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trolley - targa cu roti stretcher - targa fara roti -> stretcher- bearer (poarta targa fara roti) porter

= orderly = cel care poarta targa pharmacist = drug dispenser to restore = to repair = to refresh illness = affliction = ailment to ail = a durea afflicted with = bolnav de ceva equipment (sg si pl) personnel = stuff refer to = a trimite la letter of referal = bilet de trimitere sheets= cearceafuri mattress = saltea crutch = carja curtain = perdea drip stand = suport perfizor bedpan = plosca tray = tava ash tray = scrumiera bedspread = cuvertura bed cover = cuvertura decorativa observation chart = fisa de observatie oxygen point = tub de oxigen urine bottle to hoist = a se ridica _ scripete wheelchair = scaun cu rotile cushion = perna decorativa pillow = perna basin = chiuveta monkey pole = aleza de glisare to operate on = a opera confine to bed = imobilizat urinal = pisoar IV = intravenous IM = intramuscular PO = per os SC = subcutanous confortable unconfortable confort disconfort swabs = pansamente slob = namol tick = a ticai

borne = a purta to enhance = to maximaze infection noninfection infect disinfect cheque = cec de bani to soar = a creste to groan = a geme alopecia = boldness candida = thrush = afta dyspepsia = indigestion piles = hemorrhoids herpes zoster = shingles edema = swelling rubella = German measles rubeola = measles urticaria = heat spots = hives arteriosclerosis = hardening of the arteries cerebral palsy = to be spastic eructation = belching (ragaiala) halitosis = bad breath infectious mononucleosis = glandular fever poliomyelitis = polio morbilli = rubeola= measles varicella = chickenpox variola = smallpox bursitis = housemaid's knee flatulence = wind = gas myocardial infarction = heart attack pyrosis = heart burn tendonitis = tennis elbow verrucae = warts = negi strain = tulpina influenza = flu hospitalisation = pacients stays health care = medical care staff = personnel to aim = to point to = a tinti shrine = altar, moaste to anesthetize = a anestezia deity = zeitate surgery = operatie, chirurgie to perform a surgery = a face operatie

operate on a pacient = a opera finds = evidence = discoveries similar = the same = alike pattern = model = structure endowments = facilitati income = venit to found = a infiinta leper = leprosi leprosy = lepra recipient = primeste donatii conversely = in contrast to contaminate = to infect travel time = timp de deplasare on going = continuous ward - base system ward= aripa, sectie, salon partitions = modul to run a hospital = a conduce, a administra detrimental outpatients impatients (ambulatoriu spitalizat) disability= impairment inability = incapacity disease = ailment, illness, affliction, malady, condition, disorder injury = wound to threaten danger indanger threat= danger casualty - victime, raniti casualtys= morti acute chronic to appoint = to schedule child birth = parturition to test = to assay branch = domain, field terminally ill = in stare terminala restoration = recovery traumatic (adj) - trauma (subst) seniors = geriatric hospitals to deliver = to provide affiliated = associated term hospital admission= hospitalisation

to reduce = to diminish prescription = medical order surgeon office operating room = operating theatre to undergo = a suferi, a trece prin coma patients = comatose due to = because of to refer to = a trimite la letter of referal = bilet de trimitere health care consumer = patient vary= differ variety = difference to back up = to support cancer - prefix "onco" obstretics- obstretician heart attack = myocardial infarction dysrhythmia cardiac condition = affliction to require = to need available = accesible to supervise = to observe to make decisions = to decide personnel = stuff tale = story order = prescription exhausting = tiring confortable unconfortable confort disconfort to deal = to manage, to face emergence = appearance accurate inaccurate precise imprecise appropiate = fit = adequate inadequate fit unfit condition = ailment = affliction persuasive - to persuade layman = outsider = amateur, nonspecialist, non-expert essential = vital = important to see= to search task = responsability to face = to manage bedside manner = comport la patul pacientului undergraduate = studii de licenta

master postgraduate =PhD to apply = to enroll curriculum = program, plan de invatamant to earn = a obtine to license = a acredita internship = hands-on hospital training = stagiu physician = intern residency = speciality training resident= specialist in training reciprocity - reciprocal (adj) to require = to demand, to ask senior specialist = medic primar to train - trainer field = domain subspecialize = supraspecializare care setting - clinic geriatrition - geriatric medicine spelenetic allergist short supply = insufficion to mesh = to fit = a se sincroniza surgical nonsurgical to complain - compliant anxiety - anxious viral nonviral viral strain = tulpina de virus good eye - hard coordination = dexteritate stamina = energy, vitality stamen - stamina rib cage= torax to anesthetise due to = because asthma - asthmatic labor pains = travaliu to put up with = to get used to to degenerate= to deteriorate loss of vision crossed eyes = strabism injury = wound throat = pharynx overlap - a se intrepatrunde, a se suprapune

to vary - variety orchiectomy= extirparea testiculelor to perform= to perform on= to do a surgery allergist (specializat pentru alergie) drugs=medication to succes - succesful unsuccesful GPs = general practitioners = medic generalist the doctor examines the pacient the pacient consults the doctor effective ineffective ENT doctor = otolaryngologist to elevate = to rise low blood pressure = hypotension turn out = to prove = a dovedi medic primar = the senior specialist primary physician = medicul la care mergem prima oara symptom - symptomatic pain = ache (head, stomach, ear, heart) to refer to = a trimite la te require = to demand = to ask to agree= to accept self-employed = liber profesionist on duty = de serviciu on duty off duty likely unlikely probable improbable hectic = agitat to make rounds= a face vizite + ture +teren office = cabinet appointment = vizita la medic shifts = ture de noapte / zi call schedule = program take turns drowbacks = disadvantages = inconvenients speciality training = residency internship = stagiatura forensic = legal fellow = persoana care se supraspecializeaza resident to flunk= to fail eardrum = timpan give up

keep up second opinion side effect on duty off duty on call make rounds rely upon = depend on bachelor's degree = licenta studii de licenta = undergraduate malignant = cancerous cause = ethiology likelihood = posibility = probability recurrence = reappear outcome = result serious = major, severe major minor severe mild chronic acute benign malignant runny nose = rhinorrhea infection- to disinfect to infect germ = pathogen communicative = contagious communicative noncommunicative contagious noncontagious the course of illness = evolution curable = healable curable incurable obvious = clear, evident disturbing = annoying severe bleeding = hemorrhaging to ulcerate head injuries = traumatism cranian ill health - stare de boala fever - febrile normal abnormal cough = tussis phlegm = thick mucus to expell = to eliminate to faint = to pass out diziness=oboseala

nausea=greata food poisoning = intoxicatie balance imbalance itching = pruritas rash=urticaria stage=level=step dysfunction to avoid = to prevent to ascertain = to determine = to evaluate minute=small fungal (adj) pass the disease = to transmit = to evaluate to degenerate = to deteriorate breakdown =distruction occupational = vocational environmental diseases - boli de mediu to line - to pad to expose to weakened germ = microb salbit booster shots = rapel, doza soc effective= efficient inefficient termed=named available=accesible potent=strong=efficient=powerfull to fail -ineffective dosage=dose=amount pain killer = analgesic failing heart = insuficienta cardiaca stuffiness= nas infundat to gargle = a face gargara to gargle=to rinse = to medicate lozenges=tablete hard candy= drops release=sooth to alterate = to change, to modify workload=volum de munca to debilitate= to degenerate, to deteriorate to feel over the hill = depasit de situatie whatever= no matter what expectation=anticipation challange=dare=provocation therby=thus=therefore to dull=to numb

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