can interfere with your dowsing. Examples below show the variety of materials from which you can choose a weight to make a pendulum. Ring Bead Needle Key Gemstone Wood Resin Pendant Washer

Deviceless Dowsing
IntuitionKnowing beyond knowing Gut feelingStomach area Responses of the bodyBody sensation (tingling, pricking, heat, cold, tearing eyes, etc.); movement or jerks of head, finger, or hand KinesiologyMuscle testing Finger stick/smooth responsesRubbing the thumb and index finger together to detect a Yes or No dowsing answer

The vibration of the total Being/ Nature is calling for this healing method, and it is up to you to seek, research, and gather more information. It is your responsibility and choice .




A Prayer, God Force, Your first Name, Golden White Light, Whatever feels right for you. On a piece of paper write: Your Name --- I let go of ( Superior, All ) Ego --- I embrace (God /Universe --- Creator) or whatever vibration you feel comfortable with --- I channel the Truth and the word Suppress.
Suppress means pulling your energy closer to you, especially when you are in a group of people and experiencing INTERFERENCE. Hold the paper on your body. This really helps when working on self. You might need to write Suppress more then ones.

Clean / Clear your Pendulum by: Blowing on it, rubbing, or talking to it. Find you're : YES --- No --- Neutral movement.
"Wonder what "The Answer is"?

Ask questions you already know the answer to, like:

"My Name is ___________?" "Is my Name__________?" "I live in _______________?" ECT. Drink plenty of water (Conductor) You may need fresh air, food ,or a walk. Breath through your mouth --- Do not block the natural flow. You also may place your tongue behind your top front teeth to stay grounded to mother Earth. May I ? Do I have Permission on all levels of consciousness? My consciousness ? Their (Client) consciousness? Conscious? Sub Consciousness? Super Consciousness? Unconsciousness? DUPE Consciousness? Soul Consciousness? (DUPE = means: To link up reintegrate unite to the Archetype to the Good/God to the Original Pattern to open the door.) If or when you do not have permission to dowse for self you may say a prayer or talk to that consciousness. No Permission for client ? -- They need to talk to that consciousness where it is blocking or use prayer. .Do not interfere in any ones life with out permission. It is like opening a door and walking in with out being asked. CAN I ? Do I have the ability to successfully dowse in this area.? SHOULD I ? Is it for the Highest Good of all concerned ? Ask one Question at a time and be very specific. You must phrase the question so it can be answered with a YES or NO Movement. There are many other movements you may experience such as : I Don't Know --- Not At This Time--- DON'T Ask This Question. The Key to Accuracy is using correct words (be specific). Practice --- Practice --- Practice --- Practice --- Practice --- Practice --- Practice --- Practice Be thankful Show your Gratitude, K. I . S Keep It Simple Bless Love Anneliese



How to use the Energy Vibrational Chart (on the previous page). Energy Food Value Chart Remember, we are talking about the Vibrational Rate, not the caloric energies, of the food. Dowsing with the Chart reveals the Vibrational Rate of food you buy and eat. Put your pendulum in its NEUTRAL movement at the center of the Chart. Then ask, "Please point to the Vibrational Rate of this food/product." Wait for the pendulum to change direction and swing to a quadrant of the Chart. The response is in the range 0-360. From 0-90, your body has to use its own energy to digest the food (the food has no energy to help you digest it). From 91-180, the food presents good building qualities. At 181, the food sustains life. From 181-360, the rating is for highest nutritional value, which restores and heals the body. Thank you to Wendell Hoffmann You can also ask, "Do I have permission from all levels of my Being to raise the Vibrational Rate of that particular food to fit my own Chemistry?" A B C Chart This Chart can be used to find a name, a city, an address, title of a book, the perfect vibration , etc. Acceptance Chart The range is from 4 (dangerous) to 10 (highest good). You can use this Chart to find in what relationship you are with your partner (this includes your pet / nature); what car, home, food, clothing to buy or not to; classes to attend; anything you desire to do for your highest good. For example, hold in one hand a bottle of supplements. Then ask, "What rating is this supplement for my/(nature this includes your pets) health, happiness, and harmony for the next 24 hours?" The item is beneficial if your dowsing tool swings to 8, 9, or 10. The rating of 7, which is a Neutral, indicates no benefit. Nutritional Chart This Chart can be used to find out if your/pets/nature system is deficient in (-) or has a surplus of (+) a vitamin, mineral, or other supplement. Put your pendulum in its NEUTRAL movement above the mid-line of the chart, then ask, for example, "Please swing to the area of the Nutritional Chart that indicates my body's level of item xyz at this time." Percentage Chart Here are a few example dowsing questions: "How many percent am I/ nature balanced now , my Body-Mind-Spirit-Soul?" "How many percent have I solved this issue/problem?" (If the pendulum swings to 100%, you've balanced or solved the issue.)


Ideas and Questions.

