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ll SEMESTER EXAM 20l3-l4

l.L-3 Adaptation in animals
2.L-4 Reproduction in Animals
3.L-l0 States of matter
4.L-ll Force , Work and Energy
5.L-l2 Stars and Planets
Environment Book:
6.L-3 Animal Kingdom
7.L-9 States of matter
8.L-ll Natural Events
l . Choose the correct Option ll2 = l2
ll.Fill in the blanks l8 = 8
lll.Name them l8 = 8
lV. True or False l8 = 8
V. Match the following l8 = 8
Vl. Define the following 42 = 8
Vll. Give reasons 32 = 6
Vlll. Answer in short 42 = 8
lX. Answer in detail 3 3 = 9
X. Draw a diagram and 5l = 5
Label it
Chapter 3: Adaptation in animals
Ex-l Fill in the blanks
l. Animals which eat plants are called herbivores.
2. Carnivores are the animals which eat the flesh of other animals.
3. Animals that eat both plants and the flesh of other animals are called
4. Horse, cow, deer and goat are herbivores animals.
5. The regular movement of animals to and from certain areas is called
Ex-2 Name the following
l. Animals that live on the land. Terrestrial animals
2. The winter sleep by some animals. Hibernation.
3. The animals that spend most of their time on trees. Arboreal animals.
4. Animals like birds and insects that spend most of their time in air. Aerial
5. The animals that live on both land and in the water. Amphibians.
Ex-3 Tick the correct option
l. Tiger is a/an
(a)aquatic animal (b) arboreal animal (c) terrestrial animal
2. Cat is a/an
(a)Carnivore (b) omnivore (c) herbivore
3. A camel is also called the
(a)Ship of water (b) ship of desert (c) ship of air
4. Animals that spend most of their time on trees are called
(a)Aerial (b) arboreal (c) amphibian
5. The leaf insect is also called
(a)Stick insect (b) walking leaf (c) simple leaf
6. Animals living in warmer regions have
(a)Smooth and moist skin (c) tough and less hairy skin
(b)Oily skin covered with thick fur
Ex-4 Match the following
l. Carnivore a. Lion
2. Herbivore b. Deer
3. Omnivore c. Bear
4. Aquatic d. Fish
5. Parasite e. Leech
Ex-5 Tick the correct and cross the wrong statements.
l. Monkeys lead an arboreal life. True
2. Polar bears can be seen in the deserts. False
3. Some animals and plants protect themselves by mimicry. True
4. A giraffe is an omnivore. False
5. Animals that live inside or on the body of other animals are called parasites.
Ex. 6 Multiple Choice Questions.
l. Bat is a flying mammal. (Bat/Cow)
2. Sharks live in the sea. (sea/burrows)
3. Butterfly has coloured wings for flying. (coloured, colourless)
4. Animals that live mostly on trees are called arboreal. (terrestrial, arboreal)
5. Snails are found in fresh water. (fresh/salty)
6. Fish have fins for swimming. (fins/scales)
7. A butterfly has a long sucking tube. (long/short)
8. Animals living in hot places have thick and less hairy skin. (thin/thick) and
Ex. 7 Give Reasons
l. Dormouse and rabbit hibernate in burrows------- to protect themselves from
the cold in winter.
2. Siberian cranes of Siberia migrate to lndia every winter------- to escape the
harsh weather conditions, find food and water.
Ex.8 Define
l. Terrestrial animals----- Animals that live on land are called terrestrial
animals. E.g. Horse, cow.
2. Aquatic animals--- Animals that live in water are called aquatic animals. E.g.
Shark, Fish
3. Arboreal animals---- Animals that spend most of their time in trees are called
Arboreal Animals. E.g. Monkey, Squirrel.
4. Aerial Animals. --- Animals that spend most of the time in the air are called
Aerial Animals E.g. Butterfly, bat.
5. Amphibians---- Animals that live both on land and in water are called
Amphibians. E.g. Frogs, Newts.
Ex.9 Question Answers.
l. Why do rabbits hibernate?
