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Mesropyan 1 Arpine Mesropyan Professor Course Name 5 February, 2014 The organizationa tren!

s ha"e been a o#ing the Target Company to better itse f ea$h an! e"ery $a en!ar year% The in$rease in turno"er rate has pre"ente! emp oyees from rising up the $ompany&s 'ob a!!er be$ause they !on&t remain #ith Target Company for ong% A!!itiona y, Target has re!u$e! the number of absentees an! $ustomer $omp aints, #hi$h ma(e the $ompany better as a #ho e% The in$rease in pro!u$ti"ity, 'ob satisfa$tion, an! emp oyee mora e has a so ma!e the $ompany better, an! #i resu t in arger profits be$ause the #or(ers #i fun$tion better for the $ompany% The $ompany nee!s to fin! a #ay to pre"ent $re!it $ar! ha$(s% )e$ent y, 40 mi ion a$$ounts #ere ha$(e! be$ause someone #as ab e to get a$$ess to the information through Target Company&s $omputers% The short*term nee!s of Target Company are to pre"ent se$urity brea$hes from ta(ing p a$e by impro"ing their $yber se$urity% The $ompany is at ris( of osing a ot of $ostumers be$ause of the $re!it $ar! ha$(s that ha"e been ta(ing p a$e re$ent y% The information #ent "ira , an! they are at ris( of osing mi ions of $ustomers% The ong*term nee!s of Target Company are to en!ure ong*term gro#th ami!st the issues that the +%,% e$onomy has been stru$( #ith% The $ompany a so p ans to open 124 stores in Cana!a, #hi$h is the argest e-pansion in its history% They ha"e been p anning a Cana!ian ro out of stores in or!er to $ontinue to e-pan! the $ompany into a ma'or internationa p ayer%

Mesropyan 2 References: 1% http.//pressroom%target%$om/ ea!ership 2% http.//pressroom%target%$om/ ea!ership/'o!een*a*(oz a(*220001 1% http.//in"estors%target%$om/phoeni-%zhtm 2$3450205p3iro *go"gui!e ines 4% https.//$orporate%target%$om/$orporate*responsibi ity/team*members/#e *being 5% https.//$orporate%target%$om/annua * reports/2011/images/$ompany/annua 6report62011/!o$uments/Target620116Ann ua 6)eport%p!f 4% http.//###%s i!eshare%net/$risi ton/1045*atten!an$emgmthy ton!e$5*140fina 7% http.//###%trefis%$om/sto$(/tgt/arti$ es/171448/ho#*$an*target*impro"e*its*u*s* store*pro!u$ti"ity/2011*00*04 0% http.//###%in!ee!%$om/$mp/Target/re"ie#s 8% http.//minnesota%$bs o$a %$om/2010/12/22/target*hires*so$ia *#or(ers*for* emp oyee*mora e/ 10% http.//###%bbb%org/minnesota/business*re"ie#s/!epartment*stores/target* $orporation*in*minneapo is*mn*1117/$omp aints 11% http.//money%$nn%$om/2011/12/22/ne#s/$ompanies/target*$re!it*$ar!*ha$(/ 12% http.//###%the$ity#ire%$om/no!e/112289%+"M:tP !;'< 11% http.//###%t#in$ities%$om/business/$i624420777/target*tempers*e-pe$tations* ong*term*earnings*$ana!a*ro out 14% http.//'obs%ao %$om/arti$ es/2012/10/02/targets*ne#*amazing*s$ript*for*training* emp oyees* ea(e!/

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