With Permission we may ask: May I , Can I , Should I. Follow Guidelines for Dowsing /Divining on page 13 What is the Ethical ( moral) Treat- Ment ( application)for this human, plant, animals ,the earth, universe and all creation. at this time? (Treating these energies on all levels of existence). What is truly the Core Issue you/ nature is in need to balance, with permission of your/other the being?
As a guide / suggestion for Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul Wellness please use the book "TO OUR HEALTH" Is it beneficial for this Person Animal Plant Mountain Sea etc --- to seek : Conventional or Holistic Application for balancing Body Mind Spirit Soul go to page 19-21 in the TO OUR HEALTH book for more Information.

A.... Doctor: Veterinarian, Chiropractor, Animal Communicator, Natural Science,

Test ... Blood , Urine etc... Homeopathy ( Formulas) Essential Healing Oils,
Note that an imbalance may lie in any one of the categories. Unity is really what we're dealing with.

Unity = Body-Mind-Spirit -Soul all areas interconnected and interacting, each affecting and affected by others.

B.... Energy Balance by Hand, Mind and Spirit: Cleaning, clearing, stroking, balancing , and
scanning for issues/ imbalances ...

Take your hand and scan over your/pet/natures auric field and find the imbalance . If there are any imbalances found then search for the reason and resolution to balance these.
Also check books on alternative approaches /applications for Nature this includes Plants, Animals, Insects, etc. For whatever you are in tuned with. There is so much information out in print, Internet, etc, all you need to do is search and research ....

C.... Nutritional Approach to Health Happiness and Harmony in Body , Mind and Spirit.
See page 24


Is this being Immune System 100% balanced? Is this being in their own Name Vibration? Is this being in its Self Empowerment Vibration? Does this being is in need of more Nutrition? If it comes up as an Issue find out on what level of consciousness is blocked. Is it a Major etc.. Issue? What is the Issue? When did the Issue arise? Who is involved with the Issue? What negative energy they are holding on too? Find the replacement positive energy and then balance, that is all there is to it, plain and simple. Often we do not need to ask all these questions, just ask which are the most important to ask.
Is this being in need of a: Physical, Emotional ,Mental, Spiritual, Soul Clearing Check on the Negative/Positive Vibrational Pages for the right vibration. What may the Issue be? Is there anything in my /Source Power to help or share with you Need to be consulted now or later? Is a second Opinion in place. Surgery, heal holistic way. not conventional , Get different kind of food, water, supplement ,get shots, do not need shots, When to feed etc... Bath, going swimming, What time is it for _____the highest good to eat and how much to feed? Need a different place to sleep, new bedding, clean pan, and clean toys. leash, Is _____ sensitive to flee color, powder and other chemicals Does it feel mistreated by you or others? Does it need anything else in the next 24 hours. Likes to be in side, out side, likes to sleep with you, in another room etc... Medication, Homeopathic formulas Likes to be respected etc... Talk to your Animal, always ask permission on all levels of their being and then yours! Act also on your own feelings, Always respect your animal, for it came for a specific purpose in your life. To fill a void in you or for you to fill a void in their lives. Always show a positive state of mind with them, wish them well and tell them to enjoy that day when you are away from them, also if someone else takes care of them tell them please, for your pets/ animals are like children, they also like to be prepared for upcoming events. All things considered: Is this appropriate? Is this advisable? Is this the most beneficial? Is this the TRUTH? Is this for my/other's highest good? Is this the right answer for this question/issue?


Is there more than one solution/resolution? Is there something else that needs to be asked or addressed at this time? Is this appropriate? Is this the appropriate * time, * day, * way, * place, * food, * music, * knowledge, * tool, * color, * class, *seminar, *school, *expression, * area in which to seek help, * club, * chart, and so forth. Where can I find or is my Life companion coming from? Animal shelter, Pet shop, Different Owner, Farm, Stray, etc...

Ideas and Questions you may consider asking.

(Again, form a question that can be answered with a simple Yes or No dowsing/divining response)

Is this the right person/animal to work with, or for? Is this the right Soul-fulfilling Pet for this Being ? Is this the right place to move too with this pet, to be happy? Do I need to look for a different or more effective way/method? What do I truly desire to do with my life? (One by one, state your wishes and desires, talents, etc., then wait for a Yes or No dowsing response.) What is really for my/ pet/ nature highest good? (Again, form a question that can be answered with a simple Yes or No dowsing/ divining response.) The issue involves surrendering. The issue involves self-empowerment. These entries may be relevant and are often included within one of the lists given on the previous page: Do you want to die? (If Yes, on what level of consciousness?) Fear Self destruction Suicidal habits Feel unprotected ( by master, parents, spouse, sibling, workplace) Unseen influences Unwanted influences.. Humans (engaging in sex, smoking, drinking, reckless driving, - then playing the victim. A pattern that repeats (3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, etc.). Often these patterns are installed by others or self. Focus on resolutions not faults Are there more clues to be found in other books? In this Workbook, To Our Health book, Classic Ego book, in another book, elsewhere?
Is this Being choosing to... Is this Being chosen to...

heal self /pet the holistic way? have the medical field heal them? ask God/Universe to help? put their faith in someone elses hands?