Ans. Rabbits hibernate in burrows in colds winter period to protect
2. Why do animals adopt themselves?
Ans. Animals adapt themselves for their survival. Those animals that are not
able to adapt to the changes in their surrounding slowly die out.
3. Classify animals on the basis of their food habits.
Ans. On the basis of their food habits animals can be classified as: -
i. Herbivores Animals which eat plants.
ii. Carnivores Animals which eat flesh of other animals.
iii. Omnivores animals which eat both plants and animals.
iv. Parasites- animals which depend on other animals to live.
4. List a few animals which live both in water and on land.
Ans. A few animals which live both in water and in land are frogs, toads, newts,
and salamanders.
5. How do some animals get merged with their surroundings?
Ans. Some animals get merged with their surrounding because of their specific
features such as:
l. The shape and colour of some animals get merged with their surrounding
such as in case of tiger and zebra.
ll. Some animals can change their body colour as the chameleon changes it
colour to match its surroundings.
lll. The grasshopper and leaf insect look like the leaf and twig of a plant.
6. What are the features which help an animal to be herbivore?
Ans. i. Herbivores have sharp flat front teeth
ii. Their back teeth are strong and broad.
iii. They have long and strong legs to travel long distance for their food.
L-4 Reproduction in Animals
l. Fill in the blanks:
l. The larva of a butterfly is known as Caterpillar.
2. Birds lay eggs in their nests.
3. The eggs of a frog in a pond eventually change into
4. Animals that give birth to young ones are called mammals.
5. The process of producing young ones is reproduction.
6. The bat is a mammal.
7. The insects lay eggs like birds.
8. ln the life cycle of a butterfly, the larva comes out, after the
egg hatches.
ll . Tick the correct option:
l. A nymph is the young one of a
a.mosquito b. grasshopper c.housefly. Ans:b.grasshopper
2.The insects grow into adults mostly by
a. eating b. resting c. Moulting Ans: c. moulting
3.The young ones of a bird have
a. short feathers b.long feathers c. no feathers feathers
4.Which one of the following animals do not lay eggs.
a. Ant b.Sparrow c.Dolphin Ans:Dolphin
5.When the young ones hatch out, they look like the adults in:
a.Butterflies b.grasshopper c.frog Ans:grasshopper
6.Which one of the following animals give birth to young ones?
a. birds b.Mammals c.lnsects Ans:Mammals
ll. Match
l.Butterfly Pupa
2.Cockroach Nymph
3.Frog Tadpole
lV: Name them:
l.Young one of an insect, different from its parent
2.Young one of a frog
3.Emerging of young one from an egg
4.The process of producing young ones
V. True of false:
l. A cow produces a calf and a dog produces puppies. --True.
2.Birds , insects, frogs and snake are some well known animals that do not lay
eggs. False
3.Caterpillar greedily feeds on the leaves quickly grows in size. True
4.lnsects like cockroaches and grasshoppers hatch into larva. False
5. The feeding habit change and tadpoles change into adult frogs.-- True
Vl. Define the following:
l.Reproduction- Reproduction is the ability by which living being produce the
young ones of their own kind.
2.lncubation: The mother or father bird often warms and protects the eggs till they
hatch. This period is called incubation.
3.Mammals- Animals which give birth to their young ones are called mammals.
4.Nymphs-The young ones that come out of the eggs look like the adult insects
but are smaller. They are called nymphs.
Vll. Question and Answers:
Q:l. What is hatching?
Ans: The process in which the young ones came out of the eggs is called
Q:2 Why do animals reproduce?
Ans: Animals reproduce to leave behind ones of their own kind after their death.
Q:3 Name three stages in the life cycle of a grass hopper.
Ans: The three stages in the life cycle of a grasshopper are egg, nymph and adult
Q:4: Name four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly.
Ans:The four stages in the life cycle of a butterfly are egg, larva, pupa and adult
butterfly repectively.
Q:5: How do animals take care of their ones?
Ans:Human beings protect their babies , clean them and keep warm. Only human
beings look after their babies for a long time. Dogs look after their puppies. Birds
feed and protect their chicks.
ln this way animals take care of their young ones.
