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Bird Flu Symptoms With Ideas to Prevent it! Bird flu can kill people.

. Learn how to protect yourself!

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Hello today Im going to be speaking about the top bird influenza signs or symptoms, plus some truly interesting ideas on preventing it. Bird flu or avian influenza, H5N1 is really a s ary virus due to the fa t lose to !"# of the people $hi h $ere ontaminated have died of it. %he large problem $ith this parti ular virus is that mankind have a hard time on&uering it as the 'enver Bron os did against the (eattle (eaha$ks in the )"1* (uper bo$l. %he (eaha$ks destroyed the Bron os team in that football game. +dditional bad ne$s $ould be that the virus is in redibly resistant to remedies and simply not easy to kill. %his might be $hy a lot of people have passed a$ay from getting it. %he first $arning signs are similar to the ommon flu and therefore are usually triggered ) to , days soon after someone is infe ted. -or instan e a high temperature, ha king and oughing, a sore throat, diarrhea, loss of appetite and also feeling .ust like the 'enver Bron os did after the game. /k, ok enough $ith the 'enver Bron os .okes. %hen immediately after &ueasiness for around , to 1" days one0s body shuts do$n and passes a$ay. /ddly enough the virus is transported inside of the intestines of $ild birds, ho$ever, many don0t get ill. 1hen it omes into onta t $ith hi kens, du ks as $ell as turkeys it makes them in redibly ill and destroys them. It sort of reminds me of the old film 2outbreak,3 $here the monkey possessed the disease that murdered absolutely everyone, but he didnt be ome ill. %he good ne$s is that as opposed to the traditional flu virus, $hi h is in redibly irritating bird flu ant be arried from human to human as of this time. 1hat happens is that a $ild bird $hi h has the virus omes into onta t $ith a bird or poultry that0s farm raised. 'ue to them being in su h lose onta t $ith ea h other the disease spreads similar to the flu virus does to us. 4egretfully the only method to stop the virus $ould be to kill the birds and livesto k. 5oure most likely $ondering ho$ in the he k do humans get orrupted $ith H5N1. 1ell this is the pla e things get a little gray and unkno$n. 1ith the human flu pathogen $e kno$ that folks get infe ted from breathing in it or even oming in onta t $ith a surfa e $ith it and then tou hing their fa e. 1ith H5N1 some individuals have aught it from tou hing ontaminated birds. %here has been reports of people re eiving the pathogen from breathing and also bathing in ontaminated $ater. 6ore bad ne$s is the fa t that there have been ases $here a person has aught the virus from another person. %he good thing is that the human to human infe tion has been rare, ho$ever are you able to see $hat everyone is s ared of. %he flu virus is a hallenging bugger and it ad.usts. %his is one of the reasons that it has

survived for su h a long time. +s the saying goes ad.ust or pass a$ay right7 Its also a reasons $hy you might get the flu va ine and ) $eeks later the va ine may be totally useless sin e the disease has evolved. /h and there is a *"# possibility that the va ine $ould not $ork, and there are risks in luded. +nytime you put something unkno$n like a de eased flu virus in your body, youre putting yourself at risk. %he main fear $ith bird flu is that it an alter and ross over to being human to human infe tions. %his $ould mean a $hole lot more folks might get this pathogen mu h like the ommon flu. (eriously ho$ many men and $omen a tually en ounter birds as it is7 5ea nobody and that0s $hy H5N1 $hile harmful, isnt nearly as harmful as it an be if it $ere human to human onta t. 5oure possibly $orried about getting the ailment through ingesting hi ken. 1ell, if you ook the poultry it murders the virus. (o, make sure you dont eat un ooked eggs, un ooked poultry or en ounter re ently departed poultry. +nother idea $ould be to enhan e your body0s immune system. H5N1 is still a virus and humans have been fighting this enemy sin e $e arried solid $ood lubs, grunted and dre$ sti k pi tures on ave $alls. No$ Im sure you kno$ some of the most ommon $ays to boost the body0s immune system in luding obtaining a lot of rest, sipping tons of $ater, managing emotional tension and not doing drugs in addition to using toba o. 1hat you probably dont kno$ is the fa t that there are some natural herbs out there that may improve your immune system like 8aptain +meri a. He $as the omi book hero $ho $as a thin kid and then got shot $ith a thing that made him super strong. /ne e9 ellent plant is bla k umin seeds that is a truly amazing material. In the +fri an :ournal of %raditional 8omplementary 6edi ine there $as an HI; patient $ho $as treated $ith this natural herb and it murdered the pathogen. Hey, I thought HI; $as terminal7 %here $as additionally a study $here individuals $ho $ere given this all natural herb for * $eeks had a <" # rise in ells that battle viruses. 5et another all natural herb $hi h ought to be on your radar $ould be garli loves. +side from keeping a$ay vampires this stuff harms unsafe viruses, fungi and ba teria .ust like 'eanerys %argaryen $ipes out her opponents. (he is the mother of dragons on the sho$ 2=ame of %hrones3 that not only on&uers guys, ho$ever huge dragons at the same time. %he organization 8o hrane 'atabase did some resear h on garli loves and they dis overed that individuals $ho took this natural herb for < months re eived a lesser number of olds ompared to those $ho took a pla ebo. If they did a &uire a old their immune system $as able to fight it off more speedily too.

I really .ust s rat hed the surfa e of herbal remedies and there are tons and tons more. If you are interested in $hat herbal treatments and health supplements an do for your health I strongly suggest you vie$ a free report and video guide I designed about the sub.e t. I talk about some e9 ellent herbal produ ts you really should onsider as $ell as some not so good hoi es. >lus a good deal more like ho$ to re ognize a great produ t over one that is dangerous, as $ell as stuff like $hat to take for physi al fitness and $ays to heal parti ular health onditions. /h, and before I forget its absolutely free so you o$e it to yourself to give it a look by simply li king the hyperlink free video guide on supplements. You can learn more ideas on alternative health at....... (&uidoo post on bird flu >neumonia treatment $ith herbs +bout +ppendi itis

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