Is there a lesson to be learned? Does this being desire to die? (If the answer is yes, on what level of consciousness)? Are you called from the other side from someone? What is your belief system? Is there dislodged memory (Life) from others? Are you /animal speaking woundality (past or future negative programming)?


Are you carrying this as a privilege for the Planet? Are you home sick for heavenfamilyrelationships former owner place -etc. Is this being ready to heal? and to accept responsibility in this lifetime? Ask first if you have permission to dowse for Soul Level, then ask what Soul Level in the TO OUR HEALTH book pages 84/85) they are on. Does the issue involve an affliction: emotional, mental, and spiritual, from possessive force, entity, or other attachment?

Some phrases that comes in handy: To do so To use it To drive it To go To attend to To respect To give To talk To be involved To dowse To ask for it To wear it To check it out To answer To honor To acknowledge To take To be silent To join To take to

General Symptoms and Their Causes

Listed next are some general symptoms and categories of influences that can cause symptoms or affliction in the body and its body functioning. Column 1 Congested Hypoactive Over energized Sprain Unfelt Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Cold/hot/warm/n Exhausted Frustrated ormal Inflamed Irritated Malfunctioning Overexerted Overextended Overworked Stagnant Strain Under energized Unseen Causes of Body Symptoms Column 5 Hyperactive Needs adjustment Pressure Under worked

Causes of symptoms are listed below and can be found on pages 41-55 in the


Food and other allergies pp 4243. Cosmic, Celestial, Planet Earth p.48 Nutritional p.52-53 Atmospheric p.44 Electrical p.49 Physical p.54-55 Chemical pp. 45 -47 Environmental p.50


Possible Ways that You Assimilate (Take in) the Cause of Symptoms
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

You inhale You put on body You put in your body You eat or drink from You store in You live in You wear close to skin You touch You sleep on or near You travel with You walk or drive by/on You acknowledge You understand

You respond to You follow You protect You hide You correspond to You reject You attract You collect You inhibit You inhabit You know/ know of You sit next to

You feel You hear You see You taste You smell You underestimate You deny, dismiss You sense You believe in/ disbelieve You have been sitting too long You need to walk You need to work

On what Levels of Consciousness is the Issue blocked? (Page 23 in TO OUR HEALTH) 1. Conscious (c) 2. Subconscious (sb) 3. Superconscious (sp) 4.Unconscious (unc) 5. DUPI (du) 6. Soul (soul) 7.Chosen (ch) 8. Not Chosen (nc) Is it an M -- M/n m m/m Issue ? 1.Major Issue (M) 2.Major/Minor (M/m) 3.Minor (m) 4.Minor/Minor(m/m) Page 23


Identify the Issue or Imbalance

Taken from the TO OUR HEALTH book page 24/25 Body (1. Accident, 2. Dis-ease, 3. Shock, 4. Trauma, 5. Neglect)
General Symptoms and Causes Yin (male) Yang (female) Food and Other Allergies imbalance in self Atmospheric Electromagnetic, Chemical Potassium/Sodium, Cosmic, Celestial, Planet Earth Acid-alkaline Balance Electrical, Polar, Gravitational Physiological: fatigue, chemical Environmental reaction in the blood Nutritional Psychological mental stress (See Physical. Emotional Gauge) To Our Pathological: organic/disease Health book Overexertion/exhaustion Biorhythm balance disruption Mind (1. Accident, 2. Dis-ease, 3. Shock, 4. Trauma, 5. Neglect) Name of List Name of List Emotional Intellectual or Mental Spirit(1. Accident, 2. Dis-ease, 3. Shock, 4. Trauma, 5. Neglect) Name of List Name of List Layers of the Aura; Subtle Possessive Forces, Entities, Body Attachments, and Afflictions Meridians, Chakras Psychic Senses Karma Tools and Teachers; Guides and Soul Levels Guardians Body-Mind-Spirit (1. Accident, 2. Dis-ease, 3. Shock, 4. Trauma, 5. Neglect) Name of List Name of List Educational Issues Sexual Issues Family Issues Social Issues Financial Issues Resolutions. Also discuss ideas for Relationship Issues actions or tasks.
Check the TO OUR HEALTH book pages

Who or what caused the Issue? ( page 27) When did this Issue arise? (page 27 ) What event or place is the Origin of the Issue or Imbalance? (page 30) Resolve the Issue (page 35/36)


How is the Issue manifested on/in/around the Body?