Q:6 Where do fish lay eggs and why?
Ans: Fish lay eggs in water in a large number because they are very small in size
and after flowing in running water some of them remain for the fertilization.
Q:7 Draw and label life cycle of butterfly.
Chapter !
"TAT#" $% &ATT#R
l. Matter is made up of small particles called molecues.
2. matter exists as solid , liquid and gas.
3. lce becomes water on heating.
4. Liquid wax hardens on cooling.
5. Water vapour is a kind of gas.
l. Anythink which takes up space is called matter true.
2. Anythink that keeps its volume fixed is called solid true.
3. Liquid keeps its shape fixed. False
4. Air is the mixture of two gases. False
5. Water changes in to water vapour when it is frozen false .
6. ln a salt solution,water is the vapour when it is frozen false .
7. The molecules of liquid are held very loosely together false .
8. Gases take the shape of the container in which they are kept true.
9. Sugar is soluble in water true.
l. Chemical change new substance is formed
2. Soada water - carbon dioxide dissolved in it
3. Fish breathe oxgen which is dissolved in water
4. Solids have fixed shape and volume
l. A liquid in which sugar dissolves Ans water
2. A solid substances which dissolves in a liquid Ans sugar
3. A uniform mixture of a solute and solvent Ans solution
4. When a substance undergoes a change and forms a new
Ans chemical change

l) Which state of mater does not flow freely ?
Liquid solid gas
2) Which state of matter does not take the shape of the
Liquid solid gas
3) A liquid in which a solid dissolves is called a
Solute solvent fluid
4) ln sugar solution,sugar is the
Solute solvent solution
Vl Define
l. SOLlD :- A substance which keeps its shape and volume fixed
is called solid.
2. Liquid :- A substance which has a fixed volume but no fixed
shape. lt can flow is called liquid.
3. Gas :- a substance which does not have a fixed shape, or a
fixed fills the entire space of the vessel is called gas.
Ql What is matter ?
A Anything that has mass and occupies space is called
Q2 What is a solution ? name three solutions.
A When a substance dissolves in a liquid then the product
formed is called solution.
Soda water,sweet water and salt water are examples of
Q3 Name three gases which dissolved in water ?
A Three gases which dissolve in water are oxygen,carbon
dixoxide and ammonia.
Q4 Name three states of matter ?
A Three states of matter are sold,liquid and gas.
L- %orce' (ork and energ)
Ex:l: Fill in the blanks:
l. A machine is a tool or a device, which helps us to do work.
2. The capacity to do work is called energy.
3. The energy, which we get from the sun , is called solar
4. Heat energy is obtained by burning of coal, oil, wood , etc.,
5. Atomic energy can be used to produce electricity.
6. Friction is a kind of force which makes moving things stop.
7. A pulley is a kind a machine.
8. Pulls and pushes are called forces.
9. Energy is capacity to do work.
Ex:ll Tick the correct option:
l. The capacity to do work b.force c.machine
Ans: a. energy
2.Suraj tried to push a wall but failed to move it, then is spent but work is not done is not spent but work is done is not spent and work is not done. is spent but work is not done.
3.To do work, we need b.force c. muscles
4.Which of the following statements about force is not true? is needed to make a stationary of object move can be seen but cannot be felt can make a moves objects stop.
Ans:it is needed to make a stationary of object move.
Ex:lll Matching
l. Force of earth Gravitational force
2. A force can cause a body to move
3. Work is make easier-by using machines
4. Energy from sun-solar energy
5. Capacity to do work energy
Ex:lV Name them:
l.Pull and push- Force
2. A force which stops moving things Friction.
3.The force that pulls everything towards the earth Gravitational force.
4. lt is done when a force is applied on an object work.
Ex:V: True of false:
l.Sun is the most important source of heat True
2.Simple machines need solar energy to work- false.
3.Force due to gravity is called frictional force- false
4.Our hands get cool when rubbed against each other- false.
5.A magnet can pull a piece of iron. True.
Ex:Vl:Answer the following:
l. What is force?
