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Sheikh Naimi Middle School. School Year: 2008/2009.

Yearly Distribution
Pedagogical Cell – English- Middle School 2.

Month File competencies Learning Objectives Resources Module of Integration Remarks

1-Interact / 2-Interprt /-3Produce oral written Grammar– Lexis - Pronunciation Learning to integrate Assess integration
Support: communicative
-Test to situate the x x -The adjectives A singer's profile. *significant
Placement Describing a person -The present simple Context: *readable.
Test (physical appearance) tense 3rd person You received an e-mail from * Formulation
write a biography -Talking about a -The past simple tense your friend describing his/her *adapted to LL
September favorite singer.
person's life. A simple -The past simple tense
Biography Formulation: *authentic
- + ago.
File 01 - Asking and giving Write an e-mail introducing *Integrates
Possessive"'s /his/her". yours, talking about his or
info about possession -Ordinal/cardinal knows, skills
numbers and attitudes.
- Physical appearance.
-The present - Album. - Hobbies. * Realistic

Expressing possibility Prefixes / Suffixes Support: communicative
Expressing Plurals. - a language game *significant
November 2.3 permission and Simple past + ago *readable.
x x Context:
making requests Present simple * Formulation
You friend is interested in
File 02
Describing a language Personal pronouns… your favorite language game..
*adapted to LL
game. Demonstratives:
1.2.3 x x Talking about prices review / consolidate Formulation: *authentic
and quantities. / food Possessive pronouns. In no more than eight lines, *Integrates
December Can / Could inform him/her about the knows, skills
Synonyms / Antonyms following: and attitudes.
-Origin. * Realistic
- Rules.
- Popularity of the game

Provide notes if necessary.

Sheikh Naimi Middle School. School Year: 2008/2009. Yearly Distribution
Pedagogical Cell – English- Middle School 2.

Month Fil competencies Learning Objectives Resources Module of Integration remarks

-Talk about discoveries -motivating
1-Interact / 2-Interprt /-3Produce o w Grammar– Lexis - Pronunciation Learning to integrate Assess integration
- To suggest. -significant.
3 x x The imperative support: a diet / table / chart accordance with
2 x -To express prohibition. have / has got Integration: Giving recommend. the target
December -Enquiring about
2 x must / mustn't A member of your family is very competence
2 x x someone's health / should fat. He needs your advice to lose -conveys positive
2 x x regular activities. adverbs of manner weight values.
2 x - Talk about remedies. time adverbs( regularly Formulation: Suggest some - integrates the
often) recommendations about: knows; skills and
January -Expressing permission. attitudes.
-Giving advice. - eating habits.
-in accordance
- benefits of sports activities.
context work.
- regular visits to the doctor's
support: an advert -motivating
-To invite - Time expressions. Integration: a group of British -significant.
2.3 x x -Prepositions. students is visiting your country -accordance with
-Enquiring about the target
February someone's likes. - Would like to…. next summer holidays.
3 x - Express intentions. As a member of a local asso.
-Expressing intentions -conveys positive
3 x - making choices. intended in the prom of tourism.
-Making choices. values.
3 x Formulation: - integrates the
March 4 Design an advert about; knows; skills and
- Interesting sites. attitudes.
-activities. - accommodations. -in accordance
with context work
support: text about music -motivating
-To talk about likes and Wh.questions. Integration: your pen friend sent -significant.
April 2 x Present simple. you a letter. He/She wants to -accordance with
dislikes. the target
- To enquire about lexis ( music) know about music in your
2 x country of tourism.
someone's preference. -conveys positive
5 Formulation: values.
May 3 x Answer his letter: - tell him/her - integrates the
about the various kinds of music. knows; skills and
- About your preferences. attitudes.
- About the yearly festival of -in accordance
music in your region. with context work

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