(Page 26 in the TO OUR HEALTH book) : In which body system listed below does the issue manifest? 1 Basic Unitthe Cell System 2 Central and Peripheral Nervous System 3 Sensory Organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin) 4 Glands internal secretion (Endocrineductless) pineal, pituitary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid gonads (maletestes, femaleovaries), adrenal all secretory types of hormones external secretion (Exocrineduct) liver, pancreas, sweat glands, gall bladder salivary glands 5 Circulatory System (heart, vein, artery, capillary, blood) 6 Digestive System (mouthteeth or gums or tongue, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, rectum) 7 Reproductive System malepenis, prostrate, scrotum, testes, etc. femalebreast, ovary, uterus, cervix, vagina, vulva, fallopian tubes, etc. 8 Urinary Tract System (kidney, bladder, urethra) 9 Structural System (skeleton, muscle, ligaments, tendons, etc.) 10 Respiratory System (nose, throat, trachea, lungs, bronchial tubes, air sacs, etc.) 11 Immune System (lymph glands and nodes, tonsils, immune cells, adenoids, white blood cells, etc.) 12 Chakra/Meridians (Root chakra to Crown chakra. See list of chakras on p. 73/74 in the TO OUR HEALTH book 13 Energy Field and Aura (See Body Chart.) 14 Other Body Components For other possibilities check anatomy books, physicians' references, alternative healing approaches, etc. Other Manifestations in this organ or body part Exhausted, foreign object, hyperactive, hypoactive, inflamed, malfunctioning, overexerted, overextended, overworked, stagnant, to much work, running, etc...


Other The issue is unknown at this time. The issue is not to be discovered, is hidden, is lost, is left behind. There is no problem. Do you really want to let go? Are you ready to let go on all levels of consciousness (listed on p. 22 in this book)

Death - Natural, accidental, inertia.

Questionnaire for/ about Nature / Pet, Person, etc. Name of Pet/ Nature: Kind of Pet/ Nature: Male / Female: How old? How long with owner? Belonged to whom before? Others involved. Special habits, stories, how did your pet die? Guidelines to be remembered" Where would you like the ceremony to be held? Home, Backyard, Veterinarian Office, Farm, Cremation, etc... Personal effects: Collar, picture, toy, bowl, etc... Any special lessons you feel you learned from your pet? Grievance is also an important process of letting go. There are many books available on Grieving for children and grownups. Please check the Library and or the Net.



for Self and / or Nature Which Nutritional Approach/ Way/Path is for my/their HIGHEST GOOD ?
Pyramid Proper Food Combination Fasting One , Two , Three , Four Meals a Day ? Is it for my/their highest good to live on Light , Prana ,Nature, Truth Frequencies/ Chemistries/Vibration ? YES / NO How much fluid ( ounces) do I / they need to take in the next 24 hours? Macrobiotic

When is it for my/their highest good to start? Today , week, month, year. For how long? A day, week , month , years , rest of Life. Is there a better Way ? YES / NO What area of my/ their Being / is positive --- (negative) affected by this Approach ? Please check manifestation page and or energy chart My / Their BODY --- MIND --- SPIRIT --- SOUL ? When is it the best to take in Nutrition ? {Morning, midday, noon, mid afternoon, evening, night} Do I find the nutrition in my home, store , restaurant , outside in Nature? What Nutrition gives me/ nature the most beneficial nourishment ? NEW EARTH ELEMENTS, Trees, plants, animals, people, etc ....? Grains: {millet, corn, wheat, rye, rice etc...} Vegetables: { soup, juices, dried, fresh, etc...}. Fruits: {juices, dried, fresh, etc...} Mammal Meat: { beef, pork, turkey, chicken, duck, goose, etc...} Meats: of nuts, seeds, etc...} Sea food: Birds/ Eggs: {chicken, duck, turkey etc...} Dairy Products: {butter, cheese , cottage cheese etc...} Oils: {olive, corn, canola , etc...} Spices, Herbs, Condiments :{ etc..} Sweets: {honey, raw sugar, white sugar, etc...} Snacks: of any kind. Vitamin , Minerals, Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Enzymes, Natural Food supplements: Liquids , Coffee, Tea, Water, Alcohol, and Beverage: {etc...} Proteins , Carbohydrates: {etc...} Can be Issues related to : Acid/ Alkaline ... Sodium/ Potassium Balance Hypo/Hyper glycemia, Electric/Magnetic ... Atmospheric Force ... Weather related etc ... Exhausted.. Sleep/Rest .. need to be cared for..


Please check for any of these vibrations I/they may be depleted of or have too much of in the system.