Ans:Pull or push is called force when we apply force to an
object, it moves in the direction of the force.
Q:2 Name some simple machine used in daily life?
Ans: Some simple machines used in daily life are see-saw bottle
, opener, wheel barrow and scissors.
Q:3 What is energy?
Ans: The capacity to do work is called energy . The energy of a
body is measure by the work it can do.
Q:4 What are different forms of energy?
Ans:Electrical energy , mechanical energy and heat energy are
different forms of energy.
Q:5 State four ways in heat energy is useful to us?
Ans: Heat energy is useful to us in cooking food and also helps
to move engines aero-planes and rockets.
Q:6 Besides electricity which of the other sources produce heat
energy? Name three sources?
Ans:Sun and burning of coal and wood are the other sources
which produce heat energy.
Q:7 How is geothermal energy used?
Ans:Geothermal energy is used to
l.Transfer the heat to the water.
2.Run underground reservoirs to generate electricity.
Ex:Vll :Define the following:
l. Machine : A machine is a tool or a device which helps us
to do work by applying less force or can increase the
speed of work.
2. Force: To move a thing we either pull or push it . So a pull
or a push is called force.
3. Work When a force moves an object through some
distance in its direction work is said to be done.
L-* "TAR" A+, -LA+#T"
Fill in the Blanks:
l.One complete rotation of the earth makes takes 24 Hours
2.The movement of earth around the sun in its orbit is called revolution.
3.One complete revolution of earth around the sun takes 365.25 days.
4. The imaginary line that passes through the middle of the earth is called
the equator.
5.Many lndian Festival are linked to the sun.
6. Planets do not shine like stars.
7. The moon reflects the light of the Sun.
8.Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun and Neptune is the planet
farthest from the sun.
9. Artificial satellites help us in communication.
l0. The earth moves around the sun.
ll. Days and nights are equal at the equator.
l2. The seasons are caused by the revolution of the earth.
ll. Tick the correct option:
l.A Planet is a body which revolves around the b.sun c. moon
Ans: b.Sun
2.The planet having the largest number of moon is
a.Saturn b. Jupiter c.Mercury
3. The planet closest to the sun is
a.Neptune b.Jupiter c.Mercury
4.The number of main seasons in our country are
a.3 b.4 c.5
Ans: b.4
Ex:lll Match the following:
l.Sputnik l - Artificial satellite
2.Moon - Natural satellite of the earth
3.Jupiter - Biggest Planet
4.Mercury -Smallest planet
Ex:lV. Name them
l. A planet that has only one moon Ans:Earth
2. The largest planet Ans:Jupiter
3. The planet nearest to the sun Ans:Mercury
4.A heavenly body that revolves around a star - Ans:Planets
5. The planet farthest from the sun Ans:Neptune
Ex:V. True of False;
l. The sun is a star - True
2. The moon is at the centre of our solar system- False
3. Mars is bigger than Jupiter False
4. Jupiter has the largest number of satellites - True
5. The moon has light of its own False
Define the following:
l.Stars: Stars are huge balls of burning gases. They give out heat and light.
2.Planets: The eight huge balls shaped objects moving around the sun are
called planet.
3.Solar system: The sun, eight planets and their moons together from our
solar system.
4.Mantle: Mantle is the middle layer of the earth lying below the crust. lt is
made up of very hot rocks.
5.Crust:The outer layer of the earth is called crust. The crust is a thin layer
of mostly solid, rocks, although it also includes the soil.
Answer the following questions:
Q:l What is a solar system?
Ans: The sun, eight planets and their moons together from our solar system
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are the eight
planets in the Solar system.
Q:2.What are rotation and revolution?
Ans: The earth spines like a top from west to east. This movement is called
2.Rotation causes day and night on the earth.
3.The earth also travels around the sun. This is called revolution. is this movement of the earth and the tilt of the axis that causes the
Q:3 How is the crust of the earth different from its mantle?
Ans: l.Crust of the outer layer of the earth.
2.The crust is a thin layer of mostly solid rock, although it includes the soil.
