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Clinic Exterior

Clinic Ext Orthographic

Clinic Interior

Clinic Int orthographics

Burglars Lair Ext

Burglars Lair Ext Orthographics

Burglars Lair Interior

Burglar Lair Int Orthographics


Burglar concept

Burglar Orthographics

Clinic Owner concept

Clinic owner Orthographics


Light bulbs




Large crowds walking up and down the street. Clinic owner walks up to the clinic doors, unlocks it and walks in. Door closes behind him.


Flicks light switch on, moves over towards mirror. He looks at the light bulb placed upon his head. Picks up a cloth and polishes the bulb.

He notices that 3 light bulbs are missing on the lower shelves of his display. Annoyed he replaces the light bulbs and opens the clinic.

MONTAGE SEQUENCE. Sits customer down on seat. Drills hole on top of head. Clicks a plug into place. Scrolls Screws light bulb into place. Next customer seats on seat. Removes a dim light bulb. Picks up another of same shape.

Screws in the bulb.

Customer leaves.

INT. CLINIC OFFICE - EVENING Owner turns the open sign around to closed. walks over and sits in the consulting office looking out through the door window. INT. CLINIC OFFICE - LATER. The burgalar enters clumsily through the office door, bumping into the furniture. A glimpse of light reveals the smallness of the burglar. The burglar then picks up 2 light bulbs, places them into satchel, then exits through the door. EXT. STREET. The owner continues to follow after the burglar hiding in the entrances of alley and doorways. The burglar enters a small, dimly lit alley way. disappearing from sight. The owner follows the burglar into the alleyway. And finds the burglar entering a small shack. Owner walks slowly up the the shack. He pushes the door open quietly but does not enter.

INT. SHACK. The Burglar takes out one light bulb at a time from his satchel and screws them into empty slots on the string of lights trailing across the room leaving the space in the middle till last. Once the last bulb is in place, the lights turn on and reveals the childish nature of the furniture. The burglar steps back to the centre of the rooms and sits down looking at the lights. One of the lights go out, causing the others to do the same, the rooms goes dark again. The owner pushes the door wide open, sits to the left of the burglar, reaches out and takes the broken bulb and replaces it with the one upon his head. The lights turn back on. The two continue to sit still, looking at the lights. END

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