Vitamins Minerals Amino Acids Enzymes

Vitamins A (retinol, beta carotene) B-1 (thiamine) B-3 (niacin) B-6 (pyridoxine) B-17 (laetrile) D (D-2 or calciferol, D-3 in fish liver oils) F (unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic, linolenic, oleic) P (bioflavonoids, vitamin P citrin, flavonals, flavones, hesperidin, rutin) Minerals Boron Cobalt Chlorine Fluorine Iodine Magnesium Molybdenum Potassium Silicon (Silica) Sulfur Zinc B complex: biotin, choline, folic acid-folacin, inositol, pantothenic acid B-2 (riboflavin) B-5 (pantothenic Acid) B-12 (cobalamin) C (ascorbic acid) E (tocopherol, d'alpha, dl'alpha, tocopheryl) K (menadione) PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid)

Calcium Chromium Copper Germanium Iron Manganese Phosphorus Selenium Sodium Vanadium

Amino Acids L-Alanine L-Asparagine L-Carnitine L-Cysteine Gamma-aminobutyric acid L-Glutamine L-Glycine L-Isoleucine L-Lysine L-Ornithine DL-Phenylalanine L-Serine L-Tryptophan L-Tyrosine

L-Arginine L-Aspartic acid L-Citrulline L-Cystine L-Glutamic acid L-Glutathione L-Histidine L-Leucine L-Methionine L-Phenylalanine L-Proline L-Taurine L-Threonine L-Valine

Enzymes Enzymes are formed from proteins. There are millions of enzymes. Many are produced by the body, and others are available from raw (uncooked) foods. See examples below.
1 2 Amylase Pancreatin Bromelain Papain Catalase Chymotrypsin Trypsin Lipase

Superoxide dismutase

Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats: See books about nutrition/and its positive/negative effect on us / them


Emotional Gauge for Health-Happiness-Harmony Dowsing Divining

These energies or emotions can be created by yourself or by others. Find the most important negative energy and the most important positive energy on this page for an issue. Also see additional Negative Words and additional Positive Words on the next pages. What Vibration is held in the beings energy field? Chakra Relates to Color and Attitude Neo Brain (above the Crown chakra) Transparent Clearing 8 Crown White Appreciation 7 Brow Indigo Admiration 6 Throat Blue Willing 5 Heart Green Attunement 4

Positive Energy Determination Expect Hugging Onward Provide Seeking Truth and wholeness Wish

Negative Energy Cast out Framed Inferior Irritated Lazy (Too) outspoken out/up Speak

Absolute Assurance At-one-ment Bliss Brand new Correct Encouraged Erect Expecting InvolvedPerfect Aware Buoyancy Comparable Determination Erect In tune Pride Relief Abstain Assurance Beautiful Best Change Enjoy Fulfilled Involved Moving Precious Sign Simple Speak out/up (Too) outspoken Turn Abstain Accommodate Attainment Buoyancy Clearing Compassion Compassionate Determination Divine Expect Loving Moving Perfect Precise Support Writing Youngster (immaturity) Accomplish Adjusted Attuned Changeable Channel Coexist Decision Employ Enchantment Engaging Erect In tune Loving place Slender Turn Acceptance Acquit Attuned Clearing Climbing Collected Delightful Elated Enfold Frugal Godly Knowing myself In time Precious Surprise Transition Wonder Changeable Choosing Dynamic Employ Encouragement Enfold Godly Knowing Lord Peace Place Stability Trust

Behind Confused Encircled Fuming Loses Not listened to Pointed Pride Ruined Surprised Tight Youngster (immaturity) Encumbered Faded Left out Mean Resolved Tight Troubled Unselfish Vulgar Youngster (immaturity) Bold Challenged Directed Evoked Forgetting Hustled Intrench Loveless Morbid Not generous Oppressed Outspoken Tempted Transgressed Abject Embarrassed Emptiness Grumbling Hitched Introverted Morbid Persecuted Possessed Queer Rigid Rotted Stinky Yanking Youngster (immaturity) Antagonism Bribed Confused Defeated Depressed Evoked Frightened Frustrated Paralyzed

Solar Plexus Yellow Assurance 3 Sex Orange Interest 2 Root Red Oneness 1

Conquered Depressed Entangled Frightened Fuming Indifferent Loaded down Overreact Reform Seeking Void Zoned Bereaved Conceited Humiliated Lied about or lied to Overcharged Oversensitive Rejected Sorry for self Trapped Troubled


Negative Emotional Influences

Fear in your mind produces fear in your life in Body-Mind-Spirit-Soul. This is the meaning of hell! We live on borrowed or chosen emotions at times.
Possible Negative Events: Did one of the following events influence the issue?