3.The crust provides humans, plants and animals with everything they need
to live. The mantle lies below the crust and is made up of very hot rocks.
The mantle is so hot that the rocks melt into a thick liquid.
Q:4 Why do some plants shed their leaves in Autumn?
Ans:l.The change in season affects the growth of the plants or trees.
2.They slow down their activities like photosynthesis , transpiration, etc.,
3.So the trees shed their leaves in the Autumn.
Q:5What are the achievements of lndia's mission to moon Chandrayaan
Ans:lndia's first mission Chandrayaan-l had sent three dimensional maps
of the moon, carrying out chemical mapping and hunting for water or ice and
many other information.
Q:6 Draw a diagram of Showing Day and Night
STD lV 2
Lesson +o. . Animal /ingdom
EX-l) Fill in the blanks:
l) Lizards can crawl on the wall.
2) Earthworms and Snakes are indirectly useful in agriculture.
3) Oxen are very useful for farming.
4) ln lndia, Cows are worshipped as 'mother'.
5) Shelters are built to feed birds.
EX-2) Name the following
l) Herbivorous Animals: Ans. Cow, Buffalo, Sheep, Horse.
2) Carnivorous Animals: Ans. Lion, Tiger, Fox, Leopard.
3) Wild Animals: Ans. Lion, Tiger, Fox, Bear.
4) Animals which can be tamed: Ans. Cow, Dog, Cat, Horse.
5) Animals which give milk : Ans. Cow, Goat, Buffalo.
6) Beasts of burden: Ans. Donkey, Camel, Elephant, Horse.
7) Animals useful in transportation: Ans. Camel, Horse, Elephant.
8) Animals giving natural manure: Ans. Cow, Goat, Buffalo.
9) Leather yielding animals: Ans. Cow, Tiger, Lion, Snake.
l0) Milk Products: Ans. Curd, Ghee, butter, cheese.
ll) ltems made from leather: Ans. Shawl, purse, belt, jacket.
l2) Animals living on land: Ans. Dog, cow, cat, horse.
l3) Animals living in water: Ans. Fish, frog, crocodile, tortoise.
l4) Animals flying in the air: Ans. Bat, crow, eagle, sparrow.
EX-3) Classify the following into animal products and plant products:
l) Animal products: Shoes, lac, milk, silk, wool, ghee, musk, honey.
2) Plant products: Turmeric, paper, gum, cotton, coffee, rubber, jaggery,
asafoetida, oil cake.
EX-4) Write in short how the following animals are useful to us:
l) Butterflies: They sit on the flowers and spread pollen grains.
2) Snakes: They eat rats and insects in the fields.
3) Vultures: They eat dead bodies of the animals and serve as natural
4) Earthworms: They make the soil soft and porous.
5) Dogs: They guard our house and they are also kept as pets.
6) Horses: They are useful in transportation.
7) Buffaloes: They give us milk.
8) Oxen: They are useful in agriculture.
9) Camels: They are useful in desert areas.
EX-5) Answer the following questions only in words:
l) Name three animals of very small size. Ans. Rat, Ant.
2) Name three animals of very big size. Ans. Elephant, Giraffe.
3) Which animals have no legs? Ans. Snake, Earthworm.
4) Which animals have many legs? Ans. Spider, Crab.
5) Name two animals useful in farming. Ans. Bull, Oxen.
6) Which birds are called 'natural cleaners'? Ans. Vulture, crow.
7) Which useful things do we get from animals? Ans. Wool, Silk.
8) Which two animals are indirectly useful in agriculture? Ans. Snake, Earthworm.
9) What does man get from hens? Ans. Eggs, meat.
l0) Which insects help in pollination of flowers? Ans. Butterfly,
ll) Which animal is worshipped as mother? Ans. Cow.
EX-6) Give Reasons.
l) Crows and vultures are called 'natural scavengers' (cleaners), because they
use dead bodies of animals as their food.
2) We tame some animals, because they are useful to us in many ways.
3) Some insectivorous birds are famers' friends because they destroy
innumerable pests which damage the crop.
4) lt is our duty to protect animals, because the animals' world is greatly useful
to us.
5) The cow is worshipped as mother because of her usefulness. Cow gives us
milk. From milk, ghee, butter, cheese etc. is made. Urine of cow is a useful
medicine. Cow dung provides manure of high quality.
EX-7) Answer the following questions.
l) Write any four uses of animals.Ans. Animals are used for agriculture 2) they
are used for transport. 3) They give milk, meat and many other things. 4) They
also give us wool, leather, manure etc.
2) How are some insects useful to us?Ans. Some insects are useful to us in many
ways: - l) Butterflies sit on flowers and spread pollen grains. 2) Honey bees
suck nectar from flowers and prepare honey. 3) Some insects give us silk,
sealing wax etc.
3) How are birds useful to us?
Ans. Birds destroy innumerable pests which damage the crops.
4) What care will you take of birds living around us?
Ans. We should feed birds with food grains and keep water for them in hanging
5) ln what ways should we take care of our tamed animals and pets?
Ans. l) we should give food and water regularly to our tamed animals and
2) We should keep their sheds and shelter clean.
3) We should bathe our pets and keep them clean.
4) lf they fall ill, we should call a veterinary doctor for them.
(orkbk. L 0. "tates of matter
Ex l. Ans. The following in one sentence.
l) Which are the three states of matter?
A l) Solid ,liquid and gas are the three states of matter.
2) lnto which state does a solid transform on heating?
A 2) A solid transforms into liquid on heating.
3) lnto which state does a liquid transform on heating?
A 3) A liquid transforms into gaseous state on heating.
4) lnto which state does a liquid transform on cooling?
A 4) A liquid transforms into solid state on cooling.
Q 5) lnto which state does a gas transform on cooling?
A 5) A gas transforms into liquid on cooling.
6) What is the effect of heating on solidified ghee ,coconut oil and wax?
A 6) Solidified ghee ,coconut oil and wax changes into liquid on heating.
7) Water is found in all the three states in nature .Which are they?
A 7) They are solid ,liquid and gas.
8) ln which state does a substance have a definite shape and a definite
A 8) Solids have a definite shape and a definite volume.
9) ln which state is coconut oil transformed on cooling?
A 9) Coconut oil is transformed into solid state on cooling.
l0)ln which state is ghee found in winter?
A l0) Ghee is found in solid state in winter.
ll)Generally in which state are metals found?
A ll) Generally metals are found in solid state.
l2) ln which state does a substance have a definite volume but no definite
A l2) Liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape.
l3 ) Which liquid substances get automatically transformed into solid state in cold
A l3) Ghee and coconut oil gets automatically transformed into solid state in cold
l4) ln which state does a substance have no definite shape and no definite
A l4) A substance has no definite shape and definite volume in gaseous state.
l5) lnto which state does a petrol transform when kept in an open bowl?
A l5) Petrol transforms into gaseous state when kept in an open bowl.
l6) Name any two solid substances which require less heat to transform into
A l6) Wax and sugar are the two substances which require less heat to transform
into liquid.
l7)Name any two solid metals which require intense heat to transform into liquid.
A l7)lron and copper are the two solid metals which require intense heat to
transform into liquid.
l8) Name one solid substance which transforms into a gas on heating.
Camphor is a solid substance that transforms into gas on heating.
Ex 3) Classify the following into solid ,liquid and gaseous substance:-
"olids --- rubber ,iron ,brick ,ice ,camphor ,wax ,sand ,glass ,copper.
Li1uids-----watere ,mercury ,milk ,diesel ,petrol ,iodine.
2aseous-----vapour ,hydrogen ,air ,oxygen.
Ex 4) Fill in the blanks:-
l)A substance in liquid state gets transformed into a gas on heating.
2)A substance in liquid state gets transformed into a solid on cooling.
3)lce is the solid state water .lts gaseous state is called vapour.
4) A solid substance has its definite shape.
5)Coconut oil is mostly found in the solid state in winter.
6)While drying ,wet clothes lose their water in the form of water vapour.
7)On heating camphor,it transforms into the gaseous state.