Abuse Accident Dis-ease Misuse Operation Shock Trauma


What Is the Source of the Negative Emotional Influence? Self Other(s) Situation

Negative Words that May Represent How the Body-Mind-Spirit Feels: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Aback Abatement Abandoned Abdication Abduction Abet Abiding Abject Able Abomination Aboriginal Abortive Abuse: emotional, physical, mental, sexual, spiritual, financial Accountable Accursed Accusing Affectionate Agitated Anger Anxiety Anxious Assured Backstabb(ing,ed Bearing Behind Beyond Bypasses Calm Caught Choked Concerned Contemptible Critical Dead end Deserted Disappointed Discouraged Disloyal Dominated Egocentric Embarrassed Encountered Entangled Bad Beaten Bereaved Bitter Bad loser Belligerent Beseeched Boredom Column 4 Abasement Abeyance Abnormal Abrupt Acrid Annoyed At fault Balking Begrudge Betrayed Bold Column 5 Abashment Abhorrent Abolished

Adventurous Antagonism Attacked Batter(ed,ing) Beguiled Bewildered Bothered

Capricious Cautious Clinging Conflict Costly Cross Decrepit Destructive Disciplined Disguised Distracted Doubt Egoless Embittered Encumbered Enticed

Captured Challenged Cluttered Confused Countless Crouching Defeated Detailed Disconnected Disharmony Distressed Dread Egotistical Empathy Endangered Envy

Cast out Cheap Compulsive Conquered Crazed or crazy Cynicism

Castaway Cheated Conceited Conspiring Creative

Depressed Deprived Diligent Directed Discontent Discontented Dishonest Dislike(d) Disunited Dominant Dumb (mute or unintelligent) Eliminated Emptiness Endowed Erased Eluding Encircled Enslaved Erratic

Esoteric Eye for detail Facetious Feeble Fixed Forgiving Free(ing) Fuming Futile Gaudy Gossipy Gripping Guilt Hard Heaviness Hitched Hostile Hurt Ignored Impulsive Indignant Ineffective Inflated ego Intelligent Irresistible Jammed Justice Kind Know-it-all Lack of Left out Lied for Live in fantasy Loser Mad (angry, crazy) Materialistic Minced Misconduct Misjudged

Evocative Eye for an eye Faded Festering Forceful Forlorn Friction Fundamentalist




Failure Fickle Forcible Formidable Frightened Furious

Fair Fiery Forgetting Foul Frigid Fused

Fear Filthy Forgiven Framed Frustrated Fussy

Gawking Greedy Grouchy Gut feeling Harmful Heckled Hoax Humiliation Hustled Imaginative Inadequate Individualistic Ineligible Injustice Intercepted Irritant Jealous Justified Kinship Knowledgeable Lassitude Less Lied to Living in past Loss Mangled Mean Mindless Miser Mistrust

Ghastly Grief for others/ or for self Goaded

Giddy Grievance Grudge

Gimmicky Griping Grumbling

Hate Helpless Holding on Humorless Hysterical Immaterial Incensed Indomitable Inert Inner-direction Intolerant Irritated Jeopardized

Haughty Hesitant Hopeless Humorous

Haunted Hindered Horrible Hurried

Immobilized Inconvenienced Indulged Inexpressible Insecure Introverted

Impatient Indifferent Inebriated Inferior Insensitive Intruded upon




Knocked down


Lazy Let down Lifeless Load is too heavy or big or small Lost Marked Melancholy Misappreciated Miserable Misunderstood or misunderstanding

Least Liable Limited Loaded down Loveless Martyr Merciless Misappropriated Miserly Moody

Leaving Lied about Listless Lonely Lower Masked Meticulous Misbelief Misfit Morbid


Neglected Noisy Not happy Not listening

Nervous Nonexistence Not heard Not taken (taking) care of Obsession Opposing Outraged Overloaded Overtired

No end Nonmaterialistic Not liked Not understood

No faith in future Not functioning Not liking self Not liking others Noxious Odd Orgasmic Overact Overreact Overwhelmed

No love for/ from self or others Not generous Not listened to Numb

Obnoxious Offended Out of tune Overcharge(d) Overtake(n) Overwrought Pain Pathetic Persecuted Picked on Plagued Poisoned

Obstruct(ed) Oppressed Outspoken Overlooked Overweight

Off Out of balance Overburdened Oversensitive Overworked

Panic Patrol(ed/ing) Perturbed Picky Plain Political

Paralyzed Patroniz(ing/ed) Perverted Pitied Playful Pollut(ed/er)

Parting Peculiar Pessimistic Pitiful Pointed Positive

Passed Permissive Petrified Pity Poised Possessed

Positive Words, Statements, and Feelings: This is how Body-Mind-Spirit-Soul truly desires to feel
Column 1 Abide Absolute Acclaim Accredit Acquaint Actual Adjust Adorn Aggrandize Alive Angelic Assurance Attuned Balance Bliss Busy Called on Challenge Circulating Cognizable Communicate Column 2 Ability Absolve Accommodate Accrue Acquire Adaptable Admirable Adventurous Aggrandize Allot Appease Assured Available Beautiful Bold Column 3 Able Abstain Accompaniment Accurate Acquit Add Admissible Affair Alight Ambitious Appreciated At peace Aware Become Brand new Column 4 Abound Abundance Accomplish Achieve Act Adequate Adopt Affectionate Align Amused Approachable Atonement Column 5 Above Acceptance Accord Acknowledgment Active Adhere Adorable Afloat Alike Amusement Artistic Attractive

Best Buoyancy

Blend Buoyed

Calm Change(d) Clearing Collaborate Comparable

Caring Changeable Climbing Collected Compassion

Celebrate Channel Coexist Comfortable Compatible

Certain Choosing Cognition Committed Compensate


Complete Conceptualizing Consolidate Convenience Correct Daring Deserving Efficient Empower Enfold Enter Esteem Excited Fabulous Flourish Frugal Gentle Guidance Handling Hugging Illuminated Increase Innovation Jolly Kind Leisure Lovely Manifest Motivate Needed Observable Outreach Parley Perseverance Pledge Possibility Precede Presence Productive

Complete Concerned Constancy Conventional Creative Decide Determination Elated Enchantment Engaging Enthusiasm Eternal Expect Faith Forgo Fulfilled Giving Guided Heal

Compliment Connected Consultative Conversant

Compose Considered Content Cooperative

Comradely Consistent Contribute Cope

Decision Different Elevated Encouragement Enhance Equal Ever Fantastic Forthcoming Future God Force

Delightful Divine Emerging Endeavor Enjoy Erect Excel Fidelity Fortunate

Dependable Dynamic Employ Endurance Enlighten Essential Excepting Flexibility Forward






Illustrating In tune Interested Joy Kindly Light Loving Mediate Moving Negotiate Oneness Overt Passion Place Plentiful Practicable Precious Present Prosper

Imperishable Infinite Involved

Improving Innermost Irradiant

In balance Innocence Itself

Knowing Lightened Lyrical Meditate Myself Nominal Oneself

Known Lord Love

Mellow Mystic Normal Onward



Peace Play Poise Practice Prefer Preserve Protected

Perceptive Please Portray Praise Prepare Prestige Proud

Perfect Pleasure Positive Prayer Prepossess Pride Provide




Quick Radiant Reason Reestablish Refresh Release Remark Repose Respect Satisfactory Share Skillful Sovereign Suggest Talent Tidy Transition Turn Unify Unselfish Venture Warrior Wish Yearn Zeal

Quiet Radiate Reassure Refill Regard Relevant Remind Request Reunification Seer Sign Slender Spontaneous Support Task Together Triumph Twinkle Union Unshaken Virtuous Welcome Won Yield Zest

Quoting Rate Receivable Refine Rejoice Relief Render Require Review Select Signal Smart Stability Surprise Team Total True Reach Receptive Reflect Relate Relieve Replace Research Rise Sensibility Simple Sophisticated Stern Swept away Tender Touch Trust Realm Reeducate Reform Relax Rely Replenish Reserve Romance Serve Sincere Sound Strength System Thanks Transform Truth

Unison Up Vision Wholeness Wonder Young Zip

Unit Urge Visionary Willing Writing

Universe Utter



We plow the Fields and Scatter.

We plow the fields and scatter The good seed on the land: But it is fed and watered By God's almighty hand. He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain. He only is the maker, Or all things near and far: He paints the wayside flowers, He lights the evening star. The more to us. His children, He gives our daily bread. We thank Thee then, O Father, For all things bright and good, The seed time and the harvest, Our life, our health our food. Accept the gifts we offer, For all Thy love in parts, And what Thou most desires, Our humble thankful heart. All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, oh, thank the Lord For all his LOVE. Words by Matthias Claudius (1740-1815)


To Our Health: Using the Inner Art of Dowsing in the Search for Health-HappinessHarmony in Body-Mind-Spirit by Doris and Anneliese Hagemann are also available in the English, French, Portuguese, German and Spanish Language.
Dowsing / Divining the Golden Key to Tapping Energies by Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann

To Our Health. A Quick Gauge to Body-Mind-Spirit Wellness Immune System Balancer by Doris and Anneliese Hagemann Using the Inner Art of Dowsing in the Search of My Life's Path/Soul Mission by Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann Using the Inner Art of Dowsing in the Search for My Spiritual Enlightenment by Doris and Anneliese Hagemann Working with Influential Forces by Doris and Anneliese Hagemann Healing our Energy Fields by Doris and Anneliese Hagemann Divine Principles of Truth by Doris and Anneliese Hagemann Working with the Classic EGO by Doris and Anneliese Hagemann All the above books are available from 3 H Dowsing International W 10160 County Rd. C Wautoma, WI 54982 or check out our Web site at: Email to : or Good books/ charts to have in your Library are: Animal Speaks by Ted Andrews ISBN 0-87542-028-1 Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson ISBN 0-939680-53-X Trees by Allen J. Coombes ISBN 1-56458-075-X The Way of the Tree Spirits by Earthspirit Inc. Love is in the Earth by Melody ISBN 0-9628190-0-X
Some of these books are available from The American Society of Dowsers Bookstore, 1-800-711-9497