Ex 5) Write true or false:-
l) Mercury is mostly found in the solid state. ------ False.
2) Camphor transforms into the gaseous state on heating.-------True.
3) The solid state of a liquid is known as ice.--------False.
4) A gas has no definite shape and no definite volume.------True.
5) Petrol is found in both liquid and solid state in nature.-----False.
6) lron can be turned into liquid state on intense heating.-----True.
7) Air can be transformed into liquid state on intense heating.-----False.
8) The cooking gas is in liquid state in its cylinder.--------True.
#nv. (orkbook 3L- +atural events
l. Fill in the blanks with suitable words chosen from those given in the brackets
l. Cold , heat and moisture present in air is called ----------------(Atmosphere,
season, climate) Ans:.Climate
2.The main basis of climate is the -------- (light, wind , sun) Ans:Sun
3.The climate is hot and moist in -------- (Winter, summer, monsoon) Ans:Summer
4.ln -----the wind blows generally from the north Ans:.winter
4.ln summer, there can be ---------------- (rainfall, stormy winds, floods in rivers)
Ans:. Stormy winds
6.ln ------------ the wet clothes do not get dry quickly. (summer, winter, monsoon)
7.The day is short in ----------(summer, winter, monsoon) Ans;winter
2.Answer the following questions in words or one or two sentences each:
l. What is climate?
Ans:Cold, heat and moisture present in air is called climate.
2.How is the climate in winter?
Ans: The climate is dry and cold in winter.
3.How is the climate in summer?
Ans:The climate is hot and moist in summer.
4.How is the climate in monsoon?
Ans:Climate is humid in monsoon.
5.ln which season is the day short and the night, long?
Ans:ln winter the days short and nights long.
6.What change in climate takes place after Uttarayana?
Ans:Cold decreases after uttarayana.
7.ln which season is Holi celebrated?
Ans: Holi is celebrated in summer.
8.Which are the fruits in summer?
Ans:Mango, watermelon , muskmelon are the fruits of summer.
9.What is 'loo'?
Ans:Very hot and dry winds blowing in summer is called loo.
l0.When does a Sunstroke occur?
Ans: Excessive heat may cause sunstroke.
ll.What is the remedy when our nose bleeds due to excessive heat?
Ans: We should keep a piece of wet cloth on our head.
l2.When does monsoon begin in Gujarat?
Ans: Monsoon begins by the mid of June in Gujarat.
l3. What is meant by a cyclone?
Ans:Speedy winds with rain is called cyclone.
l4.Name the natural hazards occasionally faced by the people of lndia?
Ans:The natural occasionally faced by the people of lndia are floods, earthquake,
drought and cyclone.
3.True or false :
l.The climate is dry in summer. False.
2.Cold decreases after Uttarayana. True
3.Monsoon begins soon after Holi False
4.Very hot and dry wind blowing in summer is called 'loo' true
5. ln the case of sunstroke , we get relief if onion is rubbed on the bottom of our
feet. true
6.A rainbow is mostly seen in summer.- false
4.Match the following:
l.Dew - Winter
2.Cyclone - Monsoon
3. Loo - Summer
4.Earthquake - Any season
l. l.Quick evaporation of water - Summer
2. Overflooding of rivers - Monsoon
3. Speedy wind with rain - Cyclone
4. The sun rises late - Winter
5.Answer the following questions:
l.What precautions will you take to avoid sunstroke?
Ans: We should not walk barefoot in the afternoon. 2. We should cover our head
with a cap. 3. We should wear sun glasses to cover our eyes. 4. We should drink
more water before going out. 5. We should rubbed onion on the soles.
2.What precautions should be taken at the time of a cyclone?
Ans: We should not stand near a tree or electrical pole at the time of cyclone.
3.What precautions should be taken at the time of an earthquake?
Ans: We should stand in a corner or we should move out in the open at the time of
4.What precautions should be taken to save ourselves from the floods of a river?
Ans:.We should built houses above the level of the river banks. 2. As soon as a
flood signal is issued we should moved to a safer region.

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