Books Charts Pendulums Angels Sessions Classes For Self Empowerment, Self Healing Self Enlightenment. Self Expanding our own Consciousness Please contact: Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann W 10160 County Rd C, Wautoma, WI 54982 USA Telephone: 920-787-4747, Wautoma, WI Telephone 520-868-5711, Florence, AZ Email , Web page:

Dowsing / Divining (English) La Radiestesia / Adivinanza (Spanish) LART DU PENDULE ( French) A Quick Gauge ( Immune System) Working with Influential Forces Getting Our Affairs in Order Classic Ego Healing Our Energy Fields Divine Principles Of Truth Nature Communication Finding Life's Path/Soul Mission DEL CAMINO DE MI VIDA/ LA MISION DE MI ALMA ( Spanish) Spiritual Enlightenment To Our Health ( English Version) To Our Health ( French Version) To Our Health ( Portuguese Version) To Our Health ( German Version) To Our Health (Spanish Version) Books are also available in EBooks Educator of Vibr. Bumper Sticker Energy Vibrational Chart Wooden Pendulum Necklaces

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Classes offered at my Home


Class # 1 Dowsing/Divining 1 3 Hour Class Class # 2 Divine Principles of Truth 1 3 Hour Class Class # 3 A Quick Gauge Immune 1 3 Hour Class System. Class # 4 Healing our Energy Fields 1 3 Hour Class Class # 5 Working with Influential 1 3 Hour Class Forces Class # 6 Nature Communication 1 4 Hour Class Class # 7 TO OUR HEALTH 1 2 Day Class Class # 8 Life's Path Soul Mission 1 2 Day Class Class # 9 Spiritual Enlightenment 1 1 Day Class Class # 10 Facilitator Training 1 6 Day Class Books are included in all Classes offered, Certification for the USA and Internationally There are many qualified Facilitators available to share their knowledge with you Books Amount of Order Charge Amount of Order Charge Amount Charge $ 1.00 - $ 10.00 = $ 4.00 $ 10.00 - $ 20.00 = $ 5.50 of Order $ 20.01 - $ 40.00 = $ 6.00 $ 40.00 - $ 60.00 = $ 8.00 $ 60.00 add 10% Prices are subject to Change without Notice * Payable in United States Funds Name ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Address.................................................................................................................................................................................. City, State, Zip, Country....................................................................................................................................................... Amount of books, Wisconsin Residents add 5.5% sales Tax ............................................................................................... Subtotal.................................................................................................................................................................................. Postage/Insurance/Handling.................................................................................................................................................. Title of Class ......................................................................................................................................................................... Total Amount Enclosed ........................................................................................................................................................ You are invited on this Journey of Divine Truth and Enlightenment Blessings Anneliese and Doris Hagemann


Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann. Who is she?

Born in Germany, went through the Second World War, came to the USA in 1955, married for 50 years to a very special, supportive Partner," Rudy", mother of two daughters, sister to 2 brothers, grandma to 4 beautiful individuals and one adopted great- grandchild and homemaker. Co-Author of many books, Educator, Teacher, Lecturer on Vibrational Energies (the Inner Art of Dowsing), Consultant on all aspect of Life. World Traveler: Why did she got involved into this work? From youth on being often sick, and having surgeries, medication, and "the whole route", Her Soul was searching for Health- Happiness- Harmony and she found it through the Inner Art of Dowsing in Truth within her self. The sickness of her Dad in 1991 opened the way to God. (Through journaling and receiving answers from the Source), taking many classes and workshops on different aspect of self-healing, hospice care, peer counseling, Touch for Health, Biokinesiology, Hanna Kroeger, etc... What is she doing with the work? She feels very blessed through writing with her daughter, Doris, many books on Dowsing/Divining, SelfHealing, Self- Empowerment, both came to an understanding as to how does the human being works and what can work for them in SelfHealing / SelfEmpowerment. Find your own Yes, find your own , let go of all Ego consciousness, characteristics and chemistries , and you are on the road of Your OWN Enlightenment. There are many tools available; each has its own unique healing power. The main principle is Our Mind (Attitude about Self, Life and how we allow others too affect us). Vibration and how they affect us on a daily basis. By keeping the balance within, we are connected to the Source. We are the Architect of our own Life, we cannot blame or shame anyone else, we areResponsible. No one can make us happy, it is all within. Giving classes, lectures, workshops, phone consultation with the Inner Art of Dowsing books. TO OUR HEALTH Book which is available in the English German Portuguese French, Spanish, - Arabic Language. DOWSING / DIVINING QUICK GAUGE TO BODY, MIND, SPIRIT WELLNESS Immune System Balancer LIFE'S PATH/ SOUL MISSION SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT CLASSIC EGO and many Self Help Booklets Facilitator Training is highly recommended. Check out our Website:, Email; or Phone 1-920-787-4747 , Wautoma, WI Phone 1-520-868-5711 Florence, AZ Bless Love Anneliese Gabriel Hagemann



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